Players Guide To Yeomanry

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Player’s Guide to the


Version 1.1
November 2003
593 CY

Compiled by the Yeomanry Triad

Welcome to the Yeomanry Metagame Sourcebook! Inside you will find rules and guidelines for
a number of Yeomanry-specific organizations, skills, feats, prestige classes, adventuring
companies, and other metagame items. This document will discuss the prerequisites necessary
to achieve membership in these organizations. As rules additions and clarifications are
provided by the Circle of Six (Co6) we will make changes to this document accordingly and
make announcements as to when those changes will take effect.

All of the enclosed information is accurate as of October 31, 2003. Look for additional pages,
including final rules for Yeoman Citizenship and the various branches of the Yeoman army, to
be released throughout 2003. We also will keep you notified of updates on the website. It is
hoped that we will release official supplements to this guidebook about twice a year.

We suggest that you bring a copy of this Guidebook with you to conventions and game days
not only to help you in your role-playing, but also to clarify to judges and other players who
might not be familiar with the Yeoman League.

Please refer to the following webpages and newsgroups for the latest Living Greyhawk and
Yeomanry regional information:

Official Yeomanry Webpage:

Yeomanry Discussion Group:

Belonging to any Meta-Organization or using any of the options detailed in this book requires
that you be an RPGA member. If at any time your membership expires, you must stop using
information from this booklet immediately. If you have any questions, contact the Yeomanry
Triad at [email protected], or individually at the following addresses:

Kevin Freeman (POC) [email protected]

August Hahn [email protected]
Havard Albright [email protected]

Overall, we hope that this Sourcebook will help you in your Living Greyhawk endeavors, and
we hope it helps you to give your PCs the ‘Yeoman feel’ that you are looking for!

Spears High!

Kevin Freeman, Point of Contact

November 1, 2003

Page 2 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Table of Contents
Introduction 4
A Brief History 5
Geography 6
Government 8
Religion 9
Yeomanry Class Book Guidelines 15
Feats 15
Spells 17
Prestige Classes 19
Meta Organizations 25
The Academy of Lore 26
The Church of Heironeous 28
The Church of the Seven Faiths 32
The College of High Magic 36
The Duelist Club of the Yeomanry 38
The Fellowship of Entertainers 43
Followers of the Old Faith 46
The Long Arm of Phaulkon 49
The Rascals 51
Servants of Trithereon 52
The University at Loftwick 55
The Yeoman Army 56
Yeoman Hillmen 58
The Yeoman Militia 64
Yeomanry Trade and Craft Guild 66
The Use of Influence in the Yeomanry 68
Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the Yeomanry 69
Character Death 70
Yeomanry Policy on Lycanthropy 70
Special Missions 71
Glossary 72
Appendix: List of Yeomanry Regional Adventures 74

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 3

The LIVING GREYHAWK Campaign danger. It is located in or near a where a number
With the release of the Third Edition of Dungeons of classic adventures have been set (Against the
& Dragons, the RPGA has created a new living Giants, Vault of the Drow, and the Night Below
campaign – a living world. Wizards of the Coast box set, to name a few). At the same time, there is
(publishers of D&D) has given the RPGA the little developmental information on the Yeomanry
entire World of Greyhawk to be the setting for the in print, which gives us considerable leeway in
biggest shared-world campaign ever. our development plans. Finally, the Yeomanry is
a representative democracy—unique to
The World of Greyhawk is the first setting created Greyhawk—and as such, we are excited about
for Dungeons & Dragons. Designed by Gary using politics and government as keystones to
Gygax, himself, Greyhawk has a long history that many of our adventures.
includes many of the famous names in fantasy
role-playing, like Bigby, Mordenkainen, Vecna, In order to give the campaign some kind of
Iuz, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and St. Cuthbert. It is stability, a group of hard-working individuals
a rich world that holds great potential for have been put in charge of organizing LIVING
adventure. GREYHAWK. These people are referred to as the
Circle of Six, and they are responsible for the
Players play characters from different Greyhawk development and maintenance of the campaign as
nations based on where they live in real life. a whole.
Furthermore, the RPGA has separated the World
of Greyhawk into regions that will be built and Below the Co6 are the Regional Triads. Each triad
administered locally. What this means is that the is a group of three volunteers who administer the
creation and development of each individual campaign on a regional level. In the Yeomanry,
nation lies in the hands of local gamers. The your Triad is Kevin Freeman, August Hahn, and
RPGA has designated three people from each Havard Albright. The Triad is responsible for
region to form the “Triad”. These individuals will developing and maintaining regional plotlines,
provide direction for each country and coordinate coordinating efforts with the Circle of Six,
adventures, settings, and important personalities. planning promotions and premiere events,
recruiting regional judges, and serving as a source
When the RPGA divided up the World of of information for the players. The Triad is also
Greyhawk, the Southern Realms of the RPGA was responsible for solving rules disputes and
assigned the Yeomanry League. The Southern inappropriate behavior at gaming tables. It is the
Realms Region is composed of Alabama, visible element of the campaign, and is the first
Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and point of contact should you have any question
Tennessee. So if you live in those areas and want about the campaign.
to join the Living Greyhawk campaign, your
character will play in the Yeomanry. The Triad also maintains an official Yeomanry
website to keep players abreast of the latest
The Triad feels incredibly fortunate on getting the happenings in our land.
Yeomanry as our home region. The Yeomanry is
a relatively isolated region, yet surrounded by

Page 4 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

A Brief History
After the Suel migrated into the Sheldomar the realm. The Grosspokesmen, as these leaders
Valley, many of their number chose a more would come to be called, established the office of
peaceful existence, eschewing the retreating Freeholder, who was essentially an administrator
Noble Houses and their ambitions to the north elected to run the government, military, and
and east. Instead these peoples, primarily conduct foreign policy.
lowborn peasantry from the Old Imperium, did
not venture far from where they emerged into the Almost two centuries later, in –96 CY, the leaders
Flanaess. They settled the high valleys between of the Yeomanry met with representatives of the
the Jotens and the Tors and mixed with the local expanding Kingdom of Keoland to discuss their
Flannae. These new lands, stretching all the way annexation into the latter. Its grosspokesmen and
out to the Javan River, had been well explored by freeholder were welcomed as members of the
the Suel Imperium prior to the Twin Cataclysms. Council of Niole Dra, treated as noble peers
The explorers had established mining enclaves within the greater realm. Over the next four
and listening outposts decades before the onset of centuries, the Yeomanry contributed its well-
the war, some of which produced notable trained warriors to support the efforts of the
settlements such as Melkot in the Tors and Alran kingdom, primarily by securing its borders from
on the Jeklean Coast. Certainly, dissident invaders and marauders. They were instrumental
individuals had been escaping Imperial influence in the efforts of King Tavish I to conquer the
to the shores of Jeklea Bay over the dormant Pomarj and the southern lands which would
Hellfurnaces for centuries, but these lands were become the Hold of the Sea Princes. But this
not of great importance until the destruction of cooperation ended suddenly, during the reign of
the empire. Tavish II, when the wars turned from defense to
naked aggression. In 361 CY, the Yeomanry
In the century following the migrations, the withdrew its forces from the Keoish armies and
humble folk who settled these lands were closed its borders in protest. It was over a century
conquered and subjugated by a powerful Suel later that reconciliation between the two sides was
mage who mercilessly swept through their realm finally achieved, when Tavish IV recognized an
from the east. Lord Asberdies, as the tyrannical independent Yeomanry. Thereafter, the Yeomanry
wizard was known, had emerged from the settled into a more peaceful existence, which it
Dreadwood after the terrible destruction of his has known nearly to the present day. The result
noble house, the infamous Malhel, some years has been the creation of a state ruled by its
earlier. Asberdies ruled the land and its people warrior caste through their spokesmen
with cold-blooded ruthlessness in a vain attempt
to resurrect a vestige of the glory of the Old Some dozen years ago, a cavernous bore was
Imperium. The tyrant was eventually cast down found at the foot of the Crystalmists in the
after years of dominion, during which his western end of the realm. This tunnel, which
outrages ultimately grew unbearable. The yeoman supposedly pierces the range and leads to the Sea
farmers banded together into small cadres of of Dust, has brought renewed attention to the
around a dozen fighters to overcome the forces of Yeomanry, much of it unwanted. This activity is
the mage in piecemeal fashion through relentless concentrated on “Dark Gate,” a new town near
guerrilla strikes upon his forces. Asberdies was the site, which now enjoys a frontier economy. In
soon harried from his throne by the insurgents, 590 CY, adventurers appeared in town with armor
who were eventually able to besiege his and weapons made of strange black metal that
stronghold and force him from the land entirely. disintegrated within days. But with tales of other
In the aftermath of securing their independence, great riches and wondrous magic laying beyond
these citizen-warriors realized that they had the entrance to the passage, many have come to
essentially formed the framework of a test their fortunes. The new Freeholder, Marius
government. They elected their own spokesmen, Lindon, who was elected in 589 CY, has paid little
who in turn chose leaders to direct the affairs of attention to these developments thus far. His

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 5

efforts have concentrated on the giant troubles in trained and armed Yeomen fought off the
the north. Raids from the Jotens in 590 CY and giant/humanoid incursions and this state remains
early 591 CY have threatened the city of Loftwick, a strong, powerful, and well-equipped armed
and he has set about reinforcing its defenses lest camp. However, chaos in surrounding regions
his realm suffer a fate similar to Sterich or Geoff. have brought a flood of refugees into the
Yeomanry from Keoland, the Hold of the Sea
During the Greyhawk Wars, the Yeomanry was Princes, and elsewhere, which has forced the
willing to aid Furyondy against Iuz, but the giant government to become more active in
troubles guaranteed that its forces had to stay international diplomacy.
within the nation’s confines. Unlike the
unfortunates of Geoff and Sterich, the stout, well-

Yeoman Geography
The Yeomanry League is a relatively isolated Crystalmists: The highest peaks in the Flanaess
independent state located in the far southwest of can be found in the Crystalmist Mountains, a
the known Flanaess. It is a rich, fertile land massive midground of the chain that includes the
surrounded on all sides by formidable natural Barrier Peaks to the north and the Hellfurnaces to
defenses. To the west lie the mighty the south. Amid the high summits and weird
Crystalmists—the highest on the Flanaess—which valleys of the Crystalmists dwell various
are teeming with giants, ogres, and the like. To monsters, tribes of humanoids, and no few giants
the north is another mountain range, the Jotens, and ogres. Precious metals and gems can be
which is the home to numerous hill and cloud found here as well, but only for prospectors at
giants. To the east are the Little Hills—in which least as good with sword and shield as with pick
dwell considerable numbers of demihumans, and spade. Several holds of mountain dwarves fit
mainly halflings and dwarves—and the Javan that description, and make a rich living trading
River—the longest river on the continent. Finally, with the superstitious folk of the Dry Steppes to
the Yeomanry’s southern border is blocked by the the west and with Sterich and the Yeomanry to
Hool Marshes, which are home to many monsters, the east. The source of the Davish River is a
including lizardmen, renegade humans, and gargantuan glacier in the geographical armpit
rumors of magical yuan-ti. where the Crystalmists intersect with the Jotens.

Climate: The Yeomanry, being far to the south, The Escarpment: The Escarpment is a natural
has hot, humid summers and short, mild winters. fault in the otherwise flat land of the Yeoman
Summer temperatures can reach into the 100s, interior that manifests itself as a sheer cliff
especially in the interior of the country. Winter ranging from 80 to 150 feet high. It runs for
temperatures rarely dip below freezing, although several leagues in a fairly north-south direction.
the closer to the mountains one gets, the cooler At the bottom of the cliff lay several patches of
the temperature can be. Autumn and Winter also thick marsh and swampland. Until recently, the
tend to be rainy, and the growing season in Escarpment was impassible to caravans between
Yeoman lands is nearly year-round. Loftwick and Longspear, and merchants had to
add two to three days extra travel to their journey
Burn River: The Burn River is a fairly long to go around it. However, in 583 CY, a long,
waterway that begins deep in the Hellfurnaces sturdy ramp (named Farrier's Ramp, after its
and flows eastward into the Javan River near the designer) was built to allow merchants to save
city of Farvale. It is swift-running in many places, time. In order to fund the project, the Council of
but is wide enough and stable enough to Grosspokesmen agreed to levy a small toll to
accommodate small and medium-sized vessels. those utilizing the ramp.
The river is choked with silt running off from the

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In 592 CY, a devastating earthquake, referred to as and dwarven irregulars. Fighting between the
the Landstraad, shook the center of the Yeomanry giants and the people of Sterich continues to the
and was felt as far away as Longspear. The town north.
of Hardwick stood at the epicenter and was
decimated by the Landstraad's effects. While the Little Hills: The Little Hills form the eastern
damage was great and hundreds of lives were Border of the Yeomanry, where the Jotens turn
lost, its effects were greatest physically on the south to follow the course of the mighty Javan
Escarpment. Its length increased by some 75 River. The hills are ‘little’ only in comparison to
miles on either side of its previous dimensions. the mighty mountains that loom nearby.
All bridges (including Farrier's Ramp) crossing Considerable numbers of demi-humans dwell in
the escarpment were destroyed, and are currently the Little Hills, along with communities of men.
in the process of being rebuilt. The hillmen and dwarves who populate the Little
Hills are known for their ferocity in battle and
The region surrounding the Escarpment is have been employed in Keoland as mercenaries
relatively unpopulated, and various monsters and for centuries. The city of Longspear, in the
bandits loom about in hopes of an easy meal or foothills of the Littles, is an active trade center and
ambush. Furthermore, the face of the Escarpment guards the northeasternmost point of the Little
is dotted with countless caves. Most of them are Hills.
so small that only birds can lair therein, but others
are much larger and potentially could house Long Pond: Long Pond is an oval-shaped lake
something much more dangerous. Some of the attached to the Burn River. Despite the dirty
caves are rumored to spread for miles under the appearance of the river, Long Pond is
fertile Yeoman plain, and the Landstraad almost unbelievably clear. Locals claim that the lake has
certainly has created new ones to be explored. magical healing powers which are also
responsible for its transparency. A family of
Hool Marshes: After the initial rush of the Hool nereids is rumored to be living beneath its
River from the high lake and freshets in the surface.
Hellfurnaces, it begins to meander across the
plains, and most of its length is surrounded by Sule River: A tributary of the Burn River, the Sule
quaking mires and bottomless pools. This forms a meets with it at the western edge of Long Pond. It
natural boundary between the lands of the is a wide, shallow river which is rarely more than
Yeomanry and the holdings of the Sea Princes to 20 or 25 feet deep. Local fisherman harvest fish
the south. These marshes are also home to from the river using rafts and shallow barges, as
renegade humans, humanoids, and many types of the river is not navigable to larger vessels.
Tors: The Tors are a mesa-like series of hills
Javan River: This river is the longest on the located at the terminus of a spur of the
continent, beginning high in the Barrier Peaks and Crystalmist range. They mark the southernmost
coursing southward for hundreds of miles before lands of the Yeomanry, and the western Tors are
turning east and emptying into the Azure Sea home to the independent walled city of Melkot.
above Monmurg in the Hold of the Sea Princes. It Where the Tors meet the Hool Marshes, they
is useable by large vessels only to the town of become quite dangerous, being full of monsters
Cryllor in the Good Hills of Keoland. and humanoid tribes that frequently raid the
Yeomanry. As such, these wild hills are a
Jotens: The Jotens is the largest spur of the constant source of trouble for the Yeomen.
Crystalmist mountain chain. The Jotens are
known as the legendary home of numerous tribes Wick River: The smallest of the Yeomanry’s major
of antagonistic hill giants, and scattered bands of rivers, the Wick begins in the western Jotens and
cloud and stone giants are known to dwell within winds southwards through Loftwick and into the
the Jotens as well. The southern end of the Jotens Burn River. It is a narrow, swift-flowing river
is well-defended by sturdy Yeomanry spearmen suitable for only small merchant vessels.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 7

Yeoman Government
The Yeomanry is one of the few representative have become Lords of a sort, although not in
democracies in all of the Flanaess. The land is name. The primary role of the greater landowner
divided into 36 districts, of which five are high is to oversee the daily commerce and
(towns governing large domains) and 31 are low development of his district. Success of the
(rural areas with scattered villages). All citizens of commoners results in the success of the
age who have fought for the Yeomanry (referred landowners, and thus these landowners are very
to locally as raising the spear) are entitled to elect involved in the politics and happenings of their
spokesmen for their community. They are also region.
given the right to purchase land from either the
state or another landowner, should that There has been some debate within the Council
opportunity arise. Those spokesmen in turn elect over the last few years concerning the various
representatives who serve in the Council of districts within the Yeomanry. Some districts have
Common Grosspokesmen, a legislative become quite wealthy, while others are poorer,
organization that decides the affairs of state. Each less populous, and more remote. However, all of
of the 36 districts has three Grosspokesmen to the districts still have the same amount of
represent the interests of their constituency. The representation despite these very obvious
only stipulation that limits who may run for office differences. Therefore, there has been recent
is that the candidate must be a citizen (meaning political tension in the otherwise orderly political
one who has raised the spear) in good standing. atmosphere of the Yeomanry.
The Council of Common Grosspokesmen thus has
108 members, all of whom must be elected every From this pool of greater landowners, The
five years. Council of Grosspokesmen selects a Freeholder
who acts as the chief administrator, head
In addition to the Council of Common diplomat, and commander of the Free Captains of
Grosspokesmen, there are also a number of Battles of the Yeomanry as a whole. Usually this
greater landowners within the Yeomanry. The freeholder is a renowned citizen of the land who
number of greater landowners has fluctuated over is distinguished by military success, high morale
the long existence of the Yeomanry as a sovereign of the commoners of his region, and a thriving
state, but currently they are 36 in number—one local economy. The term length for a Freeholder is
for each of the primary districts within the eight years. In CY 589, Crispen Redwell, citing his
country. In the early history of the Yeomanry, advancing years, stepped down after nearly two
there were a considerable number of independent terms (14 years) of service as the freeholder. His
landowners within its borders. As the state and son has taken over as the greater landowner of his
the system of government matured over time, a region.
number of landowners bought or sold land, some
moved to other parts of the Flanaess, and still Despite its wealth and strength, the Yeomanry
others passed on without leaving any legal heirs. does not seek political muscle in the Flanaess.
Over the last two centuries, the borders of Keoland is distrusted because of its historical
districts have stabilized for the most part, ambitions on the land, and there is a powerful
although there are a number of other landowners mood against sending aid to the north. People are
who would love to become part of this elite group aware that, had this happened during the
of 36. These greater landowners for the most part Greyhawk Wars, the Yeomanry might have fallen
have been the most successful in the development to giants. The Yeomanry extends support directly
of their lands. As a result, communities have only to the demihumans in the hills and
sprung up around their castles or keeps, and they mountains around its borders.

Page 8 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Yeoman Religion
The Native Flan (before CY –466) Period of Assimilation and Birth of a Nation
A thousand years ago, the valley that would (circa CY –378 to –240)
become the Yeoman Freehold was occupied by a But as most of the Suel moved on, the simple and
number of Flan tribes. Their primary gods were lowborn farmers that remained in the valley clung
Allitur (LG/LN ethics, propriety) and Joramy to four gods in particular: Phaulkon (CG the sky,
(N/NG fire, anger, quarrels). These deities were air, birds, archery), Fortubo (LG/LN stone,
represented as a dualistic pair – male and female, mountains, the earth, guardianship), Norebo (CN
rational and irrational, calm and impassioned, luck, gambling), and Kord (CG strength, courage,
watery and fiery. In Yeoman Flan lore Allitur and athletics). The blessing “Land and sky, luck and
Joramy were lovers, albeit distant ones. He strength” is still frequently used by religious
represented the order of the clans and the laws people today in the Yeomanry. Worship of most
that gave them stability, and she represented the of the other Suel gods was then obliterated during
conflict and quarrels that kept them independent. the brief reign of the maniacal Asberdies of house
Rao was also present, although seen as more a Malhel – he suppressed worship of most of the
distant, legendary father figure to the other Flan good Suel gods, destroying most of their temples,
gods. The Old Faith was once prominent in the and once he was overthrown there was a similar
valley but, by the time the ancient Suloise started reaction against all the evil Suel gods he
moving into the region, it had already been promoted. After those events, these four gods
harshly suppressed for some reason lost to the were all that were still worshipped to a great
passage of time. Fragments of the Old Faith still degree. At the founding of the Yeomanry, they
exist in the Yeomanry today but primarily in were invoked to give their blessing to the
remote areas, most notably the hillmen in the fledgling nation. Eventually a complex theology
Little Hills region. relating these four deities came into being – a
cycle: Phaulkon, Norebo, Fortubo, and Kord. The
The Suel Migrations (circa CY –466 to –378) opposing pairs were seen as different – not
When the Suel came, they brought with them conflicting, but rather complementary. “Land and
many gods. Some temples were built even before sky” represented the natural world around the
the Rain of Colorless Fire as the original Suel people, subsuming most common activities
settlers established themselves. Most construction (farming, hunting, etc.) including those domains
in this era was of a practical nature – mines, forts, considered the province of Beory or Phyton in
and the like. However, there were several other lands. “Luck and strength” represented the
important early religious movements including a two most desirable traits of the people, the two
large number of followers of Beltar that fled the things most desirable for success in any
Suloise Empire and ended up in the area. Finds of enterprise. The Chaotic bent of this group of gods
this antiquity are extremely rare, however, and is interesting; perhaps this is why the existing
the historical record from this period is very Flan gods with their Lawful and Neutral bent fit
vague. well into the group. Even so, the total mix
remained slightly Chaotic, and helped to form the
Then, of course, came the mass migration of the individualistic, freedom-loving nature that is so
Suel people through our land in response to the characteristic of the Yeoman.
Twin Cataclysms. This was a brief but significant
flurry of activity that left a host of artifacts and As the Suel and Flan intermarried, their gods
corpses in its wake, an ancient but rich became intertwined as well. There were a
archaeological period. As nearly all of the number of fringe cults that originated during this
surviving Suloise passed through the Yeoman period, most notably an elemental cult that
valley, artifacts and temporary houses of worship equated the gods Allitur, Joramy, Fortubo, and
to every known Suel god could be found in the Phaulkon to the four elements. This group never
region. gained enough popular support to become more
than a curiosity. It was especially prolific in terms

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 9

of creation of idols and other artifacts, however, most common religion in the land. To this day
and forms the bulk of dig site finds from this time the Church of the Seven Faiths is the de facto
period. This sect simply waned in popularity national faith of the Yeomanry.
until it died out completely.
With this religious revival came a wave of new
Early Oeridian Influences (circa CY –240 to –180) construction. New developments in architecture
There was a small influx of Oeridian settlers from and decoration followed, and a number of
the northeast during this era. Most of them gave impressive church structures still in use today
up their gods for the gods of their new land. One date back to this period. Unfortunately the raise
god, however, came with them and became of the Church also generated less tolerance for the
important – Delleb (LG reason, study, intellect). worship of other gods, and a number of structures
Many of the settlers were mages leaving Keoland dedicated to other deities were abandoned or
due to both the suppression of magic among the razed during this time.
populace and its regulation by the Silent Ones
and by the anti-religious sentiment common in Civilized Religion – the Keoish Era
the Keoish government. A god many of them (CY –96 to 361)
held in common, Delleb, benefited perhaps from Once the Yeomanry joined the Empire, Keoish
some similarities with the hazy image of the god influence could not help but change the face of
Rao that the native Yeomen still remembered. So religion in the land somewhat. A number of
he joined the current pantheon of six gods, filling Keoish gods, primarily those Oeridian in nature,
it out into a group sometimes referred to as the came to be worshipped in the Yeomanry.
“Divine Seven”. Other traditions arose Although the previous set of gods were adequate
surrounding the gods. For example, it was to a more primitive society, the cosmopolitan
determined that one god had dominion over ideas that becoming part of such a large kingdom
every day of the week: Starday – Phaulkon, entailed brought new moral challenges, and, with
Sunday – Joramy, Moonday – Allitur, Godsday – them, a need for more gods – gods that
Delleb, Waterday – Kord, Earthday – Fortubo, and represented more abstract and civilized concepts.
Freeday – Norebo. The most successful of these gods were
Heironeous (LG honor, war), Fharlanghn (N/NG
The Rise of the Church of the Seven Faiths travel), and Zilchus (LN power, money,
(CY –180 to –96) business). The worship of these gods never
Until the Freehold joined the Kingdom of integrated very well with the rites of the Divine
Keoland, this mode of religion stabilized and Seven; these new gods were primarily of interest
became more established. It was during this time to the rich ruling class and to Keoish immigrants
that the Council of the Seven Faiths was first who engaged in war, built businesses, and had
convened by the religious leaders of the time to time for travel, and not to the general populace.
resolve disputes and regulate the administration Even today you will find some rural Yeoman
of rites to the Yeoman people. Though some peasants who have not heard of some of these
priests represented a single god, churches and newer gods.
temples dedicated to the entire Divine Seven
became extremely common. Most priests, The desultory attitude of the Keoish towards
especially in rural areas where any trained religion had some effect on religious practice in
religious figures were few and far between, were the Yeomanry. Due to the land’s democratic
expected to perform rites of all the gods for the nature, no religion was ever established by the
people. Before too long, the priests of the Divine government, although priests from time to time
Seven saw the advantages in forming a were elected as Grosspokesmen. The Keoish
democratically based common church, where all attempted to make this practice illegal, and
seven deities were explicitly venerated by the although they were never completely successful
same organization. The founding of the Church in this effort this did decrease the role of religion
of the Seven Faiths came in CY –180 (SD 5296). in public life towards the end of the Keoish
The new combined church was wildly successful, period. The Yeomen remained very privately
and over the next century it became by far the religious, however, and a building dissatisfaction

