Culture and Organizational Leadership

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II. COURSE OVERVIEW: This course focuses on society as a context upon which
the schools have been established. Educational policies that are related to
society as a foundation of schools and schooling shall be emphasized. Further,
principles and theories on school culture and organizational leadership shall be
included to prepare prospective teachers to become school leaders and
There are 12 modules that have been developed in order to align to the current
trends in education such as constructivist, integrative, interactive, collaborative, inquiry-
based, brain-based, research-based and reflective teaching-learning.
Module 1. Philosophical thoughts on Education
Module 2. Historical Foundation of Education
Module 3. Social Science Theories and Their Implications to Education
Module 4. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino Character : A Socio-Cultural
Module 5. Global Issues that Concern Schools and Society
Module 6. The Why and How of School and Community Partnership
Module 7. The Teacher and the Community
Module 8. Organizational Leadership
Module 9. The School Head in School-Based Management (SBM)
Module 10. Creating a Positive School Culture
Module 11. School Policies and Their Functions
Module 12. Roles and Competencies of School Heads


This module was prepared for you, my dear student, to work on your own. To have the
best in working with this module, you are reminded to follow these simple yet effective

1. Manage your time well. A course study schedule is prepared for you to help
you study the modules in this course. The productive use of your time and
energy will help you a lot in finishing the scheduled activities.
2. Focus your attention. The key element for better understanding is having
the focus on the things to be done.
3. Give your best. Always remember that success will be attained in
everything you do by giving extra effort in the things you are doing. Giving
your best also means observing Honesty in doing the assigned tasks you
are asked to do in this module. Never let someone do the task for you or
copy the work of your classmates.
4. Submit on time. Work diligently. Do not procrastinate. Remember time is
gold. Work immediately on the task at hand in order for you to follow
scheduled time for submission.
5. Be patient, Motivate yourself. Patience equates success. Always think of
the bright future ahead. And to get there, start moving now.
6. Answer confidently. Study hard, surf the internet, read and read and read
more. The more you know, the more confident you become.
7. Work independently. You can do it! Your future lies in your own hands and
your own decisions. So, practice working independently, trust yourself, be
8. Contact me. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me through my
email [email protected] or the group chat created for this


The following schedule is given as a guide for you to do the modules in EDUC109-
The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership.

