Software Engineering Project: Campus Charcha
Software Engineering Project: Campus Charcha
Final Report
Group – 10
Campus Charcha
Table of contents :
1. Introduction:
With highly growing telecommunication infrastructures, such as Internet and the development of
the high performance have brought about new era of rapid advances in information technology.
Internet has become an ocean of information related to every aspect which has existence in this
CampusCharcha is an on-campus discussion forum for the students of the campus. The product
CampusCharcha is a brand-new self-contained website meant to be used as a student interaction
platform for the students of IIIT Naya Raipur, where the students can ask questions and have
discussions pertaining to Institute-specific as well as global issues and topics. The user needs to
create an account to post, answer a question or request a poll.
The main purpose of this website is to develop a one roof platform for the effective interaction,
effective exposure, and a right direction toward communication. Aim is to provide our users an
opportunity to enhance their knowledge by sharing their views (by answering question or voting
in a poll) on this platform by having discussions with other users.
The software described in this document is the “” website and
associated support pages. This document presents an initial description of the various
functionalities and services provided by the software. The document will also serve the basis for
acceptance testing by the user
The website enables the students of the institute to sign-up using the institute’s email ID using
which they can login and use the website further. Authorised users are provided with some
facilities such as:
Ask a question on the any of the pre-defined topic.
Answer any question.
Request a poll and many more.
3. Use Cases
1. Use Cases I - User
4. Sequences
1. Login Sequence Diagram:
5. Class Diagrams
6. Test Cases
Module Test Cases Action executed
1. Log in/ Sign up Registration of new user Click on Register, Enter valid details,
Click on Register, Enter invalid details
(Syntax errors), Submit
Login/Sign-In of a user Click on Login, Enter valid login
details, Submit
Click on Login, Enter invalid login
details (False credentials), Submit
2. Ask or Answer a question Ask question Click on the desired topic, Enter the
question, Submit
Answer a question Click on the question, Enter the
answer, Submit.
5. Add a topic (Admin only) Adding a topic in Database Log in to Admin panel, Enter new
Topic Name, Heading & Description
Log in to Admin panel, Enter already
existing Topic Name, Heading &
7. Test Reports
No. Action executed Expected Output Observed Output Result
1. Click on Register, Enter valid User registered User registered Success
details, Submit successfully successfully
Click on Register, Enter invalid Couldn't register Couldn't register Success
details (Syntax errors), Submit
Click on Login, Enter valid login Logged in successfully Logged in successfully Success
details, Submit
Click on Login, Enter invalid Wrong Wrong Success
login details (False credentials), UserID/Password UserID/Password
2. Click on the desired topic, Enter Question gets added on Question gets added on Success
the question, Submit the page the page
Click on the question, Enter the Answer gets added Answer gets added Success
answer, Submit. below that question below that question
3. Click on Create a poll, Define Poll gets added on the Poll gets added on the Success
Statement and Options, Submit page page
Click on any one of the choices Vote count gets Vote count gets Success
updated updated
4. Click on Upvote Upvote count gets Count does not change Success
Click on Downvote Downvote count gets Count does not change Success
5. Log in to Admin panel, Enter Topic gets added on Topic updated in Topic Success
new Topic Name, Heading & the page page
Log in to Admin panel, Enter Topic name already Topic name already Success
already existing Topic Name, exists exists
Heading & Description
6. Click on Comment, Enter Comment gets added Comment gets added Success
comment content, Submit below answer below answer
2. Click on the desired topic, Enter the question, Submit Working Fine
Click on the question, Enter the answer, Submit. Working Fine
3. Click on Create a poll, Define Statement and Options, Submit Working Fine
Click on any one of the choices Working Fine
5. Log in to Admin panel, Enter new Topic Name, Heading & Working Fine
Log in to Admin panel, Enter already existing Topic Name, Topic is getting added as a
Heading & Description new topic
9. Letter of Acceptance
The Students,
Atal Nagar
Team CampusCharcha
Atal Nagar
Name: Tameshwar
Name: Aman Seth
Branch/Year : ECE/3rd
Branch/Year : CSE/3rd
11. Conclusion
The software is made successfully with all the mentioned functionalities by the client. The client
has also accepted the software. The above mentioned things can be taken care of in the future
versions of the software.
12. References: