P3 English Lesson Notes Term I - III

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The document discusses different types of nouns such as proper nouns, common nouns, countable nouns, uncountable nouns and collective nouns. It also provides examples for each type of noun.

The different types of nouns discussed are proper nouns, common nouns, countable nouns, uncountable nouns and collective nouns.

Some examples of collective nouns given in the document are: a gang of thieves, a choir of singers, a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, a congregation of worshippers, a bouquet of flowers, a troupe of dancers, a troop of keys, a team of players.



Theme Our sub-county/division
Sub-theme Name and location of our sub-county/division
Content Revision of vocabulary from P.2
Examples of nouns: cupboard , table, book, pencil, tin, etc.
Evaluation activity A noun is a naming word.
Underline nouns in the given sentences
(a) This is a book.
(b) The pencil is very long.
(c) He is a tall man.
(d) I am sitting on the chair
(e) My umbrella is new
(f) The bottle is under the table.
(g) Maria is a fat girl.
(h) Your sweater is torn.
(i) Brenda broke the stick into pieces.
(j) We have done the homework correctly.
Theme Our sub county/Division
Sub-theme Name and location of our subcounty/Division
Content Types of nouns
- Proper nouns
- Common nouns
- Collective nouns
Proper nouns
What are proper nouns?
These are particular names of people, places and things.
Proper nouns begin with capital letters e.g Peter, Tuesday, Wakiso, March, Mr. Mukasa, Kampala,
Evaluation activity etc.
Names of people

Collective nouns
What are collective nouns? A collective noun is a name given to a group or things taken as one
Examples of collective nouns
(a) A gang of thieves
(b) A choir of singers
(c) A herd of cattle
(d) A flock of sheep
(e) A congregation of worshippers
(f) A bouquet of flowers
(g) A troupe of dancers
(h) A troop of keys
(i) A team of players
Activity I Complete the collective nouns below
1. A…………..of ships. (flect, feet)
2. A choir of ……………..(sing, singers)
3. A …………….of firewood (bundle, band)
4. A………………of worshippers (congregation, group)
5. A……………..of flowers. (bundle, bouquet)
Activity 2 Give one word for the underlined group of words
1. The Reverend talked to a group of people in church.
2. My father keeps a group of cattle at home
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3. We kept food for a group of players
4. Daddy gave mummy a group of flowers on Valentine’s Day.
5. A group of singers in our school won the music competitions last week.
Theme Our sub-county/Division.
Sub-theme Name and location of our sub-county/Division.
Content Common nouns
What are common nouns? Common nouns are names given to all people, places and things at same
They can either be plural or singular e.g, (countable nouns and uncountable nouns)
Women , boys , girls, birds , animals, tree, stones, desk, people, sugar, etc.
What are countable nouns?
- These are things which we can count.
Singular plural
Boy boys
Girl girls
Stone stones
Teacher teachers
Desk desks
Monkey monkeys
Donkey donkeys
Countable nouns that take ‘es’ in plural
Singular plural
Church churches
Bench benches
Watch watches
Dish dishes
Match matches
Note: nouns that end with o, x, ch, s, sh take ‘es’ to form their plurals
What are un countable nouns?
- These are things which we cannot count.
Note: they do not change in plural
Soil, sand, water, sugar, paraffin
Give the plural form of the following words
Boy, girl, house, baby, bench
Use the correct form of the word given in the brackets
1. Mummy bought two…………..from the market. (mango)
2. We have twenty………..in our classroom. (bench)
3. ……………depend on milk. (baby)
4. We saw…………….in the forest yesterday. (monkey)
5. I found many……………in the kitchen. (knife)
Complete this table correctly.
Countable nouns Un-countable nouns
1 1
Evaluation activity 2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Theme Our sub-county/Division
Sub-theme Name and location of our subcounty/Division
Content Gender (sex) male and female.
Definition: Gender is a state of being male or female.
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Male (masculine) Female (Feminine)
Man Woman
Husband Wife
Nephew Niece
Monitor Monitress
Widower Widow
Brother-in-law Sister-in-law
Bachelor spinster
Evaluation activity Give the femininenouns forthe underlined words inthe sentences.
(a) That man is tall.
(b) The poet wrote a very long poem.
(c) The waiter is serving us.
(d) My nephew works in a bank.
(e) Her brother in law died yesterday.
(f) Your landlord is very rude.
(g) I hate being a bachelor.
(h) My son is very sick.
(i) The actor wore a nice costume.
(j) The bridegroom is very smart.
Theme Our sub county / division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county or division
Gender(Male and Female)
Content animals and birds
Male Female
Boar(Pig) Sow
Ram(Sheep) Ewe
Drake Duck
Leopad Leopardess
Bull Cow
Buck(Rabbit) Doe
Wolf She-wolf
Tiger Tigress
Billy goat Nanny goat
Bear She bear
Dog Bitch
Give one word for the underlined group of words
1. The male duckquarked loudly
2. The female sheep is noisy today.
3. I saw the male rabbit in the hutch.
4. The male pig is in the sty
5. The female goat has three kids.
6. There is a female lion in the game park.
7. The female bear chased the hyena in the game park
8. The female dog barked loudly last night.

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Articles ‘the’ , ‘a’ and ‘an’
Article ‘a’ is used before nouns that begin with consonants and these nouns must be in singular.
A baby, a monkey, a girl, etc except for the word uniform
Article ‘an’ is used before nouns that being with vowels e.g. an egg, an insect, an owl, an eagle, an
orange etc
Fill in the gapes with ‘a’, or ‘an’
1. There is ……………….umbrella on the table
2. Get me …………….glass of milk.
3. Joel eats…………..egg everyday
4. The supervisors waited for less than………….hour
5. She wants to buy………..ruler and …………..inkpot
6. Sam met them…………year ago.
7. …………..old man was seated next to the door.
Article ‘The’
Article the is used when both on countable and uncountable nouns. It points out nouns that you are
particularly sure of eg.
− Here is the boy who stole my book.
− Has she done all thenumbers.
− Tom took the ruler which was in the desk.

Fill the gaps with ‘a’, ‘an’’ or ‘the’ where necessary.

(a) Can I have ___________ cup of black coffee.
(b) There is a dog in front of__________ old house.
(c) Sam is ____________ smallest boy in our stream.
(d) I saw _________ out in_______________ zoo.
(e) We must help ___________poor and ___________ sick people.
(f) Do you want __________ card and __________ envelope.?
(g) _____________sun rises from the East and sets to_____West.
(h) Kato is __________Ugandan boy.
(i) ________________lion is a wild animal.
(j) I have _______________ uniform in my bag.
Content Arranging word in alphabetical order.
(When the first letter is different)
Vocabulary: Class,tree,lef,stem,root,eye,nose,hand,leg,foot,john,Betty,Dorothy,Annet.
Evaluation activity Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
a. Horse , camel , lion , ox , donkey.
b. Desk , stool , table . bench , chair
c. Woman , boy , girl , man , child.
d. Blue , maroon , grey , red , yellow.
e. Ram , sow , doe , ewe , ape.
f. Volleyball, cricket, hockey, tennis, rugby
g. Mango , orange , pear, lemon , guava.
h. Ruler , duster , chalk , pencil
i. Joan , Alice , Betty , Doreen , Teddy
j. Saucer , cup , jug , plate , bowl

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Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county/division
Content Arranging words in ABC order.
(beginning with the same letters)
e.g bush, bell, bird, band
can , came , cage , cake , case
Evaluation activity Arrange these words in ABC order.
(a) Meat , mask , milk , moon , must
(b) Seed , sand , soap , sing , sunny
(c) Bull , bead , boot , band , bile
(d) Lung , loan , land , leaf , line
(e) Tick , turn , tool , tall , term
(f) Peer , pink , peace , pu , pool
(g) Goal , gear , gate , gun , girl
(h) Ring , road , rack , rung , reed
(i) Doll , duck , deer , dice , date
(j) Bake , bar , base , back , band
Theme Our sub-county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county/division
Content Arranging words in alphabetical order.
(when the first two letters are the same)
e.g blown , blind , blue , black , bleat
Evaluation activity sheep , shell , she
Arrange these words in ABC order.
(a) Cruel , crow , crack , slum , slipper
(b) Flue , fleet , fly , flag , floor
(c) Slow , slap , sleep , slum , slipper
(d) Stem , stole , stamp , stick , stung
(e) Tree , trace , trap , trick , troop
(f) Drum , group , grade , grind , green
(g) Shut , shark , sheet , shoe , ship
(h) Grunt , group , grade , grind , green
(i) Clock , club , clear , climb
(j) Brush , broom , bread , brief, bra.
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our subcounty/division
Content A story about physical features.
Bukinda Village
1. From which sub county is the writer?
2. What do men do in Bukinda sub county
3. What is the work of women in this sub county?
4. When do young children collect firewood from the forest?
5. What interesting game do young boys like to do?
6. Write d own two activities done in Bukinda sub-county.
7. What features were protected in Bukinda village?
Lesson evaluation 8. Name two crops grown in Bukinda county.
9. What is the title of the story?

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Theme Our sub-count/division
Sub theme Name and location of our subcounty/division
Content Occupation
Chairperson , secretary, office, parish , leader , policemen, farmer , farmer, doctor, fishmonger, tailor,
baker, teacher, etc (MK Bk 3 Pgs 86 – 87)
Lesson activity Spelling exercise
2. Use each ofthese words to construct a c orrect sentence.
(a) farmer
(b) fish monger
(c) secretary
3. Give one word for the underlined group of words
(a) My father is a man who makes bread.
(b) I have seen a person who teaches children at school
(c) A man who keeps law and order has to come to our school
(d) She got married to a man who treats sick people.
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county/division
Content Structures.
1. What does a ………………do? (farmer/doctor)
2. What does a mechanic do?
3. A mechanic repairs vehicles. (MK Bk 3 Pg 86)
Complete the sentences correctly.
1. A person who drives a car is a ………………………
2. A person who makes furniture is a ……………………..
3. A person who sells fish is a…………………………
4. A person who stitches clothes is a ……………………………
5. A person who repairs cars and buses is a ……………………….
6. A person who type is a ……………..
7. A person who writes poems is a……………………..
8. A person who writes articles for newspapers and magazines is a ………………….
9. A person who repairs and fits pipes is a………………
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our subcounty/division
Content Occupation
Who am i?
1. I am in-charge of a library. Who am I? You are a librarian.
2. I write articles for newspapers or magazines. Who am I? You are an editor.
3. I catch fish from a lake or river. Who am I?
Fill in correctly
(a) I look after sheep, I am a ……………….
(b) I am in charge of a library. I am a ……..I sell herbs. I am a ………..
Lesson activity (c) A sell medicine and ointments. I am a …………………………….
(d) I take photographs. I am a ……………………
(e) I cut and sell meat. I am a ……………………….
(f) I cut and sell meat. I am a ………………………….
(g) I write books and novels. I am a………………………………
(h) I catch fish from a lake or river, I am a …………………………
(i) I sell fish to people. I am a ……………………………

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Theme Our sub county
Sub theme Name and location of our subcounty/division
One word for many
(a) My uncle is a person who keeps law and order. policeman
(b) I met a man who looks after sheep. Shepherd
(c) Sarah is a person who grows and sells flower. Florist
Give a single word for the underlined group of words.
(a) I saw a man who treats people’s eyes.
(b) My mother is a woman looks after sick people.
(c) A person who cuts and sells fish is here.
(d) A person who repairs cars and buses has come.
(e) Stella is a person who types office work.
(f) She got married to a person who makes furniture.
(g) A person who shaves or trims men’s beards got an accident.
(h) My father slapped a man who collects money and gives tickets in a bus or taxi.
(i) Her mother is a woman who writes poems.
Lesson evaluation (j) She met a man who writes books and novels.
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of a sub county/division
Content Place of work
(a) Where do we find a …………….?
We find a teacher in a ……………………….
(b) Where do we find a lawyer?
We find a lawyer in a ………………………………..
(c) Where do we find a lawyer?
We find a lawyer in a ……………….
(d) Where do we find a doctor?
Lesson activity We find a doctor in a ………………..
Make correct sentences from the table below.
A secretary in a school
A teacher in a hospital
A farmer in a garden
A lawyer in a pharmacy
A baker in a court
A doctor works in a workshop
A hairdresser in a shop
Lesson evaluation A barber in a saloon
A carpenter in an office
A pharmacist in a barber’s shop
A shopkeeper in a bakery/bakers
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county/division
content Occupations
A conversation
All occupations are important
1. How many people are involved in the conversation.
2. Why is a doctor more useful than a teacher?
3. Who said, “A teacher is the best?”
4. Who is a mechanic?
5. What do you want to become in future?

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6. Who said you want to become in future?
7. Why is a builder better?
8. What did Siima tell her friends?
9. Why do you think a teacher is the best?
10. What is the title of the conversation?
Theme Our sub county/ division
Sub theme Physical features in our or division
Read the passage and answer questions that follow in full sentences.
(Ref. Tr’sBk 3 Pg 28)
People in our division
People in Makindye division are very hardworking. They practice farming and also keep animals
like cows, goats, sheep and birds like chicken.

They also carry out dairy farming and have many cows. The neighbouring divisions get milk from
dairy farms of Makindye.

People inMakindye are very happy. There is also a big lake where they go fishing. Fishing is a
very good business. They eat fish and sell some to get money.

Near the lake, there is a very big and beautiful hotel called Munyonyo Speke Resort. Tourists
visit the hotel and bring in foreign money to our sub-county. The hotel provides employment to
people around. Many people work in Munyonyo Speke Resort.
1. Which activities is talked about in the story?
2. Which animal do people in this division keep?
3. What type of farming do people of Makindye carry out?
Lesson activity 4. Where do those people carry out fishing from?
5. What beautiful hotel is near the lake?
6. Which people visit this hotel?
7. What do tourists bring to our sub-county?
Lesson evaluation 8. Give the title of the story.
9. What does the hotel provide to the people around it?
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub-theme Name and location of our sub-county/division
Content Vocabulary
North , east, West , South , right , above, sunrise, sunset , direction , opposite, Eastern , Western ,
Evaluation activity Northern , Southern
1. Name the cardinal points on a compass.
A a. ________________________
b. ________________________
D C c. ________________________
d. ________________________
2. Fill in the correct letter.
(a) N__r__h
(b) ___a___t
(c) Co___ ___ as ___
(d) Su ___ ___ et
3. Use these words in a sentence.
(a) Above _________________
(b) Direction __________________
(c) Sunrise __________________
(d) Opposite __________________

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Theme Our sub-county/division
Sub-theme Name and location of our sub-county/division
Content What direction is the …………….?
The direction of the …………….s ………………….
Complete the sentences with a correct word.
Evaluation activity (a) Where does the sun……….? (go , set)
(b) The sun rises from the ……………direction (northern , eastern)
(c) The …………..is opposite the building. (mountain , sun)
(d) The valley is ……………….the hill. (along , across)
(e) We get …………………from a lake. (fish , table)
(f) The …………sets in the west. (moon , sun)
(g) The snake is hiding in the ………………….(bush , pen)
(h) Sudan is found in the ………………….direction of Uganda. (western , northern)
(i) Maria hid …………..the trees. (behind , on)
(j) Katushabecomes from the……………..part of Uganda. (southern , Northern)
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub-theme Name and location of our sub-county/division
Content Vocabulary
Rivers , valleys , hills , ponds , mountains , fish , graze , spring , along , up the , down the , across , from.
Use the correct preposition to complete the sentences:
Evaluation activity (a) Musa is going ………………………..valley.
(b) Our school is found ………………..the road.
(c) Jack and Jill went ………………………..hill.
(d) Their house is ………………….the road.
(e) We get fish …………….……..the lakes.
(f) We get fish ……………………..the lakes.
Make sentences using these words.
(a) Mountain _______________________
(b) Graze __________________
(c) Fish ________________
(d) Hills ____________________
(e) Ponds _______________
Theme Our sub county / division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county/ division
Content Structures
1. What direction is the ……………….(hill ./ mountain)?
The …………..(hill/mountain) is in the…………….(south/north)
2. Where is the ________________(hill, valley)?
The …………..(hill, valley) is in the ……………. (East , West)
3. Is the ………………….(hill, valley, river)………..(along , across, up , down) the
………..(spring, well , mountain)?
Lesson activity
1. Listen and write
Valley , pond , mountain , spring
2. Use the following words in sentences.
Fish , spring , ponds , along , across.
3. Answer correctly:
(a) Where do we get water from? (hill , spring)
(b) Where do we find a valley? (below the hill , East)
(c) Is the …………(hill , valley) near the …………..(lake , river)?
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme Name and location of our sub county/division
Content A poem

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A sharp cry in our sub county
AIDS the killer
Crying in the north
Crying in the south
Crying in the east
Crying in the west
Oh AIDS the killer!

Come out all you people!

