Microsoft Project Features

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main heading: Features of Microsoft Project

There are lots of useful Microsoft Project features that help you work more
productively. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

1) Planning and Scheduling (Put only headings and images)

• Prioritization: Helps you prioritize your project’s tasks, eliminating surprises and
allowing your team to focus on addressing the most important matters first.

• Task management: Allows project managers to define the activities involved in the
project and decide how they should be assigned to different members.

Image 1

• Team calendar: Having a shared team calendar is a real blessing, as it ensures

that all team members are on the same page at all times. Your team members will
get notifications for upcoming meetings and events and be able to synchronize their
work schedules for more efficient workflow.

Image 2

2) Project Timeline View


 This is one of the best features of Microsoft Project.

 This presents the whole project with a top-down view of the entire work.

For instance, if you plan to present the project to your stakeholders, management, or
partners, you can easily preview what they would see from their perspective using
the project timeline view.

How can you add value to the timeline view? For starters, you can make some
formatting changes. The colors of project phases can be changed, tasks can be
aligned, and various other formats can be adjusted. The process is rather simple. All
you have to do to add something to your timeline is right-click on the task and select
the option to add it. You can modify the formatting to fit an e-mail, presentation, and
so on.

Slide-3 (put only headings and images)

3) Collaboration

• File sharing: Microsoft Project allows you to share files with other members of your
team. This helps you ensure all members have any relevant documentation so they
can work on the project with minimal interruptions.

• Team dashboard: A team dashboard is crucial, as it offers an overview of the most

important information and statistics relevant to your project. With the help of this
Microsoft Project feature, you can actually add multiple graphs, charts, data
presentations, and other graphics. This will help make your work more organized,
lively, and visual. It also helps with team allocation and resource management. The
dashboard is particularly useful during meetings and presentations, as it essentially
serves as a project KPI report.

Image 5

• Sharing client data: Often, simply managing your own information is not sufficient
for a project’s success. You also need to work on customer data and keep it safely
stored. This information should be accessible to all members involved in the project
to help guide their work.

4) Reporting

Reporting is one of the most important means of tracking a project’s progress, as it

allows you to monitor how much work has been completed and how much remains.
Fortunately, Microsoft Project excels at this task, allowing you to generate great
reports with little effort. . Best of all, you can even customize the data and the
structure according to your requirements. The features include burn down reports; an
overview of the entire project on one page; the conditions of available resources and
their utilization; a cost overview; a list of pending tasks; and a list of targets achieved
and any upcoming goals.


With all these features, you can build a custom report that addresses all the needs of
your team. Once you have all the information you’d like to present on hand, the only
thing you have to do is pull up the reporting interface, choose the parameters you
wish to include, and you’re done!


5) Resource Management

Microsoft Project offers project managers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to
managing project resources and availability. The resources for a project could be
monetary (such as the allocated budget), the people involved (team members),
meeting and work rooms, raw materials, and much more. Obviously, a project is
going to come with certain limitations on the number of resources that can be used.

 Microsoft Project’s resource management tools help you track and

monitor all available resources and the potential ways in which they can
be used for your project(s).
 The project management tool also lets you assign costs to individual
resources, allowing you to later analyze whether certain valuable
resources are being overused, underused, and so on.

Every project is unique and has its own resource requirements.

 This tool allows you to properly assign and order your tasks based on
resource availability and demand, with the added option of committing
specific resources full time or part time, as needed.

With this facility, you can also create a pool of resources and tap into them to
complete tasks as your project comes together.

6) Multiple Projects

 Microsoft Project also allows project managers to work on multiple

projects on the same platform

, making it easier to deal with different projects in the same company or team. This is
defined by the Master Project Plan. Basically, when you’re working with many
different project plans, you can combine all of them to form one master plan to use
as you move forward. This proves extremely beneficial to project managers,
especially if they are juggling multiple projects at once.

Every aspect of a single project tool can be customized to form a master project, be
it resource allocation, project planning, or progress tracking. Even reporting is made
easy with the help of multiple dashboards.

 This can be put to good use during meetings and presentations.

7) Different Views

Microsoft Project is quite a unique project management tool in that it offers a number
of different views. For instance, you can make use of a Gantt Chart, a resource
usage chart, a calendar, and much more. Essentially,

 it allows a manager to view the project from different perspectives and

representations, all from one platform.

But the best aspect about this feature is that

 all of these views can be customized together according to the project

requirements and combined to form one big project plan.

Microsoft Project features many more tools, all of which are geared toward project
management. With its set of planning, scheduling, resource allocation, progress
tracking, and presentation tools, Project is the ideal package for project managers.
This is because it streamlines your projects and helps you stay on track to project
success. The program is available in the two forms of Standard and Professional, the
latter being the more popular choice.

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