Faradic: Reference Manual

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Setting the standard in electrotherapy equipment

Faradic is a totally transistorised passive
muscle exerciser with 10 outlets feeding 20
electrode pads. It provides a form of passive
muscle exercise. Shortening and tightening
the muscle, thereby producing inch loss
2x 25mm Facial electrodes and holder
16x 100mm electrode pads
4x 75mm electrode pads
10x 1700mm connecting leads
14x Elasticated body straps
1x Tape measure
1x Client alarm switch

We consider a purchase from Carlton Professional

to be the begining of a valued partnership
to Carlton Professional
Our business has manufactured
professional beauty therapy equipment and
furniture in the UK in our Sussex factory for
over 40 years. In that time, our production
has been used in the best training colleges
around the world and many of the world’s
leading salon and spas.
Our range continues to evolve, with the addition of the very
latest Carlton ‘Concept’ machines, that have seen the latest
technologies of Radio Frequency and Electroporation added to
our extensive range of treatment options. Our treatment product
range that include specialist ampoules, ionised gels and
serums, alongside pre and post treatment products perfected
for every client, make Carlton Professional an affordable and
profitable option for every salon and spa.

By partnering with Carlton
Professional, you will have
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as a business.
Feel reassured about gaining insurance
cover, receive adequate knowledge
and training, offer clients cutting edge
technology, and receive the support
you need as a therapist.

At Carlton Professional we offer you

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full training with purchases, Marketing
support and help, launch event,
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Be sure to book your launch event

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Professional treatment courses selling,
and your clients looking fabulous!

Why our stockists
choose Carlton
Carlton team Carlton pricing
A team passionate about creating excellent Highly attractive profit margins on retail
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concentrated active ingredients. service.
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Access to first rate training materials and
literature. Free samples with selected purchases.
Additional online support offered via
interactive website

The basics of Faradics
Fardic treatment delivers a low If used in conjunction with a healthy
diet and exercise Faradic therapy
faradic current into the skin and can help to reduce inches. (But not
muscles stimulating nerve ending necessarily weight)
to provide a muscle contraction,
This type of treatment can increase
it is used to tone and tighten the the muscles ability to work for longer
muscles of the body. A major periods without tiring.

positive for this treatment is that Blood circulation and lymphatic

it is a passive exercise method, flow are improved because of the
muscular pumping actions
affording clients to relax on the
couch whilst the faradic machine The metabolic rate of cellular activity
is increased, so the condition of
exercises their muscles for them.
the muscles and growth & repair of
The treatment can be targeted to tissues is stimulated.
work muscles in specific areas
creating intensive results. Faradic
treatments will not increase the
heart rate therefore cannot be
classed as a cardio-vascular form
of exercise.

How does Faradic
current work?
Faradic was initially introduced as a medical treatment for use within hospitals 
and physiotherapy clinics. It was used to stimulate muscles of bed-ridden
patients, and those who needed to exercise for rehabilitation but were unable Because we are utilising a
current to contract and relax
to do so. Faradic was a starting point to get immobile muscles moving.
the muscles of the body,
In the salon, it has several benefits; it can be used to reduce signs of visible face & neck, we can liken
ageing, or to help prevent signs of ageing. It can strengthen the muscles, it Faradic treatments to a gym
can lift, tighten and firm the muscles resulting in a smoother silhouette workout, gaining similar
visual benefits without
putting in any of the physical
Frequency Explained effort! The more treatments
a client commits to, the
Frequency is measured in HERTZ (HZ). more they will benefit.

One Hz means a current is oscillating up and down ONCE per second. 

250,000Hz means a current is oscillating up and down 250,000 times per Ideally we recommend
second! one course of 12
treatments, taken 3 times
The higher the Hz setting, the more times a current has to go up and down per
a week (with at least 24
second. Therefore it limits the depth to which the current can reach into the tissues.
hours between).
The HIGHER the Hz, the more SUPERFICIAL the treatment will be. Following on to a
The LOWER the Hz, the DEEPER the treatment will be. maintenance programme,
Starting settings for the Body: 90Hz ideally once a week. This is
Starting settings for the Face: 120Hz all negotiable according to
client availability, financial
position, and the results
Pulse Width is measured in Micro Seconds.
they wish to achieve.
The longer the time, the “stronger” a contraction will feel.
The shorter the time, the “gentler” a contraction will feel.

treatment areas Benefits
Face, neck and jawline Reduce signs of visible ageing, or to help
prevent signs of ageing.
Strengthens the muscles
Increases ability for muscles to work for
longer periods without tiring
Can lift, tighten and firm muscles resulting in
a smoother silhouette

Relaxing treatment with minimal discomfort.

