Adakitic Magmas: Modern Analogues of Archaean Granitoids

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Lithos 46 Ž1999.


Adakitic magmas: modern analogues of Archaean granitoids

Herve´ Martin )

Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans UMR 6524, CNRS-UniÕersite´ Blaise Pascal, Departement

´ ´
de Geologie, 5, rue Kessler, 63038
Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, France
Received 5 January 1998; accepted 21 July 1998


Both geochemical and experimental petrological research indicate that Archaean continental crust was generated by
partial melting of an Archaean tholeiite transformed into a garnet-bearing amphibolite or eclogite. The geodynamic context
of tholeiite melting is the subject of controversy. It is assumed to be either Ž1. subduction Žmelting of a hot subducting slab.,
or Ž2. hot spot Žmelting of underplated basalts.. These hypotheses are considered in the light of modern adakite genesis.
Adakites are intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, andesitic to rhyolitic in composition Žbasaltic members are lacking.. They
have trondhjemitic affinities Žhigh-Na 2 O contents and K 2 OrNa 2 O ; 0.5. and their Mg no. Ž0.5., Ni Ž20–40 ppm. and Cr
Ž30–50 ppm. contents are higher than in typical calc-alkaline magmas. Sr contents are high Ž) 300 ppm, until 2000 ppm.
and REE show strongly fractionated patterns with very low heavy REE ŽHREE. contents ŽYb F 1.8 ppm, Y F 18 ppm..
Consequently, high SrrY and LarYb ratios are typical and discriminating features of adakitic magmas, indicative of
melting of a mafic source where garnet andror hornblende are residual phases. Adakitic magmas are only found in
subduction zone environments, exclusively where the subduction andror the subducted slab are young Ž- 20 Ma.. This
situation is well-exemplified in Southern Chile where the Chile ridge is subducted and where the adakitic character of the
lavas correlates well with the young age of the subducting oceanic lithosphere. In typical subduction zones, the subducted
lithosphere is older than 20 Ma, it is cool and the geothermal gradient along the Benioff plane is low such that the oceanic
crust dehydrates before it reaches the solidus temperature of hydrated tholeiite. Consequently, the basaltic slab cannot melt.
The released large ion lithophile element ŽLILE.-rich fluids rise up into the mantle wedge, inducing both its metasomatism
and partial melting. Afterwards, the residue is made up of olivineq clinopyroxeneq orthopyroxene, such that the partial
melts are HREE-rich Žlow LarYb and SrrY.. Contrarily, when a young Ž- 20 Ma. and hot oceanic lithosphere is
subducted, the geothermal gradient along the Benioff plane is high, so the temperature of hydrated tholeiite solidus is
reached before dehydration occurs. Under these conditions, garnet andror hornblende are the main residual phases giving
rise to HREE-depleted magmas Žhigh LarYb.. The lack of residual plagioclase accounts for the Sr enrichment Žhigh SrrY.
of the magma. Experimental petrologic data show that the liquids produced by melting of tholeiite in subduction-like P–T
conditions are adakitic in composition. However, natural adakites systematically have higher Mg no., Ni and Cr contents,
which are interpreted as reflecting interactions between the ascending adakitic magma generated in the subducted slab and
the overlying mantle wedge. This interpretation has been recently corroborated by studies on ultramafic enclaves in Batan
lavas where olivine crystals contain glass inclusions with adakitic compositions wSchiano, P., Clochiatti, R., Shimizu, N.,
Maury, R., Jochum, K.P., Hofmann, A.W., 1995. Hydrous, silica-rich melts in the sub-arc mantle and their relationships
with erupted arc lavas. Nature 377 595–600.x. This is interpreted as demonstrating that adakitic magmas passed through the
mantle wedge and interacted with it. Sajona wSajona, F.G., 1995. Fusion de la croute ˆ oceanique
´ en contexte de subduction

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412 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

collision: geochimie, ´
geochronologie ´
et petrologie du magmatisme plioquaternaire de Mindanao ŽPhilippines.. Unpublished
thesis, Brest University, France, 223 pp.x also considers that the high-Nb basalts, which are associated with adakites, reflect
mantle–adakite interactions. Recent structural studies have demonstrated that plate tectonics operated during the first half of
Earth history. The very strong similarities that exist between modern adakites and Archaean tonalite, trondhjemite and
granodiorite ŽTTG. attest that both have the same source and petrogenesis. Consequently, when Archaean-like P–T
conditions are exceptionally realised in modern subduction zones, Archaean-like magmas are generated. Contrarily, hot spots
never produce TTG-like magmas, thus, strongly supporting the hypothesis of the generation of the Archaean continental
crust within a subduction environment. However, Archaean TTG are poorer in Mg, Ni and Cr than adakites, indicating that
mantle–magma interactions were less efficient, probably due to the shallower depth of slab melting. In this case, the
slab-derived magmas rise through a thinner mantle wedge, thus, reducing the efficiency of the interactions. This is
corroborated by the absence of a positive Sr anomaly in TTG, which indicates that plagioclase could have been a residual
phase during their genesis. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adakite; Archaean; Granitoid; Subduction; Geochemistry

