Manual Motor Minsk

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Open Joint Stock Company

"MINSK MOTOR PLANT" Holding Managing Company"

Diesel engines
D-260.1S3А, D-260.2S3А, D-260.4S3А


Minsk 2013

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1 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION .....................................................................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Diesel engine application .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.2 Technical specifications ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.3 Diesel engine components ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.4 Design and operation ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.5 Diesel engine labelling ............................................................................................................................................ 14
1.1.6 Packaging ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2.1 General information ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2.2 Description and operation ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2.3 Diesel engine labelling and sealing ......................................................................................................................... 42
2 APPROPRIATE USE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 42
2.1 OPERATING RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 42
2.2 DIESEL ENGINE PREPARING FOR OPERATION..................................................................................................................... 43
2.2.1 Safety rules to be observed while preparing diesel engine for operation ............................................................... 43
2.2.2 Diesel engine, its assembly units and parts depreservation ................................................................................... 43
2.2.3 Diesel engine additional equipment ........................................................................................................................ 44
2.2.4 Filling the cooling system ........................................................................................................................................ 44
2.2.5 Filling the engine with fuel and oil .......................................................................................................................... 45
2.2.6 Diesel engine controls and control devices ............................................................................................................. 45
2.3 DIESEL ENGINE USE .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
2.3.1 The order of diesel engine use by authorized technical personnel ......................................................................... 46
2.3.2 Diesel ngine start ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
2.3.3 Diesel engine shutdown ........................................................................................................................................... 47
2.3.4 Diesel engineoperationsl run-in .............................................................................................................................. 47
2.3.5 Diesel engine operation in winter conditions .......................................................................................................... 47
2.3.6 Possible failures and troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 48
2.3.7 Safety measures with engine appropriate use........................................................................................................ 121
2.4 OPERATION IN EXTREME CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 121
3 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
3.1 DIESEL ENGINE MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................................... 122
3.1.1 General instructions .............................................................................................................................................. 122
3.1.2 Safety measures ..................................................................................................................................................... 124
3.1.3 Maintenance procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 125
3.1.4 Checking the engine operation condition .............................................................................................................. 126
3.1.5 Proofing (reproofing) for storage .......................................................................................................................... 127
3.2 DIESEL ENGINE AND ITS COMPONENTS MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................... 130
3.2.1 Checking the cooling liquid level in the cooling system ........................................................................................ 130
3.2.2 Cooling system maintenance and washing ............................................................................................................ 130
3.2.3 Checking oil level in the engine oil sump .............................................................................................................. 130
3.2.4 Replacing oil in the engine oil sump...................................................................................................................... 131
3.2.5 Replacing he oil filter ........................................................................................................................................... 131
3.2.6 Cleaning the centrifugal oil filter rotor ................................................................................................................. 132
3.2.7 Sediment removal from fuel pre-filter .................................................................................................................... 133
3.2.8 Replacing fuel pre-filter......................................................................................................................................... 133
3.2.9 Replacing fine fuel filter ........................................................................................................................................ 133
3.2.10 Заполнение топливной системы ...................................................................................................................... 134
3.2.11 Servicing the air cleaner...................................................................................................................................... 135
3.2.12 Checking the air cleaner and the inlet duct connections hermeticity .................................................................. 136
............................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2.13 Washing the engine breathers ............................................................................................................................. 136
3.2.14 Tightening the cylinder heads bolts ..................................................................................................................... 137
3.2.15 Checking the gaps between the valves and the rockers ....................................................................................... 137
3.2.16 The “COMMON RAIL” system maintenance ...................................................................................................... 138
3.2.17 Alternator maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 139
3.2.18 Checking the belts tension ................................................................................................................................... 139
3.2.19 Checking the starter motor condition ................................................................................................................. 140
3.2.20 Turbocharger maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 140
3.2.21 Compressor maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 141
3.2.22 Gas exchange system components maintenance ............................................................................................... 141
4 CURRENT REPAIR ............................................................................................................................................................................ 141
4.1ENGINE CURRENT REPAIR ................................................................................................................................................ 141

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4.1.1 General instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 141
4.1.2 Safety measures..................................................................................................................................................... 143
4.2 ENGINE COMPONENTS CURRENT REPAIR ......................................................................................................... 144
4.2.1 General instructions on piston rings replacement ................................................................................................ 145
4.2.2 General instructions on the valves grinding ......................................................................................................... 146
4.2.3 General instructions on water pump disassembly and assembly .......................................................................... 147
5 STORAGE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 149
6 TRANSPORTATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 150
7 RECYCLING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
Annex А(reference) ........................................................................................................................................................ 151
Chemmotological chart....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annex Б (reference) ....................................................................................................................................................... 155
Spare Parts & Accessories ............................................................................................................................................ 155
Annex В (reference) ....................................................................................................................................................... 156
Cylinder liners and pistons size groups ......................................................................................................................... 156
Crankshaft main end and big end necks nominal sizes
Synchronization of the crankshaft and the HPFIP camshaft angle position.................................................................. 158
Annex Е (reference) Diesel engine electronics structural electric diagram ................................................................. 162
Annex Е (reference) ....................................................................................................................................................... 163
Annex Е(reference) ........................................................................................................................................................ 164
Annex Ж......................................................................................................................................................................... 165
Diesel engine and turbocharger failures identification ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annex И (reference) ....................................................................................................................................................... 166
Engine slinging scheme ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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This Manual is intended for use by operators, drivers and engine mechanics of agricul-
tural tractors, combine harvesters and agricultural machinery equipped with diesel en-
gines D-260.1S3A, D-260.2S3A, D-260.4 S3A as well as by personnel of technical service
centres and repair shops performing technical service and repair of said diesel engines.
This Operation & Maintenance Manual contains brief technical description, diesel en-
gines operation and technical maintenance rules.
Eligible to diesel engines operation and technical maintenance rules are individuals with
special training and those having read this Operation & Maintenance Manual.
Diesel engines and their components current repair may be done by mechanics familiar
with their design, principle of operation, having general technical background according
to 3-4 grades training programme.
Diagnostics and technical service of Common Rail fuel system must be done by specially
trained personnel using specialised diagnostic equipment.
Diesel engines design implies long operation life without complete overhaul, provided the
rules of operation, storage and timely technical service described in this Manual are ob-
Diesel engines exhaust gases contain substances harmful to human health (nitrogen ox-
ides, carbon oxides, hydrocarbons, hard particles).
Applied in diesel engines design are technical solutions allowing to reduce the harmful
substances impact on human health and environment, so unauthorized modification of the
engines design, breaking the manufacturer settings, disregarding technical service perio-
dicity is strictly forbidden.
The rooms where diesel engines are run must have purge-exhaust ventilation and the en-
gine exhaust system must have an autonomous gas diversion duct from the engine silenc-
er to the outside of the room.
Due to the engines continuous development, some of their assembly units and parts may
be subject to modifications not indicated in this Operation & Maintenance Manual.
Customers’ disregarding the rules and conditions of operation, technical ser-
vice, transportation and storage contained in this Manual, breaking the manufacturer
seals as well as using in current repair and technical service consumables (fuel and lu-
brication materials, assembly units and parts) from manufacturers not recommended for
use by the OJSC "MMP" HMC" design documentation, engine design modification will
stop the engine warranty validity.
Engine and (or) its components repair by the owner or other persons without
participation of the manufacturer specialists or its authorized dealer centre in the event
of the engine failure within the warranty period will make the engine or its components
warranty invalid.

