Campaign Core Rise of The Red Moon

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Campaign Core: First Werewolf, and he spread his curse

Rise of the Red Moon across the realms. To prevent this

abomination from subverting the world into
By Cal Ebethan
his own hunting grounds, the hosts of the
gods imprisoned the First Werewolf on a
Hello, and welcome to the second in the
barren red moon, alone and unable to slake
Campaign Core series by Ebethan Game
his hunger. However, his curse lived on in
Design! If this is your first time purchasing
the worlds he had already visited, passed
one of our Campaign Cores, let me explain
from one to another by blood and bite and
to you how it works: These supplements
foul sorcery.
provide you, the Game Master, with the
general premise and structure of a campaign
The legends of the First Werewolf have all
or campaign arc. The content provided is
but disappeared from contemporary
system agnostic, and intentionally left
mythology, and his existence is little-known
open-ended and malleable so that you may
among regular academics and theologians.
personalize the adventure to your heart’s
Instead, his legend, and the legend of the
content and make it unique. You will notice
Red Moon, is shared between members of
that some chapters are split into different
marauding packs of were-creatures.
parts while others are not. This is because
Lately, such monsters have been
some chapters are easily self-contained,
spotted with increasing frequency,
however others may have distinct objectives
especially in the disputed territory of
that are completed in roughly the same
Grimmeran between the Siloron States to the
approximate beat.
West and the Alimep Dynasty to the East.
The Lore
While these resurgences are not uncommon
In a Time of Legends
themselves, what is uncommon is the
In the tangled lineage of the gods, both good
behavior and composition of these wild
and evil, an abomination was born. This
packs: organized, almost uniform with no
demon was a perverse bridge between the
clear alpha, and with different
hunting instincts of the natural world and the
were-creatures as members.
cruelty and hungers of humans. He was the
If there is any stock in rumor, then party is staying in. The goal of the
these monsters are not content with their werewolves is to take villagers hostage to
typical pillaging and murdering. They leave later infect with their lycanthropic curse.
their victims alive, sometimes taking people How successful the werewolves are depends
alive, tormenting and biting them, and on how well the players fend them off: they
letting them go. To the everyday folk, these may retreat to their den with none, some, or
changes are unremarkable, merely new most of the villagers as captives.
exercises in cruelty by cruel monsters. But Pursuing the werewolves to their
the discerning mind may see something den, the party may note that this pack of
more taking shape, a plot growing in the werewolves is particularly well organized
occult underworld, perhaps even an and devout. The pack even has its own
encroaching ​Werewolf Invasion​. symbol -- a wolf’s profile in black against a
red moon. They also uncover the intent of
Campaign Core Synopsis the werewolves to deliberately infect and

The party wanders through release other people.

Grimmeran and begins to hear various Following clues left in the werewolf

rumors. Tales of werewolf attacks and den, the party begins to uncover a greater

abductions can be heard coming from a plot between werewolf packs, and come into

couple of villages spread through the conflict with other cells of this lycanthropic

province. Grimmeran is heavily disputed cult, trying the destabilize the region and

between the two powers to the East and create more werewolves. In time, they

West of it, and there are stories aplenty uncover the legend of the Red Moon and the

covering topics from long-ago battles to war First Werewolf, as well as reference to a

machines unearthed on a nearby farm. The spell: the Ritual of the Red Moon.

party may even witness patrols from both As their conflict with the Cult of the

Alimep and Siloron as they venture through Red Moon continues, the party comes across

the province. more powerful and freakish lycanthropic

The adventure begins in earnest monsters. These opponents wear moonstone

when a werewolf pack attacks the village the amulets, and are able to control their
shapeshifting abilities. They may find allies name, and slay or subdue the Chosen. Upon
in their war against the lycanthropes, doing so, the influence of the First Werewolf
discussed later on. is ended, his disciples’ power begin to wane,
The party learns that the cult is and those forced to change against their will
attempting to perform the Ritual of the Red regain control.
Moon, and makes their way to a hidden
sanctuary of the cult. There, the Ritual of the
Red Moon is performed at a temple devoted Incorporating Good Were-Creatures
to the First Werewolf, and all of the infected While werewolves in the lore provided are
lycanthropes in Grimmeran are forced into closely connected to the demonic First Werewolf,
their shifted form and driven feral. The not all were-creatures need be connected to this
cultists who wear the moonstone amulets curse. Good-aligned, or at least non-evil,
retain their minds, and direct the new feral were-creatures may be the disciples of different
horde in the conquest of Grimmeran, and the nature gods or practitioners of shamanistic
people who do not flee the onslaught are traditions. Consider how this might play a role in
enslaved, killed, or systemically infected. the story: they may serve as valuable allies,
The party is forced to flee, either to sources of information, or even quest-givers in
the mystic Alimep Dynasty to the East, or this campaign core. Do they carry moonstone
the devout Siloron States to the West, and amulets that grant them control, like the cultists
take part in the defense against the werewolf do? When the Ritual of the Red Moon occurs,
army. However it quickly becomes clear that how does it influence them? Is there any backlash
conventional warfare will not see them against these communities early in the Campaign
through. Core when werewolf attacks are increasing, or
The party learns that the Ritual of the later after the Red Moon Ritual?
Red Moon needs to be maintained through a
living conduit, a Vessel or Chosen of the
First Werewolf, an apex predator. Their only
chance of winning this war is to infiltrate
Grimmeran, and its capital city of the same
Altering Assets Adventure Hooks

