Hamilton County ERP RFP - Specifications

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Request for Proposals for Software and Implementation

Services for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

Systems Environment

Solicitation Due Date: February 22, 2021 Time: 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

All Proposals must be received by Hamilton County, (County) by the date and time cited above. It shall
be the Respondent’s sole risk to assure submission by the designated time. The names of vendors
submitting Proposals, as identified on the outside of Proposal packages/envelopes, will be read into
record at the County Commissioner Meeting on the due date however the Proposal packages/envelopes
will not be publicly opened.


Solicitation packages can be obtained by downloading from the County website,

(https://www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov/Bids.aspx). Should you experience problems downloading the
solicitation, contact the ISS Helpdesk ([email protected]).

All questions concerning the RFP must be submitted via email only, to the County’s consulting partner,
BerryDunn (Ryan Doil – [email protected]), as identified within this solicitation in Section 1.8.
Communications with County staff may disqualify you from the evaluation process.

Forms, Worksheets, and Other Attachments

Attachment A – Proposal Response Forms

(See MS Word document “Hamilton County ERP RFP – Attachment A.docx”)

Attachment B – Functional and Technical Requirements/Capabilities

(See MS Excel spreadsheet “Hamilton County ERP RFP – Attachment B.xlsx”)

Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheets

(See MS Excel spreadsheet “Hamilton County ERP RFP – Attachment C1.xlsx”)

Attachment C2 – Cost Narrative

(See MS Word document “Hamilton County ERP RFP – Attachment C2.docx”)

Section Page

Forms, Worksheets, and Other Attachments...........................................................................i

1 RFP Introduction and Background............................................................................4
About The County...................................................................................................................................4
Project Objectives....................................................................................................................................6
RFP Schedule of Events..........................................................................................................................8
Prequalification of Vendors.....................................................................................................................9
Minimum Qualifications..........................................................................................................................9
Questions and Inquiries...........................................................................................................................9
Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference............................................................................9
Amendments and Addenda....................................................................................................................10
Non-Warranty of RFP Information........................................................................................................10
2 Project Scope............................................................................................................. 11
Functional Areas....................................................................................................................................11
Alternate Proposals, Partnerships and Proposers of Subsets of Functionality........................................14
County and Project Staffing...................................................................................................................16
Deployment Model................................................................................................................................16
Number of Users....................................................................................................................................17
Potential Phasing and Target Live Dates...............................................................................................18
Current Applications Environment........................................................................................................18
Project Management Documentation.....................................................................................................21
Budget 21
Software Upgrades 22
Performance Review..............................................................................................................................22
3 Proposal Evaluation and Award...............................................................................23
Evaluation Process 23
Clarification and Discussion of Proposals................................................................................................................24
Evaluation Criteria 24
No Obligation, Right of Rejection, and Multiple Award..........................................................................................27
Offer Held Firm 27
Contract Negotiation..............................................................................................................................27
Failure to Negotiate...............................................................................................................................27
Contract Type........................................................................................................................................28
Contract Changes...................................................................................................................................28
Contract Approval.................................................................................................................................28
4 Submittal Response Format.....................................................................................29
General Instructions..................................................................................................................................................29
Technical Proposal Organization Guidelines............................................................................................................30
Content for Tabs 1 – 15............................................................................................................................................31

Price Proposal 32

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5 Terms and Conditions...............................................................................................34
Records and Audits................................................................................................................................34
Incurred Expenses 34
Authorized Signatures..............................................................................................................................................34
Rights to Submitted Material.................................................................................................................34
Confidential Information.......................................................................................................................35
Waiver of Claims...................................................................................................................................35
Statutory Information...............................................................................................................................................35
Non-Discrimination Clause......................................................................................................................................35
Force Majeure 36
Policy Compliance 36
Compliance with Federal, State, County, and Local Laws.......................................................................................36
Patents and Copyrights.............................................................................................................................................36
Invalid, Illegal, or Unenforceable Provisions.........................................................................................36
County Property.....................................................................................................................................36
Rights of Use.........................................................................................................................................37
Ownership of Data and Transition.........................................................................................................37
Data Privacy and Security......................................................................................................................37
Interpretation of Solicitation Documents...............................................................................................37

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1 RFP Introduction and Background

Hamilton County (County) is soliciting Proposals from Respondents capable of satisfying the needs for
software and professional services to implement a new software systems environment to address the County’s
needs related to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
In addition to soliciting written responses, this document provides information to assist Respondents in
preparing their responses, and facilitates the subsequent evaluation and comparison process. In that regard, this
 Provides information essential to soliciting meaningful recommendations and realistic
commitments from the Respondents
 Specifies the desired format and content of Proposals in response to this RFP
 Outlines the County’s evaluation and selection procedures
 Establishes a schedule for the preparation and submission of Proposals in response to this RFP

This RFP and the selected Proposal in response to this RFP will be incorporated into the contract resulting
from this solicitation.

About The County

Hamilton County remained one of Indiana’s fastest growing, highest educated and wealthiest county in the state
and the Midwest in 2019. Two-thirds of the workforce lives and works in the county a percent that has
remained constant since 2010. What has grown is the number of workers imported into the county, which
indicates the growing strength of the community’s business climate. Located just north of Indianapolis, the
southern two-thirds of the County had experienced the most residential growth although some more rural
sectors of the northern part of the county are seeing housing growth as well – especially the City of Westfield
and the town of Cicero. The U.S. Bureau of the Census estimated the number of County residents in 2019 as
more than 330,000, a 20% increase since 2010. The large centers of population are Carmel, Noblesville and
Fishers, each with populations ranging from 63,000 to almost 100,000. Westfield is currently the fastest-
developing City with about 42,000 residents. There are more than 130,000 housing units in the county. The
growth initiated in the past decade is due in large measure to the County’s proximity to the state’s capital City,
Indianapolis, along with its emphasis on quality of life. The Indianapolis City center is just 20 miles south of
the Hamilton County line. All four cities have worked to create workforce opportunities of their own and 2019
brought many new announcements of light manufacturing, office and innovation businesses moving to the
county. Table 01 below presents a department listing for the County.

Table 01: County Department Listing

Hamilton County, Indiana Department Listing
Airport Authority
 Property Tax Assessment
 Board of Appeals

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Hamilton County, Indiana Department Listing
 Budgets & Finance
 Deductions
 Real Property Department
 Property Tax Administration
Buildings & Grounds
 Elections
 Records & Microfilm
County Council
 Circuit Court
 Superior Courts I – VI
 Magistrates
 Court Administration
Courts  Pretrail Services
 Probation & Substance Abuse
 Prosecutor
 Chief Trial Deputy
 IV-D Child Support
Emergency Management Agency
Health Department
Highway Department
Human Resources
Information System Services
Parks Department  Parks Board
Plan Commission
Public Safety 911 Communications
Recorder – Land Records
Safety Risk Management
 Jail
Sheriff  Juvenile Detention
 Merit Board
Soil & Water Conservation
Solid Waste District  Household Hazardous Waste
Surveyor  Drainage Board
Veteran Services
Weights & Measures

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The following table contains statistics related to the County. These statistics are estimates and are provided for
planning purposes only. Additional information has been provided in Table 05: Functional Area Statistics.
Table 02: Statistics
No. Area Statistic
1 Operating Budget Approx. $187,000,000
2 Population Served Approx. 330,086
3 Total Staff Approx. 1,320
4 Fiscal Year January 1 – December 31

Project Objectives
The overall goal of this project is to take advantage of the newest technology and harness efficiencies by
reviewing business processes or implementing technology to enhance existing business processes performed by
County departments. The County is planning to replace its current software systems environment with a new
system or combination of software systems, and to adopt systems functionality to support core processes. In
doing so, the County seeks to address several challenges in the current environment, and gain future
efficiencies, including, but not limited to:
 Key Objectives and Outcomes:
o Enhance operational effectiveness by making more timely, accurate, and complete
information available to citizens, the Auditor, County Commissioners, County Council, and
other County personnel
o Utilize information technology to improve decision-making and service to the
o Improve internal and external communications using information technology
o Refine business processes based on best practices
o Enhance features and functionality to support increased automation and operational
efficiencies by streamlining use of systems
o Increase productivity by eliminating redundancy and unnecessary tasks
 Primary Challenges in the Current Environment
o The current system lacks key reporting capabilities, making it difficult to monitor metrics and
forcing staff to create custom reports.
o IT has a key role in many County business processes. Due to the lack of functionality in the
current system, IT has to execute batch processes for departments and create reports. This
limits the department’s ability to control internal processes and increases demand on IT
o There are a number of manual and paper-based processes in multiple functional areas. In most
cases, approval processes are performed outside the system due to existing policies and

