Cakewalk by Bandlab Cheat Sheet: Basic
Cakewalk by Bandlab Cheat Sheet: Basic
Cakewalk by Bandlab Cheat Sheet: Basic
Ctrl + Shift + T Insert MIDI track Alt + Up arrow / Scale audio waveform in all audio
Down arrow tracks and MIDI notes in all MIDI
Shift + Insert Show/hide Add Track menu
Shift + B Show/hide Bus pane
Ctrl + Alt + Up Scale audio waveform in current
V Show/hide Video Thumbnail pane arrow / Down arrow audio track or scale MIDI notes in
Alt + N Show/hide Navigator pane current MIDI track
X Show/hide Aim Assist line Shift + Up arrow Put focus in Track pane
F Resize all tracks vertically to fit in Shift + Down arrow Put focus in Bus pane
window Alt + S Solo/unsolo current track
Shift + F Resize and zoom tracks to see , Select current track
entire project
Shift + Esc Clear selection
Ctrl + Alt + H Show and fit selection
; Open Patch Browser for current
Ctrl + F Fit content MIDI track
H Manage track visibility Ctrl + F4 Close project
Ctrl + Shift + H Show only selected tracks + Toggle current track’s Edit Filter
Ctrl + H Hide selected tracks between Track Volume and
last/previous data type
Shift + H Show all tracks
Ctrl + Alt + X Cut Special
Alt + Shift + H Open/Close current Track Folder
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy Special
Shift + T Expand/Collapse Take lanes for
current track Shift + , Select and audition previous Take
Shift + A Expand/Collapse Automation
lanes for current track Shift + . Select and audition next Take lane
Shift + + Insert new Automation lane in Tab Go to next audio transient or MIDI
current track note in selected tracks (or current
track if there is no selection)
Ctrl + Right arrow Zoom in horizontally
Shift + Tab Go to previous audio transient or
Ctrl + Left arrow Zoom out horizontally
MIDI note in selected tracks (or
Ctrl + Down arrow Zoom all tracks in vertically current track if there is no
Ctrl + Up arrow Zoom all tracks out vertically selection)
Alt + Down arrow Zoom out on all audio waveforms Shift + J Reset all meters
Alt + Up arrow Zoom in on all audio waveforms Ctrl + W Toggle ‘On stop, rewind to Now
and MIDI notes marker’ on/off
Ctrl + Shift + Down Increase current track height Shift + Space Audition selection
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Tools Shift + Right click Toggle between the last two data
T Show Tools HUD
+ Toggle current track’s Edit Filter
F5 Smart tool between Track Volume and
F6 Select tool last/previous data type
F7 Move tool T or Middle click Show the Tools HUD
F8 Cycle through Edit tools
(Edit/Stretch/Comping/Split) Snapping to grid
F9 Cycle through Draw tools
N Snap to Grid on/off
Shift + N Open Snap to Grid settings
F10 Cycle through Erase tools (Erase/Mute)
N (keep pressed) Assign or use
N Snap to Grid on/off
secondary Snap to Grid resolution
N (keep pressed) Assign or use secondary Snap to while dragging data
Grid resolution while dragging data
Ctrl + Shift + N Swap the primary and secondary
Z Zoom tool Snap to Grid settings
J Scrub tool
S Split selected clips at Now time Nudge
Ctrl Set whole note duration Num 1 Nudge Left 1
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Shift + K Open Associated Audio Files dialog Up arrow / Down Navigate between files
Ctrl + K Lock Clip Position and Data arrow
Alt + K Open clip FX Rack Left arrow / Right Navigate between directories
Ctrl + M Create Melodyne Region FX clip
Backspace Move to parent directory
Shift + V Create VocalSync Region FX clip
Enter Move to the selected directory or
open the selected file
Track State
Home Move to the first file in a directory
Alt + M Toggle Track Mute for selected End Move to the last file in a directory
Shift + F10 Open a shortcut menu for the
Alt + S Toggle Track Solo for selected selected item
Num * Expand everything under the
Alt + R Toggle Track Arm for selected current selection (folder pane only)
Num + Expand the current selection (folder
pane only)
Automation Num - Collapse the current selection
F12 Global Write Automation off (folder pane only)
Ctrl + Q Input Quantize on/off Shift + Tab Go to the previous note event in
the current track
Shift + Left click Sets panner point to the point that Source: Cakewalk
you click (large and medium
panners only) Last modification: 9/13/2021 2:16:17 PM
Shift + Left click + (drag controls (Angle, Width, etc.)) More information:
Move the mouse Fine resolution shortcuts
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