Label (Upper Limb Bone)

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Label the diagram below:

1. Acromion process
2. Scapular notch
3. .
4. Superior angle
5. Subscapular fossa
6. Medial border
7. Inferior angle
8. Lateral border
9. Supraglenoid fossa
10. Supraspinous fossa
11. Spine of scapula
12. Infraspinous fossa
13. .
14. Caracoid process
15. Acromion process
16. .
17. Lateral border


Subclavian groove

Costal Tuberosity

Conoid tubercle Trapezoid Ridge


1. Radial groove
2. Greater tubercle
3. Intertubercular (bicipital) groove
4. Olecranon fossa
5. Surgical neck
6. Head
7. Deltoid Tuberosity
8. Medial supracondylar ridge
9. Lateral epicondyle
10. Medial epicondyle
11. Anatomical neck
12. Lesser tubercle
13. Trochlea
14. Lateral supracondylar ridge
15. Capitulum
16. Radial fossa
17. Coronoid fossa
Radius Ulna

1. Ulnar notch of radius

2. Styloid process of radius
3. Styloid process of ulna
4. Head of ulna
5. Neck
6. Head of Radius
7. Olecranon
8. Coronoid process
9. .
10. Radial tuberosity
11. Trochlear (semilunar) notch
12. Radial notch
13. Proximal Radioulnar joint
A. Trapezium
B. Trapezoid
C. Scaphoid
D. Lunate
E. Triquetrum
F. Pisiform
G. Capitate
H. Hamate

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