Vectors XII

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Vectors 22.

pelhi, All India, Foreign
1. Find the magnitude of each of the two vectors d and b, having the same magnitude such that
the angle between them is 60° and their
scalar product is [1 mark]
2. 1f is the angle between two vectorsi- 2j +3k and 3i 2j + k, find sin 9. 2 marks]

3. Let= 4i+5j-k, b i-4j+5k and =3i+j-k. Find a vectord which is perpendicular


to both 'and b and d d= 21. 4 marks]

Delhi 2017

4. Let d =i+j+k, b =
i and = c1i +c2j +c3k, then 4 marks]
(a) Let c1 = 1 and c2 = 2, find c3 which makes , b and coplanar.

(b) Let c2 =
-1 and c3 1, show that value of ci make , b and
= no can
5. If a, b, are mutually perpendicular vectors of equal magnitudes, show that the vector + +
is equally inclined to , band . Also, find the angle which ä +6 + makes with , b or E.
[4 marks]
6. Using vectors, find the area of triangle ABC with vertices A(1,2,3), B(2, -1,4) and
C(4,5,-1). [4 marks]

All India 2017

7. Show that the points A, B, C with position vectors 2i - j+k, i - 3 - 5k and 3i - 4j - 4k

respectively, are the vertices of a right-angled triangle. Hence find the area of the triangle.
4 marks]
8. Find the value of A,iffour points with position vectors 3i +6j +9%, i +2j +3k, 2i +3 +k
and 4i +6j + Ak are coplanar. [4 marks]
9. Find the value of r such that the points A(3, 2, 1). B(4, r, 5), C(4,2, -2) and D(6.5, -1)
are coplanar. [4 marks]
10. Ifd = 2i-j - 2k and b = 7i + 2j 3k, then express b in the form b=b1 +b2, where b is
parallel to ã and be is perpendicular to . 4 marks]

Foreign 2017
11. Find the area of a parallelogram ABCD whose side AB and the diagonal AC are given by
the vectors 3i +j + 4k and 4i +5k respectively. 4 marks]
12. If = 2i +j- k, b= 4i - 7j +k, finda vector 'such that x = b anda. = 6.
[4 marks]
13. Find the area of a parallelogram ABCD whose side AB and the diagonal DB are given by
the vectors 5i +7k and 2i +2j + 3k respectively. [4 marks]
14. Using vectors, find the area of triangle ABC, with vertices A(1,2,3), B(2., -1, 4) and

C(4,5,-1). [4 marks]
Delhi 2016
15. The two vectors j +k and 3i -j+4k represent the two side vectors AB and AC respectivelv

of the triangle ABC. Find the length of the median through A. [1 mark
16. Find the position vector of a point which divides the join of points with the position vectors

a 26 and 27 +bexternally in the ratio 2: 1. [1 mark]

17. Show that the vectors , b and are coplanar if +b,b+ and +a are coplanar.[4 marksl

AJMR, PANR 20166

18. If d = 4i - j +k and b = 2i - 2j +k, then find a unit vector parallel to the vector + 6.
[1 mark]
if (i +3 +9k) x (3i - Aj + uk) = 0. [1 mark]
19. Find A and
20. Show that the four points A(4,5, 1), B(0, -1, -1), C(3,9,4) and D(-4,4, 4) arecoplanar.
4 marks]


21. Write the position vector of the point which divides the join of points with position vectors

[1 mark]
3-26 and 20 +3b in the ratio 2 :1.
2i +j+2k
of vectors of unit length perpendicular to both
the vectors =

22. Write the number

[1 mark]
and b =j+k.
5k and 2i 2j + 3k. Find the
adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2i - 4j

23. The two
the diagonal vectors, find the area of the
two unit vectors parallel to its diagonals. Using
[4 marks]


with position vectors
of the point which divides the join of points
24. Fnd the position vector
[1 mark]
+3b and - internally in the ratio 1:3.
b = 6v3, then find the value of | x b]. [1 mark
25. If a= 4, |6| =3 and
the vectors + b and -bif = 2i-j +3k and b = 3i +j-2k,
26. Find the angle between +b and b. [4 marks]
perpendicular to both

and hence find a vector

CHER 2016
V2b to be unit
unit vectors, then what is the angle between d and b for a- a

