General Guidelines For Heis

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Data Validation and Verification of Yoga Higher Education Institution Accreditation - University

General Guidelines for HEIs:

 The NAAC HEI Portal supports only 5MB data for each metric. If the attachments exceed 5MB, host the supporting documents in the HEI’s
website only and provide the link of the same in the template and/or in the HEI-DVV clarification response.
 Data/supporting documents provided over Google Drive, Microsoft one drive, Amazon Cloud and on any third-party websites will not be
considered for data validation and verification process.
 While providing the links of the HEI’s website where the supporting documents are hosted, provide the link in the HEI clarification box. While
providing the links in running text to enable the hyperlink, press “Enter Key”, then paste the link, and again press, “Enter Key”. Provide the
relevant supporting documents as per the SOP during the SSR submission to facilitate speedy DVV clarification process.
 It is mandatory to fill the templates in format provided by NAAC and attach the same in SSR. The HEI is not supposed to alter the template
format in which data is sought. The documents uploaded should be clearly readable for the claims made.
 It is mandatory to respond to all the DVV clarifications request raised for the items in the extended profile and metrics within the stipulated time.
 Whenever the data is large, the DVV Partner will seek for details from selected sample documents for validation.
 HEI should ascertain that all documents sought by the DVV Partner are uploaded before submitting the clarification response.
 The institution should give the links as appropriate to the metric and not general links whose landing page is the HEI’s home page. In case the
links do not work during DVV clarification stage, the decision of NAAC will be final.
 Content of the supporting documents in regional languages should be translated in English and should be duly signed by the Head of the
Institution. The translated copy should be uploaded along with the regional language document.
 All supporting documents submitted along with the SSR and additional documents submitted during DVV Clarification process should be signed
by the competent authority.

Note - 1: Relevant original documents signed by the concerned authorities, and/or members of the committee should be scanned and uploaded.
Insertion of signature(s) and insertion of the header of the Institutional letter head in the documents for proof of evidence cannot be accepted.
Note - 2: For all the questions in Quality Indicator Framework (QIF), please give data only in respect of Yoga programme/s being submitted for
assessment by NAAC.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 1
For HEIs:
Kindly follow the steps to obtain a Geo-tagged photo:
(1) In setting of your digital camera, set the location on.
(2) If you are taking photos in a smart phone, then set the location on.
(3) Take pictures after setting the location on.
(4) Download the pictures in a computer system and examine the properties. In properties, click on the details tab, scroll down to see GPS: you will
see something like the picture provided below, the value entries in latitude and longitude will determine the location in which the photo was

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 2
 It is possible that both Extended Profile and some Quantitative Metrics (QnM) seek responses that require similar data/documents. In
such cases, it is adequate to present data/documents in Extended Profile. That is, if the data/documents sought are given in response to
Extended Profile they need not be resubmitted under those specific Quantitative Metrics (QnM).
 Whenever both Extended Profile and some Quantitative Metrics (QnM) seek similar responses make sure that data/documents
provided for those Quantitative Metrics (QnM) match with the corresponding data/documents given in the Extended Profile.

 Any other clarifications may be sought from the NAAC, by the HEIs

 Programme: A range of learning experiences offered to students in a formal manner over a period not less than one year leading to UG Degree /
PG Degree / PG Diploma / M. Phil / Ph.D., Programmes All possible formal Degree Programmes are defined/ identified by the UGC. Examples:
BA (Economics, History, Sociology), B.Sc., (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), B.Sc., (Hons Chemistry), BE/ B.Tech (Computer Science and
Engineering), B.Arch, MSc (Mathematics), M.Com, M.A(English), ME/M.Tech (Textile Technology), PG Diploma(Library Science), M.Phil
(Statistics), Ph.D (Chemistry), Ph.D (Electrical Engineering), Ph.D., (Philosophy), and so on. etc.

 Course: A course is a paper/subject with specified number of credits/hours in a formal program. Examples: Organic Chemistry, Real Analysis,
Solid State Physics, Indian History, Macro Economics, English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu etc are courses under BSc /BA/B.Com Programs. A
laboratory course having separate credits and examined separately is to be considered as a course.

 Gender Equity: Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal
treatment or treatment that is different, but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and opportunities.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 3
(Extended Profile)

Metric Metric Details Documents Required for Specific Instructions to HEIs Not to be Included /
No Verification Considered

1.1 Number of programmes offered Provide year-wise list of ALL  Program list approved by  Short term programs which do
in the institution year wise programs related to Yoga that Competent Authority to be not lead to a degree / diploma
during the last five years have been operational during provided. of less than one year duration
the assessment period.  Refer to the Glossary in the (full time or part time) are not
Brochure of institution manual to understand the to be included
indicating the programs list. terminologies: COURSE,  Courses under each program
PROGRAM not to be included here.
Contact Hours to be discussed.

2.1 Number of students in the  List of students of all years Include the total number of If a program is of semester
institution year wise during the across all programs related students on rolls across all scheme, do not add students of
last five years to Yoga year- wise during programs related to Yoga both odd and even semesters.
the assessment period. (consider 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5thyear
 Provide appropriate etc., of each program) for all the
document duly certified by assessment years. Consider only
the Head of the Institution. students on the rolls during the
 Letter to / from affiliating odd semester if the program is
university indicating the offered under the semester
sanctioned / admitted seats scheme.
for each program
(Applicable to Colleges)
2.2 Number of outgoing / final year  Provide authenticated  Include all students eligible for
students in the institution year document showing the registration for the final
wise during the last five years number of outgoing / examination for programs
final year students in all related to Yoga.
programs related to Yoga
in the final year of study in  During the DVV process the
each year of the assessment HEI may be asked to provide
period the list of final year students of
specific programs identified by
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 4
 Provide the data DVV partner.
separately for each  The students admitted to the
programs related to Yoga final year study of all the
year wise programs related to Yoga for
all the assessment years.

2.3 Number of students appeared in  Provide authenticated  If the program is under the
the University examination in documents showing the semester scheme, consider
the institution year wise during number of students who students appearing for the even
the last five years have appeared for the final semester examinations for all
year Examinations of each the programs related to Yoga
year during the assessment (consider 1st, 2nd, 3rd years etc.,
period. of each program) for all the
assessment years.

3.1 Number of courses in all  Provide the list of courses  Refer to Same courses offered by
Programmes in the institution under each program the Glossary in the manual to different programs should not
year wise during the last five related to Yoga year-wise understand the terminologies: be counted multiple times.
years during the assessment COURSE PROGRAM
period.  If the same course is offered in
more than one program it is to
be counted only once.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 5
3.2 Number of full time teachers in  Provide the list of all full- A full-time teacher is one who is A teacher employed only
the institution year wise during time teachers with the employed for at least 90 per cent for a part of a year not to be
the last five years departmental affiliation of the normal or statutory considered
during the assessment number of hours of work over a Inclusion of part-time /
period year wise complete academic year is Ad- hoc / visiting faculty not
authenticated by the Head classified as a full-time teacher. taking at least 90% of the
of the Institution. normal or statutory number of
 Certified list of full-time hours of work not to be
teachers along with the considered as full-time teacher
departmental affiliation
 List showing the number
of students in each of the
programs related to Yoga
3.3 Number of sanctioned posts in  List showing the  Approved posts by the statutory
the institution year wise during names of the departments body/Government / Board of
the last five years related to Yoga and the Management/ competent
number of posts sanctioned authority only to be considered.
for the respective  Appointment letter of selected
departments. faculty will be asked during
 Official letter(s) of sanction DVV clarification stage
of posts from the statutory  If the original appointment
body/Government / Board letter(s) is (are) in regional
of Management/competent language, provide the English
authority during the true translation of the same for
assessment period year wise verification.
3.4 Total number of full-time  Provide the list of all full  A full-time teacher is one who  A teacher employed only for
teachers in the institution in the time teachers indicating the is employed for at least 90 per a part of a year is not to be
last five years (excluding repeat name of the department cent of the normal or statutory considered
count): during the last five years number of hours of work  Inclusion of part-time / Ad-
year-wise, and as during the year hoc / visiting faculty not
authenticated by the taking at least 90% of the
Registrar (Academic) normal or statutory number
of hours of work not to be
considered as full-time

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 6
4.1 Number of eligible applications  Provide the list showing the  Multiple applications by a
received for admissions to all number of eligible student for different programs
the Programmes in the applications received related to Yoga are also to be
institution year wise during the program-wise in all programs considered.
last five years related to Yoga, as duly
certified by the Head of the
Institution of College /
Registrar (Academic) of
 Consider only applications
for admissions to the first
year of each program related
to Yoga.
4.2 Number of seats earmarked for  Provide document showing  Consider only admissions to the
reserved category as per the State Government first year of each program
GOI/State Govt. rule in the /Central Government related to Yoga.
institution year wise during the Reservation policy for  For minority institutions and
last five years admission in higher other private institutions where
education and also provide reservations are not applicable,
the number of seats reserved consider the total admitted
for each of the program students as reserved.
related to Yoga and the
program- wise total
authenticated by the Head of
the Institution.
4.3 Total number of classrooms  List of classrooms and  All rooms used for academic
and seminar halls seminar halls dedicated for purpose dedicated for programs
programs related to Yoga. related to Yoga to be
 Geo tagged photos of considered and geo tagged
classrooms and seminar halls photos of these classrooms and
dedicated for programs seminar halls only to be
related to Yoga. provided

4.4 Total number of computers in  Stock register extract and  The data up to and including the Exclude computers used for
the institution for academic duly certified bills of latest completed academic year administrative purpose and any
purpose purchase / invoice copies to be considered. other department(s) other than
are to be provided. Yoga.
 Number of Computers
available for student use
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 7
 Bills for the purchase of
 Highlight the entries in
Stock register showing
transfer of computers to
Yoga department(s).
4.5 Total Expenditure excluding  Audited Statement of Claims made without audited
salary in the institution year Income and Expenditure Income Expenditure statements
wise during the last five years duly certified by Head of not to be considered
(INR in Lakhs) the institution and Charted
Accountant in case of
privately funded institutions
highlighting the salary
 Also provide a statement
showing the total
expenditure excluding the
salary component for each
of the years certified by
Head of the institution and
Charted Accountant

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 8
Metric wise Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Metric Metric Details Documents Required for Specific Instructions to HEIs Not to be Included /Considered
No Verification
1.1.3 Percentage of programmes  Approved Minutes of relevant  If the number of courses in which  Renaming/minor changes in
where syllabus revision was Academic Council / BOS meetings content is changed in a given the course content not to be
carried out during the last highlighting the specific agenda programme to the extent of 20 % included/considered
five years item relevant to the metric year or more it should be considered
wise. as “change in syllabus”
 List of programs where syllabus
revision has been carried out  If the syllabus is changed more
during the last five years signed by than once in a program during the
Head of the Institution. assessment period then it should
be counted as one change.

1.2.5 Ratio (in terms of  Circulars / minutes / records etc.,

percentage) of the Theory showcasing the theoretical and
(T) to Practicals (P) practical components reflecting
considered for designing the credits per week.
curriculum for various
programs offered by the
institution during the last 5
years (For ex: T:P :: 60:40;
50:50; 40:60)

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 9
Percentage of fulltime  Nomination Letter of from their  Participation in one or  Participation of the faculty in
1.2.7 teachers participating in Affiliating University clearly more bodies of different other than the affiliating
BoS /Academic Council indicating membership in BoS and Institutions by one full- university not to be included.
during the last five years Academic Council/ PG Council time teacher to be counted
valid for the assessment period. only once.
 Letters from the affiliating  Supporting document for
university to the faculty for setting the selected option to be
question paper for UG/PG provided.
programs.  DVV can seek the
 Document showing the faculty supporting document for
participation in the design and the randomly selected
development of Curriculum for teachers for verification.
Add on/ certificate/ Diploma  Invitations / Appointment
Courses. letters for Valuation /
 The letters from the affiliating practical exams / Viva-
university inviting the faculty for Voce exams can also be
Assessment /evaluation considered.
1.3.1 Percentage of Programs in  List of programs in which  Either CBCS or Elective or
which Choice-Based Credit CBCS/Elective course system both can be considered
System (CBCS) and / or implemented in the last completed  If CBCS, course structure
Elective course system has academic year certified by Head along with credit details to
been implemented. (Data of the Institution. be given.
for the latest completed  Minutes of the Academic  If elective, list of elective
academic year). Council/BOS meetings offered for the program to be
highlighting the relevant given.
documents.  If both, CBCS details alone is
 Structure of the program clearly sufficient.
indicating courses,
credits/Electives as approved by
the competent board.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 10
1.3.2 Percentage of courses which  Minutes of relevant Academic  Refer the Glossary in the manual  Online courses opted by students
are offered as trans- Council/BOS meetings highlighting to understand the terminologies: which are not offered by the
disciplinary electives during the name of the new courses COURSE, PROGRAM institutions not to be considered
introduced  Certificate programs can be  Yoga programs offered as Value
the last five years.  Brochure reflecting courses included in some metric - added courses which are not
introduced newly during the discussion leading to any degree / diploma
assessment period and Course will not be considered.
content or syllabus along with  Avoid programs conducted /
course outcome. listed under value added /
vocational programs.
 Avoid considering certificate /
diploma programs which are part
of regular time table.
1.4.2 Number of certificate / Value  List of certificate / Value Added /  Courses of varying durations (at  Online courses opted by students
Added / add on / skill oriented add on / skill oriented courses / least 15 contact hours, not which are not offered by the
courses / programme offered programme which are optional and overlapping with the semester institution are not to be considered.
during the last five years offered outside the curriculum of time table), that are optional, and
the programs as endorsed by the offered outside the curriculum
appropriate authority. that adds value to the holistic
 Brochure and Course content or development of the students.
syllabus along with course outcome
of certificate / Value Added / add
on / skill oriented courses /
programme offered.
1.4.3 Percentage of students  List of enrolled students in such  The DVV partner may ask for  Student opted for more than one
enrolled in the courses / courses year-wise. certificates of randomly selected course in a particular year, not be
program listed 1.4.2 during  Attested copy of the attendance students enrolled in such courses counted multiple times.
the last five years sheets of students to be provided. and also attendance sheets of
selected courses to be provided.
 One student opted for more than
one course in a particular year
should be counted as one.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 11
1.4.5 Percentage of courses in the  List of various courses from the  Course offered more than once  Courses offered more than once
programs having direct department of Yoga (with students during the assessment period to during the assessment period, not
bearing to the preventive, enrolled) having a direct bearing to be counted only once. be counted multiple times.
curative and palliative aspects the preventive, curative and
of health and well-being palliative aspects of health and
(physical, emotional, mental well-being attested by Head of the
institution to be provided.
& spiritual) of the students as
well as the society at large.