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o County needs such as budget preparation, cash receipting, and project accounting are not
supported by the current system. Staff use third-party applications or paper-based or Excel-
based processes to support these functions.
o Interfacing capabilities with external agencies is limited. Staff send and receive data for a
number of purposes, including grant reimbursement, accounting compliance, and law
enforcement information. The current system does not interface with external agencies, so staff
often have to manually import or extract data.
o Financial transparency is limited. Most departments are tracking their budgets and
financials outside of the system because they do not have any viewing access to
information in the current system.
o Gaps in functionality in the current system make tracking fixed assets a challenge.
o County departments are using different systems for similar functionality. The current
environment does not promote efficient interfaces between systems for data transfer,
particularly financial information. A future system will need to be able to interface with other
County systems or be able to aggregate functionality to fewer systems and standardized
o There is duplicate entry into the current system and other department systems. For example,
all employee data must be entered into the current HR payroll system and reentered into
other HR software programs.
In order to address these challenges and others, the County has initiated a project to adequately plan for, select,
and implement a replacement or upgraded Software Systems environment. Section 2.0 – Project Scope, outlines
the features and functionality desired in a future system(s), as well as the professional services necessary to
implement that system(s).

In order to simplify the language throughout this RFP, the following definitions shall apply:

ADDENDA – Written instruments issued by the County prior to the date for receipt of Proposals that modify
or interpret the RFP documents by addition, deletions, clarification, or corrections.

COUNTY – Hamilton County, IN

COUNTY EVALUATION COMMITTEE – The team of County staff that will participate in the review,
evaluation, and scoring of proposals and subsequent evaluation processes, including demonstrations and
reference checks.

COUNTY PROJECT MANAGER – The person designated by the County to be the County Project
Manager assigned to act on behalf of the County during the term of the resulting Contract.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS – The RFP, submitted Proposals, including any diagrams, Addenda, and a form
of agreement between the County and the Contractor, including all change orders, insurance certificates,
exhibits, amendments, and attachments.

CONTRACTOR – The Contractor(s)/consultant(s) that may be awarded a contract to provide software system(s) and
professional services to implement the ERP System for the County.

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DAYS – Means calendar days unless otherwise specified.

ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM (ERP) – Means the financial management and human
resource information software system that is described in this RFP and in the Attachments hereto.

PROJECT – The project to configure and implement the ERP System for the County as described in this RFP
and in the Attachments hereto.

PROJECT SCOPE – Scope of services to be provided by the Contractor(s).

PROPOSAL – A complete and properly signed Proposal to provide goods, commodities, labor, or services
for the sum stated and submitted in accordance with the RFP.


RESPONDENT or PROPOSER or VENDOR – The person, Contractor, corporation, partnership, or other

entity submitting a Proposal on items listed in the RFP documents, and thereby agreeing to meet the
specified Contract terms and conditions if awarded the contract.

SERVICES or WORK – All services to be performed by the Contractor to successfully complete the Project
to the satisfaction of the County.

SUBCONTRACTOR or SUBCONSULTANT – Any individual, corporation, company, or other entity that

contracts to perform work or render services to a Contractor or to another subcontractor as part of this Contract
with the County.


RFP Schedule of Events

The following RFP Schedule of Events represents the best estimate of the schedule the County will follow,
which is subject to change at the County’s discretion. Vendors are encouraged to hold the demonstration dates
listed. If a component of the schedule is accelerated or delayed, it shall be anticipated that the remaining
components may also be adjusted by a similar number of days via RFP Addendum prior to the submittal
Table 03: RFP Schedule of Events
Event Estimated Date
RFP Published Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – 1pm EST
Deadline for Questions From Vendors Friday, January 29, 2021 by 4pm EST
Deadline for Proposal Submissions Monday, February 22, 2021 by 12:00pm EST
Shortlist Vendors notified Week of March 15, 2021
Vendor Demonstrations Week of April 12 (and as necessary week of April 19)

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Prequalification of Vendors
The County has not employed a prequalification process. No Vendors are either prequalified or precluded
from responding to this RFP.

Minimum Qualifications
In order for Proposals to be evaluated and considered for award, Proposals must be deemed responsive to this
RFP as determined in the discretion of the County Evaluation Committee. To be deemed responsive, the
submitted Proposal documents shall conform in all material respects to the requirements stated in the RFP, and
Proposers shall document and validate the capability to fully perform all requirements defined by the RFP.
Factors to be considered in connection with a Proposer’s capability to fully perform all requirements of the RFP
include, and may not be limited to: experience, integrity, reliability, capacity, and other factors required to
provide the Services defined by the RFP.

Questions and Inquiries

It shall be the responsibility of the Respondents to inquire about any portion of the RFP that is not fully
understood or that is susceptible to more than one interpretation prior to the question period closing.
 All questions concerning the RFP must be submitted via email only, to the County’s consulting
partner, BerryDunn (Ryan Doil – [email protected]) and shall reference the page number,
section heading, and paragraph, if applicable.
 Questions and answers will be issued in accordance with Section 1.10 – Amendments and
 Only questions and answers publicly published through Addenda shall be binding.

Respondents shall not contact other County staff with any questions or inquiries. Unauthorized contact with
any personnel of the County may be cause for rejection of the Respondent’s response. The decision to reject a
Proposal is solely that of the County.

Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference

A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 1pm
Eastern Time.

Vendors that are interested in participating in the Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference shall contact
BerryDunn in writing ([email protected]) to request the teleconference information.

The format of the Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference will be an overview of the RFP, its contents, the RFP
Schedule of Events, and additional topics. Following the overview, Vendors will be able to ask questions related
to the RFP or the overall process. The County will attempt to answer all questions at that time, but answers
provided shall not be binding. Following the Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference, the County will post online
the material questions asked and their respective answers in an addendum.

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Amendments and Addenda
All clarifications, corrections or revisions to this RFP will be documented in an addendum, which will be
publicly published to the County website. Only questions and answers in an addendum shall be considered as
part of the RFP. The County reserves the right to revise the RFP prior to the deadline for Proposal
submissions. Revisions shall be documented in an addendum and publicly published.

The County will attempt to publicly publish periodic addenda on a timely basis between the RFP
publishing date and the close of the question period. Vendors are responsible for monitoring the County
website for the periodic posting of addenda prior to the submittal due date.

Non-Warranty of RFP Information

Due care and diligence has been exercised in the preparation of this RFP and all information herein is believed
to be substantially correct. However, the responsibility for determining the full extent of the exposure to risk
and verification of all information herein shall rest solely on those parties making Proposals. The County, its
representatives, and its agents shall not be responsible for any error or omission in this RFP, nor shall they be
responsible for the failure on the part of any Respondents or their representatives to verify the information
herein and to determine the full extent of that exposure.

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2 Project Scope

Functional Areas
The following table contains the list of functional areas of the desired future systems environment.
Table 04: Functional Areas
No. Functional Area No. Functional Area
General Ledger and Financial Human Resources and Personnel
1 9
Reporting Management
2 Budgeting 10 Benefit Administration
Purchasing, Bids, and Contract Learning and Performance
3 11
Management Management
4 Accounts Payable 12 Time and Attendance
Accounts Receivable and Cash
5 13 Compensation Management
Project Accounting and Grant
6 14 Payroll
7 Fixed Assets 15 Health & Safety and Risk
Applicant Tracking (Recruiting and

The List of Functional and Technical Requirements/Capabilities contained in Attachment B – Functional

and Technical Requirements/Capabilities contains the detailed functionality the County requires within
each functional area in a future systems environment, as well as general and technical system requirements, and
data conversion and interface scope.

