Magic Realm Rules Index: Page Prefix Rules Sections
Magic Realm Rules Index: Page Prefix Rules Sections
Magic Realm Rules Index: Page Prefix Rules Sections
[monsters: 13.4; 28.4] [mountains: 13.4/2] [optional abilities: O1.1] [suicide: 2.8/1]
[prowling: 12.1/4] [running away: 25.4] [transmorphized: 46.1/1] [vulnerability: 23.3/3] see
bonus score: 4.7/3 also Development, Special Advantages, and “LIST
BOOK OF LORE: see pages 68, 71, and 78 OF CHARACTERS” on page 61
boon: 10.5/3 CHEST: G3.5/2 see also pages 67, 69, and 70
Boots cards: 3.4/5 see also Treasure cards clearings: G1.1/2; 2.3
BORDERLAND tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2; CLEVER (Swordsman Special Advantage): see page 61
O6.2/3; O6.2/4] [color magic: 38.2/5a] [map set CLIFF tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color
up: P2.3] see also map tiles magic: 38.2/5a] see also map tiles
bounty points: 19.2/1 see also FAME, GOLD, multiple CLOAK OF MIST: see pages 68 and 69
kills, and NOTORIETY CLOVEN HOOF: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/1;
breastplate: see pages 65 and 78 O6.3/5] see also pages 68, 70, and 71
bridge: [crossing an open road: 7.2/3] color chits: 37.2; 39.4 [casting a spell: 41.2/4]
Broadsword: see pages 64 and 78 [energizing a Permanent spell: 42.9/2] [fatigue:
BROOMSTICK spell: see page 74 41.2/4a; 41.7; 42.9/2] [playing without energizing:
buildings (CHAPEL, GUARD house, HOUSE, INN): 42.9/2c] [transmorphized: 46.4/2] see also MAGIC
O2.2/3b chits, SPELL activity
buy drinks: 10.5 [campaigns: 36.5/3] [HIRE: 30.3/1; color magic (WHITE, GREY, GOLD, PURPLE,
31.2/2; 45.4] BLACK): 37.1/1; 38.2 [casting a spell: 41.2/4]
[Enchanted cards: 38.2/2] [enchanted chits: 38.3/4;
39.4] [enchanted tiles: 37.3; 38.2/5] [fly away:
47.4/2b] [seventh day of each week: 38.2/4;
–C– O2.2/6; O6.2; E2.3; E2.4/2] [walking the woods:
combat: 17.4; 17.5; 20.3; 34.1; 34.2 [alerted monsters:
CACHE activity: A1.1 [death: A1.5] [discovering:
A4.1] [ambush: A4.2] [casting a spell: 41.1]
A1.3] [looting: A1.3/2] [recording: A1.2; A1.4]
[denizens: 33.4/2] [disengagement: 32.8; 34.8]
CAIRNS: [hired leaders: 32.2/5b] [looting: 9.3/3a]
[ending combat: 20.9; 22.9; 24.5/3; 29.7; 32.9;
[transmorphized: 46.4/3b] [underlings: 32.3/2]
34.9; 41.8] [first round: 22.7/1] [flying: 47.4]
[hidden characters: 17.5/2] [hired natives: 29.6/2a;
REVOLT, WAR): G2.5; P4.1; 36.1; 36.5
32.7; 33.4/1] [horses: 21.5; O5.3] [illegal plays:
[abandoning: 36.5/5] [combined Realms: E6.7/4]
21.4] [quiet monsters: O3.5] [running away:
[cost: 36.3] [effects: 36.5/3] [limitations: 36.5/2]
22.9/2; O5.1] [unhired natives: 30.1; 30.5; 30.6]
[penalty: 36.3/2] [reward: 36.3/4] [taking: 36.2]
see also encounter step, fatigue step, melee step
[task: 36.5/1; 36.5/4] [time limit: 36.3/2]
Combat spells: 42.7 [competing: 44.3]
campfires: [sheltered phases not allowed: O2.2/3b]
combining Realms: E6.1 [Artifacts: E6.9] [campaigns:
[substitute chits: 5.1/1a]
E6.7/4] [characters: E6.4/2] [FAME price: E6.7/2]
Captain: [optional abilities: O1.3] see also page 62
[looting: E6.6] [LOST KEYS: E6.6] [missions:
carrying items: 3.3 [horse: 3.6/1] [MOVE: 7.8]
E6.7/3] [MONSTER ROLL: E6.5] [natives: E6.7]
[transmorphized: 46.2] [underlings: 32.3/2]
[Potions: E6.8] [SET UP CARD: E6.3] [Spell
cave clearings: G1.1/2 [FLY: 47.2/5; 47.3/1] [horses:
Books: E6.9] [weather: E6.5/2]
3.6/2; 6.3/3c; 7.7] [MOVE: 7.6] [phases: 6.3/2]
Company: G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2]
[running away: 25.4/2] [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
competing spells (duplicates of the same spell cast on the
CAVE KNOWLEDGE (Dwarf Special Advantage):
same target): 44.3 see also spells
see page 61
completion time: 41.2/2 [coming to life: 41.4] [time
CAVERN tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color
number limitations: 41.2/3]
magic: 38.2/5a] see also map tiles
CONCEALMENT (Druid Special Advantage): see
CAVES tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color
page 63
magic: 38.2/5a] see also map tiles
conflicting spells (different spells that inflict mutually
change tactics: 22.5/3; 24.4 [denizens: 33.5] [hired