1.5.1 Mechanism is in place for  Sample Filled in feedback forms  The feedback concerned with  Feedback not related to design
obtaining structured year wise from the stakeholders to design and review of syllabus and review of syllabus will not be
feedback on curricula / be provided. only can be considered considered.
syllabus from various  Year wise action taken Report  Only filled –in feedback report for
stakeholders on feedback signed by the a particular year will be
competent authority considered.
Structured feedback  Report of analysis of feedback  The DVV partner may ask for
received from different stakeholders filled in forms of randomly
received from:
year-wise signed by the competent selected stakeholders.
authority to be provided.  Feedback reports should be
1. Students
2.Teachers  URL for stakeholder feedback hosted on the institutional
collected, analyzed and action taken website.
3. Employers  Provide links which directly
report hosted on Institutional
4. Alumni Website lead to reports on the items
5. Professionals / Experts listed in the chosen option.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 12
2.1.1 Percentage of seats filled  Copy of letter issued by state govt. Include only those reserved  Candidates belonging to the
against seats reserved for or Central Government Indicating categories as specified by reserved categories who are
various categories as per the reserved categories to be State/central Government orders admitted against General Merit
GOI / State Govt. norms / considered as per the state rule for admission. category should be excluded.
applicable reservation (Translated copy in English to be  Only those seats filled against the
policy in the latest provided as applicable) quota should be counted here.
completed academic year  Final admission list indicating the  Letter(s) to / from affiliating
category as published by the HEI university indicating the
and signed by competent authority sanctioned and admitted seats in
 Admission extract submitted to the various reserved categories for
state OBC, SC and ST cell every each program (Not applicable to
year signed by the Head of the University)

2.1.2 Average Enrolment  List containing the number of  Sanctioned admission strength in
percentage (Average of last applications received for each of the each program vs number of
five years) programs as endorsed by competent applications received for each
authority. program.
 Document relating to sanction of  During the DVV process,
intake as approved by competent verification of the data for any
authority selected program may be sought.
 Letter(s) to / from affiliating  Documents relating to sanction
university indicating the sanctioned of intake from the concerned
and admitted seats for each program competent authorities and
(Not applicable to University) regulatory body (if applicable).

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 13
2.1.3 Percentage of students  Copy of the domicile  In case of large data, the DVV  Mere list of students without
enrolled from other states certificate/passport from respective will seek for the relevant relevant documents will not
and countries during the states / countries documents for specific list of considered
last 5 years  Previous degree/ Matriculation / students during DVV
HSC certificate from other state or clarification.

2.3.5 Ratio of Students to Mentor  Copy of circular pertaining the  Only full-time teachers can  Mere list of mentors and
(data for the latest details of mentor and their allotted be considered as mentors. mentees will not suffice for
completed academic year) mentees this metric.
 Approved Mentor list as
announced by the HEI
 In addition, issues raised and
resolved in the mentor system has
to be attached mentor-wise
2.4.2 The following (philosophy  Records (with photos etc.) with
and practice) are integral to measurable indicators on outcomes
the teaching learning /impact with regards to various
methodology of the teaching methodologies
institution  Any other relevant /supporting
a. Yogasana information
b. Pranayama
c. Kriya
d. Meditation
e. Yoga Nidra (Relaxation
f. Swadhyaya
g. Chanting / Vedic recitations

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 14
2.5.1 Percentage of fulltime  Sanction letters indicating number  Appointment letter of  Mere appointment letters
teachers against sanctioned of posts sanctioned by the selected teachers will be provided in regional language
posts appointed in the competent authority (including sought during the DVV cannot be considered.
institution during the last Management sanctioned posts). clarification.  One teacher should not be
five years  List of full-time teachers appointed  All full-time teachers with counted more than once during
along with their departmental at least 90% prescribed the assessment period.
affiliation. workload should be counted
as full-time teachers.
 One teacher should be
counted only once for all
2.5.2 Percentage of fulltime List of faculties having  One teacher should be counted  Honorary Doctorate Degrees
teachers with Ph.D./MD/MS/D.Sc./D.Litt./any only once for all years. not to be included / considered.
Ph.D./MD/MS/D.Sc./D.Litt./ other similar in the institution  Degrees awarded by UGC  One teacher should not be
any other similar in the  Highest Degree(s) certificates of all recognized universities only to counted more than once during
institution full time teachers in the department(s) be considered of degree the assessment period.
of Yoga to be provided. awarding university, subject
and the year of award.
 Ph.D./MD/MS/D.Sc./D.Litt./a
ny other similar faculty will
be sought during DVV
 If the data is large,
ny other similar faculty will
be asked during DVV
clarification stage.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 15
2.5.3 Percentage of the full time  List of fulltime teachers  Teachers recognised as guides  One teacher should not be
teachers in the institution recognized as Ph.D guides as per within the assessment period only counted more than once during
being recognized as Ph.D the eligibility criteria stipulated should be considered. the assessment period.
guides as per the eligibility by the Regulatory Councils /  One teacher should be counted
criteria stipulated by the Universities and the number of only once for all years.
Regulatory Councils / fulltime teachers for last 5 years
Universities during the last  List of Ph.D Guides with allotted
five years. students and areas of research

2.5.4 Average teaching experience  List of fulltime teachers  Experience certificate/  Work experience of the teacher in
of fulltime teachers in including details of their appointment order of selected other institutions not to be
number of years (latest designation and total number of faculty will be asked during considered here.
completed academic year) teaching experience (in years) DVV clarification stage if the
data is large.
2.5.5 Percentage of full time  Official list of full time teachers  One teacher should be counted  One teacher should not be
teachers trained for trained for development and only once for all years. counted more than once during
development and delivery of delivery of e-contents / e-courses the assessment period.
e-contents / e-courses during  Reports of the e-training
the last 5 years programmes organized (with
 Official list of e-contents / e courses

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 16
2.5.6 Percentage of fulltime  e-Copies of award letters  Only State, National and  Awards that are local in nature
teachers who received (scanned or soft copy) of International level from cannot be considered. (For Ex:
awards, recognitions, achievements Government/Govt. recognised Avoid awards from urban local
fellowships for excellence in bodies will be considered. bodies/Panchayat etc.)
teaching, student mentoring,  The date of award should fall  Intra and inter university /
scholarships, professional within the last five years period. institution will not be considered.
achievements and academic  One Full-time teacher to be  Participation / presentation
leadership at State, National, counted once during the certificates – during paper
International levels from assessment period irrespective of presentation etc., are not
the number of awards or considered.
Government / Government-
recognition secured.
recognized agencies /
registered professional
associations during the last
five years

2.6.1 Average number of days from  Reports from Controller of  Documentary evidence of
the date of last semester-end/ Examination (COE) mentioning academic sessions /
year- end examination till the the name of the program, end date academic year planner to be
declaration of results during of the examination and date of signed by competent authority
the last five years announcement of the results along  In case of semester system, take
with the number of days elapsed, the average of days of two
for all the programs related to semesters in a year.
Yoga for each year of the
assessment period.
 Records / circulars on semester /
annual examination
 Official records show casing
result declaration against various
programmes in the semester/
annual curriculum pattern.
2.6.3 The institution has the  Minutes of the grievance cell /  One student to be counted only
following (choose the relevant body once in a year irrespective of the
appropriate) mechanism/s in  The Number and list of students number of papers /courses for
place towards redressal of who have applied for revaluation / which he/she has applied.
examination related re-totaling program wise and the
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 17
grievances during the last 5 total certified by Head of the
years. institution / Controller of
Examinations year-wise for the
assessment period.
 institutional records / policy
/circulars on redressal of
examination related grievances
 Official records showcasing
redresses examination related
2.6.5 Examination division  Institutional Examination Manual
automated based on the for the Current academic year
Examination Management  Annual report from the Controller of
Examination Cell/ equivalent
System (EMS) Examination Cell
A. 100% automation of entire  Status of Automation(current
division & implementation academic year) as approved by
of Examination BOM / Syndicate / Governing
Management System Council
B. Only student registration,
Hall ticket issue & Result
C. Only student registration
and result processing
D. Only result processing
E. Only manual methodology
2.7.1 Average pass percentage of  Annual report of COE highlighting  Only current final year (latest Results pertaining to students other
Students (last five year data) pass percentage of students completed academic year) than the final year are not to be
 Certified report from Controller students’ data of all programs submitted.
Examination indicating pass to be considered.
percentage of students of the final  Copy of the letter regarding the
year (final semester) eligible for the students appeared and passed in
degree program-wise / year- wise the final year examination sent to
the Affiliating University to be
provided. (Not applicable to
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 18
3.1.4 The institution provides seed  List of faculty who have been  In case of large data, the DVV  Grants for other than research
money to its teachers for provided with seed money for will ask for valid documents for projects are not to be considered
undertaking research research along with the title of the specific enlisted teachers  Sponsorship to conferences /
initiatives during the last five project, duration and amount year-  Only formal research project seminars etc are not to be
years (average for five year; wise. seed money will be considered. considered.
INR in lakhs)  Sanction letters of seed money to  Grants received from outside
the teachers is mandatory. agencies for research are not to
 Audited Income-Expenditure be included.
statement highlighting the relevant
expenditure endorsed by the
Finance Officer indicating the seed

3.1.5 Percentage of teachers  E-copies of the award letters of  Documents for all awards are  Awards without any financial
awarded national / the teachers. compulsory support are not to be included
international fellowship /  List of teachers who have (E.g: Best Teacher Award,
financial support for received the awards along with Certificate of Appreciation).
advanced the nature of award, the awarding
studies/collaborative agency etc.
research participation in
Indian and Overseas
Institutions during the last
five years

3.1.6 Number of JRFs, SRFs,  List of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral  Research fellowships to the
Post Doctoral Fellows, Fellows, Research Associates and teachers/students/research
Research Associates and other research fellows along with assistants etc given by the HEI
other research fellows in the the details of the funding agency is will not be considered.
institution during the last to be provided.
five years  E copies of fellowship award
letters are mandatory
3.1.7 The institution has the  Official circular /record enlisting Ensure that the web links are
following facilities various facilities operational and lead to the specific
 Videos and geo tagged data of the Institution.
a. Library with a good photographs
research repository / e-  Any other relevant /supporting
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 19
b. Human Resources with
expertise in applied Yoga
c. Yoga Practice Studio (e.g.
well ventilated room
with facilities as full length
mirrors, wooden flooring)
d. Research Laboratory /
Research Dissemination
e. Technology Transfer
Centre / Incubation Centre
f. Clinical Trial Centre
g. Any other facility to
support research

3.2.1 Grants received for research  List of grants for research  Sanction letter of grants by the  Grants given by their own trust
projects sponsored by projects received during the last funding agency is mandatory to / sister institutions not to be
government and non- five years along with the nature of support the claim. included
government sources such as award, the awarding agency and  The duration of the grant period  Grants in the form of
industry, corporate houses, the amount. to be aligned with the assessment Equipments / software skill
international bodies,  E-copies of the letters of award period. development centres will not be
endowments, professional for research projects sponsored by considered.
Government and non-government
associations, endowment-
Chairs etc., in the institution
during the last five years(INR
in Lakhs)

3.2.2 Funding for psychosomatic  List of projects / clinical trials /

domains and clinical research Yoga protocols / standardizations
in the following areas by etc along with grant details (as
government and / or non furnished in the template)
government agencies  Official e-copies of the project /
clinical trials / standardization/
development of Yoga protocols etc
1. Research projects
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 20
2. Clinical trial sanctioned by government as well
as non-government agencies
3. Development of Yoga
 Any other relevant /supporting
protocols information
4. Standardizations of

3.3.2 Workshops/seminars etc.  Detailed report for each program.  Only activities with a bearing on 
conducted on the following  Brochure/Geo tagged Photograph Research Methodology,
during the last five years with date and captions; title of the Intellectual Property Rights
workshops / seminars conducted. (IPR), Research methodology
1. Intellectual Property  Details of resource persons. Good clinical practice / Research
Grant writing / Industry-
Rights Academia Collaborations / Any
2. Research methodology other (Ex: scientific writing/
3. Good clinical practice standardization to be considered
4. Research Grant writing
5. Industry-Academia
6. Any other (Ex: scientific
writing/ standardization
of tools and techniques
/Yoga protocol etc)

