(BS) Warlock - The Ichor

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The Ichor
Your patron isn't distant like the patrons of other warlocks,
your patron lives within you. Through some means you've
forged a deal with a living ichor, you act as its host and help it
sustain itself and it in return grants you power. Through you,
your patron tastes, smells, sees, and feels the world as you do
through your senses. Your patron could be a sentient mimic, an
oblex, the blood of a deity, or perhaps an alien entity from the

Patron Quirks
Due to the rather unique nature of your patron, you are more
aware of its peculiar quirks and its personality. Choose any
number of the quirks listed below, make your own quirks for
them, or you can roll to determine their quirk(s). Work with
your DM to further develop your patrons personality and other

Ichor Quirks
d6 Quirk
Your patron is obsessed with learning more about the
cultures of your world.
Your patron has a particular craving for some variety of
2 food which it requests you consume often for its
Your patron views its relationship with you as more
personal, becoming more emotionally attached to you.
Your patron detests certain smells, often requiring you
to bathe frequently to avoid those smells.
Your patron is enamored with music, often requesting
you to sing to it or play an instrument for it.
Your patron requires a peculiar diet to sustain its
power, as such your appetite is greatly increased.

Expanded Spell List

The Ichor lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when
you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the
warlock spell list for you.

The Ichor Expanded Spell List

Spell Level Spells
1st Entangle, false life
2nd Alter self, web
3rd Haste, speak with dead
4th Evard's black tentacles, freedom of movement
5th Dominate person, synaptic static

Carnage by Lionel Cornelius Jr.

Venom by Nebezial
Venom by Jue Li
Eddie Brock by Brian Valeza
Eddie Brock - Venom by Lucas Rocha
Bound as One Ichorous Tendrils
10th-level Ichor feature
1st-level Ichor feature
Your patron allows you control over aspects of its form,
You've completed and survived the bonding process with
allowing you to manifest and manipulate tendrils from it. As a
your patron. As a bonus action, you can cause your patron to
bonus action, you can call forth up to three tendrils which
envelop you in a sort of living armor which grants the following
emerge from your body. Each tendril is 5-feet long, and you can
features. You cannot transform while wearing light, medium, or
manipulate objects and perform actions with them as if they
heavy armor.
were your hands such as holding a weapon or grappling a
Living Armor. Your patrons hide is tough and your armor
creature. They don't grant additional actions or attacks
class becomes 13 + your Charisma modifier.
however and you can't equip armor, rings, necklaces, or other
Tooth and Nail. You grow a set of natural weapons in the
similar items to them. You can have up to six tendrils
form of piercing teeth and sharp claws, you are proficient with
manifested at a time.
these weapons. You can use Strength or Dexterity for attack and
Additionally, whenever you take damage you can choose to
damage rolls, and they each deal 1d8 piercing or slashing (your
absorb some of the damage taken with one of these tendrils
choice) damage.
reducing the damage taken by 1d10. The tendril used in this
Additionally, whenever you reach 3rd level your attacks from
feature disappears immediately afterwards. You cannot reduce
this features count as magical for the purposes of overcoming
damage with this feature again until you finish a short or long
Parasitic Tendrils. Whenever you make an attack with
either your bite or claw attack, you can as a reaction expend We Are One
one hit die and roll it gaining temporary hit points equal to the 14th-level Ichor feature
roll + your Charisma modifier which last until this feature ends.
You and your patron have achieved near perfect symbiosis
You can remain in this form indefinitely, but cannot take with one another. Whenever you are affected by your Bound as
short or long rests while in it. You can exit this form as a bonus One feature, you can as a bonus action choose to gain the
action. following additional features.
Ravenous Feast. Whenever you reduce a creature within
Quickened Adaptation reach to 0 hit points, you can choose to as a reaction consume
6th-lvel Ichor feature
them leaving their belongings in their previous space.
Your patron has greatly adapted itself to survive in many
Whenever you do so, you regain 2d10 hit points.
environments. while affected by your Bound as One feature, you
Serrated Tendrils. Whenever you make an attack with
gain a climb and swim speed equal to your base movement
your bite or claw attack, you can make an additional attack with
speed, you no longer need to breathe, your base movement
one of your tendrils. You are proficient with this attack, and it
speed increases by 10 feet, and you can climb difficult surfaces,
deals slashing damage equal to 3d6 + your Charisma modifier.
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
The features granted by this feature last for 1 minute, or until
ability check.
you end your Bound as One feature. Once you use this feature,
you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Codex of Knull
Eldritch Invocations Prerequisite: the Ichor patron, Pact of the Tome feature
If an eldritch invocation has prerequisites, you must meet them While under the effects of your Bound as One feature, you can
to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same time that as an action, consume the brain of a creature that hasn't been
you meet its prerequisites. dead for longer than half an hour within reach. You learn the
exact detail of everything that creature experienced within the
Riot Control last 24 hours and gain knowledge of important events that
Prerequisite: the Ichor patron, Pact of the Blade feature happened in that creatures life. The knowledge gained from
While under the effects of your Bound as One feature, you this feature lasts for 1 hour, or until you use this feature again.
gain the ability to manifest an arsenal of weaponry from the
ichorous form of your patron. Choose one of the following Shared Mass
options to gain from this feature. Prerequisite: the Ichor patron, Pact of the Chain feature
Cleave. As an action, you manifest a large blade from your Whenever you are under the effects of your Bound as One
arm and swing it at a target within reach. Make a melee weapon feature, you can as a bonus action merge your familiar with
attack against the target, dealing 2d6 slashing damage on a hit. your patrons ichorous flesh. You gain temporary hit points
Whiplash. As an action, you manifest a lash from the oozing equal to the familiars current hit point total. As a bonus action,
flesh of your patron and attack a target within 15 feet of you you can eject your familiar from your patrons form and you lose
with it. Make a melee weapon attack against the target, dealing any remains temporary hit points from this feature and your
1d6 piercing damage and pulling the target up to 10 feet familiars hit point total is reduced to the number of temporary
towards you on a hit. hit points lost. Additionally, if you lose the temporary hit points
Spikes. As an action, you eject a hail of spikes from your from this feature your familiar immediately dies and cannot be
patrons hide. Each creature within 20 feet of you must succeed ejected.
on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 piercing damage on a
Adhesive Ichor
Prerequisite: the Ichor patron, 3rd level
You can take this invocation multiple times, choosing a
You can cast the Web spell at will, without expending a spell
different option each time.
Expanding your Relationship
The relationship between a warlock and their patron is what
defines them. This unique innate character hook is further
amplified by the more intimate bond between an Ichor patron
and their host. This often manifests in a variety of quirks due to
each patron being entirely unique.
You can roll on any of the following tables to help further
characterize your patron and their relationship with your
warlock and make it more unique. Feel free to choose from the
tables or make up your own traits and quirks as you please.

