Head and Neck - Anterior Head and Neck - Lateral

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Head and Neck - Anterior Head and Neck – Lateral

1. Alveolar process of mandible

1. Cervical vertebra
2. Alveolar process of maxilla
2. Clavicle
3. Angle of mandible
3. Frontal bone
4. Body of cervical vertebra
4. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
5. Body of mandible
5. Inferior and middle nasal conchae
6. Cervical vertebra
6. Infraorbital foramen
7. Clavicle
7. Mandible
8. Condylar process of mandible
8. Manubrium
9. Coronal suture
9. Maxilla
10. Coronoid process of mandible
10. Mental foramen
11. External acoustic meatus
11. Nasal bone
12. Frontal bone
12. Orbit
13. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
13. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
14. Hyoid bone
14. Rib 1
15. Intervertebral disc
15. Scapula
16. Lambdoid suture
16. Skull
17. Mandible
17. Sphenoid bone
18. Manubrium
18. Supraorbital notch
19. Mastoid process
19. Thoracic vertebra
20. Maxilla
20. Vomer
21. Mental Foramen
21. Zygomatic bone
22. Nasal bone
23. Parietal bone
Thorax - Anterior
24. Pterion
1. Acromion 25. Ramus of mandible
2. Body of sternum 26. Rib 1
3. Cervical vertebra 27. Scapula
4. Clavicle 28. Spinous process of cervical vertebra
5. Coracoid process 29. Squamous part of temporal bone
6. Costal Cartilages 30. Styloid process of temporal bone
7. Glenoid Cavity 31. Temporal bone
8. Humerus 32. Temporal process of zygomatic bone
9. Intervertebral Disc 33. Zygomatic arch
10. Lumbar vertebra 34. Zygomatic bone
11. Manubrium 35. Zygomatic process of temporal bone
12. Ribs 1-12 36.
13. Scapula Back – Posterior
14. Sternum
15. Suprascupular notch
16. Thoracic vertebra
1. Acromion
17. Xiphoid process 2. Cervical vertebra
3. Coccyx
Abdomen – Anterior 4. Femur
5. Iliac crest
1. Ala of Sacrum 6. Ilium
2. Anterior inferior iliac spine
7. Inferior angle of scapula
3. Anterior superior iliac spine
8. Ischium
4. Body of sternum
9. Lumbar vertebra
5. Coccyx
6. Costal cartilages 10. Mandible
7. Femur 11. Medial Border of scapula
8. Greater trochanter 12. Occipital bone
9. Head of femur 13. Parietal bone
10. Iliac crest 14. Posterior Iliac spine
11. Iliac fossa 15. Pubis
12. Ilium 16. Ribs 1-12
13. Ischial spine 17. Sacrum
14. Ischium 18. Scapula
15. Lesser trochanter
19. Spine of scapula
16. Lumbar vertebra
20. Spinous process of cervical vertebra
17. Pelvic girdle
18. Promontory of sacrum
21. Spinous process of lumbar vertebra
19. Pubic crest 22. Spinous process of thoracic vertebra
20. Pubic symphysis 23. Superior angle of scapula
21. Pubis 24. Temporal bone
22. Ribs 2 – 12 25. Thoracic vertebra
23. Sacrum 26. Transverse process of vertical vertebra
24. Sternum 27. Transverse process of lumbar vertebra
25. Xiphoid process 28. Transverse process of thoracic vertebra
Head and Neck - Anterior

1. Cervical vertebra
2. Clavicle
3. Frontal bone
4. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
5. Inferior and middle nasal conchae
6. Infraorbital foramen
7. Mandible
8. Manubrium
9. Maxilla
10. Mental foramen
11. Nasal bone
12. Orbit
13. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
14. Rib 1
15. Scapula
16. Skull
17. Sphenoid bone
18. Supraorbital notch
19. Thoracic vertebra
20. Vomer
21. Zygomatic bone
Head and Neck – Lateral