Fight the killer AIDS
People from the north
People from the crowd
Stand out and fight
Together we shall kick AIDS
Out of our sub-county.
1. How many stanzas does the poem have?
Lesson evaluation 2. What is the poem about?
3. Which disease is talked about in the poem?
4. What should people from the crowd do?
5. What can all people do?
6. What is the title of the poem?
7. Give the opposite of these words i.e. careful, sharp, crying
Theme Verbs
Sub theme What is a verb
Content A verb is a doing word
Examples: come, clap, sit, laugh, go, clean, mop
Verbs can change from one tense to another
Lesson evaluation Present simple Present continuous Past simple
Write Writing Wrote
Sit Sitting Sat
Speak Speaking Spoke
Clap Clapping Clapped
Dance Dancing Danced
Go Going Went
Come Coming Came
Theme Our sub county / division
Sub theme Physical features in our sub county/division
Content Everyday tense/Present simple tense.
This tense is used to talk about actions that take place everyday.
We add “ss” , “es” or “ies” to verbs in the everyday tense with pronouns She , he , it and one
1. He goes to school everyday.
2. She carries a basket every night.
3. Mary sits on a chair every time.
4. It runs after a rat every evening.
We don’t add “s” , “es” or” ies” to the verbs in everyday tense with pronouns they, we , I , you
and two or more names.
1. They fetch water every morning
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2. We sweep the room every morning.
3. I cry every week.
4. Tom and Jim clean the house every month.
Use the words in the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Anna ………………….her uniformeveryday. (wash)
Lesson activity 2. We………….juice every after a meal. (drink)
3. Mummy……………….food every night. (cook)
4. I ………….a bicycle every time. (ride)
5. They …………………their clothes every evening. (carry)
6. They …………..their clothes every week. (dry)
7. She ……………………….in the classroom every afternoon. (sleep)
Lesson evaluation 8. It……………a rat every day. (catch)
9. A dog…………..at me every night. (bark)
10. Peter and Jennifer……………..a new car every month. (drive)
Theme Our sub county/division
Sub theme
Content Structures
The use of always and sometimes.
We add “s” , “es” or “ies” to verbs using always and sometimes with the third person she , he , it.
1. He always brushes his teeth.
2. She sometimes goes to school.
We don’t add “s” , “es” or “ies” to verbs using always an sometimes with the first and second
1. I always eat fish.
2. We sometimes fry fish.
3. They always dig in the morning.
4. You sometimes wash our clothes.
Complete the sentences correctly using the verbs given in the brackets.
1. Mother always ………………in the evening. (dig)
2. We sometimes …………………football at school. (play)
3. He always ………………………..in the morning. (pray)
Lesson activity 4. They sometimes………………………plates after lunch. (wash)
5. Farmers always ………………….on a mat. (sit)
6. Martha sometimes …………………..fish. (fry)
7. I always …………….with my friends in the evening. (play)
8. She sometimes ……………..behind the cupboard. (hide)
9. Farmers always………………….crops in the wet season. (plant)
10. John and Musa sometimes very late. (reach)
Theme Present continuous tense (now tense)
This is the tense used to talk about actions that are taking place now.
Sub theme We add ‘ing’ to a verb in present continuous tense.
Content The helping verbs used are ; am, are, and is
I am going to school.
They are eating food.
She is writing a letter
Complete the sentences using the words given in the brackets
1. Namuli is………….a tree. (climb)
2. The teachers are…………….tea. (take)
Lesson activity 3. Primary three children are………….the exercise. (write)
4. The girls are ……………the classroom. (mop)

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Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content The past simple tense
Changing verbs from past simple form
Boil - boiled
Cook - cooked
Jump - jumped
Eat - ate
Sweep - swept
Sleep - slept
Drive - drove
Lesson activity Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences
1. Annet _____________ a letter to her friend yesterday. (write)
2. They _____________ two bags of sugar last month. (bring)
3. Mummy ____________ a new dress last week. (buy)
4. She ________________ herself last night. (cut)
5. Joan _______________ the room last Friday. (mop)
6. The boy ______________ on a bench last year. (stand)
7. The pupils _____________ their uniforms yesterday. (wash)
8. I ________________ very well on Diana’s birthday party. (dance)
9. We _______________ in the garden last Tuesday. (dig)
10. Mary _______________ a nice dress on my party last year. (wear)
Theme Livelihood in our sub county/division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Conjunctions
We use “who” when talking about people.
1. This is the man. He works with my sister.
This is the man who works with my sister.
2. I can see a girl. She dances very well.
I can see a girl who dances very well.
Lesson activity Join the sentences using ……………who………….
1. Here is the girl. She is an orphan.
2. That is the policeman. He shot the mad man.
3. Here is the lady. She lost a child.
4. I spoke to the man. He came from Kenya.
5. There comes the boy. He is our timekeeper.
6. I want to call my friend. She stays next door.
7. Herbert is the boy. He is very playful.
8. We saw the girl. She saved the boy from danger.
9. Eddie is the boy. He stole the money.
10. Here comes the lady. She teaches us mathematics.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Conjunctions
We use which when talking about animals, plants, rivers, insects and things.
1. Akello is writing a letter. It is very long
Akello is writing a letter which is very long.

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2. I saw the dog. It barked at us yesterday.
I saw the dog which barked at us yesterday.
Lesson activity Join the sentences using……….which…………
1. Mugenyi found the key. It was lost.
2. She told me a story. It was very interesting.
3. Here is a picture. Musa drew it.
4. She is reading a book. She borrowed it from the library.
5. Sarah is wearing a dress. It has short sleeves.
6. This is the house. Jack built it.
7. Tom has a camera. His mother bought it for him.
8. Anne is eating a mango. She bought it from the market.
9. They are doing their homework. It is very easy.
10. This is the house. My mother built it last year.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Using……………..whose…..
We use “whose” mostly for people and their belongings
1. Here is the boy. His bag was stolen.
Here is the boy whose bag was stolen.
Lesson activity 2. There comes the woman. Here son refused to work.
There comes the woman whose son refused to work.
Join the sentences using…………whose……………..
1. I met a man. His son is a doctor.
2. That is the lady. Her house was burnt.
3. This is the boy. His father died.
4. The policeman spoke to the woman. Her bag was stolen.
5. I met a man. His brother knows you.
6. Here comes the stranger. Her luggage is very heavy.
7. Here comes the teacher. Her child is sick.
8. There is the girl. Her mother is a teacher.
9. I saw a man. His car had an accident.
10. Here is the boy. His leg was broken.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Conjunctions
We use “where” when talking about places
1. This is the road. My father was robbed from there.
This is the road where my father was robbed.
2. Sarah saw the house. Hoer mother was staying there.
Sarah was the house where her mother was staying.
Lesson activity Join the sentences using…………….where………..
1. This is the village. I was born there.
2. That is the hospital. I went there for treatment.
3. I know the market. My uncle works there.
4. He visited the town. Tom stays there.
5. We reached the place. The accident happened.
6. This is the village. The Chief stays here.
7. We saw the school. Sarah goes there to learn.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Conjunctions

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Why do you………………………?
Why did you……………………..?
Why did you go to the hospital?
I went to the hospital because I was sick.
1. The dog is barking. It is hungry.
The dog is barking because it is hungry.
2. I ate the food. I was very hungry.
Lesson activity I ate the food because I was very hungry.
Join these sentences using…………….because………….
1. He washed his shirt. It was dirty.
2. Kato is crying. He is hungry.
3. Rose got a new book. This one is full.
4. My teacher was angry. I came late.
5. He doesn’t like lemons. They are sour.
6. Tom is swearing. It is very long.
7. She got a new dress. The old one is torn.
8. I must do that sum again. My answering was wrong.
9. John is drinking some water. He is thirsty.
10. Mummy gave me a present. I passed the exams.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Reading the conversation titled Naigaga and Kabale
Naigaga: How does your mother go to work?
Kabbale: She goes to work by bus. How about your mother, Mayega?
Mayega: My mother goes to work by train because she works at the railway station.
Mwajuma: I prefer the motorcycle because it moves very fast on the road.
Naigaga: I like riding the donkeys. They are so many in our sub-county.
Njuba: What about sailing in a ship?
Naigaga: We have boats and canoes mostly. People use them when they are going for fishing
and crossing over to another sub-county.
Kabbale: Have you ever heard of an airport?
Njuba: Yes, we have ever heard of an airport at Entebbe. Aeroplanes land and take off at the
1. Who was the first to talk?
2. What is the conversation about?
3. Whose mother goes to work by train?
4. Why does Mwajuma prefer using a motorcycle?
5. When do people use boats and canoes?
6. Has Njuba ever heard of an airport?
7. What do aeroplanes do at an airport?
8. Which transport has been mentioned in the conversation?
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Conjunctions
Using…………both …………..
1. A cat is a pet. A dog is a pet.
Both a cat and a dog are pets.
2. Ducks lay eggs. Hens lay eggs
Lesson activity Both ducks and hens lay eggs.
Re-write these sentences beginning : Both………..

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1. Mum will go to town. Daddy will go to town.
2. Joy has come late. Dorah has come late.
3. Alex is a bright boy. Ivan is a bright boy.
4. Kabanda was absent yesterday. Kyazze was absent yesterday.
5. Tom is very smart. Allan is very smart.
6. Betty is a beautiful girl. Her friend is also beautiful.
7. Atim is sick. Her sister is also sick.
8. John is a tall boy. Amos is a tall boy.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Conjunctions
1. We saw a lion. We saw a tiger.
We saw a lion and a tiger.
Lesson activity 2. A dog is a domestic animal. A goat is a domestic animal.
A dog and a goat are domestic animals.
Join the sentences using…………and…………
1. A duck is a bird. A turkey is a bird.
2. Come is. Sit down.
3. We saw a monkey. We saw a leopard.
4. Joan is my sister. Alice is my sister.
5. John likes posho. John likes beans.
6. Tom was absent yesterday. Sam was absent yesterday.
7. I went to town. I bought a school bag.
8. Allan was very hungry. Robert was very hungry.
9. Mary paid the shopkeeper. She left the shop.
10. Get the duster. Clean the blackboard.
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Social services and their importance
Content Vocabulary
Danger, storm, policeman, mud, shelter, slash, bridge, accidents, boil, spray, mosquito net.
1. What do you/ I do when…………………..?
You/ I……………….when you/ I………………
2. What does she/ he do when …………….?
She/ he……………when……………..?
Lesson activity
Write these words correctly
a) rapsy ……………………
b) dgebri …………………..
c) loib ……………………..
d) ngerda ………………….
Fill in the missing letters
a) she___lter
b) acc ___ d ___nt
c) m ___squ ___to
d) pol ___ce
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Challenges in social services and their possible solutions
Content A story titled “The trader” (Ref: Trs bk3 pg 29 – 30)
Read the story below and answer questions that follow in full sentences .
The trader
In Bunanimi village Mayembe sub-county, there lived a trader called Baba. He was very hardworking. His

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wife and children were hardworking too.

Baba had a big shop. He sold building materials like cement, nails and paint. He could go up to Busia to
buy them for his shop. He sold them at a cheaper price compared to other traders. People were very
happy with him. Many of them built houses because of Baba’s good prices.

Baba did not just stop at trading in building materials. At home, he reared animals and grew different
crops. People in that sub-county were happy with Baba because he employed many of them on his farm.
He paid them very well.

Baba could share ideas with people who wanted to work and be like him. People started working hard by
putting up other businesses like the carpentry shops and others went to tailoring. They lived happily
together in their sub county. Bravo Baba!
1. What was the name of the trader?
2. In which village did Baba live?
3. What did Baba have?
4. Which building materials did Baba sell?
5. Where did Baba buy building materials for his shop from?
6. Why were many people happy with Baba?
7. What is the title of the story?
8. What other businesses did people put up in the sub-county?
9. Give the opposites of these words;
a) hardworking
b) happy
c) wife
d) sold
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Challenges in social services and their possible solutions
Content Structures: What is …………….used for?
………….is used for………..
1. What is clay used for?
Clay is used for modeling.
2. What colour is clay soil?
Lesson activity Clay soil is grey incolour.
Choose the correct word from the brackets to fill in the blanks.
1. There is no soil on the …………………….(rock, stone)
2. A stone is ……………………(bigger, smaller) than a rock.
3. Your skirt is as black as ………………………… (charcoal, grass)
4. There is a heap of …………………….. in the compound. (food, sand)
5. Kato modeled a pot from ……………………soil. (loam, clay)
6. We get clay soil from ……………………(swamps, forests)
7. …………………soil is the best soil for growing crops. (sand, loam)
Good is to bad as white is to………………….(green, black)
Theme Livelihood in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Challenges in social services and their possible solutions
Content Conversation
Daily Activities
Samuel: Hello Daniel! What will you be doing in the evening?
Daniel: I shall go fishing.
Samuel: I use hooks and once in a while I use fish nets. What about you? What will you do in
the evening?
Agatha: I shall help my mother with weaving.

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Deborah: What do you weave?
Agatha: We weave baskets, mats, hats and sell them for money.
Daniel: Aha! That’s great! I shall tell my sister Joy to start weaving too.
Sarah: Yes, she can also do knitting or hair dressing where she is assured of customers and
money everyday.
All: Wow! Great idea.
Answer the questions in full sentences
1. What is the dialogue about?
2. Who will go fishing?
3. At what time of the day will Daniel go fishing?
4. How many people are taking part in the conversation?
5. Who helps her mother to weave?
6. What does she weave?
7. Who is Daniel’s sister?
8. What job can one do and is assured of customers and money everyday?
9. Why does Agatha weave baskets, mats and hats?
10. Give the opposite of the word sell___________
Theme Environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Soil
Content Vocabulary
Soil, stones, sand, clay, charcoal, stove, colour, build, crop, builder, loam, white, black, brown, grey water
Use of many and much
There is much………………..
There are many………………
There is much water in the bucket.
There are many builders in our sub-county.
Lesson activity Make sentences with these words
a) Charcoal …………………………………
b) Crops
c) Soil
d) Clay
e) Brown
Fill in the gaps with many or much
a) There are ___________________ stoves in our school.
b) There was not ___________________ oil in the can.
c) How __________________ jerrycans of water do you need?
d) There is __________________ sand in our sub-county.
e) There are ____________________ builders in our division.
f) How ___________________ sacks of charcoal do you have?
Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Soil
Content Read the poem carefully and answer the questions in full sentences
A poem
Soil soil soil
Soil, you are useful
In you we plant the seeds
In you we grow the food
From you we get the murram for roads
In you our animals hide and bathe
Soil all over our environment
Oh! What a wonderful friend you are.

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Soil soil soil
You are useful
For building, we run to you
For brick making, we run to you
For modeling, we run to you
Oh! What a wonderful friend you are

Soil soil soil

A home for worms
A home for insects
A home for snakes
Oh! What a wonderful friend you are

Lesson activity Soil soil soil

Clay soil, loam soil, sand soil
You are all useful
In layers you lay
Top soil, sub soil
Oh! What a wonderful soil you are
1. How many stanzas are in the poem?
2. What stanza tells about soil all over our environment?
3. Name the layers of soil mentioned in the poem.
4. In which stanza are the three types of soil mentioned.
5. What activities are mentioned in stanza two?
6. Which soil is best for growing crops?
7. Give the opposites of these words
a) Useful …………………………
b) Friend …………………………
8. Suggest a suitable title for the poem.
Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub the Natural causes of changes in the environment
Content Vocabulary
Sunny, rainy, hot, cold, inside, outside, hungry, harvest, plant
When did he………………..?
He planted maize during the wet season.
Why did he…………………..?
Why did he cry?
Lesson activity He cried because he was hungry.
Give the opposites of the following words
1. Sunny __________________
2. Hot __________________
3. Inside __________________
4. Wet __________________
Make sentences using these words
1. Harvest
2. Plant
3. Hungry
4. Sunny
Answer these questions using rainy or sunny season
1. When did he harvest maize?
2. When did she carry her umbrella?

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3. When did mummy put on her boots?

Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division

Sub theme Soil
Content Vocabulary
Graze, build, burn, bush, cut, farm, plant, cover, throw, plastic, rubbish pit, brick, make, rubbish
a) What will you do when you……………………?
When I/ we…………………………., I/ we shall………………..or
I/ we shall………………………when I/we …………………
b) Will you……………………………?
Yes, I/we shall…………………..
Lesson activity No, I/we shan’t…………………
Use these words in constructing sentences
a) graze
b) build
c) bush
d) farm
e) throw
f) rubbish
Answer these questions using; Yes, I shall, or No, I shall not
1. Will you burn the rubbish?
2. Will you plant the crops?
3. Will you cut down the tree?
4. Will you make bricks?
5. Will you cover the pit latrines?
6. Will you graze the cows in the farm?
Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Natural causes of changes in the environment
Content Story
Mr. Mutebi loves the environment. He protects it from people who want to destroy it. In the environment,
there are both living things and non-living things. The living things include plants, animals, people and
non living things include stones, clothes bottles, toys, radio and pots.