You can use the following table to determine how you and your
patron met and became bonded.

d6 Origins
One night while star watching you saw a meteorite fall
from the sky and went to investigate. Upon the
meteorite was your patron who bonded with you to
You were the apprentice of an alchemist who was
experimenting on oozes. One of the specimens drew
your sympathy after it displayed intelligence and
emotion, so you helped it escape.
You were abducted by a starfaring race who
experimented on you using nanites. A sentient AI took
control of the nanite swarm and bonded to you so you
could escape.
You were visited on night in a dream by some godlike
4 entity who spilled its blood upon you. You awoke the
next morning with your patron bound to you.
You started out as a novice adventurer and in your first
dungeon made the mistake of trusting the first chest
5 you saw. Instead of devouring you and killing you
however, the mimic bound itself to you for some
Your patron is an oblex that bonded to you in order to
6 create its own memories and personality instead of
taking from others.

Personality Traits
You can use the following table to flesh out the personality of
your patron.

d6 Personality Traits
Your patron is very cautious and tends to stress the
importance of keeping the both of you alive.
Your patron is very eager to learn new things about
Your patron is very protective of itself and you, tending
to not trust those that might harm it or you out of fear.
Your patron is anxious and timid in social situations,
often turning to you for comfort and safety.
Your patron is incredibly neutral, almost to a
frustrating degree.
Your patron tends to chime in with bits of information
and words of advice when it deems necessary. Often
cracking jokes or making amusing observations it finds
You can use the following table to determine what goals your
patron has or goals you and your patron seek to accomplish

d6 Ideals
Your patron seeks to return to its world and back to its
You and you patron seek to make a name for
yourselves as heroes or villians.
You and your patron were both victims of a terrible
act, and both seek to take revenge on the perpetrator.
You and your patron seek to live under the radar,
however fate has other plans.
You and your patron know what its like to be treated
5 harshly for being different, seeking to punish those
who discriminate against others.
You and your patron are losers among your own kind
6 but are greater together, seeking to do and see cool
stuff together.

You can use the following table to determine the nature of your
relationship with your patron.

d6 Relationships
Your patron views you as a mentor. Often asking you
1 for advice and guidance upon the strange world it now
experiences with you.
Your patron sees you your bond with it as something
2 more personal and intimate. Possibly seeing you as a
partner, or significant other.
Your patron merely views you as a means to an ends
3 and will discard you at the first sign of betrayal or
Your patron needs you for food, and you need it for
power. It's as simple as that.
Your patron views you almost like its child, often
5 granting you its own unique brand of guidance and
wisdom and trying to keep you safe.
Your patron needs a way home, and you need a way to
defend yourself. You've agreed to bring it to its home,
and it will help you seek vengeance or settle your

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