22-031 RFP Marketing Services For The Frederick County Health Department

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Winchester Hall, Second Floor
12 East Church Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701




Proposal Due Date:

OCTOBER 6, 2021 BY 11:00AM EST

Buyer: Garrison Frey, CPPB

Phone: 301-600-3191
Email: [email protected]

Request for Proposals 22-031
Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department


DOCUMENT A: PERTINENT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 5

1.0 EVENT SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 6
3.0 PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE ................................................................................................... 6
4.0 INQUIRIES AND ADDENDA ........................................................................................................ 7
5.0 ESTIMATED CONTRACT VALUE ................................................................................................. 7
DOCUMENT B – GENERAL CONDITIONS............................................................................................................... 8
1.0 RESERVATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.0 COMPETITON ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY ................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 GOVERNING LAW ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.0 NON-WAIVER ............................................................................................................................ 9
6.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS......................................................................................................... 9
7.0 HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNIFICATION ..................................................................................... 10
8.0 TERMINATION ......................................................................................................................... 10
9.0 MARYLAND REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................... 11
10.0 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS ......................................................................................................... 11
11.0 INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION ........................................................................................ 11
12.0 NON-ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT.......................................................................................... 11
13.0 RESPONSIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... 11
14.0 AFFIDAVIT................................................................................................................................ 12
16.0 COOPERATIVE PURCHASE ....................................................................................................... 12
17.0 EXCEPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 12
18.0 CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT ......................................................................................... 13
19.0 AWARD NOTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 13
DOCUMENT C – SPECIAL CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 14
1.0 CONTRACTOR’S QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 14
2.0 AWARD .................................................................................................................................... 14
3.0 AGREEMENT PERIOD............................................................................................................... 14
4.0 NON-EXCLUSIVITY ................................................................................................................... 14
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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department

5.0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 14

6.0 BILLING AND PAYMENT........................................................................................................... 14
7.0 DEFAULT .................................................................................................................................. 15
8.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 15
9.0 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS ........................................................................................................... 15
DOCUMENT D – SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 16
1.0 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.0 STATEMENT OF WORK ............................................................................................................ 16
DOCUMENT E – EVALUATION OF OFFERS......................................................................................................... 17
1.0 EVALUATION ........................................................................................................................... 17
2.0 TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 17
3.0 PRICE PROPOSAL: .................................................................................................................... 19
4.0 PRESENTATION AND INTERVIEW: ........................................................................................... 19
5.0 NEGOTIATIONS........................................................................................................................ 19
6.0 CONTACT ................................................................................................................................. 20
DOCUMENT F – SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 21
1.0 SUBMISSION OF RESPONSE: ................................................................................................... 21
2.0 PROPOSAL OPENING ............................................................................................................... 21
3.0 INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 21
4.0 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS.............................................................................. 22
5.0 REDACTED VERSION ................................................................................................................ 23
ATTACHMENT 1 – AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 24

ATTACHMENT 2 – TECHNICAL PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE................................................................... 31

ATTACHMENT 3 – ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA ............................................................................ 32

ATTACHMENT 4 - CONTRACTOR’S REFERENCE INFORMATION .............................................................. 33

ATTACHMENT 5 – AFFIDAVIT .................................................................................................................................. 34

ATTACHMENT 6 – TWO (2) CERTIFICATIONS OF COMPLIANCE ............................................................... 35

ATTACHMENT 7 – INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 36

ATTACHMENT 7 – PRICE PROPOSAL COVER PAGE ........................................................................................ 38

ATTACHMENT 8 – FEDERAL CLAUSES ................................................................................................................. 39

ATTACHMENT 9 – VERIFICATION OF RECEIPT OF FEDERAL CLAUSES .................................................... 42

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department



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Request for Proposals 22-031
Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department



RFP Number: RFP 22-031

RFP Name: Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department

Issue Date: September 1, 2021

Buyer: Garrison Frey, CPPB

[email protected]

Pre-Proposal Date*: September 14, 2021 at 3:00PM EST


Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting
PHONE: +1 667-217-6643,,545287231# United States, Baltimore
Phone Conference ID: 545 287 231#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
Learn More | Meeting options


and Registration
Please register by contacting the Buyer.
Questions Due Questions due no later than 4:00 PM on September 21, 2021
and to Whom: Submit questions to Buyer.
RFP Due**: October 6, 2021 by 11:00AM EST

Proposal submission: www.publicpurchase.com

Note: Only electronic submissions will be accepted. PLEASE NOTE

Agreement Term: One year with four one year renewals.

Payment Terms: Net 30

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department


2.1 Addenda – Formal alteration of a solicitation or Agreement in writing (When

applicable, Addenda are available on Public Purchase website.)
2.2 Agreement – The Request for Proposal Documents and any addenda, the
Contractor’s response to this solicitation, and subsequent Purchase Orders
2.3 Alternate Proposals – A second proposal for a single item that intentionally offers
a substitute product or service that varies from the stated specifications
2.4 Buyer – The County’s Procurement & Contracting Representative for the
solicitation and/or the resulting Agreement
2.5 Contractor – Any offeror; most often the successful offeror
2.6 County – Frederick County, Maryland
2.7 Designee – Specifically appointed alternate signatory or decision maker
2.8 FCHD – Frederick County Health Department
2.9 Interested Party – An actual or prospective offeror or Contractor that may be
interested in the award of a contract
2.10 Issuing Office – Frederick County, Maryland Procurement & Contracting Office, 12
East Church Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701
2.11 Offeror – Any entity that submits a response to this solicitation
2.12 P&C – Frederick County, Maryland Procurement & Contracting Office
2.13 Proposal – All information submitted by the Contractor in response to this
2.14 Purchase Order – The document by which the Contractor receives formal
notification to perform work or deliver goods
2.15 Request for Proposals (RFP) – All documents identified in the Table of Contents,
including any addenda
2.16 Solicitation – The Request for Proposal
2.17 User Agency – County division, department, or office for which goods and/or
services are being purchased


3.1 A Pre-Proposal Conference Call will be held to discuss objectives and answer
questions relating to this solicitation. Contractor’s attendance is not required but
is strongly encouraged. Additionally, attendance may facilitate the Contractor’s
understanding of the requirements.
3.2 It is recommended that Contractors read the solicitation prior to the conference.
3.3 If there is a need for language interpretation and/or other special
accommodations, please advise the Buyer via email so that reasonable efforts may
be made to provide special accommodations.
3.4 MICROSOFT TEAMS™ MEETING: The Pre-Proposal will be an online and virtual
Microsoft Teams™ meeting. However, in the event that a participant has difficulty
joining virtually, a phone number for calling into the meeting is available.