Mr. Mutebi goes around telling people about the importance of our environment. He tells them about
many things. He says forests are homes of wild animals, birds and insects. Trees give us shelter. Timber
is used for building. He tells them that water is used for drinking, building, cooking, washing and for
irrigation. People feel very happy to learn all this from Mr. Mutebi. They now know the importance of the
environment and care for it.
Answer questions about the story in full sentences
1. Who loves the environment?
2. What is in the environment?
3. Name two examples of living things.
4. What does Mr. Mutebi say about forests?
5. What do trees give us?
6. What is used for building?
7. Give the opposites of these words;
a) Loves
b) Goes
8. Suggest a suitable title for the story.
Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Changes in the environment
Content Vocabulary

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Air, sun, move, wind, dry, wash, heat, blow, warm, break, fall, rain, rise, set, house, clean, roof
What does (Joshua, Gloria…………………..do everyday?)
Joshua/ Gloria ……………………(washes/cleans) the …………………… everyday.
Lesson activity Make correct sentences using each of the words below
a) Air
b) Dry
c) Roof
d) Sun
e) Rise
f) House
g) Blow
h) Warm
i) Wash
Exercise 2
Write a sentence about each picture
Reference to MK pupils’ bk pg42
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Air and the sun
Content Poem
Oh the sun
Bright shinning up there
You give us warmth
And make our plants grow

Oh the wind
You move things like the kites
You even dry our clothes
Wind you are good but sometimes bad
You blow off the roofs of our houses

Oh the clouds
Sometimes white like cotton wool
Sometimes black or grey
When its so hot, and you appear
The weather changes

Lesson activity Oh the mighty rain

From the dry sky
You come like drops of water
On this dry thirsty land
Plants and people need you
Read the poem and answer questions in full sentences
1. How many stanzas does the poem have?
2. What shines up there?
3. What moves things like kites?
4. Why is wind sometimes bad?
5. Which stanza talks about the clouds?
6. What colour are the clouds?
7. Where does the mighty rain come from?
8. What do people and plants need?

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9. Give the opposite of these words.
a) Dry
b) Good
Theme Our environment in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Air and the sun
Content Vocabulary
Cloud, hot, warm, cold, wash, soil, grow, food, water, dark, grass, plant, sweater, hot
What does………………..do everyday?
He/she ……………….everyday.
…………………..9babies/ animals, plans) need……………(food/ grass/ water) to grow.
Why is ………………….he/she wearing a (sweater/hat)?
She /He is wearing a ………………..(sweater/ hat) because it is ………………….(cold/ raining)
Lesson activity 1. Write these words correctly
a) dlcou _______________________
b) marw _______________________
c) wesatie _____________________
d) ntapl _______________________
2. Make sentences using these words.
a) hot
b) wash
c) grow
d) soil
e) food
f) water
g) hat
h) dark
Theme Environment and weather in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Water
Content Vocabulary
Tap, well, spring, stream, tank, river, lake, drum, slasher, brush, jerrycan, pot (past tenses)
When did ……………….the…………….?
Why did Mary clan the well?
Mary cleaned the well on Monday at 4pm in March.
1. Fill in the missing words
Lesson activity a) sl __sh__r
b) r__ver
c) dru____
d) spr___ng
2. Study the time table and answer in full sentences the questions that follow
Anna’s timetable for the month of March
5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm
Monday fetch water wash plates home work supper
Tuesday collect firewood help mother home work supper
Wednesday cook food home work reading stories supper
Thursday wash plates iron clothes home work supper
Friday cook food home work iron clothes supper

1. When did Anna wash plates?

2. At what time did Anna cook food on Friday?
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3. What did Anna do on Thursday at 7:00pm?
4. When did Anna read stories?
5. When did Anna help mother?
6. At what time did Anna eat food each day?
7. In which month did Anna carry out the activities on the time table?
8. How many times did Anna do her home work?
9. On what days did Anna collect firewood?
At what time did Anna iron clothes on Thursday?
Theme Environment and weather in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Water
Content Structures
Did………clean the……..?
Yes, she/he did.
No, she/he didn’t.
Did Mary clean the pot?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn’t.
Lesson activity Answer using Yes, she/ he did or No, She/ He didn’t
a) Did Musa wash his sweater?
b) Did she grow maize this month?
c) Did Sarah slash the grass?
d) Did Joel build the hut?
e) Did Joel bathe with warm water?
f) Did Sheila water the plants?
g) Did Shivan take hot tea?
Theme Environment and weather in our Sub-County/ Division
Sub theme Water
Content Rhyme about water
Water, water, water
You come as rain
We collect you in pans and pots
Water, water, water
If we have drums
We store in drums
If we have tanks
We store you in tanks
Plastic, metallic, concrete and underground tanks
Lesson activity Water, water, water
We need you for life
Read and recite the rhyme carefully and answer questions that follow in full sentences.
1. What is rhyme about?
2. What comes as rain?
3. What do we collect in pans and pots?
4. Why do we need water?
5. Mention two things where water is stored.
6. Give the three types of tanks mentioned in the rhyme.

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Theme Living things
Sub-theme Animals in our sub-county
Content Vocabulary (new words)
Nest, forest, zoo, bird, monkey, elephant, lion, giraffeetc
Animals and their young ones
Dog – puppy cat – kitten pig – piglet
Cow – calf frog – tadpole owl – owlet
Goat – kid duck – duckling eagle – eaglet
Lion – cub sheep – lamb elephant – calf
Leopard – cub tiger – cub butterfly – caterpillar
Rabbit – rack/bunny horse - foal
Match these animals to their young ones
Lion toad
Sheep fry
Frog cub
Fish lamb
Activity II
Give one word for the underlined group of words
a) A young dog was seen crossing the road.
b) There is a young goat in that house.
c) A young sheep is bleating loudly.
d) A young cow is in the pen.
Activity III
Complete the following sentences correctly
1. A rabbit is to……………as a butterfly is to………..
2. A duck is to duckling as an owl is to……………….
Lesson II Animals and their homes.
Cow – kraal termite – anthill sheep – pen fold
Pig – sty rabbit – hutch snake – grass
Lion – den dog – kennel goat –
Bird – nest parrot – cage horse – stable
A bee – bee hive a spider – web a snail – shell
Activity I
Match these animals to their homes
Rabbit stable
Person house
Cow hutch
Horse house
Activity II
Complete the analogies below
1. A dog is to kennel as a goat is to………….
2. A lion is to ………..as a horse is to stable.
3. A pig is to a pigsty as a rabbit is to …………
Lesson three Animals and their sounds
a dog – barks an elephant – trumpets
a snake – hisses a bull – bellows
a monkey – chatters a rat – squeaks
a sheep – bleats a donkey – brays
a lion – roars a cat – purrs
a pig – grunts a duck – quacks
an owl – hoots a bird – whistles/sings
a frog – croaks a hen – clucks

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a horse – neighs a cock – crows
Lesson evaluation Complete the gaps correctly
1. A monkey chatters but a dog …………..
2. A snake hisses but a lion…………..
3. Bleating is to sheep as………….is to horse.
4. The lambs are………………………..
Theme Living things
Sub theme Animals in our sub county
Content Structures:
Where was the……………….?
Where was the bird? The bird was in the nest
Where was the monkey? The monkey was in the forest.
Lesson evaluation exercise
1. Where was the dog?
2. Where are the goats?
3. Where is the pig?
4. Was the calf in the kraal?
5. What did the dog do?
Theme Living things
Sub theme Animals in our sub county
Content Similes compare things which are alike in some qualities or behavior or shape
As fat as a pig as fast as a deer
As blind as a bat as brave as a lion
As silly as a sheep as gentle as a dove
As heavy as an elephant as harmless as a dove
As playful as a puppy as proud as a peacock
As playful as a kitten as slow as a snail
As busy as a bee as slow as a tortoise
As strong as a horse as poor as a church mouse
Lesson activity
Complete these similes correctly
1. As slow as a ____________ 7. As harmless as a ____
2. As heavy as an _________ 8. As busy as a ________
3. As proud as a _________ 9. As blind as a ________
4. As playful as a ________ 10. As poor as a _______
5. As fat as a ___________ 11. As fast as a _______
6. As silly as a _________ 12. As brave as a ______
Theme Living things
Sub theme Animals in our sub county / division
Content Proverbs
A proverb is a well known saying that gives advise
1. An early bird catches a worm.
2. A bird in hand in worth two in the bush.
3. One by one makes a bundle
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5. Where there is a will there is a way.
1. Empty vessels…………….
2. An early bird………………..
3. Two heads………………….
4. Let sleeping dogs…………..
5. A stitch in time…………………….

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Theme Living things in our sub county
Sub theme Oral literature
Content Recite the poem At the national park (Ref: MK English Bk3 pg 71)
Evaluation exercise
1. Which place did the poet visit?
2. What did the poet see?
3. Which animal is the biggest in the national park
4. Which animal is the tallest in the national park?
5. How many stanzas does the poem have
6. What is the title of the poem?
7. Which bird is spying?
8. How many lines does the poem have?
9. Who is the poet?
10. Write the opposite of the underlined word above.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Read the story titled : At the zoo (Ref: Mk English Bk3 pg 72
Evaluation exercise
1. What is a zoo?
2. Why are animals kept in cages?
3. Name three big animals the pupils saw?
4. Which animals live in water?
5. Which is the most beautiful animal?
6. When did the pupils visit the zoo?
7. Give the title oof the story
8. Which animal are very dangerous?
9. Write the opposite of the following words ; domestic, beautiful
Theme Living things
Sub theme Animals in our sub county
Content Rearranging jumbled sentences to form correct stories
1. These are domestic animals and wild animals
2. There are two major groups of animals.
3. Domestic animals are animals kept in people’s homes
4. Both groups of animals are very important to us
5. While wild animals live in the bus.

1. Then, the lion fell sick and died

2. They flew away happily
3. The vultures came and ate the lion’s body
4. The lion came and ate the antelope
5. The antelope ate grass
Theme Future simple tense
Sub theme Use of ‘will’ and ‘shall’
Content She I
He will we shall
- What will Naigado tomorrow?
She will go tos chool tommorow .
Activity I
Use will or shall to complete the sentences
1. John and Mary ………..go to school tomorrow
2. We ……….enjoy our PE lesson today
3. I ………….go with you to the market next week

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4. They ……………join us for dinner
5. David …………play football tomorrow
6. Musoke ………..milk the goats in the morning
7. ………….. I see you next week?
8. The cows …………eat the maize if you go away.
9. He …………….go swimming next Sunday.
10. Bakeebwa …………..slash the compound tommorow
Theme Living things
Sub theme Daily activities
Content Future simple tense
Form correct sentences from the table below
I Will Go to church Next week
He Shall Wash the plates Tomorrow
We Mop the house Next Friday
She Fetch water
Theme Living things
Sub theme Positions (prepositions)
Content Vocabulary: new words
Left, right, opposite, at, into, down, out, of, against, along, across, up, over, from
1. Tom leaned ……………the wall of the classroom.
2. The dustbin is full………………rubbish.
3. Her baby is suffering………..malaria.
4. P3 boys shouted ………..the madman last night.
5. Put the water ……………….the bucket
6. John went ………..the river by boat.
7. The bird is flying……….the tree.
8. The children are walking ……………the road.
9. Our school is…………….the petrol station
10. The rat went out………..the hole and ran away.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Position (preposition)
Content Some words and their prepositions
Good famous
Look wait
Shout at fit for
Laugh sorry
Married to
Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition
1. Mary is good………….English.
2. I talked ………….the man who came from Kasubi.
3. I have been waiting…………….you since morning.
4. Don’t listen………….what he says.
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5. It is always bad to laugh…………..lame people.
6. They only invited a few people ………….their party.
7. My sister is married……….a doctor.
8. Mummy looked………….me with a smiling face.
9. Ben is leaning………..the broken desk.
10. Tom prefers watching movies……………cartoons
Theme Living things
Sub theme Positions (prepositions
Content Other prepositions
Agree believe
Quarrel with interested in

Ashamed borrow
Accused differ from
Afraid of suffer
Died subtract
Capable escape
Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions
1. She is interested …………….learning.
2. The basket is full……….mangoes.
3. The girls are afraid………………dogs
4. Joan always quarrels …………….her neighbor
5. Babies always depend …………….milk
6. We all believe …………….God
7. My uncle died ……………..malaria
8. I hope you will agree………….my suggestion
9. The girl escaped ………….school yesterday.
10. My sister is fond ……………eating sweets.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Positions
Content Structures
Where is the ………….(pen, ball)
Put the ball under the chair.
Is the ball under the chair?
No, it is not
The pencils are in the tin and the books are in the shelves.
Evaluation exercise
Make correct questions from the table
Make sentences form the substitutional table (Ref. Mk bk3 pg 52)
Theme Living things
Sub theme Positions
Content Structures
What is ………….doing?
What is she doing?
She is riding along the road.
What is Paul doing?
He is walking along the road.

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Study the pictures and complete the given sentences about them (Ref. Mk English bk3 pg 53 – 54)
Theme Living things
Sub theme Positions (prepositions)
Content Oral literature
Read the dialogue Riding along the road (Mk bk 3 pg 55)
1. Who are the people conversing?
2. What is the colour of Sarah’s bicycle?
3. Who was knocked by the car?
4. How many people are taking part in the conversation?
5. Give the title of the dialogue
6. Who is conversing with Nambi?
7. Is Isaiah riding so fast?
8. Write down the opposites of these words; friend, careful, down, fast
Theme Living things
Sub theme Positions
Content Reading and writing
Read the story My school (Mk bk3 pg 56)
Read the story and answer questions that follow in full sentences.
1. Where is the school?
2. What are the pupils doing?
3. What are the boys doing?
4. Where is the teacher?
5. What is the teacher doing?
6. Who are the people walking along the road?
7. What are the girls playing with?
8. What is the title of the story?
Theme Punctuation marks
Sub theme Teacher will guide pupils on how to use punctuation marks
Content What are punctuation marks?
These are marks used to make clear the sense of reading and writing e.g. comma (,) a full stop (.)
an exclamation mark (!) a question mark (?) an apostrophe(‘)
A. a comma (,)
Its used to show a slight pause /rest
Its also used to separate words or items in a sentence e.g. gold, iron and lead are minerals.
To separate the name of a person directly spoken to form the rest of the sentences e.g. Richard,
have you locked the door?
B. a full stop(.)
Its used to end a sentence which makes a statement.
Objectives: Pupils will punctuate the given sentence coreclty
Evaluation activity
Put a comma and full stop where necessary
1. John has gone to nairobi
2. The day today is tuesday
3. Ben is shorter than peter
4. Hens ducks and turkeys lay eggs
5. Mr. Mutebi is a kind man
6. Kampala is know for her beauty
7. There are five eggs on the tray
8. December is the last month of the year
9. Lemons apples and oranges are fruits
Theme Punctuation
Sub theme Capital letters

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Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use capital letters
They are used at the beginning
All proper nouns begin with capital letters
Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Pupils will be able to use a capital letter appropriately
Evaluation activity
Rewrite these sentences putting capital letters where necessary
1. today is Thursday
2. april is the fifth month of the year
3. alice, susan, and teddy are sisters.
4. the traveller had a very big luggage.
5. John has gone to masaka.
6. kampala is the capital city of Uganda
7. sam, bob, and dan are brothers
8. there are many pupils in our school
9. mr.lukwago is going to town.
10. eva is a dirty girl
Theme Punctuation
Sub theme Punctuation marks
Content A question mark : it is placed at the end of the questioning statement
Questions usually begin with questioning words e.g. who, why, how, when etc
Evaluation activity
Complete these sentences by adding the right questioning word
1. …………..many brothers do you have?
2. ………….is your class teacher?
3. ……………….they know your name?
4. ………….are you going to town?
5. ………..many children are in P3 North?
6. …………is the day today?
7. …………of these pens do you like most?
8. …………. I borrow your pencil please?
9. ……………much is that dress?
10. ……………you watch the television everyday?
Theme Punctuation
Sub theme Use of an apostrophe
Content Teacher will guide the pupils on how to use an apostrophe
An apostrophe is used with a noun to show ownership or belonging.
Sarah’s dress is new
He cats fur is very smooth
Rule 1: In case of one thing or person the apostrophe is put before “s”
Listening, reading, writing , speaking
Evaluation exercise
Rewrite these sentences correctly using an apostrophe correctly
1. The girls dress is torn
2. Toms shirt is white in colour
3. This kettles lid is broken
4. That dogs kennel is large
5. Out teachers child is sick
6. The ladys purse was snatched
7. This childs face is not good
8. Bens book is missing
9. The Bishops gown has beautiful colours
10. The oldmans beard is grey
Theme Punctuation