If you enjoy the Campaign Core, but are not a fan This adventure is easy enough to start,

of some of these assets, consider replacing them especially if you are beginning with the

to suit your needs. For my home campaign, I werewolf attack on the village the party is

wanted a region that was not well controlled, and passing through. However, there are

created the St. Petersburg-esque Grimmeran, with alternatives that might suit your party and

an international struggle that matched its historic make the adventure more personal:

template. I also wanted to use a traditional ● Favor for a Friend: ​An ally from

creature and utilize its mechanics differently. the party’s past has either been

Here are some suggestions on how to switch up injured in a werewolf attack or has

the original recipe: grown concerned by the increasing

● Replace the Werewolves with Ghouls. A frequency of the attacks, and has

cult to a god of Undeath systemically summoned them to Grimmeran.

infects and curses the populace, and the ● An Ancient Evil: ​A druidic enclave

transformation is completed by means of a or tribe of good-aligned shapeshifters

large ritual. with which the party is connected

● Remove the political machinations, or has had visions of the encroaching

alter them. The political conflict over chaos, and called the party for aid.

Grimmeran is meant as a backdrop, but is ● Investigators in the Making: ​The

not necessary to the plot as written. authorities in Grimmeran, limited as

● Accentuate the political machinations. they are by the influence of the

Provide clues that indicate one of the neighboring countries, has enlisted

neighboring countries is working with the the help of the party to stop the

Cult of the Red Moon. These may be false werewolf attacks.

leads, or there may be plots, great or ● Exterminators: ​The party is enlisted

small, originating from these countries. by or connected to a group of

monster hunters (either mercenaries
or a devout order) and sent to
Grimmeran to investigate the Alimep and Siloron sovereignties. That
frequent attacks. history has made the people stoic and
● Ghost Town: ​Rather than being in somber, and the land unsecure and in
the village when the werewolves disrepair. Regarding history, the party may
attack, the party comes across the hear stories of long-ago battles, folk heroes,
destroyed town after the fact, and or even ancient war machines excavated on
track the werewolves to their lair. someone’s farm. Be sure they also overhear
Note: ​Both ​Investigators in the Making rumors of werewolf sightings or attacks,
and ​Exterminators ​gives the party a steady though none have occurred close-by (yet).
stream of resources and information for a As the party is winding down or
more structured campaign, but these making plans for their next step, the village
elements can be added in later, as discussed they are staying in is attacked. The
below. The ​Ghost Town ​adventure hook, or werewolves begin at the outlying homes and
the basic beginning of the adventure, allow farms and move quickly through the village,
you to make the quest personal by allowing biting, wounding, and kidnapping as many
an ally, friend, or relative of the party as possible. They will fight the characters if
members to be captured. they put up any kind of defense, but are not
interested in picking a fight they won’t win
Chapter One: Predator and Prey for sure. However, depending on how the

Note: You may need to adjust or skip the encounter goes, the werewolves may be

first two paragraphs if you are running inclined to capture at least some party

one of the alternative adventure hooks. members. In either case, the party soon find

1. ​The adventure begins simply their way to the werewolf lair

enough, as the party arrives in a small Whether they are brought to the

village within the Province of Grimmeran. werewolf lair against their will, or

Allow the opportunity for the players to get deliberately follow the monsters there, the