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Request for Proposals 22-031
Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department


Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting
PHONE: +1 667-217-6643,,545287231# United States, Baltimore
Phone Conference ID: 545 287 231#
Find a local number | Reset PIN
Learn More | Meeting options


4.1 The Buyer in P&C is the sole point of contact for this solicitation. Questions
concerning this solicitation must be addressed in writing to the Buyer and delivered
no later than 16 days in advance of the solicitation’s due date.
4.2 Addenda to solicitations often occur prior to the proposal opening, sometimes
within a few hours of the opening. It is the potential Contractor’s responsibility to
visit Public Purchase website at www.PublicPurchase.com to obtain Addenda.

5.0 ESTIMATED CONTRACT VALUE: The estimated contract value group for this contract is
estimated to be $1,400,000.00.

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department



1.1 The Director of P&C reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts of
proposals when, in P&C's reasoned judgment, the public interest will be served
1.2 The Director of P&C may waive formalities or technicalities in proposals as the
interest of the County may require.
1.3 The Director of P&C reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities to be
purchased at the prices offered. The quantity intended to be purchased and the
period and percentage amount of any such reservation will be stated in the
1.4 The Director of P&C reserves the right to award contracts or place orders on a lump
sum or individual item basis, or such combination as shall, in P&C's judgment, be
in the best interest of the County.
1.5 The Director of P&C may waive minor differences in specifications provided these
differences do not violate the specification intent nor materially affect the
operation for which the item or items are being purchased, nor increase the
estimated cost of maintenance and repair to the County.
1.6 The Director of P&C may reject any proposal which shows any omission,
irregularity, alteration of forms, additions not called for, conditional or
unconditional unresponsiveness, or proposals obviously unbalanced.
1.7 Responsibility and responsiveness of any Contractor’s proposal will be determined
at the sole discretion of the Director of P&C.


2.1 A Contractor may offer only one price on each item though it may have two or
more types that meet specifications. Contractors must determine for themselves
which to offer. Submission by a single Contractor of more than one price for a
single item shall be sufficient cause for rejection of all prices for that item submitted
by the Contractor.
2.2 All proposals must be accompanied by descriptive literature as may be called for
by the specifications or proposal. Specifications provided are based on County
needs and uses, estimated costs of operation and maintenance, and other
significant and/or limiting factors to meet County requirements and shall be
consistent with County policies. Minimum specifications, and maximum
specifications, where included, are not established arbitrarily to limit competition
or to exclude otherwise competitive Contractors.

3.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY: Unless otherwise specified, all formal proposals submitted shall
be irrevocable for 120 days following the proposal opening date, unless the Contractor
agrees to an extension. Proposals may not be withdrawn during this period.

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department


4.1 This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of Maryland without regard to any choice of law principles that would
dictate the laws of any other jurisdiction. The parties agree that the exclusive venue
for any and all actions related hereto shall be the appropriate Federal or State court
located within the State of Maryland.
4.2 The laws of the State of Maryland and Frederick County shall govern the resolution
of any issue arising in connection with the contract, including, but not limited to,
all questions on the validity of the contract, the capacity of the parties to enter
therein, any modification or amendment thereto, and the rights and obligations of
the parties hereunder.

5.0 NON-WAIVER: Any waiver of any breach of covenants herein contained to be kept and
performed by the Contractor shall not be deemed or considered as a continuing waiver
and shall not operate to bar or prevent the County from declaring a forfeiture for any
succeeding breach either of the same condition of covenant or otherwise.


6.1 If awarded a contract, the Contractor hereby represents and warrants that it:
6.1.1 Is qualified to do business in the State of Maryland and that it will take such
action as, from time to time hereafter, may be necessary to remain so
6.1.2 Is not in arrears with respect to the payment of any monies due and owing
the County, or any department or agency thereof, including, but not limited
to, the payment of taxes and employee benefits, and that it shall not
become so in arrears during the term of the contract;
6.1.3 Shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and legally
enforceable rules and regulations applicable to its activities and obligations
under the contract;
6.1.4 Shall eschew any and all forms of employment discrimination and promote
equal opportunity in hiring practices as well as the selection of
subcontractors for use in any of its projects;
6.1.5 Shall procure, at its expense, all licenses, permits, insurance, and
governmental approvals, if any, necessary to the performance of its
obligations under the contract; and
6.1.6 Agrees that the facts and matters set forth hereafter in the contract and
made a part hereof are true and correct.
6.2 In addition to any other remedy available to the County, breach of any of the
paragraphs of this clause shall, at the election of the County, be grounds for
termination. Failure of the County to terminate the contract shall not be

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department

considered or construed as a waiver of such breach nor as a waiver of any rights or

remedies granted or available to the County.


7.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the County harmless from and against all
liability and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, howsoever arising or
incurred, alleging damage to property or injury to, or death of, any person arising
out of or attributable to the Contractor's performance of the contract awarded,
provided that the Contractor shall not be responsible for acts of negligence or
willful misconduct committed by the County, its employees, agents and officials.
7.2 Any property or work to be provided by the Contractor under this contract will
remain at the Contractor's risk until written acceptance by the County; and the
Contractor will replace, at Contractor's expense, all property or work damaged or
destroyed by any cause whatsoever.


8.1 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term: The County reserves the right to terminate
the resulting Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days'
written notice to Contractor, except that where termination is due to the fault of
the Contractor, the period of notice may be such shorter time as may be
determined by the Contract Officer. Upon receipt of any notice of termination,
Contractor shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be
specifically approved by the Contract Officer. The Contractor shall be entitled to
compensation for all services rendered prior to the effective date of the notice of
termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in
accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by
the Contract Officer. In the event of termination without cause pursuant to this
provision, the County need not provide the Contractor with the opportunity to
8.2 Termination for Default: If termination is due to the failure of the Contractor to
fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, County may take over the work and
prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Contractor
shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services
required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that the
County shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and County may
withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of set-off or partial
payment of the amounts owed the County as previously stated.
8.3 Termination for Non-appropriation: If the County or other funding source fails to
appropriate funds or if funds are not otherwise made available for continued
performance for any fiscal period or part thereof of the resulting Agreement, the
Agreement shall be cancelled automatically as of the beginning of the fiscal year
or part thereof for which funds were not appropriated or otherwise made available;

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department

provided, however, that this will not affect either the County's rights or the
Contractor's rights under any termination clause in this Agreement. The effect of
termination of the Agreement hereunder will be to discharge both the Contractor
and the County from future performance of the Contract, but not from their rights
and obligations existing at the time of termination. The Contractor shall be
reimbursed for the reasonable value of any non-recurring costs incurred but not
amortized in the price of the Agreement. The County shall make a good faith effort
to notify the Contractor as soon as it has knowledge that funds may not be
available for the continuation of this Agreement for each succeeding fiscal period
or part thereof beyond the first fiscal year.