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Sub theme Teacher will help pupils to write the short forms using an apostrophe
Content Use of an apostrophe
That is – that’s
Will not – won’t
Is not – isn’t
Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Learners will write the given words in short forms
Learners will read the common contractions and pronounce the words correctly
Evaluation of activity
Write these words in short forms
1. Are not –
2. Is not
3. Has not
4. Cannot
5. Had not
6. Was not
7. Will not
8. Shall not
9. Were not
10. Do not
11. Does not
12. Did not
13. Could not
14. Should not
15. Would not
Theme Punctuation
Sub theme Use of an apostrophe
Content It is used to write some words in short forms i.e. is (‘s)
That is – that’s, how is – how’s
Are (‘re) they are – they’re, we are – we’re
Have (‘ve) I have – I’ve, you have – you’ve, they have – they’ve, we have – we’ve
Remember the apostrophe stands for the I and a which are left out in the above
Objective: learns will write the given words/ phases in short form
Learners will read the phases shortened correctly
Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing
Evaluation exercise
Write the following words in short form
I am, we are, they are, you are, they have, we have, you have, it is, there is, she has, he has, what is
, she is, I have
Theme Puncutuation
Sub theme Teacher will introduce rule II of an apostrophe usage
Content Use of an apostrophe rule II
Rule II
When there’s more than one person or thing having the last letter (s) at the end, we add an
apostrophe and it should come after “s”
The girls’ dresses are new
The dogs’ puppies are very lovely
Skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Objectives: learners will write sentences using rule II of an apostrophe. Learners will respond to the
given command correctly
Evaluation activity
Rewrite these sentences correctly using an apostrophe
1. The cows horns are very long
2. The nuns convent was burnt

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3. The soldiers uniforms are very old.
4. The girls dresses are blue in colour
5. The elephants trunks are very long
6. The rabbits burrows are deep
7. The babies nappies are white in colour
8. Those pupils books are not marked
9. The goats kids look healthy
Theme Punctuation
Sub theme Skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Topical questions
Rewrite these sentences replacing the underlined words with a correct short form
e.g. Brain says he is too busy to play. Brian says he’s too busy to play.
1. I thing that is a lovely dress.
2. We can guess what is in the box.
3. I have you lost my pencil?
4. I am locking the door.
5. We have not had breakfast yet.
6. It is not raining now
7. We can’t work when there is noise in the room.
8. They are playing volley ball
9. Tom had not gone to town
10. We are better here than there.
Exercise II
Punctuate these sentences correctly
1. allen betty and teddy are sisters
2. the day today is Wednesday
3. how many boys are in p3 north
4. she bought some books pencils and rubbers
5. toms birthday is in april
6. December is the last month
7. the bishops gown is grey in colour
8. which of these bags is yours
9. hens ducks cooks and turkeys lay eggs
10. mr.lule is a king teacher
Theme Community
Sub theme Vocabulary : teacher will encourage pupils to spell the new words correctly
Content Revision of church, school, bush, garden, hospital, borehole, garage, bank, mosque, town, market,
crops, village, butcher’s, confectionary etc
Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Objectives: Learners will use the new words in sentences. Learner swill read and spell the new
words correctly, learners will give one word for the underlined group of words
Evaluation activity
Give one word for the underlined group of words
1. she works in a place where money is kept safely.
2. Where is the building were christians worship from?
3. The man who bakes bread was knocked down
4. It rained very heavily and destroyed all the plants grown by man.
5. He built the house where Moslems worship from
6. We visited the place where aeroplanes land and take off
7. I met a man who repairs vehicles
8. The place where sweets are made from was burnt
9. The butcher man has been sick for seven days
Theme Community
Sub theme Vocabulary : teacher will help learners identify some nouns within their classroom

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Content Adjectives are words used to describe nouns e.g. many, old, few, new, narrow, fat, full, tall, large,
wide, smooth, thin, beautiful, empty, yellow, sharp etc
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Learners will describe the given nouns. (tell us more about those nouns)
Learners will identify different adjectives
Learners will mention different objects within their classroom
Evaluation exercise
Fill in the gaps with a suitable adjectives e.g. a beautiful girl, an easy test, a black cup, a poisonous
snake, a long ruler.
1. A……………..girl
2. A………….book.
3. A………………knife.
4. A………………….chart
5. A……………..flower
6. A…………….tin
7. A……………….cow
8. A…………………stick
9. A……………desk.
10. A ……….stone
11. A……………shirt
12. A…………..ruler
13. A……………road
14. A……………floor
15. An………………..story
16. A………………..tree
17. A……………….boy
18. A…………….man
19. A………….juice
20. A…………….water
Theme Community
Sub theme Teacher will encourage pupils to describe some nouns within and outside classroom
Content Structures
Tom is a smart boy
There is little sugar left in the sack
Skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading
Objectives: learners will describe nouns within their reach.
Learners will underline adjectives in the given sentences
Evaluation exercise
Underline the adjectives in these sentences
1. The farmer sold some fat cows
2. Our teacher killed a poisonous snake
3. I met a hungry lion this morning
4. We drank some sweet juice
5. The headmaster punished the stubborn boys
6. John is a clever boy
7. Tom told us an interesting story
8. It was such a busy street
9. There are many pupils in our school
10. A big lorry was packed outside the school
Theme Community
Sub theme Structures
Content Comparing adjectives
Degree of comparisons of adjectives

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Positive comparative superlative
Quick quicker quickest
Great greater greatest
Slow slower slowest
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Learners will compare the given objects
Learners will make sentences orally using the degrees of comparison of adjectives
Complete this table correctly
Positive comparative superlative
Theme Community
Sub theme Teacher and pupils will identify adjectives that end with ‘y’
Content Structures
Comparing adjectives
Adjectives that end with letter ‘y’
Positive comparative superlative
Happy happier
Ugly ………… ugliest
The bride was ……………..than the bridegroom (happy)
The bag I carried was the …………….of all. (heavy)
Adjectives: Learners will compare objects and use the adjectives in sentence
Learners will read and spell the words correctly
Evaluation exercise
Complete this table correctly
Positive Comparative superlative
Exercise II
Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentence
1. My shirt is……….than yours. (dirty)
2. Matama is the ……………girl in P3 (lazy)
3. The bag I carried was the …………..of all. (heavy)
4. The test we did was very……………(easy)
5. Kato is always ………….at school (busy)
6. She came………….than us. (early)
7. P3 class is the ……………in the whole school. (noisy)
8. Jane is………………than her sister. (happy)

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9. She is the …………..girl in their family. (ugly)
Theme Community
Sub theme Adjectives that change differently
Content Positive comparative superlative
Good better best
Much more most
Little less least
Skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking
Objectives: learners will read the given adjectives correctly
Learners will compare the adjectives and complete the given table correctly
Learners will use the degree of comparison of adjectives in sentence orally
Evaluation exercise
Complete the table below
Positive Comparative Superlative
Good Best
Bad Worst
Little Less
Much More Most
Beautiful More beautiful
Comfortable Most comfortable
Theme Community
Sub theme Structures
Content Teacher will guide pupils to join sentences using:…..than……..
Halima is smart. Joyce is smarter. Joyce is smarter than Halima
A lizard is slow. A tortoise is slower. A tortoise is slower than a lizard
Note: When comparing two objects, we use the comparative form of the adjective
Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Learners will join sentences using:……than…..
Learners will read the sentences correctly
Learners will identify objects and compare them
Evaluation exercise
Join these sentences using:………than…………
1. James is fast. Andrew is faster
2. A lizard is slow. A tortoise is slower
3. The red pencil is long. The yellow pencil is longer
4. Marvin is tall. Moses is taller
5. Joan is clever. Jemima is cleverer
6. The bride is short. The bridegroom is shorter
7. This box is heavy. That box is heavier
8. A dog is small. A rat is smaller
9. A mango is sweet. An apple is sweeter
Theme Community
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Read the story titled Makoyi’s village )Ref. Mk primary english bk3 pg 63)
Read the story and answer the questions that follow in full sentences.
1. In which village does Makoyi live?
2. Who sent Makoyi to the butcher’s for meat?
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3. Which is the next trading centre to Buwesi?
4. What type of buildings are found in Buwesa?
5. Who broke down the old buildings in Magale trading centre?
6. Which trading centre has many new buildings?
7. What is the title of the story?
8. Who sent Makoyi to the butchers?
9. What do people do in the trading centre?
Theme Community
Sub theme Structures
Content Topical quesitons
Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences
1. Both boys read well but Dan is the _____ reader. (good)
2. English is ______ difficult than Maths. (much)
3. Matama is the _______ girl of the three sisters. (ugly)
4. The bride was _______ than the bridegroom. (happy)
5. This coat is _________ than that one. (cheap)
6. What is the ________news? (late)
7. Today is ___________ than yesterday. (hot)
8. Betty is _______ than her elder sister. (clever)
9. November was the _________ month of the year. (wet)
10. My uniform is ________ than yours. (dirty)
11. Jane chose the _______ dress in the shop. (expensive)
12. Kato is always ________ at school. (busy)
Exercise II
Complete this table coreclty
Positive Comparative Superlative
Wise Wisest
Fat Wetter
wet Bigger
Theme Living things
Sub theme Community
Content Opposites
Lesson Examples
Good – bad
Happy – sad/ unhappy
Kind – unkind/ cruel
Thin – fat
New – old
Here – there
Rich – poor
Weak – strong
Evaluation activity
Give the opposites of these words
1. Small
2. Weak
3. Ugly
4. Near
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5. Up
6. Happy
7. Smart
8. Thin
9. Absent
10. Young
Activity II
Give the opposites of the underlined words
1. I was late yesterday but I am………….today
2. The rich people must help the …………ones
3. I am tall but Jane is ……………………
4. Stop reading and ……………writing.
5. There wasn’t any cold or ………….water in the bathroom
6. Joseph is present but Joseph is……………….
7. Tell them to come here and not to go………….
8. Her clothes are dirty but his are……………
9. Some balls are hard but others are……………
Formation of opposites
Some opposites are made by adding certain letters at the beginning (prefixes)
Words making their opposites by adding ‘un’
A. words making their opposites by adding “un”
happy _________ common _______ suitable _______
kind ________ pleasant _______ screw _________
fold ________ friendly _______ comfortable _____
healthy ______ wise _________ steady _______
B. words making their opposites by adding “dis”
agree _________ appear _______ obedient _______
obey ________ advantage _______ believe _________
like ________ honest _______ continue _____
order ______ connect _________ allow _______
words forming their opposites by adding ‘in’
Complete – incomplete
Correct ___________
Capable __________
Secure ___________
Direct _____________
Dependent __________
Sufficient ___________
Words forming their opposites by adding “im”
Movable _____________
Patient ______________
Polite _______________
Pure _______________
Possible ____________
Perfect _____________
Words forming their opposites by dropping ‘ful’ and add ‘less’
Careful – careless
Hopeful – hopeless
Merciful – merciless
Painful – painless
Useful – useless
Harmful – harmless
Words forming their opposites by adding ‘ir’
Reguler – irregular

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Relevant – irrelevant
Responsible – irresponsible
Theme Living things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Vocabulary
Sisal, maize, papyrus, dry, water, garden, flowers, roots, stems, food, plant, plant, leaf, seed
Fill in the missing letters
s___sal, m___ize, y___m, sw___mp, fl___wer
Write letters correctly to form words
ryd, dees, toor, pnlat, ofod, edwe
Use the following words in a sentence
Seed, plant, water, maize, banana
Theme Livign things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Plants and their habitats e.g.
Sisal – papyrus
Rice – swamp
Beans - garden
Trees – forest
Maize – garden
1. Who planted maize in the garden? Mary……….
2. Where did she pland…………..?
3. What did Musa plant in the………..?

Choose a correct word from the brackets to complete the sentence
Choose a correct word from the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Who planted ______ (flowers, sisal, maize) in the _________ (garden, swamp)?
2. Janet planted ___________ (flowers, sisal, maize) in the _______ (garden, swamp)
3. (He, she, they) ______ planted _____ (flowers, sisal, cactus) in the ________ (garden, swamp)
4. What did __________ (she, he, they, you) do?
5. (He, she, they, I) _________ planted (maize, sisal,yams)
6. Where did ________ (he, she, they, we, you) plant?
7. ______(he, she, they, we I ) planted ___ (maize, sisal, yams) in the ____ (tins, swamp, garden)
Theme Living things
Sub theme Tenses
Content Past simple tense
a) Forming verbs in past simple tense with irregular verbs
a) Take – took, fly – flew, get – got, come – came, write – wrote, choose – chose, eat –
ate, go – went, teach – taught, catch – caught, buy – bought, read – read, run – ran
etccomplete the table below
1. drop ______
2. clap ______
3. mop _______
4. slash
5. touch
b) Change the words in brackets to past tense to complete the sentences
1. They …………their clothes yesterday. (wash)
2. She……….when the visitor came in. (clap)
3. They were all smartly…………..(dress)
4. It…………….cats and dogs (rain)
5. Musa …………………the headmaster loudly. (greet)

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6. The thief was………….by the police. (kill)
Theme Living things
Sub-theme Tenses
Forming verbs in past simple tense which add ‘d’
Use – used
Arrive – arrived
Believe –
Use the words given in brackets to completee the sentences below
1. The visitor …………..at home very late. (arrive)
2. Maria ………..with a queen yesterday. (dance)
3. I …………….my teacher’s books alone. (arrange)
4. We………to do all the numbers on the chalkboard. (decide)
5. That girl………..my pen to write a letter. (use)
6. Mummy…………me for breaking the flask. (blame)
7. That girl…………at me last night. (smile)
8. They………………….near our home. (live)
Theme Living things
Sub theme Tenses
Content Past simple tense
Forming verbs in past simple with irregular verbs
Take – took, fly – flew, get – got, eat – ate, teach – taught, buy, run, come, write, choose, go, read
Write the given words in past simple tense
Catch, speak, sit, sleep, shake
Use the words in brackets to complete the given sentences
1. Musa ………….on the mat last night. (sit)
2. The oldman ………his legs yesterday. (break)
3. David………….a pencil yesterday. (buy)
4. They……………..to school by bus. (come)
5. We………..late last night. (sleep)
Theme Living things
Sub theme Tenses
Content Forming verbs in the past simple tense by dropping ‘y’ and adding ‘ied’
Carry – carried, marry – married, worry – worried, cry, hurry, copy, bury
Complete the table below
Carry …………….
………… married
Copy ……………..
………. hurried
Bury ……………….
Use the words given in brackets to complete the sentences
1. Molly ………the baby yesterday. (carry)
2. He…………….his father last month. (bury)
3. You……………..us so much last night. (worry)

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4. They……………….the thief alive. (bury)
5. The baby………….soundly last night. (cry)
Theme Living things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Use of ‘was’ and ‘were’
‘were’ is used in plural.
I They
He was We were
She You
- I was coming home
- He was playing football
- They were all asleep when the thief broke in.
You were shouting from inside
Write ‘was’ or ‘were’ in the gaps below: -
1. There _________ a film show in our school.
2. There _________ monkeys in the forest.
3. He ___________ the only man in the field.
4. We __________ coming to see you.
5. You _________ counting my dresses yesterday.
6. There ____________ a man in the store
7. There ___________ many flowers in the garden
8. You _________ going home in the afternoon.
9. We __________ going for the party.
10. ____________ doing my homework.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Past simple tense
Jumbled story
Arrange these sentences to form a correct story.
a) As she was digging, she saw a snake.
b) She went to her garden.
c) Yesterday, Namusisi woke up early.
d) She hit it on the head with a hoe.
e) She dressed up and got her hoe.

a) When I kept it, she thanked me

b) My mother bought for me a toy car
c) Then she told me to keep it well.
d) It was my birthday
e) I was very happy to get a toy car.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Past simple tense
Jumbled sotry
Arrange the sentences below to form a correct story
a) Then waved to his dear wife.
b) And started up the engine
c) He drove out of the garage
d) He got into his car
e) Mr. Musoke opened the garage door

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a) Soon he was asleep
b) He woke up when it was already morning
c) He went straight to bed
d) After supper John’s mother said good night to him
e) He jumped into his bed
Theme Living things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Dialogue
Lokapel: Good morning Akol. What are you doing there?
Akol: I am preparing my garden for planting
Lokapel: What are you going to plant then?
Akol: I am going to plant maize & bean seeds
Lokapel: How are you going to plant them?
Akol: I am going to plant them in straight rows. The rows will be three feet apart.
Lokapel: Okay! When the plants begin to grow, look after them carefully and take away any weeds.
Akol: Thank you very much for the advice.
Lokapel: You are welcome
1. How many people are talking in the dialogue?
2. At what time were these people talking?
3. Who was preparing the garden?
4. What was Akol going to plant?
5. How was Akol going to plant maize and beans?
6. How long will the rows be from each other?
7. What are weeds?
8. Who advised Akol?
9. Use the following words in a sentence:
- Preparing
- Planting
Theme Living things
Sub theme Plants in our sub county
Content Poem
Plants plants plants
Plants are useful
Home for birds and animals, for example care for plants, plants are good.

