27 May 11

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St Christopher’s C E School

Email: [email protected]

No 18: Friday 27th May 2011

Dear Parents
Following Miss Phillips appointment as Acting Headteacher from September 2011, I am
delighted that Mrs Clements will be supporting her in the role of Acting Deputy
Headteacher. This week we have also appointed Ms Sarah Hill from September to take on
the role of Class Teacher. Wishing you all an enjoyable half term break!
Sarah Nisbett – Headteacher

Quick Reminders
BREAKFAST CLUB  Back to School – Tuesday 7th June 2011 –
DAILY FROM 7.45AM (PRE BOOKED) £3.00 don’t forget swimming starts again – please see
8.15AM (DROP IN) £2.00 attached and don’t forget your kit !
Please note new times and cost which started this  Clubs start too – hopefully something for
term – June forms available from Mrs Norton- everyone – please see attached.
White or the School Office – Everyone Welcome !
There have been a few instances lately of children
being recorded as “dinners” but actually having
sandwiches. Please could you help minimise this
problem by reminding your child whether they are
dinners or sandwiches in the morning, as
Thank you for the unfortunately, this does cause confusion and extra
vouchers that keep coming in - we are on our final costs and may result in parents being charged for
count so please hand in any vouchers as soon as meals not taken – thank you.
possible and - Thank you! 

Mr Romanek with his help at Nature Club

Mrs Cole, Mrs Holder, Mrs Norton-White & Miss To all the children in Year 5 who participated in the
Pope for helping to transport the children to and WOSSP Athletics Tournament on a very windy
from Burford Secondary School this term for Monday this week. The children showed
various events.  determination and spirit which resulted in them
achieving 1st place for St Christopher’s – well done to
SCHOOL UNIFORM – St Christopher’s uniform can everyone ! - Mrs Brownjohn 
be ordered from:
Tel: 0800 404 6644
Emergency School Closures
In addition to our text system, school closures will be broadcast on:
Missed a Newsletter?
HEART FM – 102.6 FM /GWR–96.3 FM/
If you have missed a newsletter, they are available on our BBC Radio Oxford–95.2FM
website www.st-christophers.oxon.sch.uk Or check local radio station websites
School Lunch Menus!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week Commencing 2 May 2011

Roast Chicken with

Ham & Pineapple, New Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Tomato Pasta Bake with
Sausages, Chunky Chips,
Potatoes, Peas and Potatoes, Carrots & Carrot & Swede Batons
Baked Beans and Peas
INSET Baked Beans Cauliflower and Broccoli
Oat Cookie with Milk
Feathered Iced Sponge Chocolate Mousse with Fruit slice
orange wedge

Week Commencing 9th May 2011

Cowboy Hotpot Roast Beef, Yorkshire Teryaki Chicken, Breaded Fish, Chunky
Jacket/new potatoes
Diced potatoes, Pudding, Roast Potatoes, Noodles, Sweetcorn & Chips, Baked Beans &
Peas & Coleslaw
Sweetcorn and Peas Carrots & Cabbage Broccoli Peas
Hot Chocolate Fudge
Ginger Cookie with Milk Cheesecake Iced Bun Strawberry Iced Smoothie

Also available every day: Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit & Water - £2.05 per meal.
Any cheques for dinners please make payable to Oxfordshire County Council.

Diary Dates
TH th
6 June 7 June 8th June 9th June 10th June
7.45am Wii activities &
Breakfast Yr 5 – School Nurse
9.30am Toddlers 3.15pm Recorders
INSET 3.15pm Zumba Dancing 3.15pm Nature Club
3.15pm Computer 3.15pm Football
Xplorers 3.15pm Wide Games
3.15pm Reading Club
7.30pm Cotswold Voices
13th June 14th June 15th June 16th June 17th June
Yr 6 Junior Citizen
7.45am Wii activities & Yr 6 – School Nurse
Kwik Cricket
Breakfast 3.15pm Recorders
Tournament 3.15pm Zumba Dancing 3.15pm Nature Club
9.30am Toddlers 3.15pm Football
7pm Circuits
3.15pm Computer 3.15pm Wide Games
3.15pm Reading Club
7.30pm Cotswold Voices
20th June 21st June 22nd June 23rd June 24th June
7.45am Wii activities &
Breakfast Yr 6 – School Nurse
3.15pm Cricket &
9.30am Toddlers 3.15pm Recorders
Rounders Club 3.15pm Zumba Dancing 3.15pm Nature Club
3.15pm Computer 3.15pm Football
7pm Circuits
Xplorers 3.15pm Wide Games
3.15pm Reading Club
7.30pm Cotswold Voices