9.0 MARYLAND REGISTRATION: Contractors must be registered to do business in, and must
be in good standing with, the State of Maryland. Contractors not registered must obtain
registration information from the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation
website at: http://dat.maryland.gov or by calling 410-767-1184 or Toll Free 888-246-5941.

10.0 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: The contractual obligation of the County under this contract
is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for this
contract can be made.

11.0 INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION: These proposal documents, Contractor's response

to this solicitation, and subsequent purchase order(s) to the successful Contractor contain
the entire understanding between the parties and any additions or modifications hereto
may only be made in writing executed by both parties.

12.0 NON-ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: Neither the County nor the Contractor shall assign,
sublet, or transfer its interest or obligations under the resulting contract to any third party,
without the written consent of the other. Nothing here shall be construed to create any
personal or individual liability upon any employee, officer, or elected official of the County,
nor shall the resulting contract be construed to create any rights hereunder in any person
or entity other than the parties to this contract.

13.0 RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor has the burden of demonstrating affirmatively its
responsibility in connection with this solicitation. A debarred Contractor or one with
documented poor performance or one with questionable reputation, integrity or key
personnel as solely determined by the Director of P&C, may automatically be considered
non-responsible in connection with this solicitation. At the sole discretion of the County,
a Contractor that has previously failed to perform properly, has failed to timely complete
contracts of a similar nature, has failed to complete contracts of a similar nature within
budget or with an unreasonable quantity of change orders, or one that investigation
reveals is unable to perform the requirements of the contract may be excluded from
consideration for award. P&C may request that a Contractor provide documentation
necessary for the determination of responsibility. Failure of a Contractor to provide the

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department

required documentation may exclude it from further consideration. Final determination

of responsibility is determined at the sole discretion of the Director of P&C.

14.0 AFFIDAVIT: The attached affidavit is provided to facilitate compliance with the applicable
law and is to be completed and returned with response.


15.1 The County operates under the public information law, which permits access to
most records and documents.
15.2 Proposals will be available for public inspection after the award announcement,
except to the extent that a Contractor designates trade secrets or other proprietary
data to be confidential. Material designated as confidential must be readily
separable from the remainder of the proposal to facilitate public inspection of the
non-confidential portion of the proposal. A Contractor's designation of material
as confidential will not necessarily be conclusive, and the Contractor may be
required to provide justification why such material should not be disclosed, on
request, under the Maryland Public Information Act, General Provisions Article,
Sections 4-101 through 4-601 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.


16.1 The Contractor may extend all of the terms, conditions, specifications, and unit or
other prices of any award resulting from this proposal to any and all other public
bodies, subdivisions, school districts, community colleges, colleges, and
universities including non-public schools at its own discretion.
16.2 The County assumes no authority, liability or obligation, on behalf of any other
public or non-public entity that may use any contract resulting from this proposal.

17.0 EXCEPTIONS: If the Contractor cannot/ will not meet the terms, conditions, and/or
specifications of the solicitation, the Contractor shall furnish a statement on company
letterhead providing a complete description of any exceptions to the terms, conditions,
and specifications. Failure to furnish exceptions on company letterhead shall be
interpreted to mean the Contractor agrees to all terms, conditions, and specifications.
Exceptions taken do not obligate the County to change the terms, conditions, and/or
specifications. Exceptions to the terms and/or conditions and/or to the County’s standard
Agreement may be sufficient cause for rejection of the proposal. Descriptive literature
may be used to clarify or be a reference to an exception; however, exceptions shall not be
considered by enclosing descriptive literature in itself. The decision of the Director of P&C
in accepting or rejecting an exception shall be final. If it is determined that an exception
is not acceptable, the proposal may be considered non-responsive at the sole discretion
of the Director of P&C.

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18.1 The County and Contractor may execute a Contract Services Agreement, which is
attached for review, resulting from the award of this solicitation. Exceptions, if any,
to the County’s standard Agreement must be noted in the proposal to be
considered during consideration of award. Exceptions to the County’s standard
Agreement may result in rejection of the proposal.
18.2 Do not fill in or sign the sample Agreement attached. The County will prepare an
Agreement specific to this solicitation for execution by the successful Contractor.


19.1 Award notification will be by U.S. Mail, email, phone or any combination thereof.
19.2 The awarded Contractor(s) will be required to return an Insurance Certificate
naming Frederick County as an additional insured, the executed Agreement* and
the Maryland Registration Certificate of Good Standing.
19.3 Individuals wishing to contest results of a solicitation may view procedures on the
P&C website at www.FrederickCountyMD.gov/procurement.

*As Contractors have had an opportunity to note Exceptions to the Agreement with its
proposal submission, execution of the Agreement will require minimal time. PLEASE BE

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department



1.1 Contractor must be in the business of providing marketing services and shall have
been actively engaged in this field for a minimum of three (3) years.
1.2 The County reserves the right to inspect the Contractor’s equipment and to
perform such investigations as may be deemed necessary to insure that competent
personnel and management will be utilized in the performance of this contract.

2.0 AWARD: The County intends to award to the responsive and responsible Contractor
whose proposal represents the best value to the County. Responsibility and
responsiveness are determined at the sole discretion of the Director of P&C.

3.0 AGREEMENT PERIOD: The contract period shall be for one year commencing on or about
December 1, 2021 after approval and proper execution of the contract documents, with a
renewal option for four additional year(s) in one-year increments, exercisable at the sole
discretion of the County.

4.0 NON-EXCLUSIVITY: Nothing herein is intended nor shall be construed as creating any
exclusive arrangement with the Contractor. This contract shall not restrict the County from
acquiring similar, equal, or like goods and/or services from other entities or sources.