Page 10 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

with the Keoish anti-religious mindset was one of considered tantamount to witchcraft by the
the undercurrents noted in historical records Church of the Seven Faiths and is observed only
during the secession of the Yeomanry from quietly by practitioners in the central Yeomanry.
Keoland under Tavish the Blackguard.
As in any land, there have always been evil cults
Religious Isolationism (CY 361 to 460) of one sort or another in operation in the
When the Yeomanry seceded from Keoland, there Yeomanry over time. In earliest times, the cult of
was a general sentiment of distaste for the gods Beltar was popular. The dark powers unleashed
the Keoish had imported. The worship of the in the Dreadwood by the cursed Asberdies of
Oeridian gods introduced in this period, except house Malhel have not laid silent over the years;
for that of Heironeous, Fharlanghn, and Zilchus, artifacts and cultists of these bizarre forces have
was virtually eliminated. Anti-Keoish and been recorded as recently as 200 years ago in the
isolationist sentiments prevented any notable Yeomanry. During the Keoish period small cults
import of new foreign faiths until after Keoland of many sorts found their way to the Yeomanry,
recognized the Yeomanry as a sovereign state in generally as reactions against whatever gods were
CY 460. The Church of the Seven Faiths popular at the time – hence, when the worship of
reinforced its power base during this time by Heironeous was imported, the disenfranchised
teaching a strong emphasis on the church as one and ruthless took to the worship of Hextor in
of the historical roots of “true” Yeoman society. response. Witchcraft, devil worship, and other
unsavory practices have also been documented,
New Gods, Old Ideas (CY 460 to 590) although most artifacts and places of worship to
The most recent addition to the Yeoman pantheon these kinds of beings are destroyed utterly when
is the god Trithereon (CG liberty, individuality, their cults are uncovered.
retribution). The following of Trithereon is a
recent but widespread phenomenon throughout An interesting streak of superstition is part of the
the Sheldomar Valley. The Yeoman national Yeoman character. This is most noticeable in the
character proved extremely fertile ground for this Yeoman fondness for numerology. Besides the
faith – though the Yeomen create Lawful obvious Yeoman reverence for the number
institutions, many of them are Chaotic in their twelve, there is an entire system of belief about
hearts and prefer to cling to such free-spirited which numbers are considered good or bad
gods. With his emphasis on freedom and portents (whether a given number is “good” or
individuality, the faith of Trithereon seems almost “bad” varies according to context). In general, the
custom-made to the democratic Yeomen. average Yeoman has a deep appreciation for good
Evangelism in the name of Trithereon is common, and bad omens and lucky and unlucky events of
and followers of this god tend to be more active all types.
than the norm both socially and politically.
Yeoman Faith Today
Smaller Faiths, Cults, and Superstitions The Yeoman people generally venerate all ten
There are a variety of other gods worshipped to common gods to some degree. The average
some small degree in the Yeomanry. Wee Jas Yeoman will have contracts sworn to under
(LN/LE, Death, Magic, Vanity) is referred to as Allitur’s name, will call upon “land and sky, luck
“Norebo’s Lover” and other more derogatory and strength” as a blessing both at work and at
terms, and is used to represent the bad side of war, will give an offering to Fharlanghn before
luck, and death in particular. Legends tell of setting off on a journey, et cetera. Some people
Phaulkon and his son, Kord, often seeking out the cling more to one deity than the other, however,
witch-goddess’ advice in times of need. and so do whole communities. It is not terribly
unusual to find a village whose only definable
Witchcraft, though illegal and looked upon with shrine is to a single god and whose populace
hostility by many Yeomen, has been found in largely identifies themselves as worshippers of
rural areas from time to time over the last several that god. Though there are certainly churches,
centuries. Pockets of the Old Faith still exist, temples, and shrines dedicated individually to
although only the hillmen openly cling to it; it is

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 11

each of the gods common in the Yeomanry, there fairly unique, as such ecumenical organizations
are many churches that venerate them in groups. are seldom found in other lands, and is a
testament to the Yeoman democratic spirit. The
Most common are churches that are dedicated to seven gods, however, fulfill quite different roles
the Divine Seven; priests there conduct rites in the lives of the populace, and as stated before
incorporating all those deities. One of the most even devotees of the Sevenfold Church also freely
notable aspects of Yeoman worship today is the worship the three common Oeridian gods in their
Church of the Seven Faiths, also known as the turn and incorporate them into their lives. Some
Church of the Divine Seven or the Sevenfold of the seven gods of the Church also have sects
Church. The Sevenfold Church is the largest that operate independently of the Church – in
religious organization in the Yeomanry, and it has other words, the god is worshipped in the Church
subsects dedicated to each god in turn. Some but there are independent orders and churches
older churches dating back to the time of the dedicated to that deity specifically.
founding of the Freehold concentrate primarily on
the four Suel gods of old, though this is much Almost every Church of the Divine Seven has an
more rare. Administratively, each god has a associated branch of the Sisters of Joramy, a kind
“church” of its own (the Church of Joramy, the of ladies’ auxiliary where women gather to pray,
Church of Allitur, etc.) but the seven patriarchs do charity work, and interact. The Church of
and matriarchs of the seven churches sit in a Joramy, if you count the Sisters of Joramy, is the
council that guides the Church of the Divine single most influential faith, at least in number of
Seven, and it is in this way that most Yeomen members, in the Yeomanry. No other nation in
interact with these deities. It is estimated that the Flanaess worships this goddess in a major
some 70% of Yeomen consider themselves fashion, but in the Yeomanry nearly every woman
affiliated with the Church of the Divine Seven reveres her to some degree. The resulting
(over 90% consider themselves to be in some way temperament of Yeoman women is something
religiously affiliated). The Church holds nearly remarked upon by many of their neighboring
exclusive sway over religion in the central countries.
Yeoman valley. It is not common in the Little
Hills, as the hillmen there cling to the Old Faith The clergy and leadership of Joramy are also
most strongly. In frontier regions there tend to be frequently called upon to settle religious disputes
more communities that are not solidly Church between the other sects of the Church of the Seven
affiliated. Faiths, as the more Lawful and Chaotic elements
frequently find cause to disagree on Church
The Oeridian gods tend to have separate places of policy. The faithful imagine Joramy herself
worship, and their worship is more concentrated serving the same role among the gods, and she is
in urban centers than in the rural populace at sometimes referred to as the “Mediatrix.” There
large. A couple churches have been built in some is also a movement to declare Joramy the chief of
cities that combine services for all ten of the area’s the seven gods of the Church; this movement is
gods, Suel, Flan, and Oeridian, in one house of considered heretical by the Church but enjoys the
worship (one such church even adds Trithereon support of popular sentiment. Believers in this
as an eleventh and Wee Jas as a twelfth god, likely movement refer to Joramy as the “Divine Lady.”
due to the well-known Yeoman fascination with She is most often referred to as “the Mother.”
the number twelve) but these are generally not Referring to her as “the Shrew,” as folk from other
regarded well by religious people, who see them lands often do, is generally considered grounds
as being unacceptably ecumenical. Some of the for a tongue-lashing at the very least.
Oeridian gods have local seats of power, but
others are simply branches of larger church Three of the Yeomanry’s gods are specifically
organizations seated in Keoland or elsewhere. called upon as war gods – the branches of the
Yeoman Army are referred to as the “path of
Specific Church Roles Kord” (infantry), “path of Phaulkon” (archery),
The Church of the Divine Seven is the most and “path of Heironeous” (cavalry). These gods
notable Yeoman religious institution. It is also are favored in those respective branches of the

Page 12 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Army and forces are often blessed in their name protection and the defense of the Yeomanry; all
before a battle. Many Freeknights venerate are keenly aware that the ring of mountains
Heironeous, though a few have recently surrounding the land is the best practical line of
converted to the worship of Trithereon (and there defense against the giantish marauders which
are one or two Kordite holdouts). always seek to invade the lowlands.

The worship of Kord is much favored in a land The worship of Delleb, “The Scholar,” is rare
where a large percentage of people serve as outside the League and is found primarily in
infantry at some point. The spear, usually a part Nyrond and Ahlissa; therefore the church of
of Kord’s symbol but eschewed as a favored Delleb here operates completely independently
weapon by his clergy in other lands, is the single from other Dellebians. The Dellebian faith has
most favored weapon among Kordite clergy and very few holdings outside the framework of the
is treated as the god’s signature weapon in the Church of the Seven Faiths. The members of the
Yeomanry. Brawling and wrestling are common Academy of Lore (i.e. the Dustdigger’s College)
pastimes in the Yeomanry and the champion of a have more than their share of worshippers of
given village is often awarded a red belt Delleb.
reminiscent of Kord’s to symbolize their might.
The church of Zilchus “The Banker” runs a
Phaulkon’s church is the next most popular number of banks in the major cities and towns of
among Yeoman warriors. This god is depicted the land. They operate as moneylenders and also
with more of an elven cast to his features in the will issue letters of credit in return for a deposit of
Yeomanry, and is frequently referred to as “The money that can be redeemed at other Zilchan
Fair.” There is a famous Phaulkonite order of temples for cash. This function is very important
flying clergy; these are greatly respected by the to the Yeoman economy. The church of Zilchus
common folk. maintains very strong ties to the Zilchans in other
lands, and travel to and trade with other nations
Heironeous, “The Invincible,” is a newer faith that have such a church are greatly facilitated by
than many in the Yeomanry. Most of his their letters of credit.
followers are found in the upper class, especially
those that can afford to be mounted warriors. His The church of Allitur “the Judge” is the most
worship is therefore much better represented active in Yeoman government. Nearly every
among Spokesmen than in the populace at large. government building has a small shrine to Allitur
in it, used both by officials and people coming to
Norebo, the “God of Gambles,” is an extremely seek government assistance. Petitioners leave a
popular god across the Flanaess, and the stick of incense burning in the sand-filled
Yeomanry is an important seat of power to that receptacle before the shrine, symbolizing the
church. His gambling halls are illegal in many (hopefully brief) time until their petition is heard.
districts, but not all, and are seen as a great In addition, the worship of Allitur is popular
financial asset to the districts in which they among Yeoman families as a “father figure” and
reside. Yeomen have a strong affinity for the protector of domestic order. In an odd twist, the
concept of luck, and generally such concepts as few sailors and fishermen of the Yeomanry revere
“destiny” are not well regarded. Allitur as a water god, perhaps appropriate for
the largely calm lakes and rivers of the land.
The church of Fortubo is seen as the opposite
number of that of Norebo; a popular religious As noted previously, the priests of Trithereon
medallion features Norebo’s visage on one side “The Summoner” are active in the Yeomanry and
and Fortubo’s on the other; it is flipped, spun, or often skirt the edge of both the law and public
otherwise superstitiously consulted to determine attitude in their aggressive attempts to free slaves
whether the Lawful or Chaotic course is the and other oppressed people in the Hold of the Sea
correct one in a given situation. Fortubo is often Princes. The general ideals of Trithereon are well-
referred to as “the Stern” in Yeoman parlance. It received by the freedom loving Yeoman people,
is his name that is invoked the most in prayers for but the permissive environment in the Yeomanry

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 13

has caused some over-zealous clergy and Just north of the village of Urrakbek along the
followers of the god to spout revolutionary Southern Pass through the Hellfurnaces, a side
rhetoric towards the Keoish and any Yeomen passage leads to the Eye of Joramy, a magma-
suspected of Royalist sentiment, and to break the filled canyon that is one of the holiest sites to the
law by smuggling fugitives from the Hold en faith; pilgrims often travel to the temple here to
masse into the Yeomanry without following the pay homage. The High Priestess of Joramy
proper legal procedures. The government, the resides at this temple, and conducts worship
Church of the Seven Faiths, and the established personally on Sunday, the day most holy to the
Oeridian churches are generally hostile to the goddess of conflict and volcanoes.
Trithereonite faith as a result. The church of
Trithereon has very little in terms of established
churches, shrines, or other places of worship –
they usually use houses or even inns as meeting
places. Though there are not many Trithereonites
in number, they are exceptionally dedicated and
active individuals.

Shrines to Fharlanghn, “The Dweller on the

Horizon,” are located at every major road-
crossing in the land, and there is a common
superstition that if you do not pause briefly at
each one then you will certainly come to ill on
your journey.

As for the demihumans of the realm, many

worship their own gods, although many of the
dwarves venerate Fortubo and, strangely enough,
almost all of the elves of the land worship
Phaulkon. The adoption of Fortubo by the
dwarves was slow and is well recorded in history;
the reason behind the nearly wholesale worship
of Phaulkon by the local elves is a mystery, but it
appears to predate even the Cataclysms.

Important Religious Sites

The headquarters of the Church of the Seven
Faiths is a great cathedral in Loftwick. It is
renowned for its seven great statues of the gods –
labeled simply “The Judge,” “The Mother,” “The
Brawler,” “The Archer,” “The Gambler,” “The
Protector,” and “The Scribe.” These statues stand
some thirty feet tall, and are carved from
exceedingly rare marble found in the southern

Page 14 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Yeomanry Class Book Guidelines
As both the Living Greyhawk and D&D game AoL Academy of Lore
expand, new character options will be introduced C7F Church of the Seven Faiths (All)
into the campaign. These rules will be introduced CHM College of High Magic (All)
through Rules Updates posted by the Circle of 6 CHMG College of High Magic (Guardian)
and given to you by the Yeomanry Triad. These CHMM College of High Magic (Mage)
updates will expand on the character creation CoA Clerics of Allitur (Co7F only)
rules and will offer players more options CoD Clerics of Delleb (Co7F only)
concerning what they can do. Everything below CoF Clerics of Fortubo (Co7F only)
is based on the LGCS (Living Greyhawk CoJ Clerics of Joramy (Co7F only)
Campaign Sourcebook) and other materials CoK Clerics of Kord (Co7F only)
supplied to the Triads by the Circle of Six. All CoN Clerics of Norebo (Co7F only)
PCs must adhere to the most current version of CoP Clerics of Phaulkon (Co7F only)
this and future rules updates. Make sure you are DCY Dueling Club of the Yeomanry
familiar with LGCS, available on the Yeomanry FoF Followers of the Old Faith (All)
Website, before reading this document. FoFB Followers of the Old Faith—Bard
FoFD Followers of the Old Faith—Druid
Note: You MUST bring a copy of the appropriate FoFR Followers of the Old Faith—Ranger
information with you if you use anything from FoE Fellowship of Entertainers
either the Class Guidebooks or this document. HL Layman of Heironeous
HP Priest of Heironeous (All)
The abbreviations to the right will be used HPP Priest of Heironeous—Patris Martial
throughout this section. LAP Long Arm of Phaulkon
R The Rascals
Feats SoTH Servants of Trithereon (Hound)
Any of the Feats from the Class Books require SoTF Servants of Trithereon (Falcon)
campaign documentation to be used. This YA Yeoman Army—Infantry
documentation, in most cases, does not give you YAA Yeoman Army—Archery
the feat, but shows that you are eligible to take YA Yeoman Army—Cavalry
that feat, should you so desire, when you meet the YAI Yeoman Army—Infantry
minimum requirements for it. Listed next to each YAS Yeoman Army—Scout
feat is a list of Meta Organizations that will allow YAO Yeoman Army—Officer
PCs to take that given feat. YH Yeoman Hillman (All)
YHJ Yeoman Hillman (Blood of the Joten)
If ‘Unknown’ is listed next to a feat, then it is YHO Yeoman Hillman (Blood of the Olve)
unknown how to learn that feat at present. The YM Yeomanry Militia (All)
feat could be made available in a regional scenario YMI Yeoman Militia—Infantry
or in a future Meta-organization. The Triad will YMC Yeoman Militia—Cavalry
provide updates of any changes that will be made YMA Yeoman Militia—Archery
to the prerequisites of these feats. Until that time, YMO Yeoman Militia—Officer
assume the feat is unavailable.
If ‘Banned’ is listed next to a feat, that feat is DMG DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE
unavailable to Yeoman PCs. Either the feat has MM MONSTER MANUAL
been banned by the Circle, or the Triad feels that S&F Sword and Fist
the particular feat is inappropriate for use in the DoF Defenders of the Faith
Yeomanry. T&B Tome and Blood
S&S Song and Silence
MotW Masters of the Wild

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 15

Blindsight, 5’ radius Unknown Sculpt Spell CoJ, CHMM
Circle Kick Unknown Spell Specialization CoA, CHM
Close-Quarters Fighting CoK, HPP, YAI Split Ray CHM
Death Blow DCY Subdual Substitution CHM
Dirty Fighting DCY, YAS Twin Spell CHM
Dual Strike YM
Eagle Claw Attack Unknown SONG AND SILENCE
Extra Stunning Attack Unknown Alluring AoL, FoE
Eyes in the Back of Your Head CoN Arterial Strike DCY, LAP
Feign Weakness Unknown Charlatan AoL, CoN, FoE, R
Hold the Line HP, YMI Chink in the Armor DCY, YAA
Knock-Down YMC Dash YAA, YH
Lightning Fists Unknown Disguise Spell FoFB
Mantis Leap Unknown Extra Music FoFB, FoE
Monkey Grip Banned Fleet of Foot YH
Pain Touch Unknown Flick of the Wrist R
Pin Shield DCY Green Ear FoFB
Power Lunge SoTH, YAI Hamstring DCY, LAP
Prone Attack Unknown Jack of All Trades AoL, FoE
Sharp-Shooting CoP, LAP, YMA Lingering Song FoE
Throw Anything AoL Multicultural AoL, FoE
Zen Archery CoP, LAP Obscure Lore AoL, FoFB, FoE
Pyro CoJ
Divine Cleansing C7F Snatch Weapon DCY
Divine Might HP, SoTF Subsonics Banned
Divine Resistance C7F Trustworthy FoE, YAO
Divine Shield Unknown
Divine Vengeance C7F, HP MASTERS OF THE WILD
Divine Vigor CoN Animal Control Unknown
Empower Turning C7F Animal Defiance Unknown
Extra Smiting HP, SoTF Blindsight Unknown
Heighten Turning HPP, SoTF Brachiation Unknown
Quicken Turning Unknown Create Infusion Unknown
Reach Spell C7F, CHM, HP Clever Wrestling Unknown
Sacred Spell C7F, HP Destructive Rage YHJ
Shield Charge HPP, YAC Dragon’s Toughness YAO, YH
Dwarf’s Toughness YH, YMO
Arcane Defense CHM Extra Favored Enemy FoFR
Arcane Preparation Unknown Extra Rage YHJ
Chain Spell CHMM Extra Wild Shape Unknown
Cooperative Spell CoA, CoD, CHM Fast Wild Shape Unknown
Delay Spell CHMM Faster Healing YA, YH
Energy Admixture YHO Favored Critical FoFR
Energy Substitution CHM, YHO Flyby Attack Unknown
Extra Slot C7F, YHO Giant’s Toughness YAI, YAC, YH
Extra Spell CoD, CHM, YHO Greater Resiliency YHJ
Innate Spell YHO Improved Flight Unknown
Repeat Spell CHM Improved Swimming Unknown

Page 16 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Instantaneous Rage YHJ spell for divine casters, while the spell would be
Intimidating Rage YHJ unrestricted to arcane casters.
Multiattack Unknown
Plant Defiance FoFD No Spells
Power Critical LAP
Proportionate Wild Shape Unknown DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH
Resist Disease AoL, YH Aspect of the Deity Domain
Resist Poison AoL, YH Bear’s Heart CoF, CoK, FoFD
Resistance to Energy Unknown Beast Claws FoFD
Scent Unknown Beastmask FoFD
Shadow FoFR, R, YAS Blessed Aim CoP, CoN
Speaking Wild Shape Unknown Bolt of Glory Domain
Supernatural Blow Unknown Bolts of Bedevilment Domain
Brain Spider CoD
Spells Brambles FoFD
Any of the spells from the class books require Burial Blessing C7F
campaign documentation to be used. This Castigate C7F
documentation, in most cases, does not give you Chain of Chaos Domain
the spell, but shows that you are eligible to take Chain of Eyes FoFD
that spell, should you so desire, when you meet Crown of Glory Domain
the minimum requirements for it. Listed next to Curse of the Brute CoK
each spell is a list of Meta Organizations that will Curse of Lycanthropy Banned
allow PCs to take that given spell. Divine Agility CoP, CoN
Divine Flame CoJ
If ‘Unknown’ is listed next to a spell, then it is Divine Sacrifice CoA, CoN
unknown how to learn that spell at present. It is Divine Storm C7F
possible the spell could appear in a regional Flame of Faith CoJ, SoTF
scenario or in a future Metaorganization. The Genesis Domain
Triad will provide updates of any changes that Greater Aspect of the Deity Domain
will be made to the prerequisites of these feats. Harrier CoP, SoTF
Knife Spray Unknown
If ‘Banned’ is listed next to a spell, that feat is Lesser Aspect of the Deity Domain
unavailable to Yeoman PCs. Either the feat has Lesser Telepathic Bond CoD
been banned by the Circle, or the Triad feels that Maddening Scream Domain
the particular feat is inappropriate for use in the Monstrous Thrall Domain
Yeomanry. Otyugh Storm Domain
Plague of Rats Domain
If ‘Domain’ is listed next to a spell, then this spell
Probe Thoughts Domain/CHM
may be taken if your deity gives access to the
Recitation CoA, CoF
particular domain of which that spell is a part.
Righteous Rage of the Faithful C7F
Note that it does NOT have to necessarily be
Scourge Domain
taken as a domain spell UNLESS the listed spell is
Slime Wave Domain
ONLY a domain spell.
Spikes FoFD
If two separate classifications separated by a slash Sweet Water FoFD, CoF
are next to the spell, the description before the Sword Stream Unknown
slash deals with divine casters, while the Touch of Madness Domain
description behind the slash deals with arcane True Creation Domain
casters. For example, if a spell were listed as True Domination Domain
‘Domain/None,’ if would have to be a domain Unbinding Domain/CHMM
Unfailing Endurance CoK

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 17

Weapon of the Deity CoK SONG AND SILENCE
Weather Eye FoFD Absorb Weapon Banned
Zeal Unknown Allegro Unknown
Ambient Song FoFB
TOME AND BLOOD Blunt Weapon Unknown
Absorption CHMM Choir FoE
Acid Orb CHM Crescendo Unknown
Chain Contingency CHMM Easy Math Unknown
Choke Unknown Fanfare FoE
Cold Orb CHM Fine-Tuning FoE, FoFB
Corpse Candle AoL Focusing Chant FoFB
Electric Orb CHM Follow the Leader Unknown
Energy Buffer CHMM Fortissimo FoE
Energy Immunity FoFD, CoJ Getaway Banned
Enhance Familiar Unknown Harmonic Chorus Unknown
Familiar Pocket Unknown Harmonize FoE
Feign Death AoL Healthful Slumber FoFB
Filter AoL, C7F, CHM Hymn of Praise FoE
Fire Orb CHM Improvisation FoE
Fortify Familiar Unknown Infernal Threnody Unknown
Gaze Screen C7F, CHM Insidious Rhythm Banned
Ghostform CHMM Joyful Noise FOE, FoFB
Hide Life Unknown Listening Coin AoL
Ice Burst CHM Lullaby Unknown
Ice Knife Unknown Otto’s Resistible Dance Unknown
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability Unknown Percussion FoE
Indifference CHM Protégé Banned
Lesser Acid Orb Unknown Sniper’s Eye Banned
Lesser Cold Orb Unknown Spectral Weapon Unknown
Lesser Electric Orb Unknown Spring Sheath Banned
Lesser Fire Orb Unknown Wail of Doom FoFB
Lesser Sonic Orb CHM
Mass Darkvision Unknown MASTERS OF THE WILD
Mass Fly Unknown Adrenaline Surge Domain/CHM
Mass Resist Elements CHM, C7F, FoFD
Animal Trick FoFD, FoFR
Mass Teleport CHMM Beget Bogun Domain
Negative Energy Burst Unknown Big Sky Domain
Negative Energy Ray Unknown Bloodhound FoFR
Negative Energy Wave CHM Body of the Sun CoJ
Otiluke’s Dispelling Screen CHM Bottle of Smoke Domain
Otiluke’s Greater Dispelling Screen CHMM Briar Web FoFD, FoFR
Repair Critical Damage Unknown Camouflage FoFD, FoFR
Repair Light Damage Unknown Cloak of the Sea Domain/CHM
Repair Minor Damage Unknown Cloudwalkers Domain
Repair Moderate Damage Unknown Contagious Touch Domain
Repair Serious Damage Unknown Countermoon Domain
Sonic Orb CHMM Creeping Cold Domain
Spiritwall Unknown Darkseed Domain
Dawn Domain
Daze Animal FoFD
Decomposition Domain

Page 18 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Detect Favored Enemy FoFR any other requirements, including Triad
Druid Grove FoFD permission. However, we have added Yeomanry-
Embrace the Wild FoFD, FoFR specific notes to the core classes below in an
Epidemic Domain attempt to guide Yeomen towards appropriate
False Bravado Domain ones.
Feathers Banned
Fire Eyes CoJ Adaptable: Adaptable prestige classes are offered,
Forestfold FoFD, FoFR or not, by the Triad depending on how well they
Greater Creeping Cold Domain fit the Yeomanry regional flavor. All of them will
Green Blockade FoFD require Metaorg membership as well as their
Hawkeye FoFR listed requirements. You cannot take levels in any
Invulnerability to Elements FoFD of these classes unless you are a member of a
Kiss of Death Domain Metaorg that clearly allows it. Those adaptables
Languor Domain that are accessible in the Yeomanry are noted by
Last Breath Domain the code for the metagroup through which levels
Lookingglass FoFD in that Prestige Class can be accessed.
Mandragora Domain
Mass Awaken Banned Special: PCs cannot take special prestige classes
Mass Calm Domain unless a campaign certificate specifically grants
Mass Trance Domain the right to do so. Special prestige classes are
Miasma Banned restricted in the Yeomanry. None of these will be
Might of the Oak FoFD incorporated anytime soon as PC options.
Nature’s Avatar FoFD
Nature’s Favor Domain DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE
Persistence of the Waves Domain Arcane Archer Core
Power Sight Domain Arcane Trickster Core
Protection from All Elements C7F, FoFD Archmage Core
Regenerate Circle C7F, FoFD Assassin Special
Regenerate Critical Wounds C7F, FoFD Blackguard Special
Regenerate Light Wounds C7F, FoFD Dragon Disciple Adaptable
Regenerate Moderate Wounds C7F, FoFD Duelist Core
Regenerate Serious Wounds C7F, FoFD Dwarven Defender Core
Regenerate Ring C7F, FoFD Eldritch Knight Core
Sandblast Domain Hierophant C7F
Scarecrow Domain Horizon Walker AoL
Slime Wave Domain Loremaster Core
Speak With Anything Domain Mystic Theruge CoD and CHMM
Speed of the Wind FoFD Shadowdancer Core
Standing Wave Domain
Thunderswarm FoFD, Domain SWORD AND FIST
True Reincarnate FoFD Cavalier Core
Waterball FoFD Devoted Defender Core
Wood Wose FoFD Drunken Master Adaptable
Fist of Hextor Special
Ghostwalker Core
Prestige Classes Gladiator Core
Per the LGCS, all prestige classes fall into one of Halfling Outrider Core
three categories: Knight Protector Special
Lasher Core
Core: Any character in the Living Greyhawk
Master of Chains Adaptable
campaign that meets the requirement of a core
Master Samurai Special
prestige class may take that prestige class without
Ninja of the Crescent Moon Special
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 19
Order of the Bow Initiate CoP MASTERS OF THE WILD
Ravager Special Animal Lord Core
Red Avenger Adaptable Bane of Infidels Special
Tribal Protector Core Blighter Special
Warmaster YAO Bloodhound Core
Weaponmaster Core Deepwood Sniper Core
Exotic Weapon Master Core
DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH Eye of Grummsh Special
Church Inquisitor CoA Foe Hunter Core
Consecrated Harrier Core Forsaker Core
Contemplative Core Frenzied Berserker Special
Divine Oracle Core Geomancer Core
Holy Liberator Core Hexer Special
Hospitaler CoJ, HP King/Queen of the Wild FoF
Hunter of the Dead C7F Oozemaster Core
Knight of the Chalice YAC and C7F Shifter Core
Knight of the Middle Circle Adaptable Tamer of Beasts Core
Master of Shrouds Special Tempest Core
Sacred Exorcist Core Verdant Lord Core
Sacred Fist Core Watch Detective YAS
Templar Core Windrider YAC
Warpriest Core
TOME AND BLOOD Darkhagard (LGJ2) Adaptable
Acolyte of the Skin Special Veth (LGJ2) Adaptable
Alienist Adaptable The Silent Ones (LGJ2) Special +
Arcane Trickster Core The Glaive of Azharadian (LGJ9) Special
Bladesinger Core* Knights of the Chase (LGJ13) SotF
Blood Magus Special Mask of Johydee (LGJ 18) Adaptable
Candle Caster Core Knights of the Watch/Dispatch Adaptable
Elemental Savant Core
Fatespinner Core *Note that an amended version of the Bladesinger is the
Mage of the Arcane Order CHMM required one, available through the WotC websites, through
the Tome & Blood Addendum.
Mindbender Adaptable
Pale Master Special +Note that The Silent Ones operate out of Keoland and are the
Spellsword Core sole province of the Keoland Triad. Any desire to become a
True Necromancer Special member will have to go through them, and not your local
Wayfarer Guide Adaptable