exclusive effects on the same target): 44.4 see
natives: 32.7/4f; 33.5/2] [native horses: 29.6/3] see
also spells
also page 77
CONQUER chit: 36.5/1f [time limit: 36.3/2a] see also
CHAPEL: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/1; O6.3/1]
[removing Curses: 15.2/4] [roadways: 38.2/5b]
CONTROL BATS spell: see page 75
[sheltered phases: O2.2/3b] [WHITE magic: 38.2/3]
controlled monsters: 45.5 [combat: 45.7] [like hired
character card: G5.2 see also illustration on page 5
leader: 45.6] [MOVE: 45.6/4; 47.6] [riding: 45.6/5;
character counter: G5.3; 2.3; 7.1 [FOLLOW: 27.3]
[HIDE: 8.1]
CRAG tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2; O6.2/3;
characters: G5.1; P3.1 [blocking: 13.2; 28.1] [combat:
O6.2/4] [color magic: 38.2/5a] see also map tiles
17.5/3] [combined Realms: E6.4/2] [death: 2.7;
CRONE: see visitors and page 78
11.7] [hit in combat: 20.7/2b; 23.3/3] [kills by:
Crossbow: see pages 64 and 78
35.1] [leaving the map: 2.8/2; 7.9] [luring: 20.4/1;
Crossbowmen: [ambush not allowed: A4.2] [armored:
22.2/1; 22.2/2; 24.5/1; 30.4; 34.3/1] [multiple
34.7/5] [resolving hits: 34.7/4] see also page 67
characters: E4.1] [no active action chits: 11.7]
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 4
CRYPT OF THE KNIGHT: G3.5/2 [hired leaders: Dwellings: G1.3; G4.2/3; P6.1 [native groups: 12.3]
32.2/5b] [looting: 9.3/3b] [transmorphized: [native items set up: P1.3/4] see also buildings,
46.4/3b] [underlings: 32.3/2] see also pages 68 and campfires
CRYSTAL BALL: see pages 68 and 69
CURSE spell: see pages 74 and 75
Curses: 15.2 [end of game: 44.6] [removing: 15.2/4;
15.3/4] see also page 75
effort asterisk: G5.5/3 [effort limit: 21.1/2; 21.3/1b;
41.2/4b; 41.4/2; 41.7] [fatigue: 11.2] [REST: 11.4]
[wound equivalents: 11.3] see also action chits,
–D– fatigue, wounds
Type VIII MAGIC chit (Malicious tricks): 38.3 see
DAILY SEQUENCE OF PLAY: see pages 10, 22, 32, also MAGIC chits
and 43 ELEMENTAL SPIRIT spell: see page 73
dagger: 21.6/2; 23.2/1c see also page 64 Elf: [optional abilities: O1.7] see also page 63
day: see turn ELUSIVE CLOAK: see pages 68 and 71
DAY (TURN) chit: G4.7 ELUSIVENESS (Elf Special Advantage): see page 63
Day spells: 42.7 [competing: 44.3; 45.2/3] ELVEN SLIPPERS: see pages 68 and 70
Daylight: 1.4/2; 2.2/3; 3.1/2; 3.6/3; 6.2; 14.4; 19.1/4; ELVIN GRACE spell: see page 72
22.1; 29.6/1; 29.6/2; 30.3/2; 31.4; 34.1/3; 45.6; ENCHANT ARTIFACT spell: see page 74
A3.4 Enchanted cards (Treasure cards displaying the name of
DEAL WITH GOBLINS spell: see page 75 a color printed in red): 3.4/3; 37.1/1; 38.2/2
DEEP WOODS tile: see map tiles [automatic enchanting: O6.2; O6.3] [roadways:
defender: 33.1 38.2/2b; 38.2/5b; O6.3; O6.4] [transmorphized:
DEFT GLOVES: see pages 68, 70, and 71 46.2/1a]
Demons: 24.3 [riding not allowed: 45.6/5b] enchanted chits: see MAGIC chits
[spellcasting: 41.4/1b; A4.3] see also page 66 ENCHANTED MEADOW: G3.5/2 see also pages 68
denizens: G2.1; 12.1 [assigning: 33.1; 33.7] [attacks: and 69
32.7/2b; 32.7/3a; 33.2; 33.3/2] [blocking: 13.3; enchanted tiles: see map tiles
45.2/2] [CACHE: A1.3/3] [chance meetings: 12.2] ENCHANTER’S SKULL: see pages 68, 71, and 78
[combat: 33.4/2; 33.7; 34.6/3] [disengagement: enchantments: 37.3; 39.1 [automatic: O6.1] see also
34.8] [groups: 12.2/2; 12.3] [pacified: 45.2; 45.3; SPELL activity
45.4] see also prowling and illustrations on page 3 encounter step: 20.3; 22.1 [alerted monsters: A4.1]
Development: G5.2/2; 40.1/1; E5.1 [increase: E5.4] [alerting a weapon: 18.4/3] [assigning: 20.4; 22.2;
[Special Advantages: E5.2/1; E5.4/3] [trading 23.7; 25.3; 34.3/2] [casting a spell: 37.7; 41.2]
relationships: E5.2/2] [character actions: 20.4/2; 22.3; 34.4/2a; 34.5;
DEVIL Broadsword: see treasure counters A3.5] [charge: 34.4] [denizens: 33.1; 33.7; 33.9]
die roll: 2.6 [Archers: 34.7/4b] [hired natives: 32.1/1] [deployment: 26.5/1; 34.4] [first character: 22.1;
[modified rolls: 2.6/1; 43.3] ["game" die rolls: 34.1/3] [hired natives: 32.7/3; 32.8; 34.5/2]
2.6/2] see also “DIE ROLL PROCEDURES” on [red-side-up Tremendous monsters: 24.5/2a; 33.8;