5.0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall be required to provide the insurance
as outlined in the Attachment. All documentation of insurance shall be submitted prior to
contract start date. In the event that the necessary insurance cannot be obtained, the
County reserves the right to revoke the contract award and award to another firm.


6.1 Invoices shall be submitted as required in duplicate for all services performed to
350 Montevue Lane, Frederick, Maryland 21702.
6.2 Each invoice shall include the following information:
6.2.1 Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN);
6.2.2 Contractor’s name and address;
6.2.3 Name of User Agency;
6.2.4 Frederick County Contract Number, if applicable;
6.2.5 Purchase Order Number;
6.2.6 Description of goods provided and/or services performed;
6.2.7 Date and length of time of each service performed, if applicable; and
6.2.8 Name of individual(s) performing the required services, if applicable.

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6.3 Payment shall be made upon receipt of proper invoice from the Contractor and
authorized by the County.
6.4 The County shall not be subject to late fees of any kind at any time during the
Agreement period.
6.5 All amounts, costs, or prices referred to herein pursuant to this contract shall be
United States of America currency.

7.0 DEFAULT: Upon non-performance or violation of the contract terms, the Contractor will
be given one chance, via written communication, to correct deficiencies. Failure to correct
the deficiencies stated in the written communication will be cause for the contract to be
cancelled or annulled by Frederick County, Maryland in whole by written notice of default
to the Contractor. An award may then be made to the next low Contractor. In either event,
the defaulting Contractor (or its surety) shall be liable to the County for costs to the County
in excess of the defaulted contract prices. Failure of the Contractor to deliver services
within the time stipulated on its proposal, unless extended in writing by the Director of
P&C shall constitute contract default. In the event that a Contractor exempted from
posting a Bid or Performance Guarantee fails to execute and perform any contract awarded
to it, it shall forfeit the right to respond on any future County contract for a period of time
determined by the Director of P&C and it shall be liable for any costs incurred by the
County as a result of its default.

8.0 REFERENCES: References will be verified by the Buyer and the results utilized as part of
the determination of a Contractor’s responsibility. Any negativity or uncertainty expressed
by references may be used to exclude the Contractor from further consideration for award
at the sole discretion of the County. It is in the best interest of the Contractor to CONTACT
THE REFERENCES IN ADVANCE to ensure that they are aware that they are being utilized
as a reference for this solicitation. Contactors may not use the County as a reference. Any
work history the Contractor has with the County will automatically be utilized as part of
the evaluation process.

9.0 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: The County, at its option, may add or delete like or related
goods and/or services and/or sites as needed at the sole discretion of the Director of P&C.
All specifications and requirements of this solicitation will apply to any additions made
during the contract term.

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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department



1.1 The mission of the Frederick County Health Department (FCHD) is to improve the
health and well-being of the residents of Frederick County, Maryland (the “County”)
through programs to prevent disease and illness, promote wellness and safety and
protect public health. Topics for Public health initiatives may include but are not
limited to: behavioral health (substance use/misuse and mental health), maternal
and child health, community health, prevention and early intervention, infectious
disease testing and support, health care/health insurance access.
1.2 FCHD may receive grant monies to assist in a variety of media campaigns for public
health initiatives in the County. The Contractor selected will advise on content and
design of material; prepare the advertising/marketing product; identify an
appropriate media for the advertising; place to buy; and handle the billing.

2.0 STATEMENT OF WORK: The County is seeking proposals from qualified firms (the
“Contractor”) for the provision of marketing services in accordance with the terms,
conditions and specifications of this solicitation.

2.1 Tasks may include:

2.1.1 Conceptualize, develop, produce, implement, and evaluate a marketing

strategy specific to various public health initiatives identified by State of
Maryland grants;
2.1.2 Prepare and place customized print for distribution for the campaign;
2.1.3 Ensure advertising content is consistent with FCHD’s standards and
expectations, including timelines;
2.1.4 Actively and vigorously negotiate discounted display, posting, listing or
advertising rates with various media vendors;
2.1.5 Provide recommendations for the development and placement of
advertising based on market analysis, industry standards, departmental
budgets, and consultation with recruitment unit staff;
2.1.6 Conduct research and market analysis to provide information about target
audiences and most effective media placement to reach identified
audiences; and
2.1.7 Have knowledge of the community and be able to give meaningful
consultations as to actions, no action, or taking different action regarding
any proposed campaign.

2.2 Potential Advertising Projects: FCHD may require marketing / social media services
to communicate with the public about such topics including behavioral health
prevention, treatment, and recovery services, as well as public health messages
related overall community health and wellness.
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Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department


1.0 EVALUATION: Proposals will evaluated by discussion in a step-by-step process during

which the Evaluation Team will determine the best value for the County. The first step is
evaluation of the technical submittal of all information required in Paragraph 2.0 Technical
Evaluation Criteria, the second step is examination of the price submittal, the third step, if
deemed necessary, is a presentation and interview with the Evaluation Team, and the final
step in negotiations which may include the request for a best and final offer. As this is a
best value procurement, additional steps may be added to ensure that the County’s best
interest is reached in award.

2.0 TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA: The first phase will be evaluated based on the
criteria listed in order of importance. Proposals shall be submitted in the sections specified
according to the Evaluation Criteria. Each section is required to be numbered for the
convenience of the Evaluation Team. Sections may be numbered individually or as part of
the whole. Each section shall be clearly titled, have the Contractor’s name, and the pages
numbered in either the header or footer.

2.1 QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR – This document shall be clearly titled

“Qualifications of Contractor” on each page of the section. Each page shall also
have the Contractor’s name and be numbered either as an individual section or as
a part of the whole. At a minimum this document shall contain evidence of the

2.1.1 The ability to provide content expertise and community outreach in order
to craft a campaign that appropriately leverages and successfully
coordinates with existing efforts.
2.1.2 Proven ability to coordinate and collaborate with focus groups and/or
community assessment efforts with existing initiatives and tools supported
by evidence-based practices.
2.1.3 Proven ability to create community messaging and tools to promote
healthy behavior and lifestyle to support positive choices.
2.1.4 Ability to meet benchmarks and evaluation metrics in order to quantify
accomplishment of stated campaign goals, including change in perception
of risk and behavior.
2.1.5 Ability to coordinate directly with FCHD and Workgroups to evaluate the
advantages/disadvantages of broad County wide efforts, or a more
directed effort focusing on 3-6 pilot communities, or a campaign that
combines both elements.
2.1.6 Ability to coordinate directly with FCHD to decide upon appropriate size,
scope, and focus of public awareness initiatives.
2.1.7 Develop comprehensive programming/messaging campaign that could
potentially include: information dissemination, social media, interactive