1. Introduction tectonics at plate boundaries ŽBickle et al., 1980;

McGregor et al., 1991; De Wit et al., 1992; Treloar
Recent studies of the early continental crust have ´
et al., 1992; Ludden et al., 1993; Jegouzo and Blais,
shown that Archaean juvenile continental crust has 1995; Blais et al., 1997.. However, if plate tectonic-
petrological and chemical compositions different like processes operated, secular compositional
from that of its present day equivalents: it is mainly changes in magmatism and tectonic regimes indicate
TTG Žtonalite, trondhjemite and granodiorite. in that in detail, the processes were different from
composition. Both geochemical and experimental modern ones. Most of the differences result from
petrological research indicate that it has been gener- greater Archaean heat production, inducing higher
ated by partial melting of Archaean tholeiite trans- geothermal gradients mainly at plate margins ŽMartin,
formed into garnet bearing amphibolite or eclogite 1986; Blais et al., 1997; Lagabrielle et al., 1997..
ŽBarker and Arth, 1976; Hunter et al., 1978; Barker, Recent work on arc andesites and dacites shows
1979; Tarney et al., 1979, 1982; Condie, 1981, 1986; that modern adakites not only have the same chemi-
Jahn et al., 1981; Martin et al., 1983; Sheraton and cal composition as Archaean TTG but also that they
Black, 1983; Martin, 1986, 1987a, 1993; Ellam and are exclusively generated in subduction zones where
Hawkesworth, 1988; Johnson and Wyllie, 1988; Ar- abnormally high geothermal gradients are expected
´ ´ et al., 1990; Rapp et
culus and Ruff, 1990; Nedelec along the Benioff plane Ži.e., a young subduction
al., 1991; Winther and Newton, 1991; Bickle et al., zone or subduction of young oceanic crust., ŽKay,
1993; Neymark et al., 1993; Rapp and Watson, 1978; Martin, 1987b, 1995; Futa and Stern, 1988;
1995; Garde, 1997; Rollinson, 1997; among others.. Defant and Drummond, 1990; Drummond and De-
The geodynamic context of tholeiite melting is sub- fant, 1990; Defant et al., 1991, 1992; Atherton and
ject to controversy and dependent on whether or not Petford, 1993; Mahlburg Kay et al., 1993; Peacock
plate tectonics operated during the Archaean. Today, et al., 1994; Morris, 1995; Sajona, 1995; Bourgois et
field, theoretical and experimental researches have al., 1996; Drummond et al., 1996; Maury et al.,
established that plate tectonic-like mechanisms were 1996; Sajona et al., 1996; Stern and Kilian, 1996;
active during the Archaean. Detail structural analyses Samaniego, 1997; Sigmarsson et al., 1998.. Conse-
performed in Archaean shields have also demon- quently, adakites could represent modern analogues
strated that two main tectonic styles coexisted during of Archaean TTG, thus, providing constraints on our
the first half of earth history: Ž1. gravitational verti- understanding of archaic petrogenetic processes and
cal tectonics in the central part of continental plates geodynamic environments.
ŽGorman et al., 1978; Martin et al., 1984; Barbey The purpose of this paper is: Ža. to present the
and Martin, 1987; Bouhallier et al., 1993, 1995; main petrological and geochemical characteristics of
Choukroune et al., 1995.; Ž2. thrusting horizontal adakitic magmas, Žb. to constrain the conditions of
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 413

their genesis, and Žc. to use them as modern ana- and Frost, 1994.; Kamchatka ŽKepezhinskas, 1989;
logues of Archaean continental crust ŽTTG. in order Honthaas et al., 1995; Kepezhinskas et al., 1995.;
to discuss the environment in which it could have Japan ŽMorris, 1995.; Philippines ŽSajona, 1995;
formed. Maury et al., 1996; Sajona et al., 1996.; New Guinea
ŽSmith et al., 1979..
Few adakitic plutons were reported ŽLe Moigne,
1995; Bourgois et al., 1996; Prouteau et al., 1996.
2. Petrological and chemical characteristics of and most of the adakites are phenocryst-bearing vol-
adakites canic rocks. They consist of intermediate to felsic
suites whose composition ranges from hornblende
Modern adakites are located in the circum-Pacific andesite to dacite and rhyolite. Basaltic members are
margins ŽFig. 1.: Austral Chile ŽMartin, 1987b; Futa systematically lacking, thus, clearly demarcating
and Stern, 1988; Mahlburg Kay et al., 1993; Bour- adakitic series from the classical BADR Žbasalt,
gois et al., 1996; Drummond et al., 1996; Guivel et andesite, dacite and rhyolite. suites, typical of sub-
al., 1996; Stern and Kilian, 1996; Sigmarsson et al., duction-related calc-alkaline magmatism. Maury et
1998.; Ecuador ŽMonzier et al., 1997; Samaniego, al. Ž1996. interpreted this difference in terms of
1997.; Panama and Costa Rica ŽDefant et al., 1991, distinct magma sources. Phenocrysts are mainly
1992.; Mexico ŽCameron and Cameron, 1985; Rogers zoned plagioclase, hornblende and biotite. Orthopy-
et al., 1985; Saunders et al., 1987.; Cascade ŽDefant roxene and clinopyroxene are extremely rare, they
and Drummond, 1993.; Aleutians ŽKay, 1978; Myers are only known in mafic andesites from the Aleu-

Fig. 1. Map showing the localities where adakites have been described: Ž1. Austral Chile; Ž2. Ecuador; Ž3. Panama and Costa Rica; Ž4.
Mexico; Ž5. Cascade; Ž6. Aleutians; Ž7. Kamchatka; Ž8. Japan; Ž9. Philippines; Ž10. New Guinea Žreferences are given in the text..
414 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

tians and Mexico ŽKay, 1978; Rogers et al., 1985..

Accessory phases Žapatite, zircon, sphene and titano-
magnetite. are more abundant than in typical arc
magmatic rocks. Adakites are associated with Au,
Ag, Cu and Mo epithermal and porphyry deposits
ŽThieblemont et al., 1997..
Adakites typically contain more than 56% SiO 2
ŽTable 1.. In a ŽNa 2 O q K 2 O. vs. SiO 2 diagram
ŽFig. 2; McDonald and Katsura, 1964. they plot in
the calc-alkaline field. However, because of high
Na 2 O contents Ž3.5% F Na 2 O F 7.5% ., their
K 2 OrNa 2 O ratios are low Ž; 0.42., consequently, Fig. 2. ŽNa 2 OqK 2 O. vs. SiO 2 diagram ŽMcDonald and Katsura,
1964. showing that adakites fall in the arc calc-alkaline domain.
in a K–Na–Ca triangle ŽFig. 3a; Barker and Arth,
Al salkaline; Ca sCalc-alkaline; Th s tholeiitic.
1976., they plot on the trondhjemitic differentiation
trend and do not show any affinity with the typical
calc-alkaline trend. Using Barker Ž1979. termino- tion ŽAl 2 O 3 ) 15% at SiO 2 s 70%.. Their Fe 2 O 3 q
logy, they have a high-Al 2 O 3 trondhjemitic composi- MgO q MnO q TiO 2 contents Ž; 7%. are moder-

