Morphotectonic and Satellite Imagery Analysis For Identifying Quaternary Fault at Southern Part of Cianjur-Garut Region, West Java, Indonesia

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Emi Sukiyah1, Ildrem Syafri1, Achmad Sjafrudin1, Eza Nurfadli2, Puspa Khaerani3, Dian P.A.S3
Faculty of Geological Engineering, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Geological Engineering Study Program, College of Mineral Technology, Bandung, Indonesia,
Email: [email protected]
Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Geological Engineering, Padjadjaran University, Bandung,

KEY WORDS: Quaternary fault, morphotectonic, satellite imagery, watershed, West Java

ABSTRACT: Morphotectonic is geomorphological characteristic as response of tectonic. Watershed morphometric

may reflect tectonic conditions of a region. Parameters of morphometric and morphotectonic can be an indicator of
the activity of a fault. Active fault is a tectonic trace that can be a source of seismicity in the area of land. The southern
part of West Java is dominated by Quaternary volcanic products. These materials are generally unstable, especially
when affected by fault. Some areas in the southern part of West Java regionally controlled by Quaternary faulting. The
movement of this fault can be triggered by the subduction activity in the south of Java Island.
This study aims to determine the role morphotectonic characteristics as indicators of the presence of active faults in
the region of the Southern part of Cianjur and Garut. The result is expected to be useful to help the community and the
government in anticipation of a crisis when geological disasters occur as an impact of the active faults. Systematic
research based on the mindset that past geological events, along with its development can produce a typical landforms.
Lineament of the landslide zone is assumed to be associated with active fault lines that can be reflected by the specific
characteristics of morphotectonic and lithology. Digital analysis of satellite imagery used to determine the distribution
of lineament and landslide zones. Probabilistic approach is used in the data analysis.
The study was conducted in five watersheds, i.e. Cisadea, Cipandak, Cilayu, Cikandang, and Cikaingan. The results
showed that there was a tectonic control in watersheds of Cipandak , Cilayu, and Cikaingan. Meanwhile, tectonic
control in the watersheds of Cisadea and Cikandang occurred in a specific location. This phenomenon is reflected by
the unique shape of the three watersheds. The watersheds longitudinal direction tends to follow the direction of the
main fault. Slim shapes for the three watersheds indicate tectonic control is still dominant. There is a unique
phenomenon in the Cikaingan watershed, where drainage can be grouped into two patterns. Dendritic pattern in the
upper and trellis pattern in the middle-downstream. It is characterized by the presence of a fault between the two
patterns. The upstream blocks tend to move than the middle-lower block. Blocks that have movement tends to deform
more intensive, making it unstable and easily respond to weathering and erosion processes. This resulted in many
river channels formed in the northern part of the block than a southern block. This phenomenon is also shown by the
results of the quantitative analysis of variables associated with morphotectonic and morphometric.

Environmental degradation as a comfortable residence has become a global issue. One of the triggers is lack of
response of the public and governments to the threat of geological disasters. Along with the progress of science and
technology, it is known that the crust of the earth is not at rest. The intensity of the movement is triggered by
conditions that occur in the interior of the Earth. The high intensity of movement that can be a source of disaster and
a threat to the safety of mankind. An example is the movement of land, which can be triggered by the presence of
active faults. Morphotectonic is the character of the landscape associated with tectonic (Doornkamp, 1986).
Landscape characteristics quantitatively enriched understanding of morphotectonic. They are escarpment, the shape
of the valley, the hills straightness, the rivers straightness, drainage patterns.
Fault is defined as an area of fractures followed by a relative displacement of a block of rock against rock
block other. The distance can shift a few millimeters to tens of kilometers. Fault plane sizes ranging from a few
centimeters to tens of kilometers (Billing, 1959). Active fault is a fault which is moving at a period of ten thousand
years ago (Keller and Pinter, 1996). Potentially active faults are faults move at a period of two million years ago,
while the fault is not active fault that has not moved in the past two million years ago. Another definition of active
faults proposed by Huzita et al. (1992; after Munif, 2011), the fault moves since the quarter and has the potential to
move back to the future. This fault intersects the surface morphology of Quaternary age, bypass rocks Quaternary age,
which also occurs in volcanic regions engaged during the volcanic eruption, and normal faults that can be observed in
mountain areas due to the force of gravity.
Region of the southern part of West Java has limited accessibility. Morphology with steep slope and limited
road access makes the most of these areas are still isolated. Based on physiographic, this area was included in the
Southern Mountains Zone (Van Bemmelen, 1949). Research activities related to the geomorphology and disaster has
been done by some previous researchers, including by Sudradjat et al. (2009, 2010), Sukiyah et al. (2010), and
Sulaksana et al. (2011, 2013). The results showed an association between morphometric watersheds, morphotectonic,
and the presence of active faults. The condition was thought to be linked with the threat zone of geological disasters,
such as earthquake, landslides, erosion, etc. This article discusses the identification of the existence of active faults in
the southern part of Cianjur and Garut based on analysis of satellite imagery and morphotectonic (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Location of research area