Dread Pirate Adaptable The following are notes about qualifying for Core
Dungeon Delver Core Prestige Classes, as well as certain role-playing
Fang of Lolth Special effects within the Yeomanry. Players may take
Outlaw of the Crimson Road R these classes freely, but provided here are some
Royal Explorer Adaptable suggestions as to how those prestige classes can
Spymaster R, YAS be tied into Yeoman lore, history, and flavor.
Temple Raider of Olidammara Core
Thief-Acrobat Core
Arcane Trickster: These are mostly thieves and
Vigilante Core
adventurers, but the Academy of Lore also
Virtuoso Core
actively recruits and trains them. Like

Page 20 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Shadowdancers, they are somewhat distrusted Halfling Outrider: Although Yeoman halflings are
among commoners. rather settled, there are some of these among the
halfling communities in the northeast; rumor has
Dwarven Defender: These are fairly common in the it that some ride giant goats with which they can
dwarven halls, especially in the northern communicate empathically. So far, these rumors
mountains. Defending the dwarven settlements are unsubstantiated.
from giants and other foul creatures is a full time
job there. There is an order dedicated to Fortubo Lasher: Their class skills make for great fit with
among dwarves that specialize in this. Dustdiggers, and they often work together on
expeditions. Outside the Academy of Lore,
Arcane Archer: These bowmen serve as elite agents however, Lashers are few and far between. The
for the elven Council of High Magic in Loftwick. whip dagger has recently been introduced to the
Their job is to protect the Council from Academy, and is quite the rage among its Lashers.
interlopers. Some also come from the
Brotherhood of the Bow Metagroup. Tribal Protectors: Half-orcs are the only race that
qualifies for this in the Yeomanry. However,
Duelist: There are some professional duelists that there aren’t enough communities of half-orcs to
take this class, but also there are an increasing justify a large number of these. They likely live
number of urban dwellers that prefer light armor on the fringes of civilized Yeomen.
and weapons and fit under this heading. They are
somewhat common. Weapon Master: These exist, but are rare. A couple
of notable weapon masters are known to exist in
Loremaster: Many followers of Delleb in the the Yeomanry. Mikhail, a lieutenant with the
Yeomanry have become Loremasters. There are mercenary Red Arrow Company in service in
also some of these in the Academy of Lore. Keoland, is a bastard sword master of some skill.
Shadowdancer: Shadowdancers are rare in the DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH
Yeomanry, but do exist. Generally they serve as Consecrated Harrier: These are generally found in
special forces scouts in the mountains. Some also the Church of the Seven Faiths and in the
act as spies for either the government or private Trithereon religion. There is a specific order of
citizens. Given the superstitious nature of the Harriers in the Cot7F that perform missions
average Yeoman, they are looked upon with some according to the Church’s will. However, the
mistrust. “direct intervention of a church” must be received
through the Triad.
Cavalier: Serjeants, some cavalry troopers, and a Contemplative: These are also mostly found in the
notable percentage of Freeknights become Church of Seven Faiths, particularly among
Cavaliers. They are relatively common in the Dellebians and followers of Allitur.
Yeomanry and may be taken freely. Contemplative is a popular prestige class choice
Devoted Defender: There are some professional among Yeoman clerics. Contact the Triad to
bodyguards in the Yeomanry, often individuals discuss circumstances surrounding your “direct
hired by Grosspokesmen or other powerful contact with your deity.”
individuals for protection. Actual adventuring Divine Oracle: Rare, and almost exclusively found
defenders are fairly rare, however. among practitioners of the Old Faith. Oracles are
Ghostwalker: These are very rare in the Yeomanry. greatly respected among the hillmen of the Little
Hills. This class may be chosen freely.
Gladiator: Gladiatorial games are illegal in the
Yeomanry but Scarlet Brotherhood/Sea Princes Holy Liberator: Many of these are found among the
escapees from such games can be found and followers of Trithereon, and some Cot7F
underground bloodsports do exist. These are Phaulkonites are Liberators as well. This class
very rare, and best suited as a class for someone may be chosen freely.
from another land, although there are exceptions.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 21

Sacred Exorcist: These are only found in the Cot7F, SONG AND SILENCE
and only a handful exist at that. The “sanction of Dungeon Delver: This class is very popular among
a church or order that ordains sacred exorcists” Dustdiggers. They specifically train inductees in
should be cleared by the Triad. these skills. Besides Dustdigger itself, this is the
most popular prestige class among students of the
Sacred Fist: In the Cot7F, Kordites are quite fond of Academy of Lore. Contact the Triad for specifics
this class. Outside the Church, this discipline sees concerning the Special requirement of this class.
few practitioners. PCs may take this class freely,
however. Temple Raider [of Olidamarra]: While worship of
Olidamarra is rare in the Yeomanry, there are
Templar: Templars are commonly found both similar sects attached to other deities. Many train
among the Cot7F and among the Heironeans, and at the Academy of Lore. Contact the Triad
are surprisingly common in the church of Zilchus concerning how one can be approached by other
(to guard all that money!) Players may select this members of this class.
class freely.
Thief-Acrobat: They are quite rare, due to the low
Warpriest: Yeoman Warpriests are primarily urbanization of the Yeomanry. As with the
Joramites. She fits the desired domains well and Shadowdancer, they are more commonly found in
the Warpriest’s powers are very supportive— the Army special forces than thieving in cities—
perfect for this fiery female god. Of course, although some have been spotted at such illegal
characters must worship a god that gives them the work in Longspear. As there are few thieves’
appropriate domains. guilds in the Yeomanry, a perspective Thief-
Acrobat should contact the Triad.
Candle Caster: This is popular among witches and Vigilante: The Yeomanry has a proud tradition of
those of the Old Faith, and is thus considered a its citizens solving their own problems without
very “country” prestige class. Please note the getting official help. Citizens are encouraged to
specific item requirement for this class. enforce the law, although criminals do have
Elemental Savant: There is an old Yeoman rights—unless they’ve been outlawed. Keep the
elemental cult that equated the gods Allitur, Batman quotient to a minimum please.
Joramy, Fortubo, and Phaulkon to the four Virtuoso/Performer: There are a number of gypsy
elements. You MAY NOT be a member of the groups that travel the length of the Javan as
Co7F to become an Elemental Savant. players and troubadours. Although many normal
Furthermore, you will need a log sheet note about country Yeomen play musical instruments,
the peaceful elemental contact. performing is not generally seen as a viable
Fatespinner: This is available, but with an AR profession.
NOTE indicating they meet the criteria for the MASTERS OF THE WILD
class that is signed off by the DM. These are very Animal Lord – PCs taking this Prestige Class
rare, but are most common among worshippers of should have some attachment to the Old Faith—
Norebo in the Yeomanry. Otherwise, this class some sort of Flan connection would be nice to
may be taken freely. make this work. Otherwise, there are no
Spellsword: Uncommon, but not unheard of. The
College of High Magic trains Spellswords as Bloodhound – The Bloodhound is quite common in
guards. Rumor has it that Theodain Eriason the Yeomanry, as a number of freelance
clandestinely supports a group of Spellswords for Bloodhounds work to keep the roads clear of
his own purposes, which sometimes run counter bandit activity. There are no restrictions placed
to those of the College of High Magic and the on this class.
Council of Common Grosspokesmen.

Page 22 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Deepwood Sniper – Worshippers of Phaulkon are effects within the Yeomanry. Many are not
most likely to become Deepwood Snipers through available due to the specific background of the
the Long Arm of Phaulkon, although it certainly is region; others are actively scrutinized or outlawed
not restricted to them. Take this class freely. in the Yeomanry, even if the character is not
native to the region. Players may only take these
Exotic Weapon Master – We discourage PCs from classes through specified channels, if at all.
taking levels in this, as it lacks any sort of
“Yeoman feel” to it. Take levels in it if you must, DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE
though. Dragon Disciple: Chances are if gods-fearing
Yeomen see evidence of draconian blood in you,
Foe Hunter – Obviously, most Foe Hunters in the they will either flee or kill you on site. This will
Yeomanry choose giants, ogres, trolls, or other not be allowed in the Yeomanry.
humanoids as their enemies, as they are the most
threatening in this part of the world. They are Hierophant: High-ranking clerics in the Church of
quite common in the mountains and near the Seven Faiths aspire to this prestige class. They are
Hool Marshes. Take this Prestige Class freely, rare, however.
with this in mind.
Horizon Walker: This is a common Prestige Class
Forsaker – the Triad is currently torn on this one. sought by graduates of the Academy of Lore.
We will post something shortly.
Mystic Theurge: These are very rare in the
Geomancer – Yeoman commoners, being a Yeomanry. Not only must one be at least a
superstitious lot, probably will not respond well Deacon-level member of the Church of Seven
to your appearance, especially when your Faiths, but one must also be a Mage in the College
mutations are more pronounced. Chances are, of High Magic.
geomancers will get ‘run out of town’ more often
than not. We discourage you taking levels in this SWORD AND FIST
Prestige Class. Drunken Master: This class is currently not
available in the Yeomanry.
Oozemaster – Simply put, if you take this prestige
class, most common folk will consider you to be a Master of Chains: This class is currently not
“monster,” and more than likely you will be kill- available in the Yeomanry. Furthermore, they are
on-sight to a majority of Yeoman citizens. Take looked upon with some suspicion by both
levels in this at your own risk! Yeoman commoners and the Yeoman
Shifter – This is another Prestige Class that is tied
to those who understand and master the Old Order of the Bow Initiate: There is a Phaulkonite
Lore. See Animal Master, above. sect called the Brotherhood of the Bow within the
Church of Seven Faiths that teaches these skills.
Tamer of Beasts – See Shifter, above. No true Membership in thie Co7F is required to take levels
restrictions will be placed on this class, however. in this prestige class.

Tempest – PCs may take levels in this Prestige Red Avenger: This class is currently not available
Class freely, although a number of them are in the Yeomanry.
attached to the Yeomanry Dueling Club.
Warmaster: This prestige class is available to
Verdant Lord – Druids of Hillman clans gravitate officers in the Yeoman army.
toward Verdant Lord more than others, although
there are no restrictions placed on this Prestige DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH
Class. Church Inquisitor: PCs who wish to take levels in
this class must be an ACTIVE worshipper of
Allitur of the Church of Seven Faiths and be either
LG or LN in alignment. In addition, you need a
The following are notes about qualifying for Core
Prestige Classes, as well as certain role-playing

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 23

log note about uncovering corruption within that class if you get outlawed for a crime against the
organization. state and such crime is noted on your logsheet.
Keep in mind, however, that outlaws are not
Hospitaler: In order to take this prestige class, the treated kindly by Yeoman officials. Membership
PC must an official worshipper of either in the Rascals also allows this class.
Hieroneous or Joramy. Contact your Triad for
certification. Royal Explorer: This class is currently not available
in the Yeomanry.
Hunter of the Dead: This prestige class is allowed,
but Hunters are very rare. Prospective members Spy[master] – Spies are rare in the Yeomanry, as
must be a Cleric of the Church of Seven Faiths, most of our enemies are nonhuman and because if
and the required energy drain must be noted on you’re a spy in Keoland or the Sea Princes you
your log sheet. won’t be at home much. Joining the Rascals or
enlisting with the Border Scouts are two ways to
Knight of the Chalice: There is a small cabal of gain membership. If you desire to take levels in
Knights of the Chalice attached to the Church of this prestige class in another way, please contact
the Seven Faiths. A PC must be active in both the the Triad.
Co7F and the Yeoman Army to take levels in this
prestige class. A log note discussing the defeat of MASTERS OF THE WILD
a demon is also required. King/Queen of the Wild – The most common Kings
or Queens of the Wild come from the Yeoman
Knight of the Middle Circle: Those wishing to take plains or forests, and there are a few underground
levels in this class must be members of the ones as well. This Prestige Class is pretty
Stargazers (DotF p. 45), of which there is a common in the Yeomanry among a number of
Yeoman chapter. Membership must be certed, of different organizations, clans, and races. If you
course. This is forthcoming. want to take levels in this one, feel free without
Alienist: This class is currently not available in the Watch Detective – The Border Scouts train
Yeomanry. individuals in this prestige class to act as
Mage of the Arcane Order: This prestige class is only counterintelligence agents against spies and
available to Mages of the College of High Magic, saboteurs from Keoland and the Sea Princes.
and is subject to further restrictions to be Windrider – There is a small cadre of aerial
determined by the Triad. Also note the additional mounted fighters in the Yeomanry, although that
monetary cost of becoming such a Mage. number is very small. Many of them are
Mindbender: Mindbenders are not allowed in the Phaulkonites, and all of them are in the Army.
Yeomanry, as they are hated and feared by the Special permission must be given to any PC
general populace for obvious reasons. In addition, wishing to become a Windrider.
the use of such power is illegal and will be LIVING GREYHAWK JOURNAL
harshly punished if one were discovered. Darkhagard (LGJ #2): This class is currently not
available in the Yeomanry.
Wayfarer Guide: This class is currently not
available in the Yeomanry. Veth (LGJ #2): This class is currently not available
in the Yeomanry.
Dread Pirate: Although you are allowed to take Silent One (LGJ #4): This class is currently not
this class, they are not found in the Yeomanry, available in the Yeomanry.
which is a land-locked country. Don’t take this
prestige class. Knight of the Chase (LGJ #13): As this class is based
on a loosely-organized group of followers of
Outlaw [of the Crimson Road]: This prestige class is
Trithereon, his class is available via the Servants
allowed in the Yeomanry. You can become this
of Trithereon Metaorganization.

Page 24 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Yeomanry Meta−Organizations
This section of the Yeomanry Sourcebook contains
an incomplete list of the various meta-
organizations available to LIVING GREYHAWK
Player Characters that currently operate in the
Yeomanry. The requirements, prerequisites, and
benefits of each Meta-group, as well as the Feats,
Prestige Classes, and Spells (if applicable)
available to that group are given in each
individual listing.

If you plan on joining any of these groups, or if

you have spells, feats, and the like that come from
one of these groups, it would be wise to have a
copy of this handbook with you on during rounds
you play.

A few notes:
• All meta-organization Access Benefits (except
feats and prestige classes) are considered to be
Frequency: Regional. PCs may spend 2
TUs on any AR to change the Access Benefits
for a given meta-org to which they belong to
Frequency: Any for that AR only. Feats and
prestige classes, accessible via meta-
organizations, do not have any frequency
• Many metaorgs provide access to upgrades
which may be placed on armor, shields, or
weapons. Only the specific enhancements
and special abilities listed may be purchased.
You may not, for example, substitute keen for
a +1 enhancement bonus.
• The difference in cost between the original
item and the upgraded one must be paid. If
capable of crafting the new item, the member
may pay only half of this difference along
with 1 XP for each 25gp spent.
• Some metaorgs may require an addition TU
cost when purchasing an item upgrade. This
TU cost does not have to be paid when
crafting the item (although regular TU costs
for crafting must be paid).

More metaorgs will be added as time progresses.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 25

The Academy of Lore
Members of the Academy of Lore (or Dustdigger certificate. Once these prerequisites are
College) are scientists, archaeologists, and achieved, the PC has graduated from the
treasure hunters who serve the Yeomanry League Academy of Arcane Lore and becomes a full-
in an official capacity. Members are charged with fledged Dustdigger. At that time, contact the
exploring, mapping, and bringing back artifacts regional Triad for further instructions.
from the extensive number of Suel (and other) • Students must remain residents of the
ruins that dot the Yeoman countryside. As a Yeomanry during their studies at the
secondary task, they are expected to protect these Academy. Students that move out of the
same sites from those who would exploit those Yeomanry immediately lose access to all
treasures for personal gain and without benefits and progress towards graduation.
permission of the Academy or the Yeoman Alumni may leave the region and retain their
government. benefits.
• Abuse of Academy membership or actions
Prerequisites unbefitting of a member of the Academy can
• The character must be a resident of the result in the expulsion of the student in
Yeomanry, having lived there the year prior question.
to enrolling. In addition, entrance into the
Academy of Lore requires a minimum of one Benefits
year of study at the University at Loftwick. • Any treasure considered to have
• A prospective Dustdigger must be of good archaeological or historical significance (as
repute (never convicted of a major crime, for determined by the DM) may be given to the
instance) and have a certain number Influence Academy and not sold for profit by the
points with Yeoman institutions—3 from the Dustdigger. The PC gains one Dustdigger
Dustdigger College and 1 from a member of Influence point for each 500 gp of "finds"
the Council of Common Grosspokesmen. submitted. Items acquired outside of the
• The character must have at least 10 ranks Yeomanry also may be applied in this manner
between these Knowledge skills: Arcana, if the DM approves, as per above. These
Architecture, Geography, donations should be tracked in the play notes
History, Local, Nature, or Religion. In of the Adventure Record for that particular
addition, at least 5 of those ranks must be scenario and on the back of this cert.
concentrated in one particular area. • Dustdigger-related scenarios may be put
• An Academy student must also be able to towards the TU cost required for graduation.
speak and read/write one of the following Yeomanry regional scenarios will specifically
languages: Ancient Suloise, Old Oeridian, state whether or not they count towards
Flan, or Ancient Baklunish. Academy TUs.
• Students and alumni have free access to the
Requirements Library of the Academy of Arcane Lore in
• Students must pay 750 gp and 12 TUs per Loftwick. To represent this, once per scenario
year for two years to graduate from the taking place within the Yeomanry (DM’s call),
Academy. It is possible for students to a PC may add a +5 circumstance bonus to any
reduce their tuition on a gold-for-gold basis in Knowledge check related to Arcana,
exchange for bringing archaeological artifacts Architecture, Geography, History, Local, or
to the College while a student (instead of Religion if she is willing to spend 1 TU to
gaining Influence for them as detailed below); make the trip to Loftwick and circumstances
however, the time unit cost may NOT be dictate her ability to make the trip.
reduced. Time, gold, or artifacts paid • Any Dustdigger influence points used or
towards graduation should be recorded by redeemed by a Dustdigger or Academy
the DM both in the play notes section of the student count double.
PC's Adventure Records AND the back of this

Page 26 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

• Students and graduates gain access to the exciting new field for study, and with the
following feats, spells, and prestige classes; assistance of Theodain and other prominent
provided all other prerequisites are met: Yeomen, funding was received and work began
o Feats:: Alluring (S&S), Charlatan (S&S), on a permanent home for the Academy. The
Jack of all Trades (S&S), Multicultural natural threats of the Underdark made the
(S&S), Obscure Lore (S&S), Resist Disease College’s first excursions short and limited in
(MotW), Resist Poison (MotW), Throw scope.
Anything (S&F).
o Spells: Corpse Candle (T&B), Feign In 590 CY, however, a group of Yeoman
Death (T&B), Filter (T&B), Listening Coin adventurers known as the Defenders of the Spear
(S&S). emerged from the tunnel with strange weapons,
o Prestige Classes: Arcane Trickster (T&B), armor, and other treasure that disintegrated upon
Dungeon Delver (S&S), Horizon Walker contact with sunlight. They also returned with
(DMG), Lasher (S&F), or Loremaster tales of great riches and wondrous magic located
(DMG). inside the tunnel.
• Students and graduates gain access to the
Despite the huge effort of defending the
following mundane items: arcane library
Yeomanry from invading giants, the Council of
(T&B), crossbow (covered, hand) (S&S),
Common Grosspokesmen and then-Freeholder
crossbow (grapple-firing) (S&S), disappearing
Crispin Redwell took a true interest in the Passage
ink (T&B), expandable pole (S&S), longreach
shortly after the return of the Defenders of the
tongs (S&S), portable writing desk (T&B),
Spear. They gave new Headmaster Lillith
suregrip (T&B).
Sedgewick the charge of exploring, mapping, and
• Students and graduates gain access to the
recording any findings from the Passage of
following magic items: bag of holding (any), belt
Slerotin. In exchange, The Academy of Lore was
of many pockets (T&B), breaker bottle (S&S),
decreed an official state institution, was given an
chime of opening, immovable rod, oil of
annual budget by the Council of Grosspokemen,
slipperiness, ring of feather falling, periapt of proof
against poison, rope of climbing, safe box (S&S), and was given sole authority to explore the
spool of endless rope (S&S), vial of the last gasp extensive archaeological sites on Yeoman soil.
(S&S), rod of metal and mineral detection. Exploration of the tunnel continues to this day,
and knowledge about it and its denizens has
Background and Description grown tremendously since the Academy of
The Academy of Lore (known as the Dustdigger Arcane Lore has become involved.
College by students, alumni, and local residents)
Though the Academy is not entirely happy with
was founded in 541CY by the Council of High
the glut of adventurers trooping through the
Magic. The Academy was originally intended to
Passage from Darkgate, it acknowledges that the
teach students the skills necessary to explore
area is entirely too dangerous to explore without
ancient ruins with care and respect while still
significant resources dedicated to clearing it of
bringing back treasures. It selected students
threats and sealing off many of the side passages.
thought to be trustworthy enough to return from
There is a substantial Academy presence in Dark
sites with knowledge and materials for the
Gate—some go on expeditions themselves and
wizards to study. The Academy worked in
others try to harness, regulate, and recover
relative anonymity until 576 CY, when a long
important artifacts from the many other treasure
tunnel was discovered under the Hellfurnaces—a
hunters venturing into the region.
cavern which shoots for hundreds of miles,
intersecting huge caverns and tunnels hundreds As the Academy is relatively new, it has difficulty
of feet below the surface. Early explorers of the keeping adventurers and poachers from
tunnel believed that it was the legendary Passage plundering sites, but official permission from the
of Slerotin that was said to link Yeoman territory Academy of Arcane Lore is required to search
to the Sea of Dust, the old Suel Empire, all the historical sites in the Yeomanry.
way on the other side of the Hellfurnaces. The
College’s mission of Suel archaeology had an
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 27
Church of Heironeous
Worshipers of Heironeous can be found the hierarchy are the Laymen. These are
throughout the Yeomanry, due to the prevalence comprised of Yeomen from all walks of life. They
of proselytizing priests involved in the Yeoman are the core of the church strength and the church
Militia. While the Heironean church is smaller often calls upon them for support in times of
than the Church of Seven Faiths (Co7F) as a need.
collective entity, the worshippers of Heironeous
are second in number only to those of Phaulkon. Laymen
The Church of Heironeous and the Church of
Seven Faiths have a number of fundamental
• Characters who wish to be Laymen of
disagreements in the Yeomanry. Heironeans
Hieroneous must have been created with the
consider the Co7F to be backwards and outdated,
Yeomanry as their or they must reside in the
while Co7F worshippers consider Heironeous to
region for one year before they may become a
be an unwelcome reminder of Keoish
Lay Member of the Church.
imperialism. However, both groups agree that
• Lay Members must be either Lawful Good,
protecting the Yeomanry from evil, both within
Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good in
and without, is of the highest priority.
Organization • PCs must be active worshippers of
Heironeous—it must say so on the PC’s
The religious hierarchy of Heironeous is
character sheet. Should this be changed, the
organized like a military order. It has a clear
PC loses all benefits at any level.
chain of command, lines of supply, and well-
stocked armories. This may be, in part, why the • Laymen must also have a minimum of 2 ranks
Church remains so popular with Army and in Knowledge: Religion.
Militia regulars. Heironean hierarchy fits well
within Yeoman military ranks, and it only rarely
that the Church chooses to field its own forces. • Lay Members of the Church must spend 2 TU
When it does, and in all other religious matters, per year (attending services and supporting
each Heironean worshiper owes temporal the church in battling evil) and donate 3% of
obedience to a single Primarch of the Church. In their income or 300 gp (PC choice) to the
times of conflict that threaten the faith and church per year. Failure to do so results in
necessitate the assembly of the faithful, the the loss of all benefits of membership.
Primarch conducts the full force of Heironeous’
war machine, known to the laymen as “The Great
Host”. The Primarch is aided by the Exarch • Heironeans are generally held in low regard
Inquisitus of the Illuminating Bolt, who by members of the Church of Seven Faiths.
commands the inquisitors of the church and seek To represent this, all diplomacy, gather
out the evil influence of undead and outsiders. information, and bluff checks are made by
Beneath the Primarch are the Hierarchs of the Laymen with a -2 penalty when dealing with
various nations of the faithful. There is one for clerics of Co7F deities during regional and
each nation with a significant church presence, metaregional adventures set in the Yeomanry.
such as the Yeomanry and Keoland. The current • Similarly, worshippers of Heironeous are
Hierarch in the Yeomanry is Taave (hm, Clr 14, looked upon with respect by members of the
LG), who serves in Longspear. Yeoman militia and army. As such, all
diplomacy, gather information, and bluff
Beneath the Hierarchs are the Patris-Martial— checks are made by Laymen with a +1
priests who are expected to command in times of circumstance bonus when dealing with militia
conflict. Under the Patris-Martial are the Patris- and army members. Note that these effects
General, who serve as hospitalers, templars, could be cumulative (dealing with a
mendicants to the oppressed. At the bottom of militiaman who worships Kord, for