Table 1
Average chemical composition of adakites, arc magmas, Archaean TTG and liquids generated by experimental melting of basalts Žsample 1
from Rapp et al., 1991 and sample 3 from Winther and Newton, 1991.
Adakites Adakitic pluton Arc dacite Arc granodiorite TTG Experimental liquids
n s 81 s ns9 s n s 80 s n s 250 s n s 355 s 1 3
SiO 2 64.66 3.2 67.30 1.1 68.22 5.6 68.10 6.2 69.79 4.9 69.75 69.76
Al 2 O 3 16.77 1.0 15.78 0.2 14.63 1.8 15.07 1.6 15.56 1.2 16.89 15.59
Fe 2 O 3 ) 4.20 1.2 3.30 0.2 4.28 1.4 4.36 2.0 3.12 1.5 2.96 3.8
MnO 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.09 0.03
MgO 2.20 1.0 1.96 0.3 1.22 1.0 1.55 1.0 1.18 0.7 1.26 0.71
CaO 5.00 1.3 3.67 0.4 2.88 1.8 3.06 0.6 3.19 1.0 3.93 3.16
Na 2 O 4.09 0.4 4.19 0.1 4.15 0.5 3.68 0.5 4.88 0.8 4.2 4.5
K 2O 1.72 0.6 2.15 0.3 3.37 1.1 3.40 1.1 1.76 0.7 1.31 1.81
TiO 2 0.51 0.2 0.54 0.0 0.46 0.2 0.54 0.3 0.34 0.2 0.54 0.85
P2 O5 0.17 0.1 0.12 0.0 0.21 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.13 0.1
Mg no. 0.51 0.1 0.54 0.03 0.36 0.15 0.41 0.15 0.43 0.10 0.46 0.26
K 2 Or 0.42 0.2 0.51 0.15 0.81 0.3 0.92 0.4 0.36 0.15 0.31 0.40
Na 2 O
FeO q 6.99 1.5 5.86 0.5 6.05 2.4 6.54 3.0 4.69 1.6 4.85 5.39
MgO q
MnO q
TiO 2

Ni 24 19 24 8.0 5 4.0 10 8.0 14 10.0
Cr 36 34 46 8.0 8 5.0 23 15.0 29 30.0
Sr 706 439 280 24.0 380 240.0 316 150.0 454 200.0
La 19 11 17.7 3.0 48.1 17.0 31 9.0 32 20.0
Yb 0.93 0.37 1.1 0.2 4.4 1.2 3.2 0.5 0.55 0.3
Y 10 4 17 10.0 47 21.0 26 5.0 7.5 4.0
ŽLarYb. N 14.2 11.0 7.5 6.6 39.7
SrrY 68.7 16.5 8.1 12.2 60.5
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 415

Fig. 3. K–Na–Ca triangle ŽBarker and Arth, 1976. showing adakites ŽA. and Archaean TTG ŽB. plotting on a trondhjemitic differentiation
trend ŽTd. with no affinity for the classical calc-alkaline trend ŽCA.. Grey: field of Archaean TTG ŽMartin, 1995..

ately high, with high Mg no.s 0.51. From this point contents are high Ž; 700 ppm. and can reach 2000
of view, they differ significantly from typical arc ppm; however, there are several exceptions. For
calc-alkaline volcanics ŽFe 2 O 3 q MgO q MnO q instance, in the Austral Volcanic Zone ŽAVZ. in
TiO 2 s 6%; Mg no.s 0.36.. southern Andes, the average Sr content of lavas is
Trace elements allow a better and indisputable 545 ppm ŽStern and Kilian, 1996.. In the Taitao
distinction between adakitic and typical arc calc-al- Peninsula, adakitic plutons have only 280 ppm Sr. In
kaline magmas. Ni and Cr contents Ž24 and 36 ppm, fact, because of the high K D of Sr between plagio-
respectively. are higher than in classical arc calc-al- clase and melt Ž K D s 4.5; Arth and Hanson, 1975.,
kaline dacites Ž8 and 5 ppm. ŽTable 1.. Defant and only minor amounts of plagioclase fractional crystal-
Drummond Ž1990. reported high Sr contents as typi- lization in a magma chamber could drastically lower
cal of adakitic magmatism. Yet, in most adakites, Sr the Sr content of the magma. Nevertheless, despite

Fig. 4. Chondrites normalized REE patterns for adakites ŽA. and Archaean TTG ŽB.. Typical adakites are from Costa Rica Žopen circles;
Defant et al., 1992. and Ecuador Žopen squares; Samaniego, 1997.; the typical calc-alkaline dacite from the Southern Volcanic Zone from
Andes Žfilled squares; Hickey-Vargas et al., 1989. and Archaean TTG from Martin Ž1995..
416 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

these exceptions, Sr content is generally very high in

adakites, thus, demonstrating that plagioclase frac-
tionation remains an exceptional process in this kind
of magma.
The REE patterns are very typical of adakites
ŽFig. 4A.. They are strongly fractionated ŽŽLarYb. N
) 10. with La N typically ranging between 40 and
150, and the heavy REE ŽHREE. contents are very
low ŽYb F 1.8 ppm, Y F 18 ppm.. In comparison,
typical calc-alkaline lavas are HREE-richer ŽHREE N
G 10; Yb G 2.5 ppm; Y G 25 ppm.; this results in
lower REE fractionation ŽŽLarYb. N - 10., ŽFigs. 4A
and 5A.. In addition, calc-alkaline lavas often dis-
Fig. 6. 230 Thr232 Th vs. 238 Ur232 Th isochron diagram showing
play a negative Eu anomaly. the contrasting behaviour of the adakites from the Andean Austral
When plotted in a primitive mantle-normalized Volcanic Zone Žfilled circles. and the classical calc-alkaline lavas
multi-element variation diagram ŽFig. 5B., all from the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone Žopen squares.. The
adakites display the same characteristics. In addition, U-enrichment in calc-alkaline lavas is attributed to slab-derived
they show a significant positive Sr anomaly, indica- fluid metasomatism and mantle melting, whereas the uniform
Th-enrichment in adakites reflect about 20% partial melting of
tive of the absence of plagioclase fractionation. Neg- the young and heterogeneous, subducted, Antarctic plate
ative Nb anomalies are important whereas negative ŽSigmarsson et al., 1990, 1998..
Zr and Ti anomalies are very small or lacking.
Classical calc-alkaline dacites differ not only in their As the main differences between adakites and
higher HREE contents, but also in their negative Sr calc-alkaline dacites are recorded by REE, Y and Sr
anomaly. behaviour, the diagrams discriminating between these
Adakite isotopic compositions are similar to two types of magmas are based on these elements
MORB Ž144 Ndr143 Nd ) 0.5129 and 87 Srr86 Sr - ŽLarYb. N vs. Yb N ŽFig. 7A; Martin, 1986. and
0.705.. With respect to U–Th disequilibria, typical SrrY vs. Y ŽFig. 7B; Drummond and Defant, 1990..
calc-alkaline magmas frequently display 238 U-enrich-
ments or radioactive equilibrium between 238 U and
3. Petrogenesis of adakites
its product 230 Th ŽSigmarsson et al., 1990.. In con-
trast, adakites show uniform 230 Th-excess over 238 U The low HREE content of adakites is classically
but variable Th isotope ratios ŽFig. 6; Sigmarsson et interpreted as reflecting the presence of garnet "
al., 1998.. hornblende in the residue of partial melting of their