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messaging, education, alternative activities, community-based process,

broadcast advertisement, PSAs (radio and video), billboards, and online

2.2 SERVICES – This document shall be clearly titled “Services” on each page of the
section. Each page shall also have the Contractor’s name and be numbered either
as an individual section or as a part of the whole. This document shall provide the

2.2.1 The Contractor will describe experiences, approaches, and general

knowledge in the area of public awareness campaigns targeted to achieve
specific changes in perception of risk and behavior for multiple populations
in both urban and rural communities.
2.2.2 The Contractor will demonstrate ability to organize/conduct focus groups
and community assessment to thoroughly and accurately evaluate relevant
data and information. These efforts must collaborate with and build upon
existing initiatives and tools using evidence based practice.
2.2.3 The Contractor will describe experiences in utilizing data to promote
responsive social messages.

2.3 WORK PLAN – This document shall be clearly titled “Work Plan” on each page of
the section. Each page shall also have the Contractor’s name and be numbered
either as an individual section or as a part of the whole. This document shall
provide the following:

2.3.1 The Contractor must describe in detail how they will provide services
described above in order to facilitate a responsive public awareness
campaign within a specified time frame.
2.3.2 The Contractor must provide detailed information regarding agency
experience and effective past performance in providing similar services.
2.3.3 The Contractor must demonstrate sound business practices in the provision
of services described above to facilitate a responsive public awareness
2.3.4 The Contractor must describe in detail evidence of strong administrative
capability and experience.
2.3.5 The Contractor must describe in detail how they will coordinate and
communicate with the Division representative/designee, and its established
workgroup, in carrying out this project.
2.4 PROGRAM DESIGN – This document shall be clearly titled “Program Design” on
each page of the section. Each page shall also have the Contractor’s name and be
numbered either as an individual section or as a part of the whole. This document
shall provide the following:

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2.4.1 The Contractor must demonstrate experience in design and

implementation of a comprehensive public awareness campaign.
2.4.2 The Contractor is required to submit a sample of a public awareness
campaign similar in size, scope, and format. Sample materials should be
submitted separately from the proposal as an attachment.
2.4.3 The Contractor will describe how they may be able to utilize their
experience in enhancing any of the components of this public awareness
campaign, including their ability to provide media buying and/or
placement services if necessary.

2.5 ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY – This document shall be clearly titled

“Organizational Capacity” on each page of the section. Each page shall also have
the Contractor’s name and be numbered either as an individual section or as a part
of the whole. This document shall provide the following:

2.5.1 The Contractor will demonstrate the key personnel delivering services are
experienced, well trained, and competent to carry out the requirements of
this RFP. The FCHD reserves the right to approve any proposed personnel,
including potential substitutions to those proposed in response to this RFP.
The selected Contractor commits to replace personnel assigned to this
project whose experience and skills are unacceptable to the FCHD.
2.5.2 The Contractor agrees that any product/messaging developed by the
campaign remains the property of the FCHD.
2.5.3 List key personnel roles and their qualifications relevant to the RFP and
include estimated hours per month that will be assigned to this project for
each key personnel.
2.5.4 Demonstrate an operational plan for continuity and quality of the public
awareness campaign project in the event of staff turnover.

3.0 PRICE PROPOSAL: The second step of evaluation will be examination of the price
proposal. Price proposals shall be submitted on the Price Proposal Cover Page and shall
be in a separate, sealed envelope.

4.0 PRESENTATION AND INTERVIEW: After identifying the short list of the most qualified
Contractor(s) based on the evaluation criteria, representative(s) may be required to clarify
proposals by making individual presentations in an interview with the evaluation
committee. If selected, Contractor shall be available for presentations on November
9, 2021.


5.1 The County may enter into negotiations with Contractors and invite best and final
offers as deemed to be in the best interest of the County. Negotiations may be in

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the form of face-to-face, telephone, email or written communications, or any

combination thereof, at the County’s sole discretion.
5.2 Contractors are strongly advised not to prepare its proposal submissions based on
any assumption or understanding that negotiations will take place. Contractors
are advised to respond to this solicitation fully and with forth-rightness at the time
of proposal submission.

6.0 CONTACT: All questions shall be directed to the Buyer for this solicitation. During the
solicitation process which begins with the advertisement of the Request for Proposals, and
following the submittal of proposals, Contractors are strongly cautioned not to contact
elected officials or members of the evaluation team regarding the selection process.
Contact with any entity other than P&C will be deemed as an attempt to influence the
award process and will disqualify the Contractor from further consideration in the award
process. Inappropriate efforts to lobby or influence individuals or Contractors involved in
this selection may result in dismissal from further consideration, at the County’s sole

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1.1 Please be advised that hand-delivered solicitation responses will not be accepted
as P&C has moved to online proposal submission via Public Purchase. Registration
information is available at www.publicpurchase.com. PLEASE NOTE
County, Maryland is not responsible for inability to submit a response.
1.2 Proposals shall be submitted electronically through the Public Purchase website


2.1 Proposal submissions are due on or before the due date and time indicated in the
Pertinent Information section at the front of this document. Late proposals shall
not be accepted, opened, considered or awarded. In the event that County
administrative offices are closed or delayed the date that proposal submissions are
due, the solicitation will be opened online the next business day at the same time
indicated in the Pertinent Information section at the front of the document.
2.2 Names of proposers will become available at the opening; however, no additional
proposal information will be available. Indications that a Contractor has submitted
do not reflect the responsiveness or responsibility of the Contractor and may not
accurately reflect which proposals might be considered.
2.3 Proposals will be opened via Microsoft Teams™.

Meeting link: Click here to join the meeting

Phone: +1 667-217-6643,,783552440# United States, Baltimore

Phone Conference ID: 783 552 440#

Find a local number | Reset PIN

Learn More | Meeting options


3.1 Proposals shall be submitted electronically through Public Purchase at

3.2 All submissions must be signed by an authorized officer or agent of the Contractor
submitting the response shall be entered into Public Purchase no later than the
time and date indicated. Responses received after the time and date indicated will
not be accepted or considered.