Week Topic Learning Special Instructions

Week 1 Read Information Research more information or
and 2 Module on the specified details regarding the topics. In
(6 hours) 1.Educational topics in module module 1. Jot down notes of the
Philosophies: 1. important points and Write in your
John Locke Notebooks for The Teacher and
H. Spencer the Community, School Culture
J. Dewey and Organizational Leadership
G. Counts Answer/Perform Answer the intended learning
T. Brameld the Intended activity and submit to your
P. Freire Learning instructor/professor. Use your
Activity/activities Activity Notebook in answering
given in the the Intended learning activity.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers on your notebooks.
Week 3 Module 2.Historical Read and study Research more information or
to 4 Foundations of thoroughly the details regarding the topics. Jot
(6hours) Education Information on down notes of the important
.The relationship of the identified points and Write them in your
school and society topics in module 2 Notebook for The Teacher and the
. Education in Community, School Culture and
primitive society Organizational Leadership.
. Emphasis of Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
education on key the Intended activity / and submit to your
periods of world and Learning Activity instructor/professor. Place
Philippine History in Module 2 answers in your Activity
.Meaning of Notebook.
socialization Answer/research Work on the assignment then
.Home as the first /perform the submit to your instructor/professor
agent of socialization Assignment on the specified date. Assignment
.School as another will be placed in an Assignment
agent Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your instructor.
Self-Check You must have to get a perfect
Activity score before proceeding to the
next activity, if not re-read the
activity and have a re-take.
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in a separate notebook
solely for this said study guide.
Week 5 Module 3.Social Read Information Research more information or
(3 hours) Science Theories on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
and Their topics in module 3 down notes of the important
Implications to points and Write in your Notebook
Education for The Teacher and the
.Three Social Community, School Culture and
Theories Organizational Leadership
.Implications to Answer/Perform Work on the intended learning
Teaching the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in your Activity
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Written
assignments will be placed in an
Assignment Notebook.
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers in a notebook solely for
the study guide.
Week 6 Module 4. The Read Information Research more information or
(3 hours) Strengths and on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
Weaknesses of the topics for module down notes of the important
Filipino Character; a 4 points and Write in your Notebook
socio-cultural issue for The Teacher and the
. using Strengths to Community, School Culture and
counteract Organizational Leadership.
weaknesses Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers on a notebook solely for
study guide questions.
Week 7 Module 5. Global Read Information Research more information or
(3 Issues that Concern on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
hours ) Schools and Society topics for module down notes of the important
5 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/research Work on the assignment then
/perform the submit to your instructor on the
Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the
Assessment or answer key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer Answer the questions asked in
questions in the the study guide. Write your
Study Guide answers on a notebook solely for
study guide questions.
Week 8 Module 6- The Why Read Information Research more information or
(3 hours) and How of School on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
and Community topics for module down notes of the important
Partnership 6 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/ Work on the assignment then
research /perform submit to your instructor on the
the Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the answer
Assessment or key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer questions Answer the questions asked in the
in the Study study guide. Write your answers
Guide on a notebook solely for study
guide questions.
Week 9 MIDTERM .
Week 11 Module 8. Read Information Research more information or
(3hours) Organizational on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
Leadership topics for module down notes of the important
8 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/ Work on the assignment then
research /perform submit to your instructor on the
the Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the answer
Assessment or key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer questions Answer the questions asked in the
in the Study study guide. Write your answers
Guide on a notebook solely for study
guide questions.
Week 12 Module 9. The Read Information Research more information or
&13 School Head in on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
(6 hours) School-Based topics for module down notes of the important
Management 9 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/ Work on the assignment then
research /perform submit to your instructor on the
the Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the answer
Assessment or key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer questions Answer the questions asked in the
in the Study study guide. Write your answers
Guide on a notebook solely for study
guide questions.
Week 14 Module 10. Creating Read Information Research more information or
&15 a Positive School on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
(6hours) Culture topics for module down notes of the important
10 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/ Work on the assignment then
research /perform submit to your instructor on the
the Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the answer
Assessment or key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer questions Answer the questions asked in the
in the Study study guide. Write your answers
Guide on a notebook solely for study
guide questions.
Week 16 Module 11. School Read Information Research more information or
(3hours) Policies and their on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
Functions topics for module down notes of the important
11 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/ Work on the assignment then
research /perform submit to your instructor on the
the Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the answer
Assessment or key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer questions Answer the questions asked in the
in the Study study guide. Write your answers
Guide on a notebook solely for study
guide questions.
Week 17 Module 12. Roles & Read Information Research more information or
(3hours) Competencies of on the identified details regarding the topics. Jot
School Heads topics for module down notes of the important
12 points and Write in your Notebook
for The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership.
Answer/Perform Work onthe intended learning
the Intended activity / in-text questions and
Learning Activity submit to your instructor. Place
answers in an Activity Notebook.
Answer/ Work on the assignment then
research /perform submit to your instructor on the
the Assignment specified date. Assignments will
be placed in your Assignment
Answer Compare answers with the answer
Assessment or key from your
Self-Check instructor/professor . You must
Activity have to get a perfect score before
proceeding to the next activity, if
not re-read the activity and have a
Answer questions Answer the questions asked in the
in the Study study guide. Write your answers
Guide on a notebook solely for study
guide questions.
Week 18 FINAL
TOTAL : 54 hours including Midterm & Final Examination

To pass the course, you must:

1. Submit all course requirements to include the following:

a. Activity Notebook with answers of the in-text questions given in
the 12 modules;
b. Assignment Notebook or Assignment Outputs
c. Evaluation Activities
d. Answers to the Study Guide questions which are placed in a
notebook solely for the 12modules.
2. Pass all examinations:
a. Pre-test and Post-test Exams; Quizzes
b. Midterm examination
c. Final examination


The Module, “The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership”, is a course that intends to sow in the would-be teachers the
genuine desire to be professional and ethical in their behaviour and in their relationship
with school and the community. These would be teachers eventually become school
leaders and managers themselves and so must be prepared for leadership and
management style that supports the building of a positive school culture. Follow the
guidelines below on how to use the module.


MODULE. All answers to study guide,
activities, assignments, exercises and tests
should be written on a SEPARATE SHEET.
There are a number of symbols in this module to guide you as you study:

This tells you to take note of or to remember an important point.

This tells you there is an Intended Learning Activity for you to


This tells you there is an assignment or research activity to be


This tells you there is an Assessment or Self-Test.

This tells you the summary of the module.

This tells you of the study guide for you to work upon.



This dwells on philosophical thoughts on education-what should be taught for the

socialization of the individual and how these should be taught.




At the end of module 1 you should be able to:

1. Discuss at least 6 philosophical thoughts on education.

2. Make a table summary of the philosophies of education.



Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer then write your answer on your
answer sheet.

