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Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses behaviors and events as first-class values that vary over time. Behaviors associate a value to each point in time, like an animation's position. Events are collections of values that occur at particular points in time, like mouse clicks. The key APIs allow applying time-varying functions to behaviors and events using operators like <*> and <@>. Frameworks provide ways to connect behaviors and events to external systems like GUIs.

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Hoàng Anh Chung
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Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses behaviors and events as first-class values that vary over time. Behaviors associate a value to each point in time, like an animation's position. Events are collections of values that occur at particular points in time, like mouse clicks. The key APIs allow applying time-varying functions to behaviors and events using operators like <*> and <@>. Frameworks provide ways to connect behaviors and events to external systems like GUIs.

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Hoàng Anh Chung
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Functional Reactive

Programming (FRP)
with reactive-banana-

Heinrich Apfelmus
Functional Reactive
Programming (FRP)
with reactive-banana-

Heinrich Apfelmus
Functional reactive programming is an
elegant method for implementing
interactive programs

• graphical user interfaces (GUI)

• animations
• digital music
• robotics

variation in time as first-class value

type Behavior a = Time → a

type Event a = [(Time, a)]

The key data types are Behavior and Event.

Behavior corresponds to a „value that varies in time“.
Event corresponds to „events that occurr at certains points in time“.
I‘m going to explain how to understand them. Of course, the real implementation is abstract.
type Behavior a = Time → a

Value • position – animation

• text value – GUI
• volume – music
• physical quantity
y(t) = y0 + v0 t − g


A Behavior associates a value to each point in time.

Behavior API
instance Functor Behavior

instance Applicative Behavior


How to program with Behaviors?

The API for Behaviors is actually very simple: they are just applicative functors.
Behavior API
(<$>) :: (a -> b)
-> Behavior a -> Behavior b Functor

pure :: a -> Behavior a

(<*>) :: Behavior (a -> b) Applicative
-> Behavior a -> Behavior b

bf <*> bx = at each
\time -> bf time $ bx time point in time

Reminder on the functions associated with Functor and Applicative classes.

The most important function is the <*> operator, which is called „apply“ and applies a time-varying function to a
time-varying value, simply by applying them at each point in time.
The `pure` function constructs a value that stays constant in time.
Behavior API
a b

0 Time Time
(*) <$> a <*> b

Example task: attenuate an oscillation.
type Event a = [(Time,a)]

• mous clicks – GUI
• notes – music
• collision – physics


An Event is a collection of values that „occur“ at particular points in time.

You can also see that event occurrences may happen simultaneously, at least in reactive-banana-0.6.
Event API
instance Functor Event Functor
never :: Event a []
unionWith :: (a -> a -> a)
-> Event a -> Event a -> Event a zipWith

filterE :: (a -> Bool)

-> Event a -> Event a filter

accumE :: a -> Event (a -> a)

-> Event a scanl

How to program with Events?

The API for Events is a bit more elaborate, but is closely related to operations on lists.
Event API
x filterE (> 5) x



0 Time Time

Example: filterE
Event & Behavior API
stepper :: a -> Event a -> Behavior a

x stepper 2 x

Time 2 Time

Of course, the most interesting part about the API concerns the interaction between Behavior and Event.
The `stepper` function turns an Event into a Behavior by remembering the value. The result is a step function,
hence the name.
Event & Behavior API
(<@>) :: Behavior (a -> b)
-> Event a -> Event b
(<@) :: Behavior b
-> Event a -> Event b

The <@> operator is called „apply“ and applies a time-varying function to event occurrences.
Its little brother <@ tags an Event with values from the Behavior. It is analogous to the <$ operator from
Event & Behavior API
b e

Time Time
b <@ e

Visualization of the <@ operator.
Frameworks (GUI, ...)
data NetworkDescription t a

fromAddHandler import Event

fromPoll import Behavior

reactimate export Event

changes get Event from Behavior

The API discussed so far allows you to combine existing Events and Behaviors into new ones, but it doesn‘t tell you how to get them in the first
place. For this, you have to bind to external frameworks like wxHaskell. The NetworkDescription monad from the module
Reactive.Banana.Frameworks allows you to do this. It‘s not a very interesting monad, it‘s just a device for bookkeeping and I recommend that you
think of it as some sort of syntactic sugar.

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