The following table contains functional statistics of the County. These statistics are estimates and are provided for
planning purposes only.
Table 05: Functional Area Statistics
Functional Area Metric
General Ledger and Financial Reporting
Number of Active Funds 300
Number of Active Accounts 5,100
The County’s chart of accounts
(COA) structure is split into four
segments based on the state board
of accounts:
Chart of Accounts Structure  Fund
 Sub-fund
 Department or project

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Functional Area Metric
 Line item (personnel,
supplies, capital outlay,
Budgeting – Operational and Capital
$162,800,000 Hamilton County
$1,250,000 Solid Waste
Operating Budget
$1,190,000 Airport Authority
$165,000,000 Total
$15,870,000 Hamilton County
$15,000 Solid Waste
Capital Budget
$589,000 Airport Authority
$16,500,000 Total
Project Accounting and Grant Management
Number of Active Grants 70
Number of Active Projects Approximately 75
Purchasing, Bids, and Contract Management
Number of Contracts per Year – over $150,000 Approximately 250
Purchasing Structure (Centralized/De-centralized) De-centralized
Number of purchase cards in use NA
Approximately 20
County General
Number of Bids Awarded Per Year – over $150,000
7 Drainage Board
3 Parks Board
Accounts Payable
Number of Active Vendors 3,400
Number of AP Invoices Processed per Year Approximately 35,000
Number of 1099’s issued per Year Approximately 450
Number of Payments per Year Approximately 20,000
Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts
Hamilton County does not
Number of Invoices/Statements per Year currently have this functionality
but would like this in a future
Number of Cash Collection Points (including all tender types) 30
Hamilton County does not
Number of Customers in Master File currently have this functionality
but would like this in a future
Number of Cash Receipts per Year Average 6,800

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Functional Area Metric
Hamilton County does not
currently have this functionality
but would like this in a future
Types of Misc. Receivable Billings
(Community Correction
participants, Clerk, Rent for
facilities / tower)
Fixed Assets
Number of Active Capital Assets Approximately 6,300
Number of Active Non-Capitalized Fixed Assets Approximately 15,000
Fixed Asset Threshold $5,000
HR and Personnel Management, Performance Management,
Applicant Tracking, and Benefits Administration
Total Number of Employees (Full/Part Time) Approximately 1,320
Number of Full-Time Employees 892
Number of Part-Time Employees 208
Number of Seasonal Employees 220
Number of Retirees 102
Number of Applicants per Year 3,000
Number of Bargaining Units None
Number of Benefit Plans 26
Number of Leave Plans 14
1,400 Hamilton County
Number of W2’s per Year
15 Solid Waste
1 Airport Authority
Pay Frequency Biweekly
1,033 Hamilton County
Number of Employees Paid per Cycle (average) 10 Solid Waste
1 Airport Authority
Time and Attendance
Total number of employees entering time 1,400
Number of employees reviewing/approving time 150
Number of employees licensed for remote time capture using a mobile
Number of employees licensed for reviewing/approving time using
mobile application
Departments using physical time clocks (anticipated future) 0

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Functional Area Metric
Time clock device(s) currently in use and quantity 0
Anticipated future time clock needs 0
Number of employees to use advanced scheduling functionality (e.g.
shift swaps, minimum staffing, etc.)
5 Total Sheriff
(Patrol, Jail,
Departments to use advanced scheduling functionality (e.g. shift
Investigations); 911
swaps, minimum staffing, etc.)
Communications; Community

Alternate Proposals, Partnerships and Proposers of Subsets of Functionality

Alternate Proposals:

 Respondents may submit alternate Proposals for evaluation.

 Proposers may submit multiple Proposals for evaluation. For example, if a Proposer offers one or
more “branded” products that may meet the needs of the County they are encouraged to separately
propose each software package for consideration.
 Software companies that deliver their solution through one or more consulting firms (system
integrators) are also allowed to submit more than one Proposal for consideration through differing
consulting firms.

 A separate Proposal package submitted in accordance with Section 4 is required in order for the
County to accurately evaluate each Proposal independent of the other.
Respondents are encouraged to establish partnership relationships to fully provide all requirements defined by
the RFP.
 Respondents engaged in a partnership relationship shall submit a single proposal in response
to this RFP.
 Partnership relationships shall be clearly defined by proposal responses. Such definition shall
identify the entity in the partnership relationship deemed to be the Prime Vendor. In the event a
proposal that presents a partnership is selected, it is expected that a single contract be executed
between the County and the Prime Vendor, and the Prime Vendor be responsible for any
contractual relationship with the proposed partner(s).
 Each Vendor engaged in the partnership shall respond to any and all applicable portions of this RFP
that relate to the work that will be performed, or the capabilities provided. For example, each
Vendor shall provide references, and each Vendor shall respond to the Company Background and
History questions.

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Proposers of Subsets of Functionality:

As part of this process the County will be allowing Respondents to submit point solutions (best of breed), and
encourages Respondents to participate in this process in order to consider and evaluate a range of marketplace
 The County is willing to consider best-of-breed solutions (“point” solutions). It is noted that the
County wishes to minimize the number of solutions in a future environment, and as such will be
considering point solutions subject to the conditions in this subsection.
 Proposers are also encouraged to propose on a subset of functionality if the proposed software
cannot provide functionality for all requested modules. Proposers may propose solutions that
address a subset of functionality, provided the software is able to address, at a minimum, one of the
following areas:

a. Financial Management Systems (Tabs 2 - 8 of Attachment B)

b. Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) (Tabs 9 - 16 of Attachment B)

 This does not preclude Proposers from partnering, or addressing more than the tabs defined in a)
and b) above but is rather intended to identify the minimum scope that must be presented in each
proposal. The County will not be accepting standalone proposals for lesser scope than those areas
identified above (example being a proposal addressing only Budgeting or Time Entry). The County
will allow vendors to present options for standalone HRIS systems as defined above in bullet (b),
however wishes to limit the number of overall HRIS systems in the County environment and
requests that vendors limit the number of proposed third-party solutions to a minimum.

 The County has a preference on software solutions that provide for the highest level of fit, and
facilitate the exchange of information between any disparate systems.
 The County will consider proposers of a subset of functionality on the relative merit of the
functionality proposed based on the evaluation criteria laid forth in this RFP, and reserves the right
to enter into negotiations for one or more proposers in order to achieve a “best–of- breed” solution.
 The County reserves the right to make one or more awards to competing Offerors for subsets of
functionality as a result of this RFP. In the event the County should make awards to one or more
competing Offerors, it shall be expected that additional discussion will take place between the
County and the Offerors to define requirements and an approach to building an integration or
interface between the selected systems. In such instance, the County expects that the Offerors will
work together as necessary to develop the necessary integration once one has been identified.
 Vendors responding on a subset of functionality must also respond to Tab 1 (General and
Technical) and Tabs 17-18 (Interfaces and Data Conversion) of Attachment B.

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County and Project Staffing
The County intends to have functional and technical resources available during Project implementation,
though it is noted that the County does not anticipate dedicating staff full-time to the implementation in
addition to managing their core job responsibilities. This applies to both functional resources as well as
technical resources internal to the County. The County does anticipate using a third-party consultant to
provide project management services during the implementation process to support County staff, though it is
noted that such services are not a part of this solicitation.

Staffing considerations are a consideration for the County in terms of both the implementation process as well as
supporting the software once in an operations mode. Vendors are encouraged to submit questions to the County
to solicit such additional information as is necessary to adequately estimate the resource commitments that
would be expected of the County during implementation, and post go- live for ongoing support of the system(s).
Additional resource planning will be performed based upon the selected Respondent(s).

Respondents shall clearly indicate in the proposal responses the estimated level of County resource
involvement in the implementation process, in order to allow the County to perform adequate planning.
Respondents shall indicate the Resource Hour Estimates in Tab 3 – Project Approach and Implementation
Methodology. The County will utilize the Respondents Resource Hour Estimates response as an input into the
staffing plan the County develops, and requests that Respondents clearly articulate estimated staffing
considerations in their responses.

