Exploration & Mining of Porphyry Deposits Using Thermo Scientific Portable XRF Analyzers

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Exploration & Mining of Porphyry

Deposits Using Thermo Scientific Portable

XRF Analyzers
Example from the Miner Mountain porphyry Cu deposit, British Columbia, Canada

Introduction Portable XRF Analyzers

Porphyry deposits are very attractive exploration Thermo Scientific portable XRF analyzers can be
and mining targets due to their high tonnage used at any stage of exploration and mining of
and relatively easy open pit mining. They are various metals in porphyry deposits, such as Cu,
commonly associated with porphyritic intrusive Au, Ag, Mo, lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), antimony (Sb),
rocks, i.e., granite porphyry. The term “porphyry” bismuth (Bi), etc. Detections limits for base metals
refers to any igneous rock that has coarse-grained in these instruments is low enough to allow even
crystals in a relatively fine-grained matrix. non-geologists to analyze any geological sample
from outcrops to drill cores to soil specimen. In
Copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), and addition to base metals, other elements, such as
gold (Au) are the common metals of economic potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and light elements
value found in these deposits. As mentioned, [magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si),
an important feature of porphyry ore deposits is phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S)] can be assayed
their large tonnage. For example, an individual as well, which helps geologists in mapping the
porphyry copper deposit can contain several billion hydrothermal alteration of the exploration/
tons of Cu at 0.4-1%, making these deposits the mining area or 3D modeling of the alteration and
largest source of copper ore. Ideal for open pit mineralization.
mining, they are commonly found close to the
surface and can be mined on a large scale at a low
cost. Although these deposits have low grades,
the superior detection limits of a Thermo Scientific
portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer allow
easy measurement of the base metal concentrations.

A common feature of porphyry deposits is spatial
zoning of hydrothermal alteration and mineralogy
(see Figure 1). This is controlled primarily by a
magma type and varies from deposit to deposit.
The zoning can be used as an exploration tool to
locate mineralized zones.

Some of the common applications of these elements

To investigate the application of portable XRF in the porphyry Cu
assayed by a Thermo Scientific portable XRF exploration, core samples were analyzed by a Thermo Scientific
analyzer are shown in Table 1. Niton XL2 GOLDD XRF analyzer.
Elements Indicates Suggests
High metal concentrations (Cu, Au, Proximity to the center of Trend analyses using a portable XRF is
Ag, Mo, Pb, Zn, Sb, Bi) in a specific the mineralized zone strongly recommended
horizontal or vertical direction
High concentrations of potassium (K) Presence of K-feldspar, The potassic alteration zone commonly
which is the main mineral of hosts a major part of the ore deposit
potassic alteration
High concentrations of calcium (Ca) High carbonate alteration – Locally, high Ca may be part of
the propylitic alteration zone, which
envelopes the ore mineralization
– This is not extensive in the porphyry
High concentrations of sulfur (S) Presence of sulphate or – May indicate close proximity to the
sulphide minerals mineralized zone
– Not widespread in porphyry
High concentrations of arsenic (As) Presence of arsenide or – These zones may be spatially
sulpharsenide minerals associated with Au mineralized in the
(such as arsenopyrite – porphyry deposits
FeAsS) – Sampling for lab assays for low (sub
ppm) concentrations of gold is needed
Table 1. Common applications of portable XRF in porphyry Cu-Mo exploration. There can be other applications, depending on the geology and
characteristics of each deposit type.

Methodology Results
This case study was carried out in the Miner Strip logs were plotted using assay data from the
Mountain porphyry deposit in British Columbia, commercial lab, as well as the on-site data of
Canada. This copper deposit is an “alkalic” the portable XRF analyzer. Three representative
type (Cu-Au ± Ag, PGE) porphyry deposit and is copper strip logs for three drill holes are shown in
located in a belt of late Triassic to early Jurassic Figure 2. Visual examination of these logs not only
trachybasaltic/trachy-andesitic volcanic rocks indicates high correlation between these two sets
and is associated with sub-volcanic microdioritic- of assay data, but also the efficiency of the Niton
dioritici intrusions. Because the rocks are under- XL2 GOLDD instrument in identifying mineralized
saturated with silica and over-saturated with zones. Such real-time identification of anomalous
calcium, typically they do not have the quartz zones is crucial for drill program planning and 3D
vein abundance, or acidic alteration (particularly block modeling of the ore deposit, saving you time
the large pyrite halo and extensive sericite-argillic and costs.
alteration) of the calc-alkaline systems. Instead,
they are marked by progression from chlorite
– epidote ± magnetite (propylitic) to an albite-
epidote-chlorite dominated zone, and then to a
K-feldspar, secondary magnetite ± diopside/biotite
potassic core. Mineralization progresses from
pyrite to chalcopyrite/pyrite to bornite-chalcopyrite
with bornite/covelite/chalcocite locally present in
the cores of the systems.

To investigate the application of portable XRF

in the porphyry Cu exploration, core samples
were analyzed by a Thermo Scientific Niton XL2
GOLDD XRF analyzer. Each analysis represents
1 - 1.5 meters of core sample assayed by a direct
shot using the analyzer. These samples were also
analyzed by routine ICP analyses in a commercial Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t GOLDD+ analyzers are among the
lab. range of Thermo Scientific portable XRF analyzers that can give
fast, accurate results, such as this analysis of a sample from a
porphyry deposit.
Conclusions Thermo Scientific Portable XRF Niton Analyzer
Due to high tonnage, porphyry deposits are one of representative or contact us directly by email at
the most attractive exploration targets in the mining [email protected], or visit our website at
industry. A large percentage of portable XRF www.thermoscientific.com/niton.
units are utilized for discovery of these deposits.
This application note summarizes successful use
of portable XRF analyzers in strip logging. Such Reference
real time analyses combined with having access to
John, D.A. (ed.) (2010): Porphyry Copper Deposit Model.
real time strip logs are very important for effective
Scientific Investigations Report 2010.5070.B, U.S. Department
drilling and 3D modeling of the ore deposits. of the Interior/U.S. Geological Survey, 186p.

To discuss your particular applications and

performance requirements, or to schedule an We would like to thank Sego Resources, especially Mr. Andrew
Watson, for his technical and geological support.
on-site demonstration, please contact your local

Figure 1. Porphyry copper deposit model (John et al., 2010 ). A) Schematic cross section of hydrothermal alteration minerals and types. B)
Schematic cross section of ores associated with each alteration type. C) Scale showing level of interpreted exposure for a few well-known
porphyry deposits.
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Figure 2. Strip logs for three drill holes in the Miner Mountain porphyry Cu deposit.

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5-324 06/2012

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