Page 28 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

example). This is also stackable with any • Priests of Heironeous must be proficient with
bonuses a character might receive due to either the battleaxe or longsword. Patris-
army or militia enlistment. Martials must be able to cast Divine spells of
• Laymen are entitled to have Clerics of the at least 4th-level OR have a base attack bonus
church perform burials, marriages, act as of +7 and the ability to cast divine spells.
advocates in legal matters, and other Church
sacraments. Requirements
• The DC for determining if a desired divine • Patris-General must spend 6 TU per year in
spell is available to a PC is reduced by 2, and service to the church, Patris-Martial 10 TU per
the gp cost of such spells is reduced by 10%. year. These TUs represent time spent
See Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in working in and administering a church,
the Yeomanry, for exact details. In a rural charitable work in the field, or proselytizing.
environment, however there is a 25% chance • Priests of the Church must donate 10% of
that a Heironean spellcaster is not available. their income per adventure or an annual 1000
• Laymen gain access to the following magic gp lump sum (PC choice) to the church per
items: oil of greater magic weapon +1, potion of year. Failure to do so results in the loss of all
cure serious wounds, potion of shield of faith +4. benefits of membership.
• Laymen may upgrade any magical weapon,
armor, or shield to a +2 enhancement bonus Benefits
per the DMG. • Patris-General gain 1 ‘permanent’ influence
point when determining the costs of
Priests purchasing divine spells in the Yeomanry.
The priesthood of Heironeous is complex in its This only applies when dealing with other
own right. Many of these priests are trained in clerics of Heironeous. PCs must pay regular
combat and tactics, and it is not uncommon to see price when dealing with clerics of other
Priests of the church actively fighting alongside deities (other than clerics of the Co7F).
their more martial brethren in combat. There are Patris-Martial gain 2 'permanent' influence
three levels of priesthood within the church, each points.
with differing benefits and levels of commitment. • The DC for determining if a desired divine
Priests begin service as a Patris-General. After a spell is available from the Church of
year of service, they become a Patris-Martial. Heironeous is reduced by 2, and the gp cost of
Higher ranks exist, such as Marshall of Battles and such spells is reduced by 10%. See
even Hierarch, but must be applied for and Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the
earned specifically and at the invitation, direction, Yeomanry, for exact details. In a rural
and discretion of the Triad. environment, however there is a 25% chance
that a Heironean spellcaster is not available.
Prerequisites • Heironeous’ priests are held in especially low
• Potential priests must serve as lay regard by members of the Church of Seven
worshippers of the Church for two calendar Faiths. To represent this, all diplomacy,
months before becoming a Patris-General, gather information, and bluff checks are made
who must serve an additional calendar year by Priests of Heironeous with a -4 penalty
before becoming a Patris-Martial. when dealing with clerics of Co7F deities
• Patris-General must have a minimum of 6 during regional and metaregional adventures
ranks in Knowledge: Religion. Patris-Martial set in the Yeomanry. Furthermore, any spells
require 10 ranks. A Priest may substitute 2 cast on them by NPC clerics of the Co7F cost
ranks of Knowledge: The Planes, or Speak 50% more. See Purchasing Divine and
Language (Celestial) for 1 rank of Knowledge: Arcane Spells in the Yeomanry, for exact
Religion. details.
• Priests of Heironeous must have the ability to • Conversely, Priests of Heironeous are looked
cast divine spells. upon with respect by members of the Yeoman
militia and army. As such, all diplomacy,

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 29

gather information, and bluff checks are made • Patris-General may upgrade any magical axe,
by Priests with a +2 circumstance bonus when sword, medium armor, or heavy armor to a
dealing with militia and army members. +3 enhancement bonus per the DMG. In
Note that these two aforementioned effects addition, weapons may be enchanted with the
could be cumulative (dealing with a soldier Keen or Shock special abilities and armor /
who worships Joramy, for example). This is shields with the Sacred or Electricity Resistance
also stackable with any bonuses a PC might special abilities.
receive due to army or militia enlistment. • In addition to the items above, Patris-Martial
• Patris-Martials receive a +2 Circumstance gain access to: Circlet of Persuasion, Lion Shield.
bonus to Sense Motive checks when dealing • Patris-Martial may upgrade any magical
with Yeoman soldiers, reflecting extensive weapon with the Axiomatic, Holy, or Shocking
fieldwork and familiarization with the Burst special abilities per the DMG.
average Yeoman fighting man.
• Priests of Heironeous gain access to the Background and History
following prestige classes: Consecrated Brought by Oeridian settlers from the northeast
Harrier (DotF), Hospitaler (DotF), Hunter of during the Oeridian migrations of CY-240 to –180,
the Dead (DotF, must have AR entry denoting the worship of Heironeous was largely subsumed
level-drain encounter), Templar (DotF). Patris as the immigrant Oeridians adopted local Suel
Martial also gain access to Church Inquisitor and Flan deities. Only a small and loyal core held
(DotF, must have campaign documentation of onto Heironean worship as basic survival and
meeting requirements), Foe Hunter (MotW-- rural needs supplanted lofty ideals of valor and
foe must be worshipers of Hextor). and justice. That being said, worship of the Arch-
Cavalier (S&F). paladin remained among a small group of
• Priests of Heironeous gain access to the Oeridian nobles that settled along the Jotens and
following feats: Divine Might (DotF), Divine faced constant giant incursions. In other parts of
Vengeance (DotF), Expert Tactician (S&S), the country, the Heironean sect (as it was called
Extra Smiting (DotF), Hold the Line (S&F), by the officials of the Church of Seven Faiths)
Reach Spell (DotF), Sacred Spell (DotF). faced stark discrimination and loss of
• Patris-Martial gain access to: Heighten membership and holdings as the Church of Seven
Turning (DotF), Close Quarter Fighting Faiths solidified its grip on the average Yeoman
(DotF), Shield Charge (DotF). citizen and obtained secular sanction for the
• Priests of Heironeous are granted access to appropriation of the lands and holdings of
the following spells: Divine Flame (DotF), “unofficial” faiths.
Divine Zephyr (DotF), Lesser Aspect of the
Deity (DotF), Regenerate Light Wounds All of that changed, however, with the induction
(MotW), Regenerate Moderate Wounds of the Yeoman League into the Keoish Empire in
(MotW), Regenerate Critical Wounds (MotW), CY-96. While the Keoish tended to disdain
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (DotF), religion in organized form, they brought many of
Sword Stream (DotF), Weapon of the Deity the old Oeridian gods with them as the two
(DotF), and Zeal (DotF). cultures began to overlap and merge.
• Partis-General gain access to the following Additionally, their efforts to reduce the political
magic items: Amulet of Memory (DotF), Blue clout of established religions such as the Church
Armor of the Crystalmist Mountains (DotF), of Seven Faiths allowed other faiths to establish
Bowl of Contemplation (DotF), Greater Holy footholds in the League. As the Yeomanry
Symbol (DotF), Minor Ring of Electricity meshed itself into the more sophisticated culture
Resistance, Oil of Greater Magic Weapon (+1), of Keoland, more sophisticated moral and
Periapt of Wisdom (+2 or +4), Potion of Cure religious concepts began to gain acceptance
Serious Wounds, Potion of Shield of Faith +4, among the rich landholders and bourgeoisie
Sacred Scabbard (DotF), Staff of Healing, and merchants. As such, the god of valor and justice
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. began to make significant inroads among the
upper classes. Children who saw the shining

Page 30 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

knights of Keoland began to dream of becoming Freeknights, military personnel, and shire reeves.
Heironean paladins. With a goodly foundation among various
Sheldomar nations and increased need for
When the Yeomanry formally severed its valorous fighters in these dark times, the Church
membership from the Keoish Empire in 361, there of Heironeous seems set to grow tremendously.
was a backlash against Keoish influence. Many of And wherever there are Yeomen fighting the
the Oeridian gods fell by the wayside or their good fight against chaos and evil, there will likely
worship was absorbed into more acceptable be Heironeans leading the charge from the front
“yeoman” faiths. But some few, notably lines.
Heironeous, Fharlanghn, and Zilchus were too
firmly established and had enjoyed over three There are two major centers of Heironean worship
centuries of entrenchment. Although the Church in the Yeomanry. The first is the Citadel of Valor
of Seven Faiths re-established its pre-eminence, it in Longspear. The Hierarch of the Mission-
was unsuccessful in rooting out Heironean Militant decided to avoid confrontations with the
religion. This was especially true as many of the Church of Seven Faiths and to give the impression
upper-class Freeholders with political clout were of refraining from political meddling, and so the
devotees of the Arch-paladin. The Church of main bastion of the faith was laid in Longspear
Heironeous has seen a recent resurgence in the and not Loftwick. Many of the faithful still make
Yeomanry, starting with the return of Iuz in 571 the trek to Longspear to consult with church
CY. As he established his kingdom on the border officials and to train at the Citadel, which rivals
of the Bandit Kingdoms, numerous humanoid the training academies of many small nations.
and giantish tribes, as if in response to the The second noteworthy gathering of Heironeans
growing evil, began agitating and conducting is the Hospital of Spitalvale. There, the faithful
raids throughout the border states and the gather to learn basic combat skills and aid the
Sheldomar Valley. Seen as a bulwark against the weak and helpless. It is the center of Heironean
encroaching evil, the faithful of Heironeous were Hospitalers and draws numerous ill and maimed
ever in the forefront of any battle. Heironean seeking cures or comfort from the Hospitaler
knights also were instrumental in the Greyhawk Order. In the cities of Westburn, North Reach,
Wars and crusading knights brought back tales of Farvale, High Crag and Loftwick are major
glorious battles and evil defeated or kept at bay temples. In the towns of Cottonton, Dart,
that electrified the common listener. In one Hardwick, Singleton, Sule, Tarris, Whitehurst and
illuminating example, when a Giant-led horde Wickler there are medium temples. Minor shrines
menaced the city of Loftwick in 390 CY, a militia and small churches are scattered in the Yeomanry
sergeant/blacksmith named Teck invoked the and are likely to be found in any village.
name of Heironeous in an inspiring speech and
led a counter-charge that helped break the right Interestingly enough, while the Church of Seven
wing of the Giant army and sent them retreating Faiths, as the official religion of the Yeomanry,
back into the Jotens. may buy and purchase land freely, most other
religions are relegated to renting land and space
Still not pervasive enough to be considered a from landholder citizens. It took a special session
“religion of the common man”, the worship of of the Council of Common Grosspokesmen in 574
Heironeous has nonetheless gained a substantial CY to concoct the legal fiction of assigning
following among the freemen and the number of “citizenship” to the Churches of Heironeous,
laymen of the church grows daily. It retains its Fharlanghn, and Zilchus. Now, these churches
core following among the upper echelons of may purchase land and property in their own
Yeoman government and counts among its names, though contracts must still be handled
numbers many Spokesmen, Freeholders, through actual citizen members of the Church.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 31

Church of Seven Faiths
The Church of Seven Faiths (Co7F) is the
dominant church in the Yeomanry, comprised of
Particularly devoted Members can become
worshippers of Allitur, Delleb, Fortubo, Joramy,
Patrons of the Church, who are the equivalent of
Kord, Norebo, and Phaulkon. In the Yeomanry,
wealthy donors who have earned extra favors
these seven deities share houses of worship,
from the Co7F.
particularly in smaller villages that cannot
support seven different churches (or even shrines,
for that much). There are a number of different
• Same as a Member (see above).
levels of membership that characters may have
with the Church, each with its own costs and
• A member must occasionally attend services,
spending 2 TU per year.
Member • Tithe 3% of their income from scenarios to the
The most basic level is a Member of the Church. Church.
This is the equivalent of simply being a registered • In addition to the tithe, a Patron must donate
member of the Church of the Seven Faiths. 1000gp to the Church each year.

Prerequisites Benefits
• Characters must either have been created • The DC for determining if a desired divine
with the Yeomanry as their home region or spell is available is lowered by 4 for Patrons
they must reside in the region for one year of the Church and the gold cost of such spells
before they may become a member of the is reduced by 10%. (See Purchasing Divine
Church. and Arcane Spells in the Yeomanry for exact
• Worship one of the deities encompassed by details.)
the Church of Seven Faiths (Allitur, Delleb, • Receive 1 permanent Influence Point with the
Fortubo, Joramy, Kord, Norebo, or Phaulkon). Church when determining the costs of
purchasing divine spells from it. For
Requirements example, a Patron would not have to expend
• A member must occasionally attend services, an Influence Point for a 3rd-level spell,
spending 2 TU per year. because of his "permanent" one. Thus he
• Tithe 3% of their income from scenarios to the would only have to pay the basic gp cost
Church. (minus 10% and the 1 TU).
• Clerics of the Church will perform marriages,
Benefits funerals, blessings, and other Church
• The DC for determining if a desired divine sacraments for the PC.
spell is available is lowered by 2 for Members • Gain access to all of the items on Table 1-6
of the Church and the gold cost of such spells Sacred Gear from Defenders of the Faith.
is reduced by 10%. (See Purchasing Divine • Gain access to the following magic item:
and Arcane Spells in the Yeomanry for exact Potion of Cure Serious Wounds.
• Clerics of the Church will perform marriages,
funerals, blessings, and other Church
More dedicated worshippers may desire to
sacraments for the PC.
become a Cleric of the Church, indicating that
• Gain access to all of the items on Table 1-6
they are religious workers for the Church on at
Sacred Gear from Defenders of the Faith.
least a part-time basis. There is a church
hierarchy, beginning with Acolyte before
progressing through Disciple and Deacon before
one becomes a Priest. There are higher ranks in

Page 32 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

the Church, but these must be applied for and is reduced by 10%. (See Purchasing Divine
earned specifically. and Arcane Spells in the Yeomanry for exact
Prerequisites • Each ‘rank’ counts as one permanent
• Characters must either have been created Influence Point towards purchasing divine
with the Yeomanry as their home region or spells at the church. For example, a Deacon
they must reside in the region for one year would have the equivalent of 3 permanent
before they may join the clergy. Influence Points and could receive up to 6th-
• Must worship one of the deities encompassed level spells for only gold and TU cost.
by the Church of Seven Faiths (Allitur, Delleb, • Clerics of the Seven Faiths receive a +1
Fortubo, Joramy, Kord, Norebo, or Phaulkon) Circumstance bonus per clerical rank on all
and possess 2 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate rolls versus
per advancement within the Clergy (Acolyte: the average gods-fearing Yeoman.
2 ranks, Disciple, 4 ranks, etc…) • Characters who earn the rank of Priest in the
Clergy of the Seven Faiths also gain
Requirements immediate Yeoman Citizenship, gaining all of
• In addition to 2 TU spent attending religious the rights and privileges that come therewith.
functions, there is a yearly cost of 4 TUs per • Clergy of the Seven Faiths gain access to the
Clergy ‘rank’ that the PC has achieved. For following feats, prestige classes, and spells.
example, holding the rank of Deacon requires Training for each requires a 100gp tithe paid
12 TUs per year (plus the 2 base TUs). These when the feat/spell/prestige class is gained.
TUs represent the time spent working in and o Feats: Divine Cleansing (DotF), Divine
administering a church. The higher rank you Resistance (DotF), Divine Vengeance
are, the more time you must devote to the (DotF), Empower Turning (DotF), Extra
faith! Slot (T&B), Reach Spell (DotF), Sacred
• Clergy must tithe 5% of their income from all Spell (DotF).
scenarios to the Church. o Prestige Classes: Hunter of the Dead
• The character must reside in the Yeomanry (DotF). Clergy of Deacon or higher rank
for one year at their current rank in the gain access to Heirophant (DMG) and
Church before they may advance to the next clergy serving in the Yeoman Army gain
rank. Acolytes and Disciples may leave the access to the Knight of the Chalice (DotF)
region and retain the benefits of belonging to prestige class.
the Clergy as long as they continue to meet o Spells: Burial Blessing (DotF), Castigate
their obligations to the church (tithing and (DotF), Divine Storm (DotF), Filter (T&B),
service). Clergy of higher rank that leave the Gaze Screen (T&B), Mass Resist Elements
region are demoted to the rank of Disciple (T&B), Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
and must re-earn their previous title should (DotF), Regenerate Circle (MotW),
they return to the Yeomanry. Regenerate Critical Wounds (MotW),
• In order to achieve Priest status within the Regenerate Light Wounds (MotW),
Co7F, the character must have the ability to Regenerate Moderate Wounds (MotW),
cast divine spells. Regenerate Ring (MotW), and Regenerate
Serious Wounds (MotW).
Benefits • Clergy of the Seven Faiths gain access to the
• Clerics of the Church will perform marriages, following magic items based upon their rank
funerals, blessings, and other Church within the Church.
sacraments for the PC. o Acolyte—Candle of Invocation, Candle of
• Gain access to all of the items on Table 1-6 Truth, Pearl of Power (1st), Potion of
Sacred Gear from Defenders of the Faith. Neutralize Poison, Potion of Remove
• The DC for determining if a desired divine Blindness / Deafness, Strand of Prayer Beads
spell is available is lowered by 2 for Members (Lesser), Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
of the Church and the gold cost of such spells

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 33

o Disciple-- Bag of Holding (Type I), Cloak of of the Co7F and a member of the College of
Resistance +2, Glove of Storing, Pearl of High Magic to take levels in this prestige
Power (2nd), Periapt of Proof against Poison, class.
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. Upgrade: • Feats: Cooperative Spell (T&B), Extra Spell
+2 weapon or armor enhancement bonus. (T&B).
o Deacon-- Brooch of Shielding, Cloak of • Spells: Brain Spider (DotF), Chain of Eyes
Resistance +3, Figurine of Wondrous Power (DotF), Lesser Telepathic Bond (DotF), Recitation
(Onyx Dog), Helm of Comprehend (DotF)
Languages and Read Magic, Pearl of Power Clergy of Delleb gain access to the following
(3rd), Periapt of Health, Periapt of Wisdom magic items based on their rank within the
+2, Strand of Prayer Beads (standard), Wand Church.
of Cure Serious Wounds. Upgrade: +3 • Acolyte: Incense of Meditation.
weapon or armor enhancement bonus. • Disciple: Headband of Intellect +2, Helm of
o Priest-- Bag of Holding (type II), Cloak of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic.
Resistance +4, Pearl of Power (4th), Periapt of Upgrade: Spell Storing special ability
Wisdom +4, Periapt of Wound Closure, (weapon).
Strand of Prayer Beads (Greater).
• Deacon: Headband of Intellect +4, Medallion of
Upgrades: +4 weapon or armor
enhancement bonus, Holy special ability
• Priest: Headband of Intellect +6, Ioun Stone
(weapon), Sacred special ability (armor or
(scarlet and blue).
• In addition to the benefits above, clergy gain
additional access depending on the particular
Clergy of Fortubo gain access to the following
deity that they venerate.
prestige classes.
• Prestige Class: Holy Liberator (DotF).
• Spells: Bear’s Heart (DotF), Flame of Faith
Clergy of Allitur gain access to the following
(DotF), Recitation (DotF), Sweet Water (DotF).
prestige classes, feats, and spells.
Clergy of Delleb gain access to the following
• Prestige Class: Church Inquisitor (DotF)
magic items based on their rank within the
• Feats: Cooperative Spell (T&B), Sanctum Spell
(T&B), Subdual Substitution (T&B)
• Acolyte: Boots of the Winterlands, Stone Salve.
• Spells: Brain Spider (DotF), Chain of Eyes
• Disciple: Adamantine breastplate, adamantine
(DotF), Lesser Telepathic Bond (DotF), Recitation
full plate, adamantine warhamme. Upgrade:
Impact special ability (weapon, A&E).
Clergy of Allitur gain access to the following
• Deacon: Ring of Force Shield, Rod of Metal and
magic items based on their rank within the
Mineral Detection.
• Priest: Belt of Dwarvenkind.
• Acolyte: Phylactery of Faithfulness, Potion of
• Disciple: Circlet of Persuasion, Cloak of
Clergy of Joramy gain access to the following
Charisma +2. Upgrade: Merciful special ability
prestige classes.
(weapon, A&E).
• Prestige Class: Hospitaler (DotF).
• Deacon: Cloak of Charisma +4.
• Feats: Pyro (S&S), Spell Specialization (T&B).
• Priest: Cloak of Charisma +6. Upgrade:
• Spells: Body of the Sun (MotW), Divine Flame
Axiomatic special ability (weapon).
(DotF), Energy Immunity (T&B), Fire Eyes
(T&B), Flame of Faith (DotF).
Clergy of Joramy gain access to the following
Clergy of Delleb gain access to the following
magic items based on their rank within the
prestige classes, feats, and spells.
• Prestige Class: Mystic Theurge (DMG) –
• Acolyte: Necklace of Fireballs (Type I).
NOTE: The PC must be a disciple level Cleric

Page 34 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

• Disciple: Necklace of Fireballs (Type II-III). Phaulkon
Upgrade: Flaming special ability (weapon). Clergy of Phaulkon gain access to the following
• Deacon: Necklace of Fireballs (Type IV-V), Ring prestige classes.
of the Ram. • Prestige Class: Order of the Bow Initiate
• Priest: Necklace of Fireballs (Type VI-VII). (S&F).
Upgrade: Flaming burst special ability • Feats: Sharp-shooting (S&F), Zen Archery
(weapon). (S&F).
• Spells: Beast Claws (DotF), Beastmask (DotF),
Kord Blessed Aim (DotF), Divine Agility (DotF),
Clergy of Kord gain access to the following Harrier (DotF).
prestige classes. Clergy of Phaulkon gain access to the following
• Prestige Class: Sacred Fist (DotF). magic items based on their rank within the
• Feats: Close-Quarters Fighting (S&F), Fists of Church.
Iron (S&F). • Acolyte: Potion of Fly.
• Spells: Bear’s Heart (DotF), Curse of the Brute • Disciple: None. Upgrade: Distance special
(DotF), Unfailing Endurance (DotF), Weapon of ability (weapon).
the Deity (DotF). • Deacon: Wings of Flying.
Clergy of Kord gain access to the following magic • Priest: None. Upgrade: Speed special ability
items based on their rank within the Church. (weapon).
• Acolyte: Potion of Heroism.
• Disciple: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Wand of
Bull’s Strength.
• Deacon: Belt of Giant Strength +4, Ring of the
• Priest: Belt of Giant Strength +6.

Clergy of Norebo gain access to the following
prestige classes.
• Prestige Class: Fatespinner (T&B).
• Feats: Charlatan (S&S), Divine Vigor (DotF),
Eyes in the Back of Your Head (S&F).
• Spells: Blessed Aim (DotF), Chain of Eyes
(DotF), Divine Agility (DotF), Divine Sacrifice
(DotF), Lesser Telepathic Bond (DotF).
Clergy of Norebo gain access to the following
magic items based on their rank within the
• Acolyte: Ring of Mind Shielding.
• Disciple: Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection.
Upgrade: Fortunate special ability (weapon,
• Deacon: Cape of the Mountebank, Circlet of
Persuasion, Rod of Wonder.
• Priest: Banded Mail of Luck, Stone of Good Luck.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 35

The College of High Magic
Magic is a rarity in the Yeomanry, and those Guardian: A Guardian has chosen to use his
people who learn how to hone it effectively are magical talent to augment other skills.
even rarer. In most cases, magic in the Yeomanry
is learned through a traditional master-apprentice After one year of service in the College, the
relationship. However, during the last half- Initiate title is dropped and a member is referred
century, the high elves of Loftwick, with the help to as either Mage or Guardian, depending upon
of Theodain Eriason, have tried to create a more her specialty.
organized center for magical learning. With the
blessing of the Yeoman government, the College Prerequisites
of High Magic was created and attached to the • An Initiate in the College of Magic must have
thriving University system in Loftwick in CY 560. been a student in good standing at the
University at Loftwick for at least one year
Although it is a small school, it is the (real time) before gaining admission to the
predominant organized association of arcane College.
casters in the Yeomanry. It attracts magic-users • An Initiate must have the ability to cast
from all reaches of the Yeomanry and from all Arcane spells.
schools of magical thought. Furthermore, there • Characters must either have been created
are a small number of sub-organizations that with the Yeomanry as their home region or
work within the confines of the College, from the they must reside in the region for one year
Guardians and Enforcers who protect the before they may enroll in the College of High
integrity and secrets of the College to the Magic.
mysterious Shrouded Circle whom few know • An Initiate must have at least 4 ranks in
anything about. Spellcraft and 4 ranks in Knowledge: Arcana.

The College is led by a small group called the Requirements

Council. It is the Council who determines what • Study in the College of High Magic is much
the goals and objectives the College will pursue at more vigorous than in the general University
a given time. They also attempt to keep some of Loftwick. Members must spend a
kind of control over magic, in all its forms, in the minimum of 8 TUs per calendar year in study
Yeomanry. For this reason they sometimes are at at the College. Further TUs may be spent if a
odds with the Council of Common PC wishes to acquire new spells found in the
Grosspokesmen, and many suspect Theodain to Builder Books. See below for more detail.
be behind this rift to some extent. The leader of • Initiates must also pay a tuition of 800gp per
the council, and Headmaster of the College, is year.
simply known as Fain. Fain is a respected elven • Those following the Mage path must pay a
wizard in the Yeomanry, rumored to be second in further 4 TUs and 400gp per year to represent
magical ability, only to Theodain himself. He also their total dedication to the academics of
is rumored to clearly be in Theodain’s court on magic.
most political issues.
Newly-admitted members of the College are
• Members of the College of High Magic are a
called Initiates. Initiates are charged with
fairly close-knit group. The DC for
learning the basic intricacies associated with
determining if a desired Arcane spell is
arcane magic. Initiates are also expected to
available to a PC is reduced by 4, and the gp
choose a specialty based on their skills and
cost of such spells is reduced by 20%.
interests. There are two primary specialties that
Furthermore, each full year spent as a
can be chosen:
member of the College counts as one
Mage: A Mage concentrates on arcane magic as permanent Influence Point towards
the primary focus of her power and being. purchasing arcane spells at the College. For

Page 36 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

example, a 3-year veteran of the College • Mages and Guardians have access to the
would have the equivalent of 3 permanent following magic items: Boccob's blessed book,
Influence Points and could receive up to 6th- bracers of armor (+2), caster's shield, headband of
level spells for only gold and TU cost. (See intellect (+2), lesser metamagic feat rod (all), pearl
Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the of power (1st-3rd), ring or wizardry (I), ring of
Yeomanry for exact details.) protection +2. Mages may also take bracers of
• Members of the College of High Magic gain armor (+3 or +4), crystal ball (all), headband of
access to all of the mundane items listed in intellect (+4), normal metamagic feat rod (all),
Table 4-1 (pg. 72) of Tome and Blood. pearl of power (4th-5th), ring of wizardry (II),
• Mages and Guardians gain access to the ring or protection +3. Guardians may also
following feats: Arcane Defense (T&B), purchase javelins of lightning.
Cooperative Spell (T&B), Energy Substitution • Guardians may upgrade existing magical
(T&B), Extra Spell (T&B), Reach Spell (DotF), armors with the glamered or spell resistance (13)
Repeat Spell (T&B), Sanctum Spell (T&B), special abilities or upgrade existing magical
Spell Specialization (T&B), Split Ray (T&B), weapons with the flaming, frost or shock
Subdual Substitution (T&B), Twin Spell special abilities.
(T&B), Widen Spell (T&B); Mages also have
access to Chain Spell (T&B), Delay Spell
(T&B), Persistent Spell (T&B), Sculpt Spell
• Mages and Guardians gain access to the
following spells: Acid Orb (T&B), Adrenaline
Surge (MotW), Cloak of the Sea (MotW), Cold
Orb (T&B), Electric Orb (T&B), Filter (T&B),
Fire Orb (T&B), Gaze Screen (T&B), Ice Burst
(T&B), Indifference (T&B), Lesser Sonic Orb
(T&B), Mass Resist Elements (T&B), Negative
Energy Wave (T&B), Otiluke’s Dispelling Screen
(T&B), Probe Thoughts (DotF). Mages also
have access to Absorption (T&B), Chain
Contingency (T&B), Dimensional Lock (T&B),
Energy Buffer (T&B), Ghost Form (T&B), Mass
Teleport (T&B), Otiluke’s Greater Dispelling
Screen (T&B), Sonic Orb (T&B), Unbinding
(DotF). NOTE: the learning of each of these
spells costs 1 TU and 100gp on top of the
minimums required for College membership.
This is in addition to normal costs for scribing
the spell.
• Mages gain access to the following prestige
classes: Archmage and Mage of the Arcane
Order. Mages that are also Disciple-level
members of the Church of Seven Faiths and
worship Delleb also gain access to Mystic
Theurge. Guardians gain access to Arcane
Archer, Bladesinger (T&B), and Spellsword