1. Which is NOT TRUE of social reconstructionists?

a. use of problem solving
b. study of the great books
c. school as an agent of change
d. introduce a new society
2. Which teaching practice goes with the “banking system” of education which was
contrary to Paulo Freire’s educational thought?
a. rote memorization
b. project-based learning
c. problem-based learning
d. community of inquiry
3. For which teaching will social reconstructionists be?
a. stress on isolationalism
b. inequality and inequity as normal for an international society
c. building of an interdependent world that is international in scope
d. narrow concept of nationalism
4. Why is Spencer’s educational thought described as utilitarian?
a. He emphasized vocational and professional education based on scientific and
b. He stressed on general educational goals associated with humanistic and classical
c. He stressed a balance of specialized and general education in the curriculum
d. He eliminated the vocational and professional education component of the
5. For which educational practice was John Dewey?
a. problem solving
b. banking method
c. emphasis on the humanities
d. teaching of the classics
6. Education is a function of society. What does this imply?
I. Citizens are taught what society considered most important.
II.Society determines curriculum to be taught
III. those in education taught what they believed should be taught regardless of society’s
a. I only b. I & II c. II & III d. III only
7. If education is a function of society then it has to be
a. relevant b. complete c. for a selected few d. free
8. Complete the analogy. Athenian education: well-rounded development of individuals
Spartan education:
a. military training
b. religious formation
c. liberally educated
d. wholistically developed person
9. While the Japanese taught the Filipinos love for labor, the Americans taught the
a. citizenship in a democratic country
b. survival skills
c. love for country
d. dignity of labor
10. Schools are tasked for socialization. Which is a CORRECT explanation of
a. developing the young to become socialite
b. learning the roles, statuses and values necessary for participation in society
c. developing speaking and relating skills
d. developing the socialite to remain forever young
11. Which is an application of the functionalist theory?
a. schools must do their part to socialize children or else children will turn out to be
delinquent citizens.
b. schools must teach students to accept their status in life for there is nothing that they
can do about it.
c. schools must make learners understand that in life there will always be the powerful
and the powerless.
d. schools must teach students to speak in clear symbols.
12. Who is associated with the conflict theory?
a. Weber b. Marx c. Dewey d. Durkheim
13. Which theory states that it is okay to have clashes in society?
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic internationalism
d. Social Darwinism
14. According to the functionalist theory, what happens when one institution fails to do
its part?
a. other institutions get paralyzed
b. the non-functioning institution gets eliminated
c. other institutions take over the function
d. the non-performing institution gets penalized
15. For an ideal interaction in the community what must be observed?
a. The symbol must be contemporary
b. Don’t use symbols
c. Those involved must analyse the meaning of the symbol
d.The symbol must be clear to both giver and receiver.
16. How can schools help fight the Filipino lack of analysis?
a. Do teaching to the test
b. give out of context drills
c. Make students solve problems
d. Let students solve problems
17. When he does the Filipino’s faith and religiosity become a weakness?
a.When he does nothing to help himself and waits for God to save him
b. When he totally submits himself to God’s will after having done all he could.
c.When he forgives his enemies and so appears weak
d. When he prays every day and every night.
18. What’s wrong with the Filipino sense of humor?
a. When he is always joyful
b. when he even serious things are not taken seriously
c. When he takes things lightly
d. when his jokes are corny
19. Which Filipino weaknesses is proven in his penchant for diploma?
A Porma over substance or essence
b. Love for education
c. desire for upward mobility
d. Fatalism
20. What does teacher encourage when she looks at students’ questions in class as
indicator of inattentiveness?
a. critical thinking
b. love for country
c. passivity
d. pakikisama
21. Which does not belong to the group?
a. noise pollution
b. water pollution
c. pesticides and fertilizers
d. violence
22. Which form of violence occurs when someone uses threats and causes fear in an
individual to gain control?
a. verbal abuse
b. psychological violence
c. cultural violence
d. emotional violence
23. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?
a. Has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world
b. Has the highest literacy rate in the world
c. Has one of the highest literacy rates in the world
d. Has a lower literacy rate than Cambodia
24. What SDG 15 -30 mean?
a. sustainable development goals after the MDG of 2015
b. sustaining and developing gross national product
c. specific development goals for all nations
d. sustaining development led by giant nations
25. Which applies to sustainable Development Goals,2015-20130?
a. adopted by UN member developed nations
b. adopted by for UN member developing nations
c not related to MDG 2015
d. to do list for the sake of the entire humanity
26. Which is TRUE of a school and community partnership?
a. community helps school
b. school is a recipient of assistance from community
c. both school and community benefit
d. both school and community lose.
27. Which program is a proof of school and community partnership where every month
of May education stakeholders contribute their time, talent and treasure to ensure that
school facilities are set in time for the school opening?
a. parents and teachers association assembly
b. school governing council annual assembly
d. brigada eskwela
c. palarong pambansa
28. Which statement is TRUE of school and community partnership?
a. Elders in the community can be key informants of a research in local history
b. Parents can help school only in terms of school facilities
c. donations from politicians are not accepted to prevent election hearing
d. only school benefits from the partnership
29. “It takes a village to educate a child.” Which does this statement imply?
a.PTA is more than enough partnership
b. institutionalize school-community partnership
c.School can substitute for absentee parents
d. Children need more models.
30. Adopt- A-School Program allows private entities to assist which schools?
a. public elementary schools
b. public secondary schools
c. public tertiary schools
d. public schools in all levels