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1.1. Diesel engine description and operation
1.1.1 Diesel engine application
Diesel engines application, application environment and operation conditions are shown
in table 1.
Table 1
Engine model

D-260.1S3A D-260.2S3A D-260.4 S3A

Wheeled tractors, 1,4; 2 drawbar Forage harvesters and wheeled

categories tractors, 3; 4 drawbar categories
Areas with unlimited air exchange
Microclimatic regions with moderate climate. Air temperature values
Climatic of operation conditions from + 40º С to - 45º С.*
conditions of Microclimatic regions with both dry and humid tropical climate. Air
operation temperature values of operation conditions from + 50º С to - 10º С.

*- with diesel engine operation at the environment temperature lower than -25ºС the
coarse fuel filter must be equipped with a fuel heater.

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1.1.2 Technical specifications
Diesel engines technical specifications and operation parameters
Table 2
Engine model
Parameters Measurement unit D-260.1S3A D-260.2S3A D-260.4 S3A
Diesel engine type 4-stroke, turbocharged with charge air cooling
Fuel mixture method Volumetric fuel mixture formation
Number of cylinders pcs 6
Positioning of cylinders In-line, vertical
Swept volume litres 7,12
Firing sequence 1-5-3-6-2-4
Crankshaft rotation direction per State Standard Right (clockwise)
22836-77 (from the fan side)
Bore mm 110
Stroke mm 125
Compression ratio (calculated) 17
Permissible inclination angles at engine operation - 20
- longitudinal degrees 20
- Transverse
Operating output kW 111,0 96,9 148,6
Rated speed min 2100
Specific fuel consumption at operating output g/ kW/ hour 249,0
Maximal torque Nm 1 660,0 570,0 923,0
Speed at maximal torque, not less than min 1600
Engine mass without fuel, lubricants and coolant kg 710 750
(with fan, alternator, starter and air cleaner)
Average noise level. Not more than dBA 97 98
General logarithmic levels of vibration velocity,
not higher than
а) vertically 108,2
б) horozontally dB 110,2

Downloaded from manuals search engine Controlled engine parameters
Table 3
Engine model
Parameters D-260.1S3A D-260.2S3A D-260.4 S3A
ment unit
Value ± confidence limit (tolerance)
Rated output kW 116,0±2,0 100,0±2,0 156,0±3,0
−1 +40
Rated speed min − 25
Specific fuel consumption at rated output +12 , 0
g/ kW/ hour 240,0 −7 , 2
Minimal stable idling speed −1
min 800±50
Maximal stable idling speed limited by regula- −1
min 2270 2270 (2250**)
tor, not higher than
Oil pressure in the main lubrication system line:
-at rated speed
-at minimal speed MPa 0,28…0,45
0,10 0,16
* The parameters are reached after 60 hours of engine operation with the counter-pressure of not less than 150 kPa at a distance of 200 mm
from the exhaust duct measured from the turbocharger flange with the engine brake switched off, the fuel temperature at the fuel system inlet
between 38º С and 43º С and reference atmospheric conditions per UN EEC Rules No 24(03)/ 2nd Revision:
-atmospheric pressure - 100 kPa
-water vapours pressure - 1 kPa
-air temperature - 25º С;
The parameters are calculated with formuli per State Standard 18509-88.
** For combine harvester diesel engines

Downloaded from manuals search engine Measuring means for determining the controlled parameters
Table 4
Measurement Measurement means basic ab- Note
Measured parameter Measurement means
unit solute error limit
Strain and torque strength measuring
For rated output
Torque Nm devices according to State Standard ±0,005Мк max
Electronic tachometers, ТЭСА type
according to Technical Conditions 25-
−1 ±0,005n rated, but not more
Speed min 04.3663-78, State Standard 18303-72
than 10 min-1
±0,005n rated, but not more than 10
Pressure gauges, compound gauges
according to State Standards 2405-80
Oil pressure in the lubri-
MPa and 11161-84, pressure and depres- ±0,02
cation system
sion measuring transducers according
to State Standard 22520-85
For specific fuel
Hourly fuel consumption kg/ hour Non-standard measuring means ±0,01Gт consumption cal-

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1.1.3 Diesel engine parts and components
Diesel engine consists of parts, assembly units and sets. Basic D-260S3A diesel engine assembly units
Table 5
Assembly units and sets
Cylinder block Water catchment pipe
Cylinder heads mounting Water pump mounting
Clutch mounting Fan mounting
Turbocharger mounting Tensioner mounting
Oil sump mounting Gear pump mounting
Pump mounting Compressor mounting
Heat exchanger mounting Alternator mounting
Filter mounting Starter motor mounting
Fuel equipment mounting Drive and counter mounting
Oil ducts Spare Parts, Tools & Accessories Kit

Downloaded from manuals search engine Key features of diesel engine models configurations

Table 6
Engine model
Units, parts D-260.1S3А D-260.2S3А D-260.4S3А
Unit, part designation and (or) its description
Turbocharger К27-61-08* "Turbo" (Czechia) К27-542-01 "Turbo" (Czechia)
Compressor Single cylinder air cooled, controlled * or not not available

Gear pump НШ-10 or НШ 14-3Л, or НШ 16-3Л*

High-pressure fuel injec-

СРN2.2 ("BOSCH", Germany)
tion pump

Electronic control unit EDC7UC31 ("BOSCH", Germany)