Fig. 5. Primitive mantle normalized multi-element diagram comparing adakite compositions with those of typical calc-alkaline dacite ŽA.
and Archaean TTG ŽB.. Source of data is the same as in Fig. 4.
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 417

Fig. 7. ŽLarYb. N vs. Yb N ŽA; Martin, 1986. and ŽSrrY. vs. Y ŽB; Drummond and Defant, 1990. diagrams discriminating between adakitic
Žgrey fields. and classical arc calc-alkaline Žwhite fields. compositions.

source, whereas these minerals are not residual phases Vapour-absent experiments on metabasalts were
during the genesis of typical calc-alkaline magmas conducted by Rapp et al. Ž1991. Ž8–32 kbar and
ŽMartin, 1986.. The frequent positive Sr anomaly in 700–10008C., Winther and Newton Ž1991. on high-
adakites indicates the lack of important plagioclase Al basalt and an average Archaean tholeiite Ž5–30
fractionation, whereas this process is common in kbar and 750–11008C., Wolf and Wyllie Ž1993. on
calc-alkaline dacites as demonstrated by their sys- natural low-K calcic amphibolite Ž10 kbar and 750–
tematic negative Sr and Eu anomalies. Both adakites 10008C., Sen and Dunn Ž1994. on amphibolites Ž15–
and calc-alkaline dacites have important negative Nb 20 kbar and 850–11508C. and Zamora Ž1996. on
anomalies indicative of a role played by titaniferous metabasalts Ž15 kbar, 1000–11008C.. The melts gen-
phases andror amphibole. erated for 10% to 40% fusion are adakitic in compo-
Geochemical modelling shows that the source of sition ŽFig. 8A. and equilibrated with residues made
adakites cannot be ultramafic but rather basaltic in up of plagioclase q amphibole " orthopyroxene "
composition ŽMartin, 1986; Defant and Drummond, ilmenite at low pressure Ž8 kbar., garnet q
1990; Drummond and Defant, 1990; Knowles, 1995; amphibole " plagioclase " clinopyroxene " ilmenite
Sajona, 1995; Maury et al., 1996; Samaniego, 1997; at 16 kbar, and garnet q clinopyroxene" rutile at
among others.. This implies that adakitic magmas higher pressure. Rapp et al. Ž1991., Wolf and Wyllie
are produced by melting of a basaltic source trans- Ž1993., Sen and Dunn Ž1994. and Zamora Ž1996.
formed into garnet-bearing amphibolite or eclogite calculated REE patterns of liquids generated at low
such that garnet " hornblende could be residual pressure in the garnet-absent system; the REE pat-
phases. terns are flat or poorly fractionated without any
Holloway and Burnham Ž1972. and Helz Ž1976. HREE impoverishment ŽFig. 8B.. At higher pres-
melted alkali-basalts and tholeiites under various sures, when garnet is a residual phase, REE are
PH 2 O conditions, and did not obtain trondhjemites strongly fractionated Ž30 F ŽLarYb. N F 50. with
but rather tonalitic liquids. Beard and Lofgren Ž1989, HREE depletion.
1991., showed that adakitic magmas cannot be pro- Wolf and Wyllie Ž1991. considered that the most
duced under water-saturated conditions, but rather suitable conditions for melt extraction from amphi-
form during dehydration melting. Indeed, tonalitic bolitic residue are achieved at 10 kbar in a tempera-
and trondhjemitic liquids were produced by dehydra- ture interval of 850–9008C. When hornblende dehy-
tion melting of low-K tholeiite at 1–7 kbar ŽBeard drates, the released water lowers the viscosity of the
and Lofgren, 1991. and at 8 kbar ŽRushmer, 1991.. liquid. At higher temperatures, the melt fraction
Melting begins at about 800–8508C and amphibole increases, it becomes water-undersaturated, and its
is stable until 9508C; however, garnet was not stable viscosity increases ŽMcKenzie, 1984., thus, preclud-
during these low-pressure experiments. ing efficient segregation. It must also be noted that,
418 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

Fig. 8. ŽA. K–Na–Ca triangle ŽBarker and Arth, 1976. showing the composition of liquids generated by experimental fusion of basalts and
amphibolites. Comparison with Fig. 3 shows that they are identical to adakite compositions. ŽB. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of
liquids generated by experimental melting. FSS s tholeiite ŽRapp et al., 1991.; D15 s low-K calcic amphibolite ŽWolf and Wyllie, 1993..
At relatively low pressure Žgarnet-free residues; filled symbols., HREE contents remain almost unchanged and LREE display various
degrees of enrichment. When garnet is stable in the residue Žopen symbols., adakite-like LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted patterns are