31. In her leadership in the community, a professional teacher shows no signs of
ethnocenricism? What does this mean?
a. does not belittle other people’s culture
b. looks at her culture a superior to other’s culture
c. is ashamed of her own culture
d. does not mind other people’s culture
32. The professional teacher is quite xencocentirc. How is this manifested?
a.looks at her culture as superior to that of others
b. looks at her culture as inferior to that of others
c. does not mind if her culture is inferior or superior
d. is at home with all culture
33. Which is a policy-making body composed of internal an dexternal stakeholders with
whom school head and teachers relate?
a.parents teachers association
b. supreme student council
c. school governing council
d. faculty club
34. Who is not a member of the Parent-Teachers Association?
a. parents with no child currently enrolled in school
b. parents of children currently enrolled in school
c. school head
d. teacher representative
35. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning? What is expected of you?
a. do not fail anyone
b. make teaching-learning interactive and exciting
c. use video clips
d. allow them to use their cell phones in the classroom
36. Which is the essence of servant-leadership?
a. leading is serving
b. leading is making your subordinates feel your power over them
c. leading is ensuring that yourself is the first.
d. leading is ensuring that yourself is the first.
c. leading is ensuring that yourself us the first
d. leading is changing.
37. What is the message of situational leadership?
a. A leader is first a servant
b. A leader must fit leadership style to the follower’s level of readiness and willingness
c.A leader can choose the leadership style that fits him most.
d. Authoritarian leadership is best because organization accomplished much
38. What must a leader do if he wants an innovation to affect substantially and positively
school culture?
a. sustain the innovation
b. introduce innovation one after another
c. ensure that the innovation is welcomed by all no exception
d. school head is the origin of the innovation
39. What is most interested in improving the present status of an organization?
a. The authoritarian leader
b. The laissez faire type of leader
c. The transformational leader
d. The servant leader
40. Is a manger also a good leader?
b. it depends on the person
c. Not necessarily
d. It depends on the type of organization
41. Is SBM, if implemented the right away, an effective way to strengthen school and
community partnership?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Depends on size of school
d. Depends on school location
42. Which is an advantage of SBM?
a. Fast solution of problems in school because school head decides
b. Sense of ownership of stakeholders
c. In accordance with decentralization
d. Total independence of schools
43. Which is the essence of SBM?
a. Reduced authority of school head
b. Absolute freedom of education stakeholders
c.Principal empowerment
d. School empowerment
44. For SBM to succeed, which must be present?
a. effective school support system
b. leader with a strong personality
c. docile community
d. low expectation
45. With SBM in mind, which does not belong?
a. decentralized management
b. devolution of power to schools
c. school improvement
d. centralized management
46. Which is true of school culture?
a. passed on like a hereditary trait
b. Created by the school head and other stakeholders
c. Has insignificant effect on student performance
d. Cannot be altered
47. Which contributes to a positive school culture?
a. growth mind set
b. low expectations
c. authoritarian leadership
d. exclusivity
48. Which form part of school culture?
I. Structure
II. Resources
III. Practices
IV. School Climate
49. School head respects academic time so she does not just call on teachers during
class hours. Which element of positive school culture is illustrated?
a. tradition
v. collegiality
c. protection of what is important
d. high expectation
50. Complete the analogy. Positive culture: Growth mindset Toxic culture:
a. inclusivity
b. exclusivity
c. resignation to failure
d. team work
51. What are PTAs prohibited from doing?
I. Interfering in the academic and administrative management an doperations of the
school, and of the DepEd
II. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises;
III. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside
the school or nearby premises, or offering these services to the school as its client
either directly or indirectly;
a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I and III
52. Which statement on school policies is CORRECT?
a. They suffocate school climate
b. They help ensure realization of school goals
c. They come from above and so by all mean be observed
d. They cannot be changed
53. Which is the most effective way of making policies?
a.School Head to involve stakeholders
b. Students not to participate since policies are for them
c. Only parents of students enrolled are involved
d. School policies are permanent to build the culture of excellence.
54. Why there is a policy on grading?
I. To fulfil the purposes of assessment
II. For fair grade computation
III. For the guidance and information of all
a. I, II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I, II and III
55. The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. What does this imply
regarding policies?
a. Policies are formulated to help people in the organization
b. Policies showed not be judged when people in organization cannot aside by the
c. policies are orders from above like the law of the Sabbath
d. laws are formulated by man and women in society.
56. Which competency/ies is/are practiced by a school head who demonstrates
strategic thinking and innovation?
I. Charting the strategic thinking and innovation?
II. Making informed decisions
III. Leading change and innovation
a. I & II b. I only c. II & III d. I, II & III
57. Which does the School head do as an Instructional Leader?
a. Leads in curriculum implementation and improvement
b. Manages education alliances an dnetworks
c. manages school resources and systems
d. makes informed decisions
58. To which domain in School Heads’ Competency Framework is supervising and
evaluating teachers’ performance aligned?
a.Strategic thinking and innovation
b.Instuctional leadership
c. Personal excellence
d. Stakeholder’s engagement
59. How can a school head create a student-centered learning climate?
I. Set high social and academic expectations
II. Prepare financial reports
III.Create school environments focused on the learner
a. I only b. I, II and III c. II only d. I and III
60. Based on the NCBSSH, what are expected of the school head as school leader?
I. Developing and communicating vision, mission, goals, and objectives
II. Data-based strategic planning
III. Building high-performing teams
a. I & II b. II & III c. I, II & III d. I & III