Keyword of the research are Quaternary fault, morphotectonic, morphometry, watershed, and west Java. The
objective of research are landform, lithology, and river. The landform and river can identifed by some data sources,
i.e. satellite imagery, thopographic map, and field observation. Rock and joint object to be identified through field
observations. Interpretation method on remote sensing data, i.e. (Anonymous, 2003):
i) Visual interpretation by tone, pattern, shape, texture, etc.;
ii) Object identification by spectral signatures or digital number; and
iii) Data integration between remote sensing data and another data.
Response variables of landform and tectonic are reflected by drainage density (Dd), bifurcation ratio (Rb), and
mount-front sinuosity (Smf). The variables analyzed in this study. The value of drainage density (Dd) obtained from
the division between the total length of the river segments (n) and the watershed area (A) which is displayed in the
formula (1). Number of river segments of order n is divided by the rivers of order n + 1 produce a bifurcation value
ratio (formula 2). Bull and McFadden (1977; after Doornkamp, 1986) defines that sinuosity of the mountain-front
(Smf) as the ratio between the length of the mountain-front (LMF) and the length of the mountain-front projection
onto a flat surface (Ls) shown in the formula (3). Classification of Smf calculation results may reflect the degree of
tectonic activity (Table 2).

....................................... (1)

....................................... (2)

....................................... (3)

Smf approaches a value of 1 reflects an increase straightness indicating active uplift. Sinuosity increased
reflecting the work flow of water (river) which bypass mountain-plains boundary. Based on the index, developed the
classification of the degree of tectonic activity (Table 1).
Basic data used in this study come from scientific publications some previous researchers equipped with field
survey data. The data obtained from the field are the elements of the geological structure, rock description, elements
morphometry, etc. Solving the problem in this study using a probabilistic approach. (Figure 2).
Table 1. Classification of tectonic activity degree based on mount-front sinuosity (Doornkamp, 1986)
Class Smf Tectonic activity Explanation
1 1.2 to 1.6 Active tectonic Associated with alluvial fan landform, elongated shape watershed,
narrow valley floor, a steep slope.
2 1.8 to 3.4 Tectonic activity is Associated with alluvial fan landscape, watershed extends, steep
weak to moderate slope, the valley floor is wider than the flood plain
3 2.0 to 7.0 inactive tectonic Associated with the mount-front landform pediment and
embayments, only a steep slope on rock layers resistant, valley
widened and integrated.

Climate +
Tectonic Lithology rainfall




Satellite Imagery &

Topographic Map
Data Analysis & statistics

Fault activity

Figure 2. The mainframe of research


3.1 Fault features on Satellite Imagery

SPOT image used in this study. The other hand, the image of STRM used to further clarify the lineaments.
Trellis drainage pattern dominant in the southern Garut (Figure 3). This pattern suggests that there is a tectonic
controls that influence it. Valleys are narrow and tend to elongate also an indication of a strong tectonic control.

(a) (b)

Figure 3. SPOT Image shows the appearance of the ridge and valley located in the southern Garut (a) and lineament
of river and ridge in SRTM-DEM image of Cikandang watershed (b)

The geological structure in the area of research can also be seen from the lineament (Figure 3). Withdrawal
lineament of the ridge and the river lineament on SRTM-DEM image is done by drawing strict lines that show the
landscape extends caused by certain geological processes. From the observation, measurement, and analysis of the
indications of the geological structure, and correlated with lineament interpretation of SRTM-DEM image, then
allegedly developing fault structure and joint dominant in southern part of Cianjur-Garut. The fault structure and a
joint structure of Quaternary age, due to developing on Tertiary and Quaternary roks.

