A Ob Syllubus

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Course: Advanced Organizational behavior and Design (MBAC517)

Credit Hrs: 2
Instructor: Ashenafi Kebede (Dr.)
Cell Phone: +2510930069301

Course Objectives:

This course focuses upon managing for the future and preparing people for a
continuous organizational learning pattern leading to innovation and change. It
approaches Organizational change and Development from understanding
organizational behavior through structural, strategic, political and cultural lenses.

Course Description:
The course focuses on factors underlying people's behavior in organizations
based on research into organizations drawn from the fields of psychology,
sociology and anthropology. It is a field of study that can influence the behavior of
people working together in an organization.   It helps managers to investigate the
impact those individuals, groups and organization structure have on behavior; the
application of this knowledge to improve productivity and job satisfaction in an
organization. The topics will cover grand, midrange and lower level theories
of organizational behavior and management; the nature and goal of organizations;
Organizational design and culture, organizational culture, leadership,
communication and organizational development. Organizational politics, power,
and conflict management and negotiation will be discussed. Moreover, articles
(journals), research papers and case studies (individually and in group) will be
given to student for evaluation and presentation. To create practical exposure, at
least two term papers will be conducted in Ethiopian context.

 Course Outline

Chapter 1: An overview of organizational behavior

1.1. The meaning of organization and behavior;
1.2 The Meaning Of Organizational Behavior;
1.3 The Nature Of Organizational Behavior;
1.4 Levels Of Organizational Behavior;
1.5 Importance of OB;
1.6 OB and Management functions.

Chapter 2: Challenges of Organizational Behavior

2.1 Challenge 1: The challenging social and cultural environment;
2.2 Challenge 2: the evolving global environment;
2.3 Challenge 3: Advancing information technology;
2.4 Challenge 4: Shifting work and employment relationships;

Chapter 3: Foundations of Individual behavior

3.1 Diversity in Organizations
3.2 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
3.3 Emotions and Moods
3.4 Personality and Values
3.5 Perception and Individual Decision Making
3.6 Motivation Concepts
3.7 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications

Chapter 4: Group in the organization

4.1 Foundations of Group Behavior
4.2 Understanding Work Teams
4.3 Communication
4.4 Leadership
4.5 Power and Politics
4.6 Conflict and Negotiation
4.7 Foundations of Organization Structure

Chapter 5: The Organization System

5.1 Organizational Culture
5.2 Human Resource Policies and Practices
5.3 Organizational Change and Stress Management

Evaluation scheme:
• Formal exam 50%
• Assignment 20
• Term paper 10
• Test(s) 20

1. Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University; Timothy A. Judge:
university of Notre Dame ; Organizational Behavior, 15 th edition (text)
2. Jennifer M. George and Gareth R. Jones, Understanding and Managing Or-
ganizational Behavior, Fifth Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2008

3. John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., James G. Hunt and Richard N. Osborn, Organi-

zational Behavior, 7th ed., Wiley: University of Phoenix, 2002.

4. Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational behavior: concepts, controversies and

applications, 8th ed., New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1998

5. Luthan F., Organizational Behavior, 9th ed., NewYork; McGRAW-HILL

Companies Inc, 2002.

6. Related Journals and web sites

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