p.2 Primary Two Cre Notes Teacher - Ac
p.2 Primary Two Cre Notes Teacher - Ac
p.2 Primary Two Cre Notes Teacher - Ac
a) Father
b) Mother
c) Children
God’s message
Children and parents Ephesians 6–4
Matthew 14:15-21
Galatians 5:3 – 14
Story of a Good Samaritan Luke 10:25 – 37
A neighbour
A neighbour is a person who stays near you. You should love your neighbour
as you love yourself. Gal. 5:13 – 14
Ways in which we can respect and care for our neighbours.
- Loving them
- Caring for them
- Helping them
- Sharing with them
- Praying for them
- Greeting them
- Co-operating with them
A community
A community is a group of people living and working together.
People found in the community.
a) Local leaders/local council members (LCs)
b) Local defence units (LDU)
c) Police officers
d) Religious leaders e.g. pastors, sheikhs, bishops, etc
e) Elders
f) Youths
g) Teachers
h) Doctors
Roles of people in the community
a) Local leaders/local council members
- To implement government policies
- To settle disputes
b) Police officers and LDUs
- To keep law and order
- Arrest wrong doers/law breakers
c) Religious leaders
- Preach the word of Allah/God
- Guide and counsel people
d) Elders
- Guide and counsel people
- Discipline those who misbehave
God’s message
- Lame people
- Children
- Pregnant women
- Blind people
- Sick people
- Elderly
- Deaf people etc…
God’s message
a) Reverends
b) Pastors
c) Priests
d) Ushers
e) Bishops
f) Nuns
g) Monks
God’s message
God’s message
God’s family
a) Through baptism
Boys Girls
David Susan
Peter Diana
John Resty
Paul Catherine
Jacob Annet
Tom Stella
God’s message: Matthew 1: 1 - 16
Jesus’ baptism
God’s message
Jacob goes to Egypt Matthew 3:13 – 14
Types of prayer
Lord’s prayer
- Through singing
- Through reading the bible
- Through praising
- Through worshipping
- It guides people
- It helps us to know more about God.
- It restores our souls
- It promotes good morals in the community
- It gives us wisdom
Stages of creation
4th day light and darkness i.e. moon, sun and stars
Living things
- Plants
- Birds
- Animals
- Insects
- People
Nonliving things
- Stones
- Soil
- Rocks
- Mountains
- Lakes
a) Plants
- They give us food
- They provide shade
- They provide shelter to animals and insects
b) Animals
- They provide food
- They provide skins and hides
- They provide manure
- They provide transport
c) Water
- It provides transport
- It is a home for aquatic life e.g. fish, crocodile
- It provides food e.g. fish
- It provides sand
- Human beings were created in God’s image but other creatures were
- Human beings have free will but other creatures do not.
- Human beings have control over other creatures.
- Human beings have knowledge and wisdoms but others don’t have.
- Human beings differentiate between good and bad but others don’t.
- By watering plants
- By feeding animals
- By conserving the environment
- By weeding
- By thinning
- By pruning
God’s message
Story of creation Genesis 1:1 – 31
Adam and Eve Genesis 1:1 – 31
What is honesty?
The word honesty refers to telling the truth. Honesty comes from another word
What id honest?
A honest person is someone who tells the truth. The opposite of honesty is
The Lord was happy with Abel’s offering but not with Cain’s.
She produced twin boys, Esau and his young brother Jacob.
Isaac grew very old and wanted to bless his first born son Esau.
- To have friends
- To be trusted
- To be happy
- To have peace of mind
- To be employed at home
- To please God
- By stealing
- By not sharing
- By abusing
- By teasing
Effects of dishonesty
- Quarrels
- Trauma
- Loneliness
- Fights
- Homeless
- Death
- Conflicts
- Lame
- School drop out
- Loss of jobs
The poor old widow had debts and creditors wanted to take her only sons as
The widow sold the oil and paid all the debts.
Draw the old widow filling the many jars oil.
- By helping
- By sharing
- By directing
- By praying for the sick
- By caring for others.
God gave us his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to protect us from doing bad
things and also forgiving us our wrongs.
Christians remember the birth of Jesus on every 25th of December of the year
and that day is called Christmas.
God wants us to behave well in order to live happily like Jesus Christ.
- To promote love
- To promote friendship
- To promote unity
- To please God
- To get blessings
Examples of gifts
- Christmas cards
- Money
- Shoes
- Watch
- Milk
- Clothes
- To show love
- To keep good relationships
- To make friends
- To make others happy
- To appreciate others
- We give gifts to the needy people
God gave us His Holy son, Jesus Christ, to protect us from doing bad things.
Christians remember the birth of Jesus on every 25th of December. That day is
call Christmas day.