in experiments, hornblende andror Fe–Ti oxides ample is provided by the AVZ and the Southern
Žrutile, ilmenite. are common residual minerals, thus, Volcanic Zone ŽSVZ. in Chilean Patagonia.
being able to account for Ti–Nb–Ta negative In this region, at the triple junction between the
anomalies in adakites. South American, Nazca and Antarctic Plates, the
In Catalina Island ŽCalifornia., Sorensen and Bar- active Chile ridge is being subducted under the
ton Ž1987., Sorensen Ž1988., Sorensen and Gross- Taitao Peninsula ŽFig. 9.. North of 448S, beneath the
man Ž1989. and Bebout and Barton Ž1993. described volcanic arc, the subducted slab is older than 20 Ma
metabasalts from an obducted oceanic crust which Ž50 Ma to the north of the Nazca plate; Fig. 9A.. The
are transformed into garnet-bearing amphibolite or associated volcanism ŽSVZ. is typically calc-alkaline
hornblende eclogite, and recorded temperatures of and evolves from olivine high-Al basalts to dacite
about 650–7508C and pressures ranging from 9 to 11 ŽBADR suites of Drummond and Defant, 1990.
kbar. Migmatitic structures and veins are described whose Yb N ranges from 8 to up to 20 ŽFig. 9B..
and interpreted as demonstrating that amphibolites LREE are fractionated and HREE are rather flat
exceeded their solidus temperature and began to which are typical features of most modern subduc-
melt. The liquids have high-Al 2 O 3 trondhjemitic tion zones. Based on petrological and geochemical
Žadakitic. compositions. This example provides field characteristics, the SVZ is considered to have been
evidence that adakites can be produced by partial generated by partial melting of the metasomatized
melting of metamorphosed basalts. mantle wedge. The lack of residual garnet andror
hornblende accounts for the high Yb contents of the
magmas ŽLefevre, 1979; Lopez-Escobar, 1984; Stern
4. Geodynamic context of genesis et al., 1984a,b; Futa and Stern, 1988; Rogers and
Hawkesworth, 1989; Sigmarsson et al., 1990..
All active adakitic magmatism occurrences so far South of 468S, the subducted lithosphere is
reported come from the circum-Pacific margins and younger than 10 Ma ŽFig. 9B.. Lavas from the AVZ
all are related to subduction. More precisely, they are are andesitic to dacitic adakites. When compared to
mainly situated in environments where a young ŽT - the SVZ, the more mafic and less differentiated
20 Ma. oceanic lithosphere is subducted, where the members are completely lacking. Yb N contents of
subducted plate is located 70 to 90 km beneath the the lavas range between 4 and 5.5 ŽFig. 9C., values
volcanic arc ŽDefant and Drummond, 1990; Morris, which are significantly lower than those observed
1995; Maury et al., 1996.. A well-documented ex- further to the north and indicative of garnet andror
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 419

Fig. 9. Schematic map of South Chile showing the triple junction between the Nazca, Antarctic and South American plates as well as the
distribution of active volcanism ŽSVZs South Volcanic Zone; AVZ s Austral Volcanic Zone.. ŽA. Age of the oceanic lithosphere under the
volcanic arc vs. latitude plot. North of 458S, the age of the Nazca plate is greater than 20 Ma Ž20 to 50 Ma., whereas, south of 458S, the age
of the Antarctic plate ranges from 0 to 20 Ma. ŽB. ŽYb N or Yr2.4. vs. latitude plot. To the South, where the subducted oceanic crust is
young, the volcanic Žfilled circles. and plutonic Žcrosses. rocks have adakitic compositions with low Yb or Yr2.4 contents ŽYb N - 5.5.,
consistent with an origin by subducted slab melting. To the North, magmas are typically calc-alkaline with Yb N contents Žopen circles.
ranging between 8 and 20, indicating an origin by melting of the metasomatized mantle wedge.

hornblende fractionation. In the Taitao Peninsula, a 4 and dacites. magmas are produced, their Yb N Žand
Ma old granodiorite also has an adakitic composi- Yr2.4. contents are typically lower than 7.5 ŽY -
tion; it corresponds to the subduction of the Chile 18., consistent with an origin by partial melting of
ridge under the peninsula 4 Ma ago ŽLe Moigne et the slab, and Ž2. when the subducted slab is older
al., 1993; Bourgois et al., 1994; Lagabrielle et al., than 30 Ma, BADR magmas are generated, these
1994; Le Moigne, 1995.. Its Yb N ranges between later exhibit Yb N Žand Yr2.4. contents ranging from
3.5 and 6.5, identical to those of the AVZ adakites. 6.5 to 25. This feature strongly favours a metasoma-
Detailed petrogenetic studies demonstrate that both
SVZ adakites and Taitao granodiorite originate from
partial melting of basalts from the subducted oceanic
lithosphere, the presence of residual garnet andror
hornblende accounting for the low Yb contents ŽStern
and Futa, 1982; Stern et al., 1984a,b; Martin, 1987b;
Bourgois et al., 1996; Stern and Kilian, 1996;
Zamora, 1996; Sigmarsson et al., 1998..
Geochemical data on subduction-related magma-
tism were compiled by Defant and Drummond Ž1990.
who showed that a world-wide correlation exists
between the age of the lithosphere when it begins to Fig. 10. Yb N Žor Yr2.4. vs. age of subducted lithosphere diagram
ŽDefant and Drummond, 1990.. The horizontal scale is logarith-
be subducted and the composition of associated
mic when T - 30 Ma and arithmetic when T ) 30 Ma. Black lines
calc-alkaline magmas. ŽFig. 10.. These authors correspond to the compositional range of the arc magmatism.
showed the following: Ž1. when the subducted slab is There is a world-wide correlation between the age of the sub-
younger than 30 Ma, TTD Žtonalites, trondhjemites ducted lithosphere and its geochemical characteristics.
420 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

