Drakiin (5e Homebrew Race)

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Drakiin (5e Homebrew Race)_____________________________________________________________

The Drakiin, originally, were a group of Eladrin Elves who did not join the other Fey in retreating from
the Prime Material Plane to the newly created Feywild several millennia ago at the inception of the
world. For their loyalty and dedication to protecting the Prime Material Plane and its innocent
inhabitants (then just the new breed of Elves and the other races that have been born into the world
later on), the Eladrin who stayed were granted fragments of the souls of the Draconus, now known to
most ancient historians as the “Lost Dragons” as they had either died out due to their inability to
reproduce like modern dragons or left the Prime Material Plane as well. With the fragments of these
powerful, quasi-deity entities embedded into their very being, these Eladrin were transformed into what
is now known as the Drakiin, specially marked warriors with the ability to take on a Draconic form
temporarily to aid them in combat and have a natural affinity for magic.

Custom Traits_________________________________________________________________________
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom Score increases by 2 and your Strength or Dexterity Score increases
by 1
Age. Drakiin live slightly longer than most Elves, averaging a lifespan of 1000 years
Alignment. Drakiin tend to be of a good alignment, though there have been those who have strayed
from the path and are often hunted by their kind or other watchers
Size. Medium when in their humanoid form.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Drakiin are adapted for living at twilight hours. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Languages. Common, Sylvan, Draconic
Draconic Form. As a Drakiin, you can access the form of the Draconus (albeit on a smaller scale) and gain
new abilities from this. You may activate this form as an action. When transforming, all your items and
equipment will disappear until you change back, where they will be placed on you in the same way they
were position prior to your transformation. In this form, your size is Large you have a natural armor of
11 + your Strength or Dexterity Modifier + your Wisdom modifier and cannot wear any armor. All your
abilities and feats (including class features like Extra Attack or feats like Sentinel) cannot be activated or
used in this form, but you are still able to cast spells without the need for the verbal or somatic
components. While in this form, you cannot concentrate on any spells except for anything granted by
your Draconic Heritage (if applicable). You cannot use any weapons, but you gain a multi-attack (two
attacks) that can be used as an action. You have a walking speed of 30 ft and a flying speed of 60 ft. You
can remain in this form for 1 minute. You must take a long rest before using this ability again.
 Claws. Melee Attack: Strength Modifier + Proficiency to hit, one target. Hit: (2d4 + Strength
Modifier) slashing damage
 Bite. Melee Attack: Strength Modifier + Proficiency to hit, one target. Hit: (1d8 + Strength
Modifier) piercing damage

Draconic Heritage. As a Drakiin, you are descended from or blessed with the spark of essence of one of
the legendary Daconus of the past. Choose an ancestry to determine which gift you have received from
this spark:
Sapphire – You have been granted the Blindsight by the Vigilant Watchers of the Draconus. As an action,
you can temporarily blind yourself and activate your blindsight which has a radius of 120 feet. This
blindsight relies on tracking heat or sound via echolocation but not both at the same time. Choose one
when activating and this cannot be changed until this ability is activated again. You can use a bonus
action to dismiss this ability. You must take a long rest before activating this ability again. In your
Draconic form, this ability is always active (choose which form of blindsight to activate when using your
draconic form).

Amber – You have been granted the gift of Draconic Presence by the Intimidating Guard of the
Draconus. You may activate this ability as a bonus action. When activated, every successful attack will
force the target to make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC for this saving throw is 8 + your Strength Modifier
+ your proficiency bonus) or be afraid of you for 1 minute. While afraid, the target must use their all
their movement, action, and bonus action (if possible) to stay as far away from you as possible. The
target can make another Wisdom Saving throw at the end of each of their turns or when attacked to end
this effect. The latter does not apply when you are the one attacking the target. You must take a long
rest before activating this ability again. In your Draconic form, this ability is always active.
Emerald – You have been granted the gift of Nature’s Empathy by the Wild Explorers of the Draconus.
You have the ability to cast Speak with Animals and Speak with Plants at will without using a spell slot.
You can use this ability once per long rest but you may use the ability to cast one or both spells at the
same time. In your Draconic form, this ability is always active

Amethyst – You have been granted the gift of Elder’s Cunning by the Wise Elders of the Draconus. You
can activate this ability to gain a bonus of +10 to Perception and Insight rolls for the next 10 minutes. For
the duration, this applies to your Passive Perception as well. You must take a long rest before activating
this ability again. In your Draconic form, this ability is always active

Obsidian – You have been granted the gift of Wrathful Vengeance by the Deathly Harbingers of the
Draconus. You can cast Hex at first level without using a spell slot. You must take a long rest before
activating this ability again. In your Draconic form, you may keep using this ability to Hex a number of
targets equal to your Wisdom modifier without using a spell slot.

Ruby – You have been granted the gift of Draconic Fury by the Brutal Warriors of the Draconus. You may
activate this ability as a bonus action to add an additional d4 to all physical damage you deal to any
target for 1 minute. You must take a long rest before activating this ability again. In your Draconic form,
this ability is always active

Diamond – You have been granted the gift of Draconic Resilience by the Relentless Guardians of the
Draconus. You may activate this ability as a bonus action to gain resistance to all damage types, except
psychic, and gain advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects for 1 minute. In addition,
you are immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks. You must take a long
rest before activating this ability again. In your Draconic form, this ability is always active.

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