Heart conditions or Pacemaker or any other electrical devices 
Therapists providing
Metal plates or pins in the area (artificial hip joints etc.) treatment should conduct
a thorough consultation
Cancer with clients and if they have
any reservations about
Swollen, infected, or inflamed skin
suitability for treatment
Varicose veins should refer the client back
to their G.P.
Dermatological conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
*Stimulation of the skin and
Thrombosis muscle can cause Botox
to be broken down faster,
Pregnancy. we are also stimulating a
muscle that is temporarily
Loss of sensation frozen, this can cause an
unusual sensation. Clients
should avoid treatment
in these areas until Botox
has worn off, usually six

*Stimulation of skin and
muscle may cause Dermal
Fillers to move. Avoid until
filler has dispersed.

Some clients may notice the following effects. These are all normal
reactions if observed in a mild effect. If any effect is noticed
excessively it is vital to cease treatments immediately and refer the
client to their GP. In this instance, be sure to take photographs, and fill
in an accident book in accordance with your insurer’s instruction.

Mild discomfort

Erythema (Redness)

Warm, or what appears to be over-sensitised skin

Mild Erythema will disappear a few hours after the treatment though
either is rare, and you may want to consider and consult with client as
to whether the treatment is right for them.

Client after care 
If you are performing a
treatment, designed to
increase collagen production,
then the client MUST be
Clients must avoid direct sunlight and commit to using SPF 30+, applying an SPF. Otherwise,
directly after, and during their treatment course for best results. as soon as they leave the
clinic, they are undoing all the
SPF30 protects up to 96% from UVA work you/they are trying to
SPF50 protects up to 98% from UVA achieve
UVA penetrates the skin through to the dermis and breaks down Clients should avoid
the collagen. This is called “photoageing”  treatments that expose them
to excessive heat soon after
. treatment, such as sauna/
steam/sunbed. Vigorous
Recommended skincare products exercise

MONUSKIN Hydrating Moisturiser SPF15 Clients should adhere to a

 strict skincare regime for best
results, and use a regular
MONUSKIN Tinte Moisturiser SPF15
collagen inducing/hydration
inducing medium such as
MONUSKIN Recover Balm
hyaluronic /collagen serums
MONUSKIN Rich Cream Cleanser

MONUSKIN Deep Repair Complex

 Clients should drink two litres
of water per day throughout
course. Ask your client to
drink half a litre just before
MONUSKIN Instant Soothing Serum coming for each treatment

MONUSKIN Nourishing Treatment Oil

MONUSKIN Flash Relax Mask

MONUSKIN Lip & Eye Active Lift

instructions and care guidance
Relaxion Setting Dial Frequency
Setting Dial Time indicator display
Contraction Setting Dial
Pulse Time Setting Dial
Pulse Mode Indicators Setting
Reset Switch
Power Indicator
Client alarm switch Intensity
Control Dial

Electrodes sockets

Elasticated Tape 75mm 100mm

body strap Measure electrode electrode
pads pads

Application using an
Alternating Current
Applying Faradic therapy utilising Alternating Current stimulates nerve endings,
circulation and muscle fibres. This in turn will cause an involuntary contraction
in the muscle fibres.

1. Ensure the machine is off at the back.
2. Insert all your 67” connecting leads into the front of the machine. Newer
style machines are colour coded, and the appropriate coloured lead
should be inserted into each outlet.
3. Each lead has one red and one black miniplug. Insert the plugs into
Faradic pads of the corresponding colour, ensuring they are properly
4. Each pad should be wiped with Electro Lotion to ensure good
5. Apply the pads to the appropriate muscles for the treatment, following
the “BIRO” rule
B: Black I: Insertion R: Red O: Origin
6. Ensure every pad is well strapped down with the elasticated body straps,
and that none of the pads overlap.
7. Turn the machine on, and choose your machine settings.

The timer MUST be set – otherwise the machine will not work!
The maximum recommended time is 40 minutes.

Intensity: All dials MUST be set to ZERO.
They must be “Clicked” off – otherwise the machine will not work!

Choosing Your Settings
You will need to set your Pulse Mode; Contraction Time; Relaxation Time; Frequency; Pulse
Width; Intensity

 

Bi Phasic Regular Pulsing: The HIGHER the Hz, the more SUPERFICIAL
This means the current is coming from both the treatment will be.
the RED and the BLACK pads, and is pulsing The LOWER the Hz, the DEEPER the
regularly. treatment will be.
Mono Phasic Regular Pulsing: Starting settings for the Body: 90Hz
The current is coming FROM THE BLACK PAD Starting settings for the Face: 120Hz
and travelling toward the RED pad. It is also
pulsing regularly.