A. John Locke (1632-1704): The Empiricist Educator

1. Acquire knowledge about the world through the senses-learning by doing and by
interacting with the environment.
2. Simple ideas become more complex through comparison, reflection and
generalization-the inductive method.
3. Questioned the long traditional view that knowledge came exclusively from literary
sources, particularly the Greek and Latin classics.
4. Opposed he “divine right of kings” theory which held that the monarch had the right to
be an unquestioned and absolute ruler over his subjects.
5. Political order should be based upon a contract between the people and the
6. Aristocrats are not destined by birth to be rulers. People were to establish their own
government and select their own political leaders from among themselves; civic
education is necessary.
7. People should be educated to govern themselves intelligently and responsively)
Ornstein, (1984)

1. For John Locke education is not acquisition of knowledge contained in the Great
Books. It is learners interacting with concrete experience, comparing and reflecting on
the same concrete experience, comparing and reflecting on the same concrete
experience, and comparing. The learner is an active not a passive agent of his/her own
2. From the social dimension, education is seeing citizens participate actively and
intelligently in establishing their government and in choosing who will govern them from
among themselves because they are convinced that no one person is destined to be
ruler forever.

B. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903): Utilitarian Education

1.Spencer’s concept of “survival of the fittest” means that human development had gone
through an evolutionary series of stages from the simple to the complex and from the
uniform to the more specialized kind of activity.
2. Social development had taken place according to an evolutionary process by which
simple homogeneous societies had evolved to more complex societal systems
characterized with humanistic and classical education.
3.Industrialized society require vocational and professional education based on
scientific and practical (utilitarian) objectives rather than on the very general
educational goals associated with humanistic and classical education.
4. Curriculum should emphasize the practical, utilitarian and scientific subjects that
helped human kind master the environment.
5. Was not inclined to rote learning; schooling must be related to life and to the activities
needed to earn a living.
6. Curriculum must be arranged according to their contribution to human survival and
7. Science and other subjects that sustained human life and prosperity should have
curricular priority since it aids in the performance of life activities.
8. Individual competition leads to social progress. He who is fittest survives. (Ornstein,
Specialized Education of Spencer vs. General Education