Oh plants, plants, plants

Food from plants
Fruits from plants
Firewood from plants
Protect plants, plants are good
By Lillian
1. What is the poem about?
2. Give four things got from plants
3. Where do birds and animals live?
4. Why do you think plants are good?
5. Write down two uses of domestic birds.
6. How many stanzas has the poem?
7. How many lines has the poem?
8. Who wrote this poem?
9. Give the opposites of ; useful, and give
Theme Livign things
Sub theme Plants in our county

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Content Dialogue
Read the dialogue below and answer questions that follow in full sentences
Read the dialogue below:
Asiimwe: What are you doing here Kugonza
Kugonza: I’m waiting for Natasha
She is lying under a mango tree
Asiimwe: What is the matter with her?
Kugonza: She has pain in the stomach
Asiimwe: I know why she has pain in her stomach. She drank
unboiled water.
Kugonza: What shall I do to help her?
Asiimwe: Take her to Dr. Magembe’s clinic. He will treat her.
1. Who are the people talking in the dialogue?
2. How many people are speaking?
3. Who was the first to speak?
4. Where is Natasha lying?
5. What is wrong with Natasha?
6. Who drank unboiled water?
7. What will Kugonza do to help her?
Theme Join the sentences below using too….to/ too……for
Sub theme 1. Mary is very young. She cannot go to school alone
Content 2. John is very short. He cannot touch the roof.
3. Sarah is very sick. She cannot go to school
4. My grandmother is very old. She cannot walk without a stick.
5. The boy is very lazy. He cannot finish the work
Theme Managining resources in our sub county
Sub theme Saving resources and the concept of resources
Content Vocabulary
Time, firewood, money, bank, bag, waste, box, plant, need, bundle, charcoal, save
Fill in the missing letters
B__nk, b__g, pl__ __t, b___x, m___n___y, b__ndl__
Make sentences using the words below
Time, charcoal, firewood, save
Theme Managing resources in our sub county
Sub theme Saving resources and the concept of resources
Content Structures
e.g. do you have enough firewood? Yes, I do
do you have enough charcoal? No, we do not have
use these structures in sentences
how much………….?
How many…………?
Theme Managing resources in our sub county
Sub theme Spending resources
Content Structures:
- What are you………..(buying/selling?)
- I am/we are buying/selling (sweets, books)
- How much/many (sugar, sweets, books pens) do you want?
- i/we/they/he/she want/wants…….(quality of items)
use the following structures in a sentence
1. what are you………….?

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2. What is the …………?
3. How much………….?
4. How many …………?
Theme Daily activities (future simple tense)
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use the vocabulary and answer given questions
Read the dialogue titled “ What will my sister do?” (Ref. Mk primary english bk3 pg 84)
Objectives: pupils will read and use the story to answer questions
Skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking
Evaluation activity
1. What will my sister make tommorow
2. Does she have enough millet flour?
3. Who are the people conversing?
4. How many people are talking?
5. Where will she buy some more flour from?
6. At what time will she go to the market?
7. Give the title of the dialogue
Theme Dialy activities
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use the vocabulary and answer given questions
Read the story titled Visiting day (ref. Mk primary english bk3 pg 84
Using the story answer the given quesitons
1. Where does my sister go to school?
2. Which school does my sister go to?
3. Who will visit my sister next week?
4. What will father and mother buy for my sister?
5. Why will they visit my sister next week?
Theme Conjunctions
Sub theme Structures
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use a given conjunction
Joining sentences using ‘both
e.g. Atim is sick. Her sister is also sick. Both Atim and her sister are sick.
Join these sentences using:…….both…….
1. Mum will go to town. daddy will go to town.
2. Joy has come late. Dorah has come late.
3. Betty is a beautiful girl. Her friend is also beautiful.
4. Tom is very smart. Allan is very smart.
5. Alex is a bright boy. Ivan is a bright boy.
6. Cats are pets. Dogs are pets.
7. Ducks lay eggs. Hens lay eggs.
8. Kato was absent yesterday. Kyazze was absent yesterday.
9. Cows are domestic animals. Goats are domestic animals.
Theme Conjunction
Sub theme Using ‘but’
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use ‘but’
e.g. Rose fell down. Rose did not cry. Rose fell down but did not cry.
Skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading
Objecitve: pupils will be able to join given sentences using the correct conjunction
Join these sentences using:………but……
1. The man is poor. The man is honest
2. We asked him to help us. He didn’t do anything.
3. Agnes worked hard. She failed the exams.
4. The car is old. It works very well.
5. Our class is small. Our class is tidy.

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6. The woman fell off the bus. She wasn’t hurt.
7. I dropped the glass. The glass did not break.
8. He was knocked by the car. He did not die.
9. Fire destroyed the factory. No lives were hurt.
10. Ben looked everywhere for his cap. He could not find it.
Theme Conjunction
Sub theme As……….as………
Content Teacher will help pupils discover how as ………as is used
Using: as…….as…….
- Peter is tall. Ali is tall
Peter is as tall as Ali
- Henry is clever. His sister is also clever.
Henry is as clever as his sister.
Skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking
Objective: proper use of the conjunction
Evaluation exercise
1. Joan is smart. Joyce is smart
2. You are lazy. Your friend is also lazy.
3. John is tall. Amos is tall
4. This tea is hot. The fire is also hot.
5. Musa is short. Isaac is also short.
6. That girl is beautiful. Her mother is also beautiful.
7. That food is cold. Ice is also cold.
8. You are playful. The kitten is also playful.
9. Peter is bright. Ben is bright
10. The old man was happy. The king was also happy
Theme Conjunctions
Sub theme Structures
Content Use of prefer:…... to……
1. I like meat more than fish
I prefer meat to fish
2. I like eating posho more than rice.
I prefer eating posho to rice
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Objectives: pupils will be able to use prefer…..to effectively
Re-write these sentences using prefer……to…….
1. I like chicken more than meat.
2. Mary likes eating rice more than posho.
3. Arnold likes watching movies more than cartoons.
4. I like chocolate more than biscuits
5. He likes apples more than lemons
6. Hellen likes reading more than writing.
7. I like singing more than dancing
8. Joy likes play netball more than volleyball
9. My mother likes eating bananas more than cassava
10. Our teacher likes cakes more than cookies
Theme Living things
Sub theme Conjunctions
Content Use of ……..while….
I was sweeping the room. Maria was washing plates.
I was sweeping the room while Maria was washing the plates
While I was sweeping the room, Maria was washing the plates

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Join the following sentences using …..while……
1. Kate was drumming. Jona was dancing
2. Mother was cooking. Peter was listening to the radio
3. The teacher was writing. The children were reading.
4. The boys were slashing. The girls were sweeping
5. We were singing. They were dancing
Theme Living things
Sub theme Conjunctions
Content Use of ………when………
I was coming to school. I met a mad man. When I was coming to school, I met a mademan.
I met a madman when I was coming to school.
Join the sentences below using……….when…….
1. Tom was writing a letter. His mother called him.
2. The children were shouting. The teacher came in.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Conjunctions
Content Use of …….although…….
He woke up early. He missed the first bus. He woke up early although he missed the first bus.
Alex is clever but he failed the interview. Although Alex is clever, he failed the interview
Rewrite the sentences below using/ beginning Although
1. It rained heavily. I reached school in time.
2. Kato was sick. Kato came to school.
3. He is rich. He has no car.
4. She ran fast. She did not win the race.
5. Kafeero is good at music. He cannot play a piano.
6. He is a Muganda but he cannot speak Luganda fluently
7. That man is very rich. He stays in a hut.
8. Allen worked very hard. She didn’t get any prize.
Theme Living things
Sub theme Conjunctions
Content Use of either…..or……..
Sarah will buy a pen. Sarah will buy a pencil. Sarah will buy either a pen or a pencil.
They may go to Mukono. They may go to Kampala. They may go to either Mukono or Kampala
Theme Living things
Sub theme Conjunctions
Content Use of .so……that………..
It is used to make emphasis. It is used on both negative and affirmative statements.
Negative statements are those that have the word not
Example: Nasser is very fat. He cannot ran fast.
b) He is strong. He lifted the table. He is so strong that he lifted the table.
Join the sentences using:….so…….that……
1. The room is noisy. We cannot revise our notes.
2. Sarah’s mother is very old. She can not walk by herself
3. She woke up late. She missed the bus.
4. The man was very short. Everyone wanted to look at him.
5. The weather was very hot. James put off his coat.
6. The journey was very long. We had to arrive late.
7. The sandals were expensive. Daddy couldn’t buy them.
8. My grandfather was a kind man. Everyone liked him.
9. Kiwuka is very clever. He will not repeat P.3.
10. He runs very fast. You cannot catch him.

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Theme Living things
Sub theme Conjunctions
Content Use of too……to…………/ too……….for
This bag is heavy. I cannot carry it. The bag is too heavy for me to carry.
Sarah is heavy. She can weigh 80kgs. Sarah is too heavy to weigh 80kgs
Join the sentences using:…… too……to…….
1. Olive is young. She cannot go to school by her own.
2. The lady is old. She cannot carry the luggage by herself.
3. The boy is very lazy. He cannot mop that house.
4. The animal is very fierce. It can not stay with other animals.
5. The class is very dirty. We can not study from there.
Theme Managing resources in our sub county
Sub theme Saving resources and the concept of resources
Content Structures
- Where………do/does……….., he/she get……..money/charcoal?
- He/she/they/we/I have…….money, charcoal, firewood in the box, store, basket.
- What are you………..(buying/selling)?
- I am/we are selling/buying(sweets/books)
- He/she they is/are buying/selling (books, pens, sweets)
Use the given structures correctly
1. Where ______ she get water from (do/does)
2. He gets ______ from the market. (food/water)
3. What _______ you selling? (is, are)
4. I am ______ sugar from the shop. (buying/selling)
5. Where do _____ get milk from? (he/we)
Theme Managing resources in our sub county
Sub theme Spending resources
Content Vocabulary:
Sugar, books, buy, sell, sweets, pancakes, pencils, soap, salt, pens, cost, much, many, money,
shillings, some, any etc.
Make correct sentences using these words
a)Salt b) soap c) much d) some e) many f) any
Theme Managing resources in our sub county
Sub theme Spending resources
Content Situational game:
Mr. Omoit: Hullo Collins, I am a shopkeeper selling milk, beans and sugar
Collins: What type of money do you use for buying and selling?
Mr. Omoit: I use Uganda currency notes and coins
Sanyu: Do you keep you money in the shop?
Mr. Omoit: Oh no, I save my money and take it to the bank.
Answer these questions in full sentences.
1. How many people are taking part in the game?
2. Who sells in the shop?
3. What currency does Mr. Omoit use?
4. Where does Mr. Omoit keep his money?
5. What do we call a person who sells in a shop?
Theme Occupations
Sub theme New words
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use given vocabulary
Skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing

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Artist, doctor, judge, secretary etc (Ref Mk primary bk3 pg 86 – 87)
Pupils will be able to name different occupations done by people
Give special names for people according to what they do
Lesson activity
Pupils will do an exercise in the Mk primary book 3 pg 87 (answering given questions) e.g. A person
who makes furniture ………….
Theme Occupations
Sub theme Vocabulary
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use the vocabulary
Skills: listening, writing, reading and speaking
Milk man, herbalist, journalist, shepherd, photographer, author etc
Pupils will be able to develop knowledge about different occupations
Recite rhymes about occupations
Lesson activity
Who am I?
1. I look after sheep. I am a ………
2. I write article fro newspaper or magazines………….
3. I catch fish from a lake or river……….
4. I repair and fit water pipes
5. I am in charge of the library
6. I sell medicines and ointments
7. I take photographs……..
8. I sell herbs. So I am a ……….
Theme Occupations
Sub theme Work places
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use the vocabulary
Hospital, bank, airport, dairy, studio, bus park, garage, post office, butcher etc
Objective: pupils will be able to identify people who work in places mentioned and read and
pronounce the words correctly
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Evaluation exercise
Complete the sentences correctly
1. A place where milk is sold………
2. A place where aeroplanes land and take off…………
3. A place where books are sold from is called……….
4. A place where furniture is made from…………….
5. A place where we take photographs form………..
6. A place where meat is sold from…………
7. A place where books are kept………..
Theme Occupations
Sub theme Guided compositions
Content A bad day for Omondi
Objectives : pupils will be able to choose words from the box and fill in the gaps and also develop the
language related to occupations
Evaluation activity
Ref Exercise in the Primary English bk3 pg 92
Theme Occupations
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to use the vocabulary given
Story titled Asiimwe cuts his hair
Objectives: pupils will be able to read the story and answer the questions that follow in full sentences
Evaluation activity

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Ref. Exercise in the Mk primary English bk3 pg 91 numbers 1 – 5
1. Who laughed at Asiimwe
2. Did Topacco cut off his hair?
3. Give the title of the story
Theme Analogies
Sub theme Structures
Content Teacher will guide pupils on how to complete the given analogies
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
e.g. Teacher is to pupils as doctor is to patient.
Hot is to hotter as bad is to worse.
Fruit is to dish as flower is to vase
Evaluation activity
1. Husband is to wife as lion is to ……………
2. Fruit is to dish as…………is to vase
3. Feathers are to birds as………..are to fish
4. Run is to horse as……………is to frog.
5. Man is to woman as sir is to…………….
6. Old is to young as cheap is to…………….
7. Father is to ………….as mother is to daughter
8. Inside is to outside as………..is to stand
9. East is to west as south is to………………..
10. Day is to ……………..as month is to year.
11. One is to many and knife is to…………….
12. Dentist is to teeth as a herbalist is to………
Theme Likes and dislikes
Sub theme Teacher will encourage the learners to identify things they like and dislike
Content Revision of positions and types of food already taught e.g. cakes, chips, bread, burns
New words ; sweet, burn, sport and games, watch, sour, watering
Conjunction but ® because ®
I like cakes because they are sweet
I dislike raw mangoes because they are sour
I don’t like fish because of its smell
Skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading
Evaluation exercise:
Make ten sentences showing what you like and dislike
Theme Likes and dislikes
Sub theme Structures
Content Do you like games and sports
Yes, I do
Do you like lemons?
No, I don’t
Does she like porridge? Yes, she does
Does he like posho? No, he doesn’t
Skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing
Objectives: learners will complete the given structures correctly
Learners will give reasons as to why they prefer some items/ food to others
Evaluation activity
Make ten sentences from the substitutional structures correctly
I Like Raw mangoes Sweet
He Likes Cakes Hard
She Doesn’t like Lemons Tasty
Don’t like Yellow Sour

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Theme Likes and dislikes
Sub theme Structures
Content He likes………but doesn’t like meat.
Tom likes coffee but doesn’t like porridge
Does Musa like fish or meat
He likes fish but doesn’t like meat
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Learners will mention what they like and dislike
Learners will act as told by the teacher
Evaluation activity
Answer the questions orally
1. Does Mwesigye like beans or peas
2. Does Bwire like cakes or samosas?
3. Does Achan like oranges or lemons?
4. Does Edith like chocolate or sweets?
5. Does Kayongo like rice or posho?
6. Does Mark like chicken or meat?
7. Does Wasswa like vegetables or fruits?
8. Does Sarah like burns or cakes?
9. Does Betty like swimming or Playing football?
10. Does Annet like washing or ironing?
Theme Likes and dislikes
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Reading the story titled : Keeping a healthy body (ref. Mk primary book 3 pg 97)
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Learners will read the given story in groups and individuals
Learners will compare the two boys in the story
Learners will draw pictures of the two boys as described in the story
Evaluation activity
Answer these questions in full sentences
1. Who are the two brothers?
2. Who likes games
3. What does Mukama like
4. When does Kusiima go for games
5. Which fruits does Kusiima like to eat?
6. Why does Kusiima like eating fruits?
7. What is the use of vitamins in the body
8. Give the title of the story
9. Who is small and weak
10. Give the opposites of the words ; like , weak
Theme Basic healthy and hygiene
Sub theme Teachers will carry out a health parade
Content Vocabulary
Possessive pronouns
Bathing, cutting finger nails, brushing teeth, toothpaste washing, polishing shoes, cutting hair, shoe
polish etc
Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Objective: learners will explain what they do to keep their bodies clean (personal hygiene)
Learners will draw and name things they use to keep their bodies clean
Evaluation exercise
Draw and name ten things we use to keep our bodies clean
Theme Basic healthy and hygiene

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Sub theme Structures
Content Whose…………is this?
Whose towel is this?
Its Mary’s towel. It is hers
Whose tooth brushes are these/ they are ours
Those are your pairs of shoes. They belong to you.
Skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking
Evaluation exercise
Choose the correct word from the table to complete the sentences
Mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs, its
1. That is my towel, it is ……………
2. Those are your toothbrushes. They are………..
3. That is Musa’s soap. It is ……….
4. This is our shoe polish. It is ……….
5. Those are Mary’s shoes. They are…………
6. Those are girls dresses. They are………..
7. These are my books. They are……………..
Theme Basic health and hygiene
Sub theme Reading and writing
Content Read the story titled: Nina the smart girl” (Ref. Mk primary English bk3 pg101)
Skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking
Objectives: learners will read the story and answer questions that follow in full sentences
Evaluation exercise
1. What does Nina use to brush her teeth?
2. Why must finger nails be cut short?
3. When does Nina polish her shoes?
4. What does Nina use to cut the nails?
5. What does she use to polish her shoes?
6. Who cuts Nina’s hair short?
7. When does Nina cut her finger nails?
8. What is the title of the story?
9. When does Nina polish her shoes?
Theme Basic healthy and hygiene
Sub theme Jumbled stories topical questions
Content Arrange these sentences in order to form correct stories
a) I put on the wire to dry
b) I went to the tap and got water
c) I was running and I fell down
d) I washed it.
e) My shirt got dirty

1) My aunt from Arua came

2) She game me some dresses
3) I like my shoes very much
4) And a pair of shoes.
5) To see us last Sunday

a) He told him to go home and clean his ears

b) The doctor looked at his ears.
c) Yesterday Dan’s ears were hurting
d) His ears were dirty
e) He went to the hospital to see a doctor
Theme Basic health and hygiene

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Sub theme Guided composition titled : Good children (Ref. Mk primary English bk 3 pg102)
Content Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Learners will complete the given guided composition correctly
Evaluation exercise
Exercise (Ref Mk primary English bk3 pg 102)
Theme Keeping peace in our sub county
Sub theme Basic health and sanitation
Content Guided writing
Letter interpretation
Sir Apollo Mengo P/s,
P.O. Box 28560,
6th May 2006
Dear daddy,
How are you? How is home? I have written this letter so that you may buy me an umbrella because
it rains every morning and my books get wet. The umbrella will also protect me when the sun is on
the sky around 1:00p.m. when walking from class back home.
I shall be very happy if you buy me an umbrella.