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 37

The Dueling Club of the Yeomanry
The purpose of the Dueling Club is to foster the Benefits
skills of swordsmanship and fair play among • Members may enjoy a Standard lifestyle in
equals. Members of the Dueling Club are regional adventures that begin in Loftwick,
educated on the fine arts of swordplay, weapon Longspear, or Westburn at a cost of 1 gp.
skills, and the value of sportsmanship. The Make a note of this on your Adventure
Dueling Club attempts to fulfill this purpose by Certificate.
fostering the dueling tradition that was nearly lost • Members may purchase padded armor,
after the Yeomanry broke with Keoland. The leather armor, studded leather armor,
dueling tradition was brought to the Yeomanry daggers, or any blade legal for dueling at 75%
by the Keoish during their occupation of the cost. These weapons and armor are always of
Yeomanry, and was largely popular among the standard quality. Weapons broken during the
Keoish nobility. With the loss of the nobility, at course of a duel can be replaced at 50% cost if
least in title, there was little call for the services of the duel takes place in a chapter house city or
duelists as champions to defend and settle the during a Melee or Grand Melee. Even
disputes of the upper class. The spirit of masterwork weapons can be replaced in this
swordsmanship is a strong one, however, and it manner. This applies only to non-magical
found a home among members of the military equipment and only within the Yeomanry.
who wanted to retain the old styles and traditions • Members can act as a champion during trials
while keeping with the new ideals of the of grievance if called for or requested during
democratic Yeomanry government. This is the the course of an adventure. The member
only way to legally duel in the Yeomanry. must charge the standard Club rate for this
service; 10 gp per level of the NPC he or she is
Prerequisites expected to duel multiplied by the member’s
• Characters must either have been created own character level. Half of this fee is tithed
with the Yeomanry as their home region or to the guild after the duel. Unless noted in
they must reside in the region for one year the scenario, this fee cannot exceed the
before they may be invited to join the Dueling treasure cap for the APL played.
Club. • Members can fight in the Melees and Grand
• To acquire membership in the Dueling Club, Melees held by the Dueling club, pursuant to
the charcter must make contact with an the rules of those contests.
Armsman in good standing at an interactive • Members gain access to the following prestige
or other event that features a Dueling Club classes: Devoted Defender, Duelist, Gladiator,
booth. The character is required to provide Tempest, and Weapons Master.
proof of residence to an official representative • Members gain access to the following feats:
at that booth and the referring Armsman Chink in the Armor (S&S), Expert Tactician
must vouch for his or her good conduct. (S&S), Pin Shield (S&F), Quicker than the Eye
(S&S), and Snatch Weapon (S&F). They can
Requirements also lean the “ungentlemanly” feats: Arterial
• Characters must pay 3 TUs and 100 gp in Strike (S&S), Death Blow (S&F), Dirty
dues each year. If the dues are not paid, the Fighting (S&F), and Hamstring (S&S). The
member reverts to Initiate status. taking of any of these feats costs 1 TU as
• New members join as Initiates. With their special training is needed.
first duel, win or lose, they become
Armsmen. Armsmen have the right to enter Background
Melees and are considered full members of Established originally as a method of ranking
the Dueling Club, but they do not have the warriors within the Yeomanry by level of fighting
right to vote in the Club’s affairs. That skill, the Dueling Club has grown far past its
privilege comes with the Armsman’s first military origin. The choice of the name ‘club’ over
successful duel. a word like ‘guild’ was an attempt to both note
Page 38 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)
the independent nature of the organization and to sympathizers) by the commoners of the
distance it from the growing mercantile powers Yeomanry.
using ‘guild’ to denote their various subdivisions.
The Club is a fairly sizable (though in no way as Under the current laws, the Dueling Club serves
massive as the trade guilds or other expansive an important secondary purpose. Only
groups) organization with chapter houses in recognized members of the Club may duel legally
Loftwick, Longspear, and Westburn. Farvale and in the Yeomanry. This prevents many heated
North Reach often host Melees, but do not have debates from becoming duels since both parties, if
permanent facilities for the Club. Members of the not already members, must go and join the Club
Dueling Club engaging in official matches are a before they can do so. Tempers often cool before
common sight at any large gathering or fair. this can be accomplished.
Many Spokesmen and Grosspokesmen fill out the
Club’s ranks. A note about the name: When the Club was first
formed, it was an informal agreement between
The dueling laws in the Yeomanry began fairly peers to keep old traditions alive. Thus, the name
simply, allowing for an armed settlement of Dueling Club was sufficient for the few members
disputes so long as an independent source could in the organization. Now that the Club is much
vouch for the consent of both parties to do so. larger and much more “recognized”, there is a
The early form of the Club worked within these push among the members for a new name.
laws to form a structure of fairness and equality in Suggestions will be taken all through CY 592,
such disputes, and eventually the laws were culminating in a renaming vote at 592’s Grand
changed so that only members of the Dueling Melee.
Club may engage in such combats. An important
note to these laws is the inviolability of a duel; The Club’s motto, “One heart, One country, One
interfering through magical or mundane reasons blade” echoes this dual sense of competition and
is a criminal offense. unity. Most of the weapons provided as prizes for
the Melees and Grand Melees of the Club have
Furthermore, trials by combat still exist in the this motto inscribed along it.
Yeomanry. Members of the Dueling Club can
legally be retained as champions in such combats. Membership
Combat trials are generally to the death and terms The Dueling Club holds duels on a constant basis,
of the combat are not as formal as the Club’s with the chapter houses always open for members
dueling bylaws; the terms of the combat are to test and hone their skills. These chapter houses
instead set at the trial. Compensation is can also provide fine, if not free, accommodations
negotiated on a case-by-case basis by the duelist for displaced members (this benefit allows
with the person who seeks a champion. This members who find themselves beginning
practice is looked down upon by much of the adventures in one of the three chapter house cities
populace but it is very lucrative for surviving to purchase a High lifestyle at a cheaper cost),
duelists. special training in combat techniques and styles,
and a meeting place for like-minded members.
The current incarnation of the Dueling Club See the Armsman certificate for details on these
maintains the Club’s original values and offers a and other benefits, including weaponry and
valuable service to the Council of Common armor discounts in cities with a chapter house.
Grosspokesmen; a source of training and
discipline that is not directly funded by the The primary contests held by the Dueling Club
government. Seen as a tactical, if unorthodox, are the Melees and the Grand Melee. According
asset by the Freeholder, the Dueling Club has to Club law, four Melees are held each year. The
found a rogue niche to fill and is secure in its winners of each Melee are invited to compete in
place there. Because of the Keoish origin and the Grand Melee, an annual contest that awards
upper class nature of the dueling tradition, it the top winner with the highest position in the
should be noted that members of the Club are club, that of Council Chairman. After the winner
often seen, rightly or not, as Royalists (Keoish serves his or her year in this role, he or she

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 39

becomes eligible to attain (by vote) one of the 12 Council sets the rules for all Melees, makes
seats of the Council and hold that position for life. determinations as to where and when such events
will be held, and determines (often providing as
Aside from this grand tourney, the Club keeps well) the prizes for winning the Melee and Grand
careful track of countless lesser duels; some Melee. A special certificate is issued to Council
fought in the chapter houses, others fought at Chairman with information on the benefits gained
fairs, gatherings, or between consenting by achieving this rank.
members. As long as the Club’s rules are
followed, an official duel can take place any time, Special Rules
anywhere. When time and resources allow, a First Blood: Normally, combat is fought “to first
web-based tracking system for duels will be blood”. A combatant wins when he or she
added to the Yeomanry site. For more details on damage an opponent past their “first blood
this, see the Dueling Rules below. threshold”. This threshold is found by
determining how many hit points the PC has at
Organization first level plus Constitution bonus, if any. All
The Dueling Club is loosely organized around a damage in a “first blood” contest is real and must
core group of Armsmen, served by a council of 12 be healed normally, but a PC isn’t considered
senior members. The council’s duties, in addition damaged enough to bleed until he or she is
to their work organizing and maintaining the reduced below the “first blood threshold”. For
Melees and Grand Melees as mentioned below, example, a 4th level ranger with a 14 Constitution
involve arbitration in dueling disputes, review would have 36 hit points. His “first blood
and modification to bylaws, and other threshold” is (first level hit points + Con bonus)
administrative duties. 12. In a duel, he could suffer 24 points of damage
and have twelve left. Any more damage, even a
Armsmen are all of equal rank, though they tend single point, will blood him and end the match.
to subdivide by their number of successful duels.
The only rank difference among the Armsmen is Other win scenarios include, but are not limited
that of Armsmaster. This rank is achieved by any to: first disarm, first disarm with a time limit to
Armsman who successfully wins 3 Melees in a recover weapon, first out of the ring, first to yield,
row. Considered a mark of high prestige, many first to fall, or any other scenario as long as both
Armsmasters have more influence than council combatants agree.
members through the sheer weight of their skill
and achievement. A special certificate is issued to All combatants must fight with a sword of some
Armsmasters with information on the benefits sort (longsword, bastard sword, short sword,
gained by achieving this rank. greatsword, rapier, scimitar, falchion, two-bladed
sword, or a variation thereof). The complications
Each member of the Council must have won at and risks inherent in mixing dagger fighting with
least one Grand Melee. The 12 members are longer weapons prohibit allowing daggers as a
elected for a life term by a two-thirds majority legal primary weapon. The only exception in this
vote of the entire Club. They may step down case is a duel with both opponents wielding
from this position voluntarily, or be removed if daggers. If both combatants agree to this term, it
the group feels that the member is not providing is acceptable.
proper representation (again by a two-thirds
majority). If a position on the council is left open, A member cannot engage in more than 40
the vote is held at the next Grand Melee. A individual duels each year.
special certificate is issued to Council Members
with information on the benefits gained by An off-hand weapon is acceptable. This can be
achieving this rank. any melee weapon, so long as a sword of the
above type is in the primary hand.
The winner of the Grand Melee serves as the chair
of this council for one year, and must win the All combatants must accept the rules of
Grand Melee again to retain the chair. The engagement and agree on the win scenario before
starting the duel. Rules of engagement may
Page 40 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)
include but are not limited to: one weapon only, The mortem accidae ban: If a duel (not a trial by
no armor, no shields, no spells, initial round of combat) results in the death of an opponent,
preparation. according to Yeoman law the winner must pay a
weregeld to the family of the slain. This weregeld
Fair play is expected, but not strictly enforced. A is 500 gp plus 250 gp per direct dependent (wife,
member who uses unfair tactics (like use of the children, indigent parent(s), etc), to a maximum of
feat dirty fighting or other “questionable” 2,000 gold. If this fee is not paid before the
methods) will likely develop a horrible reputation offending PC spends any further TUs, he or she is
and have a hard time finding willing opponents, permanently barred from the Dueling Club and is
but will not be punished in any official capacity. considered an outlaw under Yeoman law and is
subject to the death penalty. This ban also
Club law does not permit duels to the death. Any suspends, for one full year, the member’s ability
combat that results in the death of an opponent to issue challenges, spend Dueling Club influence
will be recorded as a full point loss (equal to five points, or participate in a Melee or Grand Melee.
“wins”, see below) for the victor. Also, the mortem This penalty exists whether the weregeld is paid
accidae ban applies to the victor until his debt is or not. Winners of grievance duels are not subject
paid (see below). to this restriction, though they do have to pay the
An exception is a grievance duel, which is often to weregeld. Any duel fought (unless it results from
the death. A duel that is established and being challenged) while under the mortem accidae
understood by all parties as a grievance duel is ban is considered an illegal act, revokes the
not subject to the full mortem accidae ban (see offending PC’s membership in the Dueling Club,
below) and does not count for or against win and will retroactively make him or her
totals. responsible for the murder of the original dueling
partner. Yeomanry law has been notoriously
Trials of combat are not strictly Club duels and unsympathetic in this matter.
are not subject to the mortem accidae ban and do
not count for or against Club win totals. Dueling Formats
Individual duels between members may be
A judge must be present for all matches. This fought at any time. A member may not extend a
judge must be an elected Spokesman or challenge to someone that has won fewer duels
Grosspokesman, a Freeknight, the Freeholder than he has. A member may, however, challenge
himself, or an Armsmaster of the Dueling Club. someone that has won the same number of duels
Judges are paid 6 gold by each combatant (total of or more duels than he has. Members have been
12 gold), no more, no less, according to tradition. known to request a duel of those with fewer wins
Judges for a Melee or the Grand Melee must be and such a request is allowed informally. An
members of the Dueling’s Club Council or the exception to this system is a “rite of grievance”.
Freeholder. Any member can challenge any other member of
his or lower rank on the grounds of a slight or
A cleric must be present for all matches. Priests of disagreement. The slight must have been public
Heironeous are traditionally accepted as both in nature or easily provable. In this case, the
clerics and judges as well, and less frequently outcome of the duel does not count towards
priests of the Church of the Seven Faiths will official Club wins or losses, but the winner of the
preside over a duel in this role. This cleric does duel is considered correct in that grievance. Also,
not cast healing magics unless the parties arrange grievance duels are generally to the death unless
for it (and show they can pay the applicable fees) both sides agree otherwise. Challenges can be
ahead of time. refused for any reason, but doing so carries a
heavy toll. A refused challenge is considered a
Two witnesses must be present for any duel, 12 full point (negating five wins) loss, unless it is for
witnesses for any Melee or Grand Melee obvious health reasons or due to pressing military
competition. or legal obligations.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 41

Both individuals must agree on the ground rules Although not official, a tradition has arisen in the
of the duel before beginning. The duel can be in last 20 years of the “Dark Horse Tournament”.
any sized area, though tradition dictates that a 30 On the night before the Grand Melee, all the
foot circle be drawn for the combatants to duel in. members of the Dueling Club who have not
Once begun, leaving the circle for any reason fought in ANY Melees that year get together and
forfeits the match. This can, and sometimes does, fight duels until one stands triumphant. This
include being thrown out of the circle. An official winner is unofficially allowed to challenge any of
judge must be present to adjudicate the duel, and the 16 competitors in the Grand Melee for the
at least 2 witnesses must be present. Winning a right to take his or her place. While this is all
duel gains the winner prestige, at least unofficial, it is a terrible loss of face to refuse this
unofficially, among the group. Losing a duel is challenge (considered a 2 full “point” loss).
considered a facet of dueling and does not
seriously lower the member’s prestige, although The winner of this final duel is awarded great
excessive losses will likely earn the PC a poor prestige by his peers, has the right to sit on the
reputation. council, and is awarded a prize as determined by
the current council. The prize generally consists
Melees: Any members except an Initiate may of some upgrade or magical enhancement to the
compete in the four Melees. Winning duels at a winner’s weapon of choice. For a melee,
Melee can advance the reputation of the duelist masterwork quality weapons are usually awarded
within the group even greater than winning an to the four winners.
individual duel, since such duels are seen as more
“prestigious”. Winning or placing in the top four
in a Melee grants the right to participate in the
Grand Melee.

A Melee is organized exactly like an individual

Duel, but by stricter guidelines. The Council
determines the win conditions of each Melee,
though the typical condition is first blood. The
30-foot circle is always drawn and used. At an
official event, this is called the Ring of Steel after
the steel inlaid circles in each of the Club’s chapter
houses. Four such winners are identified from
each Melee. Thus, 16 combatants compete in the
Grand Melee. The combatants pair off and the
winner of each match advances to the next round.
These eight second round combatants duel. Four
contestants advance to the third round. This
determines the two winners who will do battle for
the Grand title.

Page 42 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

The Fellowship of Entertainers
The Fellowship of Entertainers, the Yeomanry participate in more than one Festival, but any
equivalent of a bardic guild, plays a prominent member who does not attend a Festival in a
role in Yeoman cultural affairs. Dressed in their given game year has their membership
colorful robes, members of the Fellowship suspended until they do so. (This TU cost is
provide pageantry and excitement for these normally the cost of an interactive event that
attending the Four Festivals of the Arts during includes a Festival and is not an additional
each change of season. expenditure unless noted otherwise in the
In the 370’s, the Stanza system was founded by an • Members must pay an extra 2 TUs initially
elven fletcher from Trollsfoot. This system and 4 TUs per year thereafter to reflect time
allowed for entertainers and bards to be ranked spent participating in other Fellowship
according to Stanzas, or levels of skill and activities.
influence. This gave a guild-like structure to the • Members must pay an initial 200gp fee to join
cayfairs (see below) without falling back on the the Fellowship. Because of the wide spread
methods and traditions of Keoland. This system, influence members of the Fellowship have in
simplistic and difficult to manage, gave rise to a Yeomanry society, any Yeomanry Influence
more coherent one, the Fellowship of Cert can be spent permanently to pay 100 gp
Entertainers. of this cost. Two such certs eliminate the cost
While the Fellowship keeps some elements of
• Members must pay a further 200gp sustaining
Stanza structure, the organization of the group is
membership fee per year after the first.
far less organized than it once was. In the recent
• Members must maintain at least a
past, a movement in the Fellowship tried to
‘Standard’ lifestyle in all Yeomanry scenarios.
establish a rank structure based on the orchestral
“Chairs” concept, it was narrowly defeated in an
internal vote so heated it is still called “The
• Members get a +1 circumstance bonus to
Earnest Debate” and talked about like a pitched
Diplomacy and Perform checks in Yeoman
communities of village size or larger.
Currently, the group arrays itself loosely around • Members that win a category event of the
the skill ranks (though this is not always the case, Festival of the Arts that emphasizes that
since specific rank numbers are a game concept) category gain a set of Masterwork tools
of its members. Thus, in any given Fellowship associated with their art and a trophy.
meeting, members with higher skill ranks are • Members with a Perform / Craft skill rank of
generally deferred to. Of course, these meetings 8 or greater and who have won a Festival gain
also tend to polarize by artist medium too. a patron for a High level of lifestyle in
regional adventures free of charge.
Prerequisites • Members with a Perform / Craft skill rank of
• Characters must either have been created 12 or greater and who have won two Festivals
with the Yeomanry as their home region or gain a patron for a Luxury level of lifestyle in
they must reside in the region for one year regional adventures free of charge.
before they may join the Fellowship. • Members gain access to the following feats:
• Perspective members must have at least 6 Alluring (S&S), Charlatan (S&S), Extra Music
ranks in either Perform or an art-related Craft (S&S), Jack of All Trades (S&S), Lingering
skill (such as Painting, Sculpting, and the Song (S&S), Multicultural (S&S), Obscure
like). Lore (S&S), Trustworthy (S&S).
• Members gain access to the following spells:
Requirements Choir (S&S), Fanfare (S&S), Fine Tuning (S&S),
• Members must spend 1 TU per year to attend Fortissimo (S&S), Harmonize (S&S), Hymn of
a Festival of Arts event. The member may
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 43
Praise (S&S), Improvisation (S&S), Joyful Noise the nation, designing an elaborate and, in some
(S&S), Percussion (S&S). cases, very formal ceremony.
• Members gain access to the following prestige
classes: Horizon Walker (DMG), Thief The Four Festivals are not the only bardic
Acrobat (S&S), Virtuoso (S&S). (Note: tradition in the Yeomanry. Most towns and
Membership in the Fellowship fulfills the villages conduct an annual cayfair in one way or
Thief Acrobat’s membership requirement). another (though called by different names); a
• Members gain access to the following magic simple competition without much fanfare.
items: chime of opening, cloak of charisma (+2 or Winners of local events gain much acclaim and
+4), flute of the snake (S&S), harp of charming, prestige among their fellows. Some, if their
harp of the immortal maestro (S&S), horn of means allow, go on to join the Fellowship of
triumph (S&S), lute of the wandering minstrel Entertainers and compete on a national level,
(S&S), Quaal’s feather token (all), pipes of eventually reaching one of the Four Festivals of
haunting, pipes of sounding, stone of good luck. the Arts.

The Festivals of the Arts The Four Festivals are referred to as the
There are many great traditions of the Yeomanry Diamondice Festival, Wildflower Festival,
handed down from the native Flan, but one Goldfields Festival, and Brightleaf Festival, held
stands out that makes it culturally distinct from during Needfest, Growfest, Richfest, and
its neighbors: the cayfair. It is a competition, but Brewfest, respectively.
the word translates roughly as a “chairing,” with
Each festival focuses on a distinct form or art. The
the winner being awarded a chair upon which he
Diamondice Festival involves physical forms
is ceremoniously crowned to great acclaim. The
movement, such as dance and acrobatic feats. The
idea of the cayfair is very old, with some relation
Blossoms Festival honors sculpting and painting.
to the gatherings still practiced by the Hillmen in
The Goldfields Festival entertains with music and
current times. The modern bardic institutions of
drama. The Brightleaf Festival offers writers the
the Yeomanry have adapted the concept to suit
chance to entertain with poetry and stories. The
their own needs.
chief contests are still that of art, being separated
It began, like many Yeoman traditions, shortly into eight broad categories and accompanying
after the Yeomanry withdrew from the Empire in trophies: the Cup (dance), Baton (acrobat), Pick
CY 361. In a gesture by the new landowners of (music), Mask (drama), Brush (painting), Chisel
the Yeomanry to celebrate their new-found (sculpting), Pen (literature) and Chair (poetry).
freedom, cayfairs were organized and held in Each event occurs at every Festival, but the
every population center that could support them. emphasis shifts between seasons.

At the time, only four places could do so; It is a marvelous sight to see thousands of people
Loftwick, Longspear, North Reach, and the then gather together for the events and give accolades
much larger town of Burn. Thus, these first to the winning artists. The cayfairs provide a
cayfairs became known as the “Four Festivals of tremendous impetus to the fostering of the
the Arts.” They ran annually in these four Yeomanry as a thriving culture. On the Four
locations until, in CY 456, the cayfair in Burn Festivals of the Arts common grounds, also called
moved to Westburn because of its size and “The Meadow,” one can meet old friends and
prominence in the area. catch up with the latest gossip from across the
country and beyond.
Numerous organizations, church and community
leaders, and individuals had a hand in shaping In addition to the Four Festivals of the Arts, there
the Festivals during their early years. A small is another important cayfair in the Yeomanry. In
group of clerics, followers of Lirr, brought some accordance with the current Council’s more open
of their traditions into the mix, as did the high policies towards other nations and cultures, a new
elven followers of Ye’Cind. These two groups cayfair has been adopted into the event circuit; the
helped pull together the disparate traditions of Flanaess Folk Festival. This event is open to

Page 44 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

competitors from all nations of the Flanaess. The
site chosen for the new festival is along the banks
of the River Javan, in a meadow under the ancient
bridge of Longspear.

The first Flanaess Folk Festival took place in the

summer of 590, with 14 different nationalities
represented. It has been held each year since,
attracting many thousands of spectators and
hundreds of competitors. The diverse performers
and competitors fill the streets of Longspear with
color and song for one full week each year.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 45

Followers of the Old Faith
While the Church of Seven Faiths is the primary per year assisting farmers with their crops,
form of organized religion in the Yeomanry, performing rituals, and tending to their flock.
a distinct clan of humans living within the
Yeoman’s Little Hills follows the Old Faith. They Benefits
do not consider themselves part of the official • Followers of the Old Faith are honored by all
Yeoman structure, although they do tolerate the Hillfolk clans and may enjoy Standard
Yeoman government so long as it does not lifestyle in Yeomanry regional adventures at
interfere in their affairs. They are a fierce and no cost. Check the "none" box for the TU
proud race full of tradition, culture, and history. spent and write "Old Faith" in the notes
section of the Adventure Record.
Druids, bards, and rangers hold a position of • The honor extended to Followers of the Old
particular respect in the Hillman community. Faith also protects them from attack by
They are seen as the wisest members of the Hillfolk that recognize the character as such.
community, and associates look upon them with • All Followers of the Old Faith have access to
respect and admiration. Being people of respect, the following Prestige Classes, provided they
they also have the ability to tap into the magicks meet all of the requirements: Animal Lord
of the Old Faith, which gives them access to spells (MotW), Candle Caster (T&B), King/Queen of
and abilities that other folk do not have. the Wild (MotW), Shifter (MotW), and Tamer
of Beasts (MotW).
Prerequisites • Followers of the Old Faith gain a +2
• The character must be recognized as a circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Gather
Yeoman Hillfolk (belonging to that metaorg Information checks when dealing with
and meeting all requirements / costs of Hillfolk and other Followers of the Old Faith
membership). in the Yeomanry.
• A Follower’s highest class level must be bard,
druid, or ranger. In addition, rangers must be Bards of the Old Faith
able to cast first level spells before joining. • Gain access to the following spells: Ambient
Should the followers highest class level no Song (S&S), Fine-Tuning (S&S), Focusing Chant
longer be in bard, druid, or ranger, all access (S&S), Healthful Slumber (S&S), Joyful Noise
and benefits gained from being a Follower of (S&S), and Wail of Doom (S&S).
the Old Faith are suspended. • Gain access to the following feats: Disguise
• The character must follow the Old Faith, Spell (S&S), Extra Music (S&S), Green Ear
although they may choose to focus on a (S&S), and Obscure Lore (S&S).
specific Flan god. • Gain access to the Virtuoso (S&S) prestige
• Followers of the Old Faith may never join the Rangers of the Old Faith
Church or Seven Faiths or any organizations • Gain access to the following spells: Animal
associated with them. The Church considers Trick (MotW), Bloodhound (MotW), Briar Web
Followers of the Old Faith to be animist and (MotW), Camouflage (MotW), Detect Favored
uncivilized. Enemy (MotW), Embrace the Wild (MotW),
• Followers of the Old Faith are expected to Forestfold (MotW), and Hawkeye (MotW).
tend to the needs of the Hillfolk. Bards of the • Gain access to the following feats: Extra
Old Faith spend 4 TU per year traveling Favored Enemy (MotW), Favored Critical
between the clans and carrying news and (MotW), and Shadow (MotW).
stories. Rangers of the Old Faith spend 4 TU • Gain access to the Foe Hunter (MotW)
per year hunting in the Little Hill’s, protecting prestige class.
the clans from predators and marauding
humanoids. Druids of the Old Faith 10 TU

Page 46 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Druids of the Old Faith both sides provide testimony under oath while
• Gain access to the following spells: Animal being observed by the druids, with each
Trick (MotW), Bear’s Heart (DotF), Beast Claws individual’s oath carrying a certain weight based
(DotF), Beast Mask (DotF), Brambles (DotF), on that persons honor. The druids are very
Briar Web (MotW), Camouflage (MotW), Chain skilled at calculating an individual’s exact honor
of Eyes (DotF), Daze Animal (MotW), Druid (generally measured in cattle or some other
Grove (MotW), Embrace the Wild (MotW), resource important to the clan). Complex laws
Energy Immunity (T&B), Forestfold (MotW), even exist in most tribes detailing inheritance and
Greater Call Lightning (MotW), Green Blockade marital rights, so that the exact value any person
(MotW), Invulnerability to Elements (MotW), brings to a relationship or has a right to can be
Lookingglass (MotW), Mass Resist Elements calculated exactly.
(T&B), Might of the Oak (MotW), Nature’s
Avatar (MotW), Protection from all Elements Most punishment comes in the form of fines,
(MotW), Regenerate Circle (MotW), Regenerate based on livestock rather than gold (as the former
Critical Wounds (MotW), Regenerate Light is more important to Hillmen than the latter).
Wounds (MotW), Regenerate Moderate Wounds Individuals are afforded a worth in terms of
(MotW), Regenerate Ring (MotW), Regenerate livestock, such that the death of an individual
Serious Wounds (MotW), Speed of the Wind might result in giving 6 milk cows to the family of
(MotW), Spikes (DotF), Sweet Water (DotF), the victim (this value is directly related to the
Thunderswarm (MotW), True Reincarnate persons honor). Laws and traditions set by the
(MotW), Weather Eye (DotF), and Wood Wose clan or tribe determine the value of an individual;
(MotW). these codes and carried in memory by both bards
• Gain access to the following feats: Plant and druids, who can calculate the exact worth of
Control (MotW), Plant Defiance (MotW) and an individual’s loss. Severe punishment (for
Sanctum Spell (T&B). treason or blasphemy) often involves cutting an
• Gain access to the Verdant Lord (MotW) individual off from family and religious ritual,
prestige class. effectively making the punished person clan-less.
The term for such individuals translates roughly
Law and Justice to “headless.” The person has no family to
Druids and bards serve as repositories for all law protect against other clans or accusations and no
and traditions among the Hillmen, with druids background to prove they have any honor or
serving as advisors to the chiefs or king (and worth. Such a punishment is generally
sometimes as judges) and bards serving to recite considered worse than death.
the law for interpretation in specific situations.
A charge against an individual is actually levied Religious practices vary greatly from clan to clan.
against his entire family for reparation. One In general, all Hillmen share a common heritage
family may bring charges against another family, of belief in the Old Faith. However, dedication to
or clan vs. clan, or even tribe vs. tribe. Thus these old Flan traditions has been greatly
kin/clan/tribe try to prevent members from influenced by outside forces, especially Yeoman
breaking laws/traditions, as the whole pays for and Keoish. In addition, the common practice of
the crimes of the individual. Of note, an ancestor worship has introduced a number of
individual in a land without agreements with his “gods” that are basically clan heroes from ages
tribe/clan is virtually without legal protection. past. At times these heroes are even combined
Only bards, druids, and adepts can travel free of with other powers, such as Pelor or Kord, so that
fear in this sense. the hero becomes a major god to a particular clan.