Deployment Model

The County is open to considering various deployment models, and has structured the RFP to allow for the
evaluation of the deployment model as but one factor in the overall procurement process. The County wishes
to evaluate the greatest range of marketplace offerings feasible through this process.

The County does have a slight preference toward a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, due to the nature of
how system updates are typically deployed and availability of the system considerations for these mission-
critical systems. For other deployments (on premise and proposer hosted) the County is interested in
understanding additional support models/offering such as disaster recovery services.

The County recognizes there are many factors contributing to a comparison of cost Proposals for these
various deployment methods including needed infrastructure and/or hardware costs, the potential for reduced
hardware and support costs in hosted/SaaS models, a particular Proposer’s approach to managing upgrades,
and technical staffing needs. It is well understood among the County team that a “higher” cost from a SaaS
vendor may be equalized by considering these other cost areas when comparing to an on premise deployment.
The County will consider, in no particular order, the following deployment models:
a. On Premise (locally hosted at the County, perpetual licenses)
b. Software as a Service (SaaS or subscription-based models)
c. Proposer hosted (hosted and managed by the Proposer, perpetual licenses)

Cost sheets have been provided under Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheets for pricing each of the
deployment models.

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This solicitation is not a bid process nor will it follow a lowest-priced responsive Proposal process, but will be
based on most advantageous Proposal(s) utilizing the Evaluation Criteria listed in the RFP, including the review
of life cycle costs (i.e. recurring costs, hardware, third-party licenses, etc.).

In developing proposals, Proposer’s shall clearly define the proposed deployment model including the licensing
model as well as any perceived benefits of the proposed model. In the event two or more products are proposed
under the same proposal (e.g. through a partnership or offered by the same company) the Proposer shall clearly
indicate in both the technical proposal (Attachment A, Tab 2) and cost proposal (Attachment C1) the
deployment model for each proposed software product.

The County does not have a preference as to a specific hosting location, but does have a preference toward the
hosting being within the contiguous United States. Vendors are requested to specify the hosting location in
proposal responses, specifically as part of Tab 9 to proposal responses (please see Attachment A for further

Number of Users
The following user counts by module contained in the table below are estimates and are provided for planning
purposes only. The number of users represents the anticipated future number of users of a new
 Departmental (Core/Power) Users: This category of users includes those County staff that will
interact with the system modules on a regular basis, and conduct core business processes within the
system as power users. Such examples include, but are not limited to: Payroll Clerk, Financial Analyst,
System Support Specialist, etc.)
 Customer Department Users: This category of users includes those County staff that will interact
with the system modules as internal customers by either initiating transactions (e.g. entering a payment
or entering a requisition), reviewing/approving transactions (e.g. reviewing leave requests, reviewing
requisitions entered by a subordinate), or consuming information (e.g. reviewing departmental budget).
Table 06: Number of Users

Departmental Customer
Functional Area
(Core/Power) Users Department Users
General Ledger and Financial Reporting 10 50
Budgeting 5 50
Purchasing, Bids, and Contract Management 5 20
Accounts Payable 10 50
Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts 5 20
Project Accounting and Grant Management 5 20
Fixed Assets 5 50
Applicant Tracking (Recruiting and Onboarding) 5 20
Human Resources and Personnel Management 5 20
Benefit Administration 5 20

Page 17 of 37
Departmental Customer
Functional Area
(Core/Power) Users Department Users
Employee Self Service Portal 20 1,400
Learning and Performance Management 10 1,400
Time and Attendance 150 1,400
Compensation Management 10 30
Payroll 10 30
Health & Safety and Risk 5 20
It is anticipated that some users will use multiple modules, causing overlap in each functional area. The counts are
broken down by functional area to allow Respondents to formulate responses based on each. The County estimates
a. The total number of licensed regular daily users of the system (requiring the ability to add,
edit, and view content) using a named-seat basis may be around 100
b. The total number of regular daily concurrent users to be around 50 (unnamed license seats – in
other words, how many people are expected to be accessing the system/module at the same time.
This is in contrast to named users who have dedicated licenses tied to a unique login/user ID)
c. The County anticipates that all employees (up to 1,400 during peak seasons) would have access to
self-service portal functionality

Potential Phasing and Target Live Dates

The County requests that offerors provide potential phase start and target go-live dates in proposal responses
per Attachment A – Proposal Response Forms, Tab 5. These dates should be estimates based on
anticipated resource requirements and dependencies between functional areas. These dates are subject to
negotiation. The County initially anticipates that the total implementation process for all modules/products will
be 18-24 months in duration, subject to further planning with Proposers. The County anticipates that
implementation activities would begin in the second quarter of calendar year 2021. The County would like to
target January 1, 2022 as a potential go-live date for financial modules, and January 1, 2023 as a go-live date
for human resources and payroll modules. The County follows a January 1 – December 31 fiscal year.

Current Applications Environment

The County’s current financial and HR system is Eden by Tyler Technologies, version Eden is
operated on a MS Structured Query Language (SQL) 2016 database using Windows server 2012. The current
system is stable but lacks features and integration capabilities required to support the current and future needs of
the County. Many users are completing business processes outside the ERP system, relying on MS Excel and
other stand-alone applications to provide the necessary reporting and analysis to complete their job functions.
Eden is used to provide the following functions:
Table 07: Current System Functions
Current System Functions
1 Accounts Payable 6 General Ledger/Financials
2 Applicant Tracking 7 Human Resources

Page 18 of 37
3 Benefits Enrollment 8 Leave Tracking
4 Budget Preparation
9 Payroll
5 Fixed Assets

It is noted that the County currently processes transactions (e.g. payroll, W-2’s, and accounts payable) for three
separate entities – one for the County, one for the Airport, and one for Solid Waste. The County, Airport, and
Solid Waste each maintain separate bank accounts against which accounts payable and payroll are transacted,
though all three groups use the same check layout. The County anticipates that the Airport and Solid Waste
would each be set-up under the umbrella of the County organization in a future system. Each of the entities does
have its own EIN number. The County’s support for Eden is generally provided by the IT Department’s Help
Desk. Staff contact the Help Desk by calling or sending an email. Help Desk staff create a ticket and will assist
with Tier 1 issues and escalate all other issues to either the IT Applications or Network Administrator support
teams. IT Department staff will contact Eden directly for support related to the application as end-users do not
contact Eden.

Other Major Applications

The County also uses Kronos-Workforce Central version 8.1.4 for Time and Attendance and a wide variety of
applications to provide functionality in specialized areas. Many of these applications are listed in Table 08.
Identification of any potential future system interfaces is provided in Attachment B to this RFP.

Table 08: Additional Software Applications

No. Application Use/Summary
1. Adobe Programs PDF viewing and editing application
2. AFLAC Insurance provider application
3. Agency 360 Field training management
4. ArcGIS Geographic information system
Software package that streamlines the handling of Indiana Tax
American United Life Insurance
6. Insurance provider application
Company (AUL)
7. AutoCAD Computer-aided design (CAD) software
8. Autodesk AutoCAD vendor
9. BlueJeans Video conferencing tool
10. Campground Master Reservation management system
11. Campwise Camp management software
12. Canva Photo editing
13. Cellbrite Reader Digital investigative application

Page 19 of 37
No. Application Use/Summary
14. CivicHR Performance management software
15. CivicRec Parks and recreation management software
16. Concur Expense management, travel and invoice software
17. Core FTP File Transfer Program used to send the enrollment file
18. Dossier Vehicle fleet records management
19. ECWS Citation
County’s financial and human capital management system
20. Eden
provided by Tyler Technologies
21. Gate keeper (door knobs) Gate locking system
22. Google Earth Pro Geospatial desktop application
Performance management system used by the Sherriff’s
23. Guardian Tracking
24. Infinisource COBRA administration application
25. Insite360/Veeder Root Fuel monitoring/management system
26. Intelligrants Grant management system
27. Judicial Systems Jury management system
28. Kronos Workforce management system
29. Lieberman County’s automated tax warrant system
Desktop applications that provide database, word processing, and
30. MS 365 G3, F3, and G5
collaboration functionality
31. NotePad++ Text and source code editor
32. Odyssey Case management system
33. OnBoard Board meeting management software
Public facing web portal for displaying data from Posse
34. Outrider
35. Phoenix OPW System used to manage drivers and fleet
36. Photoshop Imaging and graphic design software
Enterprise workflow/processing management application with
37. POSSE Winchester
document storage capabilities
38. PowerTerm Provides gas key mapping functionality
39. QuickBooks Accounting software
40. SageIntacct Accounting software
41. Simpleview Content management system
42. Stanley Security Video surveillance solution

