The Seventh House in Astrology

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The Seventh House in Astrology

stargazer April 12, 2020

Life can be lonely from time to time. It’s much better to have someone to talk to, have fun
with and who will hold you while you are sleeping. A person you can count on, someone
who will stay with you no matter what and love you just like you need it.

The perfect partner unfortunately doesn’t exist, but you can still be happy with someone
near perfect.

This is when the story of the seventh house in astrology kicks in. Your marriage and
committed relationships are all described by the seventh house in the natal chart.

What does the Seventh House represent in astrology?

There are many life areas associated with the seventh house in astrology, but most of
them revolve around various one-on-one relationships.

The seventh house is the house of all partnerships. The two main life areas included are
marriage and business partnerships here.

But the seventh house is not limited to romantic partnerships. It also governs business
cooperation. Whether you would be better off doing business on your own or joining
forces with someone, the seventh house will tell you.

The seventh house rules all things legal. An emphasized seventh house or Libra can
indicate law as a profession (an emphasized ninth house, too). This house can give advice
on whether you should settle a quarrel in the court or it would be a better choice to solve it
out of court. It determines your luck in this aspect.

The seventh house governs all contracts, agreements, settlements and so on. If this house
is well-aspected, it can give you luck in the court and legal matters. Divorce is also a
seventh-house matter in astrology.

The seventh house is also the house of publicity. It reflects your approach to public
relationships and to social events. This house is responsible for open enemies. This
sounds scary, but if you think about it, it’s much better to know who wants to harm you
than the hidden enemies of the twelfth house in astrology.

Besides your spouse, the parents of your 4th house parent are also described by the
seventh house in astrology.

Why Is the Seventh House Important in the Natal Chart?

There are some extremely important points in the natal chart that have great influence
over the whole chart (and reflect in your personality!). These include the angles: the
ascendant-descendant and Midheaven-Nadir axes.

The houses whose cusp is an angle are very important. They are called angular houses and
planets here manifest in the physical world, they are very powerful. Angular houses
include the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses of the natal chart.

Because of this, the seventh house is a very powerful house. It’s cusp is the Descendant,
the point opposite of the ascendant. It shows qualities you should encourage in yourself.
The seventh house tells you your attitude towards other people (and what you can learn
from them).

What Is the Descendant In Astrology?

Ever heard that opposites attract?

There’s a simple explanation for this in astrology. It’s about the ascendant-descendant
polarities and the seventh house of relationships. As mentioned before, the descendant is
the cusp of the seventh house.

The sign on the Descendant represents the qualities you identify the least with. You are
attracted to people who embody the traits of this sign, but it’s important to know that they
are present in you, too. This sign also shows how you perceive this person.

For example, someone with Leo on the cusp of the seventh house is attracted to people
who are generous, love attention and self-confident. On the other hand, they probably
find the negative traits of Leo VERY annoying (vain, boastful, childish). But the truth is,
the sign on the descendant is a big part of you, it’s just hidden.

You can say that Descendant is your shadow side. This is true even literally, because the
sign on the Descendant was descending on the Western horizon at the moment of your
birth. This sign is the furthest from you, and you find it hard to identify with it.

Nevertheless, you could recognize its qualities in yourself, too, but we usually experience
this sign through relationships with other people. If you are truly neutral towards
something, it will never bother you. If it drives you crazy, it’s actually a part of your own
personality that drives you crazy, not the other person.

We find it easier to project it on others and blame them for what we dislike. Recognizing
this gives you back the power of your life. If you change your attitude, people around you
will change, too.

The House of Venus and the Scales

Venus is the planet of love and beauty in astrology. It rules two signs, Taurus (diurnal
Venus) and Libra (nocturnal Venus)—and Venus has two houses, too! The second and
seventh house in the natal chart are both governed by Venus. This planet wants beauty,
charm and harmony. The polar opposite of Mars, the planet of war and violence, Venus is
all about peace. Those born under Libra reflect this quality, and they have good
diplomatic skills and make excellent negotiators.