Most cases are taken before a king/chieftain for Flan Roots

resolution. The leader looks to druids and bards In general, those that strictly follow the Old Faith
for an understanding of established laws, but worship as described in other works (the LGG).
ultimately has the right to make whatever Druids lead all major religious activities, invoking
decision he/she wants. Family and friends from various old Flan gods as the situation dictates. As
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 47
such, the common Hillman is familiar with New Traditions
Allitur, Beory, Berei, Joramy, Nerull, Obad-Hai, Most Hillmen communities today show some
Pelor, Rao, and Zodal, as the bards have many degree of influence from non-Flan traditions.
tales of the old gods and their exploits. However, Those communities that have joined with the
these Hillmen lack any concept of “clerics” Yeomanry show the most influence, but even
following any single god. remote clans might know a tale of Phaulkon or
Of the powers, Allitur, Beory, Joramy, Obad-Hai,
and Pelor are the most “popular,” with many
songs written about these powers and their
struggles to support the Hillmen. Interestingly,
most of these tales portray the gods as very much
like the Hillmen, living in clans, following ancient
traditions, and dealing with the same problems as
the Hillmen (such as raids from other clans).
Berei is known in some communities, but
generally is either considered an aspect of Beory
or is a servant to that power. The tales of Nerull
are very similar to those found throughout the
Flanaess, although the Hillmen do see Nerull as a
necessary aspect of the cycle of life and death. Of
all the Flan gods, Rao and Zodal are the most far-
removed from Hillmen culture. The Hillmen
generally respect Rao’s ability to communicate,
but the pacifist aspects of both powers are foreign
to the Hillmen, who believe in rule by the strong.

Page 48 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

The Long Arm of Phaulkon
The Long Arm of Phaulkon is a Yeoman Prerequisites
organization created as a result of a joint effort • Characters must either have been created
between the Yeoman military and the Church of with the Yeomanry as their home region or
the Seven Faiths. Members are expected to use they must reside in the region for one year
the divine power of Phaulkon, primarily through before they may join the order.
the use of archery, to defend the Yeoman • Must be an active worshipper of Phaulkon.
homeland from internal and external threats. As • Must also be a member of the Yeomanry
such, they are considered to be the most capable military (militia or army) or the Church of the
and feared archers in the land. Members are well- Seven Faiths.
respected by government and free folk alike, and • At the time of initiation, a prospective
many young Yeoman children aspire to become member must have a minimum of 2 Regional
members of the Long Arm in later years. Influence Points from the Yeoman military or
the Church of Seven Faiths.
Initiates in the Long Arm of Phaulkon use their
• Must have at least three of the following feats:
skills and talents in a number of ways. Some
Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
serve in the militia or army as advanced scouts or
Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Weapon Focus
commanders of a Yeoman Brace. Others are given
(any bow or crossbow), Weapon
the task of protecting the temples devoted to
Specialization (any bow or crossbow).
Phaulkon and the Church of the Seven Faiths
within the Yeomanry. Still others use their skills
to join the Border Guard and serve as watchers to
• An initiate must spend 4 TU per year carrying
provide early warnings of incoming threats to the
out the various duties of membership.
Yeomanry. More devout followers might use
• Initiates are expected to donate a masterwork
their healing capabilities on the battlefield, while
bow or crossbow (of any type) to the
offering archery support when necessary.
organization when joining. Each year
However, not every aspect of The Long Arm of thereafter, the initiate must donate a further
Phaulkon is military. Members perform many 250gp worth of bows or crossbows to restock
different tasks that are important to the Church of the Long Arm's armory.
Phaulkon. They are sent to investigate any
rumors of and retrieve ancient artifacts of Benefits
destruction. They train the local populace in • Initiates gain access to the following prestige
archery, for self-defense and hunting. They also classes: Deepwood Sniper, Holy Liberator,
teach farmers how to tell the difference between Order of the Bow Initiate, Templar,
helpful and harmful birds, how to encourage Warpriest.
helpful birds to live nearby, and humane ways to • Initiates gain access to the following feats:
drive away the harmful ones. Arterial Strike, Hamstring, Power Critical,
Sharpshooting, Zen Archery.
They also practice their archery skills by hunting • Initiates gain access to the following spells:
local wildlife and game as a way to provide food Blessed Aim (MotW), Hawkeye (MotW), Weapon
for the poor. In fact, during each of the four of the Deity (DotF).
festivals of the year, The Long Arm of Phaulkon • Initiates gain access to the following
sponsors a contest that is open to all, members mundane items: tumbling bolts (S&F).
and non-members alike, to see who can hunt and • Initiates gain access to the following magic
bring in the most food. This food is then items: Bracers of Archery (Greater) (DMG),
preserved and distributed to the needy Bracers of Archery (Lesser) (DMG), Eyes of the
throughout the next three months. The winner of Eagle (DMG), Oathbow (DMG), Quiver of
this contest is given a trophy to keep, and is Phaulkon (Ehlonna) (DMG), Screaming Bolts
bestowed with the title of “Phaulkon’s Provider” (DMG), Sleep Arrows (DMG).
until the next contest.
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 49
• Initiates may upgrade existing magical bows
and crossbows with a +2 enhancement bonus
as per the DMG.
• Initiates may upgrade existing magical bows
and crossbows with a +3 enhancement bonus
or with the distance (DMG), flaming (DMG), or
frost (DMG) special abilities. This may be
done to as many items as they like, however,
the initiate must also spend 2 TU for each
enchantment as they wait for the magicks to
be placed upon their weapon.

Page 50 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

The Rascals
The Rascals are a loosely-organized group of Requirements
rogues and bards whose power and influence • Prospective members must pay an initial
currently is concentrated in the city of Newick. ‘initiation’ fee of 4 TU and 400gp. Each year
They have existed in the Yeomanry for some time, thereafter, the PC must pay a further 2 TU for
but for a majority of that time they have been training.
minor players, at best, in Yeoman society. Over • The Rascals expect each member to donate 5%
the last two years, however, their power and of their treasure gained each adventure to the
sphere of influence has spread beyond Newick guild. Failure to do so results in immediate
into settlements as far away as Longspear. expulsion.
• Characters may be members of the Rascals
The Rascals are not a true thieves guild, per se.
and the Yeoman Militia. However, a militia
While they have been connected with a number of
member who is also a Rascal must make a
more ‘clandestine’ activities, one of their primary
Bluff or Disguise check (DC 15—whichever is
missions in recent months has been to thwart the
higher) before each regional militia scenario.
efforts of Scarlet Brotherhood operatives within
Failure means the PC must pay lifestyle costs
the Yeomanry. This change in priority came
as normal for that scenario, and the DC for
suddenly, and it is said that only the highest-
each subsequent regional militia scenario is
ranking members of the Rascals know the true
increased by one, as the PC becomes more
reason for this, if there is one at all.
recognized as a Rascal. Once this DC
The Rascals operate with neither the permission becomes 20, contact your regional Triad.
nor the blessing of the Yeoman Militia, which has
placed the two groups at odds. The Yeoman Benefits
government’s official stance is that the Rascals are • Rascals gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any
not to be trusted; however, recognition that they gather information checks made within the
are making the Freeholder’s job easier has meant Yeomanry. This reflects the Rascals' use of
that the government has given the group contacts. Note this is NOT cumulative with
considerable leeway, so long as the ‘integrity of any similar effects that might be found on an
the Yeoman League’ remains in tact. AR related to the Rascals.
• Rascals gain a 10% discount on all items
Prerequisites found on the Adventuring Gear and Tools
• Characters must either have been created and Skill Kits portions of Table 7-8: Goods
with the Yeomanry as their home region or and Services in the Player’s Handbook. This
they must reside in the region for one year reflects the Rascals' ability to use inside
before they may join the Rascals. sources.
• Must have a minimum of 4 levels of Rogue • Rascals gain access to the following feats:
and/or Bard, and have a minimum of 10 total Charlatan (S&S), Flick of the Wrist (S&S),
ranks in Bluff and/or Gather Information. Shadow (S&S).
• Must meet another member of the Rascals • Rascals gain access to the following prestige
through play, preferably in a role-playing classes: Outlaw of the Crimson Road (S&S),
situation at a table. Trying to contact the Spymaster (S&S).
Rascals is a risky venture, as a number of • Rascals gains access to the following magic
other groups in the Yeomanry do not tolerate items: Gloves of Dexterity (+2 or +4), Goggles of
their activities—particularly the Militia. Minute Seeing, Lens of Detection, Rope of
Climbing, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Sword of
Subtlety, and Vest of Escape.
• Rascals may upgrade an existing magical
armor with the shadow, silent moves, and slick
special abilities from the DMG.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 51

Servants of Trithereon
The most recent addition to the Yeoman pantheon southern borders of the Yeomanry all the way
is the god Trithereon (CG liberty, individuality, across Keoland to the lands north of Greyhawk
retribution). The following of Trithereon, for resettlement. Given the chaotic nature of the
although new, is a widespread phenomenon Faithful, the Trail is not centrally organized.
throughout the Sheldomar Valley. The Yeoman Rather, it consists of many alternate routes and
national character has proven extremely fertile possible way stations, each representing an
ground for this faith—though the Yeomen create individual Hound or Falcon doing his or her part
Lawful institutions, many of them are Chaotic in to help. This activist nature of Trithereon’s
their hearts and prefer to cling to such free- Faithful has made this religion very appealing to
spirited gods. With his emphasis on freedom and the more adventurous among the Yeomen.
individuality, the faith of Trithereon was almost
custom-made to the democratic Yeomen, Another ideal of Trithereon’s followers is to
particularly the young. However, this chaotic promote the instruction of all persons in the use of
slant often puts Trithereon worshippers at conflict weapons and self-defense. As such, they are
with the Yeoman authorities, making them ardent supporters of the Yeoman militia (with
“roguish” in the eyes of many Yeomen. some few exception), seeing it both as a vehicle
for teaching many people the use of arms and as a
Active worshippers of Trithereon in the bulwark against what they would refer to as the
Yeomanry (often referred to has his “Hounds”) “tyranny” of a standing army. While not usually
pride themselves on their community service and known for their respect for authority, the
their attachment to Yeoman patriotism. Those Trithereonites do respect the militia chain of
who are actually granted divine spells by command, since it is selected by the free vote of
Trithereon (referred to as his “Falcons”), feel the the soldiers themselves. The Hounds and Falcons
need for even greater commitment to his cause. work hard to improve their own skills as warriors
and have picked up several useful techniques
Worshippers of Trithereon are not required to from escaped slaves and former gladiators whom
become Hounds or Falcons. However, more they spirited away from the Hold via Trithereon’s
passive worshippers do not gain any of the Trail (see the list of available classes and feats). In
benefits below. their own fashion, the Followers of Trithereon are
some of the best informed and most cosmopolitan
Background and Description people in the Yeomanry.
As a “new-fangled” religion, worship of
Trithereon is viewed with some suspicion by both Relations between the Followers of Trithereon
the hierarchy and lay members of the long- and the other religions in the Yeomanry are
established Church of the Seven Faiths. However, generally characterized by indifference bordering
this very newness makes it attractive to those on contempt. The typical Falcon regards most of
dissatisfied with the status quo of religion in the the clergy of the Seven Faiths as stodgy,
Yeomanry. hidebound, and interested only in maintaining
their own position in Yeoman society. Clerics of
Within the Yeomanry, the fall of the Hold of the Heironeous are seen as promoting tyranny, while
Sea Princes to the Scarlet Brotherhood has been a those of Zilchus are seen as more interested in
strong impetus for the growth of the faith. While wealth than principle. This does not mean that
the established Church of the Seven Faiths seems Hounds or Falcons would go out of their way to
content to ignore the suffering of the Hold’s start quarrels with members of these or other
inhabitants and the plight of refugees from that faiths. Like any new, minority faith, most
tortured land, the followers of The Summoner believers in Trithereon are quite zealous; they
have been very active in trying to help. The have think they have found the right answer and want
established the “Trail of Trithereon”, a semi- everyone to know it. For their part, most clergy of
clandestine refugee movement and settlement the Seven Faiths do their best to ignore the
program, which moves refugees from the
Page 52 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)
Trithereonites totally, though privately some during the adventure) if the mission is of
worry about the gains the dynamic new faith is great importance to the furthering of the
making in some areas. The Hounds and Falcons Faith. Adventures falling into this category
are seen by many Church of the Seven Faiths will specifically say as much.
clergy as “dangerous hot-heads, eager to involve • Although it is not required, Hounds are
the Yeomanry in other people’s wars” and encouraged to tithe a portion of their income
“always stirring up the common folk with talk to the Faith.
against the legitimate government and its
officials.” What the clerics of Heironeous say is Benefits
usually unprintable. No violent incidents have • Hounds receive the direct blessing of
occurred, though there have been sporadic reports Summoner, and clerics of Trithereon will
of harassment of Trithereonites in some areas, perform marriages, funerals, blessings, and
usually associated with officials’ efforts to curtail other sacraments for the PC. In addition, the
the movement of Holder refugees through the DC for determining if a desired divine spell is
Yeomanry. So far, at least, both sides appear to be available to a PC is reduced by 2, and the gp
wary of any direct and open confrontations over cost of such spells is reduced by 10%. (See
the issue. Future events could change this, of Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the
course. Yeomanry for exact details.) Note that this is
ONLY available to Hounds and Falcons, and
Hounds of Trithereon the donating spellcaster must also be an active
worshipper of Trithereon. Furthermore, due
to the decentralized nature of the Faith and its
• Characters must either have been created
newness in the Yeomanry, there is a 20%
with the Yeomanry as their home region or
chance that no Falcon of the required level is
they must reside in the region for one
available to cast the spell. The Hound must
calendar year before becoming a Hound.
then pay the full cost.
• The PC wishing to become a Hound or Falcon
• Due to the emphasis placed on the breeding
must be an active worshipper of Trithereon—
of dogs by the worshippers of Trithereon,
it must say as much on the PC’s character
Hounds and Falcons can have the ability to
purchase Yeoman Fellhounds, a hardy
tracking and hunting dog native to the
Yeomanry. These dogs are identical to riding
• Hounds must put up a 100gp initiation fee,
dogs (per the Monster Manual) save they
showing their seriousness and dedication to
have an extra +1 hit point per die (or 2d8+6
the cause by staking some of their own
hp) due to their increased Constitution (17
fortune in it.
instead of 15). These dogs cost 125 gp, and
• Hounds must spend 4 TUs per calendar year,
the Fellhound’s upkeep costs 5 gp above and
which reflects a PC’s active participation in
beyond the character’s normal lifestyle cost.
supporting the Faith in manners such as
• Hounds of Trithereon gain access to the
teaching weapon skills to commoners,
following feats: Expert Tactician (S&S), Power
escorting refugees from the Hold of the Sea
Lunge (S&F).
Princes, assisting in the conversion of others
• Hounds of Trithereon gain access to the
to the Faith, and so forth. This TU
Vigilante (S&S) Prestige Class, provided they
expenditure must be noted on an Adventure
meet all other requirements.
Record and signed by a LG judge or Triad
• Hounds of Trithereon gain access to Gauntlets
member. Failure to spend or track these TUs
of Ogre Power.
by the end of a given calendar year leads to
suspension from the Faith until atoned for. • Hounds of Trithereon may upgrade any of
their magical armor, shields, or weapons to a
• Hounds may be “activated” during regional
+2 enhancement bonus per the DMG.
scenarios and be expected to perform the
adventure without any form of paid
compensation (other than booty gained

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 53

Falcons of Trithereon • Falcons may access the Holy Liberator (DotF)
and Knight of the Chase (Dragon 297)
Prerequisites prestige classes.
• The PC wishing to become a Falcon must be • Falcons of Trithereon gain access to the
an active worshipper of Trithereon—it must following magic items: Belt of Giant Strength
say as much on the PC’s character sheet. +4, Phylactery of Faithfulness, Ring of Protection
• Falcons of Trithereon must be able to cast +2, AND the following scrolls are available
divine spells of at least 1st level. for purchase: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine
• The character must have spent the previous Power, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic
year living in the Yeomanry as a member of Weapon, Holy Sword, Restoration, Tongues.
the Hounds of Trithereon. • Falcons of Trithereon may upgrade any of
their magical armor or shields to a +3
Requirements enhancement bonus per the DMG.
• Falcons must fulfill the requirements of a • Falcons of Trithereon may upgrade any of
Hound as well as additional duties below. their magical weapons with the Holy special
• In addition to the 4 TU that Hounds must ability from the DMG.
spend in service, Falcons must spend an
additional 2 TU fulfilling the duties of their
• Falcons only are expected to pay a tithe of
their earnings to support the organization.
All Falcons are expected to pay in at least 5%
of their earnings, though they may pay more.

• In addition to the benefits of being a Hound,
Falcons receive the following benefits:
• The DC for determining if a desired divine
spell is available to a Falcon is further
decreased by 2 (total of -4), and the gp cost of
such spells is reduced by 20% total (including
the discount from being a Hound). (See
Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the
Yeomanry for exact details.) Note that this is
ONLY available to Falcons, and the donating
spellcaster must also be an active worshipper
of Trithereon. Furthermore, due to the
decentralized nature of the Faith and its
newness in the Yeomanry, there is a 20%
chance that no Falcon of the required level is
available to cast the spell. The Falcon must
then pay the full cost.
• Falcons of Trithereon have access to the
following Feats, provided they meet all other
requirements: Divine Might (DotF), Extra
Smiting (DotF), and Heightened Turning

Page 54 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

The University at Loftwick
The University at Loftwick is a prestigious center Benefits
of academic study and learning in the heart of • For each 50 gp and 2 TUs spent above those
Loftwick’s old city. The University serves as the necessary to fulfill the requirements, the
starting point for a number of academic student gains a +2 circumstance bonus to any
specialties that a PC, or any Yeoman resident, one of the following knowledge skills: arcana,
may wish to pursue. The University is a small architecture, engineering, geography, history,
complex of stone buildings in the heart of the nature, religion. You may not spend more
capital and is well-respected amongst scholars in than 100 gp and 4 TUs per year in this
the Sheldomar Valley. manner, and you may never gain more than a
+2 bonus on any one skill.
Prerequisites • Attendees of the University have access to the
• Characters must either have been created following prestige class, provided they meet
with the Yeomanry as their home region or the minimum requirements for it: Loremaster.
they must reside in the region for one year • Students and alumni gain access to all
before enrolling in the University. mundane items from Tome & Blood EXCEPT
• In order to be considered for University the secret component compartment and the
Admission, prospective students must have a secret component pocket.
minimum of 4 ranks in Knowledge skills, two • Students and alumni gain access to the
of which must be in the same field. following magic items: Pearl of Power (1st or
2nd), Bracers of Armor +2, Amulet of Natural
Requirements Armor +2, Robe of Useful Items, Cloak of
• The PC must take Basic Scholastic Procedures Resistance +2, and Bag of Holding (Type I).
and Fundamentals of University Learning
(requiring 4 TUs) and must pay an initial University admission will open the door for other
250gp to cover tuition and basic supplies academic endeavors a PC may wish to pursue,
before enjoying any of the benefits listed such as the more specialized Academy of Lore or
below. Council of High Magic. See the individual
• After taking that first year’s course a PC metagroups for information concerning these
becomes an ALUMNUS. To maintain active organizations.
status at the University, they are expected to
attend and host seminars and make
contributions to the University (a yearly cost
of 1 TU and 100gp).

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 55

The Yeoman Army
The Yeoman Army consists of the professional possible unpaid deployment in scenarios,
soldiers of the Yeomanry. Members of the draft for war, and the like. This also may
Yeoman Militia who have gained citizenship may require further expenditure of TUs, at the
elect to continue their military service via the discretion of the Yeomanry Triad.
Army. Similar to Militia service, Army members
select whether they wish to belong to the Benefits
Infantry, Archery, or Cavalry corps, and this • An Army soldier may enjoy Standard lifestyle
determines what sort of benefits and skills each in Yeomanry regional scenarios at no cost. It
PC has access to. Unlike the Militia, however, is assumed that the character utilizes the local
Army members are paid for their service, and the barracks or garrison for his daily food and
job is often full-time. Furthermore, there is an shelter. Check the “none” box for the TU
additional category, that of Border Scout, that spent in army service and write “Army” in
represents Yeoman special forces whose purpose the Play Notes section of the Adventure
is to infiltrate enemy lines. They perform Record. If you use the one of the various
specialized anti-giant scouting and harassment Craft skills at the end of a regional adventure
missions. The Army supplies good training and to generate gold, you MUST pay the lifestyle
many Army soldiers are quite veteran. costs for any TUs spent doing that—the Army
will not allow this on its time.
The threats the Army faces most often are the • An Army soldier is given leather armor and a
humanoids and giants of the surrounding spear (half, long or short—player choice) free
mountains. Its secondary concern is securing the of charge, and, should they be lost or broken,
borders of the Yeomanry with Keoland and the they may be replaced free of charge as well.
Hold of the Sea Princes. Army duties consist of Abuse of this ability may result in expulsion
active patrols in border areas, deployment to from the army.
major areas of unrest in the Yeomanry, and • Any Yeomanry regional adventure with
aggressive anti-humanoid and anti-giant military significance (as will be clearly stated
operations in and near the mountains. in the scenario) counts towards the 12 Time
Units designated for annual army service.
Enlisted • An army soldier displaying his insignia is
Prerequisites allowed a +2 circumstance bonus on any
• The PC must be a Yeoman citizen. Proof of attempts to alter the mood of a Yeoman NPC
this, in the form of a Yeoman Citizen or when making any Diplomacy or
certificate, must be presented in order for Intimidation checks concerning law-abiding
enlistment to take place. Yeomen.
• Army soldiers are paid a stipend of 20 gp per
Requirements TU spent as part of their enlistment each year
• Enlistment in the army costs twelve (12) time (maximum 240gp per year). Coin earned in
units (TUs) per year. This TU expenditure this fashion coins as part of the “GP Earned”
must be noted on an Adventure Record and for the scenario during which the TU’s were
signed by a LG judge or Triad member. spent and may exceed the normal cap listed
Failure to spend these 12 TUs by the end of a for the APL.
given calendar year leads to suspension of • Depending on branch of service, Army
Army status for the next calendar year. soldiers gain access to the following prestige
• An Army soldier must provide and be able to classes: Cavalry – Windrider (MotW); Border
use proficiently a hand weapon of some sort. Scout – Spymaster (S&S), Watch Detective
He also must supply his own armor and (MotW). In addition, soldiers in any branch
mount, if applicable. that are also Clergy in the Church of Seven
• A member of the Yeoman Army is expected to Faiths gain access to Knight of the Chalice.
follow orders at all times—this may include
Page 56 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)
• Depending on branch of service, Army Promotion
soldiers gain access to the following feats: All The Free Army of the Yeomanry elects its leaders
– Faster Healing (MotW); Infantry - Close- at all levels. Units elect Yeomen, who elect
Quarters Fighting (S&F), Dual Strike (S&F), Serjeants, who elect Captains. The sole exception
Giant’s Toughness (MotW), Power Lunge to this is that those who hold the ultimate rank of
(S&F); Archers - Chink in the Armor (S&S), Free Captain of Battles, reporting only to the
Dash (S&S); Cavalry - Giant’s Toughness Freeholder, must be ratified in their position by
(MotW), Shield Charge (DotF); Border Scout - the Council of Common Grosspokesmen. The
Dirty Fighting (S&F), Shadow (MotW). Freeholder, of course, is elected by all citizens of
• Regardless of branch, Army soldiers are the Yeomanry League. Certain units in the Army
allowed to upgrade existing magical armor, maintain their own rank structure, like the
shields, and weapons with a +2 enhancement Freeknights and the Border Guard.
bonus to a +3 bonus or add the cold resistance
or fire resistance special abilities to existing Yeoman rank structure uses a traditional
magical armor or shields or add the defending organizational structure. Each twelve-person unit
or keen special abilities to an existing magical (called a March in the infantry, a Brace in archery,
weapon. and a Lance in the cavalry) elects a Yeoman to
• Members of the Infantry may add the bashing lead them. Twelve Yeomen elect a Serjeant as the
special ability to an existing magical shield. leader of the entire group (called a Grossmarch in
• Members of the Archers may add the distance the infantry, Grossbrace in archery, and
special ability to an existing magical weapon. Grosslance in the cavalry). Captains command
entire units, often around a thousand men in size.
Officers Ranked officers only have direct command over
Requirements their own units; they cannot generally give orders
• The requirements for Officers are in addition to anyone lower ranking. However, all officers
to those for enlisted soldiers. are due respect and a certain degree of obedience
• Potential officers must be elected to their post from lower ranking soldiers. Whenever soldiers
by members of their unit. are not with their units, they should generally
• Officers must spend an additional 4 TU per look to any officer present to call the shots (e.g.
year in and assisting with training of Army military PCs in an adventure scenario).
Troops can also hold a vote to replace the leader if
Benefits (Officers) they feel that he is not performing well. This vote
• The benefits gained below are in addition to can only take place in the barracks and not while
those from being an enlisted soldier in the currently engaged in action or on active
Yeoman Army. deployment. Troops can vote to elect a new
• The circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and leader if the previous leader is killed, although
Intimidate checks increases to +3 for Army when there have been serious losses, depleted
officers. units may be combined with other units whose
• Officers receive a pay raise, earning 30 gp per elected leader is the valid leader of the entire unit.
TU spent in service (max 480 gp per year).
• Army officers gain access to the Warmaster Army Ranks
(S&F) prestige class. Militia ranks do not carry over if a militiaman
• Army officers gain access to the following joins the Army after becoming a citizen. If the
feats: Dragon’s Toughness (MotW), citizen musters out of the militia and returns to
Trustworthy (S&S). normal life, they are referred to as “Citizen
• Army officers may upgrade existing magical Soldiers of the Yeomanry,” aka “Yeomen,” and
armor, shields, and weapons with a +3 are subject to being mustered in times of war. If
enhancement bonus to a +4 bonus. mobilized, reservists report using their political
• Army officers may purchase breastplate, full rank structure – since Yeomen elect their political
plate, or chainmail armor made of mithril. leaders in the same way.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 57

Army Rank Structure Summary The player must then submit a small summary of
Soldier what happened in the adventure and why he or
Yeoman (12 men) she should be considered for promotion. E-mail
Serjeant (144 men) this information to:
Captain (entire unit) [email protected].
Free Captain of Battles (entire army)
Freeholder (all armed forces) The Triad will then discuss your promotion and
determine whether promotion is granted. You
Rules for Promotion will be notified via email, and a promotion
Upon completing a Yeomanry military scenario, a certificate will be sent to you via snail mail.
soldier might be eligible for advancement in rank.
In order to be considered for promotion, the
Each Yeomanry module will CLEARLY state
Yeoman soldier must have spent a minimum of
whether the possibility for promotion exists. Ask
one year of REAL time as the rank below that
your DM if there is a question. In order to be
being applied for. So in order to be considered for
considered for military promotion, a player must
Serjeant, the player must have spent one full year
follow a number of steps.
as a Yeoman, and one full year below that as an
The DM and all members a the Yeoman military unranked soldier.
present at a table must unanimously agree that
Note: Do NOT abuse this privilege. Promotion is
the PC has performed an action and behaved in a
something that must be earned. Don't divvy out
manner that would make them a good leader of
promotions to PCs just because they are your
men in their unit. There must be at least two other
military PCs playing the scenario besides the PC
up for advancement. Only one PC can be
nominated for advancement per scenario.