1. Alveolar process of mandible

2. Alveolar process of maxilla
3. Angle of mandible
4. Body of cervical vertebra
5. Body of mandible
6. Cervical vertebra
7. Clavicle
8. Condylar process of mandible
9. Coronal suture
10. Coronoid process of mandible
11. External acoustic meatus
12. Frontal bone
13. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
14. Hyoid bone
15. Intervertebral disc
16. Lambdoid suture
17. Mandible
18. Manubrium
19. Mastoid process
20. Maxilla
21. Mental Foramen
22. Nasal bone
23. Parietal bone
24. Pterion
25. Ramus of mandible
26. Rib 1
27. Scapula
28. Spinous process of cervical vertebra
29. Squamous part of temporal bone
30. Styloid process of temporal bone
31. Temporal bone
32. Temporal process of zygomatic bone
33. Zygomatic arch
34. Zygomatic bone
35. Zygomatic process of temporal bone
Thorax - Anterior

1. Acromion
2. Body of sternum
3. Cervical vertebra
4. Clavicle
5. Coracoid process
6. Costal Cartilages
7. Glenoid Cavity
8. Humerus
9. Intervertebral Disc
10. Lumbar vertebra
11. Manubrium
12. Ribs 1-12
13. Scapula
14. Sternum
15. Suprascupular notch
16. Thoracic vertebra
17. Xiphoid process
Abdomen – Anterior

1. Ala of Sacrum
2. Anterior inferior iliac spine
3. Anterior superior iliac spine
4. Body of sternum
5. Coccyx
6. Costal cartilages
7. Femur
8. Greater trochanter
9. Head of femur
10. Iliac crest
11. Iliac fossa
12. Ilium
13. Ischial spine
14. Ischium
15. Lesser trochanter
16. Lumbar vertebra
17. Pelvic girdle
18. Promontory of sacrum
19. Pubic crest
20. Pubic symphysis
21. Pubis
22. Ribs 2 – 12
23. Sacrum
24. Sternum
25. Xiphoid process
Back – Posterior

1. Acromion
2. Cervical vertebra
3. Coccyx
4. Femur
5. Iliac crest
6. Ilium
7. Inferior angle of scapula
8. Ischium
9. Lumbar vertebra
10. Mandible
11. Medial Border of scapula
12. Occipital bone
13. Parietal bone
14. Posterior Iliac spine
15. Pubis
16. Ribs 1-12
17. Sacrum
18. Scapula
19. Spine of scapula
20. Spinous process of cervical vertebra
21. Spinous process of lumbar vertebra
22. Spinous process of thoracic vertebra
23. Superior angle of scapula
24. Temporal bone
25. Thoracic vertebra
26. Transverse process of vertical vertebra
27. Transverse process of lumbar vertebra
28. Transverse process of thoracic vertebra
Skull - Anterior

1. Coronal suture
2. Ethmoid bone
3. Frontal bone
4. Glabella
5. Inferior nasal conchae
6. Infraorbital foramen
7. Lacrimal bone
8. Mandible
9. Mandibular teeth
10. Maxilla
11. Maxillary teeth
12. Mental foramen
13. Mental protuberance
14. Middle nasal concha
15. Nasal bone
16. Orbit
17. Parietal bone
18. Pterion
19. Sphenoid bone
20. Superciliary arch
21. Supraorbital notch
22. Temporal bone
23. Vomer
24. Zygomatic bone

Skull - superior

1. Coronal suture
2. Frontal bone
3. Lambdoid suture
4. Occipital bone
5. Parietal bone
6. Sagittal suture
7. Sutural bone

Skull - lateral

1. Anterior nasal spine

2. Body of mandible
3. Condylar process of mandible
4. Coronal suture
5. Coronoid process of mandible
6. External acoustic meatus
7. External occipital protuberance
8. Fossa for lacrimal sac
9. Frontal bone
10. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
11. Head of mandible
12. Lacrimal bone
13. Lambdoid suture
14. Mandible
15. Mandibular notch
16. Mandibular teeth
17. Mastoid process
18. Maxilla Maxillary
19. teeth
20. Mental foramen
21. Nasal bone
22. Occipital bone
23. Orbit
24. Orbital plate of ethmoid bone
25. Parietal bone
26. Pterion
27. Ramus of mandible
28. Squamous part of temporal bone
29. Squamous suture
30. Styloid process of temporal bone
31. Temporal bone
32. Temporal process of zygomatic bone
33. Zygomatic arch
34. Zygomatic bone
35. Zygomatic process of temporal bone