Page 20 of 37
No. Application Use/Summary
43. SunLife Absence management system (FMLA)
44. SurveyMonkey Online surveying tool
45. TeleStaff Public safety advanced scheduling
46. Teller AR software
47. Trimble Transportation and fleet management system
48. WebEx Video conferencing application
49. Zoom Video conferencing application

Project Management Documentation

The following information establishes the expectation of the minimum level of project management
documentation to be provided by Respondents as a part of, but not exclusively, the resulting implementation
services offered. As part of the implementation scope, following signing of a contract, the selected
Contractor(s) shall develop and provide the County with the following items:
 Project Management Plan: a detailed Implementation Project Plan that, at a minimum,
includes the following:
o Objectives
o Deliverables and Milestones
o Project Schedule
o Resource Management Processes
o Scope Management Processes
o Schedule Management Processes
o Risk Management Processes
o Quality Management Approach
o Communication Management Approach
o Organizational Change Management Approach
o Status Reporting
 Data Conversion Plan
 Training Plan
 System Interface Plan
 Testing and Quality Assurance Plan
 Pre- and Post-Implementation Support Plan
 System Documentation
 Risk Register

Additional documentation about each Plan may be found in Section VIII of Tab 3, in Attachment A – Proposal
Response Forms of this RFP.

The County is committed to fully funding the one-time and recurring annual costs for the acquisition of the
software (whether a licensed model or a subscription model is selected as a result of this process). Budget
planning for this initiative is ongoing, and a specific amount for the software and
Page 21 of 37
implementation services portion has not yet been determined. A final budget will be programmed based on
the results of this RFP and final contract negotiations.

The County is sensitive to the total costs, and has listed cost as one of the several evaluation criteria in the
RFP; however, this is not an opportunity to identify the lowest priced solution. This RFP opportunity is being
presented as a best value solicitation, and not a lowest priced bid, opportunity.

All of Contractor’s personnel providing goods and services under the contract shall possess the necessary skills,
experience, and knowledge, to perform their assigned duties. In the event assigned personnel are providing non-
conforming or unsuitable services, the County shall notify Contractor and provide the opportunity to rectify the
deficiency. If unable to cure the nonconforming services, Contractor shall remove from the project and replace
the Contractor’s personnel that the County deems unsuitable for the project with a resource possessing the
necessary skills, experience, and knowledge, to perform their assigned duties in a satisfactory manner.

Software Upgrades
The County shall be entitled to any and all upgraded versions of the software covered in the contract that
becomes available from the Contractor. Such upgrades shall be provided at no cost to the County so long as a
valid maintenance and support agreement, or if applicable software as a service licensing agreement, is in place.

Performance Review
The Respondent may be required to meet with the County’s Project Manager not less than once per quarter to
conduct a performance review of the Respondent. These meetings will be either in person at County offices, or
via teleconference or web-conference with not less than two in-person meetings per year. This performance
review will include a review of the pricing, delivery performance, customer service, and improving operational

Page 22 of 37
3 Proposal Evaluation and Award

Evaluation Process
The following subsection outlines the intended proposal evaluation process the County has identified. The
County reserves the right to deviate from this process at its own discretion, and to (i) negotiate any and all
elements of the RFP, (ii) amend, modify, or withdraw the RFP, (iii) revise any requirements under the RFP, (iv)
require supplemental statements of information from any Respondent, (v) extend the deadline for submission of
Proposals, (vi) cancel, in whole or part, this RFP if the County deems it is in its best interest to do so, (vii)
request additional information or clarification of information provided in any Proposal without changing the
terms of the RFP, and/or
(viii) waive any portion of the selection process in order to accelerate the selection and negotiation with the
top-ranked Respondent.. The County may exercise the foregoing rights at any time without notice and
without liability to any Respondent, or any other party, for expenses incurred in the preparation of responses
hereto or otherwise.
a. Vendor Shortlist: The County Evaluation Committee will initially review and evaluate each Proposal
received to determine the Proposer’s ability to meet the requirements of the County. The evaluation
criteria described in Section 3.3 will be the basis for evaluation. The Evaluation Committee will
determine the Respondents best suited to meet the needs of the County based on the scoring of the
evaluation criteria. These Vendors will form the Vendor Shortlist.
b. Vendor Demonstrations: The County, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to have system
demonstrations with those Respondents on the Vendor Shortlist, or any other Respondent.
Demonstrations may be conducted at County offices, subject to then-current public health guidance.
Demonstrations will involve a scripted demonstration. The schedule, scripts, and demonstration
requirements will be provided with the invitation to participate in demonstrations. A Pre-Demonstration
Vendor Teleconference will take place for those Vendors that have been shortlisted, and Respondents
will have an opportunity to review the format of the demonstrations and ask questions related to
procedure and specific demonstration scenarios. Vendors that are invited to participate in
demonstrations are advised that the provided scripts must be strictly adhered to while presenting.
Optional modules or functionality shall not be presented if they fall outside the scope of requested
functionality or that functionality which has been proposed by the Respondents. The proposed version
of the software must be shown, and must not include any software that is under development or in beta
testing. Evaluation Committee members will view the demonstrations, and additional County staff may
also be in attendance to observe and provide informal feedback.
c. Reference Checks: The County may employ a process of contacting references provided
through Respondents’ proposals. This process may include teleconference meetings, web
conferences, and in-person meetings with references. The County reserves the right to conduct
reference checks at any point in the evaluation process.
d. Best and Final Offer and Request for Clarification: A Best-and-Final-Offer process may be
initiated if it is determined to be in the best interest of the County. Such process may be initiated
following the identification of the Vendor Shortlist or at any other evaluation process

Page 23 of 37
step. Additional processes of scope and cost clarification may be employed as part of the evaluation
process if it is deemed to be in the County’s best interest.

Clarification and Discussion of Proposals

The County may request clarifications and conduct discussions with any Respondent that submits a Proposal,
including requesting additional information. The County reserves the right to select the Proposal or Proposals
that it believes is the most responsive as determined by the County Evaluation Committee, which will best
serve the County business and operational requirements, considering the evaluation criteria set forth below.
Respondents shall be available for a system demonstration to County staff on dates specified in Table 03 or as
otherwise requested by the County if selected for system demonstrations. Failure of a Respondent to respond to
such a request for additional information, clarification, or system demonstrations may result in rejection of the
Proposal. The initial evaluation may be adjusted because of a clarification under this section. The County
reserves the right to waive irregularities in the Proposal content or to request supplemental information from

Evaluation Criteria
As described in the preceding Evaluation process sub-section, the County intends to follow a cumulative
approach to scoring based on key evaluation activities (e.g. scoring is conducted in a progressive manner,
following various steps in the process). The County hereby reserves the right to evaluate, at its sole discretion,
the extent to which each Proposal received compares to the stated criteria. Vendor proposals shall be evaluated
in accordance with the following criteria, subject to variation at the sole discretion of the County:

Short-List Identification: The County intends to utilize the criteria presented in Table 09
following the Evaluation Team’s review of Proposals.

Table 09: Short-List Identification Criteria

Criteria Description Points
This criterion considers but is not limited to the following:
 The vendor’s written responses to the Functional and Technical
Requirements for proposed functional areas and overall software
Functionality 35
 The ability for the proposed software to integrate with the
County systems environment.
This criterion considers but is not limited to the following:
 Alignment of the proposed software to the County’s preferred
Technical technical specifications. 15
 The vendor’s written response to each Potential Interface.
 The level of integration among proposed functional areas.
This criterion considers but is not limited to the following:
Approach  The described approach to implement an enterprise system to 25
achieve the County’s goals and objectives.

