p.2 Primary Two Cre Notes Teacher - Ac

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P.2 C.R.



SUBTHEME: My home and community
A home is a place where people or animals live.

People found at home.

a) Father
b) Mother
c) Children

Roles of people found at home

a) Father
- A father heads a family.
- A father provides essential needs for his family.
- A father provides love and security.
- A father disciplines children who misbehave.
- A father buys food for the family.
- A father pays school fees.
- A father takes children to school.
b) Mother
- A mother cooks food
- A mother cares for children.
- A mother disciplines children.
- A mother buys food.
- A mother pays school fees.
- A mother takes children for immunization.
c) Children
- Children help in cooking.
- Children was utensils
- Children fetch water
- Children sweep the compound
- Children carry babies.
- Children obey and listen to elders.

God’s message
Children and parents Ephesians 6–4
Matthew 14:15-21
Galatians 5:3 – 14
Story of a Good Samaritan Luke 10:25 – 37

A neighbour
A neighbour is a person who stays near you. You should love your neighbour
as you love yourself. Gal. 5:13 – 14
Ways in which we can respect and care for our neighbours.
- Loving them
- Caring for them
- Helping them
- Sharing with them
- Praying for them
- Greeting them
- Co-operating with them
A community
A community is a group of people living and working together.
People found in the community.
a) Local leaders/local council members (LCs)
b) Local defence units (LDU)
c) Police officers
d) Religious leaders e.g. pastors, sheikhs, bishops, etc
e) Elders
f) Youths
g) Teachers
h) Doctors
Roles of people in the community
a) Local leaders/local council members
- To implement government policies
- To settle disputes
b) Police officers and LDUs
- To keep law and order
- Arrest wrong doers/law breakers
c) Religious leaders
- Preach the word of Allah/God
- Guide and counsel people
d) Elders
- Guide and counsel people
- Discipline those who misbehave

God’s message

The parable of the unmerciful servant (Matthew 18: 21 – 22)

People who need help (needy people)

- Lame people
- Children
- Pregnant women
- Blind people
- Sick people
- Elderly
- Deaf people etc…

God’s message

Jacob goes to Egypt Genesis 47: 1 -12

Galatians 5:13 – 14
Is a place of worship.

People found in the church

a) Reverends
b) Pastors
c) Priests
d) Ushers
e) Bishops
f) Nuns
g) Monks

Roles of people found in the church

a) Priests, reverends, bishops, pastor

- They preach the word of God
- They guide and counsel people
b) Nuns, monks and ushers
- They help in church

God’s message

A song of ascent of David Psalms 136:1

God’s love through the church family.

Ways of showing God’s love

- Through praying for the sick

- Through teaching the word of God
- Through sharing
- Through giving things to the needy people
- Through working together
- Through staying together in harmony

God’s message

Jesus feeding 5000 people Matthew 47: 1 – 12

Aeneas and Dorcus acts 5:13 – 14

God’s family

How we became members of God’s family.

a) Through baptism

When we are baptized, we get Christian/religious names. For example

Boys Girls
David Susan
Peter Diana
John Resty
Paul Catherine
Jacob Annet
Tom Stella
God’s message: Matthew 1: 1 - 16

Jesus’ baptism

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in river Jordan.

Events of Jesus’ baptism

- The heaven was open to him.

- The spirit of God came to him in form of a dove.
- The voice of God spoke.

God’s message
Jacob goes to Egypt Matthew 3:13 – 14


A prayer is a way of communicating or talking to God.

Types of prayer

- Thanks giving prayer

- Prayer for the dead
- Prayer for the sick
- Prayer for dedicating children
- Prayer for war
- Prayer for protection
- Prayer for wisdom
- Prayer for provision

Lord’s prayer

Our father who art in heaven

May your holy name be honoured
May your kingdom come
May your will be done on earth
As it is in heaven
Give us today the food we need
Forgive us the wrongs that others have done to us
Do not bring us hard testing but keep us from evil
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
Forever and ever amen
Luke 11: 2 – 4
Importance of prayer

Why do people pray?

- To ask for forgiveness

- To talk to God
- To repent
- To thank God
- To worship God
- To praise God
- To ask for our needs

Ways of praying or communicating to God

- Through singing
- Through reading the bible
- Through praising
- Through worshipping


A bible is a holy book for Christians

Importance of God’s word to Christians

- It guides people
- It helps us to know more about God.
- It restores our souls
- It promotes good morals in the community
- It gives us wisdom


Stages of creation

1st day God created day and night

2nd day sky

3rd day earth, sea and plants

4th day light and darkness i.e. moon, sun and stars

5th day sea/water creatures and birds

6th day man (in God’s image)

7th day God rested

Living and nonliving things in God’s

Living things

- Plants
- Birds
- Animals
- Insects
- People

Nonliving things

- Stones
- Soil
- Rocks
- Mountains
- Lakes

Importance of God’s creation

a) Plants
- They give us food
- They provide shade
- They provide shelter to animals and insects
b) Animals
- They provide food
- They provide skins and hides
- They provide manure
- They provide transport
c) Water
- It provides transport
- It is a home for aquatic life e.g. fish, crocodile
- It provides food e.g. fish
- It provides sand

Comparing human beings with other creations

- Human beings were created in God’s image but other creatures were
- Human beings have free will but other creatures do not.
- Human beings have control over other creatures.
- Human beings have knowledge and wisdoms but others don’t have.
- Human beings differentiate between good and bad but others don’t.

Ways of caring for God’s creation

- By watering plants
- By feeding animals
- By conserving the environment
- By weeding
- By thinning
- By pruning

God’s message
Story of creation Genesis 1:1 – 31
Adam and Eve Genesis 1:1 – 31

How to use God’s creation (environment)

- We use flowers for decoration
- We use trees to make furniture
- We use plants to get food. Shelter, firewood, shade, etc
- We use water for washing, transport, drinking, bathing and cooking
- We use some plants to make crafts
Knowing Jesus our friend
How was Jesus our friend?