1. To survive in a complex society, Spencer favors specialized education over that of

general education. We are in need or social engineers who can combine harmoniously
the findings of specialized knowledge. This is particularly true in the field of medicine.
2. The expert who concentrates on a limited field is useful but if he loses sight of the
interdependence of things he becomes a man who knows more and more about less
and less. We must be warned of the deadly peril of over specialism. Of course we do
not prefer the other extreme, the superficial person who knows less and less about
more and more.
Spencer’s Survival of the Fittest
He who is fittest survives. Individual competition leads to social progress. The
competition in class is what advocates of the whole child approach and Socio-Emotional
Learning (SEL) atmosphere negates. The whole child approach powerful tool for SELF-
focused schools has as tenets.”each student learns in an environment that is physically
and emotionally safe for students and adults” and “each student has access to
personalized learning and is supported by qualified and caring adults…”(Frey, N. 2019)
C. John Dewey (1859-1952): Learning through Experience
1. Education is a social process and so school is intimately related to the society that it
2. Children are socially active human beings who want to explore their environment and
gain control over it.
3. Education is a social process by which the immature members of the group,
especially the children, are brought to participate in the society.
4. The school is a special environment established by members of society, for the
purpose of simplifying, purifying and integrating the social experience of the group so
that it can be understood, examined and used by its children.
5. The sole purpose of education is to contribute to the personal and social growth of
6. The steps of the scientific or reflective method which are extremely important in
Dewey.s educational theory are as follows:
6.1 The learner has a “genuine situation of experience” involvement in an activity in
which he/she is interested.
6.2 Within this, experience the learner has a “genuine problem ” that stimulatesthinking.
6.3 The learner possesses the information or does research to acquire the information
needed to solve the problem.
6.4 The learner develops possible and tentative solutions that may solve the problem.
6.5 The learner tests the solutions by applying them to the problem. In this one way one
discovers their validity for oneself.
7. The fund of knowledge of the human race-past ideas, discoveries and inventions was
to be used as the material for dealing with problems. This accumulated wisdom of
cultural heritage has to be tested. I fit served human purposes; t becomes part of a
reconstructed experience.
8. The school is social, scientific and democratic. The school introduces children to
society and their heritage. The school as a miniature society is a means of bringing
children into social participation.
9. The school is scientific in the sense that it is a social laboratory in which children and
youth could test their ideas and values. In here, the learner acquires the disposition and
procedures associated with scientific or reflective thinking and acting.
10. The school is democratic because the learner is free to test all ideas, beliefs and
values. Cultural heritage, customs and institutions are all subject to critical inquiry,
investigation and reconstruction.
11. School should be used by all, it being a democratic institution. No barrier of custom
or prejudice segregates people. People ought to work together to solve common
12. The authoritarian or coercive style of administration and teaching is out of place
because they block genuine inquiry and dialogue.
13. Education is a social activity and the school is a social agency that helps shape
human character and behaviour.
14. Values are relative but sharing, cooperation, and democracy are significant human
values that should be encouraged by schools.(Ornstein, A.1984)

The Fund of Knowledge of the Human Race

1. Dewey does not regard the accumulated wisdom of the past. These past ideas,
discoveries and inventions, our cultural heritage, will be used as the material for dealing
with problems and so he will be tested. If they are of help, they become part of a
reconstructed experience. If they are not totally accurate, they will still be part of a
reconstructed experience. This means that the ideal learner for Dewey is not just one
who can learn by doing, e.g... Conduct an experiment but one who can connect
accumulated wisdom of the past to the present

Schools are For the People and By the People

Schools are democratic institutions where everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, and
social status is welcome and is encouraged to participate in the democratic process of
decision-making. Learners and stakeholders practice and experience democracy in

George Counts (1889-1974): Building a New Social Order

1. Education is not based on eternal truths bu tis relative to a particular society living at
a given time and place.
2. By allying themselves with groups that want to change society, schools should cope
with social change that arises from technology.
3. There is a cultural lag between material progress and social institutions and ethical
4. Instruction should incorporate a content of a socially useful nature and a problem-
solving methodology. Students are encouraged to work on problems that have social
5. Schools become instrument for social improvement rather than an agency for
preserving the status quo.
6. Teachers should lead society rather than follow it. Teachers are agents of change.
7. Teachers are called on to make important choices in the controversial areas of
economics, politics and morality because if they failed to do so, others would make the
decisions for them.
8. Schools ought to provide an education that affords equal learning opportunities to all
students. (Ornstein, A. 1984)

Schools and Teachers as Agents of Change

1. For George Counts, schools and teachers should be agents of change. Schools are
considered instruments for social improvement rather than as agencies for preserving
the status quo. Whatever change we work for should always be change for the better
not just change for the sake of change.
2. Teachers are called to make decisions on controversial issues. Not to make a
decision is to actually making a decision.
3. Like Dewey, problem solving, should be the dominant method for instruction.

Lag Between Material Progress and Ethical Values

Counts assert that “there is a cultural lag between material progress and social
institutions and ethical values, “Material progress of humankind is very evident but
moral and ethical developments seem to have lagged behind. A friend once wrote: “The
Egyptians had their horses. Modern man has his jets but today it is still the same moral
problems that plague humankind. Indeed with science and technology, we have
become very powerful and yet powerless. We have conquered a number of diseases
and event postponed death for many, we have conquered aging, the planets, the seas,
but we have not conquered ourselves.