Injector CRIN2 ("BOSCH", Germany)

Type Preline PL 420 ("MANN-HUMMEL GMBH", Germany) ** (with water separator and manual priming pump) or similar filter
Fuel pre-filter
by other manufacturers
Fine fuel filter Mann & Hummel WDK962/12 or WDK962/14 (Germany)
Air filter With paper filter elements **
Oil filter Non-separable, full flow, centrifugal, working on branch
Fan and fan drive Axle type Unavailable **

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Continuation of Table 6
Engine model
Units, parts D-260.1S3А D-260.2S3А D-260.4S3А
Unit, part designation and (or) its description
Clutch Friction type, dry, constantly closed-type,
Friction type, dry, constantly closed-type, double-disk* or single disc or not available
Alternator AC, rated voltage 14V or 28V
Starter Rated voltage 24V***
Diesel engines are equipped with pin glow plugs with rated voltage of 23V and have locations for heat carriers inlet and outlet when a
Start-up aids
pre-start heater is installed
*- for tractor engines;
**- to be installed by customer;
***- to be installed by customer on the engines going to MTZ tractors;
The D-260.1S3A diesel engine appearance is shown in Fig.1.
Spare Parts, Tools & Accessories Kit list - See Annex "B" to this Manual (Table B.1)

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Fig.1 - Diesel engine D-260.1S3A

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1.1.4 Design and operation

Engines D-260.1S3A, D-260.2S3A, D-260.4 S3A are 4-stroke internal combustion pis-
ton diesel engines with vertical cylinder positioning, direct fuel injection and ignition by

The basic engine assembly units are: cylinder block, cylinder heads, pistons, connecting
rods, crankshaft and flywheel.

To ensure high technical and economic characteristics the engines inlet systems use
turbo charging with charge air intermediate cooling.

Using turbocharger with controlled air pressure in the charging device allows better
engine pickup provided by higher torque values at low crankshaft speeds.

Engines equipped with "Common Rail" accumulator type fuel system show higher op-
erational and fuel economy and conform to Tier-3A ecological parameters due to opti-
mized operation process and minimization of transitional processes while changing the
speed and load modes. General information

Engines D-260.1S3A, D-260.2S3A, D-260.4 S3A are 4-stroke piston internal combustion
diesel engines with vertical cylinder positioning, direct fuel injection and ignition from
The basic engine assembly units are: cylinder block, cylinder heads, pistons, connecting
rods, crankshaft and flywheel.

To ensure high technical and economic characteristics the engines inlet systems use turbo
charging with charge air intermediate cooling.
Using turbocharger with controlled air pressure in the charging device allows better en-
gine pickup provided by higher torque values at low crankshaft speeds.
Engines equipped with "Common Rail" accumulator type fuel system show higher opera-
tional and fuel economy and conform to Tier-3A ecological parameters due to optimized
operation process and minimization of transitional processes while changing the speed
and load modes.
Using exhaust gas recirculation devices in the engines feed system also contributes to
reaching the required ecological parameters, bringing changes into the mass charge con-
tents entering the engine cylinders by way of partial deliver of exhaust gas.
To ensure engine start-up at low ambient temperatures, glow plugs are installed in the
engine cylinder head, while fuel liquid heat exchanger ensures a faster reaching of the op-
timal oil temperature in the engine lubrication system and keeping it at the required level
during the engine operation.

Downloaded from manuals search engine Diesel engine operation principle and its basic components interaction

A diesel engine operation principle, like with all other internal combustion engines, is
transformation of heat energy of the fuel burning inside in the working cylinder to me-
chanical energy.
When a piston moves down at the intake stroke through the open inlet valve an air charge
comes into the cylinder. When the inlet valve closes and the piston moves upwards the air
compression takes place. At this the air temperature goes up sharply. In the end of the
compression stroke fuel is delivered through an injector into the cylinder under high pres-
sure. While being injected, fuel is finely sprayed, mixed with hot air in the cylinder and
evapourated, thus making a fuel-air mixture.
The air-fuel mixture ignition during the diesel engine operation is achieved as a result of
air compression to the extent of the air-fuel mixture self-ignition. The fuel is injected by
injectors with fast operating electromagnetic valves. The moment of injection beginning
and its duration are determined by the moment of beginning and duration of voltage sup-
ply to the electromagnetic valve by the Common Rail system Electronic Control Unit. The
fuel-air mixture burning takes place at the moment of the piston starting to go down.
As soon as the fuel-air mixture is bunt down the process of cylinder expansion and clean-
ing begins through the exhaust valve.
Opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valves is coordinated by the gas distribu-
tion mechanism.
With the diesel engine operation start the turbocharger is actuated by the exhaust gas en-
The diesel engine start is done by imparting rotation to the crankshaft by the electric
starter via the flywheel mounted on the crankshaft flange.
The diesel engine cooling system water pump is drive is maintained from the belt of the
pulley mounted on the crankshaft toe to the pulley mounted on the water pump shaft.
The А29.05.000 БЗА compressor drive and that of the gear pump is maintained by the
toothed transmission of the distribution mechanism.

The transfer of energy (power) generated bythe diesel engine to the drive of tractor (agri-
cultural machine) in which it is installed is done from the engine flywheel via the clutch. Tools and accessories

To ensure the maintenance work on checking and adjusting the gap between the rocker
striker and the valve end, done in the course of technical service, tools are attached ac-
cording to the list in table B.2 of Annex B.

1.1.5 Diesel engine labelling

The brand tag of each engine fixed to the cylinder block bears the following data:
-manufacturer’s name and its trade mark;
-engine model (modification);
-engine serial production number;
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-inscription “Made in Belarus”in the English language .

The engines officially approved according to EEC UN Rules No 96(01), EEC UN Rules
No 24(03), Revised Edition No 2 and Directives 2000/25/ЕС, 97/68/ЕС Stage IIIА bear
the sign of official engine type approval.
The engines for which national certificates have issued for conformity to the rules of Bel-
arus and other CIS countries bear the signs of conformity to the national certification sys-
tems of the countries where those certificates have been issued.
The official approval signs and the signs of conformity are located side by side with the
brand tag or are depicted on it.
The engine transport marking is applied according to STATE STANDARD 14192. The
marking method ensures its preservation for the period of the engine transportation,
storage and operation life.