The player so nominated must then gather the

names and email addresses of all Yeomanry
military players AND THE DM at the table.

Page 58 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Yeoman Hillmen
The Yeoman Hillmen is not a true Metagroup in Hillman may be “activated” during regional
the classic sense of the term--instead, the Hillmen scenarios and expected to perform the
are a distinct group of humans living within the adventure without any form of paid
Yeomanry League. They do not consider compensation (other than booty gained
themselves part of the official Yeoman during the adventure). This may also include
government or social structure, although they do being drafted into warbands during times of
tolerate the Yeoman government so long as it war with no compensation.
does not interfere in their affairs. They are a fierce • Characters with at least one level of Barbarian
and proud race full of tradition, culture, and can declare themselves “Jotun-blooded”.
history. Negotiations are currently underway to Characters with at least one level of Sorcerer
strengthen the ties between the Hillmen and the can declare themselves “Olve-blooded”. A
Yeomanry proper. Should you so desire, your single character cannot possess both traits.
Living Greyhawk character can be a Yeoman • Olve-Blooded characters must possess at least
Hillman. one level in the Barbarian, Bard, Druid,
Fighter, Ranger, or Rogue classes in order to
Prerequisites maintain respect among the Hillfolk and
• Must be created as a Human, Half-Elf, or retain access to feats and spells taught by the
Half-Orc with the Yeomanry League as initial clans.
home region.
• Must be created with Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Benefits
Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, or Sorcerer as the • Hillfolk gain access to the following feats:
starting class. Dash (S&S), Dragon's Toughness (MotW),
Dwarf’s Toughness (MotW), Faster Healing
Requirements (MotW), Fleet of Foot (S&S), Giant’s
• Hillfolk have strong family ties, and as such Toughness (MotW), Resist Disease (MotW),
must spend at least 6 TU per year with family Resist Poison (MotW).
and clan. This time is spent teaching younger • Jotun-Blooded Hillfolk gain access to the
Hillfolk, working for the family, serving as following feats: Destructive Rage (MotW),
clan warriors, and performing other Extended Rage (MotW), Extra Rage (MotW),
traditional roles. This TU expenditure must Greater Resiliency (MotW), Instantaneous
be noted on an AR and signed by a LG judge Rage (MotW), Intimidating Rage (MotW).
or Triad member. • Olve-Blooded Hillfolk gain access to the
• Failure to spend the required TU by the end following feats: Energy Admixture (T&B),
of a given calendar year leads to a call from Energy Substitution (T&B), Extra Slot (T&B),
the clan to return home and reestablish the Extra Spell (T&B), Innate Spell (T&B).
character’s loyalty and trustworthiness. This • Olve-Blooded Hillfolk gain access to the
call must be answered immediately at the following spells: Adrenaline Surge (MotW),
beginning of the next year and results in the Body of the Sun (MotW), Energy Buffer (T&B),
loss of 12 TUs as the character performs Energy Immunity (T&B), Filter (T&B), Mass
services for the clan. Failure to answer this Resist Elements (T&B).
call or stay the full period results in the • Hillfolk gain access to the following non-
character gaining the status of Headless; no magical items: Caber (MotW), Glowpowder
further benefits may be gained from the (T&B), Scentbreaker (T&B), Suregrip (T&B).
Hillfolk and encounters with Hillfolk always • Hillfolk gain access to the following magic
suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on all social items: Berserker Blade (MotW), Horn of Valhalla
skill checks (such as Bluff, Diplomacy, and (DMG), Periapt of Wound Closure (DMG), and
Intimidate). Scabbard of Keen Edges (DMG).
• In addition, Hillfolk serve family, clan, and • A Hillfolk may upgrade an existing magical
tribal interests at all times. As such, a armor (light or medium) or shield with a +2
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 59
or +3 enhancement bonus or with the Ease clan strength, and geography. A powerful clan
(MotW) or Fearsome (DotF) special abilities. may claim many leagues of territory, or may
This may be done to as many items as they control a small but prosperous area. These clans
like, however, the Hillfolk must also spend are known for the strong hillforts they build to
2TU for each enchantment as they wait for the protect their lands. At the same time, unfortunate
magicks to be placed upon their armor. clans are often driven to unwanted territories by
• A Hillfolk may upgrade an existing magical more powerful clans. It should be noted that
axe, bow, club, dagger, spear, or sword with a Hillmen clans do not consider other clans as allies
+2 or +3 enhancement bonus or with the simply because they are Hillmen. In fact, some
Distance (DMG), Exhausting (MotW), Keen clans have blood feuds that date back for
(DMG), Mighty Cleaving (DMG), Returning centuries. These feuds rarely result in all-out war,
(DMG), Seeking (S&F), Thundering (DMG), but the involved clans will often raid one
Throwing (DMG) or Vicious (S&F) special another’s livestock or push territorial bounds.
abilities. This may be done to as many items Clans often engage in lengthy diplomatic deals to
as they like, however, the Hillfolk must also ensure that neighboring clans will not violate
spend 2TU for each enchantment as they wait their territory. Druids, who are considered to
for the magicks to be placed upon their exist above the clan structure (along with bards
weapon. and adepts), are called upon to witness such
• A Hillfolk may upgrade existing magical deals, or to judge those accused of violating any
arrows with the enchantments listed for agreements.
weapons above. These upgrades may only be
done in lots of fifty arrows and all costs listed After the clan comes the tribe, a group of clans
above must be paid. spanning a large, often non-contiguous area.
There are three known tribes in the Yeomanry, as
Note that Hillmen Bards, Druids, and Rangers determined by Hillman tradition. More tribes
gain different benefits. See Followers of the Old existed at some point, but have been absorbed by
Faith for more details. the existing tribes or destroyed by tribal warfare.
All three tribes share similar cultural
Background and Description backgrounds, but harbor differing views on the
The most important thing to remember about relationship of the Hillmen to the Yeomanry
Hillman culture is the importance of family, clan, League.
and tribe. A Hillmen can trace his or her family
heritage to many generations; dedication is to the The largest tribe, the Donnchadh, joined with the
family before anyone else. One interesting aspect Yeomanry League after its declaration of
of this concept is that each Hillman must keep his independence from Keoland. The tribe includes
or her own honor intact, or otherwise the entire most of the Hillmen clans found in the Little
family will suffer. This cycle of responsibility, to Hills. They “elect” a Grosspokesman to represent
both oneself and to family, drives most of the them to the Council, although this person is
tradition and honor that is the backbone of always the rightful king of the tribe (as
Hillman society. determined by heritage, combat prowess, and
leadership skills). Many of the Hillmen in this
Second only to family is the clan. Clans are tribe are actually citizens, as they have an even
basically extended families--groups of Hillmen stronger military tradition than the Yeomanry. In
that have lived together for centuries. Each general, this tribe is considered more "civilized,"
family generally has a role in the clan, as by the common Yeoman, as they have adapted
craftsmen or farmers, nobles or builders. some to Yeoman culture. The Church of the
Although these roles are not enforced in any way, Seven Faiths, for instance, can be found in most
tradition generally keeps family members from communities of this tribe, although the degree of
exploring other possibilities. A single clan acceptance for the Church still varies (as detailed
generally makes up what the common Yeoman in the Religion section). The renowned “Hillmen
knows of as a Hillman community. Each clan mercenaries” come largely from this tribe.
controls a certain area of land, based on tradition,

Page 60 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

The Lachtna tribe lives more on the fringe of the Class Roles
Yeomanry, in the large gaps between major Hillmen communities are generally divided into
communities. This tribe is made up of clans that three major classes of people: freemen, the
refused to join the Yeomanry League, but have “gifted,” and nobles. Some of the more archaic
remained on generally good terms with the clans (such as the violent Sithig clans that plague
nation. The clans that make up this tribe live parts of the Tors) also add a fourth class, slaves.
largely independent of other communities, even
other Hillmen, and do not consider themselves Freemen
part of any nation. As such, they have no votes Of the main social classes, freemen make up the
within the Yeomanry League, and no majority of Hillmen society. These people are
Grosspokesman to represent them. Their farmers, herders, warriors, and the like. Freemen
clanholds lie at the extremes of the Little Hills, or have theoretically equal rights with the higher
in remote sections in the Jotens and Tors. As a classes. However, a persons honor (detailed in
scattered group, they are much more the legal section) is directly tied to social class and
decentralized than the larger tribe and generally freemen are ascribed the least amount of honor.
don't have a tribal king. A common story among This should not be misconstrued as Hillmen
these tribes is that a great leader, descended from believing the freemen are “dishonorable.” Rather,
the kings of old, will one day rise up and lead the they do not carry as much weight in contests of
tribe to glory. These stories, however, are honor due to their mediocre skills and heritage
generally vague on the exact nature of this (compared to the “gifted” and nobles). All
“glory,” leading some to speculate it means a freemen are, by default, considered to have more
retaking of their traditional lands while others honor than non-Hillmen.
believe the king would unite the clans with the
Yeomanry. As the clans of this tribe are not The “Gifted”
generally hostile to outsiders, some Yeoman The “gifted” are an unusual class, in that both
influence can be found in several communities, in nobles and freemen may become “gifted.” This
areas such as religion and law. Still, a Yeoman class includes skilled craftsmen, such as master
should be aware that traveling in such smiths and jewelers, but also includes more
communities might place one under very different unusual individuals such as adepts, barbarian
customs and local laws. warriors, bards, and sorcerers. Adepts, bards,
and sorcerers are all considered to possess the
The last and smallest of tribes is the Sithig, a blood of the olve, a connection to the near-
remnant of those Hillmen that considered the forgotten time when the Hillmen first came to this
Yeomanry League as hostile enemies. This tribe region. In a similar manner, those capable of
united clans to fight against the Yeomanry League entering the barbarian rage are considered to have
during the nation’s initial formation. However, the blood of the joten flowing through them.
those clans that chose to join the League stood These specific character types will be dealt with in
with the young nation against this tribe (which more detail later. All members of this class are
was then the most powerful in the region) and considered to possess exceptional skill beyond
together they shattered their common enemy. that of normal Hillmen. So a common blacksmith
The surviving clans fled to the most remote parts might be a freeman, but a master weapon maker
of the country, especially to the desolate regions would be one of the “gifted.” That same
of the Tors, the surrounding mountains, and the blacksmith, if he at some point demonstrates
Hool Marsh. To this day, the clans of this tribe sufficient skill, may move into the “gifted” class.
consider all other Hillmen to be traitors, often If a common farmer at some point exhibits signs
attacking members of their own tribe in distrust. of sorcerous power, he also might become one of
In one sense, the clans of this tribe are the most the “gifted.”
traditional of the Hillmen. They accept no outside
influence, even following the ancient customs Nobles
(such as slavery and the taking of enemies’ heads Among Hillmen clans, nobility is an inherited
as trophies) long abandoned by the other clans. trait. The lineage of nobles can be traced back to

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 61

before the Twin Cataclysms by clan bards. A Warrior Culture
However, to be a considered a noble one must In keeping with common rumors about the
also be in the family of the current ruling chief or Hillmen, most people that are not common
king. It is possible for a person of noble descent freemen or experts in the “gifted” class are
(meaning that within the last four generations, fighters and warriors. Those considered fighters
someone in the persons direct lineage was a chief are the personal force of the chief or king (though
or king) to challenge the leader of a clan, for only not necessarily nobles), while warriors come from
the strong can lead effectively. Such challenges almost every family. A few scouts are trained in
are very serious, and not undertaken lightly. The some clans, but covert infiltration and spying are
loser of such a challenge is generally accepted as a not common practices of the Hillmen. Of special
member of the clan or tribe (either as a freeman or note among this group are the rangers, trained by
one of the “gifted”) unless the challenge was seen the Druids to serve both clan and faith. These
as foolish or detrimental to the community, in exceptional Hillmen are the primary reason why
which case the loser and his family may be exiled. common scouts are so rare among the Hillmen.
Although many of the Hillmen clans have joined Contrary to popular belief, the famed barbarian
the Yeomanry League, they still recognize the role warrior, able to invoke a frenzied rage during
of nobles as leaders. There has never been a combat, is almost as rare among the Hillmen as it
known case of Hillmen “electing” a non-noble to is among the Yeomanry. The difference, however,
any position of authority. It is not that the nobles is that the Hillmen greatly honor such skill, and
force their rule upon the people. Rather the individuals that display this ability are almost
common Hillmen believe that only those of noble invariably brought into the chief or king’s force.
birth can lead them effectively. This tradition has Most Hillmen among this group are freemen, but
survived for over a thousand years, and the fact those that prove themselves exceptional in battle
that the Hillmen still survive as a cultural group may be elevated to the “gifted” class.
speaks to the strength of such a mind-set.
Adepts, bards, and druids make up a separate
Slaves social class among all Hillmen tribes. They are
Some speculate that the slave practices of some automatically considered members of the “gifted”
Hillmen were caused by outside influence from and all three are considered spiritual leaders of
the Sea Princes. In fact, slavery is a traditional the clans. As such, it is against most clan and
part of Hillmen society. In centuries past, tribal laws to strike any member of this group
Hillmen clans and tribes commonly took enemies without great provocation. Druids are the
defeated in battle as slaves—a punishment for spiritual leaders of the clan, also serving as judge
losing the battle. These slaves were used as labor and advisor to the chief or king. Druids and
for menial tasks, and could actually work their bards play a very important role in Hillmen legal
way out of slavery to become freemen. It was this traditions (described later). Adepts, on the other
process, actually, that introduced much of the hand, serve a direct role to the community as
Oeridian ancestry into the Hillmen of the Little healers, advisers, and foretellers of the future.
Hills, as those groups warred with Oeridian tribes They often help in naming children, as the name
fleeing the establishment of Keoland. However, is said to grow the child into an adult. They also
this practice fell into disfavor long ago among declare when a youth is ready to become an adult,
most clans. Now only the fringe groups practice when clan meetings will be held, and where the
slavery. They do not trade in slaves, as the Sea more nomadic tribes should move. Although the
Princes do, nor do they go on slave raids to bard that the common Yeoman knows is often far
increase their work force, as is commonly from “spiritual,” Hillmen tradition ties these men
rumored. The slaves are generally well treated, and women to the Old Lore traditions of the Flan.
much more so than in some “civilized” lands that As the Old Lore bards slowly vanished from the
hold slaves. But these tribes will enslave those clans, these bards began to take their place,
they defeat in battle, if some are actually assuming the role of lore keeper, diplomat, as well
(un)fortunate enough to survive their brutal as entertainer.

Page 62 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Those with sorcerous powers are often born to the clans, however, will invariably not have clerics
Hillmen. Generally, clans respect the power that except as missionaries.
such individuals can bring to a community.
However, most common Hillmen are also Several class roles known to the common Yeoman
somewhat nervous around those with powers that are not found among the Hillmen. The Hillmen
are not bridled by the religious traditions of the consider severing ties with family to be one of the
druids, bards, and adepts. Many sorcerers live worst punishments a criminal can receive,
apart from their clans, called on in times of need sometimes held as worse than death. To be cut of
and treated very well by the chief or king, but still from you clan/family is horrible; to renounce
somewhat separated from daily affairs. them for some strange religion or philosophy is
Oftentimes individuals that find themselves with unthinkable to most Hillmen. As such, they do
such powers hide this fact from their family and not take well to the monastic life of monks. In a
clan for free of ostracism. They might also chose similar way, Hillmen consider written materials
to advance themselves in another role, as a fighter to be detrimental to mental faculties and
or ranger, for instance, to gain clan support. Such dishonoring to that which is written about (as it is
individuals are accepted more readily as they thus not worth bothering to remember). This
have the “warrior traditions” of the Hillmen to tradition coupled with their suspicion of
keep their sorcerous powers in check. unchecked arcane powers makes the wizard a
rarity among the Hillmen. A final class, the
Special mention should be made of the common paladin, is a rarity due to the Hillmen’s religious
tradition behind certain individuals. While true traditions. A faith that rarely produces clerics will
or not, all Hillmen believe that adepts, barbarians, even more rarely produce holy warriors. The
bards, and sorcerers derive their special powers ranger is probably the closest most Hillmen will
from having the blood of ancient races. Those ever come to being a true paladin.
capable of the barbarian rage are thought to
descend from the Joten (giants) of Hillman Mercenaries
legend. The other powers are thought to come As stated previously, many Hillmen serve as
from an Olven (elven) heritage. Both sorcerous mercenaries for the League. Some even serve
powers and the barbarian rage often manifest on countries such as Sterich and Keoland directly.
the field of battle, although some families have a Those seeking this life generally do not have lands
strong tradition of producing such individuals or a family, for they are dispatched to varied
and often seek to “inspire” youth early on to locales or even detached for service outside the
reveal such ability. Adepts are often identified at Yeomanry itself. Most such units originate in the
birth by other adepts, or from an episode early in Little Hills regions, whose inhabitants are
life that demonstrates an ability to perceive the renowned for their warlike nature and ferocity in
unknown. Bards are drawn to their talent like battle. Unlike their farming-oriented League
bees to a flower; the young that feel this pull often comrades from the Yeomanry's heartlands, a large
cannot separate themselves from the clan bard. proportion of Hillmen who serve in the militia
All such individuals are often given over to the choose to stay in the Yeoman army and serve in
care of a mentor that can better prepare the this capacity.
person to serve the clan.
As this statement implies, many of the Hillmen
Clerics as known in the Yeomanry League and the that serve as mercenaries do not have land
rest of the Flanaess are rare among the more (although they most certainly have family, except
traditional Hillmen clans, as the Hillmen favor in exceptional cases). Many times, freemen turn
adepts and druids that follow their old traditions to mercenary work when farming and herding are
instead of reverence for a single god. Some no longer lucrative. These men and women will
Hillmen in clans belonging to the League have often serve for some period of time before
become clerics of the Church of the Seven Faiths returning to their clan. Those who return with
and these individuals try to convert their clan greatly increased skill and tales of great honor
with varying degrees of success. The remote may even be elevated to the “gifted” class as elite
warriors of the clan.
The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 63
The Yeoman Militia
The Yeomanry Militia is the backbone of Yeoman three years of service (36 TUs), the bearer is
Army and society as a whole. As such, nearly all entitled to Yeomanry Citizenship, which
common men and women in the Yeomanry own entails the right to vote and the possibility of
at least leather armor, a hand weapon, and a bow land possession. Failure to spend these 12
or crossbow of some kind, and they know how to TUs by the end of a given calendar year leads
use them well. Due to the incentives that a person to suspension of Militia status for the next
receives for serving in the Yeomanry militia, calendar year.
enlistment is entirely voluntary, and the Yeoman • The character must remain a resident of the
government has never had any trouble meeting Yeomanry for the length of his service to the
their needs for manpower. Because of its militia. Characters that leave the region
voluntary nature, morale is very high and the immediately lose access to all benefits gained
soldiers are both proud and energetic in their from the Militia (although they may continue
work. Distrust of its neighbors, combined with a to use feats and equipment already acquired).
strong sense of pride and nationalism, means that
the Yeomanry refuses to import mercenaries to Benefits
defend its people and resources. • A Militia soldier may enjoy Standard lifestyle
during Yeomanry regional scenarios at no
Militiamen cost. It is assumed that the PC utilizes the
Prerequisites local barracks or garrison for his daily food
and shelter. Check the "none" box for the TU
• Characters must either have been created
spent in militia service and write "Militia" in
with the Yeomanry as their home region or
the notes section of the Adventure Record. If
they must reside in the region for one year
you use the one of the various Craft skills at
before they may enlist.
the end of a regional adventure to generate
• Proficiency in the longspear, shortspear,
gold or create items, you MUST pay the
halfspear, light crossbow, or heavy crossbow.
lifestyle costs for any TUs spent doing that—
the Militia will not allow this on its time.
• A Militia soldier is given leather armor and a
• At any time, a Militia soldier may be required
spear (regular, long, or short—player choice)
to perform in a military capacity. This may
free of charge, and, should they be lost or
mean being “activated” during regional
broken, they may be replaced free of charge
scenarios and being expected to perform the
as well. Abuse of this ability may result in
adventure without any form of paid
expulsion from the militia.
compensation (other than booty gained
• Any Yeomanry regional adventure with
during the adventure). This may also mean
military significance (as will be clearly stated
being drafted into units during duty, unless
in the scenario) counts towards the 12 Time
assigned to a covert operation during times of
Units designated for annual Militia service.
• A Militia soldier displaying his insignia is
• A Militia soldier must provide and wear a red
allowed a +1 circumstance bonus to
tabard as a “uniform.” This does not carry a
Diplomacy or Intimidation checks concerning
gold piece cost. The uniform must be worn
law-abiding Yeomen.
when “on duty” unless the particular mission
allows undercover work. • All Militia members gain access to the feat
Dual Strike (S&F). In addition, other feats are
• A Militia soldier must provide and be able to
gained based on the character’s branch of
use proficiently a hand weapon of some sort.
service. The feats are: Infantry—Hold the
• Enlistment in the militia costs twelve (12) time
Line(S&F); Archery—Sharp Shooting(S&F);
units (TUs) per year. This TU expenditure
and Cavalry—Knockdown(S&F).
must be noted on an Adventure Record and
• Furthermore, militia members have access to
signed by a LG judge or Triad member. Upon
the following items, and may purchase them
Page 64 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)
at normal cost: General: Duom (S&F), Duom "Militiaman." They are free to elect the leaders of
(MW)(S&F), Mithril shirt, Stone of Alarm, their units, who are known as "Yeomen of the
Suregrip (T&B); Infantry--Gauntlets of Ogre Militia." Sometimes those Yeomen are allowed to
Power; Archery--Arrows of Sleep; Cavalry-- elect their Serjeants, but sometimes that position is
Horseshoes of Speed. assigned by the Spokesmen. Serjeants report to
• Militia PC’s may upgrade any magical Spokesmen, but some Spokesmen hire a
weapon, armor, or shield to a +2 replacement for this duty, who is referred to as a
enhancement bonus per the DMG. Captain. The Spokesmen report to the
Grosspokesman as head commander. In wartime,
Militia Officer militia can be levied by the Freeholder (with
approval from the Council of Common
Grosspokesmen) and placed under the direct
• The requirements for militia officers are in
command of a Free Captain of Battles for
addition to those for militiamen.
deployment away from the home district.
• Potential officers must be elected to their post
by members of their unit. Militia ranks do not carry over if a militiaman
joins the Army after becoming a citizen. If the
Benefits citizen musters out of the militia and returns to
• The benefits gained below are in addition to normal life, they are referred to as "Citizen
those from serving in the militia. Soldiers of the Yeomanry," aka "Yeomen," and are
• The circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and subject to being mustered in times of war. If
Intimidate checks increases to +2 for Militia mobilized, reservists report using their political
officers. rank structure - since Yeomen elect their political
• Militia officers gain access to the following leaders in the same way.
feats: Dwarf’s Toughness (MotW).
Militia Rank Structure Summary
Promotion Militiaman
Rank in the Yeoman military is unique in that it is Yeoman of the Militia (12 men)
elected. In the early days of liberation of the land Serjeant of the Militia (144 men)
from the grip of the nefarious house Malhel, Spokesman or Captain of the Militia
warriors banded together in groups of twelve and (all militia in their electorate)
elected their leader. Those leaders in turn elected Grosspokesman
leaders. This structure is still in place in the (all militia in their district)
Yeoman military to the present day. or
Free Captain of Battles
The Yeoman militia follows the same (if levied)
organizational structure and rules for promotion
as the Army (detailed on p. 57). Militia Reserves Rank Structure Summary
Militia Ranks Pledgeholder
The Yeoman Militia is commanded by regional Freepledgeholder
Spokesmen and Grosspokesmen on a per-district Spokesman
basis. Upon raising the spear, militia members Grosspokesman
are awarded the lowest rank in the Militia, that of