a feel for the region. The province has been party makes their way to one of the

disputed for several hundred years, well province’s many abandoned fortresses

before the current argument between the

where this particular pack of lycanthropes ● The werewolves attempt to inflict
has established their base. their curse on someone influential.
This is where they realize how well ● Werewolf attacks are plaguing a
organized this pack is, and may begin to neighborhood in Grimmeran, the
unveil their religious side with the discovery capital city of the province that
of the symbol of the Red Moon, and maybe shares its name. It turns out to be
by encountering a werewolf shaman or several werewolves taking turns
sorcerer. However, the meaning of the hunting and infecting citizens.
symbol is beyond them at the moment. The ● Investigating the symbol of the Red
one revelation they have to have during this Moon draws the attention of the cult,
sequence is that the werewolves are willfully which sends assassins after the party.
and intentionally inflicting their curse on ● Werewolves are attacking both
other people. Alimep and Siloron patrols,
2. ​As the party investigates more discouraging the already
werewolf activity and the clues left in the unenthusiastic soldiers from policing
previous den, they uncover more pieces of the province.
the puzzle, such as: ● Sizeable amounts of moonstone are
● The werewolf packs are working in being stolen, either within a town or
tandem to some extent at a mine. A cell of the werewolf cult
● The packs follow the same ideology is behind it.
● Some were-creatures are becoming ● Livestock is being found dead in the
more powerful, and retain control of fields, and it turns out to be an
their transformation unwilling recruit of the werewolves.
This investigatory path in Chapter 1.2 may ● A village is blaming a nearby druid
take as long or as short as you wish. Below, enclave for the werewolf attacks.
I have outlined some example werewolf ● (Re)use the adventure hooks
schemes and encounters, in case you are not provided: ​Exterminators,
sure how to proceed: Investigators in the Making, ​and
An Ancient Evil ​all make suitable Chapter Two: The Red Moon Rises
bridging points. Depending on what note you ended
3. ​Chapter One ends when the Chapter One, the party goes into Chapter
players encounter a more critical, more Two with one of the following assumptions:
religious cell of the werewolf cult. Here, the The werewolves are on the run and just need
legend of the First Werewolf and the Red to be rounded up; or, the Cult of the Red
Moon are explained (although the party may Moon is still out there, and needs to be
have discovered bits and pieces before, this stopped. In either case, if the party is not
is where the story is filled in). According to already allied with some sort of
the gospel of this cult, the First Werewolf organization, this would be a reasonable
would see a Red Moon rise above the mortal time to introduce those allies if you intend to
world, turning it into his own personal do so.
hunting ground. The werewolf cult becomes far more
Note: ​You have one of two notes to end organized in Chapter Two. They target
Chapter One on: on the one hand, the party particular individuals and places to inflict
may not know how expansive the werewolf their curse upon. In addition to the potential
cult is, and believe that they have dealt them events listed in Chapter One are the
a crushing blow by this point. However, following:
perhaps there are clues in this final den, or ● The cult attacks a prison, destroying
perhaps there have been enemies that the garrison, and afflicting the
survived or escaped, indicating that this is prisoners before they escape.
just the beginning of something much ● A werewolf pack equipped with
greater and darker. moonstone amulets occupy entire
villages and cut them off from the
● The werewolves attack roadside
shrines and fanes to various gods,
leaving profane scrawlings.
● The werewolves begin stealing of the Red Moon Cult is realized as the
magical items and magical capital city and border towns fall within
components (for the Red Moon their control, and the populace must either,
Ritual they are planning to cast). serve, turn, or die.
In this chapter, the party should definitely Note: ​If you prefer, you may end the
encounter some exceptionally powerful campaign arc in Chapter Two by allowing
werewolves, as well as discover the power the party to interrupt the Ritual of the Red
of the moonstone amulets if they haven’t Moon, thus thwarting the Red Moon Cult, at
already. least for a time.
All of the werewolf activity in
Chapter Two points to something big Chapter Three: Moon Madness
happening soon, and the party learns of the At the beginning of Chapter Three,
Ritual of the Red Moon. The party may the party is deep in the Grimmeran province,
come across the ritual site either by tracking with a cult of werewolves and an army of
the stolen moonstone and magical items, or feral lycanthropes on the loose. While they
by deducing the best location after finding a will most likely be forced to escape, there
description of the spell somewhere else may be optional objectives they want to
(though the party may find a copy of the complete while doing so.
ritual with another cell of the cult, that does Optional objectives may be
not mean they know what the spell will do determined by the party’s allies if they have
when cast). any: rescuing comrades or friends,
Try as the players might to reach the preventing certain items from falling into
ritual site in time, they fail to interrupt the werewolf hands, et cetera. [​Author’s Note:
spell. The moon, regardless of phase or In my home game, the party was working
visibility, becomes a glowing, blood-red with authorities from the Siloron States, and
