Science: Quarter 4 - Module 3: The Water Cycle and The Sun

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Quarter 4 - Module 3:
The Water Cycle and the Sun

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

What I Know

Directions: Select the letter of the correct answer. Write your

answers in your Science Answer Sheet or Activity

1. Which of the following stages of the water cycle is responsible for

getting water into the atmosphere?
A.condensation C. precipitation
B.evaporation D.sublimation

2. It is the falling of the condensed water vapor back to the surface

of the Earth.
A. cloud C. precipitation
B.groundwater D. table water

3. Evaporation takes place when water is _____________.

A. cooled. C. frozen.
B. heated. D. filtered.

4. Is Water Cycle possible when the sun is blocked? Why?

A. Yes, because electricity can heat water.
B. Yes, because condensation process continuous.
C. No, because evaporation process is lacking.
D. No, because precipitation process is delayed.

5. In the water cycle, the heat of the sun is important because it

A. causes evaporation. C. produces more water.
B. creates tidal waves. D. change vapor into water.

6. Droplets of water are observed under the cover of the cooking pot
when you cook rice. What process in the water cycle is shown?
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. transpiration

7. Water cycle is important to the ecosystem because it

A. ensures the availability of water for all living things.
B. filters the water in the rivers and streams.
C. gives hot water during rainy days.
D. improves the nutrient content of the water.

8. Which of the following best describes a water cycle?
A. A continuous process of changing liquid water into water vapor
when heated and back to liquid water when cooled.
B. It is not a continuous process and replenishes the water in the
C. Regulates the temperature of the water in the environment.
D. Starts with evaporation and ends with condensation.

9. Which of the following is the correct order of the stages in the

water cycle?
A. condensation-evaporation-precipitation
B. evaporation-condensation- precipitation
C. evaporation-precipitation- condensation
D. precipitation-condensation-evaporation

10.It is the process where water particles are released from the
leaves of the plants into the atmosphere.
A. condensation C. respiration
B. precipitation D. transpiration

11. If evaporation is the changing of liquid into gas, what is

A. Changing of gas into snow.
B. Changing of solid into gas.
C. Changing of water vapor into liquid.
D. Changing of water vapor into solid.

12. Rain, snow and hail are forms of moisture that fall on the surface
of the earth from the clouds. They are examples of __________.
A. condensation C. respiration
B. precipitation D. transpiration

13. This is needed to evaporate water from the surface of the earth.
A. clouds C. rain
B. dew D. sunlight
14. When cooking rice, a hot smoke called steam escapes from the
cooking pot. Which stage of water cycle is represented in the
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. respiration

15. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Evaporation is fast when the temperature is high.
B. Plants and animals has nothing to do with the water cycle.
C.The sun plays the major role in the water cycle.
D. Water cycle is a never-ending cycle.


The Stages of Water
1 Cycle and the Sun

Water is very important in our lives. Almost every activity on

earth needs water. Can you imagine what your life would be without
water?The water on the Earth is always recycled. It is used,
returned to the environment and used over and over again.

Do you know how water is being recycled in the ecosystem?

What are the stages in the process, and what is the role of the sun
in recycling water? These are some of the questions that will be
answered in this module.

What’s In

Quick Check!

Directions:Answer the following questions.Write your answers in

your Answer Sheet or Activity Notebook.


1. Why are newly washed clothes hanged under the sun?

2. Where does the water from the clothes hanged under the
sun go?
3. Aside from newly washed clothes, what are other things you
bring outside to the sun to dry?

Week 3 Day 2

What’s New

Cooking Time!

Directions:Answer the following questions.Write your answers in

your Science Activity Notebook.

Do this: Help your mother in cooking rice. Observe what happens

and answer the following:

Guide Questions:
1. Describe what you observe when the rice is already boiling.
2. Describe what comes out of the cooking pot?
3. Slowly touch the smoke that comes out of the cooking pot.
Is it hot or is it cold?
4. Where does the smoke that comes out from the cooking
pot go?
5. When the rice is cooked, remove the cover of the cooking
pot using a pot holder. Describe what are formed under the
cover of the cooking pot.
6. Hold the cover of the pot away from the pot until it cools
down. What happened to those formations under the cover of the
pot? Where did they go?

Note: The activity that you have observed is similar to the

processes involved in the water cycle.

What Is It

Learning Circuit!

Water cycle involves three main processes:

1. Evaporation- the changing of water into water vapor.
2. Condensation- the changing of water vapor into water
droplets forming clouds.
3.Precipitation- the water droplets fall down to Earth.

The sun, being the main source of heat on earth plays the
major role in the water cycle. When the Earth’s surface is
heated by the sun, evaporation takes place in the bodies of
water and on land.