3.2 Morphotectonic characteristics

The existence of active faults in an area can be recognized from the characteristics of morphotectonic. Variety
of parameters can be used to assess characteristics. Several morphometric variables and morphotectonic used in this
study, i.e. slope, drainage density (Dd), bifurcation ratio (Rb), azimuth of landform-river segment liniaments, and
mount-front sinuosity.
There are five watersheds which researched in detail, i.e. Cipandak, Cilayu, Cikandang, and Cikaingan (Table
2). Namely of watershed take from main river name. The spatial distribution of the fourth watersheds shown in Figure
1. The main river of every watershed flow to the south and empties into southern coastal areas of West Java. Every
watershed has a morphometric the characteristics of are different. These conditions are influenced by the lithological
constituent, structural geology, and climate in the region.

Table 2. Area of watersheds

No Name of watershed Area (sq km)
1 Cisadea 466.10
2 Cipandak 188.90
3 Cilayu 126.30
4 Cikandang 464.00
5 Cikaingan 273.00

Cisadea Watershed
Form of Cisadea watershed widened toward downstream, tends to form parallel. Such watershed form
indicates there are two major rivers that flow. Drainage patterns grouped into three, namely anastomotic, subdendritic,
and subtrellis. Anastomotic pattern occupies an area dominated by rocks and sediment are tuff, sand, and alluvium.
Direction of the river in line with the direction of flow. The pattern developing on the rocks with a relatively
homogeneous hardness that are mainly sandstones. Subtrellis drainage pattern is controlled by the structure of the
indications found in the river Cigugur. This segment of the river meandering as if compressed, generally formed due
to compression. This drainage pattern formed by rivers and streams Cisarua Cigugur composed by volcanic breccia,
sandstone and tuff.

Table 3. Stream order and bifurcation ratio (Rb) in the central of Cisadea watershed
Sub Stream order Rb
watershed 1 2 3 1-2 2-3
1 14 3 2 4.7 1.5
2 10 3 1 3.3 3.0
3 10 3 1 3.3 3.0
4 15 4 2 3.8 2.0
5 5 2 - 2.5 -
6 2 1 - 2.0 -
7 3 2 - 1.5 -
8 4 2 - 2.0 -
9 8 3 1 2.7 3.0
10 4 2 0 2.0 -
11 3 2 0 1.5 -
12 14 4 2 3.5 2.0
13 18 6 4 3.0 1.5

The results of the calculation of the 13 sub-waatersheds obtained Rb-values ranging from 1.5 until 4.7. Rb
value of less than 3.0 or more than 5.0, indicated deformed (Verstappen, 1983). This research area has largely Rb
value ranging from 1.23 until 2.8, which it has been deformed by the tectonic activity. Dd value calculation result is
further classified for the assessment of the texture of the landscape (Sukiyah, 2009), which is divided into six classes
(Table 4).
Value of Dd in central of watershed ranges from 0 to 8 km/sq km. Based on Table 4, it appears that the texture
is very rough landscape dominant, which occupies 60% of the total area of the central part of the watershed. This
value reflects that the rocks were at the watershed tend to be hard so that the current density is rather tenuous.
Table 4. Distribution of drainage density in central of Cisadea watershed
Texture Dd (km/sq Ratio of distribution to total area
Very coarse km)0 – 1.4 60
Coarse 1.4 – 2.8 9
Medium 2.8 – 4.2 12
Agak fine 4.2 – 5.5 12
Fine 5.5 – 6.9 4
Very fine 7–8 4

Slope in the central part of the watershed ranged from 15% to 70% and is classified as a rather steep slope to
steep. They form the hills of sedimentary and volcanic hills. This unit is composed by a material such as sandstones,
breccias, and tuff which has a high porosity values. The analysis of bifurcation ratio is known that the middle
watershed allegedly controlled by tectonic active. Tectonic activity is what makes this area deform and affect
volcanic activity, so that deposited volcanic material that has a high porosity values. Texture landscape based
drainage density tend to be very rough with Dd ranges from 0 to 1.4 km / sq km. This condition is the response of the
rocks making up this region which consists of sandstone, volcanic breccias, and tuff. The order of tectonic and
stratigraphic rock that has implications for potential landslides. Morphometric analysis results indicate that the study
area is very prone to landslide. This is reflected by the steep slope with bifurcation ratio is 1.23 to 2.8. The dominant
tectonic controls considering the region has a low texture based drainage density.