pages 30, 65, or 79 33.9; 34.3/1; 34.7/7; 41.2/3b; 47.4/2a; A3.5/2]
discoveries: 5.3 [location: 5.3/1] [revealing: 16.4] [time number limitations: 21.2/1; 41.2/3] see also
[SEARCH: 9.2/2; 39.5/4] [selling: 14.3/1] [Site running away and “ACTIONS” on page 77
cards: 5.5/1] see also PERSONAL HISTORY end of week: see seventh day of each week
sheet, spying enhanced PEER: see PEER activity
DISEMBODIED (Witch King Special Advantage): see ESCORT PARTY chit: [task: 36.4/1b; O2.2/5] [time
page 64 limit: 36.3/2b] see also mission
DISGUST Curse: 15.2/3 Evening: 1.8; 3.1/2; 14.2; 17.4; 17.5; 19.1/2; 30.3/2;
DISSOLVE SPELL spell: see page 74 31.4; 34.1; 37.7; 41.1; 48.8; 48.7/1; O7.1/2; O8.2
dormant: 1.6; 12.1 examples of play: [ARMOR: page 30] [DENIZEN
DRAGON ESSENCE: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3; VERSUS DENIZEN: page 38] [MONSTERS:
O6.3/4] see also pages 68, 69, and 71 page 20] [RESOLVING ATTACKS: page 29]
68, 72, and 75 EXORCISE spell: see page 72
Dragons: [armored: 23.2] [heads: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2/1b; EXPERIENCE (Wizard Special Advantage): see page
A4.6] [riding: 45.6/5; 47.7] see also page 66 62
DRAUGHT OF SPEED: see pages 68 and 70 extra phases: see phases
Druid: [optional abilities: O1.6] see also page 63 EYE OF THE IDOL: see pages 68, 71, and 78
DUCK chit: G5.5/1 [fatigue: 11.6; 21.3/1a] EYE OF THE MOON: 48.7 see also pages 68, 72, and
Dwarf: see page 61 75
EYEMIST Curse: [recording activities: 15.2/1]
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 5
–F– –G–
FAERIE LIGHTS spell: see page 73 game time: 1.3 [changing the game time: E2.1] [sudden
FAME (how much a character is admired or despised): death game: E3.1]
2.4/4a [bounty points: 23.6; 35.1; 35.2] [hired GARB OF SPEED: see pages 68 and 70
natives: 32.1/2] [hired or controlled monsters: GARRISONS: G4.3; P6.3 [campaigns: 36.5/2]
45.8] [revealing: 16.4] [treachery: 32.7/6; 45.8] see [prowling: 12.1/1] [regeneration: 26.2/1; 29.8/2]
also VICTORY REQUIREMENTS Ghosts: P6.1 [prowling: 12.1/1] [regeneration: 12.7/1]
FAME price (on a Treasure card, the name of a native see also page 66
group, a number, and “F” all within parentheses): Giants: [clubs: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2/1b] see also page 66
G3.5/1a; 4.6 [combined Realms: E6.7/2] [special GIRTLE OF ENERGY: see pages 68 and 71
price: O4.2/4] [TRADE: 10.6] [trading GLIMMERING RING: see pages 68, 71, and 78
relationships: O4.4/3] Gloves cards: 3.4/6 see also Treasure cards
FAME value (on a Treasure card, the word “FAME:” GLOVES OF STRENGTH: see pages 68 and 71
followed by a number): G3.5/1a GLOWING GEM: see pages 68, 71, and 78
FAMILIAR (Witch Special Advantage): see page 64 Goblins: [Spears: 24.2] see also page 66
fatigue: 11.2; 21.3/1 [carrying items: 3.3/1] [chits with GOLD (coins and loose jewels): 2.4/4b [bounty:
no effort asterisks: 11.2/3] [chits with two effort 35.1/1; 35.2/2] [transmorphized: 46.2/1a] see also
asterisks: 11.2/2] [MAGIC chits: 38.3/3; 38.3/4a] CACHE activity, killing, VICTORY
fatigue step: 20.3; 20.8; 22.8 GOLD helmet: see treasure counters
FEAR (Black Knight Special Advantage): see page 63 GOLD magic (Woods Sprites, working elvish magic):
FIERY BLAST spell: see page 73 38.2 see also color magic
FIGHT chits: [alerting a weapon during combat: GOLD price: 10.2 [trading between characters: 14.3]
22.3/1; 34.5] [attack time: 21.6/1] [strength GOLDEN ARM BAND: 21.7/4 see also pages 68 and
restrictions: 21.1/3] see also dagger, Gloves cards 72
first character: see encounter step GOLDEN CROWN: 21.7/4 see also pages 68 and 72
Type V MAGIC chit (Diabolic ceremonies): 38.3 see GOLDEN ICON: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/2;
also MAGIC chits O6.3/2] see also pages 68 and 71
FLOWERS OF REST: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/4; GOOD BOOK: see pages 68, 71, and 78
O6.3/3] see also pages 68, 69, 70, and 71 Great Axe: see pages 64 and 78
FLY activity: 47.2 [abandon items: 47.2/3; A3.1/2] Great Axemen: see page 67
[ALERT: A4.4] [cancel: 47.2/2] [caves: 47.2/5; Great Sword: see pages 64 and 78