1.1.6 Packaging
With the engines transportation in closed carriages, containers or by trucks the engines
are secured on wooden stands made to the manufacturer’s drawings. With shipping the
engines in open type transport (trucks, trains) the engines are wrapped in polyethylene
bags according to STATE STANDARD10354 and are secured on wooden stands.
The engines shipped in railway carriages to the regions with tropical climate are
wrapped in polyethylene bags and placed in wooden cases; when shipped in sea contain-
ers - wrapped in polyethylene bags.

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1.2 Description and operation of diesel engine components, mechanisms
and devices
1.2.1 General information
Diesel engine is a complex unit consisting of a number of separate mechanisms, systems
and devices made of parts and units. The engine structure is shown in Table 7.

Table 7
Units and parts making mechanisms, systems and
Diesel engine configuration
Housing Cylinder block and suspension
Cylinder head. Valves and pushers

Gas distribution Cylinder head covers, manifold and breathers

Distribution mechanism
Crank-and-slot Pistons and conrods. Crankshaft and flywheel
Oil sump
Oil pump receiver and oil pump
Heat exchanger
Oil filter
Centrifugal oil filter
Turbocharger oil ducts
Fuel piping and fuel equipment

Coarse fuel filter

Fine fuel filter
Air cleaner and air duct
Electronic Electronic Control Unit, sensors and actuating mech-
fuel supply control anisms
Water catchment pipe and thermostats
Cooling Water pump and tensioner
Supercharging Turbocharger
EGR EGR cooler
Starter motor

Glow plugs
Electric equipment Alternator

Units Gear pump

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1.2.2 Description and operation Cylinder block

Cylinder block is the main body part of the engine made as a cast iron monoblock.
Placed in the monoblock bores are six removable liners made of special cast iron .
Liners are fitted in the cylinder block along two centering zones.
Each liner is fixed by a collar in the upper zone while in the lower zone it is packed with
two rubber rings placed in the cylinder block grooves.
Cooling liquid circulates between the cylinder block walls.
The cylinder block transverse dividers have pads for forming the crankshaft supports.
Mounted on those pads are covers. The pads together with the covers shape beds for the
main end bearings. The beds for the main bearing shells are bored with one installation
complete with covers. It is not permissible to change the covers placing.
Cylinder block has a longitudinal oil channel from which oil is supplied to the crankshaft
main end bearings along transverse channels and further to the camshaft ends and injec-
tors for pistons cooling. The injectors for pistons cooling are installed in the cylinder
block, in the upper section of the second, fourth and sixth crankshaft supports
The cylinder block water distribution channel has a floor for installation of liquid-oil
heat exchanger. The oil supply and diversion from the heat exchanger goes via the chan-
nels in the block.
To stiffen the lower surface of the cylinder block it is shifted down to 80 mm relative to
the crankshaft axis. A steel distribution shield and distribution cover are fixed to the front
end of the cylinder block, to the rear end - a steel plate by which the engine is connected
to tractor (machine) frame. Two brackets fixed on the cylinder block sides serve as the
engine front support. The cylinder block bottom is covered by oil samp. Cylinder heads

Cylinder heads are made of cast iron (one head for three cylinders)and are mutually ex-
changeable. The cylinder heads inner cavities have intake and exhaust channels closed
by valves.
To divert heat from cylinder heads there are inner cavities where the cooling liquid cir-
culates. The cylinder heads have insertable valve seats made of heat resistant and wear
resistant alloy. Mounted on the cylinder heads are injectors (3 pieces for each head),
racks, rocker axles with rockers, cylinder head covers and cover caps closing the valve
mechanism. On the left side (from the fuel injection pump) there are 3 glow plugs for
each head.
As a sealing between the cylinder heads and the block an asbestos-free gasket is placed.
The holes for cylinder liners and oil channel are edged with pltae steel. From both sides
of the gasket along the outer edge, as well as the edges of the holes located in the oiling
system and liquid cooling areas

On both sides of the gasket, along the outer edge as well as the edges of the holes located
in the lubrication and liquid cooling system channels, elastomeric sealant is applied by
screen-relief method. When assembling a diesel engine, its cylinder holes are additionally
lined with fluoroplastic rings.

Downloaded from manuals search engine Crank-and-rod mechanism
The main parts of the crank-and-rod mechanism are: crankshaft with main end and big
end bearings, flywheel, pistons with piston rings, connection rods.
Crankshaft is made of steel, it has seven main end and six big end bearings.
To reduce the load derived from inertia on the bearings, removable counter balan-ces
are mounted on the 1st, 6th, 7th and 12th crankshaft webs.
The crankshaft axial thrust is compensated by four bimetallic steel-aluminium semi- rings
installed in the cylinder bores and the caps of the fourth main bearing. The crankshaft is
inhanced by collars at the front and the rear. Mounted on the crankshaft front end are:
gas distribution drive gear (crankshaft gear) and oil pump drive gear, water pump drive
pulley, alternator. Installed on the shaft front end are: gas distribution drive gear
(crankshaft gear) and oil pump drive gear, water pump drive pulley, alternator pulley,
air conditioner compressor pulley (for tractors).
To reduce the crankshaft torsional vibrations, a silicon damper is mounted on the pulley
Pistons are made of aluminium alloy. Ther is a combustion chamber in the piston bottom.
Pistons have three groves in their upper parts, placed in the first two are compression
rings, the third has an oil ring with an expansioner.
The piston pin is hollow made of chrome-nickel steel. The axial movement of the piston
pin in the piston bosses is limited by stop rings.
Connection rod is an I-beam part made of steel. Pressed in the connection rod upper
head is a bush. To oil the piston ring, there is a hole in the upper head of the connection
rod and the bush.
The lower connection rod head bore for bearing shells is done in assembly with the cov-
er. The connection rod and the cover bear the same serial numbers stamped on their sur-
faces. The connecting rod covers are not interchangeable. Apart from that, the connect-
ing rods belong to different weight groups according to the mass of the upper and the
lower heads. A group designation by mass is applied on the front surface of a connecting
rod upper head. Installed in a diesel engine must be connecting rods of the same group.
The main end and the big end bearing shells of the crankshaft are thin-walled made of
bimetallic strips. As for the inner diameter, the bearing shells are made of two sizes ac-
cording to the crankshaft necks specifications.
The flywheel is made of cast-iron, it is fixed to the crankshaft flange with bolts. A toothed
rim of steel is pressed on the flywheel. Gas distribution mechanism

Gas distribution mechanism consists of gears, camshaft, intake and exhaust valves as
well as their mounting parts and a drive for: pushers, bars, rockers, adjustment screws
with nuts, disks, keepers, springs, rocker axles and racks.
The camshaft has four supports, it gets rotated by the crankshaft via the distribution

The pushers are made of steel, have spherical bottoms with a special cast-iron surfacing.
The camshaft lobes are made with a slight inclination allowing the pushers to rotate in
the process of the engine operation.