Learning Outcome: The child understands and appreciates the

concepts and values of “Honesty and fairness.

Honesty and fairness

What is honesty?

The word honesty refers to telling the truth. Honesty comes from another word

What id honest?

It means being truthful, direct and open

Who is a honest person?

A honest person is someone who tells the truth. The opposite of honesty is

Who is a dishonest person?

It means someone you cannot trust.

Examples of dishonesty amongst people.

- Stealing other people’s property.

- Lying to others
- Forging statements
- Selling expired things
- Not keeping time as required
- Not fulfilling promises
- Intending to trick others into doing wrong

How dishonesty brings conflict

The story of Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve.

Cain grew crops and Abel kept flocks.

Cain and Abel gave offerings to God.

The Lord was happy with Abel’s offering but not with Cain’s.

Cain became jealousy and killed Abel.

The Lord cursed Cain.

What do we learn from this story?

- To love one another
- To forgive
- Not to kill
- To be honest
- To be fair

The story of Jacob and Rebecca

Rebecca was the wife of Isaac.

She produced twin boys, Esau and his young brother Jacob.

Isaac loved Esau but Rebecca loved Jacob.

Isaac grew very old and wanted to bless his first born son Esau.

Rebecca and Jacob lied (deceived) Isaac.

Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau.

Rebecca and Jacob were not honest and fair.

Esau became angry and wanted to kill Jacob.

What does the story teach us?

- To be honest and fair.

- To forgive those who wrong us.

Story of Esau and Jacob.

Esau and Jacob were brothers.

Esau was hardworking and his father loved him so much.

Isaac led to bless Esau.

Jacob stole Esau’s blessing.

He deceived Isaac that he was Esau.

Jacob’s act annoyed Esau. This caused a quarrel between them.


1. What do you learn from the story of Esau and Jacob?

2. Was Jacob fair? Why?

The need for honest and its benefits.

Why should we be honest?

- To have friends
- To be trusted
- To be happy
- To have peace of mind
- To be employed at home
- To please God

Ways of being honest

Refer to Jesus as a honest man

- By telling the truth

- By keeping the promises
- By being faithful
- By being God fearing
- By being responsible
- By being helpful to others
- By sharing equally with others
- By not stealing

Occasions when we need to be fair/honest

Fairness means treating people equally

- When playing games and sports

- When marking examinations
- During elections
- When sharing something
- When giving rewards
- When giving punishments
- When judging the wrong/right

Ways of being unfair and dishonesty

- By stealing
- By not sharing
- By abusing
- By teasing

Effects of dishonesty

- Quarrels
- Trauma
- Loneliness
- Fights
- Homeless
- Death
- Conflicts
- Lame
- School drop out
- Loss of jobs

SUBTHEME: Concerns for others

Learning outcome; The child shows concern for others and appreciates
the importance of kindness and generosity to those in

Concern for others

What is showing concern for others?

- Is feeling sorry and having a wish to help others.

- Is caring for the feelings of others and doing what we can to make
others feel better.

Story of David and Jonathan

Saul was the king of Israel.

Jonathan was the son of Saul.

Jonathan was David’s friend.

David became famous and it annoyed Saul.

King Saul wanted to kill David.

Jonathan showed concern for David by defending him.


1. Who was Saul?

2. Who was the son of Saul?
3. Why was David famous?
4. Why did King Saul want to kill David?

Story of Widow and Elisha

The poor old widow had debts and creditors wanted to take her only sons as

Elisha showed concern for old widow.

He prayed to God and the widow’s little oil multiplied (increased)

The widow sold the oil and paid all the debts.

What do we learn from this story?

- To have trust in God.

- To help those in need.
- God is powerful (performs miracle)
- God provides people’s needs
- We learn to pay our debts

Draw the old widow filling the many jars oil.

Ways of showing concern.

- By helping
- By sharing
- By directing
- By praying for the sick
- By caring for others.

Story of Ruth and Naomi

Naomi was a widow

Her husband and two sons had died

She was left poor and helpless.

Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law

Ruth decided to stay with Naomi for all of her life.


Children will act (dramatise) the story.

Why God gave us the greatest gift?

God gave us his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to protect us from doing bad
things and also forgiving us our wrongs.

Christians remember the birth of Jesus on every 25th of December of the year
and that day is called Christmas.

God wants us to behave well in order to live happily like Jesus Christ.

Question; What happens during Christmas?

The importance of giving to others

- To promote love
- To promote friendship
- To promote unity
- To please God
- To get blessings

Examples of gifts

- Christmas cards
- Money
- Shoes
- Watch
- Milk
- Clothes

Why do we give gifts

- To show love
- To keep good relationships
- To make friends
- To make others happy
- To appreciate others
- We give gifts to the needy people

Importance of giving gifts

- It keeps a good relationship with others

- It shows love
- You make friends
- You make others happy
- You show others appreciate
- You serve the needy people


Learning outcome: The child knows Jesus as God’s greatest gift to us

and appreciates celebrating Christmas.

God’s promise to give us His Son

Draw the pictures of Christmas events

People at church Eating food Father Christmas Gifts

Matthew 1:21

Story of Jesus’ birth

One day, a baby boy was born by the virgin Mary.

The baby was named Jesus Christ.

God gave us His Holy son, Jesus Christ, to protect us from doing bad things.

Christians remember the birth of Jesus on every 25th of December. That day is
call Christmas day.

God gave us Jesus Christ so that we become his friends again.

Refer: MK Standard RE book 2 page 85 – 86.

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