Cakewalk by Bandlab Cheat Sheet: Basic

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Some of the main takeaways from the document are that it outlines many keyboard shortcuts for navigating different views and editing tracks in Cakewalk. It provides shortcuts for inserting and managing tracks, zooming and arranging the layout, and editing clips and automation.

Some of the main views in Cakewalk include the Track view, Console view, Piano Roll view, Step Sequencer view, and Matrix view. Each view focuses on a different aspect of editing or mixing your project.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with tracks include inserting and managing tracks, zooming and arranging the layout, and editing clips and automation. Shortcuts are provided for cutting, copying, pasting, undoing and redoing edits to tracks.

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Cakewalk by Bandlab cheat sheet

Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + A Edit > Select > All
Ctrl + T Insert Audio track
Shift + Esc Edit > Select > None
Ctrl + Shift + T Insert MIDI track
Ctrl + X Edit > Cut
Alt + 1 Show Track view
Ctrl + Alt + X Edit > Cut Special
C Show/hide Control Bar
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Edit > Copy
Shift + C Expand/collapse Control Bar Insert
I Show/hide Inspector Ctrl + Alt + C Edit > Copy Special
Shift + I Show/hide Clip Properties Shift + Insert Edit > Paste
Ctrl + Alt + V Edit > Paste Special
Ctrl + Shift + I Show/hide Track Properties
M Project > Insert Marker
Alt + Z View Undo (zoom)
Ctrl + I Show/hide ProChannel
Alt + Shift + Z View Redo (zoom)
B Show/hide Browser
D Expand/collapse MultiDock
Shift + D Maximize/restore MultiDock
C Control Bar
Ctrl + F4 Close current floating window
I Inspector
T Show Tools HUD
B Browser
Alt + A Show AudioSnap Palette
Alt + 1 Track view
Ctrl + Right arrow Zoom in horizontally
Alt + 2 Console view
Ctrl + Left arrow Zoom out horizontally
Alt + 3 Piano Roll view
F11 Full Screen mode on/off
Alt + 4 Step Sequencer
Shift + X X-Ray on/off
Alt + 5 Matrix view
Ctrl + Shift + X X-Ray all effect/synth plug-ins
Alt + 6 Staff view
P Preferences
Alt + 7 Loop Construction view
Ctrl + X Cut
Alt + 8 Event List view
Ctrl + Alt + X Cut Special
Alt + 9 Synth Rack view
Ctrl + C Copy
Alt + 0 Virtual Computer Keyboard
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy Special
Alt + Shift + 1 Lyrics view
Ctrl + V Paste
Alt + Shift + 2 Video view
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste Special
Alt + Shift + 3 Big Time view

Menu command Alt + Shift + 4 Markers view

Alt + Shift + 5 Tempo view
F1 Online Help
Alt + Shift + 6 Meter/Key view
Ctrl + N File > New
Alt + Shift + 7 Sysx view
Ctrl + O File > Open
Alt + Shift + 8 Navigator view
Ctrl + S File > Save
Alt + Shift + 9 Surround Panner
Ctrl + P File > Print
Alt + Shift + 0 Virtual Piano Keyboard
Ctrl + Z Edit > Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z or Edit > Redo
Track view
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Alt + 1 Show Track view arrow

A or Insert Insert new track Ctrl + Shift + Up Decrease current track height
Ctrl + T Insert Audio track arrow

Ctrl + Shift + T Insert MIDI track Alt + Up arrow / Scale audio waveform in all audio
Down arrow tracks and MIDI notes in all MIDI
Shift + Insert Show/hide Add Track menu
Shift + B Show/hide Bus pane
Ctrl + Alt + Up Scale audio waveform in current
V Show/hide Video Thumbnail pane arrow / Down arrow audio track or scale MIDI notes in
Alt + N Show/hide Navigator pane current MIDI track

X Show/hide Aim Assist line Shift + Up arrow Put focus in Track pane

F Resize all tracks vertically to fit in Shift + Down arrow Put focus in Bus pane
window Alt + S Solo/unsolo current track
Shift + F Resize and zoom tracks to see , Select current track
entire project
Shift + Esc Clear selection
Ctrl + Alt + H Show and fit selection
; Open Patch Browser for current
Ctrl + F Fit content MIDI track
H Manage track visibility Ctrl + F4 Close project
Ctrl + Shift + H Show only selected tracks + Toggle current track’s Edit Filter
Ctrl + H Hide selected tracks between Track Volume and
last/previous data type
Shift + H Show all tracks
Ctrl + Alt + X Cut Special
Alt + Shift + H Open/Close current Track Folder
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy Special
Shift + T Expand/Collapse Take lanes for
current track Shift + , Select and audition previous Take
Shift + A Expand/Collapse Automation
lanes for current track Shift + . Select and audition next Take lane