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The pushers bars are made of steel rods and the bar cups are hardened. The spherical
portion coming inside the pusher and the bar cup are hardened.
The valve rockers are made of steel, they rock on the axle mounted in the racks.
The rocker axle is hollow, it has six radial holes for the rockers lubrication. The rockers
motion along the axle is limited by spacer springs.
The intake and exhaust valves are made of heat-proof steel, they travel inside guiding
bushes pressed in the cylinder heads. Each valve is closed by two springs: the outer and
the inner, which are fixed on its stem with a disk and valve keepers.
Sealing collars installed on the vavs guding bushes prevent oil penetration into the diesel
engine cylinders through the gaps between the valves stems and the guiding bushes.
The distribution gears are located in a housing formed by a distribution shield fxied to
the cylinder block and by the distribution cover.
The synchronization of the crankshaft and camshaft rotation speed signals coming to an
electronic fuel supply control unit and matched with the gas distribution mechanism op-
eration is reached by installation of distribution gears according to the marks shown on

1-crankshaft gear; 2 - intermediate gear; 3- fuel injection pump drive gear; 4 – camshaft gear; 5- oil
pump drive gear.

Fig.2- Distribution gears mounting diagram Lubrication system

The diesel engine lubrication system, as shown on Fig.3, is a combined one: some parts
are lubricated under pressure, other by spraying.

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The crankshaft and camshaft bearings, the intermediate gear bush, the rockers bush, the
pneumatic compressor crankshaft big end bearings, the turbocharger shaft bearing are
lubricated under the pressure from the oil pump. The cylinder liners, pistons, piston pins,
bars, pushers, camshaft lobes and fuel injection pump parts are lubricated by spraying.
The lubrication system consists of oil pump 3, oil filter with paper filter elements 4, cen-
trifugal oil filter 7, liquid-oil heat exchanger 6.
Oil pump 3 is a gear type, single-section, fixed to the engine cylinder block by bolts. The
oil pump is driven by a gear mounted on the crankshaft.
There is a by-pass valve 5 in the oil pump set for the pressure of 0,7…0,75 MPa. When
the oil pressure exceeds mentioned these values the oil is by-passed from the discharge
cavity to the suction cavity. The adjustment is done on a test-bench using adjustment
The oil pump, via oil receiver 2, takes oil from oil sump 1 and via the channels in the cyl-
inder block delivers oil to a full flow oil filter with a paper filter element, while some por-
tion of the oil goes to a centrifugal oil filter for purification and subseguent sink into the
oil sump.
Installed in the housing of filter 4 is an unadjustable safety valve18. It has been designed
for keeping the oil pressure within 0,28...0,45MPa in the main oil duct. At the oil pres-
sure exceeding 0,45MPa the safety valveopens and the redundant oil (oil reserve) is sunk
into the engine oil sump via the protective valve.
The oil purified in oil filter 4 goes to liquid-oil heat exchanger integrated in the engine
cylinder block. The filter element has a by-pass valve 20. In the event of overclogging of
the paper filter element or at starting the engine with cool oil, when the filter element re-
sistance goes over 0,13...0,17 MPa, the by-pass valve opens and the oil bypassing the fil-
ter paper is fed in the oil system. The by-pass valve is unadjustable.
From the liquid-oil heat exchanger, via the channels in the engine cylinder block, the
cooled oil comes into the main oil duct from which, via the channels in the engine cylin-
der block, it is delivered to all of the main end crankshaft bearings and the camshaft sup-
From the second, fourth and sixth main end bearings, via injectors integrated in the cyl-
inder block main end supports, the oil is delivered for pistons cooling.
From the main end bearings, via the channels in the crankshaft, oil comes for lubrication
of the big end bearings.
From the first main end bearing, via special channels in the front cylinder block wall,
the oil is delivered to intermediate gear bush 14 and further, via a channel in the distri-
bution pump, it goes for lubrication of the parts of fuel injection pump 17.
The valvemechanism parts are lubricated by the oil coming from the second and the third
camshaft supports via the channels in the cylinder block and cylinder heads, bores in the
third and the fourth rocker racks into the inner cavity of the rocker axle and, through the
holes, to the rocker bushes from which via a channel it comes to the adjustment screw
and the bar.
The oil is delivered to bearing unit of of turbocharger 15 via a tube coonected at theout-
let of the oil filter with a paper filter element.
The oil is delivered to pneumatic compressor 16 via an oil duct connected at the heat ex-
changer outlet. The oil is sunk from the compressor into the engine oil sump.

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1 - oil sump; 2 – oil receiver; 3 – oil pump; 4 – paper oil filter; 5 – by-pass valve; 6 – liquid-oil heat
exchanger; 7 – centrifugal oil filter; 8 – oil pressure indicator; 9 – oil pressure alarm sensor; 10 – piston
cooling injectors; 11 – crankshaft; 12 – camshaft; 13 – rocker axle oil channel; 14 – intermediate gear;
15 – turbocharger; 16 – compressor; 17 – high pressure fuel injection pump; 18 – safety valve19 – oil
drainage plug; 20 – paper filter element by-pass valve.
Fig.3 - Lubrication system diagram Power system

The diesel engine power system (Fig.4) according to engine builds shown in Table 6 con-
sists of: Common RAIL accumulator type fuel supply system including high pressure fuel
injection pump 1, injectors 8, high pressure fuel accumulator, operation environment
condition sensors (fuel and air temperature and pressure, electromagnetic actuators
(pressure regulator23), injectors electromagnetic valves), electronic unit for control and
communication circuits, control and diagnostics board (in a tractor or an agricultural
machine)*; low pressure pipelines; high pressure pipelines; intake manifold; exhaust
manifold, recirculated gas cooler; turbocharger; fine fuel filter; fuel pre-filter*; air
cleaner*; fuel tank; charge air cooler*; silencer*.
Shown on the engine feed system diagram is a device for diesel engine startup aid under
conditions of low ambient temperatures – glow plug.
The COMMON RAIL structural diagram (electric and hydraulic) is shown on Fig.5.

* - to be installed by customer.