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3.3 The submission of a proposal shall be considered an agreement to all the terms,
conditions, and specifications provided herein and in the various documents,
unless specifically noted otherwise in an Exception.
3.4 Each proposal shall be accompanied by the Affidavit regarding price fixing,
gratuities, bribery, and discriminatory employment practices. When the Contractor
is a corporation, a duly authorized representative of said corporation shall execute
the Affidavit. The Affidavit is provided in the Technical package.
3.5 If a discrepancy in or omission from the specifications is found, or if a Contractor
is in doubt as to its meaning, or feels that the specifications are discriminatory, the
Contractor shall notify P&C in writing not later than five days prior to the scheduled
proposal opening. Exceptions taken do not obligate the County to change the
specifications. P&C will notify all Contractors of any changes, additions, or
deletions to the specifications by Addenda posted on Public Purchase website
3.6 The County will assume no responsibility for oral instructions or suggestions. All
official correspondence in regard to the specifications shall be directed and will be
issued by P&C.
3.7 All proposals are to be submitted on and in accordance with the requirements of
this solicitation. Pricing shall be submitted on the Pricing Pages. Additional
supplementary documentation, when requested, shall be submitted on the
Contractor's letterhead.


4.1 Contractors are required to include the following documents, as well as any
additional information required as stated in the solicitation, with its proposal:
4.1.1 Technical Proposal:
Attachment 2 (Technical Proposal Signature Cover Page)
Technical proposal consisting of the following items:
 “Qualifications of Contractor” document.
 “Services” document.
 “Work Plan” document.
 “Program Design” document.
 “Organizational Capacity” document.
Attachment 3 (Acknowledgement of Addenda)
Attachment 4 (Contractor’s Reference Information and
Attachment 5 (Affidavit)
Attachment 6 (TWO Certifications of Compliance)
Attachment 7 (Ability to provide insurance)
Attachment 10 (Verification of Receipt of Federal Clauses)

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Any current license or certification required to perform


4.1.2 Price Proposal (submitted in as separate document):

Attachment 8 (Price Proposal Page)

5.0 REDACTED VERSION: Contractors are encouraged to submit a redacted version of their
bid submittal, redacted in accordance with (Document B, Paragraph 15). The redacted
version is for future reference only and will not be referred to in the process of award.

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1. COMPANY INFORMATION: The undersigned agrees to furnish and deliver the above services in
accordance with the specifications issued for same, the subject to all terms, conditions, and
requirements in the solicitation, and in the various solicitation documents:




City State Zip Code




2. MARYLAND REGISTRATION: Frederick County requires that the awardee provide a certificate of
good standing from the State of Maryland prior to execution of the Agreement. Executing and
returning the acknowledgment below signifies that the certificate of good standing will be supplied
upon request.

3. TAX EXEMPTION: Frederick County is exempt from all local, state, and federal taxes, and prices
stipulated by the Contractor are considered maximum and are not subject to increase due to any taxes,
or any other reason.

4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The Contractor shall include a signed acknowledgment that all terms and
conditions of the offer may, at the County’s option, be made applicable to any contract issued as a
result of this solicitation. Proposals that do not include such acknowledgment may be rejected.
Executing and returning this acknowledgment will satisfy this requirement:

The undersigned agrees that all terms and conditions of this solicitation and offer may, at the County’s sole
discretion, be made applicable to any contract as a result of this agreement.




* The correct legal business name of the Contractor shall be used in all contracts. A trade name or nickname shall not be
utilized in the submission of this proposal.
** Signature shall be made by authorized signatory, officer or partner. The signing of this Acknowledgment shall represent
that the person signing is authorized to commit the Contractor into a legal, binding contract. The County reserves the
right to require documentation to verify signatory status.

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The Contractor acknowledges receipt of the following addenda. Please date and initial.

Addendum Addendum
Date Initial Date Initial
Number Number

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

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Name of Company:

The above Company has been in business at present location for ________ years.
References: Provide the name, address, telephone number and email address of at least five entities for
which the Contractor has provided peer support services during the past three years, including City, County
or State governments, if applicable. References may NOT include Frederick County government or its

1. Entity Name:
Street Address:
State: Zip: Phone:
Contact Name: Email:
Contract Title: Contract No.:
Description of Services:

2. Entity Name:
Street Address:
State: Zip: Phone:
Contact Name: Email:
Contract Title: Contract No.:
Description of Services:

3. Entity Name:
Street Address:
State: Zip: Phone:
Contact Name: Email:
Contract Title: Contract No.:
Description of Services:

4. Entity Name:
Street Address:
State: Zip: Phone:
Contact Name: Email:
Contract Title: Contract No.:
Description of Services:

5. Entity Name:
Street Address:
State: Zip: Phone:
Contact Name: Email:
Contract Title: Contract No.:
Description of Services:

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Must be completed and signed BY AN AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY, and submitted with the proposal.

Contractor: Phone:


I, , the undersigned, of the above named Contractor

Print Signer's Name Print Office Held

do declare and affirm this ___ day of ____ , that I hold the aforementioned office in the above named
Month Year

Contractor and I affirm the following:

AFFIDAVIT I: The Contractor, Agent and/or employees, have not in any way colluded with anyone for and on behalf of the
Contractor or themselves, to obtain information that would give the Contractor an unfair advantage over others, nor have
they colluded with anyone for and on behalf of the Contractor, or themselves, to gain any favoritism in the award of the
contract herein.

AFFIDAVIT II: No officer or employee of Frederick County, whether elected or appointed, has in any manner whatsoever,
any interest in or has received prior hereto or will receive subsequent hereto any benefit, monetary or material, or
consideration from the profits or emoluments of this contract, job, work or service for the County, and that no officer or
employee has accepted or received or will receive in the future a service or thing of value, directly or indirectly, upon more
favorable terms than those granted to the public generally, nor has any such officer or employee of the County received or
will receive, directly or indirectly, any part of any fee, commission or other compensation paid or payable to the County in
connection with this contract, job, work, or service for the County, excepting, however, the receipt of dividends on
corporation stock.

AFFIDAVIT III: Neither I, nor the Contractor, nor any officer, director, or partners, or any of its employees who are directly
involved in obtaining contracts with Frederick County have been convicted of bribery, attempted bribery, or conspiracy to
bribe under the laws of any state, or of the federal government for acts of omissions committed after July 1, 1977.