Shift + + Insert new Automation lane in Tab Go to next audio transient or MIDI
current track note in selected tracks (or current
track if there is no selection)
Ctrl + Right arrow Zoom in horizontally
Shift + Tab Go to previous audio transient or
Ctrl + Left arrow Zoom out horizontally
MIDI note in selected tracks (or
Ctrl + Down arrow Zoom all tracks in vertically current track if there is no
Ctrl + Up arrow Zoom all tracks out vertically selection)

Alt + Down arrow Zoom out on all audio waveforms Shift + J Reset all meters

Ctrl + Alt + Up Zoom in on current track’s audio

arrow waveforms Transport
Ctrl + Alt + Down Zoom out on current track’s audio
R Record
arrow waveforms
Shift + R Step Record on/off
Ctrl + Shift + Down Zoom current track in vertically
arrow W Rewind to Landmarks

Ctrl + Shift + Up Zoom current track out vertically Space Play/Stop

arrow Ctrl + Space Stop with Now marker

Alt + Up arrow Zoom in on all audio waveforms Ctrl + W Toggle ‘On stop, rewind to Now
and MIDI notes marker’ on/off

Ctrl + Shift + Down Increase current track height Shift + Space Audition selection
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Ctrl + Home Go to Start (RTZ) Shift

Ctrl + End Go to End +1

G Go to time Ctrl Set half note duration

G then F5 Go to a specific marker
Shift + G Go to selection start (From time) +2
Ctrl + Shift + Page Go to next marker Ctrl Set quarter note duration
Down +
Ctrl + Shift + Page Go to previous marker Shift
Up +4

F3 Record metronome on/off Ctrl Set eighth note duration

Ctrl + F3 Playback metronome on/off
Shift + F3 Open Metronome settings +8
L Loop on/off Ctrl Set sixteenth note duration
Shift + M Set Measure/Beat at Now time +
Ctrl Set thirty-second note duration
R Record +
Shift + R Step Record on/off Shift
Ctrl + R Arm all tracks for recording
Alt + R Toggle Track Arm for selected
track Edit Filter
F3 Record metronome on/off Shift + Left click (click control) Select a specific

Tools Shift + Right click Toggle between the last two data
T Show Tools HUD
+ Toggle current track’s Edit Filter
F5 Smart tool between Track Volume and
F6 Select tool last/previous data type
F7 Move tool T or Middle click Show the Tools HUD
F8 Cycle through Edit tools
(Edit/Stretch/Comping/Split) Snapping to grid
F9 Cycle through Draw tools
N Snap to Grid on/off
Shift + N Open Snap to Grid settings
F10 Cycle through Erase tools (Erase/Mute)
N (keep pressed) Assign or use
N Snap to Grid on/off
secondary Snap to Grid resolution
N (keep pressed) Assign or use secondary Snap to while dragging data
Grid resolution while dragging data
Ctrl + Shift + N Swap the primary and secondary
Z Zoom tool Snap to Grid settings
J Scrub tool
S Split selected clips at Now time Nudge
Ctrl Set whole note duration Num 1 Nudge Left 1
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Num 2 Nudge Down 7 Screenset 7

Num 3 Nudge Right 1 8 Screenset 8
Num 4 Nudge Left 2 9 Screenset 9
Num 5 Nudge Settings 0 Screenset 10
Num 6 Nudge Right 2 Ctrl + 1 Copy current Screenset to
<span n span style="color: rgb(65, 65, Screenset 1
65); font-family: sans-serif; font- Ctrl + 2 Copy current Screenset to
size: 14px; font-style: normal; font- Screenset 2
variant-ligatures: normal; font- Ctrl + 3 Copy current Screenset to
variant-caps: normal; font-weight: Screenset 3
400; letter-spacing: normal;
Ctrl + 4 Copy current Screenset to
orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-
Screenset 4
indent: 0px; text-transform: none;
white-space: normal; widows: 2; Ctrl + 5 Copy current Screenset to
word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text- Screenset 5
stroke-width: 0px; background- Ctrl + 6 Copy current Screenset to
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text- Screenset 6
decoration-thickness: initial; text-
Ctrl + 7 Copy current Screenset to
decoration-style: initial; text-
Screenset 7
decoration-color: initial; display:
inline !important; float: Ctrl + 8 Copy current Screenset to
none;">num7 Nudge Left 3 Screenset 8

<span n span style="color: rgb(65, 65, Ctrl + 9 Copy current Screenset to

65); font-family: sans-serif; font- Screenset 9
size: 14px; font-style: normal; font- Ctrl + 0 Copy current Screenset to
variant-ligatures: normal; font- Screenset 10
variant-caps: normal; font-weight:
400; letter-spacing: normal;
orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-
indent: 0px; text-transform: none; M Insert marker
white-space: normal; widows: 2;
Ctrl + Shift + Page Next marker
word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-
stroke-width: 0px; background-
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text- Ctrl + Shift + Page Previous marker
decoration-thickness: initial; text- Up
decoration-style: initial; text- Alt + Shift + 4 Open Markers view
decoration-color: initial; display:
inline !important; float:
none;">num8 Nudge Right 3
L Loop on/off

