Narrative Text: A. Definition
Narrative Text: A. Definition
Narrative Text: A. Definition
A. Definition
myths, and legends. In contemporary text, it can also be used in prose, like
dramas or novels.
1. to tell stories,
the plot
1. Orientation : This part presents the settings of the story and introduces
–dalam bagian ini biasanya berisi pengenalan cerita tersebut, seperti apa,
kapan, dimana, dan siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita naratif tersebut
events. This is also where the main cause of the story can continue to be
–di bagian ini berisi konflik sebuah cerita agar cerita tersebut lebih
ends happily or vice versa( sebaliknya) and at other times the ending of
–biasanya berisi pesan moral yang dibuat oleh penulis terhadap cerita
1. Using Past tense (sang, cooked, killed, etc) –menggunakan kata kerja
bentuk ke dua
2. Adverb of time (once upon a time, one day, a long time ago,...) –keterangan
5. Action verbs. A verbs that shows an action (ate, walked, ran, danced, etc)
6. Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Malin Kundang said “you are
not my mother !”). The direct speech uses PRESENT TENSE(kata kerja
E. The Example of Narrative Text
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived
with her stepsisters and stepmother. They were very bossy, arrogant, and lazy.
One day an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsisters did
not let her go there and asked her to clean the house and help them to prepare
for the ball. Cinderella was very sad, but she couldn’t do anything cause no one
cared of her. Then, her stepsisters and stepmother went to the ball without
Fortunately, a good fairy came and helped her to get to the ball. She
helped Cinderella with the magic, so Cinderella can get to the ball safely. At the
ball , Cinderella danced wth the prince. The prince felt in love with her and
decide to marry her. At the end, Cinderella Married with the prince and they