Water particles are also released to the atmosphere from

the leaves of plants through the process of transpiration.
Animals and humans give off water particles when they
perspire during perspiration and during respiration which
evaporate in the atmosphere.

When the water vapor in the atmosphere had cooled,

condensation process will take place. The condensed water
vapor in the cloud is transported and move from one location
to another in the atmosphere. When the condensed water
vapor become heavy, it falls back to the Earth in the form of
rain, hail, snow, and sleet, this is called precipitation.

When water falls back to the Earth, it ends up on

land, it will become part of ground water that animals and
humans including plants can use, or it may run over the soil
and collect it in the oceans, lakes, rivers where the cycle starts
all over again.

The rate of evaporation and condensation is affected

by the light and heat of the sun. Evaporation is fast when the
temperature is high while condensation is fast when
temperature is low.

When the sun shines, water evaporates again, cools
later and condenses and falls back again to the Earth’s
surface. This never-ending cycle is called Water Cycle.

Figure 1: The Water Cycle


Water cycle is an extremely important process

because it enables the availability of water for all living
organisms and regulates weather patterns on our planet.
If water didn't naturally recycle itself, we would run out of
clean water, which is essential to life. When water falls to the
Earth, the water seeps into the soil because of the force of
gravity. Water cycle is a process that is constantly recycling
the Earth's supply of water. This is important because humans,
animals, and plants all need water to survive and grow.

Water Cycle sustain life and create the ecosystems

around us. Some organisms are very sensitive to changes in
the water cycle. A prolonged drought can destroy a population
of plants or a certain animal which may require an amount of
water in soil in order to avoid dehydration.

Guide Questions:
Directions: Write your answers in your Answer Sheet/Science
Activity notebook.

1. What are the processes involved in the Water Cycle?

2. What is the role of the sun in the Water Cycle?
3. In which process do plants release water particles from their
4. What are the forms of precipitation that fall on the Earth’s
5. Where does water go when it falls back to Earth?
6. Why is water cycle important to man, plants and animals?

Week 3 Day 3

What’s More

Activity 1: Jumbled Words!

Directions: Arrange the jumbled words below to form the processes

in the Water Cycle. Using the descriptive phrases as
your clue. Write your answers in your Science Activity

____________________1. (R A T S P I N T A R I O N) - is the
process by which plants release water
from their leaves.
____________________2. (T A T P O I N R E C I P) – is the
process by which the condensed water
vapor falls back on the Earth’s surface in
the forms of rain, hail, snow, and sleet.

____________________3. (A S O N T E N D I C O N) - is the
process of changing water vapor (gas)
into liquid water.
____________________4. (T I N O P O V A E R A) - is the process
of changing liquid water into gas (water
____________________5. (N S U) - causes the water to become
warm and evaporate

Activity 2: True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the

statement is incorrect. Write your answers in your
Science Activity notebook.

1. Water cycle is important to man and animals only.

2. Availability of water is possible through water cycle.
3. Man, plants and animals need water to survive and grow.
4. Water cycle is a process that is constantly recycling the Earth's
supply of water.
5. The most important process of water cycle is evaporation.

What I Have Learned

Activity 1: What comes first?

Directions:Trace movement of water as it moves along the water

cycle by writing letters A, B and C. Write your answers
in your Answer Sheet/Science Activity notebook.


3. C

A 1.

Figure 1: The Water Cycle


Activity 2: Match Me!

Direction: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your

answers in your Science Activity notebook.

Column A Column B

1. Condensation A. A change of phase from

liquid to gas
2.Evaporation B. The loss of water from
the plants
3.Precipitation C. A change of state from
gas to liquid
4.Transpiration D. Condensed water vapor
falling from the sky.

What I Can Do

Activity 1: Complete Me!

Directions: Provide the missing letters to form a word.Write your

answers in your Answer Sheet/Science Activity
1. When the sun heats water in lakes, streams, rivers,
and oceans and turns it into water vapor.
4. It is a continuous movement of water from Earth to
atmosphere and back to Earth.
2. It occurs when so much water has condensed that the
air cannot hold it anymore and falls back into the Earth
in the form of rain.
3. When the water vapor in the air gets cold and changes
back into liquid, forming clouds.
5. Makes evaporation process possible.

2 1




Week 3 Day 4

Activity 2: Where Am I Similar?

Direction: Each situation below represents a stage in the water
Mark a check ( ) the stage of the water cycle that
corresponds to the situation given in the box.
Situation Evaporation Condensation Precipitation
1. Water droplets outside the
drinking glass filled with
water and ice.
2. Smoke going out the spout
of the kettle when boiling
3. Water on the table where a
cold softdrink bottle is
4. Amount of water in the pot
decreases after boiling.
5. Droplets of water on the
leaves of grasses in the

Post Assessment

How Much Did You Learn?