celestial sphere. All were-creatures in the their objective was to rescue the province’s
province, without a moonstone amulet to leadership and take them to the West].
control it, are forced to transform, losing Escaping may be as simple or as
their control in the process. The grand plan difficult as you wish it to be. Keep in mind,
werewolves typically have the instincts of a Chapter Four: Wolves at the Door
hunter, not a tactician, so while they can be 1.​ Chapter Four opens on the party in
dogged pursuers, they don’t necessarily either the Siloron States or the Alimep
make the best watchmen or guards. Dynasty, having escaped the lycanthropic
Whether Chapter Three takes several horde taking over Grimmeran. Having
sessions or less than an hour, use it to show reached some semblance of asylum, the
the tyranny and demonic influences of the main objective of the party should be to put
Cult of the Red Moon: The disciples of the a stop to (or at least defend against) the
cult gain control of their transformation, and werewolf threat. Some of the quests
serve as vindictive wardens of this involved in this portion, may include:
lycanthropic state. Individuals infected ● Defending a border town or fort from
against their will are feral, used as an animal a werewolf assault
and tormented for amusement. Uninfected ● Securing silver weapons, or other
people (those that aren’t killed) are means of fighting the werewolves
enslaved, and are often forced to run in the ● Investigating suspected werewolf
werewolves’ predatory games. Each night, infectees
the moon above Grimmeran has an eerie red ● Investigating various cures for
glow to it. werewolfism: both contemporary
If your game has more of a theories and old folk tales
steampunk or dungeonpunk aesthetic, you For more of a political quest, you may
could show evidence of the werewolves consider the following obstacles:
unearthing or discovering the buried or ● The party must sue for asylum for
hidden warmachines talked about in Chapter themselves and any allies
One, adding artillery to the list of the ● Werewolf supporters and cultists
lycanthropes’ weapons. infiltrate the new safe haven
Chapter Three ends once the party is ● The party must decide what to do
officially out of lycanthrope-controlled with refugees from Grimmeran, who
territory. may or may not be infected (this one
can play out well in Chapter 4.2 if ● Searching for allies to help
you want it to). defending from the werewolves
2.​ However, it quickly becomes obvious that The end result of this portion of Chapter
the werewolves cannot be fought like any Four is to learn that the Red Moon Ritual
traditional foe. The lycanthropes wear no must constantly be maintained, by
uniforms, can infiltrate secure places, and something called the Vessel (in fact, you
are considerably stronger than most soldiers. may incorporate rumors of an apex predator
Consider conveying this through a sudden, werewolf lording over the city of
dramatic attack on the party’s new safe Grimmeran from refugees and scouts). With
haven, perhaps as a result of a betrayal by a this discovery, the party must now find a
previous ally, or resulting in an ally’s death. safe way to the center of Grimmeran and
The attack does not need to be a success for end the Red Moon Ritual.
the werewolves, but rather a hit-and-run
show of strength by the lycanthropes. Chapter Five: The Hunters
Disheartened, or more likely The party has exhausted other means of
angered, the party must now pursue some dealing with the werewolf threat, and every
other way of overcoming their foe. Quests delay or change in plan has prolonged the
for this portion may include: danger that they, their friends, and their
● Hunting down cells of the werewolf allies have been threatened with. Now the
cult for information characters must march into the heart of the
● Pursuing old werewolf legends and lycanthrope controlled region of Grimmeran
stories in hope of uncovering some to end the werewolf apocalypse.
kind of solution Like other finales in the Campaign
● Reaching out to druidic or Core series, the design will be left mainly to
shapeshifter communities for you, with some suggestions and notes on
assistance how to do things.
● Visiting libraries, monasteries, and The first thing to be considered is
temples that may hold forgotten lore the approach.​ This will be the deadly
journey into Grimmeran. They will
undoubtedly run into lycanthropes during of Grimmeran​, specifically to where the
this course of the adventure, but not try not Vessel resides. Both aspects of a werewolf’s
to bog down the adventure by having them dual nature are obsessed with dominance,
fight their way through an army. By this and the elite of the Red Moon Cult are likely
point, the party has had their fill of to set up their base within the temple of an
werewolves, and has their sights set on one enemy god, or a political seat of power.
in particular. And remember that this is There are a couple of avenues in that you
where the lycanthropes are most can provide your players, but you may be
complacent, and that the party is able to make your own depending on what
well-adapted to their foe at this point. changes you make to the story and setting:
Along the approach, describe the ● The party sneaks their way in.
lycanthrope regime, similar to what you did Straightforward, simple, and
in Chapter Three. By now the werewolves dangerous if they make a mistake.
have had time to settle into the role of This can easily get them past the
“occupying force.” Do they maintain their outer defenses of Grimmeran
monstrous forms permanently to better exert (remember, werewolves are hunters,
control? Is their control ruinous and not watchmen), but may not serve
dystopian, controlled by their savagery and them so well in the lycanthropes