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 65

The Yeoman Trade and Craft Guild
There are three ways that a Yeoman resident can The ability to demonstrate skill in one of these
achieve citizenship. The first is to spend three fields is not enough, however, to justify
years in the Yeoman Militia. The second is to membership in the Craft and Profession Guild.
achieve the rank of Priest in the Church of Seven Minimal levels of skill must be achieved to work
Faiths. The third and final method is to progress one's way through the ranks, until the ultimate
through the Yeoman Craft and Profession Guild rank of Grandmaster is reached. Competition is
until the rank of Master is reached--not an easy quite fierce for these positions, not only because
task for most Yeoman residents. Citizenship ultimately results in voting rights, the
ability to own land, and the right to run for office,
In the Yeomanry, craftsmen and tradesmen are but also because the work of Master brings
well-respected, as it is generally acknowledged considerably more money than those Guild
that they are a major contributor Yeoman members of lower ranks.
economy (although many farmers might
disagree). The guild system is nowhere near as There are three "levels" or "ranks" of Guild
developed in the Yeomanry as it is in more Membership. The first, and most basic, is
populated regions of Greyhawk. Instead, of Apprentice. Beyond Apprentice are the ranks of
having different guilds for the wide variety of Journeyman, Master, and Grandmaster. Those
craft that exist, all of the various craftsmen in the workers who achieve "Master" status gain
Yeomanry pay dues and scutage to government Yeoman Citizenship.
representatives of the Office of Crafts and
Professions. Prerequisites
• Characters must either have been created
The terms "craft" and "profession" are loosely- with the Yeomanry as their home region or
defined. In game terms, a craft or profession skill they must reside in the region for one year
is assumed to be any skill from which a resident before they may join the Guild.
has the ability to generate enough income to make • In order to be considered for entry into the
a living. The Player's Handbook lists a number of Yeoman Craft and Profession Guild as an
examples of the Craft skill, including Apprentice, a PC must have a minimum of
armorsmithing, basketweaving, bookbinding, four (4) ranks in one of the Craft or Profession
bowmaking, blacksmithing, calligraphy, skills listed above, or a reasonable substitute.
carpentry, cobbling, gemcutting, leatherworking, • To achieve the rank of Journeyman, a PC
locksmithing, painting, pottery, sculpture, must have spent a minimum of one year as an
shipmaking, stonemasonry, trapmaking, Apprentice AND have at least seven (7) ranks
weaponsmithing, or weaving. Note: magic item in that skill.
creation feats may NOT be used to achieve guild • To achieve the level of Master (and thus
status. become a Yeoman Citizen via the Craft Guild
route), a PC must have spent two years as a
Similarly, various Profession skills can also be
Journeyman (meaning three years in the
used among the Yeoman Trade and Craft Guilds.
Guild), have at least ten (10) ranks in a Craft
According to the Player's Handbook, such skills
of Profession skill, AND must do a service for
include apothecary, boater, bookkeeper, brewer,
the Yeomanry. This can come in two ways,
cook, driver, farmer, fisher, guide, herbalist,
depending on a PC's specialty: First, a PC
herdsman, innkeeper, lumberjack, miller, miner,
specializing in a Craft skill must create a
porter, rancher, sailor, scribe, siege engineer,
masterwork item and donate it to the
stablehand, tanner, teamster, and woodcutter. In
government through the guild. The
order to be considered a part of the Yeoman Craft
masterwork item must have a minimum
and Profession guild, the applicable skill ranks
value of 100 gp (weaponsmiths and armorers
must be in one of the above named crafts or
must pay more, as per the requirements of
making items in each of those Crafts). The PC

Page 66 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

should follow the rules presented in the PHB Requirements
(p.70) and mark off 1 TU per week, or portion • Guild members must pay dues to their guilds
of a week, spent making that item. A PC also on an annual basis. These dues come in the
must spend his own gold in the creation of form of both gp and TUs. Guild members of
this item. Second, a PC specializing in a Master or Grandmaster rank must also pay
Profession skill owes 144gp worth of "service" scutage fees for the privilege of holding
in order to gain Citizenship. He makes Yeoman citizenship--these scutage fees go
Profession checks, as specified in the PHB towards the cost of arming and training the
(p.80) until 144gp is earned, donating his Yeoman Militia and Army. Apprentices must
earnings to the government while subtracting pay a total of 25gp and 12 TUs per year.
the TUs spent accumulating such an amount. Journeymen must pay 50gp and 8 TUs per
If PCs so desire, they may 'Take 10' on any of year. Masters pay 125gp per year with no TU
these checks. cost, and Grandmasters pay 200gp per year
• Finally, a Grandmaster must have a minimum with no TU cost.
of thirteen (13) ranks in one of the above-
listed Craft or Profession skills, with no Benefits
further time requirement. • A Guild Member who has risen to the rank of
Master is entitled to the Citizenship in the

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 67

The Use of Influence in the Yeomanry
Influence in the Yeomanry can have a number of Influence with the Council of
effects—both good and bad—for characters in the Grosspokesman
Yeomanry. Until now, there were no real
Benefit Cost
concrete rules as to what one could do with the
various favors and influence received in High Lifestyle for one
Yeomanry regional adventures. Hopefully, these regional or metaregional 1 IP
guidelines will clear that up. adventure
Gain an audience with a
1 IP
Keep in mind, however, that this is not a Grosspokesperson
comprehensive or exhaustive list. Some things Luxury Lifestyle for one
you might be interested in using influence for regional or metaregional 2 IP
might not fall easily into one of these categories. adventure
Should something like that happen, discuss the Remove Outlaw Status
matter with your DM, or contact the regional 2 IP
from a PC
Triad for information.
Reduce the punishment of
2 IP
an incarcerated PC
Commendation of the Freeknights
Benefit Cost
Influence with the Church of Seven
Gain an audience with a
1 IP Faiths
Benefit Cost
Recover a body 1 IP
Influence with the Academy of Lore Have a divine spell cast by
Benefit Cost a 1st-level Co7F cleric for 1 IP
A 10% discount on a mundane or 1 IP (use up
magical item that the PC has access to 3 for 30% Have a divine spell cast by 1 IP plus the LGCS
to discount) up to a 5rd-level Co7F cleric cost
Receiving a 10% higher price on 1 IP (use up Have a divine spell cast by
2 IP plus the LGCS
mundane or magical item found in to 3 for 30% up to a 7th-level Co7F cleric
cost plus 1 TU
regional adventure bonus)
High Lifestyle for one regional or Have a divine spell cast by
1 IP 3 IP plus the LGCS
metaregional adventure up to a 9th-level Co7F cleric
cost plus 2 TUs
A one-time +4 competence bonus
on the following skill checks: Spells cast by clerics of higher than 9th level require
1 IP participation by the regional Triad. Such castings can
appraise, bluff, diplomacy, gather
also carry additional requirements at Triad discretion.
information, knowledge (any).
Luxury Lifestyle for one regional Also see Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in
2 IP
or metaregional adventure the Yeomanry elsewhere in this guidebook, as
Access to one of the following there may be other requirements.
Builder Book feats: Alluring (S&S),
Charlatan (S&S), Jack of all Trades 3 IP (plus Influence with the Followers of
(S&S), Multicultural (S&S), an empty Trithereon
Obscure Lore (S&S), Resist Disease feat slot)
Benefit Cost
(MotW), Resist Poison (MotW),
Throw Anything (S&F). Arrange a meeting with a
1 IP

Page 68 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Influence with Grosspokesman Influence with the Temple of Joramy
Elkington See the appropriate documentation for the effects
Treat as Influence with the Council of Grosspokesmen that this IP has. Note that it also counts as an IP
with the Church of Seven Faiths.
Influence with Grosspokesman
Grummett Influence with the Yeoman Army
Treat as Influence with the Council of Grosspokesmen Benefit Cost
Arrange a meeting with a
1 IP
Influence with Melina Wendomere high-ranking officer
Treat as Influence with the Council of Grosspokesmen Gain access to the following
builder Book Feats: Close-
Influence with the Dustdigger College Quarters Fighting (S&F), Dual 3 IPs (plus an
Treat as Influence with the Academy of Lore Strike (S&F), Giant’s empty feat slot)
Toughness (MotW), Power
Lunge (S&F)

Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the Yeomanry

Level 0-2 spells are common enough that they a spellcaster has been located that has the spell
may be purchased for standard prices (cf. “NPC and is willing to cast it for the PC. Failure
Spellcasting,” DMG p.149). The final cost of a indicates that there was no spellcaster, or the
spell is the spell level times the caster level times spellcaster did not have access to the desired
10 gp, plus the cost of any components, 10% of the spell, or the spellcaster cannot or will not cast the
cost of any needed focus, and 5 gp per XP lost by spell for the PC. This roll can only be made once
the caster. You can assume the caster level is the per scenario or interactive event. If the roll is
minimum needed to cast the spell. failed, there is no gp, IP, or TU cost to the PC but
they cannot try to get that spell cast again until
These spells are not available during a scenario their next scenario or Interactive.
unless the scenario states the availability of a
spellcaster that can cast the desired spell. Level DC Cost
This spellcasting may only be performed at the
end of a scenario or during a special event such as 0 2 5gp
an Interactive. 1 4 10gp
2 6 60gp
Spells above level 2 require expenditure of
Influence Points with a relevant church or arcane 3 8 150gp + 1 IP
organization – often the Church of the Seven 4 10 280gp +2 IP + 1 TUs
Faiths (for divine spells) or the College of High
Magic (for arcane spells), but any Yeomanry faith 5 12 450gp +3 IP +2 TUs
or magical organization will do. You can trade in 6* 14 660gp +4 Ips +2 TUs
Influence Points with other official Yeoman 7** 16 910gp +5 Ips +2 TUs
organizations like the Council of Grosspokesmen,
the Freeknights, or the Dustdiggers on a 2 for 1 8** 18 1200gp + 6 Ips + 2TUs
basis. This represents the PC calling in those 9*** 20 1530gp + 7 Ips +2TUs
favors to get those entities to try to get a * Very rare. Only can be cast by a Regional Triad member or
spellcaster to help the PC. Other PCs may pool with the permission of the Triad.
Influence Points on behalf of a comrade. ** Not generally available. *** Not available except in special
The PC desiring the spell to be cast must roll a
Charisma check vs. the listed DC. Success These costs do not, of course, apply to spells cast
indicates that the spell is available and that by PC spellcasters.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 69

Character Death
As much as most characters try to avoid it, death follow the standard guidelines provided in the
is something that happens in the Living Purchasing Divine and Arcane Spells in the
Greyhawk campaign. Below are rules on how to Yeomanry in this booklet. Individual clerics may
handle this situation in the Yeomanry as both a demand further payment for their services. See
judge and a player. The only people who have individual modules for more help.
the power to change any of these rules are the
Yeomanry Triad. If you believe you have been Players
wronged in some fashion involving a character Do not blame your judge for your death. Deaths
death or anything else, see the Process of Appeals are a common occurrence in Dungeons and
section on how to file a complaint through the Dragons. If you have a problem with how it
proper channels. happened, or if you believe the DM has acted
incorrectly in the handling of your death, you
Judges need to follow the procedure in the Process for
Remember, losing a character is tough for some Appeals to file a complaint.
players, so be respectful when it happens. The
following guidelines will help you out in the Furthermore, the DM has a right to void your
situation. certs if your character has died and you do not
plan to revive him. If you feel uncomfortable
There are no “Character Wills.” When a PC dies, giving him your certs you can ask to turn them
unless he is raised, all of his possessions are gone. over to the Convention Coordinator instead.
He may not give them out to other players, nor
may other players loot them from his body. Hiding certs from a judge to prevent them from
being destroyed is illegal. If you are found out,
Yeomanry regional modules, beginning in those certs will be destroyed and you could be
January, 2004, will contain a section listing reprimanded in a manner determined by your
available clerics in the region. In most cases, there Triad. Such punishment could include a ban from
will not be a cleric of high-enough level to raise a metagame activities or playing in Living
slain PC. However, if there is one available, Greyhawk altogether. You have been warned!

The Yeomanry Policy on Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy is defined as any communicable Those who turn themselves in will not suffer in
disease that causes uncontrolled or allows the eyes of Yeomanry law. However, those
controlled changes into an animal or animal lycanthropes that operate clandestinely within the
hybrid form. Lycanthropes represent a serious confines of the Yeomanry will be dealt with
threat to the general health and welfare of harshly. If an unregistered lycanthrope is caught,
Yeomanry society, and are considered a threat to he or she will be sentenced to hard labor for a
Yeoman national security. Therefore, the period of no greater than one year. Those
Yeomanry government has decided that they unregistered lycanthropes who commit crimes
must be controlled. while in lycanthropic form will be forcibly cured
at his or her expense and will be expected to serve
Anyone suspecting him or herself of being the appropriate sentence.
infected with lycanthropy is required, by law, to
report this malady to the nearest Temple of the In game terms, PCs who catch lycanthropy and
Church of the Seven Faiths for treatment. This report it to the Co7F yet lack the means to cure
person will be quarantined for a period of time themselves will be cured at the expense of the
necessary to ensure that the disease has been state. This treatment requires a mandatory
flushed from the person’s system. quarantine of 16 TUs which must be marked off of
the log sheet at the time of the cure.

Page 70 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

The Yeomanry government does not make a crimes as lycanthropes will be dealt with on a
distinction between “good” and “evil” case-by-case basis by the Triad.
DMs should exercise caution when controlling
Characters who do not report their lycanthropy lycanthropic PCs. The PC should be given the
(which requires an email to the Yeomanry Triad benefit of the doubt, and questions or errors
and receipt of a “Registered Lycantrhope” cert) should be on the side of the PC.
will be punished severely if they are caught. If
caught, an unregistered lycanthrope must go It is possible that at a future date the Yeomanry
through a similar period of quarantine, plus serve Triad will allow certain lycanthropes to be certed
an additional 52 TUs (for a total of 68 TUs!) in a in such a way to make the PC fully playable.
Yeomanry labor camp. Characters who commit

Special Missions
Blatantly Stolen from the Bandit Kingdoms

Special missions allow players to engage in an 5. The Triad may ask for someone else to write
activity of their choosing that is important to their the special mission, or the Triad will do it
character. These events are requested by the itself.
player and then approved by the Triad. A special 6. Assuming the mission is agreed to, it is up to
mission typically falls into one of the following the player(s) to determine a date, time, and
categories: location to play the adventure. It is also up to
the player(s) to supply a judge for the event.
1. Gathering the remains of a fallen comrade. 7. The player(s) must have the judge of the
2. Accomplishing a particular character goal. event submit to the Triad (at the address
3. Acquiring a special familiar or mount. above) that he/she has agreed to run the
players through the event.
Special missions are NOT for destroying major 8. Once the event is complete, the judge will
villains or NPCs, modifying plot lines, or submit a summary of the adventure to the
acquiring access to items. Triad for final approval.

Here are the steps for requesting a special Notes

mission: 1. Special missions cost a minimum of 1 TU for
1. Decide why you want a special mission. all characters involved.
2. Gather others who will play in the special 2. For each TU spent on the mission, the
mission with you. Make sure they agree character may earn up to one-half the XP and
before you commit them! GP that they would for a standard sanctioned
3. Send a request to yeomanry- event, based on the APL of the table.
[email protected] stating why you 3. The Triad is in the process of drafting a
want the mission, who will participate, and generic special adventure for special mounts
when you would like to do it. and/or familiars. The group will be notified
4. The Triad will look over the request and get once this is complete.
back to you as soon as possible.

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 71

Academy of Lore: The Academy of Lore is a national governing body of the Yeomanry, located
branch of the University at Loftwick dedicated to in Loftwick. It consists of 108 elected
xploring, mapping, and bringing back artifacts representatives from all reaches of the Yeomanry.
from the extensive number of Suel (and other) They make a majority of the national policy
ruins that dot the Yeoman countryside. As a decisions for the Yeomanry, and are overseen by
secondary task, they are expected to protect these the Freeholder.
same sites from those who would exploit those
treasures for personal gain and without Dozen: Twelve is the “sacred” number of the
permission of the Academy or the Yeoman Yeomanry, as the original migrant tribes were
government. divided into groups of twelve. A number of
modern organizations (the military, for example)
Army: The Yeoman Army consists of the use a factor of twelve in their hierarchical
professional soldiers of the Yeomanry. Members structure.
of the Yeoman Militia who have gained
citizenship may elect to continue their military Dustdigger: A Dustdigger is a scientist,
service via the Army. Similar to Militia service, archaeologist, and treasure hunter in the most
Army members select whether they wish to classic sense. Dustiggers wish to collect, record,
belong to the infantry, archery, or cavalry corps. and preserve the artifacts of these lost cultures in
Unlike the Militia, Army members are paid for an effort to learn about their history. They also
their service, and the job is often full-time. The wish to keep such treasures out of the hands of
Army supplies good training and many Army those who would exploit them. Dustdigger status
soldiers are quite veteran. is gained through the Academy of Lore.

Brace: The standard, twelve-person archery unit Gross: The collective name for twelve twelve-man
in the Yeoman Army or Militia. Its elected leader units in the Yeoman Army or Militia. It is
is referred to as a Yeoman. referred to specifically as a grossmarch in the
infantry, a grossbrace in archery units, and a
Captain (including of the Guard, of the Militia, grosslance in cavalry units. The twelve elected
etc): A Captain is the highest-ranking officer in Yeomen in the gross in turn elect a Serjeant to lead
the Yeomanry armed services. He oversees it.
various Serjeants to make sure they are doing
their jobs correctly, and he can lead hundreds of Grosspokesman: one of the 108 elected officials of
troops into battle in times of great need. the Council of Common Grosspokesmen. The
Yeomanry has 36 separate districts, each
Church of the Seven Faiths: The Church of Seven represented by 3 grosspokesmen.
Faiths is the dominant church in the Yeomanry,
comprised of worshippers of Allitur, Delleb, Hillman: The Hillmen are a distinct clan of
Fortubo, Joramy, Kord, Norebo, and Phaulkon. humans living within the Yeoman's Little Hills.
They do not consider themselves part of the
Citizen: A Yeoman citizen is a resident who has official Yeoman structure, although they do
gained Citizenship either through military tolerate the Yeoman government so long as it
service, achieving Master level in the Yeoman does not interfere in their affairs. They are a fierce
Trade and Craft Guild, or achieving the rank of and proud race full of tradition, culture, and
Priest in the Church of Seven Faiths. Citizens history. Negotiations are currently underway to
have the ability to own land, to vote for strengthen the ties between the Hillmen and the
representatives in local and state government, and Yeomanry proper.
to run for office themselves.
"Keewee": slang for someone hailing from
Council of Common Grosspokesmen: The Keoland, as referred to by many Yeomen.
Council of Common Grosspokesmen is the

Page 72 The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY)

Lance: The standard, twelve-person cavalry unit and they know how to use them well. Due to the
in the Yeoman Army or Militia. Its elected leader incentives that a person receives for serving in the
is referred to as a Yeoman. Yeomanry militia, enlistment is entirely
voluntary, and the Yeoman government has never
"Land and sky, luck and strength": a common had any trouble meeting their needs for
blessing among Yeoman folk which pays homage manpower. Because of its voluntary nature,
to a number of gods Yeomen deem important. morale is very high and the soldiers are both
proud and energetic in their work. Distrust of its
Landstraad: Year Two of Yeomanry Living neighbors, combined with a strong sense of pride
Greyhawk adventures (CY 592) centers around a and nationalism, means that the Yeomanry
large earthquake that takes place at the beginning refuses to import mercenaries to defend its people
of the year. While the epicenter was almost and resources.
directly under the town of Hardwick, ifs effects
could be felt as far east as Longspear. Soothsayers Old Faith: The Old Faith is used to describe those
and self-proclaimed prophets espouse that the religious sects who do not follow the structure
earthquake, called the “Landstraad” by locals, dictated by the Church of the Seven Faiths,
was an ill omen of things to come in the despite many of the deities being similar.
Yeomanry. While the damage was great and Followers of the old faith are often considered
hundreds of lives were lost due to the tremor and “tribal” or “animist” in nature. The Old Faith is
its aftershocks, other activities in and around the closely associated with Hillmen, barbarians, and
Yeomanry have been far more alarming. In the druids.
weeks following the quake, heavy humanoid,
ogre, and giant activity has been detected "Raise the Spear": a generic term used to describe
throughout the mountains. Reports of strange taking arms against the enemies of the Yeomanry.
sounds, disappearing townsfolk, and screams in It is often used as a rallying cry by officers during
the night have been heard in Darkgate, causing times of battle.
people to fear that something has emerged from
Slerotin’s Tunnel. There is a feeling of dread that Serjeant: A level of rank in the Yeoman army and
is slowly spreading throughout the land. People militia below that of captain but above that of
are afraid that the soothsayers might speak the Yeoman. A Serjeant is usually in charge of a
truth…. group of 144 men.

March: The standard, twelve-person infantry unit Spokesman: The level of government official
in the Yeoman Army or Militia. Its elected leader below that of grosspokesman. Spokesmen are
is referred to as a Yeoman. lower-level officials elected by the people.

Militia: The Yeomanry Militia is the backbone of Yeoman: (1) a term used to describe anyone
Yeoman Army and society as a whole. As such, residing in the Yeomanry, (2) the lowest-ranking
nearly all common men and women in the officer in the Yeomanry militia and army, usually
Yeomanry own at least leather armor, a hand in charge of 11 other soldiers.
weapon, and a bow or crossbow of some kind,

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 73

Appendix: List of Yeomanry Regional Adventures
Year One (CY 591)
YEO1-01--Masking the Truth YEO1-05--Charting the Course
by Kevin Freeman by August Hahn
Evidence has been uncovered of a ruined ancient A Yeoman diplomat is told to speak with the
tomb—supposedly the resting place of an ancient Keoish government concerning Yeoman
priest-- in the outer reaches of the Hool Marshes. representation. Niether the Yeomen or the Keoish
A Yeoman Dustdigger has asked you to assist her seem too happy about it. You have been asked to
in entering the swamp, discovering the tomb, and escort the diplomat from Loftwick to Niole Dra.
bringing back a magical mask.
YEO1-06--Cold Blooded
YEO1-02--Throwing Stones by Kevin Freeman
by August Hahn In the year that has passed since the discovery of
Politics are heating up in the town of Nighford. the Tomb of Tchelopotok, a number of other
Two candidates for the office of Grossspokesman historical finds have been uncovered in its
are engaging in a bridge building contest to win vicinity. However, a team of archaeologists has
the position and they both want your help! Who disappeared deep in the Hool Marshes while
will you support, how far will you go to aid your exploring the site. Can you find the team before
employer, and what will you do when the race the swamp claims them forever?
takes its inevitable turn for the worse?
YEO1-07--Hole in the Wall
YEO1-03--Blighted Winds by Eric Williamson
by August Hahn Freeholder Marius Lindon has sent notice; you
A strange disease is killing farmers’ crops near the have been chosen to represent the Yeomanry on a
town of Hardwick, and if the disease isn’t stopped mission of diplomacy to the largest hillman clan
or controlled somehow, the entire harvest will be in the northern Little Hills. A test has been
ruined. Can the PCs discover the source of the arranged by this clan to prove the true worth of
blight and eliminate it before the region is the Yeomanry as allies.
plunged into economic ruin?
YEO1-08--Fell Creatures
YEO1-04--Rogue Rescue by Adrian Frost
by Kevin Freeman What Fell Creatures lurk near the Halfling Town
A criminal mastermind, the “Rogue Queen of of Midfell? What unseen presence guides you to
Monmurg," is seeking political asylum in the the Temple of Yondalla? Find the lost treasure of
Yeomanry. The Grosspokeswoman of Newick has Sagreill Dornish, solve the mystery of Midfell, and
asked you to meet the Rogue Queen at the border put to rest an ancient curse.
and escort her to the city in hopes that she will
have valuable information at her disposal. Is her
quest for asylum legitimate, or merely a ruse?
Part One of the Cold as Stone Saga.

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Year Two (CY 592)
YEO2-01--The Fires of Truth YEO2-05--Fleeing the Scene
by Eric Williamson by Scott Caspar
A series of brutal killings brings terror to the The Yeoman ambassador who has stirred so much
Yeomanry's Southern Pass. The militia has been controversy in the capital has appeared in the
dispatched to investigate the problem, but none town of Granforth. When disaster ensues, who is
have returned. Can the PCs stop the killings to blame? And can a greater tragedy be averted?
before more lives are lost?
YEO2-06--Scarlet Waters
YEO2-02--Stomping Grounds by William Altizer
by Kevin Freeman The long trek to Thisledale is nearing its end and
Local scouts have reported that an aggressive you can almost taste "The Rifts" legendary stew.
giant chieftain is planning an attack on an isolated Your little vacation may come to a quick end if the
dwarven citadel. Can you substantiate those rumors are true about missing fishermen.
rumors and get word to the dwarves before it is
too late? YEO2-07--Giants in the Earth
by Ernest Mueller
YEO2-03--Echoes of a Distant Thunder In the wake of the Landstraad, the great
by August Hahn earthquake that has the Yeomanry in shambles,
The land is not as quiet as it once was. Rumbles the giants of the Jotens and their humanoid
beneath the earth herald the coming of something armies are taking advantage of the chaos to march
dark, something terrible. The quiet village of on the Yeomanry’s capital city of Loftwick! The
Kempton in the Iron Wood may be the first to Yeoman Army sallies forth to meet them – but a
fall. Will the echoes of distant thunder give you ragged dwarf stumbles into town, warning of a
warning of what approaches? Or will it deafen more insidious threat.
you to the screams of the dying?
YEO2-08--The Hole Truth
YEO2-04--Heir Unapparent by G. Havard Albright
by August Hahn A quiet night in Tarris heats up quickly. Can the
The town of Jemison is in an uproar. A young players discover the perpetrators of a dastardly
man, the heir to a large plot of good farming land, crime and catch them before it’s too late?
has declared that he will not be seeking
citizenship when he reaches the age of majority.
Now, he has gone missing. Can you discover
why the boy, the last in a long line of successful
military men in the area, wishes to give up his
birthright, or is the truth as unapparent as the heir

The Player’s Guide to the Yeomanry v1.1 (593 CY) Page 75

Year Three (CY 593)
YEO3-01--Guard Dogs YEO3-04—Crimson Skies
by Bill Howell by William Altizer
Groups of refugees from the Hold of the Sea As summer’s end draws nigh you find yourself in
Princes are disappearing amidst the Tors. The the town of Spitalvale, and it seems as though you
authorities seem to care little about the deaths of are in luck. The town is preparing for the temple
helpless foreigners. Can you be a good shepherd of Phaulkon’s annual celebration of “First Flight”.
and escort your flock to safety? Or will the
unseen wolves claim you as well as your charges? YEO3-05—A Friend in Need
by Eric Williamson
YEO3-02--In Darkness, Despair The alliance between the Yeomanry League and
by Hebert, Hazel, and Chaplain the Hillmen of Clan Cumalh is solidified. When a
A Yeoman March goes missing after investigating crisis arises on the northern border, will the
a newly-uncovered mineshaft thought to belong alliance hold?
to a long-forgotten dwarven city that plunged into
the earth centuries ago. What could be the reason YEO3-06—Rhythm of Drums
for their disappearance? Stalwart Yeoman by Havard Albright and Don Ward
adventurers are asked to answer the call. The sounds of drums are never uncommon this
close to the Hellfurnaces, but a recent border
YEO3-03--Sticks and Stones patrol brings more ominous news. Can the
by Kevin Freeman characters silence the drums or will they
Della, the ‘Rogue Queen of Monmurg,’ has themselves be silenced?
disappeared, and Yeoman officials fear she has
broken her contract and fled back to the Hold of YEO3-07—Squeal Like a Pig
the Sea Princes. Can you stop her before she by Kevin Freeman
discloses valuable information to the Scarlet A peaceful romp in Bogspur turns into a
Brotherhood enemies to the south? Part Two of nightmare filled with bayou halflings, Midfell
the Cold as Stone Saga. mountain oysters and...orc brides? Come to think
of it, what are you doing in Bogspur again in the
first place? Bring your funnybones....

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