E. Theodore Brameld (1904-1987)-Social Reconstructionism

1. As the name implies, social reconstructionism is a philosophy that emphasizes the

information of society. The social reconstructionist contends that:
humankind has moved from an agricultural and rural society to an urban and
technological society…there is a serious lag in cultural adaptation to the realities of a
technological society. Humankind has yet to reconstruct its values in order to catch up
with the changes in the technological order, and organized education has a major role
to play in reducing the gap between the values of the culture and technology.(Ornstein,

2. So the social reconstructionalist asserts that schools should:

Critically examine present culture and resolve inconsistencies, controversies and
conflicts to build a new society not just change more than reform the social
and educational status quo .It should seek to create a new society… Humankind is in a
state of profound cultural crisis. If schools reflect the dominant social values… then
organized education will merely transmit the social ills that are symptoms of the
pervasive problems and afflictions that beset humankind…the only legitimate goal of a
truly human education is to create a world order in which people are in control of their
own destiny. In an era of nuclear weapons, the social reconstructionist sees an urgent
need for society to reconstruct itself before it destroys itself.(Ornstein, A, 1984)

3. Technological era is an era of interdependence and so education must be

international in scope for global citizenship.

4. For the social reconstructionists, education is designed “to awaken students’

consciousness about social problems and to engage them actively in problem solving.”
(Ornstein, 1984)

5. Social reconstructionists are firmly committed to equality or equity in both society and
education. Barriers of socio-economic class and racial discrimination should be

6. They also emphasize the idea of an interdependent world. The quality of life needs to
be considered and enhanced on a global basis. (Ornstein, A. 1984)


1. Like John Dewey and George Counts, social reconstructionist.

Brameld belive in active problem-solving as the method of teaching and learning.

2. Social reconstructionists are convinced that education is not a privilege of the few but
a right to be enjoyed by all.

3. Education is a right that all citizens regardless of race and social status must enjoy:

F. Paulo Freire (1921-1997)- Critical Pedagogy

Critical Pedagogy and Dialogue vs. the Banking Model of Education

1. Paulo Freire, a critical theorist, like social reconstructionists, believed that systems
must be changed to overcome oppression and improve human conditions.

2. Education and literacy are the vehicle for social change. In his view, humans must
learn to resist oppression and not become its victims, nor oppress others. To do
requires dialogue and critical consciousness, the development of awareness to
overcome domination and oppression.

3.Rather than “teaching as banking, “ in which the educator deposits information into
students’ heads, Freire saw teaching and learning as a process of inquiry in which the
child must invent and reinvent the world.
4. Teachers must not see themselves as the sole possessors of pedagogical approach
the “banking method” of education.

5. A democratic relationship between the teacher and her students is necessary in order
for the conscientization process to take place.

6. Freire’s critical pedagogy is problem-posing education.

7. A central element of Freire’s pedagogy is dialogue. It is love and respect that allow us
to engage people in dialogue and to discover ourselves in the process and learn from
one another. By its nature, dialogue is not something that can be imposed. Instead,
genuine dialogue is characterized by respect of the parties involved toward one another,
we develop a tolerant sensibility during the dialogue process, and it is only when we
come to tolerate the points of view and ways of being of others that we might be able to
learn from them and about ourselves in the process. Dialogue means the presence of
equality, mutual recognition, affirmation of people, a sense of solidarity with people and
remaining open to questions.

8. Dialogue is the basis for critical and problem-posing pedagogy, as opposed to

banking education, when there is no discussion, only the imposition of the teacher’s
ideas on the students. (Ornstein, 1984)


All of these education philosophies, point to the need of interacting with others and of
creating a “community of inquiry” as Charles Sanders Peirce put it. The community of
inquiry is “a group of persons involved in inquiry, investigating more or less the same
question or problem, and developing through their exchanges a better understanding
both of the question as well as the probable solutions.” (Lee, 2010) A community of
inquiry will engage learners in active problem solving.


1. Explain in a sentence, why each education philosopher was associated with these
given words:

1.1 John Locke- The Empiricist

1.2 Spencer- The Utilitarianist

1.3 John Dewey-Experience

1.4 George Counts-Building a New Social Order

1.5 Theodore Brameld-The social Reconstructionist

1.6 Paulo Freire- Critical Pedagogy vs. Banking Method

2. Make a table summary of the Philosophies of Education

Philosopher Philosophy on Aim/s & Classroom/School

Method/s of Education Application








A. Make a recap of what you have learned in Module I.

Two things I learned from this Module My thoughts or Reactions
B. Multiple Choice: Select the letter of the best answer, and then write your answer on
your notebook.