3.3.3 Number of awards /  List of awards / recognitions  These awards are to the  Awards to the individuals should
recognitions received for received for innovation / institution and not to the not be considered here.
innovation / discoveries by discoveries individual and for extension  Awards received other than
the institution / teachers /  E-copy of the award letters activities only. extension activities are not to be
research scholars/students  Any supporting document in considered.
from Government and relevance to the metric  Awards from own trust / sister
Government-recognized institutions not to be considered.
agencies during the last five  Awards local in nature such as
years Urban / local bodies Panchayat
etc are to be avoided.
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 21
3.3.4 Number of start-ups  Start-ups sanction records  Supporting document in favour
incubated by the institution  List of start-ups with relevant of start-ups with company
during the last five years details registration details, and
incubation details mentioning the
 Records of the MOU in case of
facilities extended by the
collaborative start ups
institution to the company should
 Photos and videos on start ups
be provided.
3.4.1 The Institution has stated  Policy document on code of ethics.
Code of Ethics for research Proceedings of the monitoring
and its implementation / committee.
dissemination of which is  Circulars and geo tagged
ensured by way/s of the photographs with caption of the
following: activities organized under the
metric for teachers, students,
1. Research methodology administrators and other staffs.
 Document showing Code of
including research ethics
Conduct for students, teachers,
as an integral part of the governing body and administration
curriculum Handbooks, manuals and
2. Research ethics committee brochures on human values and
professional ethics
3. Plagiarism policy and
 Report on the student attributes
standard checks facilitated by the Institution
4. Research Publication  Web-Link to the relevant
guidelines committee documents at HEI website.

3.4.2 The institution provides  List of awards / recognitions  Ranges from Study leave to
incentives for teachers who received in research by teachers monetary and promotion benefits
receive state, national or  e-copies of the letters / records If the data is large, details of
international on research incentive (with incentives for selected faculty
recognitions/awards in details) from the institution will be asked during DVV
research by way/s of the  Link to institutional website (in clarification process
following instances where details of the
research awardee and
1.Commendation and
corroborating incentive is
monetary incentive at a published)
University function  Gazettee notification
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 22
2. Commendation and medal
at a University function
3. Certificate of honor
4.Announcement in the
Newsletter / website

3.4.3 Number of awards/medals by  List of awards with details as  Only national or international  Participation / appreciation
teachers / research scholars / mentioned in the above table achievements will be considered. certificates and awards from
students for outstanding  e-copies of the awards sanctioned  Award for a team event regional / local / institutional
performance in yoga and should be counted as one. levels should be avoided.
 Records (with photos etc)
trans-disciplinary domains at showcasing awards receipt
state / national / international
levels during the last five

3.4.4 Number of Patents & /  e-copies of the letters of awards  Only awarded / published patents
Copyrights published / and the current status should be considered.
awarded during the last five  Patents awarded should be
years supported with a letter of award
and the unique patent number
which can be cross verified
3.4.5 Number of Ph.D Degree a  PhD Award letters of students and  Number of Phd awarded (not-
warded per eligible teacher Guide ship letters of research ongoing) under every eligible
of the institution during the supervisor. research guide working as
last five years  Co-guides are also considered faculty in the institution should
Ph.D s awarded by other be considered.
institutions are also considered  The recognised guides should be
(for DVV Partners) authenticated with guide ship
letters awarded by the
 If the data is large, details of
guideship letter/award details for
selected faculty will be asked
during DVV clarification process

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 23
3.4.6 Average number of research  INFLIBNET
papers per fulltime teacher
published in approved list of
Journals notified on UGC
CARE / journals indexed in
Scopus / Medline / Web of
Science during the last five
3.4.7 Average number of books/  INFLIBNET
chapters in edited volumes
and papers in
published by full time teachers
in the institution during the
last five years

3.4.8 Bibliometrics of the  INFLIBNET

publications based on
average Citation index in
Scopus / Web of Science /
Medline / Pub Med during
the last five years
3.4.9 h-index of the institution  INFLIBNET
during the last five calendar

3.5.3 Revenue generated from  Letter from beneficiary regarding  If yes, provide the copy of Policy
consultancy projects during consultancy on Consultancy, preferably
the last five years (INR in  List of consultancy undertakings hosted in the web If hosted in
Lakhs) along with audited statements of the web,
accounts indicating the revenue
 Provide the web link should lead
to the landing page where policy
generated through consultancy on consultancy including
revenue sharing between the
institution and the individual is
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 24
hosted. If the link leads to the
home page or any other
irrelevant page, the claim will
not be considered.
3.6.1 Number of extension and  List of extension activities year-  Individuals should not be
outreach activities such as wise during the last 5years considered here.
awareness programs / camps,  MoUs, records etc. mentioning  Awards received other than
rehabilitation campaigns, details on the nature/ type of extension activities are not to be
Tele-conferences, counseling, activity, period, collaboration considered.
natural / human resource specifics year-wise for the last 5  Awards from own trust / sister
years institutions not to be considered.
development programs etc.
conducted in collaboration  Awards local in nature such as
with industry, Government Urban / local bodies / Panchayat
during the last five years etc are to be avoided.

3.6.2 Average percentage of  Detailed report for each program  During the DVV process, HEI
students participating in extension and outreach program to may be asked for student
extension and outreach be made available, with specific attendance documents /
activities during the last five mention of number of students certificates for selected extension
years as stated at 3.6.1 participated and collaborating activities.
agency.  Data given here should match
 Photographs or any supporting with that of the activities indicated
document of relevance should have in metric 3.4.3.
proper captions and dates  Attendance sheet provided
should contain signature of
3.6.3 Number of awards and  List of awardees in the areas of   Awards received other than
recognitions received for extension activities extension activities are not to be
extension and outreach  e-copies of award /recognitions considered.
activities from Government / from awarding agencies(scanned  Awards from own trust / sister
other recognized bodies institutions not to be considered.
or soft copy)
during the last five years  Awards local in nature such as
Urban / local bodies / Panchayat
etc are to be avoided.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 25
3.6.5 Average percentage of  Records(with photographs) on list  During the DVV process, HEI
students and faculties of faculty and student participated may be asked for student
participated in the celebration in the celebration of International attendance documents /
of International Day of Yoga Day of Yoga year wise certificates for selected extension
(IDY) by various government  e-copy of the collaboration/ activities.
/ non governmental agencies participation certificates from  Attendance sheet provided
/ institutions / organizations various govt /non government should contain signature of
during the last five years. agencies students.