Skull - posterior

1. External occipital protuberance

2. Lambdoid suture
3. Mandible
4. Mastoid process
5. Occipital bone
6. Parietal bone
7. Sagittal suture
8. Sutural bone
9. Temporal bone

Skull - Midsagittal

1. Angle of mandible
2. Bony part of nasal septum
3. Cribriform plate
4. Crista galli
5. Digastric fossa
6. Ethmoid bone
7. External occipital protuberance
8. Foramen magnum
9. Frontal bone
10. Frontal sinus
11. Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
12. Groove for middle meningeal vessels
13. Groove for sigmoid sinus
14. Groove for superior petrosal sinus
15. Groove for transverse sinus
16. Hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
17. Hypoglossal canal
18. Incisive canal inferior nasal concha
19. Internal acoustic meatus
20. Lateral pterygoid plate
21. Lingula of mandible
22. Mandible
23. Mandibular foramen
24. Maxilla
25. Medial pterygoid plate
26. Mental tubercle
27. Mylohyoid line
28. Nasal bone
29. Occipital bone
30. Palatine bone
31. Parietal bone
32. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
33. Sella turcica
34. Sphenoid bone
35. Sphenoidal sinus
36. Styloid process of temporal bone
37. Sublingual fossa
38. Submandibular fossa
39. Temporal bone
40. Styloid process of temporal bone
41. Sublingual fossa
42. Submandibular fossa
43. Temporal bone
44. Vomer
20. Temporal process of zygomatic
Skull – Inferior bone
21. Vomer
22. Zygomatic arch
1. Choana
23. Zygomatic bone
2. External occipital protuberance 24. Zygomatic process of temporal
3. Foramen lacerum bone
4. Foramen magnum
5. Foramen ovale
6. Foramen spinosum
7. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
8. Groove for auditory tube
9. Maxilla
10. Medial pterygoid plate
11. Occipital bone
12. Occipital condyle
1. 13. Opening of carotid canal
2. 14. Palatine bone
3. 15. Parietal bone
4. 16. Sphenold bone
5. 17. Styloid process of
temporal bone
6. 18. Stylomastoid foramen
7. 19. Temporal bone
Skull - inferior

13. Choana
14. External occipital protuberance
15. Foramen lacerum
16. Foramen magnum
17. Foramen ovale
18. Foramen spinosum
19. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
20. Groove for auditory tube
21. Maxilla
22. Medial pterygoid plate
23. Occipital bone
24. Occipital condyle
25. Opening of carotid canal
26. Palatine bone
27. Parietal bone
28. Sphenold bone
29. Styloid process of temporal bone
30. Stylomastoid foramen
31. Temporal bone
32. Temporal process of zygomatic bone
33. Vomer
34. Zygomatic arch
35. Zygomatic bone
36. Zygomatic process of temporal bone

Skull - cranial cavity - Superior

1. Anterior clinoid process

2. Anterior cranial fossa
3. Body of sphenoid bone
4. Cerebellar fossa
5. Cribriform plate
6. Crista galli
7. Dorsum sellae
8. Ethmoid bone
9. Foramen cecum of skull
10. Foramen lacerum
11. Foramen magnum
12. Foramen ovale
13. Foramen rotundum
14. Foramen spinosum
15. Frontal bone
16. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
17. Groove for confluence of sinuses
18. Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
19. Groove for sigmoid sinus
20. Groove for superior petrosal sinus
21. Groove for superior sagittal sinus
22. Groove for transverse sinus
23. Hypoglossal canal
24. Hypophysial fossa
25. Internal acoustic meatus
26. Jugular foramen
27. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
28. Middle cranial fossa
29. Posterior cranial fossa
30. Sella turcica
31. Sphenoid bone
32. Squamous part of temporal bone
33. Superior orbital fissure
34. Temporal bone
Orbit - Anterolateral

