Student Worksheet of Invitation (LKPD)

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1. These are some letters of invitation and their replies. Match them and write down the sender!

Aunt Deasy, 18 May 16 June

How are you? We haven’t Dear Vicky and James, Dear Wendy and Brad,
heard from you for a long time
since Uncle Harry passed away. Just a short note to say Thank you very much for
we’re having a small barbeque your kind letter. I would love to
We are going to stay at the party on our wedding come and stay with you during
mountain cabin this summer anniversary (29/5) and we were this summer holiday. I’ll come
holiday. Why don’t you come wondering if both of you could by train in the second week of
and spend the holiday with us? come. We also have a spare July. I’ll give you an sms for the
We would love to see you. room in our house. so there’s date and time. Is that all right
nothing to worry about. Stay with you?
All the beast, the night if you like.
All my love,
1) Wendy and Brad Best wishes,
3) Aunt Deasy
2) Berta

19 May Mr. and Mrs. 10 March

Damon Anderson
Dear Berta, Request the pleasure of the Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson,
company of Mr. and Mrs.
Thanks for the invitation to Timothy Robson Thank you very much for
the barbeque party at your at the marriage of their son, your kind invitation to Joel’s
house. I’m afraid we’re going Joel to Alicia Silverstone wedding. We are very happy to
away on that day, but we wish on 20 March at 10.30 a.m. accept.
you a happy wedding at St. Mary Magdalene Church,
anniversary. Perhaps we can 64 Newgate. Yours sincerely,
come on another occasion in Afterwards a wedding
the future. reception will be held at 6) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Ushfield House, 100 Victoria Robson
Love, Street, London.
5) Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
4) Vicky and James

2. Fill in the table with information you get from the invitations and their replies.
invitation Formal/ Addressed to Event Where? When? Accepted/
Informal Declined
1 Informal Aunt Dessy Summer Holiday Where: Mountain accepted
at the mountain Cabin
When: This summer
2 Informal Vicky and Barbeque party Home, 29 May Declined
3 formal Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Alicia Where: accepted
Timothy Silverstone’s Wedding = St. Mary
Robson marriage Magdalene Church,
64 Newgate.

Reception = Ushfield
House, 100 Victoria
Street, London.

When: 20 March at
10.30 a.m.

3. Look at the following phrases. Match them with their functions! One function can have more
than one phrase.

I would love to come … Thank you very much for …

Yours sincerely, ….. I’m afraid we’re going away ….
All the best … Dear Vicky and James
Why don’t you come and spend … request the pleasure of ….
We are happy to accept it … We’re wondering if both of you could …

a. to say yes to something = - I would love to come …

- We are happy to accept it …
b. to invite somebody = - Request the pleasure of ….
- We’re wondering if both of you could …
c. to suggest something = - Why don’t you come and spend …
d. to say thank you = - Thank you very much for …
e. to close a letter = - All the best …
- Yours sincerely, …..
f. to open a letter = - Dear Vicky and James
g. to say no to something = - I’m afraid we’re going away ….


4. Listen, repeat, and write the following sentences. (10 sentences) (CANCELLED)
5. Listen to the following dialogues and the questions about them. Choose the best answers from
the following questions.
1) A. She will go to the wedding party.
B. She will pick the man up at 6 o’clock.
C. She will arrange a new schedule.
D. She will have nothing special to do.

2) A. Because he felt bored.

B. Because he was not a kind man.
C. Because he didn’t like camping.
d. Because he was busy doing his work.

3) A. She didn’t want to go with her husband.

B. She had to pay for the tickets by cheque.
C. She will consult with her husband first.
D. She already had some other plans.

4) A. An invitation for spending the weekend.

B. An invitation for graduating day.
C. An invitation for celebrating a birthday.
D. An invitation for celebrating a graduation.

5) A. The man wants the woman to train the club members.

B. They want to hire a trainer for the tennis club.
C. The woman agrees to join the tennis club.
D. The woman refuses to join the tennis club.

6. Listen to several dialogs and questions spoken in English, each followed by four responses,
also spoken in English. They will not be printed in your book. You have to choose the best
response to each question.
1) A B C D
2) A B C D
3) A B C D
4) A B C D
5) A B C D

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