3.7.1 Number of Collaborative  Collaborative proposal with  The Collaboration should be  The collaborations mentioned
activities in areas of budget valid for the assessment period. in metric 3.6.1 not to be
research, faculty exchange,  Records of the MOU on  The collaboration activities of considered here.
student exchange/ Industry- collaboration research/ faculty exchange/  Collaborations with the sister
internship etc. during the last  Report with photographs student exchange/ internship/ on– institutions under the same Trust
five years  Link to the collaborating the-job training/ project work not to be included.
institutional website ( in case the should be facilitated through the  Certificates issued by external
collaborative project is mentioned collaboration only. agencies to students/Faculty for
highlighted ) research/Faculty exchange/
Student exchange/ internship
cannot be the proof for having
collaboration with the external
3.7.2 Number of functional  List of activities conducted under  The MoU should be functional  MOU’s with the sister
MoUs/linkages with each MoU along with dates of during the assessment period institutions under the same Trust
institutions/ industries/ starting and completion year-wise  If the MoU is for three years not to be included.
bilateral & multilateral signed by both parties viz 2011-2013, it shall be counted
agencies in India and  E-copy of the letters showing only once. At least one activity
abroad for academic, MOUs with other institutions. should have been conducted
clinical training / under an MOU during the
internship, on-the-job assessment period to qualify as a
functional MOU with
training, project work, institutions.
student / faculty exchange,
collaborative research
programmes etc. during the
last five years

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 26
4.1.1 Institution has adequate  Web-link to particular  Consider all the students who
physical facilities for program/scheme mentioned in the have enrolled for the schemes
teaching – learning, skills metric  DVV can seek the documents
acquisition etc as stipulated  Copy of circular /brochure /report regarding the attendance and
by appropriate Regulatory of the event certificates for the selected list of
bodies (if applicable).  Geo tagged Photographs with date programs/students enrolled in the
and caption for each scheme or specified programs.
 ICT enabled classrooms event.
 Natural / Gurukul living  List of programs conducted and
the number of students enrolled
 Yoga studio
for each of the events.
 Learning with community
set up
 Therapy centre
 Well equipped laboratories
& Skill labs
 Meditation center
4.1.2 The institution has adequate  Geo tagged photographs of the
facilities to support physical facilities with caption.
and recreational  Bills for the purchase of
requirements of students and equipments for the facilities
staff- sports, games (indoor, created under this metric.
outdoor, gymnasium,  Any other relevant proof for the
auditorium etc.) and for selected options
cultural activities

 Outdoor games
 Indoor games
 Auditorium
 Gymnasium
 Cultural facilties

4.1.3 The institution has the  Geo tagged photographs of the

availability and adequacy of facilities with caption.
the following general  Bills for the purchase of
campus facilities and stands equipments for the facilities
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 27
itself well on the overall created under this metric.
ambience:  Records/reports showcasing
various activities for the available
 Hostels facilities
 Medical facilities  Any other relevant proof for the
selected options
 Psychological counseling
 Canteen
 Bank / ATM
 Roads and signage
 Transport Facility
 Alternate sources of
 Drinking water facility
 Rest room

4.1.4 Average Percentage of  Provide the consolidated fund  This metric is supposed to be  Avoid recurring expenditure on
expenditure (excluding allocation towards infrastructure looked at with the perspective laboratory, maintenance of
salary) for infrastructure augmentation facilities duly of infrastructure augmentation infrastructure and acquisition of
development and certified by Finance Officer. only books and journals under this
augmentation during the last  Highlight the relevant items in  In case of privately funded HEI metric.
five years (INR lakhs) the audited income and the document should be certified
expenditure statement. by Chartered Accountant.

4.2.3 Average number of patients  Records on year-wise outpatient

addressed as outpatients / and inpatient statistics during the
inpatients in the clinical unit last 5 years
(if applicable) during the last  Description of adequacy of
five years (MIS) outpatient and inpatient statistics
(critical documents to be verified
by DVV)
 Link to hospital records / Hospital
Management Information System

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 28
4.3.2 Total number of resources  Web link to library acquisition
(hard copy) such as data
reference volumes / ancient  Circular /records enlisting various
books /texts / manuscripts books, texts, other resources
/monographs /other books provisioned
/research reports etc.,  Any other relevant / supporting
procured during the last the information
five years

4.3.3 Institution has e-Library with  E-copy of the letter of  Ensure that the letter of
membership/subscription for subscription / member ship in the subscription contains complete
the following: name of HEI. details
 Screenshots of the facilities  Provide a link in the institutional
1. e – journals / e-books claimed with the name of HEI. website for the selected options
consortia / e books on  Specific details in respect of for verification by DVV.
ancient scripture e- resources selected.
2. e-ShodhSindhu
3. Shodhganga
4. Reference volumes
5. Discipline / related allied
6. National Digital Library

4.3.4 Average annual expenditure  Provide consolidated extract of

for purchase of books and expenditure for purchase of books
journals (including e- and journals during the last five
resources) during the last five years duly attested by Head of the
years (INR in Lakhs) Institution and CA.
 Audited Income / Expenditure
statement highlighting the
expenditure for purchase of books
and journals.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 29
4.3.5 The e-content /resource  Give links or upload document of  Only the content developed by  Informal e-content will not be
platforms used by the e-content developed. the teachers of the institution accepted
teachers  Supporting documents from the need be considered
hosting agency for the e-content
1. e-PG-Pathshala developed by the teachers need to
2. CEC (Under Graduate) be given
4. Other MOOCs platforms
Other government
6. Institutional LMS

4.4.1 The classrooms and seminar  Geo-tagged photographs of ICT  Only classrooms and / or  Labs and workshops with ICT
halls with ICT - enabled enabled classrooms / seminar seminar halls with ICT facility not to be considered.
facilities halls with caption enabled facilities to be
considered here.
A. Best suitable facilities such
as LCD, Wi-Fi/LAN, Smart
board, Video conference,
digital podium, mobile
technology etc
B. Moderate facilities (LCD,
Wi-Fi/LAN, Smart board)
C. Average facilities (LCD
and Wi-Fi/LAN)
D. Below average (only LCD)
E. No ICT facilities
4.4.3 Available bandwidth of  Bills for any one month/one  Only leased line connectivity in  Snap shot of speed test for wifi /
internet connection (Leased quarter maximum three months old the name of the HEI will be internet facility will not be
line) of the latest completed academic considered. considered
year indicating internet connection  Broadband connections will not
Options: plan, speed and bandwidth and the be considered.
A. ≥1 GBPS HEI’s name.
B. 500 MBPS - 1 GBPS  E-copy of document of agreement
with the service provider.
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 30
C. 250 MBPS - 500 MBPS

D. 50 MBPS - 250 MBPS

E. <50 MBPS

4.5.2 Average Percentage of  Provide audited income and  Focus of this metric is only on  Mere statement of last five
expenditure incurred on expenditure statement highlighting the maintenance of physical years data on the metric without
maintenance of physical the items of expenditure and academic support audited statement will not be
facilities and academic incurred on maintenance o f facilities. considered.
support facilities excluding physical facilities and academic
support facilities duly certified by
salary component during the
the Finance Officer.
last five years (INR in lakhs)
 Consolidated list of expenditure
under this head for five years as
endorsed by the Finance Officer
and Chartered Accountant in case
of Private University / Deemed to
be University.
5.1.2 Average percentage of  Upload policy document of HEI for  Consider scholarships and
students benefited by award of scholarship and free ship. freeships sanctioned by the
scholarships /free ships /  Year-wise list of students institution and Government and
fee waivers by Government benefited, along with the name of Non-Government agencies.
/ Non-Governmental the contributing agency / scheme.  For large data, the DVV will
agencies / Institution  Consolidated document of seek documents for randomly
scholarships / freeships and number selected students in specific
during the last five years
of beneficiaries in each year. schemes, during the DVV
 Upload sanction letter of clarification
scholarship / freeships for each of
the schemes.
 Audited income and expenditure
statement of the HEI highlighting
the relevant head.

