Workshop - Sample Annual GPB For LGUs (PCM Level) 2022
Workshop - Sample Annual GPB For LGUs (PCM Level) 2022
Workshop - Sample Annual GPB For LGUs (PCM Level) 2022
FY 2023
Region: IV-A CALABARZON Total LGU Budget: (Php) 5,000,000,000.00
Province: ____________________ Total GAD Budget: (Php) 575,000,000.00 = 11.50%
City / Municipality: _____________
Lead or
Gender Issue or GAD LGU Performance Indicator and GAD Budget
GAD Objective GAD Activity Responsible
Mandate Program or Target (6)
Insufficient access to quality Decreased and LGU Support Provision of Indicator 1: No. of BEmONC 300,000.00 0.00 0.00 PHO
maternal and neonatal eventually to Operations supplies for the Facilities provided with
services. prevented for BEmONC BEmONC Facilities supplies
maternal and (Basic
neonatal deaths Emergency
RA 10354 - Responsible through the Obstetric and Target 1: Five (5) BEmONC
Parenthood and Reproductive provision of Newborn facilities provided with supplies
Health Act of 2002 supplies for Basic Care) throughout the year 2022
Emergency Facilities
Obstetric and
Supporting Statistics Data: Newborn Care to I2 – No. of maternal deliveries
mothers and assisted in BEmONC facilities to
648 maternal deliveries were
conducted in 5 BEmONC Facilities
newborn babies prevent maternal and neonatal
mortality and morbidity
Data Source:
Breakdown of Budget
(Target Budget)
= 300,000.00
Proclamation No. 224 s. 1988 1. Empowered Women's Conduct of I1- No. of Women's month 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 PSWDO
declaring the first week of women through Month Women's Month celebration launched
March of every year as partaking in Celebration Celebration through
Women’s Week and March 8 community various activities:
activities, creating T1 - 1 Women's Month
as Women’s Rights and
avenues to air their a. Launching of Celebration launched followed
International Peace Day; needs, and Women's Month with month-long distribution of
strengthening their Celebration; IEC materials on Women's
awareness on
Proclamation No. 227 s. 1988 Rights on March, 2022;
providing for the observation
of the Month of March as b. Month-long
Women’s Role in History distribution of IEC I2 – No. of women and girl
Month; and Materials on clients provided with IEC
2. Increased level
of participation of Women's Rights to Materials on Women's Rights
women and girls on 500 clients of
Republic Act (RA) No. 6949 s.
various community PSWDO.
1990 declaring March 8 of
activities that T2 - 500 women and girl clients
every year as National
promote a more provided with IEC Materials on
Women’s Day meaningful
Women's Rights on March,
representation of
Supporting Statistics Data:
= Php 30,000.00
Attributed Programs
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