tized peridotitic source without garnet and horn-

blende in the residue of melting. Consequently,
adakites seem to be related to the subduction of
young oceanic lithosphere.
Today, the average age of the oceanic lithosphere
when it begins to be subducted is about 60 Ma
ŽBickle, 1978., but may be as old as 180 Ma.
Consequently, in most modern subduction zones, the
oceanic lithosphere behaves as a cold slab penetrat-
ing the mantle. Energy and heat exchange result in
cooling of the mantle wedge and warming of the
Fig. 11. P – T diagram displaying the dry and 5% hydrous solidus
downgoing slab. The fluids released by slab dehydra- of tholeiite ŽWyllie, 1971; Green, 1982.. The main dehydration
tion migrate upward and also tend to cool the overly- reactions of the oceanic lithosphere are also drawn: H s
ing mantle ŽPeacock, 1990, 1993.. These processes hornblende-out; A santhophyllite-out; C s chlorite-out; Ta s
should result in the progressive cooling of the mantle talc-out; Tr s tremolite-out; Z s zoisite-out. The stability fields of
wedge, if hot material is not continuously brought to both garnet and plagioclase are delimited by the G and P lines,
respectively. The grey field is the P – T domain where a magmatic
the wedge by mantle convection ŽToksov ¨ and Hsui, liquid generated by partial melting of an hydrated tholeiite can
1978; Anderson et al., 1980; Honda and Uyeda, coexist with a hornblende- and garnet-bearing residue. Geothermal
1983.. gradients along the Benioff plane in modem subduction zones are
Consequently, in a subduction zone, the geother- from Toksov ¨ et al. Ž1971. s TOK; Peacock et al. Ž1994. s PEA
mal gradient along the slab–mantle interface remains and Anderson et al. Ž1980. s AND. Archaean gradient ŽMAR. is
from Martin Ž1986..
low ŽF 108Crkm; Fig. 20; Hasebe et al., 1970;
Toksov¨ et al., 1971; Bird et al., 1975; Drummond
and Defant, 1990; Peacock, 1990, 1993; Peacock et tholeiitic solidus are inverted. Except for the antho-
al., 1994.. With such thermal conditions, the sub- phyllite ™ forsterite q talc q H 2 O reaction, which
ducted slab is metamorphosed and progressively de- slightly precedes the solidus temperature, a sub-
hydrates ŽFig. 11. so that the dehydration curves are ducted slab can reach temperatures of 650 to 7008C
intersected before reaching the solidus of hydrous before it dehydrates. At these temperatures, water is
tholeiite. At temperatures of about 7508C Žtempera- still present so dehydration melting can take place in
ture of the 5% hydrous-tholeiite solidus at 20 kbar, the subducted slab. Under these conditions, garnet
Wyllie, 1971; Green, 1982., the oceanic lithosphere andror hornblende are the main residual phases
should be almost completely dehydrated. Melting of giving rise to HREE-depleted magmas Žhigh LarYb..
such a dry tholeiite cannot occur at low temperatures The lack of residual plagioclase accounts for the Sr
but requires a temperature higher than 12008C at 20 enrichment Žhigh SrrY. of these magmas.
kbar. The released large ion lithophile element As noted by Maury et al. Ž1996., the scarcity of
ŽLILE.-rich fluids rise into the mantle wedge, induc- modern adakites when compared with Archaean TTG
ing both its metasomatism and its partial melting. In is due to the lack of high heat fluxes in modern
this context, the primordial source of calc-alkaline subduction zones. Delong et al. Ž1979. made theoret-
magmas is metasomatized mantle peridotite, with a ical thermal simulations of ridge ŽChile ridge. sub-
residue essentially made up of olivine q duction in an already thermally stabilised subduction
clinopyroxeneq orthopyroxene such that the mag- zone. With the passage of the ridge, a thermal
mas produced are HREE-rich and thus, display low anomaly is created and isotherms rise such that the
LarYb and SrrY ratios. 10008C isotherm intersects the Benioff plane. How-
As already proposed for Archaean TTG ŽMartin, ever, the thermal anomaly is restricted in both time
1986, 1987b., with higher geothermal gradients Ž25 Žca. 5 Ma. and space but, as it can easily exceed the
to 308Crkm. along the Benioff plane ŽFig. 11. and 5% hydrous-tholeiitic solidus temperature, slab dehy-
for pressures ranging from 8 to 18 kbar, the relative dration melting is possible. More recently, Peacock
positions of dehydration curves and 5% hydrous Ž1990, 1993. and Peacock et al. Ž1994., modelled the
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 421

pressure–temperature–time trajectories in subducted respectively. The maximum age of the subducting

lithosphere. Three main parameters control the melt- slab can be different with different authors, however,
ing of the subducted plate. it remains that only very young slabs Ž- 30–20 Ma
Ž1. The age of the subducted lithosphere. Fig. old. can melt.
12A shows the calculated geothermal gradients for a Ž2. Subduction consists of introducing a cold
3 cm ay1 subduction as function of the subducted oceanic lithosphere into a hot mantle. This mecha-
slab age. It is clear that the younger the subducted nism progressively cools the mantle wedge and thus,
oceanic lithosphere, the higher the geothermal gradi- lowers geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane.
ents along the Benioff plane. Under these conditions, Consequently, young subduction Ževen of an old
and using the tholeiite hydrous solidus proposed by oceanic lithosphere., would not yet have cooled the
Green Ž1982., slab melting is only allowed when the mantle such that high geothermal gradients could be
subducted lithosphere is younger than 30 Ma. When expected. Fig. 12B shows the calculated geothermal
the subducted slab is older, large-scale dehydration gradients for a 3 cm ay1 subduction of a 50 Ma old
occurs before the temperature of the hydrous solidus lithosphere as function of the amount of previously
is reached. Using solidi from Sen and Dunn Ž1994. subducted oceanic crust ŽPeacock et al., 1994.. In
or Rapp et al. Ž1991. would reduce the window of this case, it also appears that very young subduction
slab melting to slab ages lower to 20 Ma and 10 Ma, ŽF 200 km subducted. can induce slab melting con-
Ž3. Honda Ž1985. and Molnar and England Ž1990.
showed that shear stress caused by fast subduction
could result in heating the upper part of the sub-
ducted lithosphere. Peacock et al. Ž1994. calculated
that a 10 cm ay1 subduction rate of a 50 Ma old
oceanic lithosphere induces a shear stress of about 1
kbar that could generate geothermal gradients cutting
hydrous tholeiite solidus at pressures of about 15
kbar, in the adakite genesis field. The geothermal
gradient along the Benioff plane rapidly decreases as
the subduction rate reduces.
In conclusion, the thermodynamic conditions of
adakite genesis by oceanic slab melting can be
reached only when young lithosphere is subducted or
in the case of a very young subduction zone; shear
stress can assist in the case of high subduction rates.
Today, the average age of oceanic lithosphere when
it enters subduction is about 60 Ma, and the subduc-
tion of a young oceanic crust remains exceptional.
Similarly, in young subduction, the conditions of
slab melting would be realised only during a short
period Ž4 Ma for a 50 Ma old lithosphere subducting
at a 5 cm ay1 rate.. These conditions are rarely
Fig. 12. P – T diagram based on Peacock Ž1990, 1993. and realised, thus, accounting for the scarcity of present-
Peacock et al. Ž1994. calculations and showing the dependence of day adakitic magmatism.
geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane as function of the
age of the subducted oceanic lithosphere ŽA. and of the amount of
previously subducted oceanic crust ŽB.. Slab melting is only 5. Archaean continental crust
allowed when the subducted lithosphere is younger than 30 Ma or
at the very beginning of subduction when no more than 200 km of The Archaean crust generated between 3.9 and
oceanic lithosphere had been already subducted. 2.5 Ga is made up of TTG suites ŽJahn et al., 1981;
422 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