Page 24 of 37
Criteria Description Points
 The alignment of the proposed implementation timeline to the
County’s desired timeline.
 The distribution of implementation tasks among County and
vendor teams.
 The proposed resources hours among County and vendor teams.
 The vendor’s approach to key implementation tasks including but
not limited to data conversion, testing, and training.
 The vendor’s planned ongoing support and maintenance

This criterion considers but is not limited to the following:

 The vendor’s experience delivering the services requested in the
 The vendor’s experience with similar implementations for 20
comparable organizations.
 The vendor’s experience deploying comparable interfaces to the
County’s related applications.
This criterion considers but is not limited to the following:
 The experience of named staff delivering services requested in the
Staff  The experience of named staff with similar implementations for 5
comparable organizations.
 The qualifications of named staff to deliver the services
requested in the RFP with a focus on business process

Finalists Identification: The County intends to utilize the criteria presented in Table 10
following the demonstrations by Short-List vendors.

Table 10: Finalist Identification Criteria

Criteria Description Points
This criterion considers new information learned through vendor
Functionality demonstrations including but not limited to the demonstrated user
Demonstrated interface and the alignment of demonstrated functionality with preferred
business processes.
This criterion considers new information learned through the Technical
Discussion as part of vendor demonstrations as well as other sessions. 5

This criterion considers new information learned through the

Implementation Approach Discussion as part of vendor 5
demonstrations as well as other sessions.

Page 25 of 37
Criteria Description Points
This criterion considers new information learned through the Company
Overview Discussion as part of vendor demonstrations as well as other 5

Preferred Vendor Identification: The County intends to utilize the criteria presented in Table 11
following the completion of reference checks and any site visit.

Table 11: Preferred Vendor Identification Criteria

Criteria Description Points
This criterion considers the feedback received from references related to the
vendor’s performance in the implementation including meeting project
objectives and timelines, as well as the knowledge, skills, and experience of 20
implementation staff; capabilities of the software; and ongoing vendor
performance with support and maintenance.
This criterion considers the relevance of references related to organization
Comparable size and location, structure of the organization, entity type (e.g.
References county/town/village), comparable scope, similar software version, and
deployment model.

Cost Point Allocation: The County will evaluate cost proposals based upon this criteria. Cost
points will be applied at the timing in the evaluation process as determined by the Evaluation
Team. Cost points may be refined or replaced in the event of a subsequent Request for
Clarification or Request for Best and Final Offer (BAFO).

Table 12: Cost Point Criteria

Criteria Description Points
This criterion considers, as applicable, the price of the software licensing, services,
and terms of any offered ongoing maintenance and support (including applicable
service level agreements, disaster recovery, etc.) proposed in response to the
information solicited by this RFP. Respondents will be evaluated on their pricing
scheme, as well as on their price in comparison to the other proposers.
In evaluating cost, the County may evaluate on a fully loaded ten year cost of
ownership. Fully loaded is defined to include (but is not limited to): software
purchase and implementation costs; ongoing support and service costs; hardware
Cost costs; and associated hardware support costs. The County reserves the right to add 40
their own estimates of the costs (including any anticipated savings) associated with
the required level of internal staffing (business users and IT staff) for
implementation and for ongoing support, hardware and overhead costs and savings,
and may rely on the Respondent’s resource estimates as a basis for their
Vendors of point solutions will be compared against other proposals for the
respective functional area group.

Page 26 of 37
No Obligation, Right of Rejection, and Multiple Award
The inquiry made through this RFP implies no obligation on the part of the County. This RFP does not
constitute an offer or a contract with any Respondent or other party. The County reserves the right to reject any
or all Proposals, in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in proposals received, deemed to be in the
best interest of the County or to accept or reject all or any part of any Proposal.
Proposals deemed to be received from debarred or suspended Vendors will be rejected. The County may reject
any Proposal that is not responsive to all of the material and substantial terms, conditions, and performance
requirements of this RFP. The County further reserves the right to award all, part, or none of the
components/functional areas included in this RFP. In addition, the County reserves the right to make one or
more awards to competing Respondents for subsets of functionality as a result of this RFP. The County also
reserves the right to refrain from making an award if it determines it to be in its best interest. The County
reserves the right to abandon the Project and/or to re-advertise and solicit other Proposals. The County reserves
the right to create a Project of lesser or greater expense than described in this RFP or the respondent's reply,
based on the component prices or scope submitted. The County reserves the right to cancel this solicitation or to
change its scope if it is considered to be in the best interest of the County.

Offer Held Firm

Unless otherwise specified, all bids/proposals submitted shall be valid for a minimum period of 180 calendar
days following the date established for receiving bids/proposals. At the end of the 180 calendar days the
bid/proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the bidder/proposer. If the bid/proposal is not
withdrawn at that time, it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is cancelled.

Contract Negotiation
After final evaluation, the County may negotiate with the Respondent(s) of the highest-ranked Proposal. If any
Respondent fails to negotiate in good faith, the County may terminate negotiations and negotiate with the
Respondent of the next highest-ranked Proposal or terminate negotiations with any or all Respondents.

If contract negotiations are commenced, they may be held at County office locations or via teleconference. If
contract negotiations are held, the Respondent will be responsible for all of Respondent’s costs including,
without limitation, its travel and per diem expenses and its legal fees and costs.

Failure to Negotiate
If the selected Respondent:

1. Fails to provide the information required to begin negotiations in a timely manner

2. Fails to negotiate in good faith
3. Indicates it cannot perform the contract within the designated timeframes or within budgeted funds
available for the Project
4. If the Respondent and the County, after a good-faith effort, cannot come to terms; then

Page 27 of 37
The County may terminate negotiations with the Respondent initially selected and commence negotiations
with the next highest-ranked Respondent. At any point in the negotiation process, the County may, at is sole
discretion, terminate negotiations with any or all Respondents.

Contract Type
The contract resulting from this RFP shall be in form and content satisfactory to the County and shall include,
without limitation, the terms and conditions provided for in this RFP and such other terms and conditions as the
County deems necessary and appropriate. The resulting contract from this RFP shall be a not-to-exceed based
contract, subject to the Payment Terms identified in Attachment C2 for the various cost types.

The standard of performance for the contract resulting from this RFP shall be in accordance with the highest
applicable standards in the financial information software industry. The initial contract price will be based on
prices submitted by the Selected Respondent, subject to contract negotiations with the County, and shall remain
firm for the initial term of the contract. Price adjustments may be negotiated at the request of either party in the
extension periods with mutual agreement of the parties. A party proposing a price change in an extension period
must notify the other party at least one- hundred eighty (180) days prior to the commencement of any extension

Contract Changes
Written requests for price changes resulting from a change of scope, as initiated or requested by the County,
must be submitted in writing to the County via Change Order. Any increase will be based on the Contractor’s
actual cost increase only, as shown in written documentation. All Change Order requests must be in writing,
must not constitute increases in profit, and must contain data establishing or supporting the increase in cost. At
the option of the County, (1) the request may be granted; (2) the Contract may be cancelled and solicitation may
be re-advertised; or (3) continue with the Contract without change. The County will accept or reject all such
written requests within ninety (90) days of the date of receipt of Contractor’s request for price increase or
receipt of proper written documentation, whichever is later.

If a price increase is approved, the County will issue an amendment or change order to the contract specifying
the date the increase will be effective. All Services and related accessories are to be billed at prices in effect at
the time the service was rendered or order was placed. If a price increase is rejected, the Contractor will be
notified and, at the option of the County, the Contract may be (1) cancelled and the solicitation may be re-
advertised; or (2) continued without change.

All other Contract changes will be effective only on written agreement signed by both parties.

Contract Approval
The County’s obligation will commence only following the County Council’s approval of a Contract and the
parties’ execution of the Contract. Upon written notice to the Contractor, the County may set a different starting
date for the Contract. The County will not be responsible for any work done or expense incurred by the
Contractor or any subcontractor, even such work was done or such expense was incurred in good faith, if it
occurs prior to the Contract start date set by the County.