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 31
5.1.3. Institution implements a  Policy / records on capability  Consider all the students who  Mere circulars and student lists
variety of capability enhancement and skill have enrolled for various will not be accepted.
enhancement a n d o t h e r development schemes initiatives.
skill development  Circular /reports enlisting details  DVV can seek the documents
schemes regarding the attendance and
of various individuals(intra-inter ) certificates of selected students
/organizations engaged in from the list of
1. Soft skills development
imparting various capability programs/students enrolled in the
2. Language and communication
skill development enhancement and skill specified initiatives.
3. Analytical skill development development schemes with videos
4. Human value development and geo-tagged photographs
5. Personality and professional  List /activities showcasing various
development capability enhancement and skill
6 . Employability skill
development schemes being
7. Advance Yogic Practices undertaken by students (with
(Shatkarma, Pranayama, photographs)
meditation, guided relaxation  Any other relevant /supporting
techniques etc ) information
8. Training/workshops in allied
fields as acupressure
9. Courses based on Traditional
Ancient scriptures (Sanskrit,
Shastras, etc)
10.Spiritual discourses/ retreats

5.1.4 Average percentage of  Policy / records on providing

students benefited by guidance for competitive
guidance for competitive examination and career
examinations and career advancement
advancement interventions  Circular /reports enlisting details
during the last five years of various students engaged in
various competitive examination
and career advancement
opportunity provided by the
 Records of successfully placed
students (with photographs)
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 32
 Any other relevant / supporting

5.2.2 Average Percentage of  Records enlisting students  In the absence of certificate, the
students qualifying in state/ qualified across various state/ claim will not be considered.
national/ international level national / international level  Exams conducted for job
examinations during the last examinations during the last five recruitments other than the
five years (eg: examinations conducted by
NET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/ State/Central Government are not
 Copies of the qualifying letters of to be included/will not be
TOEFL/AYUSH-NET/AICTE/ the candidate
Civil Services/Defense considered.
 Any other relevant /supporting
/UPSC/State and Central
government examinations/ etc.,)

5.2.3 Percentage of placements /  Official annual report / records of  If the data is large, DVV partner  If same student has multiple
self-employed (Eg.Yoga Institutional placement cell will seek for the appointment offers it has to be counted only
Studios/ Therapeutic Centres enlisting students placed across orders of selected students once.
etc) of outgoing students various organizations during the
during the last five years last five years
 Official records with details
enlisting students self employed
during the last five years
 Any other relevant / supporting
information (Self-attested list of
students placed/self-employed)

5.2.4 Percentage of the last batch  Official annual report / records of  Evidences such as admission  Appearing / passing of
of graduated students who the department on the vertical letters or identity cards for competitive examinations for
have progressed to higher mobility of its students to higher selected students progressing to higher education cannot be
education (latest completed education in the last five years higher education will be sought considered as progression to
academic year)  Alumina records on students by the DVV partner. higher education unless students
vertical mobility to higher get admitted.
education in the last five years
 Any other relevant / supporting
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 33
5.3.2 Number of awards/medals for  Official e-copies of award letters  Participation in Republic Day  Participation / appreciation
outstanding performance in and certificates Parade by NCC candidates may certificates at the regional / local
sports/cultural activities  Records of awardee students (with be considered. / institutional levels will not be
/Yoga competitions ( such as photographs)  Only inter-university / state / considered.
creative work through  Any other relevant / supporting national / international  Awards from intra or inter
research, writing of essays, information achievement will be considered. institutions / departments will not
 Award for team event will be be considered.
articles, body postures etc) at
counted as one.
state / regional /national /
international events (award
for a team event should be
counted as one) during the
last five years.

5.3.3 Number of sports and  Policy on organizing  All activities conducted under an  Events cannot be further split
cultural activities / Yoga extracurricular activities round the event will be counted as one into activities
competitions / Yoga events year event.
enabled / organized during  Records/reports of various  Only the events organised by the
the last five years organized events with university need to be considered
photographs, list of student  For large data DVV will seek
engagement etc. participation Certificates of
 Any other relevant / supporting specified students.
5.4.2 Alumni contribution during  Annual audited statements of  Mere list indicating the
the last five years accounts of the HEI highlighting contribution will not be
the Alumni contribution duly considered.
Options: certified by the Chartered  Amount contributed towards
Accountant/Finance Officer. Alumni Association will not be
A. ≥ 5 Lakhs
 List of alumnus/alumni with the considered.
B. 4 Lakhs - 5 Lakhs amount contributed year-wise.  Alumni contribution in kind may
C. 3 Lakhs - 4 Lakhs  Official web link to the activities be considered if it is entered into
D. 1 Lakhs - 3 Lakhs of the alumni Association the stock ledger of the college
E. <1 Lakhs and/or in the audited statement.

6.2.3 e-governance operations in  Institutional expenditure  Bills for the expenditure on

the following areas statements for the budget heads of implementation of e-governance
e-governance implementation in the areas of operation.
1. Administration  Screen shots of user interfaces of
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 34
2. Finance and Accounts each module reflecting the name
of the HEI.
3. Student Admission and
 Annual e-governance report
Support approved by the Governing
4. Examination Council/ Board of Management/
 Policy document on e-governance.
 Official policy/records showcasing
e-Governance architecture

6.3.2 Percentage of teachers  Records of teachers provided with  If the data is large documents  Without proof of payment on
provided with financial financial support to attend related to specific teachers will financial support for faculty
support to attend conferences conferences, workshops etc. be sought during the DVV development, mere name/list of
/ workshops /seminars during the last five years clarification. the faculty will not be
/spiritual retreats/discourses /  E-copy of letter/s indicating  Receipt of Institution in considered.
symposia etc (for Yoga and financial assistance to teachers and favour of teacher with amount  Mere cash vouchers for payment
list of teachers receiving financial given should be considered. will not be considered
allied- disciplines) and
support year-wise under each
towards membership fee of head.
professional bodies during  Audited statement of account
the last five years highlighting the financial support
to teachers to attend
conferences/workshops and
towards membership fee for
professional bodies.