Martin et al., 1983.. At the end of the Archaean, display higher LarYb ratios; in adakites, this ratio
between 2.8 and 2.5 Ga, high-K and high-Mg man- generally does not exceed 100 whereas it can com-
tle-derived magmas were emplaced in most stable monly reach 150 in TTG.
cratons. These rocks, referred to as sanukitoids ŽStern, Like adakites, all Archaean TTG have negative
1989; Stern and Hanson, 1991; Evans and Hanson, Nb–Ta anomalies generally associated with a nega-
1992; Moyen et al., 1997., represent small volumes tive Ti anomaly ŽFig. 5B.. On the other hand, TTG
when compared to the whole Archaean crust Ž- 5%; do not have a Sr-positive anomaly, indicating that
Martin, 1995.. TTG follow the K 2 O-poor calc-al- plagioclase could have been a residual phase during
kaline trend of Lameyre and Bowden Ž1982. in the their genesis. Finally, Table 1 indicates that Mg no.
Q–A–P modal triangle of Streckeisen Ž1975.. They as well as Ni and Cr contents are lower in TTG than
are ferromagnesian element-poor ŽFe 2 O 3 ) q MgO in adakites.
q MnO q TiO 2 Fs 5%. and have average Na 2 O of Geochemical modelling based on major and trace
about 5% ŽTable 1., with low K 2 OrNa 2 O ratios elements as well as isotopes shows that TTG can be
Ž- 0.5., ŽBarker, 1979; Condie, 1981; Martin, 1987a, generated by a three-stage mechanism ŽMartin,
1995.. The sodic character of the TTG can be shown 1987a, 1995., which can be summarised as follows.
in the K–Na–Ca triangle ŽFig. 3B. ŽBarker and Arth, 1. Partial melting of the mantle gave rise to large
1976; Martin, 1995., where they plot on a trond- volumes of tholeiitic magma.
hjemitic differentiation line far from the typical 2. Melting of these tholeiites transformed into gar-
calc-alkaline trend. However, Archaean TTG appear net-bearing amphibolite, or amphibole–eclogite
to be slightly Ca-poorer than modern adakites ŽFig. generated the parental magma of TTG, leaving a
3A.. Another geochemical feature typical of the hornblende q garnet q clinopyroxene q minor
Archaean crust is its rare earth element pattern ŽFig. plagioclase residue.
4B.. REE are strongly fractionated and the ŽLarYb. N 3. Fractional crystallisation of mainly hornblende"
ratio can reach 150, whereas Yb content remains low plagioclase produced the differentiated TTG suite.
Ž0.3 F Yb N F 8.5.. In a ŽLarYb. N vs. Yb N plot This third stage of differentiation can be absent or
ŽFig. 13; Martin, 1986, 1995., Archaean TTG fall in only of very small extent.
the same field as adakites, except that they can This process is very similar to the mechanisms of
adakites genesis, as it has been proposed that both
were derived through melting of the upper part of a
subducted oceanic crust ŽMartin, 1995, 1987b.. Re-
cent detail structural analyses performed in Archaean
shields have demonstrated that large-scale Archaean
horizontal structures exist in most Archaean cratons
together with vertical structures Žsagduction. ŽBickle
et al., 1980; McGregor et al., 1991; De Wit et al.,
1992; Treloar et al., 1992; Ludden et al., 1993;
Choukroune et al., 1995; Jegouzo and Blais, 1995..
These studies demonstrate that plate tectonic-like
processes operated during the Archaean, including
the creation and destruction of oceanic lithosphere as
well as collision of rigid crustal blocks. This conclu-
sion is reinforced by the recent description of Ar-
chaean oceanic crust squeezed in a thrust plane
Fig. 13. Compilation of ŽLarYb. N and Yb N values for Archaean between two continental blocks. Its position along a
TTG, two rock groups being distinguished on the basis of the age suture zone, which is a common feature of ophiolites
of their emplacement: T ) 3.0 Ga Žfilled circles.; 3.0 Ga-T - 2.5
Ga Žfilled squares.. TTG are characterised by low-Yb contents
in recent mountain belts, as well as both its miner-
Ž0.3-Yb N -8.5. and correlated strongly fractionated REE pat- alogical and chemical composition Ži.e., similar to
terns Ž5- ŽLarYb. N -150.. modern oceanic crust., favour an ophiolitic charac-
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 423