Your son

Answer the questions about the letter in full sentences.

1. Who wrote the letter?
2. When was the letter written?
3. In which school is WasswaTravor?
4. Why did he write the letter?
5. Give the opposite of these words.
Morning ________ buy _______
Honey _________
6. Why does the writer need an umbrella?
7. To whom was the letter written?
Theme Keeping peace in our sub county
Sub theme Living in peace with others
Content Dialogue
Akiiki – Abili look! What is that woma wearing on her head?
Abili: It is called a veil?
Akiiki: What does she do?
Abili: She is a nun. She works in a Catholic church
Akiiki: I see, she covers herself like a Moslem.
Abili: Oh yes, but the ones who work in the mosque are called Imams. Imams lead prayers in the
Akiiki: Imams? Both men and women?
Abili: No, only men. Women don’t lead prayers in a mosque.
Akiiki: Thank you Abili.
Abili: You are welcome
Answering the questions about the conversation in full sentences:
1. How many people are conversing?
2. where does a nun work?
3. what does a nun wear on her head?
4. can a woman lead prayers in a mosque?
5. who leads prayers in a mosque?

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6. who was thanked?
7. make words using the given sounds
8. ‘ur ______
9. oe _______
10. que______
11. ri ________
Theme Keeping peace in our sub county
Sub theme Letter writing
Content Guided writing
Use the word below to complete the letter
Daughter, sports, brothers, watching, how , November, supposed, inform, 2013, primary
Sir Apollo Kaggwa _____school,
P.O box 228 K’la
17th October
Dear Daddy,
………………are you that end? Let me hope you are fine. How are my sisters and………..?
Hope they are all fine. I have written to…………….you that we shall have our ………..day on
Saturday 20th………2013. On this day, all our parents are …………..to be at school, …………us
I will be playing volleyball, please come and support me.

Your loving………………


Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county.
Sub – theme Customs in our division/ sub county.
Skills Self-awareness, effective communication, assertiveness.
Lessons content Vocabulary.
Sing, wear, greet, food, cry, pray, kneel, dance, happy, sad, pain, sick.
1. Spelling exercise
Evaluation activity a. Kneel b. wear c. greet d. pray
2. Make sentences using;Happy , sad, cry, dance.
Theme Culture and gender in our sub – county / division.
Customs in our division / sub county.
Sub theme Self-awareness, effective communication, assertiveness.
Skills Picture interpretation. MK p3 pg 172
Lessons content Use the given structures correctly.
7. What did Mary ………. ( done, do)
Evaluation activity 8. Ali ………….his father yesterday. ( greet)
9. Did John …..in the morning? ( pray)
10. Did Rose………? ( cry)
No, ………….
Yes, ………….
11. What did Joan………..? ( write)
Lesson evaluation 12. Peter ………a nice shirt last week.( wear)
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county.
Sub - theme Self awareness, assertiveness, effective communication.
Skills Vocabulary
Share, work, help, same, different, beat, kids, slap, eat,, cake, milk, hungry, wash, cook,
mop, wash.
Lesson content a. Fill in the missing letters to complete the words correctly.
1. S___m 2. Sl___p 3. C__ __k
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Evaluation activity. 4. B __ __t 5. Wo__k 6. S ___as___
b. Make correct sentences using;
i. Different
ii. Wash
iii. Hungry
iv. Milk
Lesson evaluation
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county.
Sub theme Effective communication, creative thinking, self – awareness, decision - decision making.
Skills Structures
Why did he/ she/ they run away from ……( school/ home)?
He / she/ they ran away from ( school/ home) because the ( teacher, mother, father) kicked /
Lesson content slapped/beat him/her)
Why was / were he/ she/ they beaten/ kicked/ slapped?
Who …….. ( slapped/ kicked/ beat ……him/her/ them?
Answer the questions correctly.
6) Why did she run away from home? ( Her father beat her)
7) Why was she slapped? ( abused her sister)
8) Why were they crying? ( their mother died)
9) Why did Paul fall down? ( Tom kicked him)
Lesson evaluation 10) Why were the girls punished? (They were playing in the classroom)
Theme Culture and gender in our divion / sub county. Ways of promoting and preserving culture.
Effective communication, creative thinking, self, awareness, decision making.
Sub – theme Vocabulary.
Sing, dance, play, blow , flute, drum, sick, medicine, needles, razarblade, syringe, safety pins,
Skills scissors, tablets, children.
Lesson content c. Spell the words correctly.
(i) Flute 2. Needles 3. Drum 4. Blow
d. Complete these sentences correctly.
Evaluation activity 6) Dorah cut her finger with a ……. ( safety pin, razor blade)
7) ………people are called patients. ( sick, well)
8) The doctor told me to take two…. Everyday. ( tables, medicine)
Lesson evaluation 9) Juma is wearing a black pair of …..( shoes, shirt )
10) A nurse uses a …………and a needle to give an injection. ( drum, syringe)
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county.
Ways of promoting and preserving culture.
Effective communication, creative thinking, self awareness, decision – making.
Lesson content Structure
Never share ( needles, safety pins, razorblades)
You / he / she should always take ( medicine./ tablets) when you/ he / she is/ are sick.
He / she/ they/ we/ I can play a ( drum/ piano) but I/she/ we/ they/ he cannot play/ blow a ( flute/
Evaluation activity Fill in the gaps with correct words.
6) Never share……….. ( stones, needles)
7) My sister was …………..when she was sick. ( medicine, pencils)
8) Mirembe can play a ……… ( bicycle, piano)
9) The doctor told me to take two…every morning. ( tablets, sodas)
Lesson evaluation 10) He cut himself with a ……. ( safety pin, razor blade)
Theme Culture and gender in our division / sub county.
Sub theme skills Vocabulary
Lesson content Teachers, pupils, parents, monitor, family, sister, cousin, brother, nephew, uncle, aunt, son, first
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Types of families
i.e Nuclear family - parents and their biological children.
Extended family - parents, their children and other relatives.
Evaluation activity Make meaningful sentences using each of the words below.
Lesson evaluation Parents, last born, niece, cousin, nephew, twins, daughters, aunt, uncle, first born.
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Relation ships
Sub theme Structures
How many ……..have you?
Lesson content I have six ……….. ( brothers/ sisters)
How many brothers does he have?
He has four brothers.
Who is your little sister?
What position do you hold in the family?
Evaluation activity Answer the given questions in full sentences.
7) How many sisters do you have?
8) How many brothers does Mary have?
9) What position does Peter hold in the family?
10) How old is your eldest brother?
11) What is the name of your last born?
Lesson evaluation 12) How many members are in your family?
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub theme Relationships
skills Critical thinking, self awareness, appreciation, effective thinking.
Lesson content Mr. Mrs. Opio’s family tree ( MK pupils book 3 pg142 – 143)
Evaluation activity Answer the given questions in full sentences.
Lesson evaluation ( Mk pupils bk 3 pg 142 – 143)
Theme sub – theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub – county.
Skills Relationships
Self – awareness, appreciation, creative thinking.
Lesson content Poem - The son of my father ( Mk Bk3 pg 144)
Answer the given questions in full sentences.
7) What do you call your father’s daughter?
8) Who is a brother?
9) How many stanzas does the poem have?
10) Who is a cousin?
11) Who is happy?
12) Write the opposites of;
Lesson evaluation i) uncle ii. Nephew
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county.
Sub – theme Relationships
Skills Critical thinking, self awareness, appreciation.
Lesson content Story – Mr. Muwanga and family ( Mk Bk 3 pg 144)
Evaluation activity. Answer the given questions in full sentences ( Mk pupils Bk 3 pg 145)
Lesson evaluation
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub theme Critical thinking, appreciations, self awareness.
Lesson content Guided composition ( Mk bk 3pg 145)
Evaluation activity Use the given words to fill in the gaps and complete the composition correctly.
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub – county
Sub – theme Relationships
Skills Self awareness, critical thinking, appreciation.
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Lesson content Jumbled story
- She feared to go there alone.
- Jane got a stick and killed it.
- Mother sent Halima to the well to fetch water.
Evaluation activity - As they walked to the well, they saw a snake.
- Halima called her friend Jane to escort her.
Lesson evaluation The sentences below are in wrong order.
Re – arrange them in correct order to make a correct story.
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub – county
Sub theme Tenses of irregular verbs,
Skills Effective thinking, assertiveness, self awareness.

Lesson content Vocabulary

Note: Irregular verbs are which don’t add ed in the past form.
e.g present - past
hear - heard
throw - threw
dig - dug
read - read
draw - drew
spell - spelt
drink - drank
tell - told
drive - drove
leave - left
cost - cost
pay - paid
lose - lost
Evaluation activity buy - bought
c. Write the past form of the given words.
1. Bring 6. Catch
2. Ride 7. Sleep
3. Fight 8. Sweep
4. Sing 9. Swim
5. See 10. Speak
e. Use the correct form of the given words to fill in the gaps
11. The farmer ………….in his garden yesterday. ( dig)
12. We ………..milk tea last morning. (drink)
13. Peter ……….the books in the book shelf. ( keep)
14. Joanita……….the sweetest cake. ( choose)
Lesson evaluation 15. The pupils …………matooke and meat last Friday. ( eat)
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county.
Tenses of irregular verbs.
Sub theme Self awareness, effective thinking, appreciation.
Lesson content Irregular verbs
Present past
Know knew
Put put
Feed fed
Bite bit
Tear tore
Wear wore
Hang hung

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Lie lied
Beat beat
Cut cut
Hurt hurt
Shut shut
Evaluation activity Write the past simple tense
Present past
Tear _________
Rise _________
Wear __________
Break __________
Steal __________
Ring ___________
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.
- Second term ………….on 25th May 2012. ( begin)
- The baby ………….. the milk last night. (d rink)
- The headmaster………….for Nairobi yesterday. ( leave)
Lesson evaluation - A snake …………… Sarah yesterday. ( bite)
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub – county
Sub – theme Future simple tense
Skills Self esteem, assertiveness, self confidence.
Lesson content Dialogue - (Mk Bk 3 pg 168)
Evaluation activity Answer the given questions in full sentences.
6. How many people are taking part in the dialogue?
7. Who was waiting for Natasha?
8. Where was Natasha?
9. What was the matter with Natasha?
10. Who were the people taking part in the dialogue?
Lesson evaluation. 11. What is the name of the doctor mentioned in the dialogue?
Theme Gender and culture in our division/ sub county
Sub theme Future simple tense
Skills Reading, writing.
Lesson content Story – Mr. Kintu’s glasses ( Mk Bk 3 pg 168 -9)
Answer the questions in full sentences.
Evaluation activity Whom did the two pupils meet?
Why was Mr. Kintu sad?
What dropped from Mr. Kintu’s handkerchief?
Who saw the glasses?
Why was Mr.Kintu not going to give a reward to the little girl?
Lesson evaluation What us the title of the story?
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub theme Reading, writing, self confidence, assertiveness.
Skills Testing exercise ( revision exercise)
Lesson content Mk pupils bk 3 pg 169 – 170)
Evaluation activity
Lesson evaluation. Written exercises on pg 169 – 170
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub – theme Present perfect tense
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing,

Lesson content Helping verbs used in this tense are has and have.
Do - done I
Speak - spoke we have
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Take - taken they
Eat - eaten you
Hide - hidden
Drive - driven
Rot - rotten he
Drive - driven she has
Forgive - forgiven it
Evaluation activity Choose - chosen
c) Write the present perfect tense of the following:
- steal hide
- choose forgive
- drive raise
d. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.
7. Ritah has …………….. my pen. ( take)
8. The headmaster has ……….to the pupils. ( speak)
9. The children have ……..the mango tree. ( shake)
Lesson evaluation 10. Why have you ………..my food? ( eat)
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub –theme Present perfect tense
Skills Listening, speaking, reading , writing .

Lesson content Verbs whose past simple and present perfect form are the same.

Keep - kept lay - laid
Clap - clapped buy - bought
Sweep - swept leave - left
Think - thought read - read
Catch - caught feel - felt
Teach - taught sleep - slept
Fight - fought shut - shut
Bring - brought weep - wept
Drop - dropped burst - burst
Evaluation activity Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.
- Mr. Mubiru has ……….us science. ( teach)
- My father has ………………a new car. ( buy)
- The children have…………the words correctly. ( spell)
- The monitor has …………the newspaper. ( read)
- The headmaster has ………….. forJinja. ( leave )
- Nalule has …………… all the dishes. ( drop)
- My sister has…………… us good news. ( bring)
- Joseph has ………….the classroom. ( sweep)
- She has …………… o f a good idea. ( think)
Lesson evaluation - I have not ………….the windows. ( close)
Theme Culture and gender in our division / sub county.
Sub theme Other verbs
Skills Listening, speaking, reading , writing,
Lesson content Examples
Present tense past tense past participle
Begin began begun
Ring rang rung
Sing sang sung
Strike struck struck
Dig dug dug
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Swim swam swum
Drink drank drunk
Fight fought fought
Buy bought bought
Think thought thought
Teach taught taught
Catch caught caught
Cut cutcut
Put putput
Burst burstburst
Hurt hurthurt
Spin span spun
Lay laid laid
Lie lied lied
Evaluation activity Lie lay lain
Lesson evaluation Copying and completing the table given.
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ Sub – county
Sub – theme Picture story
Lesson content Activities at home and working at the farm.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity. Study the pictures and write sentences about them.
b. What is he/ she doing?
c. ……………………….. ( paintings)
d. ……………………… ( washing)
e. ………………………. ( sweeping)
f. ……………………… ( cooking)
D. Okia spends his holidays at his uncle’s home in Palisa. Write four sentences about what Okia
is doing.
Lesson evaluation Use words below.
Planting, uprooting, feeding, collecting
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub theme Adverbs.
Lesson content Adverbs are words that explain more about a verb.
Types of adverbs
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of place.
Adverbs of time.
a. Adverbs of manner
These tell how an action is done.
They are formed by adding ‘ly’ to an adjective.
Sweet - sweetly
Quiet - quietly
Hurry - hurriedly
Soft - softly
Quick - quickly
Soft - softly
Quick - quickly
Loud - loudly
Slow - slowly
3. The dog barks loudly.
Skills 4. He speaks softly.
Listening , speaking, reading, writing

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Evaluation activity Change he following words to the correct adverbs.
17. deep
18. loud
19. quiet
20. proper
21. correct
22. sudden
23. slow
24. month
25. bright
26. year
27. equal
28. kind
29. immediately
30. brave
Lesson evaluation 31. soft
32. brief
Theme Culture and gender in our division/ sub county
Sub - theme Adverbs of time.
These are adverbs that tell when an action is done. i.e early, lately, now, tomorrow, yesterday,
Lesson content evening, soon, before, after, today, since, already.

Skills Structure
She lost her bag yesterday.
The bell has already gone.
Evaluation activity Speaking, listening, reading, writing.
Make sentences using each of the words below.
9. early
10. yesterday
11. today
12. already
13. since
14. now
Lesson evaluation 15. before
16. late
Theme Culture and gender in our division / sub county
Sub – theme Adverbs
Lesson content Adverbs of place
These are adverbs which tell us where an action is done from e.g
I kept the bag there.
Come here and sit down,
Skills Other examples.
Where ,every where, nowhere, anywhere, listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Underline the adverbs in these sentences.
10. The man died from there.
11. why did you go there?
12. Open that door quickly.
13. They have cleaned everywhere.
14. The match was played well.
15. Sarah shouted loudly, The car is here”
16. He ate his break fast and then ran quickly.
Lesson evaluation 17. I saw Jane yesterday and I shall see her again tomorrow.
18. Simon returned my pen unhappily.