Swimming will continue again on Tuesday 7th June
2011 at Brize Norton swimming pool and transport 2 hours a week
will be provided by Rebound Coaches. To cover
Permanent / Term Time Only
costs we need to ask parents to pay a contribution
Mondays & Wednesdays 12pm to 1pm
of £1.50 per lesson per child (slip attached).
£6.38 - £6.61 per hour
All the children in Year 3, 4, and 5 will
again swim, along with some children in The role is to supervise and ensure the safety and
Year 6 who have not met the level well-being of our pupils while they eat their lunch
required. and in the playground. To treat children with
respect and deal calmly, firmly and consistently
Children will need a swimming kit, which must with any playground issues.
include a swimming hat (available from the school
office at a cost of £1.00) in a suitable bag. Boys For further details and/or an application
must wear swimming trunks, not shorts.
please visit www.jobs.oxfordshire.gov.uk
Oxfordshire County Council’s policy does not allow
children to wear goggles. If your child needs to
wear goggles they need to be BS 5883:1996 - Closing date: Friday 10th June 2011
please request a form from the school office if
you have not already done so last term. Please News update on our friends
ensure that all watches and earrings are left at at Presby A school, Tafo, Ghana
home on swimming days May 2011

Please note that a letter from a parent is required The children may have mentioned to you that we have
if a child is to miss a swimming lesson for any recently received a letter and photographs from our
reason. Generally, if a child is well enough to be at friends at our link school, Presby A School, saying how
school then they are well enough to swim. excited they were on the money we had recently raised
and the impact the £200 has made in improving their
Term 6 water. The letter and photographs are available for all
7th June
to see and can be found on the school website, www.st-
14th June
21st June
christophers.oxon.sch.uk - once again thank you for your
28th June continued support .
5th July
Carol Phillips – Deputy Headteacher 

SWIMMING PROGRAMME Cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council

 I enclose a contribution of £6.00 to cover the costs for Term 5 (last term)
 I enclose a contribution of £7.50 to cover the costs for Term 6 (this term)
 I enclose a contribution of £13.50 to cover the costs for Term 5 & 6 (this term and last term)

Name/s ……………………………………………………………………………… Class/es ……………………………….

Signed ……………………………………..……. (Parent/Guardian) Date ……………………………..

A good range of school clubs will start again next week – please see below. We request a voluntary contribution to help
cover resources and staff costs.
Club Led by Time Year Number Cost Dates
Group s
Mon Cricket & Mrs Brownjohn 3.15pm – Any Any £6.00 20th & 27th June
Rounders & Playground 4.15pm 4th July
Tues Wii activities & Mrs Brownjohn 7.45am – Any 20 £10.00 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Breakfast 8.45am June & 5th July
Reading Club – as Ms Phillips 3.15pm – Years 2 – Any Free Starting 7th June
already advised 4.15pm 5 2011
Computer Computer 3.15pm – Years 1 to Forms £29.70 21st, 28th June & 5th,
Xplorers – Digital Xplorers 4.30pm 3 from 12th, & 19th July
Art & Design* office
Tennis Club at Chris Hand 3:30- 1-6 Book direct on 07970 481707 or
Colston 4:30pm [email protected]
Wed Zumba Clare 3.15-4.15pm KS2 20 £ 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th
Dancing Goodenough June & 6th July
Thurs Recorders Ms Nisbett 3.15-4.15pm KS2 8 £8.00 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th
Football Oxford United 3.15-4.15pm Any Forms £30.00 5th May to 14th July
in the 2011 (10 weeks)
“Wide” Mr Cornish 3.15pm- Years 4 16 at £10.00 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
Games/Activities 4.15pm to 6 least June & 7th July
Fri Nature Club Janet Hobbs 3.15-4.15pm Any Any £10.00 10th, 17th, 24th June
1st & 8th July
* There are two sessions remaining of the current Computer Xplorers Club – 7th & 14th June 2011.
Please note:
 Once your child registers, we do expect that they will attend each session
 For ease of banking & administration, payments are due at the start of the course
 Payment and commitment is for the whole course to cover staff/coach costs & resources
 Please collect your child promptly as staff may need to go home!

CLUBS: Please register my child(ren) for the following clubs:

Tick/Initials Club No. of Contribution
Cricket & Rounders 3 £6.00
Computer Explorers Forms available from school office
Wii activites & Breakfast 5 £10.00
Zumba Dancing 5 £10.00
Recorders 4 £8.00
“Wide” Games 5 £10.00
Nature Club 5 £10.00

I enclose £…………………… (cheques payable to St Christopher’s School please)

Preferred telephone number in case of emergency/club cancelled: ………………………………………

Child(rens) name(s): ……………………………………………………………….. Class(es) ………………………………………

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