Table 5. Distribution of lithology on every slope

Breccia Sandstone
Alluvium n=0 Tuff n=53.12
Slope Talus n=0 Gs=0 n=53.12 n=53.98
Gs=0 Gs=2.46
Gs=2.73 Gs=2.45
Gently sloping 5% 51% 6% 0% 37%
Sloping 4% 33% 4% 1% 58%
Moderately steep 2% 10% 9% 8% 71%
Steep 0% 0% 19% 34% 46%
Very steep 0% 0% 46% 10% 44%

Cipandak Watershed
The shape of Cipandak watershed resembling bird feathers, extending from the north to south. This watershed
coincides with a horizontal fault Cipandak. Although the characteristic shape of the watershed and drainage patterns
already reflect the geological structure control, but its existence has been no related publications. This phenomenon
was also supported by quantitative analysis of morphometric parameters of the watershed. Cipandak river and its
tributaries form trellis drainage pattern. The overall order of the river ranges from 1 to 5. Cipandak watershed
morphometric characteristics shown by Table 6. It appears that Rb4-5 very small and far away from the normal
condition of a watershed, where Rb is 3 until 5, meaning that the main rivers experiencing significant tectonic control.

Table 6. Morphometry characteristic of Cipandak watershed

Stream Number of Total of length Rb Area of watershed Dd
order stream segment (km) (sq km)
1 284 233.50 2.58 188.9 1.24
2 110 75.85 1.22 188.9 0.40
3 90 46.59 2.81 188.9 0.25
4 32 14.05 0.63 188.9 0.07
5 51 41.82 188.9 0.22
Total 411.81 188.9 2.18

Fault shear of Cipandak contained in the central part of the watershed that coincides with the main stream,
with direction of southwest - northeast. Indication of the point to the existence of the fault are:
 Lineament pattern on DEM map
 The presence of joint structure around Cipandak watershed
 Interpretation of topographic maps that show lineament segments in the river of Cipandak watershed.
 Lineament of Cipandak river segment.
Watershed morphotectonic three parameters used to determine the extent of Watershed Cipandak tectonic
control, namely the density of drainage (Dd), bifurcation ratio (Rb), and azimuth of river segmen lineament. Analysis
of the population of data Dd, Rb, and the lineament of the river segment, indicating that there was an effect on the
movement of the two blocks of the fault.

Figure 4. Stereonet and rosette diagram of joints data contained in tuffaceous sandstone outcrop, at coordinates 7o 22’
3.4” S and 107o 19’ 44.1” E. Interpretation of results indicates horizontal fault trending southwest - northeast,
coincide with river Cipandak. Fault escarpment as well as a waterfall in the Cipandak watershed, South Cianjur

Cilayu Watershed
Cilayu Watershed geomorphology can be divided into several units morfografi. They are mountainous, hills,
valey, and plains. Slope and drainage patterns vary widely. Drainage patterns are trellis, parallel, and rectangular.
The whole drainage pattern reflects the geological structure (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Cilayu watershed, (a) lineament on SRTM-DEM image; (b) drainage patterns (A=trellis, B=parallel,
C=rectangular); (c) water fall