Page 28 of 37
4 Submittal Response Format

General Instructions
The following instructions must be followed by Respondents submitting Proposals. Offers that do not comply
with all instructions contained herein may be disqualified:
1. Deadline: The deadline for Proposal submissions is established in Section 1.5. It will be the sole
responsibility of the Respondent to submit its Proposal to the County before the closing deadline.
Late Proposals will not be allowed.
2. Hard Copy Proposals: Respondents shall submit one (1) version of the Technical Proposal and one
(1) version of the Price Proposal in separate three-ring binders with tab separators or otherwise under
separate cover, clearly marked “Original.” Technical Proposals shall not include extraneous marketing
 Except for trade secrets and confidential information that the Respondent identifies as
proprietary, all Proposals will be open for public inspection after the contract award. Any
Respondent asserting that any portion of its Proposal is confidential or exempt from disclosure
under public records laws must specifically identify the portions of the Proposal asserted to be
confidential or exempt. Respondents are requested to submit one (1) hard copy version of the
Technical Proposal and one (1) hard copy version of the Price Proposal clearly marked
“PUBLIC RECORDS COPY” which redacts or omits any information deemed to be trade
secret, confidential information, or otherwise exempt from applicable public records laws.
3. Email Proposals: No emails will be accepted for proposal submission.
4. Electronic Media Proposal File Formats and Naming: Respondents shall submit along with the
hard copy proposal(s), one (1) electronic version of the Technical Proposal and one (1) electronic
version of the Price Proposal on separate removable devices (e.g., thumb drive). The following table
provides the required file formats and naming conventions for the electronic media files.
Table 13: Proposal Naming and File Formats
Recommended File
Proposal Section Required File Format
Naming Convention
Technical Proposal
“(Proposer Name)” All files combined into one (1)
(Inclusive of Attachments A & B, and any
Technical Proposal searchable Adobe PDF
To be submitted in Microsoft Excel
Attachment B – Functional and “(Proposer Name) Proposal
format, in addition to above PDF
Technical Requirements Response to Attachment B”
Price Proposal
(Inclusive of Attachments C1 and C2, “(Proposer Name)” Price All files combined into one (1)
Respondent’s Standard Travel and Expense Proposal searchable Adobe PDF
Policy, and any Appendices)

Page 29 of 37
Recommended File
Proposal Section Required File Format
Naming Convention
To be submitted in Microsoft Excel
“(Proposer Name) Proposal
Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheets format, in addition to above PDF
Response to Attachment C1”

5. Amendment of Proposals: Respondents may amend Proposals prior to the deadline set for receipt
of Proposals. In the event an Addenda is issued and a Respondent has previously submitted a Proposal
in response to this RFP, the Respondent shall notify the County via email of the need to submit an
amendment, and clearly outline the reasons in writing. No amendments will be accepted after the
deadline unless they are in response to a request of the County.
6. Delivery/Mailing Instructions: Sealed Proposals shall be clearly labeled on the outside of the
packaging with the RFP Title and must include the name of the Proposer clearly
indicated on the exterior of the packaging. The mailing address for Proposals is contained in
the following table.
Table 14: Proposal Mailing Addresses
Mailing Address
Hamilton County Auditor 33
North 9th Street, Suite L21
Noblesville, IN 46060

Attention: ERP RFP

Technical Proposal Organization Guidelines

Respondents are instructed to insert the completed Tab forms (Attachment A – Proposal Response
Forms) in the corresponding Tab sections as a part of their response to the Technical Proposal. The County
expects that Respondents will include additional proposal content beyond simply
completing the forms and worksheets provided through this RFP.

The following table contains the organization guidelines for Proposal responses.
Table 15: Technical Proposal Organization Guidelines
Proposal Tab No. Technical Proposal Section
Tab 1 Company Introduction
Tab 2 Software Solution
Tab 3 Project Approach and Implementation Methodology
Tab 4 Key Proposed Personnel and Team Organization
Tab 5 Project Schedule
Tab 6 System and Application Architecture
Tab 7 Data Conversion Plan
Tab 8 Security and Software Hosting

Page 30 of 37
Proposal Tab No. Technical Proposal Section
Tab 9 Testing and Quality Assurance Plan
Tab 10 Training Plan
Tab 11 Ownership of Deliverables
Tab 12 References
Tab 13 Sample Contracts, Warranty, and Escrow
Tab 14 Exceptions to Project Scope and Contract Terms
Tab 15 Functional and Technical Requirements Response

Content for Tabs 1 – 15

Attachment A – Proposal Response Forms is a Word document that provides detailed instructions and
requirements for the Proposer as it relates to the documents to be submitted as their RFP response and Services
required for the Project.

Proposers are instructed to organize Proposals in a tabbed format and to insert the completed Tab forms
(Attachment A – Proposal Response Forms) in the corresponding Tabs as a part of their response to the
Proposal. In addition to the information captured through the questions and tables in Attachment A –
Proposal Response Forms, Proposers are requested to provide complementary narrative information,
diagrams, and images to help substantiate and support their proposal response to each Tab section.

Attachment B – Functional and Technical Requirements/Capabilities is an Excel document that

provides detailed requirements and capabilities related to software features and functions, as well as potential
interfaces and data conversion requirements.

a) Tabs 1 – 14

These tabs are to include the Proposers response as detailed in Attachment A – Proposal
Response Forms, including any supplemental attachments or documents identified in
Attachment A – Proposal Response Forms. Proposers are directed to Attachment A –
Proposal Response Forms, which includes forms, tables, and questions that are be
completed by the Proposer and inserted into each applicable tab of the RFP response (Tab 1 –

b) Tab 15

This tab is to include Proposer’s response as detailed in Attachment B – Functional and

Technical Requirements/Capabilities, which is an Excel document to be filled out by the
Proposer. Proposers are required to use the following legend for completing Attachment B –
Functional and Technical Requirements/Capabilities.

When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B – Functional and

Technical Requirements/Capabilities, Proposer shall use the response indicators
contained in the following table.

Page 31 of 37
Proposers are instructed to enter only one response indicator in response to each requirement.
Responses to an individual requirement that contain more than one indicator (e.g., C/T) will be
treated as a response of “N” feature/function not provided.

If a Proposer is not proposing on certain functionality, a response of “No Bid” shall be

provided for all applicable areas. A response of “No Bid’ should not be used as a replacement
for an “N” response. Requirements submitted without a response will be treated as a response
of “N” feature/function not provided.

Table 16: Requirements Response Indicators

Indicator Definition Instruction

Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current
Respondents are encouraged, but not required, to
software release and will be implemented by the planned
provide additional information in the Comments
S phase go-live date as part of the proposal from Vendors in
column to further demonstrate the system’s ability
accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with
to meet the requirement.
the County.
Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a
software release available to the County by October 1, requirement that will be met in a future software
F 2021, at which point it will be implemented in accordance release, the Respondent shall indicate the planned
with agreed-upon configuration planning with the County. release version, as well as the time the release will
be generally available.
Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the
current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
future software release. However, this feature could be requirement that will be met through a custom
provided with custom modifications. All related modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C – of such a modification.
Cost Worksheet.
If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a
requirement that will be met by integration with a
Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the third-party system, the Respondent shall identify this
current software release, and is not planned to be a part of a third-party system and include a cost proposal to
T future software release. However, this feature could be secure this system. If the third-party system is a part
provided with integration with a third-party system. of the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the
This system should be specified. appropriate requirements with a clear notation that
the responses are provided by the third-party.

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

c) Proposal Supplements

Any Proposer-submitted materials or documentation not specifically requested through this

RFP may be included as Supplements to the Proposal as identified in Table 14.

Price Proposal
The Respondent’s Price Proposal shall consist of four sections, as further described below:

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1. The completed Cost Worksheets as contained in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheets.
Respondents shall not modify the worksheets in any way.
2. The Respondent’s standard travel and expense policy.
3. A narrative description of the proposed costs in response to Attachment C2 – Cost
4. The Respondent’s pricing as provided in vendor’s standard quoting/pricing format.

