UBS AMC AMS Deck - Keyinvest - 2

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UBS Actively Managed Certificates (AMC)

UBS Actively Managed Swaps (AMS)
UBS Global Markets Solutions

November 2021
Outsource investment strategy implementation to UBS
UBS AMC & AMS is a market-leading solution which alleviates the operational, administrative and economic burden of
running an investment strategy.

Portfolio Advisor Investor(s)

Market Currency Corporate

Execution Investor(s)
Analysis Conversion Actions

Reporting &
Asset Financing Exchange
Allocation & Leverage Margining

Execution Unitisation
Stop Loss Management
Instructions & Packaging

Deliver your entire investment strategy through a single instrument

Whether you outsource just a few aspects of your investment strategy The investment strategy can be delivered through a securitised or
such as the execution of the underlying assets, or several aspects un-securitised instrument. UBS AMC & AMS allows for the
including the addition of leverage, incorporation of overlays and/or investment strategy to executed in a unitised format, making it
management of exchange margining, UBS AMC & AMS is able to adapt relatively simple to accommodate multiple investors.
to your specific requirements.

From analysis to execution and lifecycle management (1/2)
Full-scale service for portfolio advisors and investors
• One interface to manage execution, provide
reporting and visualise portfolio details
Flexible • Consistent experience regardless of delivery Governance and stability
mechanism, asset class or execution method
• Cross asset and cross product • Intuitive GUI delivered via UBS NEO,
• Scalable and can be implemented which is UBS Investment Bank's
for firms of any size renowned content delivery and
interaction portal
• Delivery mechanisms include
swaps, certificates (issued by UBS • Supported by dedicated governance
or SPV) and funds framework
• Dedicated engine to deal with all
calculations and lifecycle management

Efficient Transparent
• Reduced time to market for new • Complete transparency over the portfolio
launches • Live updates, auditable
• Lower upfront and running costs
• Detailed reports: valuation
• Can be listed, making your AMC & AMS statements, corporate action,
investment strategy more accessible performance, execution orders

Portfolio advisors Asian Private Banker

• UBS AMC & AMS combines multiple features under one roof,
Best Structured Products – 2018
can focus on asset providing our clients with a seamless and consistent experience,
Structured Products Europe
allocation while we Bank Technology of the Year - 2015 regardless of investment style, asset class, overlay, execution price,
implement, execute Profit & Loss
return profile or wrapper
and deliver the Best Multi-Asset Platform - 2019
• UBS AMC & AMS is supported by a governance framework and
Multiple awards for best platform
investment strategy dedicated infrastructure
from various award providers

From analysis to execution and lifecycle management (2/2)
Manage the full lifecycle of your investment strategy through one intuitive platform

Structuring Services Execution Lifecycle Management

• Insight on optimal delivery • Access extensive UBS execution • Regular corporate action
mechanisms infrastructure and capabilities processing
• Bespoke structures to assist across equities, FX and futures • Automatic application of
compliance with regulations • Award-winning¹ brokerage relevant costs and fees
• Optimal risk management and desk sourcing bonds from • Implicit futures IM and VM
systematic hedging overlays 180+ liquidity providers handling process
and exchanges
• In-depth workshops with • Settlement and reconciliation
administrators if required management

Structuring Services
Portfolio Allocation Reporting
Portfolio Allocation • Wide range of asset classes and • Detailed portfolio composition
products available • Unitised real-time NAV
• Multiple investment strategy calculations
Execution types can be accommodated • Automatic distributable
• Access to UBS beta, valuation reporting
enhanced/smart beta and risk • Fee management & reporting
Lifecycle management premia strategies across all
• Comprehensive overview of
major asset classes
currency risks
Reporting • Wide range of execution
• Live visibility of execution status
frequencies accommodated

1 Risk Awards (Fixed Income Trading Platform of the Year 2016) 3
Underpinned by a dedicated infrastructure and teams, strong track record and continuous improvement

• UBS has one of the longest track records in the industry for these types of solutions, having executed the first UBS AMC solution in 2002.
• Since then, through feedback from our clients and our commitment to technology-driven innovation, we have constantly introduced enhancements and new
capabilities, with a strong focus on increased automation and improved user experience.
• We firmly believe that we have one of the best infrastructures in the market for such a solution, and we are flexible enough to accommodate a number of
bespoke features for each transaction.
• UBS has a dedicated global team of structurers, traders and technologists in charge of pricing, execution and ongoing maintenance of investment strategies and
the dedicated infrastructure.
• UBS has a strong track record of working with clients to develop a solution customised to their unique and specific requirements.

Single Point of Contact

• UBS intends to provide its clients with a single point of contact for all matters related to UBS AMCs & AMSs.
• We prefer the model where we do not redirect queries and concerns to certain operational or administrative functions. We exist to ensure that ultimately all the
burden is outsourced to us.

Types of Investors using UBS AMC & AMS

Financial Intermediaries
Asset Managers & SWFs Private Banks GFOs Pension Schemes & SPFs
& Advisor

Section 2

Delivery Mechanisms
Overview of Delivery Mechanisms
UBS Notes & Certificates SPV Notes
• Debt securities issued by UBS with • Debt securities issued by an SPV
unique identifiers domiciled in either the Netherlands
• Provide symmetric or asymmetric or Ireland
exposure • SPVs are bankruptcy remote vehicles
• Can be cleared and listed on exchange • Each SPV note is a security issued by
Fund / SPV

Delivery if required a segregated compartment of

• The price of the security is net of all the vehicle
Mechanisms relevant costs and fees

UBS Warrants Non-UCITS Funds

• Debt securities issued by UBS with • Non-UCITS funds include QIFs, Part II
unique identifiers funds and offshore funds
• Typically used to provide option • Funds are domiciled in Ireland,
exposure in a securitised form, with Luxembourg or Cayman Islands
security price tracking the option
• Can be cleared and listed on exchange
if required

OTC Contracts UCITS Funds

• Bilateral contracts typically • Funds and ETFs structured under
documented under ISDA, DRV or SMA UCITS framework
arrangements • Managed by LSAM Ltd (a fully-owned
• Provide symmetric or asymmetric asset management subsidiary of UBS
exposure based in Ireland)
• Executed as excess, price or total
return, in unfunded or partially funded

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UBS AG (Investment Bank)

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Email: [email protected]
Phone: +41 44 239 77 60


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