Directions: Select the letter of the correct answer. Write your

answers in your Science Answer Sheet or Science
Activity Notebook.

1. Which of the following stages of the Water Cycle is responsible

for getting water into the atmosphere?
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. sublimation

2. It is the condensed water vapor that falls back to the surface of
The earth.
A. cloud C. precipitation
B. groundwater D. table water

3. Evaporation takes place when water is _____________.

A. cooled. C. frozen.
B. heated. D. filtered.

4. Is water cycle possible when the sun is blocked? Why?

A. Yes, because electricity can heat water.
B. Yes, because condensation process continuous.
C. No, because evaporation process is lacking.
D. No, because precipitation process is delayed.

5. In the water cycle, the heat of the sun is important because it

A. causes evaporation.
B. creates tidal waves.
C. produces more water.
D. change vapor into water.

6. Droplets of water are observed under the cover of the cooking pot
when you cook rice. What process in the water cycle is shown?
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. transpiration

7. Water cycle is important to the ecosystem because it _________.

A. gives hot water during rainy days.
B. filters the water in the rivers and streams.
C. improves the nutrient content of the water.
D. ensures the availability of water for all living things.

8. Which of the following best describes a water cycle?

A. Starts with evaporation and ends with condensation.
B. Regulates the temperature of the water in the environment.
C. It is not a continuous process and replenishes the water in the
D. A continuous process of changing liquid water into water vapor
vapor when heated and back to liquid water when cooled.

9. Which of the following is the correct order of the stages in the
water cycle?
A. condensation-evaporation-precipitation
B. evaporation-condensation- precipitation
C. evaporation-precipitation- condensation
D. precipitation-condensation-evaporation

10. It is the process where water particles are released from the
leaves of the plants into the atmosphere.
A. condensation C. respiration
B. precipitation D. transpiration

11. If evaporation is the changing of liquid into gas, what is

A. Changing of gas into snow.
B. Changing of solid into gas.
C. Changing of water vapor into liquid.
D. Changing of water vapor into solid.

12. Rain, snow and hail are forms of moisture that fall on the surface
of the earth from the clouds. They are examples of
A. condensation C. respiration
B. precipitation D. transpiration

13. This is needed to evaporate water from the surface of the earth.
A. clouds C. rain
B. dew D. sunlight

14. When cooking rice, a hot smoke called steam escapes from the
cooking pot. Which stage of water cycle is represented in the
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. respiration

15. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Plants and animals has nothing to do with the water cycle.
B. Evaporation is fast when the temperature is high.
C.The sun plays the major role in the water cycle.
D. Water cycle is a never-ending cycle.

Additional Activities

Just Fill It Up!

Directions: In your Activity notebook, copy and answer the

diagram. Write and draw the corresponding processes.
Get your answers from the chart below.

process definition picture

process definition picture

process definition picture

process definition picture

Vapor cools down
precipitation and form into clouds

Water droplets falls in

evaporation to the Earth’s surface

Water is heated by
the heat of the sun
and becomes water

Congratulations for working diligently with this module. Share your

experience with your teacher, elder brother or sister at home.

Answer Key

1 Role of the Sun in the Water Cycle

What I Know
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D
11. C 12.B 13. D 14. B 15. B
What’s In
1. Newly washed clothes are hanged under the sun to make them dry.
2. The water goes to the atmosphere
3. Aside from newly washed clothes, other things you may bring outside to the sun to
dry are palay, fish (answers may vary)
What’s New
1. When the rice is already boiling something is coming out of the pot.
2. There is a smoke coming out of the pot.
3. The smoke that comes out of the cooking pot is hot.
4. The smoke that comes out from the cooking
pot go to the atmosphere.
5. Under the cooking pot are water droplets.
6. The water droplets fall off the pot cover.
What is It
1. evaporation, condensation and precipitation
2. The role of the sun in the Water Cycle is it makes the evaporation process possible.
The sun’s heat causes the water to evaporate. The heat of the sun affects the
evaporation and condensation process.
3. The process which plants release water particles from their leaves is transpiration.
4. The forms of precipitation that fall on the Earth’s
Surface are rain, snow and hail.
5. When the water falls back to Earth, it goes to the bodies of water like rivers and seas,
on land and becomes part of the underground water.
6. Water cycle is important because humans, animals, and plants all need water to
survive and grow.
What’s More
Activity 1
1. transpiration 2. precipitation 3. condensation
4. evaporation 5. sun
Activity 2
Activity 1

Activity 2
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B
What I Can Do
Activity 1

Activity 2

Post Assessment
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D
11. C 12.B 13. D 14. B 15. A
Additional Activities


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