Bi Phasic Irregular Pulsing:

The current is coming from both the RED and PULSE WIDTH
BLACK pads, and it is pulsing IRREGULARLY
– in groups of 2 contractions, and groups of 5 The LONGER the time, the “STRONGER” a
contractions. contraction will feel.
The SHORTER the time, the “GENTLER” a
Mono Phasic Irregular Pulsing: contraction will feel.
The current is coming FROM THE BLACK PAD
and travelling toward the RED pad. It is pulsing
IRREGULARLY in groups of 2 contractions and
groups of 5 contractions. 

 Intensity is measured from 1 to 10, as a

percentage of the unit’s potential power.
Every intensity for every muscle on every
This is measured in SECONDS. If your client client is different. Therefore, no minimum or
very poor muscle tone, and has not exercised maximum intensities can be given.
in a long time, start their treatments at 1.5
seconds contraction. Turn UP intensity in CONTRACTION, until
movement is seen on the surface of the skin.
For clients with better muscle tone, 3 seconds
contraction is fine. Turn DOWN intensity in RELAXATION.


This is measured in SECONDS.

Relaxation must be the same as your
contraction setting, or even a little bit longer
Ensuring a long enough rest period between
contractions reduces the risk of muscle fatigue
and cramping.

Suggested Padding Layouts


At Carlton Professional, we suggest Longitudinal Padding as our preferred method of padding, and
the following diagrams detail our suggestions for some padding layouts.

Suggested Padding Layouts
If padding longitudinally, the Bi Phasic modes will give tone and definition to the muscles. The Mono
Phasic modes will lift the muscles, as long as the pads have been placed correctly.
If using Split Padding, Bi Phasic should be used..


 

There are 2 safety features on the Faradic You can safely stop the treatment a number
machines. The unit will not work if the timer of ways:
has not been set. The unit will not work if
` Let the timer run to zero and the
any of the intensity dials are turned on.
contractions will stop
Ensure THE TIMER IS set.
` Force the timer to zero
Ensure all the intensity dials are “clicked” to
` Press the Start/Reset button
` Press the Hand Switch
When you press the START/RESET button,
the unit will start to work. ` Turn the unit off at the back
` Turn the intensity dials down one by one
in Relaxation.

Facial technique
A facial treatment designed to stimulate the motor points of the muscles in the face and neck. This will in
turn provide a lifting, toning effect.

Frequency of treatment  Facial Treatment Routine 

Twice a week for 10 treatments, with a minimum Turn up the intensity dials in CONTRACTION
of one facial a month as maintenance. only, until a gentle movement on the surface of
the skin is obtained. A gentle pulling of the skin in
the area of stimulation is sufficient. Exaggerated
Treatment Timings  movements of the facial contours should be
avoided, especially around the eye area.
Treatment with the electrodes should take
approximately 15 minutes. This can be combined Exercise each muscle motor point 6-10 times.
with other electrical or manual facial treatments, Repeat the routine 3 times.
according to the client’s skin tolerance.

Machine Settings  
The facial electrodes should be kept in the
The settings that follow detail the starting point for
facial block at all times during treatment.
the first treatment, and are suitable for the majority
They should only be removed to clean the
of clients. These can all be adjusted according to
electrodes, and to insert the pin plugs if
the client’s tolerance.
Contraction: 1 Second
Relaxation: 1 Second
Frequency: 120hZ
Pulse Width: 90μS

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8


How to sell the treatment
` For best results courses should be taken in twelve sessions, every
5 days. For the purposes of pricing, you wouldn’t treat for any
longer than 30 minutes in a session, and then add time, depending
on which treatments/products you team it with

` So that you can be commercially attractive to all budgets, we

would generally recommend you also offer shorter courses. We
also suggest an introductory offer to get clients in for that first
treatment, giving you the opportunity to upsell a course to them

` Offer courses of 6 and 12.

Offer 4 for the price of 3 as a one off “try me” promotion

` Create a Meso Lift Pro Facial as per procedure taught

` Create a Meso Lift Pro Deluxe as an extended procedure with

added massage, Occlusive mask, and ampoule

` Create a bespoke facial with added electrical treatments, masks,

ampoules, serums. Tier the facial, Platinum, Gold and Silver - price

` Combine with our RF Pro machine for the ultimate electrical anti-
ageing treatment


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