1. Anterior ethmoidal foramen

2. Fossa for lacrimal sac
3. Frontal bone
4. Interior orbital fissure
5. Infraorbital canal
6. Infraorbital foramen
7. Lacrimal bone
8. Lacrimal fossa of frontal bone
9. Maxilla
10. Nasal bone
11. Optic canal
12. Orbital part of lesser wing of sphenoid bone
13. Orbital plate of ethmoid bone
14. Orbital process of palatine bone
15. Sphenoid bone
16. Superior orbital fissure
17. Supraorbital notch
18. Zygomatic bone
19. Zygomaticofacial foramen

Ethmoid bone - Superior and posterior

1. Cribriform plate
2. Crista galli
3. Ethmoid bone
4. Ethmoidal cells
5. Middle nasal concha
6. Orbital plate of ethmoid bone
7. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid

Frontal bone - anterior

1. Frontal bone
2. Orbital surface of frontal bone
3. Supraorbital margin
4. Supraorbital notch
Mandible - Lateral

1. Alveolar process of mandible

2. Angle of mandible
3. Body of mandible
4. Condylar process of mandible
5. Coronoid process of mandible
6. Head of mandible
7. Mandible
8. Coronoid
9. process of mandible
10. Head of mandible
11. Mandible
12. Mandibular foramen
13. Mandibular notch
14. Mandibular teeth
15. Mental foramen

Maxilla - Medial and lateral

1. Anterior nasal spine

2. Incisive canal
3. Maxilla
4. Maxillary sinus
5. Maxillary teeth
6. Orbital surface of maxilla
7. Palatine process of maxilla

Occipital bone - Superior and Inferior

1. Basilar part of occipital bone

2. Cerebellar fossa
3. External occipital protuberance
4. Foramen magnum
5. Groove for superior sagittal sinus
6. Groove for transverse sinus
7. Internal occipital crest
8. Foramen magnum
9. Groove for superior sagittal sinus
10. Groove for transverse sinus
11. Internal occipital crest
12. Internal occipital protuberance
13. Occipital bone
14. Occipital condyle
Parietal bone - lateral

1. Parietal bone

Sphenoid bone - superior and posterior

2. Anterior clinoid process

3. Body of sphenoid bone
4. Dorsum sellae
5. Foramen ovale
6. Foramen rotundum
7. Foramen spinosum
8. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
9. Hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
10. Hypophysial fossa
11. Lateral pterygoid plate
12. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
13. Medial pterygoid plate
14. Optic canal
15. Pterygoid canal
16. Pterygoid canal
17. Sella turcica
18. Sphenoid bone
19. Superior orbital fissure

Temporal bone - medial and lateral

1. External acoustic meatus

2. Internal acoustic meatus
3. Mandibular fossa
4. Mastoid part of temporal bone
5. Mastoid process
6. Petrous part of temporal bone
7. Squamous part of temporal bone
8. Squamous part of temporal bone
9. Styloid process of temporal bone
10. Temporal bone
11. Tympanic part of temporal bone
12. Zygomatic process of temporal bone
Teeth - Superior and inferior

1. Body of mandible
2. Greater palatine foramen
3. Horizontal plate of palatine bone
4. Incisive fossa
5. Lesser palatine foramen
6. Mandibular canine
7. Mandibular central incisor
8. Mandibular first molar
9. Mandibular first premolar
10. Mandibular lateral incisor
11. Mandibular second molar
12. Mandibular second premolar
13. Mandibular teeth
14. Mandibular third molar
15. Maxillary second premolar
16. Maxillary teeth
17. Maxillary third molar
18. Palatine bone
19. Palatine process of maxilla
20. Pyramidal process of palatine bone
21. Tooth numbers