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1 – high pressure fuel injection pump; 2 – Fuel feed pump (booster pump); 3 – oil duct; 4 – fine fuel filter; 5 – fuel pre-filter; 6 – hand fuel feed pump (priming
pump); 7 – high pressure fuel accumulator; 8 – injector; 9 – electronic control unit radiator; 10 – cylinder head; 11 – exhaust manifold; 12 – intake manifold; 13 –
turbocharger; 14 – air cleaner; 15 – monocylone; 16 – charge air cooler; 17 – glow plug; 18 – silencer; 19 – charge air temperature and pressure sensor; 20 – fuel
high pressure sensor; 21 – camshaft angle sensor; 22 – fuel temperature and pressure sensor; 23 – pressure regulator; 24 – pressure limiting valve; 25 – air filter clog
sensor; 26 – recirculated gas cooler: 27 – fuel tank.

* Sensors and actuating mechanisms location is shown on Fig.4а, Table 8.

Fig.4 - Diesel engines D-260.1S3A, D-260.2S3A, Д-260.4S3A power system diagram

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Fig.4а – Location of sensors and actuating mechanisms

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Table 8

No Sensor and actuating mechanism Location

1 Crabkshaft angle sensor Distribution cover

High pressure fuel injection pump
2 Camshaft angle sensor
3 Fuel temeperature and pressure sensor Finr fuel filter housing
4 Oil temperature and pressure sensor Heat exchanger
5 Charge air temperature and pressure sensor Intake manifold
6 Fuel pressure sensor Fuel high pressure accumulator
7 Cooling liquid temperature sensor Thermostat housing
8 Injectors Cylinder head
9 Pressure regulator High pressure fuel injection pump

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1- high pressure fuel injection pump; 2 – high pressure fuel accumulator; 3 – injector; 4 – Electronic Control Unit (ECU); 5 – pressure limiting valve; 6 –
angle sensor; 7 – temperature and pressure sensor in the intake manifold; 8 – fuel high pressure sensor; 9 – cooling liquid temperature sensor; 10 – fuel temperau-
re and pressure sensor; 11 – angle sensor; 12 – pressure regulator; 13 – oil temperature and pressure sensor.

Fig.5 – CRS system structural diagram (electric and hydraulic)

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Downloaded from manuals search engine High pressure fuel injection pump
Installed in diesel engines are High Pressure Fuel Injection Pumps (Fig. 6).
High pressure fuel injection pump (HPFIP)is designed to create fuel reserve, keeping and
regulatingpressure in the fuel regulator.
Mounted on HPFIP are fuel priming pump 2 driven by camshaft 13 and pressure regula-
tor 3.
Inside the HPFIP housing there are two plungers 3 (Fig.7) actuated by camshaft 2.
The camshaft, through a driver half-coupling is kinematic connection with the engine
crankshaft through distribution gears.
The fuel having passed the coarse fuel filter with a moisture separator is further fed by
the fuel priming pump to the HPFIP connector via the fine fuel filter under the pressure
of 0,8...0,9 Mpa.
Under the influence of the created pumping pressure the fuel, via channel 5, comes into a
plunger chamber.
The incoming camshaft moves the plunger up whilethe inley hole of the inlet channel is
overlapped by valve 4 and with the further plunger rise the fuel is compressed in the
plunger chamber.
When the pressure reaches the level equal to that kept in the high pressure accu-
mulator, valve 6 opens. The compressed fuel comes into the high pressure circuit.
The plunger delivers the fuel till it reaches its TDC (Top Dead Center), then the pressure
goes down, the exhaust valve closes.
Since HPFIP has been designed for supply of large fuel amount, at the engine idle and
at partial loads an excess of compressed fuel takes place which, via ball valve 8 of pres-
sure regulator 11 and via the back runoff duct is returned into the fuel tank.
The pressure regulator sets the pressure in the high-pressure accumulator, depending on
the engine load, speed and the engine thermal state.
With extremely high pressure in the accumulator the regulator valve opens and a portion
of the fuel is diverted from the accumulator via the back runoff duct to the fuel tank.
The pressure regulator is mounted to the HPFIP housing with a flange. Armature 10
presses the ball of valve 8 to the valve keeper with the valve spring in order to disconnect
the the high and the low pressure circuits.
The switched on electromagnet 9 moves armature 10 applying additional force for
pressing the ball to the keeper.
The armature is all flushed by fuel which lubricates the friction surfaces and removes ex-
cessive heat. The working parts of the fuel pump are lubricated by oil coming from the
diesel engine lubrication system. The from the fuel pump housing is drained into the en-
gine oil sump. When a new pump is installed in an engine, it must be preli-minarily filled
with oil for 200 cm3
Oil is added through a special orifice, item 7 (Fig. 6).

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1 – High pressure fuel injection pump; 2 – fuel priming pump (feed pump); 3 – pressure regulator; 4 – angle sensor; 5 – fuel diversion from the fuel accumu-
lator connector; 6 – oil inlet connector; 7 – oil orifice plug; 8 – oil diversion holes; 9 – fuel inlet connector from the fuel pre-filter; 10 – fuel otlet connector
to the fine fuel filter; 11 – fuel inlet conector from the fine fuel filter; 12– redundant fuel diversion into the fuel tank connector; 13 – camshaft.

Fig. 6 - High pressure fuel injection pump CPN2.2

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1- high pressure fuel injection pump housing; 2 – camshaft; 3 – plunger; 4 – intake valve; 5 – inlet chan-
nel; 6 - exhaust valve; 7 – outket channel; 8 – valve ball; 9 – electric magnet; 10 – armature; 11- pres-
sure regulator; 12 - electric magnet terminals; 13 – fuel priming pump; 14 – fuel priming pump drive
gear with a pulse rim.

Fig.7 – High pressure fuel pump schematic diagram. High pressure fuel accumulator

High pressure fuel accumulator (Rail) is a volume storage of fuel under high pressure.
Simultaneously, the accumulator smoothes pressure fluctuations that occur due to the
pulsating flow of fuel from HPFIP, and also because of the injectors during injection due
to nonsynchronous fuel pressure pulses coming from the HPFIP and consumed through
the injectors as well as due to the multiple fuel mass excess in the accumulator working
as a damper for small dose pressure pulses, the incoming and consumed ones.

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1 – high pressure fuel accumulator; 2 – otlet connectors; 3 – inlet connector; 4 – back runoff connector;
5 – pressure limiting valve; 6 – valve core locking cone; 7 – fuel high pressure sensor.