Upstream Cilayu watershed at Mount Melati while downstream were in the Gunung Kawung Jantung area and
has an area of approximately 62,610 sq m. Length of the main river that flows in the Cilayu watershed reached 28,170
meters with a maximum width of Cilayu watershed is approximately 7,010 m.
Sub watershed located in Watershed Cilayu has an extensive range of 345,90 until 22090,00 sq.m.
Determination of watershed shape is done by comparing the Cilayu watershed shape and available Watershed shape
according Sosrodarsono and Takeda (1987) and Ramdan (2006). From the analysis it can be concluded that
sub-watershed Cilayu dominated by shaped bird feathers. Sub-watershed shape similar bird feathers have
characteristics that flood discharge is relatively small compared to the flood discharge in the another shape. The
concentration of water longer in the sub watershed elongated compared with the sub Watershed that flared or circular
(Asdak, 1999).
Tabel 7. Morphometry of Cilayu sub watershed
Sub Length of Area Dd Segments quantity Rb Shape of sub
watershed stream (m) (sq.m.) of sream order watershed
1 2 3 Order 1-2 Order 2-3
Sd-1 7704.34 3013.00 2.60 5 4 - 1.25 - Bird feathers
Sd-2 12007.96 4233.00 2.80 9 4 3 2.25 1.33 Bird feathers
Sd-3 4501.28 1435.00 3.10 3 2 - 1.50 - Bird feathers
Sd-4 2941.88 756.40 3.90 3 2 - 1.50 - Radial
Sd-5 4160.43 979.10 4.20 4 3 - 1.33 - Bird feathers
Sd-6 5018.28 1387.00 3.60 7 5 - 1.44 - Parallel
Sd-7 4049.10 1218.00 3.30 4 2 1 2.00 2.00 Radial
Sd-8 4214.27 1119.00 3.80 8 5 1 1,60 5.00 Parallel
Sd-9 51998.23 22090.00 2.40 43 17 21 2.53 0.81 Complex
Sd-10 2277.60 548.30 4.20 2 1 - 2.00 - parallel
Sd-11 1580.90 345.90 4.60 2 1 - 2.00 - Bird feathers
Sd-12 9737.60 3270.00 3.00 6 5 - 1.20 - Bird feathers
Sd-13 2763.00 620.60 4.50 3 1 - 3.00 Parallel
Sd-14 42610.61 14120.00 3.00 38 29 5 1.31 5.80 complex
Sd-15 4719.20 1191.00 4.00 4 3 - 1.33 - Bird feathers
Sd-16 8226.90 1729.00 4.80 7 5 1 1.40 5.00 Bird feathers
Sd-17 2139.90 544.80 3.93 2 1 - - 2.00 Radial
Sd-18 2675.30 615.50 4.35 2 1 - 2 - Bird feathers
Sd-19 10793.80 2947.00 3.66 9 4 4 2.25 1.00 Bird feathers
Sd-20 9437.30 2484.00 3.80 8 4 2 2.00 2.00 Bird feathers
Sd-21 6691.81 2338.00 2.86 6 4 - 1.50 - Bird feathers

Cilayu watershed has a total length of river reaches 200,249.64 meters, which are grouped into the order of 1
to 4 with 266 stream segments. Bifurcation ratio (Rb) have a value ranging from 1.20 to 5.80. Most sub-watershed has
an average value of Rb is less than 3 and more than 5. That phenomenon shows that in some locations in the watershed
Cilayu indicated deformed due to the influence of active tectonics.
Based on the analysis show that the whole sub-watersheds have Dd values ranging from 2.4 to 4.8. Based on
several publications, Dd values ranging from 0.25 to 10 in medium category (Anonymous, 2007; after Hidayah,
2008). In addition, the value of Dd which included in this category also shows that the river flow past the rock with a
hard resistance so that the transported sediment also slightly.
Morphotectonic Cilayu Watershed can be known through some morphometric parameters such as the
bifurcation ratio (Rb) and value drainage density (Dd). The analysis of these two parameters indicate that the upstream
sub-watersheds Cilayu controlled by active tectonics. Morphotectonic characteristics in the Cilayu watershed can be
an indication of the effect of active tectonics are as follows:
 Lineament of ridge and valley
 Lineament of drainage pattern
 Extreme curve of the river around Cibaregbeg and Rancadarandan
 Wide depression zones and occupied by alluvial deposits in the southern part of Cilayu watershed.
Active tectonic conditions in the study area is also determined from the mountain-front sinuosity parameter index
(Smf). Analysis of the variables Smf also supports a correlation between landscape and tectonic. Smf index values
obtained from the calculation ranged from 1.2 to 1.3. This phenomenon shows that the case of up lift as an indication
of tectonic activity in the watershed Cilayu.

Cikandang Watershed
The shape of Cikandang watershed relatively similar fans. It shows that the watershed is composed of varied
stream pattern. The drainage patterns are trellis, parallel, dendritic, and annular. Stream order in the Cikandang
watershed range from 1 to 6.