The seventh house is the first house of the chart’s upper hemisphere. The least six houses
show your approach to people around you, while the first six houses were the personal

The seventh house in astrology is the house of Libra. The most important lesson here is
cooperation. Libra wants balance and harmony. It’s associated with the seventh house
because they are both about connecting with others and sustaining harmonious

The seventh house serves as a way to identify with others. As the opposite house of the
first (which is the house of self), the seventh house is about the perspective of the other
person. To maintain a relationship for a long time, it’s essential to understand where the
other person is coming from and put yourself in their shoes.

It also helps you to evolve and grow as a person. All relationships teach us something
about ourselves.

Fifth House Romance vs. Seventh House Relationship in the Birth

It’s important to understand the difference between the fifth house and the seventh house
in astrology. Both are related to your love life, but in different ways.

The fifth house is the house of fun above all. In ideal case, when you meet someone, you
don’t want to get married immediately. You want to have a good time, laugh A LOT and
see if you get along with the other person well. If you do, you want to spend more time
together. Between the dates, you are looking forward to see each other and enjoy the rush
you get from the butterflies in your stomach.

If you realize that you don’t like this person or simply the fun has disappeared, you walk
away any time with no legal consequences.

Or over time, you might recognize that you like them much and you could spend A LOT of
time with this person. This is when things evolve into a relationship and you go from the
fifth to the seventh house in astrology.

The seventh house is the house of committed relationships. You don’t necessarily have to
be married to a person for them to belong to your seventh house, but this is not about just
seeing each other anymore.

If you get married to someone, then it’s definitely a seventh house matter in astrology.

What if the 7th house is empty?
No planets in the seventh house? Does this mean something bad?

There are some empty houses in every single chart. There are twelve houses and ten
planets, so no matter how hard you try to put a planet in each houses, two houses will
always be empty. Period. But most often, there are 4, 5, or even 6 or 7 empty houses in the
natal chart!

However, an unoccupied house doesn’t mean that you will never experience the
corresponding life areas. Don’t worry, there are a lot of people with perfectly empty
seventh houses and they are still happily married.

How To Meet Your Partner with the Seventh House in Astrology

There is plenty of information about your partner hidden in the seventh house in the natal
chart. Things you should pay attention to: the sign on the cusp, the planetary ruler of this
sign, its aspects and if there are planets plus the aspects of planets in the seventh house.
Don’t worry if this sounds confusing, here’s how to do it step by step.

First of all, check the sign on the cusp. This sign is the polar opposite of your rising sign.
Here’s a list of the corresponding descendant sign to each rising sign:

Aries rising: Libra (planetary ruler: Venus)

Taurus rising: Scorpio (planetary ruler: Pluto)
Gemini rising: Sagittarius (planetary ruler: Jupiter)
Cancer rising: Capricorn (planetary ruler: Saturn)
Leo rising: Aquarius (planetary ruler: Uranus)
Virgo rising: Pisces (planetary ruler: Neptune)
Libra rising: Aries (planetary ruler: Mars)
Scorpio rising: Taurus (planetary ruler: Venus)
Sagittarius rising: Gemini (planetary ruler: Mercury)
Capricorn rising: Cancer (planetary ruler: Moon)
Aquarius rising: Leo (planetary ruler: Sun)
Pisces rising: Virgo (planetary ruler: Mercury).

The sign on the cusp of the seventh house shows your approach to marriage, the kind of
person you attract and are attracted to and what you seek in a relationship.

Next, find the planetary ruler of the sign on the descendant. It’s the planet in the brackets
after the zodiac signs. Find this planet in your natal chart and pay attention to its position
both by sign and house. Check if it’s in a good dignity, it’s aspects with the rest of the
chart. The house it is located in tells you what matters do relationships serve in your life.
For example, someone with the ruler in the second house might actually marry for money!

The house of the ruler tells how you will meet your partner. For example, the planetary
ruler in the ninth house hints that you could meet your partner while traveling abroad,
through religion or simply in college! If the ruler is placed in the sixth house, you could

meet though work or some activity related to health (he even might be a physician).


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