47.3/1] [combat: 47.4] [effects: 47.2/3] Great Swordsmen: [armored: 34.7/5] see also page 67
[FOLLOW: 47.2/4] [landing: 47.3] [monsters: Great Treasures (Treasure cards with red dots): see
45.6/4] [PEER: A4.4] [recording: 47.2/1] [running VICTORY REQUIREMENTS
away: 47.4/2; O5.1/3] GREY magic (Natural Laws, controlling nature): 38.2
FLYING CARPET: 47.1/2; 47.5/2; 48.7 see also color magic
[spellbreaking: 48.7/2] see also pages 68, 72, and GRIPPING DUST: see pages 68 and 71
75 Guard: G2.4/1 [regeneration: 26.6/1; 29.8/2c] [special
FLY chit: 42.5; 47.5 [conflicting: 44.4/2b] [riding not price: O4.2/3] see also GARRISONS
allowed: 47.7] GUARD house: [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
FOG spell: see page 72 GUIDE SPIDER OR OCTOPUS spell: see page 75
FOLLOW activity: 26.2; 27.1 [ALERT: 27.6/4]
[blocking: 27.4] [declaring: 27.3] [extra phases:
27.7] [FLY: 47.2/4; 47.6] [HIDE: 27.2/1; 27.6/1a;
27.6/2] [HIRE: 27.6/5] [hired leaders: 32.2/6]
[MOVE: 27.6] [mutual: 27.3/2] [natives: 31.4;
32.3] [pony: 27.6/1b] [recording: 27.2] [REST:
HANDY GLOVES: see pages 68 and 71
27.6/4] [SEARCH: 27.6/3] [stopping: 27.5; 27.8]
harm: 23.1; O5.4 [armor: 18.7; 23.1/2; 23.3/2; O5.5]
[spying: 27.3/3] [TRADE: 27.6/5] [trading: 27.4]
[bowmen: 34.7/4] [characters: 23.3/3] [horses:
[walking the woods: 47.8/1]
21.5/2; 23.3/1] [modifying: 18.5/2; 23.1/1; 23.2/1;
FOOD/ALE chit: [task: 36.4/1a; O2.2/5] [time limit:
34.7/4; O5.4; O5.5] [monsters: 19.3/1] [natives:
36.3/2b] see also mission
34.7] [red-side-up Tremendous monsters: 24.5;
Type IV MAGIC chit (Energy-binding alchemy): 38.3
34.7/7] [simultaneous attacks: 23.5] [weapons:
see also MAGIC chits
18.5/1] [wounds: 21.3/2; 23.3/2b; 23.3/3; O5.5/1]
FUMBLE table: see page 57
page 57
HEALTH (White Knight Special Advantage): see page
Advantage): see page 63
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 6
helmet: see pages 65 and 78 Imps: 24.3 [spellcasting: 41.4/1b] see also page 66
hex tiles: see map tiles INN: [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b]
hidden enemies: 9.2/3 [attacking: 26.5/2] [blocking: inactive: [action chits: 2.5; 11.1] [belongings: 3.1]
26.4/1; 28.2/2; 28.2/3; 28.3/2] [FOLLOW: [special functions: 3.2/2]
27.6/1a] [MAGIC SIGHT: 43.6/3] [not allowed: Instant spells: 42.2; 42.3 [conflicting: 44.4/2a]
34.2/3] [revealing: 16.4] [selling not allowed: [duplicates: 44.3/3]
14.3/1d] [spying: 16.5] items (all belongings except horses): G3.1
hidden path: G1.1/3 [enchanted tiles: 39.5/4]
[FOLLOW: 27.6/1c] [MOVE: 7.2/2] [walking the
woods: 47.8/1] see also discoveries
HIDDEN RING: see pages 68, 71, and 78
HIDE activity: 8.4 [activities: 8.5] [blocking: 8.6]
[character counter: 8.1] [combat: 17.5/2; 22.4/1b;
JADE shield: see treasure counters
26.5/2; 34.2/4; A4.1] [FLY: 47.2/3] [FOLLOW:
joining a game in progress: 2.7/1; E2.5
27.2/1; 27.6/2] [luring: 22.2/2b; 22.2/3b] [prowling
monsters: 12.2/1] [recording: 8.4] [start of game:
8.2] [start of turn: 8.3] [summoning monsters:
12.5/1; 17.3] [TRADE: 10.3] [voluntary
appearance: 8.7; 34.2/4] see also “HIDE TABLE” –K–
on page 80
HIGH PASS tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] killing: 17.5/5 [belongings: 35.1/2; 35.2/2; 35.3; 35.4]
[color magic: 38.2/5a] [map set up: P2.3/2e] see [bounty points: 23.6; 31.5/3; 35.1; 35.2; 35.6;
also map tiles 43.4] [cancelled attacks: 23.4/1; 23.4/2]
HIRE activity: 26.3; 31.1 [becoming unhired: 31.5; [characters: 23.3/3; 23.7; 31.5/2] [GOLD: 35.1/2;
32.2/1b; 35.5] [cancel: 31.2] [controlled monsters: 35.2/2; 35.3; 35.4] [grudges and gratitude: O4.4]
45.6/1a] [eligible natives: 31.2/1] [FOLLOW: [horses: 17.5/5] [monsters: 12.6; 23.2/2] [natives:
27.6/5] [leaders: 29.3/2] [monsters: 45.4/1] 29.7] [spells: 40.1/2] [visitors: 12.6] [with a spell:
[pacified denizens: 45.3; 45.4] [PRICE: 31.2/2] 43.4]
[recording: 31.2] [rehiring: 31.2/4] [term of hire: Knights: [armored: 34.7/5] [Tremendous move strength
31.2/3] see also buy drinks, treachery and vulnerability: 29.2] see also page 67
hired leaders: 26.3/2; 32.2 [becoming unhired: KNOWLEDGE (Magician and Witch Special
32.2/1b] [belongings: 32.2/1] [discoveries: 32.2/5] Advantage): see pages 63 and 64
