Cairn of Gore

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Cairn of Gore
by Lauri Maijala
updated: 26.10.2016

About this Adventure Under the Boulder
The cracks that form the tunnels under the
In essence the Cairn of Gore is a dungeon Boulder are tall and narrow. Movement in most
crawl. I have tried to build it in a way that cases is quite easy, at least in larger areas.
challenges the players to think more about
how and where they fight. But in essence is In some places it is impossible to move
still an adventure about killing monsters. through without squeezing between the stone
walls and rocks. This might mean the
Cairn of Gore is written in a system agnostic adventurers have to leave some of their gear
way. It can be used in any game that deals behind. Use of most weapons is impractical in
with fantastic elements like curses and all but the biggest caves.
werewolves. Because of this it will not refer to
any required skill check in text. Advices for
possible checks are given in cursive so that Enemies
GMs may decide by themselves wether they The following list gives you a guideline of the
will require some kind of a test to be made or creatures that could dwell under the Boulder.
not. Use your knowledge about your players and
characters to decide a suitable encounter level
That being said, at the end of this document to them.
you will find a Front for Dungeon World.
The names of the monsters are taken from the
Devil’s Boulder Pathfinder.

Devil’s Boulder is an immense boulder 3-10 Tainted (local villagers, that the Cairn is
standing roughly 40 feet high. It has cracked Calling, minor enemies)
into smaller pieces on several locations, thus 1-2 Turnskins (locals who have sacrificed to
forming a network of tunnels underneath it. the Cairn and can now turn into werewolves,
major enemies)
Moving on and around the Boulder is difficult. 2-3 Wargs (huge former wolves that have
slaughtered their pack to the Cairn, major
1 True Lycanthrope (boss monster)

Entrance to the Cave of the Wolf

Adventure Locations

1. The Cairn of Gore Cairn’s Calling

In a tall split in the boulder’s side, protected
from the sun by a large slab of stone, the old A throbbing sensation in the back of their skull
Cairn waits in hunger. In the far distant past a lures those who have heard the call to go on a
conqueror came from the north - only to meet rampage of blood and gore. Those who hear
a grisly doom and being buried under a pile of the Call become tainted by bloodlust. They
rubble. The vengeful spirit of the marauder still seek to hide their turned nature as long as
inhabits the Cairn, thirsting for blood and gore they can - and that is not for long. Once they
that it cannot spill anymore. have killed they are drawn to the Cairn.

The werewolves come here to place their Making a Sacrifice

offering on the Cairn. The cave is littered with
torn skin, decaying body parts and is painted Anyone placing a recently flayed skin, heart or
with blood all over. The stench is almost head of their own species on the Cairn
unbearable. becomes a turnskin.

The whispers of the spirit of the Cairn can be Anyone who makes a similar sacrifice on the
heard here. Entering the cave while covered in Cairn is blessed by its power.
blood, will awaken the spirit to make promises
of great glory and fortune.

2. The Great Cavern
A great cavern has been formed in the heart of
the boulder. Movement here is the easiest in
the whole cave system even with huge pieces
of rock will cover the line of sight here. The
cave stand about twelve feet high at the center
but much lower around the entrances.

The werewolf pack rests here when the sun is

up. The cavern smells of blood, urine and

3. Main Entrance
The passage to the caves is a narrow slit
(humans must squat to enter). The ground is
slippery stone that slopes into the Great
Cavern. These entrances were blocked by the
barbarians who built the Cairn. Some of them
have been cleaned by the werewolves to grant
an easier access the their nest

4. The Cave of the Wolf

Ages ago this cave was the main access point
to the caves of the Devil’s Boulder. Ages ago
savage tribes lived and hunted and at some
point took shelter in the cave. Their legacy can
5. Crawling Tunnels
be seen on the south wall of the cave where a These parts of the tunnels are too small for the
idol of a wolf has been painted with red ocher. wargs. An adult human man of moderate size
It might even still have some lingering traces of can crawl through them though it might require
ancient magic. some effort. The tunnels descend quite steeply
towards the Great Cavern and are moist and
Since then a lightning has struck the Devil’s slimy.
Boulder more than once. At some point has
split a colossal lump of stone that has fallen The leader of the pack sleeps in these tunnels.
from the top and now almost covers the entry. It sometimes uses the dead ends to store food
The cave can be accessed via a roughly two (7) and spoil (6). It might try to separate the
feet high hole that is a few inches above the characters and lure them into these impasses.
ground. It is a difficult passage for any two There it can easily crawl up behind them and
legged creature but four legged beasts can slaughter them in the total darkness.
use it quite easily.