Table 7. The morphometry characteristic of Cikandang Watershed

Stream Number of Total length Watershed
Rb Dd
order segments (km) area (
1 977 794.40 2.11 464 1.71
2 462 256.30 1.92 464 0.55
3 241 120.40 1.21 464 0.26
4 200 76.72 6.25 464 0.17
5 32 22.61 0.82 464 0.05
6 39 20.60 464 0.04
Sum 1,291.03 464 2.78
Cikandang watershed is controlled by dextral horizontal fault, which divides the central part of the watershed.
The fault direction is southwest - northeast. Partly segments of stream Cikandang through these fault zones. Analysis
carried out on drainage density and bifurcation ratio of the watershed straddling two fault blocks. Analysis of these
data to determine the level of activity of these two fault blocks. The analysis showed that tectonic causes deformation
in this watershed.
The research detailed in the Cikandang watershed performed at coordinates 107.57oE until 107.74oE and
7.43 S until 7.56oS. Drainage patterns in this region are trellis, parallel, dendritic, and subparallel. On the trellis

pattern, distribution rivers along the side facing the subsequent flow. The pattern is formed by Cimangke River, River
Cipasarangan, Cikandang River and its tributaries. Parallel patterns tend to be aligned, moderate-bit steep slopes, are
influenced by the geological structure, located on an elongated hills. The pattern is formed by Cirompang River and
its tributaries. Dendritic pattern forming a network similar to the bones of leaves, develops on rocks with relatively
similar hardness. The pattern is formed by Ciarinem river, Ciawitali river and Cibalubur river and its tributaries.
Subparallel drainage pattern formed by a tributary Cikandang.

Fault Scarp

Scarp fault

Downstream of Cikandang watershed

Figure 6. Geomorphology and drainage patterns of the centre part of Cikandang watershed, i.e. trellis (A), parallel
(B), dendritic (C), and subparallel (D).

Cikaingan Watershed
Cikaingan watershed has very unique shape, like bird feathers with a clear boundary. Elongated shape from
north to south, and seemed to lean in the middle and downstream. Drainage patterns varied, i.e. dendritic upstream
and trellis in the middle. Drainage density in the upstream region (north) is relatively more tightly in the appeal
downstream (south). Differences in the extreme character of drainage pattern between upstream and downstream
watershed actually shows control of tectonic in this region.

Table 8. Morphometry characteristic of Cikaingan watershed

Stream Area
segment Length (km) Rb Dd
Order (sq km)
1 510 458.40 2.16 273 1.68
2 236 126.80 2.02 273 0.46
3 117 59.42 2.05 273 0.22
4 57 21.65 8.14 273 0.08
5 7 4.79 0.08 273 0.02
6 88 45.25 273 0.17
Total 716.31 273 2.62
Figure 7. Cikaingan watershed with waterfalls and landslides as a manifestation morphotectonic.

The rivers that make up Cikaingan watershed order 1 to 6. Watershed morphometric characteristics are
summarized in Table 8. Bifurcation ratio (Rb) between the river of order 4 and 5 as well as between the rivers of the
order of 5 and 6 is very extreme. Both are well below and above the range of normal Rb for watershed. That
phenomenon shows very strong tectonic influence on the river of order 4, 5, and 6. Type normal fault, in which blocks
of the northern part of the relative moving down (hanging wall) of the blocks in the southern part (foot wall) also
contributed to the extreme influence morphometric characteristics between the upstream and downstream Cikaingan
watershed. Drainage density (Dd) between the upstream and downstream also showed extreme differences.
Cikaingan Watershed upstream (approximately Singajaya) controlled by normal faults Singajaya. The
phenomenon is supported by the results of the analysis with probabilistic approach to population of drainage density
(Dd) and the bifurcation ratio (Rb) rivers in the sub-sub-watershed located in block A relative drop (hanging wall) and
block B are relatively fixed (foot wall)

Interpretation of satellite images can help to recognize the existence of fault on the physiographic zones
composed by quaternary volcanic rocks. Spectral appearance can be emphasized by using a combination of
appropriate wavelength and filters are available in a variety of image processing software. Visualization fault lines
would be clearer if the data integration of satellite imagery and radar imagery is done.
Morphotectonic quantitatively study results support the interpretation that the geomorphology units associated
with tectonic benchmark to be able to identify the genetic fault. Some morphometric variables and morphotectonic
can be key in determining the presence of quaternary fault.
Results of field observations indicate the existence of empirical evidence related to the existence of active
faults are found along the path of avalanches, especially in the southern Garut. Meanwhile, in the southern Cianjur,
potential landslides associated with the presence of fault remains to be studied further.

Our special thanks go to all lecturers and assistants in Laboratory of Geomorphology and Remotesensing,
Faculty of Geological Engineering, Padjadjaran University, over personnel assistance and moral support so that this
research can be done well. To all those who helped in the preparation of this paper, we also say thank you. Hopefully
all their help can be beneficial for development of science and its application to human welfare.

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