27. If d and b are

[1 mark)
such that lb|=and l x bl = thenfind |:61.
28. Ifthe vectors and b are | =

[1 mark)
such that area
such that b+ . Find p, q, r, s
29. Given that the vectors , b, Cform a triangle =

1 riangle is 5V6, where ä = pi + qj + rk, b = si +3j +4k and = 3i +j-2k.[4 marks)

Vectors 22.105
Foreign 2016

20, If a, b, are unit vectors such that +b+= 0, then write the value of d-b +b.C+a.
[1 mark]
31, If | x b +a b|= 400 and
| =
5, then write the value of |b|. [1 mark]
32, Ifdx b =x dand x = bx d, prove that (d-d) is parallel to (6-), where a d and
b#. [4 marks]

Delhi 2015

33. If a = 7i +j-4k and b = 2i +6) +3k, then find the projection of d on b.

[1 mark]1
34. Find A, if the vectors = i+3j +k, b = 2-j-k and = A? + 3X are coplanar. [1 mark]
35. If F= wi + yj + zk, find (f x i) (Fx j) +ry. [4 marks]

AJMR 2015

36. Ina triangle OAC, if B is the mid-point of side AC and OA = ä, ÖB = 6, then what is
O? [1 mark]
37. Find a vector ofmagnitude V171 which is perpendicular to both ofthe vectors =i+2-3k
and 3 -j+2h. [1 mark]
38. Let = i+4j + 2k, b = 3i - 2 + 7k and = 2i- + 46. Find a vector d which is
perpendicular to both ã and b and .d= 27. 4 marks]

ALLR 2015

39. If a, b and ê are mutually perpendicular unit vectors, then find the value of |2à +b +êl.
[1 mark]
40. Write a unit vector perpendicularto both the vectors ä =i+j+k and b = i +j. [1 mark]
41. Ifd = i+ 2 +k, b 2i +j and = 3i - 4j 5k, then find a unit vector perpendicular to
both the vectors ( - b) and ( - b). [4 marks]

BHUR 2015
42. The vectors = 3i + r j and b = 2i +j+yk are mutually perpendicular. If| ] = |b|, then

find the value of y. [1 mark]1

43. If | =
a, then find the value of the following: [1 mark]
äx il+l x jl + | x k|".
44. Find a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of triangle ABC, where the coordinates of its
vertices are A(3, -1,2),. B(1, -1,-3) and C(4, -3, 1). 4 marks]

CHER 2015
5. Write the projection of vector 2i + 3 - k along the vector i + J. [1 mark]
i) +k- (i x j). [1 mark]
Writethe value ofi- (Gx k) +i-(k x
GUWR 2015
47. Find the value of a + b, if the points (2, a, 3),. (3, -5, b) and (-1, 11,9) are collinear.
[1 mark]
48. Find the value of .b, if l 10. |6| 2 and |7 x bl
= 16. =
[1 mark]1 =

49. Show that the four points with position vectors 4i +8j + 12k, 2i + 4j +6k, 3i +5j + 4h

and 5+8j + 5k are coplanar. [4 marks1

PANR 2015
50. If d = 2i +j +3k and b = 3i +5- 2k, then find J x b]. [1 mark]
i j and j - k. [1 mark]
51. Find the angle between the vectors -

52. Find r such that the four points A(4, 1,2), B(5, x, 6), C(5, 1, -1)
and D(7,4, 0) are
4 marks]

PATR 2015
53. Write the value of - (bx d). [1 mark]
54. Ifa =i+2j k, b = 2i +j+k -

and = 5i -

4j +3k, thenfind the value of (ä+b)

[1 mark]1
and D whose position vectors are 4i +5j +k, -j k,

55. Show that four points A, B, C [4 marks]

3+9 + 4k and 4(-i+j+k) respectively are coplanar.