[FOLLOW: 27.1/2; 32.2/6] [HIRE: 32.2/4] [spells:
40.1] [TRADE: 32.2/4; 45.4/2] [trading: 32.2/2]
see also using hired natives
hired monsters: 45.6 [combat: 45.7] [MOVE: 45.6/4]
[underling: 45.6/2]
HONOR (White Knight Special Advantage): see page
62 Lancers (individual): see page 67
horse counter: G3.2 [galloping (counter side with Lancers (native group): G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2/2]
asterisk): 3.6] [walking (counter side without Large campfire: see campfires
asterisk): 3.6] see also illustration on page 4 LEARNING (Pilgrim Special Advantage): see page 63
horses: 3.6 [carrying items: 3.6/1] [caves: 3.6/2; 6.3/3c; LEDGES tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3] [color
7.7] [combat: 21.5; 23.3/1; 23.4/3; 24.3/3; 24.5; magic: 38.2/5a] [map set up: P2.3/2e] see also map
O5.2; O5.3] [extra phases: 3.6/3; 6.3/3] [galloping: tiles
21.5] [inactive horse movement: 3.6/4] [killed: Light Bow: see pages 64 and 78
3.6/5; 35.1/3] [natives: 26.5/3; 34.1/4] LIGHTNING BOLT spell: see page 73
[vulnerability: 23.3/1] see also native horse LIVING Thrusting Sword: see treasure counters
counter, native horses, pack horses, ponies, PRICE LOCATE table (close examination): 9.2 see also page
LISTS, warhorses, workhorses, and “HORSES” on 80
page 65 LOOT table: 5.4; 9.3 [abandoned belongings: 9.3/1]
HOUSE: [sheltered phases: O2.2/3b] [caches: A1.3] [CAIRNS: 9.3/3a] [CRYPT OF
HURRICANE WINDS spell: see page 73 THE KNIGHT: 9.3/3b] [POOL: 9.3/3a] [revealing
cards: 9.3/6] [Site cards: 5.5/1] [spying: 16.5/2b]
[VAULT: 9.3/3b] see also page 80
LORE (Sorceror and Wizard Special Advantage): see
–I– pages 62 and 63
LOST CASTLE chit: G1.2; 5.1/1b [exchanging:
12.5/2] [summoning monsters: 12.5]
ID code (for natives): G2.4 LOST CITY chit: G1.2; 5.1/1b [exchanging: 12.5/2]
ILL HEALTH Curse: [causing death: 11.7] [recording [summoning monsters: 12.5]
activities: 15.2/1] LOST KEYS: 9.3/3b [combined Realms: E6.6] see
ILLUSION spell: see page 73 also pages 68 and 70
IMPERIAL TABARD: see page 68 LOST spell: see pages 73 and 76
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 7
LUCKY CHARM: see pages 68 and 70 Midnight: 12.5/3b; 14.5; 15.2/4; 16.5/1b; 17.2; 18.4/1;
lunar month: see seasons 31.5/1; 36.3/2b; 37.9; 38.3/3; 42. 7/1; 42.8/2; 42.9;
luring: see characters, HIDE activity, using hired 47.4/2b; O1.5; O2.6; O6.1; E3.2
natives MISSILE TABLE: [Archers: 34.7/4b] [Attack spells:
42.4/1] [Dragon heads: A4.6] [missile weapons:
23.2/1a] [native bowmen: 34.7/4] [OPTIONAL
MISSILE TABLE: O5.4] [penetrating armor:
on page 57 and “MISSILE TABLE” on page 77
missions (ESCORT PARTY, FOOD/ALE): G2.5; P4.1;
Mace: see pages 64 and 78
36.1; 36.4 [combined Realms: E6.7/3] [cost: 36.3;
magic: see color magic
36.4/1] [hired natives: 26.3/1] [penalty: 36.3/2]
MAGIC chits: 37.1/2; 38.3 [altering: 43.5] [Artifact:
[reward: 36.3/3; 36.4/1; O2.2/5] [taking: 36.2]
48.2; 48.5] [bewitching a target: 41.5] [casting a
[time limit: 36.3/2]
spell: 41.2; O7.2; O8.1] [death of owner: 44.6/1]
monster counter: 19.2 [clubs and heads: 19.2/3]
[enchanted: 38.3/4; 39.4] [fatigue: 38.3/3; 38.3/4a;
[normal facing: 19.4] [Tremendous monsters:
39.4/2; 39.5; 41.2/4a; 41.4/2; 41.5/1; 41.7; 43.5/1;
44.2/4; O8.1] [prepared: 37.6; 38.3/3; 41.2/2; 41.4]
monsters: G2.3 [armored: 19.2/2; 23.2] [appearance:
[Spell Book: 48.2; 48.5] [types: 38.3/1]
1.6/1a; 12.5/4; 19.1/1] [assigning: 20.4; 22 .2;
MAGIC SIGHT: 37.5; 43.6 [Counters result: 43.6/4]
23.7; 25.3; 34.2; 34.3/2] [blocking: 1.7/2; 13.4;
[caches: A1.3/2] [enhanced PEER: 43.6/1] [hidden
26.4/2; 28.4] [clubs: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2 /1b]
enemies: 43.6/3; 43.6/6] [self-cancelling: 43.6/2]
[combat: 17.5/4; 19.1/2; 21.2; 22.5; A4.1] [FLY:
[Spells result: 43.6/5] [Treasure cards result:
45.6/4; 47.1; 47.6] [heads: 19.2/3; 24.6; 46.2/1b;
43.6/4] see also page 80
A4.6] [HIDE: 34.2/3] [hit in combat: 20.7/2a]
MAGIC SPECTACLES: see pages 68 and 69
[kills by: 35.4] [MOVE: 45.6/4] [movement: 1.6/2;
MAGIC WAND: see pages 68 and 70
12.2/1; 12.5/5] [quiet monsters: O3.1]
[regeneration: 1.6/3; 12.7; 19.1/3] [trading: 14.2]
