Master Copy of Saad Othman JSA
Master Copy of Saad Othman JSA
Master Copy of Saad Othman JSA
JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members)
Area: 32C14 Job Description: Entry into confined space for lamination activty by JSA number : EDC-SAO-TA-2022- Requester name: SAO
COLUMN grinding, cutting and using Hand Tools.( 32C14 COLUMN) XXX
Job Location: PKN CL/EDC Mention Applicable Procedures: CGPE-046, SMP-SE-022, SHEM-08.09, SHEM-08.06, SHEM-08.07, SHEM-08.08
Team Leader: Dept: Use additional sheets if necessary.
Attachments: Yes / No If Yes state number of pages:
Name & ID: Date: 10-Jan-2022
Remaining Risk Level
No. Job Steps Potential Hazards Risk Level Steps to Reduce Hazard
1 Preparation of cables, 1.1 Un-inspected, uncertified 1.1.1 Verify equipment inspection Sticker is valid. Ensure GIN
shifting of tools & tools and equipment / wheel and manila rope are also inspected.
materials manualy. incompetent personnel.
Using GIN wheel and Defective grinder and cables/ 1.1.2 Ensure the power outlet for using grinder is inspected
manila rope for shifting extensions cables that could and approved by PK electrical focal.
of materials lead to personal injury.
1.2.1 Check portable grinder and its cable, switches are in safe
condition, use checklist (SHEM 08.07), verify dead man switch.
1.2 Improper secure oof power 1.2.1 Ensure cables are properly routed and not touching any
cables may lead to personal metal or wet or hot surface C3 L5
injury. C3 L4 (Minor) (Insignificant)
1.3 Improper secure of 1.3.1 Ensure that always wear P.P.ES like disposable coverall,
lamination materials, grinder, rubber goves and full face respirator while doing FRP
hand tools. lamination.
C3 L5
C3 L4 (Minor)
1.3.2The neck portion shall be covered properly with coverall/ apron.
Classification: Internal Use #
1.4 Falling from height. 1.4.1 Never move open edges without guardrails. Whenever
extending body parts or overreaching out of handrail to
secure hose or shift material from platform above 1.8mtr,
always maintain 100% Tie off.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5
1.4.2 Always maintain 3-point contact on fix ladder and (Insignificant)
scaffold ladder.
1.5 Un-organized materials 1.5.1 Conduct proper housekeeping by arranging the cables,
that can cause slip, trip and C5 L4 hoses, tools and equipments away from the access. C5 L5
falls. (Insignificant) (Insignificant)
1.6 Falling of gin wheel pulley, 1.6.1 Ensure to inspect the gin wheel visually prior to each use
objects / material while and remove it from service if found any damage. Authorized
installation / using. rigger shall inspect the full set up of GIN Wheel installation
and rigging set up prior to allow workers for shifting the
1.6.2 Ensure the third party certificate for the gin wheel is
available and it's validity.
1.6.4 Ensure the maximum load shall not exceed more than
10kg. C3 L5
C3 L4 (Minor)
1.7 Slip, trip and fall from 1.7.1 always hold hand rails while ascending & descending the
stairs. stairs. Avoid carrying materials in hands, use shoulder bags if
C5 L4 required. Visualy inspect the gratings.and other walking C5 L5
(Insignificant) platform (Insignificant)
Classification: Internal Use #
2 Personal entry in 2.1 Atmospheric Hazard C2 L4 (Significant) 2.1.1 Tool Box Meeting between Entry Supervisor and his C2 L5 (Minor)
Column from Bottom (Oxygen deficiency, hazardous crew to describe the activity associated hazards and rescue
manway (1st level). For gas (Chlorine). plan. Attach COVID-19 Sabic guide lines for confined space
lamination activty by and comply.
grinding, cutting, using
Hand Tools (Using
scaffolding 2.1.2 Verify Blinding, proper decontamination and
approximately 10 Depressurization.
2.1.3 Ensure mechanical ventilation (Air mover) is provided
and grounded all the time. Provide black or green color hose
for ventilation..
2.2 Poor Illumination that 2.2.1 Adequate 24V lighting shall be provided. The lighting
could lead to personal Injury. equipment (intrinsically & explosion proof type) shall be used.
Additional PKN approved flash lights shall be provided with
atleast one entrantand stand by man.
C5 L4 C5 L5
(Insignificant) 2.2.2 Damaged/frayed Flexible cords/cables/wires shall not be
used. Cords should be inspected before each use. Flexible
cords shall be used only in continuous lengths without splice
or tape.
2.3 Slipping/tripping hazard 2.3.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance of
that could lead to personal confined space and do not stock material, use the strap
injury. method to hold the required cables away from entrance.
C5 L4 C5 L5
(Insignificant) (Insignificant)
2.3.2 Proper housekeeping during and after the job
2.4 Improper communication 2.4.1 Stand by man shall establish eye to eye contact with
lead to personnel injury. entrants.
C5 L4 2.4.2 Standby man must have emergency air horn & SCBA. C5 L5
(Insignificant) (Insignificant)
2.4.3 Proper supervision is required to monitor the activity all
the time.
2.5 Electrical/ static hazard 2.5.1 Ensure that all electrical cords do not touch any hot
that could lead to personal surface/ water.
2.5.2 All power tools shall be double insulated and should be
protected with GFCI. C3 L5
C3 L4 (Minor)
2.5.3 Electrical cables shall be routed without touching metal
parts or Column. Use insulated padding or insulated hangers.
2.6 Un-organized materials 2.6.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance of
that can cause slip, trip and confined space and do not stock material, use the strap
falls. method to hold the required cables away from entrance.