Foreign 2015

in the direction of the sum of the vectors 2i +3j -

k and 4i -

3j + 2k.
56. Find the unit vector
[1 mark]1
the vectors 2i 3k
whose adjacent sides are represented by
57. Find the area of a parallelogram [1 mark]
and 4j +2k.
side vectors AB and AC respectively
vectorsj+k and 3i-j+4k represent the
58. The two
the median through A.
4 marks]
of the triangle ABC. Find the length of

Delhi 2014 [1 mark]

of the vector i + 3j + 7k on the vector 2i -

3 + 6 .

59. Find the projection

unit vector, then find the angle between
60. If and b are two unit vectors
such that +bis also a
[1 mark]
ã and b.
2 write the angle
3, Jb| and xbis a unit vector, then
61. If d and bare such that, la| = =

[1 mark]
between ã and b.
in the direction of the sum of the two vectors = 2i +2j - 5k and
62. Write the unit vector [1 mark]
6=2i+-7k. 7. Find the angle
63. Vectors , b and are such that +b+ =0 and |a =
3, |6| ==5 and | =

l4 marks)
between d and b.
64. Prove that, for any three vectors a, b, c, [ä +b,b+C, + a = 2[, b, a. [4 marks]
All India 2014

65. Find the value of p for which the vectors 3i +

2j + 9k and i -

2pj +3k are parallel.

11 mark]
66. Find ä- (b x c), if d = 2i +j +3k, b -i
+2j +k and = 3i +j +2k.
[1 mark]
67. Find a
vector of magnitude 5 V2, making an angle of with r-axis,with y-axis and an
acute angle 6 with z-axis. 2

[1 mark]
68. If d and b areperpendicular vectors, [ + bl 13 and l 5, find the value of |b|. [1 mark] =

69. The scalar product of the vector i+j+kwith a unit vector along the sum of the vectors

= 2 + 4j 5k and = Ai +2j +3k is -

equal to one. Find the value of Aand hence find

theunit vector alongb+C [4 marks]
70. Show that the four points A, B, C and D with the position vectors 4i + 5j + k, -j k,

3i +9 +4k and 4(-i+j+k) respectively are coplanar. [4 marks]

Foreign 2014

71. Write the projection of vector i +j +k along the vector j. [1 mark]]

72. Find vector in the direction
of vector 2i 3j +6k which has magnitude 21 units.

[1 mark]
73. Write a unit vector in the direction of vector PQ, where P and Q are the
points (1,3,0) and
(4,5,6) respectively. 1 mark]
Write the value of the following: ix (j+k) +jx (k+i) +kx (i +i). [1 mark]
75. Find unit vector
perpendicular to both of the vectors + b and a -

b, where =
i +j +k,
=i +2 +3k. [4 marks]
76. Show that the vectors , b, are coplanar if and only if +b, b+ and + are coplanar.
[4 marks]
1. Ja |b| =3 2. 2 6
3.--16 - 13)

4. (a) 2 V274
5. cos 6.
2 sq. units
7. V210
Sq. units. 8. 2 9. 5
10. b =
4i-2-4, b = 3i +4j +k
I1. V42 sq. units 12. 3 +2j + 2 13. v297 sq. units
14, V274 V34
2 9. units 15. units 16. 3d+ 46
18. (6i-3j +2k) 19. A = -9, u = 27
7a + 46
21. 22. Two 23. 2V101 sq. units

24. d +26 25. 6 2 6 . , 2i - 26j - 10k

27. 45° 28. 1

29. Eitherp = -8, q = 4,r = 2, s =-11 orp = 8, q =4, r = 2, s = 5

31. 4
33. 34. 7 35. 0

36. 26-a 37. t(i-11j - 7k) 38. 96i -3j -42k

39. 6 40. (
++o 41.
42. t40 43. 2a2 44. t -
=(-10i -7j +4k)
5 47. 0
45. 46. 3
48. 12 50. V507
52. 4 53. 0
51. 120°

54. 3 56. 7i+0j +k)

units 59. 5
57. 4 1 4 sq. units

2T 61.
- 12k)
63. 60° 65.

67. 5i +5k 68. 12

66. -10

69. A = 1, (3 +6-2)

71. 1
72. 6i -

9j + 18k 73(3+2 +6)


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