Hyoid bone - Anterior and lateral

1. Body of hyoid bone

2. Greater horn of hyoid bone
3. Hyoid bone
4. Lesser horn of hyoid bone

Verteral column - anterior, posterior, and lateral

1. Anterior sacral foramen

2. Atlas
3. Axis
4. Cervical curvature
5. Cervical vertebra
6. Coccyx
7. Intervertebral disc
8. Intervertebral foramen
9. Lumbar curvature
10. Lumbar vertebra
11. Median sacral crest
12. Posterior sacral foramen
13. Sacral curvature
14. Sacrum
15. Spinous process
16. Thoracic curvature
17. Thoracic vertebra
18. Transverse process
19. Vertebra prominens
Cervical vertebra - Superior and lateral

1. Body of cervical vertebra

2. Cervical vertebra
3. Inferior articular process of cervical vertebra
4. Lamina of cervical vertebra
5. Pedicle of cervical vertebra
6. Spinous process of cervical vertebra
7. Superior articular facet of cervical vertebra
8. Superior articular process of cervical vertebra
9. Transverse foramen of cervical vertebra
10. Transverse process of cervical vertebra
11. Vertebral foramen of cervical vertebra

Atlas (C1 vertebra) - Superior

1. Anterior arch of atias

2. Anterior tubercle of atlas
3. Atlas
4. Lateral mass of atlas
5. Posterior arch of atlas
6. Posterior tubercle of atlas
7. Superior articular facet of atlas
8. Lateral mass of atlas
9. Posterior arch of atlas
10. Posterior tubercle of atlas
11. Superior articular facet of atlas
12. Transverse foramen of atlas
13. Transverse process of atlas
14. Vertebral foramen of atlas

Axis (C2 vertebra) - Posterosuperior

1. Axis
2. Body of axis
3. Dens
4. Inferior articular process of axis
5. Lamina of axis
6. Pedicle of axis
7. Spinous process of axis
8. Lamina of axis
9. Pedicle of axis
10. Spinous process of axis
11. Superior articular facet of axis
12. Transverse foramen of axis
13. Transverse process of axis
14. Vertebral foramen of axis
Thoracic vertebra - Superior and lateral

1. Body of thoracic vertebra

2. Inferior costal facet of thoracic vertebra
3. Lamina of thoracic vertebra
4. Pedicle of thoracic vertebra
5. Spinous process of thoracic vertebra
6. Superior articular facet of thoracic vertebra
7. Superior articular process of thoracic vertebra
8. Superior costal facet of thoracic vertebra
9. Thoracic vertebra
10. Transverse costal facet of thoracic vertebra
11. Transverse process of thoracic vertebra
12. Vertebral foramen of thoracic vertebra

Lumbar vertebra - Superior and lateral

1. Body of lumbar vertebra

2. Inferior articular process of lumbar vertebra
3. Lamina of lumbar vertebra
4. Lumbar vertebra
5. Pedicle of lumbar vertebra
6. Spinous process of lumbar vertebra
7. Superior articular process of lumbar vertebra
8. Transverse process of lumbar vertebra
9. Vertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra

Saccrum and cocyx - Anterior and posterior

1. Ala of sacrum
2. Anterior sacral foramen
3. Auricular surface of sacrum
4. Coccygeal cornu
5. Coccyx
6. Median sacral crest
7. Posterior sacral foramen
8. Promontory of sacrum
9. Sacral cornual
10. Sacral hiatus
11. Sacrum
12. Superior articular process of sacrum
13. Transverse process of coccyx
Thoracic cage - anterior

1. Body of sternum
2. Cervical vertebra
3. Costal cartilages
4. False ribs
5. Floating ribs
6. Jugular notch of sternum
7. Lumbar vertebra
8. Manubrium
9. Rib 1
10. Ribs
11. Sternal angle
12. Sternum
13. Thoracic cage
14. Thoracic vertebra
15. Sternal angle
16. Sternum
17. Thoracic cage
18. Thoracic vertebra
19. True ribs
20. Xiphoid process

Clavicle - Superior and inferior

1. Acromial end of clavicle

2. Clavicle
3. Conoid tubercle
4. Sternal end of clavicle

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