Fig. 8 – High pressure fuel accumulator

Accumulator 1 has the shape of pipe at the ends of which are installed fuel pressure sen-
sor 7 and pressure limiting valve 5. Along the pipe perimeter there are high pressure
pipelines connectors 2, 3 and back runoff connector 4.
The fuel from HPFIP is directed via the high pressure duct to inlet connectors 3 of the
accumulator. The fuel accumulator is coupled with the injectors by high pressure fuel
pipings linked with the accumulator outlet connectors
The accumulator is permanently filled with fuel under high pressure. The pressure value
is kept on a constant level and may be regulated by valve 5 (Fig. 8), depending on the en-
gine operation parameters.
The pressure limiting valve keeps a definite pressure value in the accumulator working as
a reducing (protective) valve. The valve housing on the accumulator side has a channel
closed by valve core cone 6. A spring. A spring firmly presses the cone to the valve seat
under normal operating pressure, so that the accumulator remains closed. In the event of
the pressure in the accumulator exceeding the operating value, the cone moves away
from the valve seat and the fuel being under high pressure is diverted to the back runoff
duct. As a result the fuel pressure in the accumulator goes down. Injector
Injector (Fig.9) is designed for deliverying fuel in the diesel engine cylinder and ensuring
the necessary spraying.
Installed in the engines are CRIN2 injectors manufactured by”BOSCH” (Germany).
The required moment of the start of injection and the fuel supply amount are provide by
the operation of the injector electromagnetic valve. The moment of the start of injection
in the “angle-timing” coordinates is set by the diesel engine electronic control system.

1 – electromagnetic valve; 2 – controlling valve; 3 – atomizer needle; 4 – atomizer housing; 5 – electric


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Fig. 9 – Injector

Forming of the injector control signals by ECU works based on reading the signals
formed by the crankshaft and the HPFIP camshaft speed sensors (sensors 2 and 5, Fig.2,
Annex Д), installed in a consistent relationship in a specific pattern.
The injectyor operation principle is shown on Fig.10.
The fuel is supplied along the high pressure pipeline via inlet channel 4 to the atomizer of
injector 11 and also through a fuel supply throttle hole 7 – to the chamber of controlling
valve 8. Through the fuel outlet throttle hole, which may be opened by the electromagnet-
ic valve, the chamber is connected with back runoff duct 1.
With closed throttle hole 6 the hydraulis force acting from above on the controlling valve
piston is higher the force of the fuel pressure on the atomizer needle cone underneath. As
a result the needle is pressed to the atomizer seat and firmly closes the atomizer holes
and the fuel cannot get in the combustion chamber.
When electromagnetic valve 3 triggers, the electromagnet armature is moved up opening
throttle hole 6. Accordingly, reduced are both – the pressure in the controlling valve
chamber and the hydraulic force applied on the controlling valve piston. By fuel pressure
on the cone the atomizer needle moves away from the valver seat, so the fuel get in the
cylinder combustion chamber through the atomizer holes. The controlling supply – an
additional fuel amount meant for the needle rise which is further diverted to the fuel back
runoff duct.

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1 – fuel back runoff duct; 2 – electric terminals; 3 – electromagnetic valve; 4 – hofg pressure pipeline; 5
– valve ball; 6 – fuel outlet throttle hole; 7 – fuel inlet throttle hole; 8 – controlling valve chamber; 9 –
valve controlling piston; 10 – fuel to atomizer inlet channel; 11 – needle and atomizer.

Fig. 10 – Injector schematic diagram

Apart from the controlling supply, there is fuel leakage through the atomizer needle and
the controlling valve piston guide. All this fuel is diverted to the back runoff duct, to
which all other injection system devices are connected, and gets back into the fuel tank.
The amount of injected fuel is proportional to the time of the electromagnet valve being
switched on and the pressure in the rail, and it does not depend either on the crankshaft
speed or the HPFIP operation mode (time controlled injection).
When there is no electricity on the electromagnetic valve, the armature, by the force of
the spring, is pressed down and valve ball 5 closes the throttle hole.
Upon closing the fuel outlet throttle hole the pressure in the controlling valve chamber
reaches the same level with that in the accumulator. This increased pressure moves
moves down the controlling valve piston together with the atomizer needle. When the
needle is pressed firm to the atomizer seat and close its holes, injection stops. Fuel pre-filter

Fuel pre-filter is designed for preliminary fuel cleaning from mechanic mixtures and wa-
Fuel pre-filter is not included in the diesel engine and is installed in a tractor or an agri-
cultural machine by customer. Because of the diesel engine HPFIP is not equipped with a
hand fuel priming pump necessary for filling the fuel system without air, the filter design
must contain a hand fuel priming pump.
Fig.11 shows a fuel pre-filter with a hand fuel priming pump “PreLine
420”recommended for tractor/agricultural machine.
The drainage of sediment from the filter is done through tap 5 located in the lower part of
moisture separator 4. To open the tap, it is necessary to turn it (clockwise) in the mois-
ture separator housing.

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1 – Fuel pre-filter; 2 – hand fuel priming pump; 3 – fuel heater; 4 – moisture separator; 5 – water
drainage tap; 6 – air outlet plug.
Fig. 11 – Fuel pre-filter «PreLine 420»
When using the diesel engine at ambient temperatures lower than -25ºС the filter
housing must be equipped with fuel heater 3.
The heater voltage – 24V, output – 350 W. Connetction: + and mass. The heater operates
independently, it is switched on and off automatically at temperatures lower than +5ºС.
The heater may be purchased at the address:
127560 Moscow, 11А Konionkova Str.
Phone: +7 095 742 7976. Fax: +7 095 742 7988.
The heater No for orders 29 017 00202 Fine fuel filter

Fine fuel filter (Fig. 12) is designed for final fuel cleaning. It is unseparable. The fuel go-
ing through the paper filter element curtains gets cleaned from mechanic impurities. To
remove the air from the engine power system it is necessary to follow the procedures out-
lined in item 3.2.10.