C5 L4
2.6.2 Conduct housekeeping by arranging the cables & tools
away from the access.
Classification: Internal Use #
2.7 Falling due to improper 2.7.1 Ensure proper access to enter confined space, organize
access / scaffoldings. 1 meter hoses to avoid slip, trip & fall.
2.7.2 Prior to use the scaffolds ensure that it is being
inspected and signed and it has a green tag stating that it is
safe to use.
2.8 Falling debris, tools and/or 2.8.1 Ensure that toe board on the working platform is
materials from height. properly installed.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5
2.9 Residual Chlorine. (may 2.9.1 Ensure 0%LEL and 0 ppm for toxic gas. Ensure ventilation
lead to health hazard) as per Ventilation Plan.
2.10 Improper ventilation 2.10.1 Ensure approved ventilation plan and implemented in
field. Provide Air movers as per approved ventilation plan.
C3 L4 (Minor) C3 L5 (Insignificant)
2.10.3 Ensure the ventilation hose is connected by
experienced personnel and verified by execution Supervisor.
2.12 Packing materials block 2.12.1 Removal of packing materials from confined space shall
manway/evacuation access be organized in parallel with the removal outside the confined
space. Ensure to clear the access around the manway to avoid C3 L5
C3 L4 (Minor) any slip, trip, fall, obstruction and emergency evacuation.
3.1.2 Gringding tools must have proper guards correctly fitted and grinder
handle attached.
3.1.3 Ensure ventillation for the hot work activity as per SHEM 08.10 to
prevent the accumulation of fumes inside the confined space.
C3 L4 (Minor) 3.1.4 Grinder cables shall secured properly to avoid tri[ and getting injured C3 L5
by grinder. (Insignificant)
3.1.7 Make sure the area is well covered and ventillated to prevent dust
fron engaging to other area. Grinding on metal or non- FRP surface shall
be clean manually by hand tools.
3.4 Slip, trip, fall 3.4.1 Stack the material properly. Ensure to clear the access
around the manway and other access at ground level to avoid
C3 L5
C3 L3 (Significant) any slip, trip, fall, obstruction and emergency evacuation. (Insignificant)
3.5 Ergonomics hazard due to 3.5.1 Ensure right posture while shoveling and avoid twisting
shovel activity ( repeatative C4 L4 the body. Ensure additional manpower for the rotation of the C4 L5
action). (Insignificant) acitvity. (Insignificant)
3.6 Accumulation Of Grinding C3L4(Minor) 3.5.1 Gas testing shall be conducted to ensure that there is no C3 L5
Fumes Inside Confined Space presence of flammable liquid/gas and it shall be 0 % LEL. If (Insignificant)
observe any LEL presence stop immediately and report to
operation since hydrogen is highly flammable.
3.5.2 Fire blanket shall be provided during hot work activity.
3.7 Non-complaince to SMP- C3 L4 (Minor) 3.7.1 Comply with SMP-SE-032 for related activities step by C3 L5
SE-032 step to comply LSR rule#1 (Insignificant)
Classification: Internal Use #
4 Performing lamination 4.1 Defective hand tools that 4.1.1 Ensure the hand tools are visually inspected by
activity using hand could lead to personal injury. supervisor prior to use.
spanners, pipe wrench, 4.1.2 Any defective and fabricated hand tools shall not be use.
Hammer spanner, C3 L4 (Minor) Ensure chute is not fabricated type.
C3 L5
Hacksaw blade, hole (Insignificant)
bari, Alignment pin,
flange opener, 4.1.3 Ensure the chute arrangement and collection set up is
scrapper) secured and fit for the activity.
4.2 Improper 4.2.1 The Anchorage point for securing Gin Wheel (Scaffold)
anchorage/rigging tools may shall be inspected by authorized rigger and job supervisor.
lead to fall of load.
4.3 Personnel injury due to 4.3.1 Ensure proper manual handling technics is being
unproper manual handling followed. Never lift more 23kg per person. Ensure proper
4.4 Pinch pint/Sharp objects 4.4.1 Watch the hand placement. Protect the sharp objects
with softener/packing.
C4 L3 (Minor) C4 L5
4.4.3 Rigger shall never positioned in between stationary (Insignificant)
structure and moving load during movement of load,instead
use taglines and additional riggers.
4.5.2 Ensure the third party certificate for the Gin Wheel is
available and it's validity.
4.5.3 Ensure the maximum load shall not exceed more than
Safe Work load capacity.
C3 L5
C3 L4 (Minor)
4.5.4 Ensure firm grip and use proper hand gloves. (Insignificant)
4.6 Hitting scaffold / or near by 4.6.1 Ensure the load movement is controlled by adequate
C3 L4 (Minor)
riggers and tag lines. Load shall be moved out proper C4 L5
communicationand low pace. (Insignificant)
4.7 Dust hazard 4.7.1. Wear dust mask 3M 8812 or respiratory protection as
C5 L4 mentioned in the work permit. C4 L5
(Insignificant) (Insignificant)
4.8 Slip/trip/fall 4.8.1 Ensure the house keeping during the work. Clean all
1- Team Leader (PK maintenance / execution Supervisor): I 5-Approved by Maintenance \Technical Manager
have led the JSA team during the preparation phase and I have
agreed to the highlighted risks, mitigation actions and listed
steps of this JSA
NAME & ID : John Rey A. Abarca DEPT: EHSS NAME & ID : DEPT:
NAME & ID : DEPT: 7-Approved by Department Sr. Manager: (Only required if any of the remaining risks is higher than
Insignificant )