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5 Terms and Conditions


The following terms and conditions apply to this RFP solicitation process, and will be incorporated into the
resulting contract as applicable. The County expects the resulting contract to include the RFP and proposal
response as exhibits.

Vendor shall indemnify, defend, and hold Hamilton County, IN, harmless from and against all claims, losses,
damages, or costs arising from or in any way related to Vendor's breach of the foregoing warranties. This
indemnification shall not be subject to any limitations of remedies or warranties which are contained in this or
any other agreement and shall survive termination of this or any other agreement between the parties hereto or

Records and Audits

The Consultant shall maintain such detailed records as may be necessary to demonstrate its performance of the
duties required by this Agreement, including the date, time and nature of services rendered. These records shall
be maintained for a period of three years from the date of the final payment under this Agreement and shall be
subject to inspection by County. The County shall have the right to audit any billings or examine any records
maintained pursuant to this Agreement both before and after payment. Payment under this Agreement shall not
foreclose the right of County to recover excessive and/or illegal payments.

Incurred Expenses
There is no express or implied obligation for the County to reimburse Respondents for any costs or expenses
incurred in preparing Proposals in response to this RFP, and the County will not reimburse Respondents for
these costs or expenses, nor will the County pay any subsequent costs associated with the provision of any
additional information or presentations, or to procure a contract for these Services. The County is not
responsible for any cost(s) incurred by a Respondent in preparing and/or submitting a Proposal in response to
this RFP. The County will also not be responsible for any costs associated with preparing and/or participating
in any systems demonstrations requested of the Respondent’s products and Services.

Authorized Signatures
The proposal must be executed personally by the vendor or duly authorized partner of the partnership or duly
authorized officer of the corporation. If executed by an agent, a power of attorney or other evidence of authority
to act on behalf of the vendor shall accompany the proposal to become a valid offer.

Rights to Submitted Material

It shall be understood that all Proposals, responses, inquiries, or correspondence relating to or in reference to
this RFP, and all reports, charts, and Proposals or referencing information submitted in response to this RFP,
shall become the property of the County, and will not be returned. The County

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will use discretion with regard to disclosure of proprietary information contained in any response, but cannot
guarantee information will not be made public. As a government entity, the County is subject to making records
available for disclosure.

Confidential Information
Any written, printed, graphic, electronic, or magnetically recorded information furnished by the County for the
Respondent’s use are the sole property of the County. This proprietary information includes, but is not limited
to, customer requirements, customer lists, marketing information, and information concerning County
employees, products, services, prices, operations, security measures, and subsidiaries.

The Respondent and its employees shall keep this confidential information in the strictest confidence, and will
not disclose it by any means to any person except with County approval, and then only to the extent necessary
to perform the work under the contract. These confidentiality obligations also apply to the Respondent’s
employees, agents, and subcontractors and Respondent shall be liable for a breach of the confidentiality
obligations by any such party. On termination of the contract, the Respondent, its employees, agents, and
subcontractors will promptly return any confidential information in its possession to the County.

Waiver of Claims
Each Offeror by submission of a response to this RFP waives any claims it has or may have against the County,
and their respective employees, officers, members, directors and partners; The County’s Representative and its
employees, officers, members, directors and partners; and the County, its employees, officers and elected
officials, agents, representatives, that are connected with or arising out of this RFP, including, the administration
of the RFP, the RFP evaluation, and the selection of qualified Respondents. Submission of proposal indicates
Respondent’s acceptance of the evaluation technique. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each
Respondent acknowledges that the basis of selection and that the evaluations shall be made public in accordance
with applicable law and waives any claim it has or may have against the above-named persons, due to
information contained in such evaluations.

Statutory Information
Any contract or agreement resulting from this RFP shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of Indiana. Any litigation between the parties arising out of, or in connection with, the contract shall be
initiated and prosecuted in federal or state court in Hamilton County, IN.

Non-Discrimination Clause
During the performance of the contract, the Contractor and all subcontractors will not discriminate against any
employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance. The Contractor and
all subcontractors will take affirmative action to ensure that all employment practices are free of such
discrimination. Such employment practices include, but are not limited to, the following: hiring, upgrading,
demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of
compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship.

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Force Majeure
Neither Party shall be in default by reason of any failure in performance of the resulting contract if such failure
is proximately caused by causes beyond their reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of said
Party including, without limitation, unforeseeable acts of nature; terrorism or other acts of public enemy; war
and epidemics or quarantine restrictions (“force majeure”). If either Party is delayed at any time in the progress
of the work governed by the contract by force majeure, the delayed Party shall notify the other Party in writing
of such delay, as soon as is practical, of the commencement thereof and shall specify the cause(s) of such delay
in the notice. The notice shall be hand-delivered or mailed certified-return receipt and shall make a specific
reference to this provision. The delayed Party shall cause such delay to cease as soon as practicable and shall
notify the other party in writing when it has done so. The time of completion shall be extended by contract
modification for a period of time equal to the time that results or effects of such delay prevent the delayed Party
from performing in accordance with this contract.

Policy Compliance
The Respondent shall, as a condition of being considered for award of the contract, require each of its agents,
officers, and employees to abide by the County’s policies prohibiting sexual harassment, firearms, and smoking,
as well as all other reasonable work rules, safety rules, or policies regulating the conduct of persons on County
property at all times while performing duties pursuant to the contract. The Respondent agrees and understands
that a violation of any of these policies or rules will constitute a breach of the contract and will be sufficient
grounds for immediate termination of the contract by the County.

Compliance with Federal, State, County, and Local Laws

Proposals must comply with all federal, state, county and local laws. Any vehicles or equipment shall contain
all standard safety, emission, and noise control requirements required for the types and sizes of equipment at the
time of their manufacture. The contractor agrees, during the performance of work or service, to comply with all
applicable codes and ordinance of the County, or State of Indiana, as they may apply, as these laws may now
read or as they may hereafter be changed or amended.

Patents and Copyrights

The successful vendor agrees to protect the County from claims involving infringements of patents and/or

Invalid, Illegal, or Unenforceable Provisions

In case any one or more of the provisions contained in the Contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other
provision thereof and this contract shall be considered as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had
never been contained herein.

County Property
The use of any and all County property by Contractor or its agents must be approved in advance by the

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Rights of Use
The Contractor agrees that the County will own and have the right to use, reproduce and apply as it desires, any
data, reports, analyses and materials which are collected or developed by the Contractor or anyone acting on
behalf of the Contractor as a result of this contract.

Ownership of Data and Transition

Any and all County data stored on the Contractor’s servers or within the Contractors custody, is the sole
property of the County. The Contractor, subcontractor(s), officers, agents and assigns shall not make use of,
disclose, sell, copy or reproduce the County’s data in any manner, or provide to any entity or person outside
of the County without the express written authorization of the County.

In the event resulting Agreement is terminated for any reason, or upon expiration, and in addition to all other
rights to property set forth, the Selected Respondent shall:

a. Incur no further financial obligations for materials, Services, or facilities under the Agreement without
prior written approval of the County;
b. Terminate all purchase orders or procurements and any subcontractors and cease all work, except as the
County may direct, for orderly completion and transition; and
c. Make available to the County, at no cost, all County data stored within the system, stored on the
Contractor’s servicers, or within the Contractor’s custody, within fifteen (15) days of termination or
County request.
In the event resulting Agreement is terminated for any reason, or upon expiration, and in addition to all other
rights to property set forth, the County shall:

d. Retain ownership of all data, work products, and documentation, created pursuant to the resulting

Data Privacy and Security

Contractor shall comply with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations on security and privacy.
Contractor shall have and follow a disaster recovery plan. Contractor shall only store and process County data
within the continental United States. If applicable to the Contract, the Contractor shall back up all County data
daily to an offsite hardened facility.

Interpretation of Solicitation Documents

The County is the final judge of the meaning of any word(s) sentences, paragraphs or other parts of the
solicitation documents. Proposers are encouraged to seek clarification, before submitting a proposal, of any
portion of the proposal documents that appears to be ambiguous, unclear, inconsistent, or otherwise in error.
Clarifications will be in writing.

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