Advantage): see page 63
[transmorphized: 46.1/2] [Tremendous: 24.4; 24.5;
Magician: [optional abilities: O1.5] see also page 63
32.7/2b; 33.8; 33.9; 34.3/1; 34.7/7; 34.8]
MAKE WHOLE spell: see page 72
[vulnerability: 19.2] see also controlled monsters,
maneuvers: 20.5/2; 22.4/2b; 34.6/2; O5.2 [no
denizens, hired monsters, monster counter, and
maneuver played: 22.6/2b; O5.4/4] [monsters:
“LIST OF MONSTERS” on page 66
22.5/4] [resolving hits: 20.7/1; 22.7]
MONSTER ROLL: 1.6; 12.1/2 [combined Realms:
maneuver time: 20.5/2 see also move time
map chits: G1.2; P5.1; 1.2/1; 5.1 [Midnight: 14.5/2]
Morning Star: see pages 64 and 78
[quiet monsters: O3.1] [revealing: 5.2/1; 12.5/2;
MOULDY SKELETON: G3.5/2 see also pages 68 and
16.2] [summoning monsters: 12.5/3] see also Site
chits, Sound chits, substitute chits, Warning chits,
mountain clearings: G1.1/2 [MOVE: 7.5; O2.2/4]
and “MAP CHITS” on page 9
[SEARCH: 9.2]
MAP OF LOST CASTLE: see pages 68 and 70
MOUNTAIN tile: [automatic enchanting: O6.2/3]
MAP OF LOST CITY: see pages 68 and 70
[color magic: 38.2/5a] see also map tiles
MAP OF RUINS: see pages 68 and 70
MOVE activity: 7.2 [cancel: 7.8; 39.5/4] [carrying
map tiles: G1.1; P2.1 [discoveries: 39.5/4] [enchanted:
items: 7.8] [caves: 7.6] [extra: 7.4] [leaving the
38.2/5; 39.5] [running away: 39.5/4a] [turning
map: 7.9] [monsters: 45.6/4] [mountains: 7.5;
over: 39.5/2; 39.5/3] see also illustrations on pages
O2.2/4] [must move: 7.3/2] [pony: 6.4/2]
2 and 7
[recording: 7.3/1]
Medium Bow: see pages 64 and 78
MOVE chits: [carrying items: 3.3/1; 7.8] [charge:
MEETING TABLE: [battling natives: 30.3] [boon:
34.4/2a] [horses: 3.6/4] [running away: 22.3/1;
10.5/3; 31.2/2a; 45.4/1; 45.4/2] [buying: 10.5]
25.4/1; 34.5; O5.1] [strength: 3.3/1a] [strength
[HIRE: 26.3; 31.2/2] [selling: 10.4] see also buy
restrictions: 21.1/3] see also Boots cards
drinks and page 79
Move spells: 42.2; 42.5 [conflicting: 44.4/2b]
MELEE SECTION: 20.2; 22.2; 22.5; 33.3; 33.4;
[duplicates: 44.3/3]
move time: 19.3/2 [native horses: 34.5/1] see also
melee step: 20.3; 20.6; 22.4; 34.6 [character plays:
maneuver time
22.4/2; 41.6; 43.2] [native horses: 32.7/4c; 34.6]
moving without playing a MOVE chit: 3.3/1b; 25.4/1
[positioning monsters: 22.5] [red-side-up
multiple kills: [by a character: 35.1] [with a spell: 43.4]
Tremendous monster: 24.5/2b; 33.8; 34.7/7;
43.2/2] [selecting a target: 22.4/1; 34.2; 34.4/2b;
34.6/1; 41.3; 43.2; O5.3] see also attack, change
tactics, maneuver, and “REPOSITIONING
DENIZENS” on page 77 –N–
MELT INTO MIST spell: 46.1; [activities: 46.3]
[combat: 46.4/1] [MOVE T4 chit: 46.4/3a] native counter: 29.2 [combat values: 29.4] [HIDE:
[strength: 46.6] see also page 74 29.6/2] [ID code: 29.3] [light side up: 29.6]
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 8
native horse counter: 29.5 [HIDE: 29.6/2] [light side PEACE WITH NATURE spell: see page 75
up: 29.6] PEER activity (the enhanced PEER): 9.4 [EYEMIST
native horses: 29.5 [change tactics: 29.6/3] [combat: Curse: 15.2/1] [FLY: A4.4] [MAGIC SIGHT:
29.5/2; 34.7/6] [combat-hired: 29.6/2b; 32.7/4; 43.6/1] [recording: 9.4]
34.6] [combat-unhired: 29.6/1b; 34.3; 34.6] [killed: PEER table (long-range viewing): 9.2 see also page 80
29.7] [red-side-up Tremendous monster: 34.7/7] PENETRATING GREASE: see pages 68 and 71
[riding: 29.5/1] [selling: 29.5/1] [transmorphized: PENTANGLE spell: see page 74
46.2/1b] see also horses, and “HORSES” on page Permanent spells: 42.8 [competing: 44.3] [energized:
65 42.9] [inert: 42.8/2] [hex target: 42.9/3]
natives: G2.4; 29.1 [appearance: 1.6/1b] [battling as a [nullifying: 44.4/3] [recording activities: 43.3]
group: 30.2; 30.3; 31.3/2; 32.7/5; 34.1/2] [transmorphized: 46.4/2]
[belongings: 10.1; 46.2/1b] [blocking: 1.7/1; 13.5; PERSONAL HISTORY sheet: G6.1; 2.4 [ALERT:
26.4] [change tactics: 29.6/1a; 29.6/2a; 32.7/4f] 18.4/2] [CACHE: A1.2] [enhanced PEER: 9.4]
[combat-hired: 29.6/2a] [combat-unhired: 30.1] [FOLLOW: 27.2] [FLY: 47.2/1] [HIDE: 8.4]
[combined Realms: E6.7] [FOLLOW: 31.4] [HIRE: 31.2] [leaving the map: 7.9] [MOVE:
[HIDE: 34.2/3] [HIRE: 26.3; 31.1] [horses: 26.5/3; 7.3/1] [recording activities: 2.4/2; 6.4] [recording
34.1/4; 34.5/1] [killed: 26.5/3; 29.7] [kills by: 35.2; discoveries: 2.4/3; 5.3/3] [recording enhanced
35.3] [movement: 1.6/2] [native items set up: activities: 6.4/1b] [recording extra phases: 6.4/1b;
P1.3/4] [prowling: 12.3] [red-side-up Tremendous 43.3] [recording FAME, NOTORIETY, & GOLD:
monster: 33.8/2; 34.7/7] [regeneration: 1.6/3; 12.7; 2.4/4] [recording spells: 40.1] [remote SPELL:
26.6; 29.8; 31.3/1] [transmorphized: 46.1/2] see 39.6] [REST: 11.4] [revealing information: 16.4]
also denizens, GARRISONS, hired leaders, using [SEARCH: 9.1] [SPELL: 39.2; 39.3] [TRADE:
hired natives and “LIST OF NATIVES” on page 67 10.3] see also MELEE SECTION
native leaders (identified as “HQ”): 29.3 [HIRE: PERSUADE spell: see page 73
29.3/2; 31.3] [killed: 35.7] [kills by: 35.2] PHANTASM spell: see page 74
[summoning visitor/mission chits: 12.4; 29.3/1; PHANTOM GLASS: [MAGIC SIGHT: 43.6] see also
31.5; 36.2] [TRADE: 29.3/1; 31.5] see also hired pages 68 and 70
leaders, using hired natives Phase spells: 42.2; 42.6 [conflicting: 44.4/2]
NOTORIETY (how much a character is feared or [duplicates: 44.3/3]
scorned): 2.4/4a [bounty points: 23.6; 35.1; 35.2] phases: 6.3 [basic: 6.3/1; O2.2/3] [cancel: 6.5/1; 6.5/3;
[hired natives: 32.1/2] [hired or controlled 43.3] [cumulative: 6.3/4] [extra: 6.3/3; 6.4/1;
monsters: 45.8] [loss of hired native: 31.5/3; 35.6] O2.2/3a] [order of execution: 2.2/3; 6.5] [recording
[revealing: 16.4] see also VICTORY extra phases: 6.3/3b] [sheltered: O2.2/3b]
REQUIREMENTS [sunlight: 6.3/2; O2.2/3] [unused: 6.4; 6.5/4] see
also activities
Pikemen: [armored: 34.7/5] see also page 67
Pilgrim: see page 63
–O– PILLAGE chit: 36.5/1b [time limit: 36.3/2b] see also
ponies: [FOLLOW: 27.6/1b] [MOVE: 3.6/3c; 6.4/2]
Octopuses: see page 66
see also pages 65 and 78
Ogres: see page 66
POOL: [hired leaders: 32.2/5b] [looting: 9.3/3a]
OIL OF POISON: see pages 68 and 71
[transmorphized: 46.4/3b] [underlings: 32.3/2]
OINTMENT OF BITE: see pages 68 and 71
POTION OF ENERGY: see pages 68 and 71
OINTMENT OF STEEL: 21.7/3 see also pages 68
Potions: 3.4/4 [combined Realms: E6.8] [expiring:
and 72
Type I MAGIC chit (Righteous invocations): 38.3 see
POULTICE OF HEALTH: see pages 68 and 69
also MAGIC chits
POWER BOOTS: see pages 68 and 70
Order: G2.4/1 [HIRE: 26.3; 31.2/1a] [regeneration:
POWER GAUNTLETS: see pages 68 and 71
26.6/1; 29.8/2c] [rehiring: 31.2/4] [special price:
O4.2/3] see also GARRISONS
FORGET, TERROR: 15.3/4] see also page 76
POWER OF THE PIT spell: see pages 74 and 76
PREMONITION spell: see page 75
PRICE LISTS: 10.2; 18.8/2 see also page 78
–P– PROPHECY spell: see page 72
PROTECTION FROM MAGIC spell: see page 75
pacified denizens: see denizens prowling: 1.6; 12.1; 19.1/4 [APPEARANCE CHART:
pack horses: A2.1 [belongings: A2.2] [hired leaders 12.1/2] [blocking: 12.1/4] [monsters: 12.5] [native
and controlled monsters: A2.5] [MOVE: A2.3; groups: 12.3] [return to APPEARANCE CHART:
A2.4] 1.6/3] [summoning: 12.2/2; 12.5/3]
Patrol: G2.4/1 [special price: O4.2/2] [visitor/mission chits: 12.4; 36.6] see also end of
PEACE spell: see page 72 week, regeneration, and “SUMMARY OF
PEACE WITH NATURE (Druid Special Advantage): DENIZEN APPEARANCE” on page 19
see page 63
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 9
Soldiers: G2.4/1 [regeneration: 29.8/2b] [special price: Swordsman (character): see page 61
O4.2/2] see also GARRISONS Swordsmen (natives): see page 67
solitaire play: E1.1 [constructing the map: E1.3]
[entering the map: E1.6] [prowling denizens: E1.7]
[VALLEY tiles: E1.5]
Sorceror: see page 63
Sound chits (red color): G1.2; 5.1/2b [summoning
monsters: 12.5; 12.5/4] see also map chits and
TALK TO WISE BIRD spell: see page 72
page 3
teleport: 15.3/1 [FOLLOW: 27.6/3]
Spear: [unalerted: G3.3/2] see also pages 64 and 78
Type III MAGIC chit (Elvish lore): 38.3 see also
Special Advantages: 2.4/1a [development: E5.2/1;
MAGIC chits
E5.4/3] [extra phases: 6.3/3]
Thrusting Sword: see pages 64 and 78
SPELL activity: 37.3 [cancel: 39.3; 39.3/2]
time number: see attack time, completion time,
[enchanting a MAGIC chit: 39.4] [enchanting a
maneuver time, move time
map tile: 39.5] [first SPELL phase of the day:
TIMELESS JEWEL: see pages 68 and 70
39.2] [recording: 39.2; 39.3] [starting the game:
TOADSTOOL CIRCLE: G3.5/2 [automatic
enchanting: O6.2/1; O6.3/5] see also pages 68, 69
Spell Books: G4.5; 3.4/7; 38.5; O7.1 [active: 48.1]
(two entries), and 71
[awakened spells: 40.3; O7.2] [casting a spell:
TOADSTOOL RING: see pages 68 and 69
48.2; O7.1; O7.2] [combined Realms: E6.9]
tooth/claw: see page 64
[committed: 48.3; O8.2] [spellbreaking: 48.3/2]
total score: 4.7/4
[use limits: 48.4]
TRADE activity: 10.3 [buying: 10.5] [cancel: 10.3/3]
Spell cards: G3.6; P7.1; 38.4/3; 40.2 [awakened spells:
[COMMERCE table: O4.3] [controlled monsters:
40.3] see also spells, illustration on page 5, and
45.6/1a] [FOLLOW: 27.6/5] [hired natives: 31.3]
“SPELL CARDS” on page 9
[pacified native leader: 45.4/2] [recording: 10.3]
spellbreaking: 44.5 [automatic: 44.6] [duplicates:
[selling: 10.4] [special price: O4.2] [visitors:
40.7/1] see also buy drinks and “COMMERCE
spellcaster (a character who plays a MAGIC chit to cast
TABLE” on page 57
a spell): 41.2 [Artifacts and Spell Books: 48.3/1]
TRACKING SKILLS (Woods Girl Special
spells: 37.1/3; 38.4 [ambush: A4.2] [awakened: 40.3]
Advantage): see page 62
[broken: 41.3/1; 41.5/3; 43.5/1; 44.2/3; 44.2/4;
trading between characters: 1.8; 14.3; 14.4; 22.9/3
44.5; 44.6; 45.1; 45.2/1; 48.3/2] [buying: 40.7]
[FOLLOW: 27.4] [running away: 25.4] [selling
[cancel: 41.4/1; 41.4/2; 41.6/2; 45.1/1] [casting:
information: 14.3/2] [spells: 40.7/2] [spying:
37.7; 41.1; 41.6/1; 48.2; O8.1] [coming to life:
41.4] [competing: 44.3; 45.2/3] [completion time:
trading relationships: 2.4/1b [boon: 10.5/3; 45.4/2]
41.2/2; 41.2/3; 41.4] [conflicting: 44.4] [Duration:
[buying: 10.5] [campaigns: 36.5/3] [development:
42.1] [effects: 37.8; 41.5; 43.1; 4 3.2; 44.2; 44.4]
E5.2/2] [grudges and gratitude: O4.4] [hired
[ending: 41.5; 44.1] [FLY: 47.1] [HIDE: 41.3/2]
natives: 32.1/1] [pacification spells: 45.4]
[hired leaders: 40.1] [learning: 40.4] [limits:
[revealing: 16.4]
40.4/2; 40.4/3] [nullified: 44.2/1; 44.4; 48.3/1]
TRANSFORM spell: 46.1 [strength: 46.6] see also
[permanent: 37.9] [recording: 40.1] [red-side-up
pages 74 and 76
Tremendous monsters: 41.2/3b; 43.2/2] [selecting
transmorphize: 46.1 [action chits: 46.4/2] [activities:
a target: 41.3; 43.2] [target types: 41.3/1] [trading:
46.3] [carrying items: 46.2] [combat: 46.4] [riding:
40.7/2] [visitors: 40.7] see also Attack spells,
46.5; 47.7] [strength of spells: 46.6] [vulnerability:
Combat spells, Day spells, Instant spells, Move
46.4/4] [while riding a flying monster: 46.2/1c] see
spells, Permanent spells, Phase spells, READING
also FLY activity, walking the woods
RUNES, spellbreaking, and “LIST OF SPELLS”
treachery: 31.5/4; 32.7/6; 45.5; 45.8; O4.4/1
on page 72
Treasure cards: G3.5; 3.4 [enhanced activities: 6.4/1a]
Spiders: see page 66
[extra phases: 6.3/3] [revealing: 3.2; 3.4/1; 16.3]
spying: 16.5 [FOLLOW: 27.3/3]
see also Artifacts, Boots cards, Enchanted cards,
SQUEAK Curse: [recording activities: 15.2/1]
Gloves cards, Great treasures, Potions, Spell
Staff: see pages 64 and 78
Books, illustrations on page 4 and “LIST OF
STAMINA (Amazon Special Advantage): see page 61
TREASURES” on page 67
STONES FLY spell: see page 72
treasure counter: G3.3/2 [destroyed armor: 18.9/2] see
strength letter: [Boots cards: 3.4/5] [horses: 3.6/1]
also armor, weapons, and page 78
[MOVE: 7.8]
STUMBLE table: see page 57
treasure sites: 5.4 [spying: 16.5/2b] see also Site chits
substitute chits: 5.1/1 [exchanging: 9.2/1; 12.5/2]
[SEARCH: 5.2/2] see also map chits and page 19
see also Site cards
suit of armor: see pages 65 and 78
Tremendous suit of armor: see treasure counters
sunlight phases: see phases
Trolls: [armored: 23.2] see also page 66
Sunrise: 1.4/2; 1.6; 2.2/2; 12.1/2; 26.6; 27.3; 29.8;
TRUESTEEL Broadsword: see treasure counters
32.2/3; 32.3/1; 32.5; E1.7
tunnels: G1.1/3 [crossing an open road: 7.2/3]
Sunset: 1.8; 14.1; 14.2; 17.5; 42.7/2; 48.8
Magic Realm Rules Index Page 11
Lindsborg, Kansas