Screenset Shift + L Set loop points to selection

Ctrl + L Groove Clip looping enable/disable
1 Screenset 1
Alt + 7 Open Loop Construction view
2 Screenset 2
3 Screenset 3
4 Screenset 4
5 Screenset 5 K Mute clip

6 Screenset 6 Ctrl + L Groove Clip looping enable/disable

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Shift + K Open Associated Audio Files dialog Up arrow / Down Navigate between files
Ctrl + K Lock Clip Position and Data arrow

Alt + K Open clip FX Rack Left arrow / Right Navigate between directories
Ctrl + M Create Melodyne Region FX clip
Backspace Move to parent directory
Shift + V Create VocalSync Region FX clip
Enter Move to the selected directory or
open the selected file
Track State
Home Move to the first file in a directory
Alt + M Toggle Track Mute for selected End Move to the last file in a directory
Shift + F10 Open a shortcut menu for the
Alt + S Toggle Track Solo for selected selected item
Num * Expand everything under the
Alt + R Toggle Track Arm for selected current selection (folder pane only)
Num + Expand the current selection (folder
pane only)
Automation Num - Collapse the current selection
F12 Global Write Automation off (folder pane only)

Ctrl + F12 Global Read Automation on/off

Shift + + Insert new Automation lane in Piano Roll view
current track Alt + 3 Open the Piano Roll view
Alt + C Show/hide the Controller pane
Quantize H Show/hide the Track pane
Q Open Quantize dialog Tab Go to the next note event in the
Shift + Q Open Input Quantize settings current track

Ctrl + Q Input Quantize on/off Shift + Tab Go to the previous note event in
the current track

Browser V Invert track visibility

Ctrl + Shift + F Switch to Media tab

Step Sequencer
Ctrl + Shift + P Switch to PlugIns tab
Alt + 4 Open the Step Sequencer
Ctrl + U [Media] Move up
A or Insert Insert a new row above the
Ctrl + R [Media] Refresh
selected row
Ctrl + F [Media] Toggle folders
D or Del Delete the active row
Ctrl + Shift + A [Media] Toggle auto preview
Left arrow Move focus to the previous control
Ctrl + Shift + V [Media] Toggle view display
Right arrow Move focus to the next control
Ctrl + Shift + [Media] Toggle play
Up arrow When there are multiple strips,
move focus to the same control on
Ctrl + A [PlugIns] Audio the previous row
Ctrl + M [PlugIns] MIDI Down arrow When there are multiple strips,
Ctrl + I [PlugIns] Instruments move focus to the same control on
the next row
Ctrl + R [PlugIns] Rewire devices
Ctrl + Left arrow When focus is on a control in the
A or Insert [Synth] Insert synth
steps pane, move focus to the
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strips pane Up arrow / Down Moves to next/previous widget in

Ctrl + Right arrow When focus is on a control in the arrow surround panner
strips pane, move focus to the Left arrow / Right Moves to next/previous panner in
steps pane arrow same track
Ctrl + Up arrow When focus is either on the steps Ctrl + Up arrow / Moves to surround panner in
or strips pane, move focus to the Down arrow another track
toolbar Ctrl + [Num 0 - 9] Speaker mutes
Ctrl + Down arrow When focus is on the toolbar, move [Num 0 - 9] Jumps to speaker angle at 100%
focus to the strips pane focus
Enter When focus is on steps, toggle step Num 0 n/a
or tie on/off; for buttons, turn on/off
Num 1 Ls
Shift + Enter When focus is on a step, allow
Num 2 Cs
velocity adjustment
Num 3 Rs
num or - For spinner controls,
increase/decrease value; fine Num 4 Sl
adjust for knobs Num 5 n/a
[ or ] Coarse adjust for knobs Num 6 Sr
Ctrl + Shift + Toggle the Audition (Play) button Num 7 L
Space for the view
Num 8 C
Tab When focus is on the steps pane,
Num 9 R
move focus to the next enabled
note on the same row / Lc

Shift + Tab When focus is on the steps pane, * Rc

move focus to the previous
enabled note on the same row Play List
Alt + Left arrow Shift the active row's steps by 1
E Enable/disable the Play List
step and wrap first step to the end
N Skip to the next song
Alt + Right arrow Shift the active row's steps by 1
step and wrap the last step to the R Loop the Play List continuously
beginning A or Insert Add a song
D or Del Remove the selected song
Surround Panner (large) W Specify a delay before the next
song plays
Alt + Left click + (drag) Constrains to angle
Move the mouse T Keep the Play List on top of other
Alt + Shift + Left (drag) Constrains to angle at 100%
click + Move the focus
mouse Video view
Ctrl + Shift + Left (drag) Constrains to focus only
num or - Advance by a single frame
click + Move the
mouse [ or ] Advance by 5 frames

Shift + Left click Sets panner point to the point that Source: Cakewalk
you click (large and medium
panners only) Last modification: 9/13/2021 2:16:17 PM

Shift + Left click + (drag controls (Angle, Width, etc.)) More information:
Move the mouse Fine resolution shortcuts
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