AFFIDAVIT IV: Neither I, nor the Contractor, nor any of our agents, partners, or employees who are directly involved in
obtaining contracts with Frederick County have been convicted within the past 12 months of discrimination against any
employee or applicant for employment, nor have we engaged in unlawful employment practices as set forth in Section 16
of Article 49B of the Annotated Code of Maryland or, of Sections 712 and 704 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

AFFIDAVIT V: Neither I, nor the Contractor, nor any of our officers, directors, trustees or partners who are directly involved
in obtaining contracts with Frederick County is a member of the County Council or the County Executive for Frederick
County, Maryland, nor are we qualified relatives (spouse, parent, child) of said elected officials, nor are we a business entity
in which a qualified relative of said elected officials has a direct financial interest.

AFFIDAVIT VI: The Contractor, Agent and/or employees working on its behalf, declare that they, in accordance with the
Maryland Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013, have not provided any campaign financing greater than $200,000, OR
having done so, they have filed the appropriate campaign finance-related disclosures with the State Board of Elections and
that a copy of the certification is attached to their submission in response to this solicitation. Should the Contractor fail to
provide the necessary documentation, the County will notify the State. The necessary documentation may be located:

I do solemnly declare and affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing affidavits are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.



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1. Certification of Compliance with Frederick County Purchasing Regulation 1-2-36,

Hiring of Illegal Aliens Prohibited for Performance of County Work:
I, , the owner/signatory of
Signatory Name Name of Contractor

hereby certify or attest that:

A. In compliance with Frederick County Purchasing Regulation 1-2-36, and as a contractual

requirement of doing business with Frederick County, Maryland, my firm and all of my firm’s
subcontractors shall only employ individuals legally authorized to work within the United States of
America in the performance of work under this contract.;
B. Compliance is a material contractual obligation and that breach of this obligation may result in
contract termination in addition to, and not in lieu of, any and all other remedies available to
Frederick County, Maryland and any and all other damages for which my firm might be liable; and
C. Nothing within Frederick County Purchasing Regulations requires Frederick County, Maryland to
elect to terminate a contract for default to the exclusion of any other remedy.

By my signature below, I swear or affirm under penalties of perjury that the contents of this
Certification of Compliance are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.


2. Certification of Compliance with regards to Debarment of Suspension for applicable

contracts under the U.S. Federal Awards Program, the following certification is required:
I, , the owner/signatory of
Signatory Name Name of Contractor

hereby certify or attest that:

A. In compliance with the U.S. Federal Awards Program, I certify that neither my firm nor any of my
firm’s subcontractors are suspended, debarred, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for
the award of contracts from the United States federal government procurement or non-
procurement programs, or are listed in the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and
Non-procurement Programs issued by the General Services Administration.
B. I certify that my firm will provide immediate written notice to the Director of Procurement &
Contracting if, at any time prior to award, I find that this certification was erroneous when submitted
or has become false by reason of changed circumstances.
C. I understand that if the County later determines that this certification is false, in addition to other
remedies available, the Director of Procurement & Contracting may terminate the Agreement
resulting from this solicitation for default.

By my signature below, I swear or affirm under penalties of perjury that the contents of this
Certification of Compliance are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.




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Work shall not commence for Frederick County, Maryland until evidence of all required coverage is
approved by the Risk Management Office.

COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY coverage with minimum limits of:

$1,000,000 per Occurrence; $2,000,000 General Aggregate
$2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate
Frederick County, Maryland must be added as an Additional Insured.

AUTO LIABILITY coverage with minimum limits of:

$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit or
$1,000,000 each Person, $1,000,000 each Accident, $1,000,000 Property Damage

PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY/ERRORS & OMISSIONS coverage with minimum limits of:

$1,000,000 per Occurrence and $2,000,000 Aggregate

WORKERS’ COMPENSATION coverage meeting all statutory requirements of the State of

Employers Liability with minimum limits of:
$100,000 per Accident, $100,000 per Employee; and $500,000 per Policy
OR, if there are no employees, Workers’ Compensation Waivers must be completed.


1. A certificate of insurance showing these coverages must be provided to Frederick

County Risk Management Office. The Certificate Holder must be:
Frederick County, Maryland
c/o Risk Management Office
12 East Church Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701
2. In addition to the certificate of insurance showing additional insured status for the County,
the General Liability endorsement must be provided upon request.
3. If any primary policy’s limits fall short of the stated requirements, a certificate shall be
provided for all any excess policies that supplement or extend these limits.
4. Required insurance is primary and non-contributory, which should be stated on the
certificate of insurance.
5. Required insurance must be maintained for the duration of the contract or business
6. If applicable, the Contractor shall assure that all subcontractors and independent contractors
performing services for the County carry identical insurance coverage as required of the

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contract, either individually or as an Additional Insured on the policies of the Contractor.

Exceptions may be made only with the approval of the County.
7. Contractor shall indemnify Frederick County, Maryland for any uninsured losses relating to
contractual services involving subcontractors, including workers' compensation claims and
the cost of defense.
8. The Contractor shall not commence work for Frederick County, Maryland until evidence of
all required coverage is approved by the Risk Management Department.
9. Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof,
notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions.
10. The Contractor will not hold Frederick County, Maryland liable for any injuries to the
employees, servants, agents, subcontractors or assignees of the contract arising out of or
during the course of services relating to this agreement.
11. The providing of any insurance required herein does not relieve the Contractor of any of the
responsibilities or obligations assumed by the Contractor in the contract awarded or for
which the Contractor may be liable by law or otherwise. Approval of the insurance by the
County shall not in any way relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor.
12. All of the above coverages must be written by a carrier with a minimum A.M. Best rating
of A- or better AND a financial size classification of VI or higher. All insurance policies must
also be underwritten by companies licensed to do business in the State of Maryland and
all certificates must include an authorized signature.

The undersigned agrees to provide all necessary insurance coverages, and the
documentation of such, immediately upon notification of award, and further understands
that failure to produce the necessary documentation may result in revocation of award and





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(Must be submitted separately from the Technical portion of the proposal)

1 Marketing Director 5
2 Marketing Manager 10
3 Marketing Specialist 10
4 Account Manager 10
Other (please list):

TOTAL (add Column 1-4)








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1.0 Federal Access to Records: If the Contractor supplies services under the Agreement to a
State of Maryland residential health care facility under the Mental Hygiene Administration,
the Chronic Rehabilitation Facilities Division or the Developmental Disabilities
Administration, Contractor shall agree:

1.1 That pursuant to 42 C.F.R. Part 420, the Secretary of Health and Human Services
and the Comptroller General of the United States, or their duly authorized
representatives, shall be granted access to Contractor’s contract, books,
documents and records necessary to verify the cost of the services provided under
this Agreement for a period of four years after the services are furnished under the
Agreement; and
1.2 That it will assure that similar access will be allowed to the books, documents and
records of any organization related to or controlled by the Contractor, as defined
in 42 C.F .R. 420.301, if that organization is subcontracting to provide services with
a value of $10,000 or more in a twelve-month period to be reimbursed through
funds provided by the Agreement.