ter, thus, strongly supporting Archaean plate tecton- mantle wedge with which it could react andror
ics ŽBlais et al., 1997.. interact. Fig. 14 compares the compositions of
Recently, it has been proposed that Archaean adakites with liquids produced by experimental melt-
continental crust could have formed by melting of a ing of basalts. In the CaO vs. SiO 2 diagram, there is
tholeiitic source in a tectonic environment which perfect agreement between the field of liquids ob-
does not necessarily imply modern-like subduction, tained by partial melting of basalts and the points
for instance, by underplating andror above a mantle representing adakites. However, in the MgO vs. SiO 2
plume ŽArndt and Goldstein, 1989; Kroner,¨ 1991; diagram, adakites systematically display MgO con-
Arndt, 1992; Kroner¨ and Layer, 1992.. Present-day tents greater than those of experimental liquids. This
mantle plumes are related to mafic magmatism. In a kind of difference is interpreted as due to interaction
few exceptional cases, such as in Iceland, small with the mantle wedge ŽSen and Dunn, 1994; Sajona,
amounts of felsic magma are generated but they do 1995; Maury et al., 1996.. During their ascent, the
not have TTG nor adakitic characteristics. Conse- adakitic magmas react with the mantle, resulting in
quently, one of the more striking pieces of evidence MgO, Ni and Cr enrichment. Based on a natural
in favour of the Archaean subduction model is that adakite study, Mahlburg Kay et al. Ž1993. came to
today, when Archaean-like thermal regimes are cre- the same conclusion.
ated in subduction environments, TTG-like magmas This interpretation has been recently corroborated
are generated, whereas this kind of magmatism is by Schiano et al. Ž1995.. They studied glassy inclu-
totally unknown in association with plume systems. sions in olivine crystals from ultramafic enclaves
in typical calc-alkaline lavas from Batan Islands
ŽPhilippines.. Inclusions have adakitic compositions
6. Discussion and conclusions including fractionated REE patterns waverage
ŽLarYb. N s 48x with low Yb N Ž3.3. and high SrrY
Archaean TTG and modern adakites are almost Ž93., thus, demonstrating that adakitic magmas
identical in composition, nevertheless, they differ in passed through the mantle wedge and interacted with
some ways that can be summarized as follows: it. On an other hand, adakites are often associated
adakites have Mg no. and Ni and Cr Žand to some with niobium-enriched basalts ŽNEB. ŽDefant et al.,
extent Ca. contents greater than TTG, whereas these 1991; Defant and Drummond, 1993; Maury et al.,
latter never show positive Sr or Eu anomalies. 1996; Sajona et al., 1996.. All adakites are not
Adakitic magmas are generated by melting of the associated with NEB, but all the NEB so far reported
subducted oceanic slab and consequently, during their are associated with adakites, sometimes in the same
transfer to the surface, they must pass through the volcano ŽDefant et al., 1991; Defant and Drummond,

Fig. 14. Comparison of adakite chemical compositions Žfilled circles. with those of liquids produced by experimental melting of basalts
Žgrey field.. In the CaO vs. SiO 2 plot, adakites fall perfectly in the grey field, whereas in the MgO vs. SiO 2 diagram, adakites
systematically display MgO contents greater than those of experimental liquids. Such a difference is interpreted as due to the fact that
adakitic magmas interact with the mantle wedge during their ascent ŽSen and Dunn, 1994; Sajona, 1995; Maury et al., 1996..
424 H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429

1993.. These authors concluded that NEB and of the subducted slab are LILE-enriched but cannot
adakites are genetically linked. NEB are generated transport significant amounts of HFSE, which remain
by melting of the mantle wedge; however, unlike in the subducted slab. This accounts for the classical
typical calc-alkaline suites from the same source, HFSE depletion in arc magmas. Unlike aqueous
they are high field strength element ŽHFSE.-en- fluids, adakitic magmas are able to carry Nb which
riched. As experimentally demonstrated by Tatsumi can be released in the mantle metasomatic minerals,
et al. Ž1986., aqueous fluids liberated by dehydration as observed in micas and amphiboles from mantle

Fig. 15. P–T diagram and synthetic cross-section of subduction zones summarising the conditions of genesis of arc magmas. Ž1. The
geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane are very high, thus, the subducted slab melts at shallow depth, plagioclase possibly being a
residual phase. Because of the small thickness and the low temperature of the wedge, mantle–magma interactions are limited or absent. This
was the normal Archaean situation which resulted in TTG genesis. Ž2. Geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane are lower but great
enough to allow slab melting which occurs at greater depth without residual plagioclase. The mantle wedge is thick and hot and interactions
can occur between mantle and magma. Today, this situation is realised only on rare occasions and give rise to adakitic magmatism. Ž3.
Geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane are low, the subducted slab dehydrates before it could begin to melt. The aqueous fluid
released by dehydration reactions ascent into the mantle wedge, which is metasomatized and begins to melt, giving rise to the typical arc
calc-alkaline magmatism. This situation is more widely realised in modern subduction zones. In the P–T diagram, the symbols are the same
as in Fig. 11. In the synthetic cross-sections: OC s oceanic crust; CC s continental crust; ms s solidus of an hydrated mantle; black
areas s magma, and dotted areas s fluids.
H. Martinr Lithos 46 (1999) 411–429 425

peridotitic enclaves ŽO’Reilly et al., 1991; Iovov and place at shallow depth such that plagioclase could be
Hoffmann, 1995; Kepezhinskas et al., 1995; Maury a residual phase. Because of the small path length
et al., 1996; Sajona et al., 1996.. Consequently, the and the low temperature of the overlying mantle
NEB adakite association provides additional proof wedge, mantle–magma interactions are limited or
that the adakitic magmas efficiently interact with the absent. This situation is assumed to be the normal
mantle wedge. Archaean situation, resulting in TTG genesis.
As adakitic magmas pass through the mantle Ž2. Geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane
wedge, they need to have been generated at greater are lower ŽFig. 15, Inset 2., but great enough to
depth, in the subducted slab. Thus, the melting of allow slab melting before dehydration takes place.
basalts underplated at the base of the overlying Melting occurs at greater depth where plagioclase is
continental crust ŽAtherton and Petford, 1993; Kay not a residual phase. The overlying mantle is thick
and Mahlburg Kay, 1993. could not account for the and hot such that interactions occur between mantle
observed mantle–adakite interactions. and magma. This is the case for modern adakite
Even if richer than experimental products of basalt genesis and is realised only on rare occasions.
melting, Archaean TTG do not show the same MgO, Ž3. Geothermal gradients along the Benioff plane
Ni and Cr enrichment as modern adakites. This could are low ŽFig. 15, Inset 3., and slab dehydration
be interpreted as reflecting the lack or a lower degree occurs before the beginning of melting. Thus, the
of interaction between their parental magma and the subducted slab cannot melt. Aqueous fluid released
overlying mantle wedge. On the other hand, NEB Žor by dehydration reactions rise up into the mantle
equivalent magmatic rocks. have not been reported wedge, which is metasomatized and begins to melt
in Archaean terrains. In Fig. 15, it is proposed that, giving rise to typical arc calc-alkaline magmas. This
as a consequence of higher Archaean geothermal situation is widely realised in modern subduction
gradients, the melting of the subducted slab occurred zones.
at shallower depth than in the case of modern
adakites. Under these conditions, the slab melts
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such that only very small degrees of interaction
occurred. This hypothesis is corroborated by the lack Thanks are due to D. Abbott and to an anony-
of both Sr and Eu anomalies in the source of TTG, mous reviewer for constructive scientific comments
which could indicate the presence of plagioclase in and important language corrections.
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