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Theme Culture and gender in our division/sub county.

Sub theme Adverbs

Lesson content Formation of adverbs.
Other adverbs can be formed adding
Note: To the adjective that end with “y”
Drop “y” and put ( ily)
Noisy - noisily
Happy - happily
Easy - easily
Busy - busily
Heavy - heavily
Adjectives that end with letter “e” as adverbs e.g
Late - lately
Love - lovely
Wide - widely
Polite - politely
Skills Nice - nicely
Safe - safely
Evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading , writing
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the word in brackets.
12. The sun was shinning ………………… . ( bright)
13. We kept your pen …………… . ( safe)
14. The door was …………….. open. ( wide)
15. He …………. Welcomed me to his home. ( happy)
16. She was ……………. Dressed yesterday. ( nice)
17. He was hurt very ……………… ( bad)
18. You must spell your name ………….. ( correct)
19. It rained ……………. That night. ( heavy)
Lesson evaluation 20. They put on uniforms and looked ……….. ( love)
21. They did those sums ………….. ( quick) and went for breakfast.
Theme Culture and gender in our division / sub county
Sub – theme Topical questions
Lesson content - The sun was shinning………………..(brightly)
- When he got his money, he smiled …………………. ( happy)
Skills - The door opened ____________________ and the queen entered. ( (sudden)
- Osman writes…………………… . ( bad)
- The cows graze ……………….. . ( day)
- He washed the plates……………… ( careful)
- He was hurt very ………………. . ( bad)
- You must spell your words……………….. ( correct)
- I can’t hear you………………, please. ( clear)
- We shall do the sums ……………… . ( patient)
- Hellen asked for permission……………….. ( polite)
- All newspapers are published…………….. ( week)
- You must not sleep…………………… . ( sound)
- The school team played well and won the game………..( easy)
Lesson evaluation - He ate his food……………………. . ( early)
- He …………………….arranges the clothes in the suitcase. ( neat)
- Daddy punished the young boy ……………. ( bad)
- It rained very …………………. last week. ( heavy)
- We should talk ………………… to one another. ( polite)
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- Money is kept……………..in the bank. ( safe)
- Kato………………..stood up and went out, ( quick)
- The old lady walked……………… across the river. ( slow)
- P.3 pupils did the English exercise …………today. ( quiet)
Theme Health in our sub – county/ division.
Sub – theme Disease vectors
Lesson content Vocabulary
Mosquito, rat, louse/ lice, cockroach, flea, housefly, bed – bug.
Vectors are living organisms/ animals which cause diseases.
Examples of vectors
Mosquitoes, rats, lice, cockroaches, house fly, bed – bug, tsetse fly.
Diseases include;
Animal diseases
Mosquito malaria
Rat plague
House fly
Bed bug
Skills Listening , speaking, reading, writing

f. What are vectors

Evaluation activity g. Write down eight examples of vectors
h. Complete the table below.
Animal diseases
Mosquito _______________
Lesson evaluation Rat _______________
Theme Health in our division / sub county

Sub theme Disease vectors

Lesson content Vocabulary

Cut, slash, sweep, food, faeces, clean, keep, flies, fingers, cover, malaria, shut, mosquito
Skills net, latrine, toilet, etc.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Fill in the missing letters
Arrange letters to form a correct word.
Lesson evaluation Use the words in a sentence.
Theme Health in our sub – county/ division

Sub = theme Disease vectors.

Lesson content What we should do to prevent diseases.

Wash hands after writing the toilet/ latrine,
Boil the water and cover it.
Spray mosquitoes.
Sleep under a mosquito net.
Smoke the toilet.
Cut bushes around our compounds.
Shut windows early.
Burn the dust bins.
What do you do every day?
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I/we clean the house ………………
Evaluation activity What does she/ he/ it………….?
He cleans the house……………….
c, Write down measures that should be taken to prevent diseases.
d, What do you do every day?

- I/We ………….. ( clean, sweep, close, brush…..)

- What do they do every day?
Lesson evaluation - What does he/she do daily?
She/ he……………………..
Theme Health in our sub – county / division
Disease vectors.
Sub – theme
Lesson content HIV - Human immune virus
AIDS – Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Sharp , share, eat, help, care, medicine, patient, gloves, take, share, needle, towel, comb,
razarblade, syringe.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
C. Fill in the missing letters.
Evaluation activity 1. sh___rp 2. e___t
3. med__ci__e 4. Co___b
5. gl___ves 6. n__ ___ dle
D. Arrange the letters to form a correct word.
7. keta 8. tweevl 9. reca
10. koob
E. Choose a correct word from the brackets to complete the sentences.
6. A needle is a ……………………. Object. ( sharp, needle)
7. We use a ………………..to comb our hair. ( needle, comb)
8. We should not play with …………….objects. ( sharp, gloves)
Lesson evaluation 9. We take…………….. when we are sick. ( medicine, gloves)
10. It is very dangerous to play with …………..objects. ( gloves, sharp)
Theme Health in our sub – county / division
Sub –theme Diseases spread by vectors.
Lesson content Causes and spread of AIDS.
Having unprotected sex with an infected person.
Sharing sharp objects.
How to control the spread of AIDS.
Go for a blood test.
Avoid having sex.
Don’t play with sharp objects.
Taking medicine
Feeding well ( balanced diet)
Use gloves when caring for them.

Caring for AIDS patients.

Skills Show them love.
Evaluation activity Help them in all aspects.
Lesson evaluation Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Oral work ( discussion)

Copying down given aspects.
Theme Accidents

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Sub theme Vocabulary
Lesson content New vocabulary
Bleeding, injury, injured, hurt, cut, bite, pain, snake, dog, bite, break, broke, wound, knock,
plaster, fall off, knife, bicycle, scissor, snake, bite, syringe, needle, bandage, tablets, etc.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
5. Spelling exercise
6. Filling the missing letters
7. Write the letters properly to form a correct word.
Lesson evaluation 8. Use the vocabulary to make simple sentences.
Theme Accidents
Sub – theme Structures
What is the matter with you/ him/her
Lesson content I cut my finger, I am suffering from malaria.
I have hurt my finger.
What is the matter with Joseph?
He has fallen of the bicycle.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Study the pictures ( Mk Bk 3 pg 158 – 160)

What is the matter with Paul?
What is the matter with Anna?
Lesson evaluation Why are you crying?
Why is she crying? She has cut her finger etc.
Theme Accidents
Sub – theme Structures
Lesson content Make sentences from the table below.
He Knocked A knife
Bitten Fire
was Hit Electricity
Skills she Struck by a car
Cut a snake
burnt a hammer
a dog
Evaluation activity

He was struck by electricity.

Lesson evaluation She was bitten by a snake.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Theme Accidents

Sub – theme Comprehension

Lesson content Poems
Read the poem
I hate to see people in pain.
I hate to see people in accidents.
I hate to see somebody getting hurt.
When a friend is cut or burnt.
It makes me sad.

Accidents are bad.

We should careful when using tools at home.
We shall be careful at school while playing.
On the way to school or work.
All we need is care and safety.
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Skills We must care.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Read the story about “YASABA” and answer questions that follow in full sentences.
Who had long nails?
Where was the razarblade?
What happened to Yasba?
Whose finger was bleeding?
Who was Yasaba’s mother?
How did MrsMasaba clean the wound?
What made Yasaba cry?
Give the opposites of these words.
a. Careful b. her self
Lesson evaluation b. Remember c. crying
e. she
Theme Accidents
Sub – theme Story
Lesson content Read the story titled
“ALEX LEARNS A LESSON” ( Ref Mk Bk 3 pg 163)
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
10.Who climbed the tree?
Evaluation 11. What did Alex step on?
Activity 12. What happened to Alex when he stepped on a dry branch?
13. Why did Alex cry loudly?
14. Who took Alex to the clinic?
15. What is the title of the story?
16. What lesson did Alex learn?
17. Was Alex a careful boy?
Lesson evaluation 18. How did Alex’s father feel?
Theme Health in our sub – county

Sub – theme Accidents

Lesson content Testing exercise

Revision exercise on accidents.
Skills Reading, writing

Evaluation activity Complete the sentences using the correct form of words in brackets.
11. Rukuba was ……………by a dog last night. ( bite)
12. Kato…………..when he fell from the roof. ( cry)
13. The girl is ………………a tree now. ( climb)
14. Noah has injured himself. He is …………. ( bleed)
15. Anek ……………..herself with a knife when she was peeling potatoes. ( to cut)
16. Barongo fell off the motorcycle and ………….. his right leg. ( break)
17. The nurse …………….Musa’s wound with a bandage. ( cover)
18. The small boy was ………….down by a bicycle. ( knock)
Lesson evaluation 19. The teacher is …………….. from malaria. ( suffer)
20. Lule’s daughter………………from a tree. ( fall)
Theme Health in our division/ sub county
Sub – theme Along, look left, look right, turn right, towards turn left.
Lesson content Tom is seated on the left hand side of the house.
Simon is seated on the right hand side of John.

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Listening, reading, speaking, writing.
Skills Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
Choose right hand side/ left hand side
Evaluation activity 5. The trees on the ……………..of the road.
6. The salon is on the ………………of the house.
7. The flowers are on the …………….of the tree.
8. She is standing on the …………..of the school.
Use these words in a sentence.
6. along
7. towards
8. turn right
9. paths
Lesson evaluation 10. road
Theme Health in our division/ sub county.

Sub theme Structures

Lesson content Structures

Walk along the ………………. ( road , path)
What is she doing? They?
Who sits on the left hand side of the class room?
Where is the nature corner?
Skills Where is the petrol station?
The petrol station is on the right hand side of the road.
Where is our school?
Evaluation Listening, speaking, reading, writing
activity Complete the sentences
11. where is the school?
12. where is the mosque?
13. Where is the church?
14. Where is the shop?
15. Where is the kitchen?

Use the given words in a sentence

16. walking
17. sitting
18. kneeling
19. standing
Lesson evaluation 20. putting
Theme Health in our sub county/ division
Sub theme
Turn to …………..
Lesson content Tell the direction.
Direction to the church, dinning hall. Play centre, new plot.
What do you do to go the kitchen?
Skills Listening , speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation Make correct sentences from the table.
The office turn left and go straight,
Our classroom turn right and go straight
To go to The kitchen go straight and turn left.
The church go straight and turn right.

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School Is Left hand side The road
the Shop The mosque
Market On Right hand The church
Hospital side Our home
Lesson evaluation School - garden the

Theme Health in our division; sub county

Sub – theme
Lesson content Dialogue
The dialogue tiflet
Skills “Aminah directs Mr. Kintu”
Evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Reading and acting the dialogue
Lesson evaluation “Amirah directs Mr. Kintu”
Theme Health in our sub – county/ division
Sub - theme Guided composition
Reading the guided composition
Lesson content “Joan and Joel go to school”.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Evaluation activity
Lesson evaluation Refer to MK pri. EngBk 3 pg 121
Theme Basic technology in our sub – county/ division.
Sub – theme Making things from artificial materials.
Lesson content Vocabulary
Toy, bicycle, car, flower, candle, bag, wear, decoration, beads, hat, sell, buy, for
listening,speaking, reading, writing.
Make sentences using each of the words below.
a. bicycle e. buy
Lesson evaluation b. Flower f. sell
c. Car g. wear
d. Beads h. toy
Theme Basic technology in our sub – county/ division

Sub - theme Concept of technology

Lesson content Structures;
What will you use to make ( mat, doll, toy, car, ball)?
Skills I/We shall use…………… ( banana fibre/ wire) to make ( mat, doll, ball, toy car)
Evaluation activity What will ( Musa. Mary) use to make…………… ( mat, toy car, ball, hat)?
Lesson evaluation. They will use …………….. ( bananafibres, leaves , wire) to make a mat, toy car, ball etc.
Draw and name some examples of crafts and materials used to make them.
Theme Basic technology in our sub – county/division
Sub theme Concept of technology
Lesson content Vocabulary
Banana leaf, plastic, straw, wire, heavy, light, size, colour, fibre,big, palm leaves, weight, small,
long, short, good, texture.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Make sentences using each of the words below;
Evaluation activity colourfibre
banana plastic
palm leaves small
Lesson evaluation good straw
Theme Basic technology in our sub – county/division

Sub –theme Processing and making things from natural materials.

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Lesson content Vocabulary
Swamp, food, mat, rope, bush, garden, play, clay, pot, cut, weave, tie, juice

Skills Listening , speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Fill in the missing letters
a. Fo___d f. m___t
b. B___sh g. juic___
c. Gard___n h. pl___y
d. Sw___mp i. rop___
Lesson evaluation e. Cl___y
Theme Basic technology in our sub – county/ division
Processing and making things from natural materials.
Sub – theme

Lesson content Structure s

(Musa/ Sarah) will mke a (Pot, mat/ rope) using ……. ( clay/ banana fibre/ sisal )
What will you make?
I/we shall make a …………. ( pot/ mat/ rope)
What will she/ he / they make?
She/ he will make a pot/ mat/ rope.
Skills Where will you get the clay?
I shall get it from the swamp.
Listening, reading, writing, speaking.
Evaluation activity Fill in the gaps with a correct form of the words in brackets.
9. John and Mary will……………… a rope. ( make)
10. I shall …………………clay from the swamp. ( get)
11. Allen will……………… a mat tomorrow. ( weave)
12. We shall ……………… those straws next week. ( use)
13. The baby will……………its toy. ( break)
14. They will …………..their classroom with flowers. ( decorate)
15. I shall …………….. the rope tomorrow. ( skip)
16. Tom will ……………that pot with water. ( fill)
Lesson evaluation
Theme Basic technology in our sub – county / division.
Making things from artificial materials.
Sub – theme
Juma will make a toy car/candle.
Why will Mary/ Juma make a toy car/ candle?
Lesson content For ( selling, decoration, playing etc)
He will make a toy care to play with.
She will make flowers for decoration.
They will make the beads for selling etc.
Listening, reading, writing, speaking
Evaluation activity
Answer these questions correctly.
9. Why will Mary make a toy car?
10. Why shall I make a mat?
11. Why will you make the beads?
12. Why will Jane make the bags?
13. Why will Ben make the hats?
14. Why will Sam make the toy car?
15. Why will mummy collect palm leaves?
Lesson evaluation 16. Why will the teacher buy sisal?

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Theme Food

Sub – theme Vocabulary

Lesson content New words

Weeds, cobs of corn, plants, garden, market, bush, forest, farmer, shop, some and any,
New actions
Grow, hoe, weed, grow,( dig) harvest.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Make sentences using each of the words below
Evaluation activity Garden any shop
Garden bush harvest
Lesson evaluation Farmer crops weeds

Theme Food

Sub theme Structure

Lesson content Show me some……………..beans, potatoes, mangoes

Here are some………………
Count ten beans
Are there any beans in the tin?
Yes, there are some.
No, there aren’t any.
Is there any water in the tin?
No, there isn’t any.

Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Study the pictures and answer the questions below.
Evaluation 8. Are there any beans in the tin in picture 3.
9. Are there any eggs on the tray in picture 6?
10. Is there any chicken on the plate in picture 4?
11. Is there any milk in the jug in picture 5?
12. Is there any rice in the basket in picture 6?
13. Is there any water in the glass in picture 2?
14. Is there any food on the plate in picture 4?
Lesson evaluation
Theme Food

Sub theme Structures

Lesson content Make sentences from the substitutional table below;

There is Water the garden.
Beans the sack.
some Milk in
Evaluation activity There are Juice the basket.
potatoes the jug
the glass

There are some yams in the sack.

With negative

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Make ten correct sentences from the table below.
There isn’t Juice In the glass
Bananas In the bottle.
There aren’t any Milk In the jerrycan.
Potatoes In the basket.
Water On the plate.
food In the garden.

There isn’t any food in the basket.

Lesson evaluation
Theme Food

Sub – theme Jumbled story

Lesson content Re – arrange these sentences in order to form correct stories.

f. Okot went running and bought the eggs.
g. Mother wanted to bake a cake.
h. So she sent Okot to a nearby shop to buy some.
i. But on his way back home, he fell and all the eggs got broken.
j. She needed some eggs.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Arrange these sentences in order to form correct stories.

e. The beef was bad.
f. The shopkeeper refunded his money.
g. Tom went to the shop.
h. He returned the beef to the shop.
i. He bought a tin of beef.
a. She drank all the splash.
b. She put a straw in the packet.
c. She threw the empty packet in the dust bin.
d. Jane took a packet of splash from the box.
Lesson evaluation e. She opened the packet.
Theme Food

Sub theme Reading and writing

Lesson content Read stories titled

f. Good food ( MkPri. EngBk 3 pg 11)
g. Feeling fine.
h. The lazy Hare.
Skills Listening , speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Questions

9. What does good food give us?
10. Name some fruits which protect us from diseases?
11. Why should a person eat meat and eggs?
12. What other kinds of food should people eat?
13. Why is salt added to food?
14. What should you drink after a meal?
15. What must you eat to get a balanced diet?
16. What is the title of the story?