1. Which is NOT TRUE of social Reconstructionist?

a. Use of problem-solving
b. Study of the Great Books
c. School as an agent of change
d. Introduce a new society
2. Which teaching practice goes with the “banking system” of education which was
contrary to Paulo Freire’s educational thought?
a. Rote memorization
b. Project-based learning
c. Problem-based learning
d. Community of inquiry
3. For which teaching will social reconstructionist be?
a. Stress on isolationism
b. Inequality and inequity as normal for an international society
c. Building of an interdependent world that is international in scope
d. Narrow concept of nationalism
4. Why is Spencer’s educational thought described as utilitarian?
a. He emphasized vocational and professional
b. He stressed on general educational goals associated with humanistic and classical
c. He stressed a balance of specialized and general education in the curriculum
d. He eliminated the vocational and professional education component of the

5. For which educational practice was John Dewey?

a. Problem-solving
b. Banking Method
c. Emphasis on the Humanities
d. Teaching of the Classics

STUDY GUIDE: Answer the following questions, write your answers on your
notebook then pass them after finishing module 1.

1. Considering DepEd mission statement “to protect and promote the right citizenship of
every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete education “can we say
that Philippine educational system is in a sense equitable?

What actions and what recent legislations are proofs that the Philippines gives equal
access to quality education to its citizens?

2. Is free tertiary education really pro-poor in the sense that it is the poor who are
indeed benefited? Justify your answer.

3. Freire opposed the Banking method of education and favoured critical pedagogy.
Why? The Banking method is characterized as a vertical relationship while critical
pedagogy is characterized by a horizontal type relationship. Be guided by the FIGURE

Using your assignment notebooks, react on the following:
1. The modern explosion of knowledge has led to an age of specialization with this
concomitant quip:

A specialist knows more and more about less and less.

An expert knows more and more about less and less
Until he or she knows everything about nothing,
A related joke cleverly twists this saying:

A generalist knows less and less about more and more

Until he or she knows nothing about everything.

Should schools produce generalists or specialists? Defend your answer.

2. “If you cannot bring the learners to the world, bring the world to the classroom. Will
this go with John Dewey’s philosophy of education: Explain your answer.


John Locke-the empiricist

.Education is not acquisition of knowledge contained in the classics. It is learners
interacting with concrete experience. The learner is an active not a passive agent of
his/her own learning. from the social dimension, education is seeing citizens participate
actively and intelligently in establishing their government and in choosing who will
govern them from among themselves. They are of the thinking that no one person is
destined to be ruler forever. This is in keeping with the anti-political Dynasty Bill.
Spencer-the utilitarianist
To survive in a complex society, Spencer favors specialized education over that of
general education.
The expert who concentrates on a limited field is useful, but if he loses sight of the
interdependence of things he becomes a man who knows more and more about less
and less, we must be warned of the early peril of over-specialism. Of course we do
not prefer the other extreme, the superficial person who every day knows less and
less about more and more.
Who is fittest survives. Individual competition leads to social progress.
The competition in class is what advocates of whole-child approach and socio-
emotional Learning (SEL) atmosphere negate. The whole child approach, a powerful
tool for SEL-focused schools has as tenets-“each student learns in an environment
that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults” and “each student has
access to personalized learning and is supported by qualified and caring adults…”
(Frey. 2019)
The highlighted words- emotionally safe and caring adults point to no competition for
competition works against an emotionally safe environment.

John Dewey-experience

Dewey does not disregard the accumulated wisdom of the past. These past ideas,
discoveries and inventions, our cultural heritage, will be used as the material for
dealing with problems and so will be tested. If they are of help, they become part of
a reconstructed experience. If they are not totally accurate, they will still be part of a
reconstructed experience. This means that the ideal learner for Dewey is not just
one who can learn by doing, e.g. conduct an experiment but one who can connect
accumulated wisdom of the past to the present.
Schools are for the people and by the people. Schools are a democratic institution
where everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, social status is welcome and is
encouraged to participate in the democratic process of decision-making. Learners
and stakeholders practice and experience democracy in schools.

George Counts- Building a new social order

Schools and teachers should be agents of change. Schools are considered
instruments for social improvement rather than as agencies for preserving the
status quo. Whatever, change we work for should always be changed for the
better not just change for the sake of change.

Problem- solving, like Dewey, should be the dominant method for instruction.
.“There is a cultural lag between material progress and social institutions and
ethical values.” Material progress of humankind is very evident but moral and
ethical development seem to have lagged behind. It is very evident but moral and
ethical developments seem to have lagged behind.

Theodore Brameld-The Social Reconstructionist

Social Reconstructionists critically examine present culture and resolve inconsistencies,
controversies and conflicts to build a new society not just change society. Technological
era is an era of interdependence and so education must be international in scope for
global citizenship.

Paulo Freire-Critical pedagogy vs. Banking Method

. Employ critical pedagogy and dialogue in contrast to the banking system of
. Learners are not empty receptacles to be filled.


Prieto, N.G. et. Al. (2019) the Teacher and the Community School Culture and
Organizational Leadership: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

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