cruelty? Or is it surprisingly organized, inner sanctum.
driven by their pack mentality? If the party ● The party fights their way in.
wanders near towns and villages, describe While not exactly subtle, this is not
the plights of the villagers, if any remain. necessarily the worst plan, especially
You may also describe the operations of the if the party is well equipped and
werewolves; fortresses and war-machines bring strong allies with them.
are plentiful in Grimmeran as pointed out However, this plan might work better
before, do the werewolves make an attempt if they sneak past as many obstacles
to salvage these things for their own ends? as possible first.
The next, and trickiest part, is ● The party takes secret tunnels into
getting into the werewolf-controlled city Grimmeran. ​A modification of
option 1. If you adhere to the lore have listed here. The methods available to
that Grimmeran was the subject of your players will largely depend on how you
many battles and conquests, it is easy write and structure your finale, and to some
to explain underground paths and extent on how previous episodes of the
networks that may allow easier campaign transpired. The journey, as it
access than the surface. This option were, writes the destination, which is where
works well in combination with the players find themselves now.
others, also. The final scene of our adventure is
● People within the city help the the confrontation with the Vessel of the
party gain access. ​Although it might Red Moon. ​As stated above, the Vessel
get them closer to their goal, a likely makes their den in an opulent or
potential issue here is whether this culturally significant building towards the
impromptu ally’s agenda will blow center of Grimmeran, the better to oversee
the party’s cover before they can their hunting grounds. The flavor of your
strike the Vessel. final scene may be determined by your
● The party talks their way in. ​If the design of your Vessel.
party has a shapeshifter as a member ● You may embrace the occult aspects
or ally, they might be able to pass of the Cult of the Red Moon, and
themselves off as subjects of the Red make the Vessel a practitioner of
Moon regime, though it will be up to dark magic.
you how easy or difficult it is to pass ● On the other hand, the Chosen of the
as followers of the cult. Another First Werewolf should be an apex
option here is for the party to act as predator, their shapeshifting abilities
non-lycanthrope subjects, but this extremely powerful, and disturbingly
route has even less guarantee of unstable.
safety or access to where the Vessel ● Perhaps they are perturbingly human
resides. in their appearance and intellect, but
Note: ​As I’m sure you can see, there are still possessed of the raw physical
many more ways into Grimmeran than we strength of their mutated form.
If this confrontation turns bloody, it should Without a Vessel to follow, there is
be dramatic. Consider letting the fight spill no clear hierarchy or cohesion among the
out into the open, the Vessel corralling and ranks of the lycanthropes, leading to
pursuing the players like predator and prey dissolution and defeat. Although large packs
in the wild. If the encounter takes place in a may still rove the countryside, none rival the
single area, make the party feel as though former might of the Cult. The political
they have cornered a dangerous animal struggle for Grimmeran continues, and may
whose ferocity grows in tandem with its soon reach a boiling point. And there is sure
frustration. to be fallout for those afflicted with
If you are concerned about whether lycanthrope against their will, and for
other were-creatures intervene during this benevolent shapeshifting communities. The
fight, you may incorporate them into the party will have to decide their next step as
battle. But if that does not suit you, keep in well, and whether they will play a part as the
mind that a were-creature’s pack mentality future of Grimmeran unfolds, as they are
insists they obey a strong alpha, and that the now ​The Saviors of Grimmeran, Heroes
party’s deeds so far may have earned a little of the Werewolf Invasion.
trepidation in the hearts of their foes.
When the Vessel is defeated, the Red Note from the Author:​This is
Moon Ritual ends. Those that were forced to where the Campaign Core: Rise of the Red
transform revert back, although the process Moon ends. I hope you’ve enjoyed the
is painful and horrendous. Lycanthropes schemes of the Red Moon Cult, and that
devoted to the Red Moon lose the bolstered you’ve found something to keep those
strength it granted them, and their dogged ​adventurers busy. Be sure to ​sniff
shapeshifting ability is stunned for a time. out ​other products from Ebethan Game
The sudden withdrawal of the Red Moon Designs, there will be more Campaign Cores
may drive the werewolves away in panic, or in the works, and I promise they won’t end
at least give the party a chance to escape to with dog puns, this was a one time,
safety, but that’s your call. thematically-driven thing. Promise.
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Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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or the associated products contributed to the Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the Gygax and Dave Arneson
licensee in terms of this agreement. Campaign Core: The Werewolf Apocalypse, Copyright 2017 Ebethan Game
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Designs
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from
this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License,
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to
grant the rights conveyed by this License.

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