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Lesson evaluation

Theme Food
Guided composition
Sub – theme Choose the correct words from the box below to complete the guided composition.
(Ref: Mk Pri. EngBk 3 pg 113)
Lesson content
Theme Transport
Sub theme Vocabulary
Revision, donkey, oxen, taxi.
New words
Conductor, pump, flat tyre, puncture, passenger, on foot, speed, cart etc.
Lesson content Get on, get off the …………car, bus, train, plane, tie on, put on, loading on, off loading.
Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Skills Fill in the missing letters.

a. C __nd__ctor b. donk___y c. tax ____
Evaluation activity d, fl___t h. sp __ __ d e. p __mp
i, ca___t f. tyr____ j, p___ncture
g, pas__eng__r k. transp__rt
Draw and name means of transport used on land,

Lesson evaluation
Theme sub – theme Transport

Sub theme Structure

Lesson content Get on the ………….. ( bus/ train)

What is he doing? He is getting on the bus e.t.c
What did he do? He got off the train.

Skills Speaking, listening, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Study the pictures on pg 149 – 150 and answer the questions below.
10. How does George come to school?
11. How does Maria come to school?
12. How does Ali come to school?
13. How does Moses come to school?
14. How does Mercy come to school?
15. How does Adam come to school?
16. What is Anguzu doing?
17. Who is getting on the plane?
Lesson evaluation 18. Who is getting on the donkey?
Theme Transport
Sub – theme
Lesson content Structures
Make sentences from the substitutional table.
Evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Lesson evaluation (Ref: Mk Pri. EngBkpg 151)
Theme Transport
Sub theme Reading and writing
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Lesson content Read the story titled
“Asaba’s bicycle Gets A flat tyre”
Mk Pri. EngBk 3 pg 154)
Skills Listening . speaking, reading, writing
9. Which school does Asaba go to?
Evaluation activity 10. How does Asaba go to school?
11. Where does Asaba live?
12. What did Asaba’s uncle buy for him?
13. What happened to Asaba’s bicycle?
14. Who helped Asaba to repair his bicycle?
15. What was the use of the pump?
Lesson evaluation 16. Give the title of the story.
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division

Sub – theme Sources of energy.

Lesson content Vocabulary
Bulb, buy, store, charcoal, fridge, fire wood, petrol, diesel, cook, sell, paraffin, kite.

Use of “some” and “any”

Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
3. Write the words correctly.
Evaluation a. dgefri b, tkie c. seledi
Activity d, kcoo e, yub
4. Use the given words to make correct sentences.
f, fire wood
g, sell
h, store
Use some or any to fill in the gaps correctly.
v. Is there ____________salt in the food?
vi. There is _________ sugar in the tin?
vii. There aren’t ___________ beans in the tin.
viii. There are ______________ fish in the basket.
Lesson evaluation ix. There isn’t ___________ water in the pot.
Theme Energy in our sub county/ division

Sub theme Sources of energy

Lesson content Structure

Revision on tenses.
Present continuous
What are …………..selling/ buying/ carrying?
We are buying/ selling fire wood/ charcoal.
Past simple tense
Ali/ Mary …………..bought………… ( sold paraffin/ firewood/ charcoal/ bulb/ fridge)
Future simple tense
Ali/ Mary …………….bought/ sold.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Fill in the blank spaces using the correct form of the word in brackets.
Evaluation activity 12. Alice and Mary are………………. Food. ( eat)
13. Father is……….. for Christmas. ( shop)
14. Grandfather is …………. Under the tree. ( sit)

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15. They are ………….. a heavy bag. ( lift)
16. The children are……………in a river. ( swim)
17. Everyday I ……………the bell ringing, ( hear)
18. Mummy and I shall ……………millet tomorrow. ( grind)
19. They will …………..the cake at the party. ( eat)
20. We ……………to Jinja yesterday. ( go)
21. The little girl……………….her hair in the morning. ( comb)
Lesson evaluation 22. Dan……………….fire wood last evening. ( collect)
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division

Sub- theme Ways of saving energy.

Lesson content Vocabulary
Switch on/ off, blow off, cover, light, box, match stick, candle, water, torch, switch ( n), low, high.
Revision on opposites e.g low/ high
Switch on – switch off
Good - bad
Small - big
Long - short
Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Listen and write
Evaluation activity 6. Always switch off machine after use.
7. My friend fore helps you in cooking, ironing and lighting.
8. Solar energy is the power from the sun.
9. Sarah bought a red torch.
10. She bought a match box from that shop.

Give the opposites of the given words.

Switch on
Lesson evaluation Outside
Theme Energy in our sub county/ division

Sun theme Ways of saving energy

Lesson content Revision of past simple tense

Mary/ Sarah/ David switched on/ switched off.
Below off the candle/ light.
What did ……………… He/ she/ they/ we do
We/ she/ they …………switched off/ blew off the light / candle.
evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Children will answer the following questions.
6. Who switched on the light?
7. Did Jane blow off the candle?
8. Who switched off the light?
9. What did he do?
Lesson evaluation 10. What did they/ you/ he do?

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Theme Energy in our sub – county / division.

Sub – theme Ways of saving energy.

Lesson content Vocabulary

Warm, burn, fire, socket, plant, kill, hurt, warm, danger,
Alarm, report, comparison, small, big, tall, short.

Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation Fill in the missing letters.
Activity W __ ___m sh ___ ___ t
Pla ___t sm ___ll
Ta__ ___ fir ____
hu __ ___ b___g

Use the given words to make correct sentences.

a. burn d. tall
b. Kill e. blunt
Lesson evaluation c. Short f. fire
Theme Energy in our sub – county/division.
Sub –theme Ways of saving energy.
Lesson content Structure: Future tense
What will…………..( you/ she/ he/ they) do when in danger?
I/ we/ shall………… ( make an alarm/ report) for help.

A ………………. ( dog/ rabbit/ rat) is………… ( smaller/ bigger) than a …………… ( cow/ pig)
Which ……..bird/ insect…….is…….smaller/ bigger/father than a ………. Hen/ duck/ pigeon.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing

Skills Answer the questions sensible using “true” or “false”

Evaluation activity 11. I shall make an alarm when I’m in danger.
12. A dog is bigger than a cow.
13. We have to report wrong doers to our elders.
Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
14. A rabbit is ……………than a goat. ( small)
15. A giraffe is …………….…. than a goat. ( tall)
16. A buffalo is ……………..than an elephant. ( big)

Arrange the following words to make correct sentences.

17. Zebra/ big/animal/ is/ A/ a
18. Beautiful/ ostrich/ bird/ An/ is/ a
19. Is/ A/ snail/ slower/ than/ a / fly
Lesson evaluation 20. Leopard/ fast/ is/ A/ animal/ a
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division.

Content Vocabulary
Weighing scale, narrow, height, wide –width, high, measure,
metres - cloth
litres – liquids ( capacity)
grams – weight
Skills weight is the lightness or heaviness of an object.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 72

Evaluation activity
Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the brackets.
9. The ………….. of a bag of sugar is 50 kilograms. ( height, weight)
10. My father bought ten ……….. of meat for a party. ( centimeters, kilograms)
11. A road is ……………. But a path is narrow. ( width, wide)
12. My friend gave me two ………. of cloth to make a dress. ( metres, width)
13. What is the ………… of your friend. ( height, high)
14. The old woman walked along a ……….path. ( narrow, high)
15. Mwambu uses a ……….to measure the weight of sugar. ( weighing scale, capacity)
Lesson evaluation 16. The teacher told Paul to ……..the length of the desk. ( weigh, measure)
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division.
Sub – theme Measuring
Content Structure
How tall is the ………..?
How tall in she/ he?
For people, animals, objects.
It is ……………. tall.
How far did she jump?
She jumped five centimeters
How tall is Allan?


Evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Taking measurements of different objects and children.

The table is …………… cm
Allan is………………..tall.
Lesson evaluation She is …………….tall.
The blackboard’s length is…………and width is ……….
Taking records.
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division.
Sub – theme Measuring.

Lesson content Dialogue

Measuring our desks.
Skills Listening , speaking, reading, writing,

Evaluation activity Reading the dialogue.

Lesson evaluation Answering questions about the dialogue ( the dialogue is in UPEC Bk 3 2nd edition pg 72)
Theme Energy in our sub – county
Sub – theme Measuring
Content Story “ ADELA”
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Children reading the story “ADELA”
Children answering questions about the story in full sentences.
Lesson evaluation (UPEC Bk 3 pg 73)
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division.

Sub- theme Measuring self testing exercise

Content Testing exercise.
Practicing for sports day.
SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 73
Activities they do when practicing for sports day.
- Sack race - high jump
- Foot ball - rope skipping
- Short lilies - long races
- Egg race - candle race
- Bottle filling - long jump
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing,

Evaluation activity Exercise

Study the table below and answer the questions that follow in full sentences.
Name High jump Long jump
Sarah 1m 2cm 1m 86 cm
John 1m 2cm 2m
Aman 1m 1cm 1m 7cm
Alex I m 4cm 1m

7. How high did John jump?
8. How did Aman jump?
9. How far did Alex jump?
10. Who won in high jump?
11. How high did Sarah jump?
Lesson evaluation 12. How many pupils participated in high jump?
Theme Energy in our sub – county
Conjunctions used in pairs either ……………or………..
Sub – theme Either is used to refer to only two persons or objects.
Content Peter will come. Sarah will come.
Either Peter or Sarah will come.
I can eat matooke. I can eat posho.
I can eat either matooke or posho.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Use either and or in these sentences.

11. Take ……….a banana ……………an orange.
12. You either go out…………..keep quiet.
13. Either Mary…………… her friends beat the girl.
14. ……………….James…………Paul is telling her.
15. I can use ………… a pencil……….. a pen.
16. ……………my father……………my mother will come to school.
17. …………………John……….Jane has taken the book.
18. They were going ……….t o the hospital…………to the market.
19. The man may ……..be a dentist……..an optician.
Lesson evaluation 20. Either Abel ……….Fred is absent
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division

Sub – theme Vocabulary ( shopping)

Lesson content New words
Change, shillings, money, price, notes, watch, play, paid, buy, litre, bring, price, list, sell, sold, hoe
much, shopping list, how many, grocery, grocer, taker, bakery, confectionery etc.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Fill in the missing letters.
1. W__tc___ 2. L ___t ___e
3, s ___ap 4. gr___c___ry
5. bak __ ___y
SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 74
Use these words in a sentence.
6. shillings 7. Money 8. Notes
Lesson evaluation 9. change 10. Shopping list
Theme Energy in our sub – county/division
Sub – theme
Lesson content Do you have some……….please?
Yes I have some.
Use of much and many.
c) How much milk do you want?
I want three litres of milk?
d) How many books do you want?
I wan five dozens of books.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Use “much’ or “many” in these sentences.

11. There is …………….. food in the store.
12. How ………teachers are in your class?
13. May I know how ………….. you earn?
14. Here is ………….. milk in the jug.
15. How ……………books do you need?
16. There are …………..words on this chart.
17. Our school has ………. Classes.
18. ……………….. fish is in that lake.
19. How ………….do you pay for a car?
Lesson evaluation 20. There are ………….dishes of sauce at the party.
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division.

Sub – theme Vocabulary ( shopping)

Lesson content News words.

Change, shillings, money, price, notes, watch, play, paid, buy, litre, bring, price list, sell, sold, how
much, shopping list, how many, grocery, grocer, taker, bakery, confectioners, etc.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Skills Fill in the missing letters.
Evaluation activity 1. W ___tc___ 2. L ___t___e 3. S ___op
4, gr___c___ry 5. Bak ___ ___ y
Use these words in a sentence.
6. shillings
7. money
8. notes
9. change
Lesson evaluation 10. shopping list
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division.

Sub – theme Shopping

Structure e.g
A pair of trousers.
Lesson content A packet of biscuits.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing

Evaluation activity Fill in the correct words.

SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 75

11. A loaf of ______________________
12. A tin of _______________________
13. A bottle of ___________________
14. A crate of _____________________
15. A carton of ___________________
16. A kilogram of _________________
I went to the market and bought a kilo of ______________
May I have a ______________ of bread.
Lesson evaluation Here is a ________________ of drinking water.
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division.

Sub – theme Shopping

Lesson content Rhyme/ situational game

Blessing: What is the matter miracle?
Miracle: I am not feeling well.
Blessing: Are you sick?
Miracle : Yes, I am, I think I have malaria. There are many mosquitoes around our home.
Purity: You should always sleep under a mosquito net.
Blessing: Do you clean your compound and burry all the rubbish?
Miracle: I always, but from today, I am going to keep clean.

7. How many people are acting the game>
8. Who spoke first?
9. Why did miracle suffer from malaria?
10. Why should we sleep under a mosquito net?
11. Write the title of the game.
12. Write the opposites of these;
Lesson evaluation a. clean
b. today
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division

Sub –theme Shopping

Lesson content Structures
How much money did you pay for …………..?
How much did Mukwasi pay for soap?
He paid four hundred shillings for soap.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Mk Pri. EngBkpg 135
Theme Energy in our sub – county/division

Sub - theme Shopping

Lesson content Structures

How much change did ………………get?
Lukema had 1000 shillings. He bought one litre of milk at 800 shillings. He got 200 shillings as
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity MK Pri. EngBk 3 pg 137
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division

Sub – theme Shopping

SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 76

Lesson content A story entitled “Jane and Aisha go for shopping”
The shopping list.
Skills iii. What did Mr. Jumba want the children to buy?
iv. Who were sent to the grocery?
Evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Lesson evaluation MK Pri. EngBk 3 pg 139.

Theme Energy in our sub – county / division
Sub theme Shopping – self testing exercise.
Lesson content
Lesson evaluation Choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the sentences.
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division

Sub theme Shopping

Lesson content Guided composition

“Atwooki goes shopping”

Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Choose the correct words from the given words

Litre shillings buy change any shopkeeper list

One Saturday evening, Atwoki went to Masindi town. She wanted to ______________ some
presents for her daughter.
Atwooki had a piece of paper in her bag.
Shopping list
Ground nuts 1400/=
Cooking oil 1000/=
Sugar 1000/=
A loaf of bread 700/=

When she reached the shop, she asked the ………………..

Atwoki: Do you have …………………..cooking oil please?
Shop keeper: Yes, I do. How much would you like?
Atwoki: One ………………… . How much is it?
Shop keeper: It costs one thousand shillings.
Lesson evaluation Atwoki gave the shopkeeper five thousand shillings. The shop keeper gave her the items and
_________ of one thousand shillings.
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division

Sub- theme Word building

Lesson content The word “where” can be joined to some words and form longer words e.g somewhere, any
where, every where, nowhere.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Use the following words to form sentences.
10. somewhere
11. any where
12. every where
13. nowhere
Complete the sentences below using anywhere, nowhere, somewhere, everywhere.
14. I checked ______________ in the house but I couldn’t find my pen.
15. I told him to hide _______________ .

SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 77

16. You aren’t going …………………… with my shoes.
17. I went ________________ for help.
Lesson evaluation 18. Do you know ______________ we can get soap?
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division

Sub – theme Word building

Lesson content Body

It can be joined to every, some, no, any,
Jill knocked at the door but no body answered.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Evaluation activity Use the words below to make meaningful sentences.

Everybody, nobody, somebody, anybody.
Complete the sentences below using the following words.
Everybody, anybody, somebody, nobody.
5. _______________ should go out.
6. Did you call ___________ for me?
7. I came with _____________ here.
Lesson evaluation 8. Call _____________here.
Theme Energy in our sub – county/ division

Sub – theme Word building

Lesson content Use of thing

It can be used to words like any, some, no, every ie.
Everything, nothing, anything, something.
Anything can be used in asking questions.

Have you done anything to him?

Skills Something; is used in telling sentences.
There is something in that box.
Evaluation activity Listening, speaking, reading, writing
Use the words below to make meaningful sentences.
9. anything
10. nothing
11. something
12. everything
Complete the sentences below.
13. I don’t have ……………… for you.
14. Did you check ___________
15. I have …………………….to say.
Lesson evaluation 16. Pick ___________ from the cupboard.
Theme Energy in our sub – county / division
Sub theme Word building
Lesson content The word ever can be joined to who, how, when, where, what and which,
i.e whichever, whenever, whatever, however, whoever.
You can visit us whenever you like.
Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Evaluation activity Use the words below to make sentences.
6. whichever
7. whenever
8. whatever
9. however

SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 78

10. whoever
Complete the sentences below;
3. _______________you feeling hungry? Eat fruits
4. Tell us _____________ you think.
Lesson evaluation 5. Call me ___________________ is ready.

SAKS NOTES 2016 Page 79

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