The beasts of the wild have made their nests

here and now horrific wargs of the werewolves
sleep here. The stench is horrible.


Overview Act 2: The Curse of Lycanthropy

The party is asked to help a villagers get rid of Should the adventurers decide to help the
a curse turning their people into blood crazed locals they now need to find the source of this
maniacs. The adventurers track down the curse.
curse into a natural cave under a cyclopean
boulder, where a pack of werewolves have This can be done in various ways. Maybe the
awakened the spirit of a long dead marauder. characters manage to capture one of the
villagers who has heard the Call and can use
Act 1: Howls in the Night them to reach the lair. Or the characters can
ask about local folklore. Or maybe the
The characters are alerted by a bestial howl. characters follow a bloody trail to their
Upon investigation they will find a weeping destination.
villager covered in blood, crouching by a
butchered local. Once the villager notices the Sheer luck should not be allowed here as this
characters he will attack them in a bloodthirsty act is all about investigation and using their
frenzy. brains.

According to legends this is not the first time Act 3: Under the Devil’s Boulder
the curse has affected their village. If those
cursed are not killed on sight they, may After reaching the Devil’s Boulder the
manage to escape into the woods. character must use their wits. They may lure
the pack out of their lair or to gain attack them
in a non-direct way. Sunlight might also help
them by making the beasts weaker.

They cannot help those infected with the curse

of lycanthropy but might find a way to vanquish
the vengeful spirit dwelling in a gore covered
cavern deep under the boulder.

Possible Complications:
Can the characters protect themselves from
the curse? Or are they too infected with it? Or
can they even hear the Cairn calling for them?

It might be that the dark forces protect the

werewolves and they cannot be harmed in
mundane ways. Maybe they need blessed or
silver weapons?

As it is the spirit of the Cairn cannot act on its

own. But when the bloodshed reaches the
Boulder it gets stronger and raises up as a

Maybe the villagers are fully aware what is

going on and just send the adventurers to their
doom, hoping that it would state the hunger of
the woods.
Funnel Starter

The Beast of the Devil’s Boulder

Dangers Custom Moves
When you hear the Cairn’s call and you do not
The Villagers (Misguided Good) want to follow it, you defy danger.

Impulse: to do what is “right” no matter the When you stand in the presence of the
cost Cairn, roll+CON. *On a 10+ you are resist the
Cairn’s lure and may act freely, it might even
Grim Portents grant you a boon. *On a 7-9 you may vomit, if
• A traveller goes missing you do, you can act freely. *On a miss, the
• Tainted villager is revealed Cairn finds you weak and GM makes a hard
• The characters are directed to the Cairn move.
• The tainted seize control of the village
Impending Doom: Tyranny

Cairn of Gore (Abandoned Tower) • Will the spirit of the Cairn be freed?
Impulse: to draw in the weak-willed • Can the characters resist the call of the
Grim Portents • What happens to those infected?
• Tracks of huge wolves are spotted
• Someone hears the Cairn’s call
• Someone goes on an uncontrolled killing Monsters
• Everyone hear the Cairn’s call Wargs Solitary, Intelligent
Impending Doom: Rampant Chaos Fangs 1d8 (hand) 8 HP 0 armor
Dire wolves infected with lycanthropy.
Instinct: To kill the weakest.
Description and Cast • Bite of their arm

The party is asked to help a villagers get rid of The Tainted Villagers Intelligent
a curse turning their people into blood crazed Fists and teeth 1d6 (hand) 3 HP 0 armor
maniacs. The adventurers track down the The bloodthirsty victims of the Cairn's call.
curse into a natural cave under a cyclopean Instinct: To heed to call of the Cairn
boulder, where a pack of werewolves have • Burst into uncontrolled violence
awakened the spirit of a long dead marauder.
True Lycanthrope
Solitary, Organised, Intelligent
• Arae, the village elder
Claws 1d8+1 (close, forceful)
• Carunnon, the true lycanthrope
10 HP 1 armor
• Elias, the unlucky minstrel
The leader of the pack of werewolves.
Instinct: To serve the will of the Cairn
• Rip them apart
• Challenge them

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