2.0 Audit Report: Within six months from the close of each fiscal year, non-governmental
contractors shall have an audit by a certified public accountant of their complete financial
transactions for the ended fiscal year. In connection with such audit, the Contractor shall
submit, in compliance with the Grants Manual, a letter to the auditing accountant which
states that the information provided to the accountant in connection with the audit-is
current, accurate and complete (the representation letter). Contractor shall submit a copy
of the audit report, including a copy of the representation letter, to the County. If the
County provides federal funds to the Contractor, Contractor shall submit a compliance
audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended. The County reserves
the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to conduct an audit or to engage an
independent certified public accountant to conduct an audit of the Contractor’s financial
transactions pursuant to the Agreement.

3.0 Audit Requirements for Grants in excess of $100,000: The audit report shall contain the
following information as required under the Standards for Human Services Sub-vendors

3.1 Sufficient schedules, forms, analysis, etc. to allow the reader to evaluate the results
of the contracted service during each of the contract fiscal years separately and
isolated from the Contractor’s total operations.
3.2 A statement of revenue and expenditures that details total revenue and allowable
expenditures for each contract the Contractor has with the County in excess of

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3.3 All notes prepared by the auditor and any management letter that may have been
generated as part of the audit.
3.4 An opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) as to whether the DHMH 440 prepared by
the Contractor is represented fairly in all material respects in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

4.0 Audit Exceptions: Contractor shall be responsible for repayment of any audit exceptions
identified by the audit described above by the County or the Maryland Department of
Health. In the event of an audit exception, the current fiscal year or a subsequent fiscal
year award, if any, shall be offset by the amount of the audit exception. In the event that
such audit exception is not satisfied in the current fiscal year and an award is not made for
any subsequent year, Contractor shall be billed for the amount of such audit exception
and shall promptly pay such amount to the County.

5.0 Record Keeping: Contractor shall maintain such records and accounts pertaining to the
services performed under the Agreement, including but not limited to medical, property,
personnel and financial records, as deemed necessary by the County and shall assure
proper accounting of all funds awarded pursuant to the Agreement. Contractor shall
retain all records and other documents for a period of five years from the date of final
payment under the Agreement, or until a final audit settlement or until such time as
required by state, federal or local statute or regulations, whichever is longer.

6.0 Accounting Methods: Generally accepted accounting principles shall be used by the
Contractors in the preparation of documents for all costs and expenditures such as
executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, vouchers or other official
documentation evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. All
checks, payrolls, invoices, contracts, vouchers, orders or other accounting documents
pertaining in whole or in part to the Agreement shall be clearly identified and readily
accessible during inspections under Inspection of Records below.

7.0 Inspection of Records: The Contractor shall permit the County or its authorized officials
to inspect at any time upon reasonable notice (not to exceed 48 hours) all records related
to the performance of the Agreement, including the records specified in Record Keeping
and Accounting Methods above, and the Contractor shall permit the County to make
compliance inspections of all contracts, records or personnel conditions of employment
and other data relating to matters covered by this Agreement. With written permission
from the consumer, the Contractor shall permit the County to make necessary inspections
of records needed to verify the consumer's eligibility for the Maryland Public Behavioral
Health System and utilization of services and to verify the Contractor’s compliance with
applicable regulations. In the event that the Contractor is dissolved or otherwise ceases
to conduct its business as it presently exists, it or its successors or assigns shall promptly
provide to the Contractor all records related to the performance of the Agreement.

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8.0 Inspection of Premises: Contractor shall permit authorized officials of the County to
inspect, anytime during business hours, its equipment or facilities, place of business, job
site or any other location which is related to performance of the Agreement.

9.0 Participation in Other Inspections: Contractor shall give timely written notice to the County
(at least 2 days) of all site inspections which are scheduled by licensing, certifying, auditing
and monitoring bodies including but not limited to the Office of Licensing and Certification
Programs, the Medical Assistance Administration, the Maryland Department of Health
Audit Division, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and the
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Contractor shall insure that the
County is given opportunity to observe all such site visits and to participate to the fullest
extent permitted by the certifying body. Contractor shall provide the County with a copy
of all written correspondence received from such organizations and all surveys, reports,
applications, documents, data, or other information which the Contractor submits to such
organizations. Contractor will notify the County of the results of all such audits and
inspections, whether favorable or unfavorable, as soon as practicable.

10.0 Coordination of Services: Contractor shall be a member of and actively participate in the
Provider Council of the County and sponsored activities and events. Representative on
Council must be a member of organizational leadership with decision making authority.
Contractor shall ensure coordination of services among providers. Contractor shall
comply with the County directives or plans for coordination of services including but not
limited to plans or directives in the areas of needs assessment, quality of service standards,
quality assurance, consumer satisfaction, consumer movement through the system,
accountability and case management.

11.0 Referrals: Referrals by the Contractor to other sources of treatment or counseling shall be
made to private or public practitioners in the community who hold themselves out to be
licensed, recognized social service agencies or existing professional societies. No
representations shall be made by the Contractor concerning the quality of such sources,
the qualifications of any practitioners or the ability of the alternative treatment sources to
meet the individual's treatment needs.

12.0 Preauthorization and Utilization Review: Contractor shall follow preauthorization and
utilization review procedures established by the County or the Maryland Department of
Health or any of their agents.

13.0 Conflict Resolution: Contractor shall cooperate with the County in the County's protocol
for resolution of conflicts between a provider and consumer, two or more providers or a
provider and the County.

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Request for Proposals 22-031
Marketing Services for the Frederick County Health Department


The Contractor, , certifies or

affirms they have read and agree to abide by federal clauses, when applicable, as
detailed in Attachment 9 of RFP 21-138, Wellness and Recovery Program Services.

Signature of Contractor's Authorized Official

Name and Title of Contractor's Authorized Official


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