STS - Chap 6

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Directions: Answer the questions and Activities based on the topic discussed and

1. What is Biodiversity for you? Elaborate.

- The term "biodiversity" is a combination of the phrases "biological" and "diversity."
It encompasses all forms of life on Earth (plants, animals, fungi, and
microorganisms), as well as the communities they form and the environments in
which they thrive.
2. How would you reconcile the emerging needs of human beings regarding their
health and the need to protect the growth of biodiversity?
- Eco-friendly decisions are not a zero-sum game. With the right choices, we may
occasionally improve both our health and our biodiversity. Bicycling is beneficial for
your health and the environment. Photovoltaics are better for the environment and (in
most tropical climates) for the budget. A plant-based diet is beneficial for your health
and the environment. It is usually better for your health, wallet, and the environment
to grow your own organic vegetables. Buildings with passive heating and cooling are
better for your budget, health, and the environment. Synergies exist, helping you to
get superior results in a variety of areas of your life.
3. Do you think that Earth can exist without human beings, taking care of it? Or
biodiversity also needs human beings for it to be in a continuous growing process?
- We are not caring for the Earth; rather, we are exploiting it and interfering with
practically all natural processes. Even if you get vaccinated and develop immunity in
this manner, it isstill an interference. The Earth is an inanimate object inhabited by
living beings, each of which has an impact on their environment, whether biotic or
not. Even if we nuke ourselves to oblivion, Earth as a planet will live. We, on the
other hand, are steadily making our way away from her surface. For almost 4.5 billion
years, Earth was perfectly fine without humans.
4. What are small ways that you think would promote safekeeping our biodiversity?
What do you think are the common human activities that can harm biodiversity?
- The biggest barrier to sustaining biodiversity, in my opinion, is that most people do
not regard biodiversity loss as the grave threat to humanity that it is. This means that
you must educate yourself on the crucial importance of biodiversity to planetary
function and human survival. Your informed perspective when discussing this matter
with friends, family, and neighbors may just persuade them to take the problem
seriously. The most biodiversity is lost when wilderness areas are cut down and used
for monoculture agriculture.
5. What would be the consequences if these human activities might be stopped and
- Even before modern history, environmental changes had an impact on the
commodities humans valued. As a result, people have moved or adapted their
lifestyles when polar ice advanced and receded, experienced crop failures or changed
crops as temperature and rainfall patterns changed, and engaged in a range of other
shifts in individual and group behavior. Until recently, people reacted to global
occurrences as if they were local, did not coordinate their reactions as government
choices, and lacked the ability to respond by actively changing the direction of global
changes themselves. Things are no longer the same way they were centuries ago.
6. What is your Habitat?
- Urban/Suburban - These are the landscape's most developed areas. It contains low-
density residential areas, medium-density developed areas, as well as urban and
industrial sectors. They encompass a wide range of land-cover types, including
regions with a mix of built and natural materials. Impervious surfaces cover 50-100
percent of the overall area.
7. Are you aware on what is happening in your environment? Cite an incident that you
are really aware)
- I am extremely aware of what is going on in our environment. In fact, we are
currently experiencing what is known as climate change. As a result, we have a sheet
of ice the size of the state of Illinois that has broken apart in Antarctica as a result of
global warming and climate change. If the ice in Antarctica continues to melt, the
rising sea level will have a devastating effect on the entire land area. Because the
Philippines is surrounded by water, it will be severely impacted. If governments
throughout the world continue to overlook the situation and do nothing to address it,
the end of the planet is near.
8. What do you know about Climate Change?
- Growing sea levels, ecosystem collapse, and more frequent and severe weather are
the main dangers of climate change caused by the rising temperature of the Earth's
atmosphere. Rising temperatures induced by human-generated greenhouse gas
emissions have a variety of effects on global systems.
9. What do you see in your present situation living in this kind of environment?
- Our environment on the present day (today) is very toxic and already endanger
because the people nowadays disrupts its balance; slowly killing our biodiversity for
example illegal logging, cyanide fishing, and throwing garbage everywhere and plus
pollution everywhere.
10. Describe the environment you are in.
- has clean air, clean water, and clean energy. Basically, it is a healthy and safe
environment. Very commonly a clean environment is also considered as one that is

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