6.3.3 Average number of  Policy of teaching and nonteaching  DVV partner may ask for  Seminars / invited talks cannot
professional development / staff supported for professional participation certificates / be included in this metric.
administrative training development attendance at selected programs.
programmes organized by the  List of professional development /
Institution for teaching and administrative training programs
non- teaching staff during organized by the institution
the last five years  Brochures and Reports year-wise
 List of participants in each
 Photographs with date and caption
to be provided.
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 35
 Annual reports highlighting the
programmes conducted by the

6.3.4 Percentage of teachers  Refresher course/Faculty  One teacher attending more than  Attending seminars / invited
undergoing Faculty Orientation or other programmes one professional development talks are not to be considered.
Development Programmes as per UGC/AICTE stipulated Program in a year to be counted  Programs of duration less than
(FDP), Continuous Medical periods, as participated by teachers as one only. those stipulated by UGC/AICTE
Education (CME) and other year-wise.  If the data is large documents or one week will not be
online / offline programmes  E-copy of the certificates of the related to specific teachers will considered.
program attended by teachers. be sought during the DVV
such as Orientation /
 List of participants for each clarification.
Induction Programmes, programme during the last five
Refresher Course, Short years.
Term Course, symposia, etc.  Annual reports highlighting the
during the last five years programmes undertaken by the

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received  Annual audited statements of  Avoid duplication

from government / non- accounts highlighting the grants  Contribution in the form of
government bodies / received. equipment / software etc cannot
philanthropists/ corporates  Copy of the sanction letters be counted.
during the last five years received from government bodies  Grants received under Criterion
(excluding scholarships and for development and maintenance III not to be repeated here.
of infrastructure
research grants covered
under Criterion III) (INR in
6.5.2 The quality assurance  Supporting documents pertaining  AQAR not applicable for cycle I  Collaborative quality initiatives
initiatives of the institution to NIRF (along with link to the  For large data, DVV will seek with sister organizations under
includes: HEI’s ranking in the NIRF portal) proof of list of attendance, the same management not to be
/ NBA / NABL etc. as applicable participation certificates etc for considered.
1.Academic and Administrative and valid for the assessment the randomly selected activities.
Audit (AAA) and initiation period.
of follow-up action  List of Conferences / Seminars /
2.Conferences, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted
Workshops on quality along with brochures and geo-
3.Collaborative quality initiatives tagged photos with caption and
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 36
with other institution(s) date.
4. Orientation programmes on  List of Collaborative quality
quality issues for teachers, initiatives with other institution(s)
students and scholars and along with brochures and geo-
students tagged photos with caption and
5.Membership of professional date.
network or associations  List of Orientation programmes
recognized by government conducted on quality issues for
6.Any other quality audit by teachers and students along with
recognized State, National or geo- tagged photos and supporting
International agencies (ISO, documents.
NABH, NABL Certification,
NBA, any other)
7.1.2 The Institution has facilities  Geo-tagged photographs of the  Having diesel generator set as
for alternate sources of facilities. backup cannot be considered in
energy and energy  Bills for the purchase of this metric.
conservation measures equipments for the facilities
created under this metric.
1. Solar energy  Any other relevant evidences for
2. Wind energy the selected options.
3. Biogas plant  Permission document for
4. Wheeling to the Grid connecting to the grid from the
5. Sensor-based energy Government/ Electricity authority.
6. Use of LED bulbs / power
efficient equipment

A. Any Four of the above
B. Any Three of the above
C. Any Two of the above
D. Any one of the above
E. None of the above

7.1.3 The facilities in the  Institution records on procurement

institution for the /installation of the above facility
management of the following  Relevant documents like
types of degradable and non- agreements/ MoUs with
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 37
degradable waste Government and other approved
a. Solid waste management  Geo tagged photographs of the
b. Liquid waste management facilities
c. Biomedical waste
d. e-waste management
e. Waste recycling system

Opt one of the below

A. Any Four of the above
B. Any Three of the above
C. Any Two of the above
D. Any one of the above
E. None of the above

7.1.4 Water conservation facilities  Geo-tagged photographs of the

available in the Institution facilities.
 Bills for the purchase of
1. Rain water harvesting equipments for the facilities
2. Bore well /Open well recharge created under this metric.
3. Construction of tanks and  Any other relevant evidences for
bunds the selected options.
4. Waste water recycling  Green audit reports on water
5. Maintenance of water bodies conservation by recognised bodies
and distribution system in the

A. Any 4 or all of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
E. None of the above

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 38
7.1.5 The green campus initiatives of  Policy document on the green
the institution includes: campus.
 Geo-tagged photographs/videos of
1. Restricted entry of automobiles the facilities.
2. Battery-powered vehicles  Circulars for the implementation
3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways of the initiatives and any other
4. Ban on use of Plastics supporting document.
5.Landscaping with trees and

A. Any 4 or All of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
E. None of the above
7.1.7 The Institution has  Policy document and information
Divyangan friendly, barrier brochure.
free environment  Link to Geo-tagged photos and
videos with date and caption.
1. Built environment  Bills and invoice/purchase
with ramps/lifts for easy order/AMC in support of facilities.
access to  A rest room should include
specific requirements of
Divyangjan for their use of the
2. Divyangan friendly Toilet (rest room) and other
washrooms facilities.
3. Signage including  Brief report on facilities provided
tactile path, lights, display for enquiry and information.
boards  Bills for the software procured for
and signposts providing the assistance.
4. Assistive technology
and facilities for Divyangjan
accessible website, screen-
reading software,
mechanized equipment
5. Provision for enquiry
and information:
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 39
Human assistance, reader,
scribe, soft copies of reading
material, screen reading
A. Any 4 or all of the above
B. 3 of the above
C. 2 of the above
D.1of the above
E. None of the above
7.1.10 The Institution has  Policy document on code of ethics.
prescribed code of conduct  Constitution and proceedings of
for students, teachers, the monitoring committee.
administrators and other staff  Circulars and geo-tagged
and undertake regular photographs with date and caption
periodic programmes in of the activities organized under
this metric for teachers, students,
human values and
administrators and other staff.
professional ethics.
 Document showing the Code of
Conduct for students, teachers,
1. The Code of conduct is governing body and administration
displayed on the website as approved by the competent
2. There is a committee to authority.
monitor adherence to the code
 Handbooks, manuals and
of conduct
brochures on human values and
3. Institution organizes
professional ethics
professional ethics
 Report on the student attributes
programmes for students,
facilitated by the Institution
teachers, administrators and
other staff members  Web-Link to the relevant
4. Annual awareness documents on the HEI website.
programmes on code of
conduct are organized

A. All of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1of the above
The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 40
E. None of the above

The list of the documents is only suggestive. If the Institution has any other relevant documents besides those mentioned by NAAC, the same may be uploaded Page 41

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