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1 – filter housing; 2 – fine fuel filter “Mann & Hummel WDK962” (Germany).
Fig. 12 – Fine fuel filter Air duct

Air duct consists of an air cleaner and a branch pipe connecting the air cleaner with the
turbocharger, the charge air cooler and the intake manifold (Fig. 4). The dry type air
cleaner with paper filter elements made of special highly porous cardboard serves for
suction of air in the engine cylinders.
The air cleaner has three cleaning stages. The first stage is provided by a monocyclone,
the second and the third – are the main and controlling filter elements.
Air, under the action of depression created by the diesel engine turbocharger, is cleaned
from dust and comes into the turbocharger charging section from where it is delivered to
the engine cylinders under the pressure through the charge air cooler.
To control the air cleaner clogging condition and for determining the necessity of tech-
nical service there is an air filter clogging signal sensor installed in the diesel engine in-
let duct. The air cleaner and the signal sensor are to be installed by customer.
As the air cleaner clogging grows the depression in the inlet pipeline grows and at reach-
ing the value of 6,5 kPa the alarm sensor is triggered. With the alarm sensor triggered it
is necessary to service the air cleaner. Exhaust gas recirculation device

For the fuel mixture creation in the diesel engine cylinders the engine air charge supply
design includes an exhaust gas recirculation device. Exhaust gas recirculation device
serves for exhaust gas toxicity reduction and the engine fuel economy in partial modes of
small frequency crankshaft rotation. The exhaust gas recirculation device (Fig. 13) con-
sists of recirculated exhaust gas cooler 1 operating (EGR) operating on the principle of
heat exchanger, mixer 2, recirculated exhaust gas inlet and outlet branch pipes.

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The functioning of the device is maintained by delivery of a portion of exhaust gas from
the exhaust manifold via the EGR cooler into the intake manifold, as a result of the natu-
ral difference between the exhaust gas pressure in front of the turbine and that of the
charge air.
The presence of exhaust gases in the air charge coming to the engine cylinders provides
froming of local zones in the combustion process allowing to reduce the amounts of ni-
trogene oxides. Afterburning of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons also contributes to
improving the eclological parameters of exhaust gas contents.

1 – recirculated exhaust gas cooler; 2* – mixer; 3 *– spacer; 4 – recirculated exhaust gas inlet branch
pipe from turbocharger to EGR; 5 - recirculated exhaust gas inlet branch pipe from cooler to mixer; 6 –
* - the recirculated exhaust gas inlet and outlet elements design may be different with developers of
tractors or agricultural machines for the reason proper fitting in a vehicle and must be approved with
Fig. 13 – Exhaust gas recirculation device Diesel engine gas exchange system
The diesel engine gas exchange diagram together with breathers is shown on Fig.14.
Breather is designed to prevent excessive pressure in the lubrication system created by
the exhaust gas penetrating into the oil sump through the gas joints of the cylinder-piston
group and oil injection into the atmosphere.
In the implemented gas exchange system the crankcase gases, via the channels in the cyl-
inder block and the cylinder head, come into the cavity formed by the cylinder head cover
and the cover cap. Breather housing 1 (Fig. 14) is mounted on cover cap 4 of the cylinder
head. The crankcase gases rush through the slots of cup 6 into breather housing 1 under
the influence of the pressure difference in the atmosphere and in the cavity of the cylinder
head cover. Having got into the cup cavity, the crankcase gases expand and strike against
oil deflector 2, lose their energy and cool down. As a resul,t a significant portion of the
oil mist falls down as oil. The crankcase gases cleaned from oil then get into the atmos-

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1 – breather housing; 2 – oil deflector; 3 – cup; 4 – cover cap
Fig.14 Diesel engine gas exchange diagram Cooling system

Closed type cooling system (Fig.15) with forced circulation of cooling liquid from a cen-
trifugal pump. The water pump is driven in rotation by a V-belt from the crankshaft pul-
ley. Lubricant "Litol-24"is placed in the bearing cavity of the pump at the pump assem-
bly. The bearing does not need lubrication in the process of use.
The cooling liquid temperature in the cooling system must be kept within 85º С - 95º С.

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1 – water pump; 2 – thermostats; 3 – cylinder block; 4 – liquid-oil heat exchanger; 5– radiator; 6 – fan;
7 – recirculated exhaust gases cooler; 8 – recirculated gases inlet pipe; 9 – thermostat housing; 10 – pis-
ton; 11 – main valve; 12 – by-pass valce; 13 – thermal force element; 14 – valve spring; 15 – by-pass
valve spring; 16 – compressor (for diesel engines with liquid cooled compressor)
Fig. 15 – Cooling system diagram.

For faster diesel engine warming up after start and automatic regulation of temperature
mode at various loads and amvient temperatures two ТС-107 thermostats are installed on
the purging line.
Ther are two valves (the main 11 and bypass 12, Fig.15) in the thermostat housing and
thermal force element 13, inside which there is piston 10
The thermal force element consists of housing (cylinder) filled with thermosensitive sub-
stance expanding with warming up. Fixed firm on the housing is the main valve. On the
housing axis valve 12 is mounted, pressed by spring 15. Spring 14 is installed so that it
firmly presses the main valve to the housing of thermostat 9.
After the engine start, before the cooling liquid warms up to +85ºС, the main thermostat
valves are closed. The cooling liquid from the cylinder head water outlet pipe, passing by
the radiator, goes to the pump and once again gets back to the cylinder block.
At the cooling liquid temperature over 85ºС, the substance filling the thermosensitive el-
ement expanda and affects fixedly mounted piston 10, thus causing movement of the
thermosensitive element with the main valve relative to the piston. With the force of
movement exceeding the force created by valve 14, the main valve moves down thus cre-
ating a gap between the main valve and the thermostat hiusing, and the cooling liquid

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then starts partially circulating through the radiator. When the cooling liquid tempera-
ture reaches +90ºС, the main valve opens completely and the entire flow goes through
the radiator. Simultaneously with the main valve movement, the bypass valve also moves
down, shutting the channel of cooling liquid bypass to the water pump.
Installed in the engine is a water pump complete with a fan. The fan is fixed to the pulley.
On the diesel engine D-260.4S3A combine harvester modification, the water pump is in-
stalled without fan, since air supply to radiator is done by a fan installed in the combine
There are two options for fan installation: with a space plate and without it (Fig. 16).
On some diesel engine modifications, instead of steel fan they may install a moulded plas-
tic fan 245-1308040-А (Ø510 mm).

а – without space plate; б – with space plate.

1-blade, 2-bolt, 3-washer, 4-space plate, 5-bolt, 6-washer, 7- rivet, 8-cross piece.

Fig. 16– Fan mounting Supercharging device Turbocharger

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Installed in diesel engines D-260.1S3А, D-260.2S3А is an uncontrollable turbocharger
(Fig.17а) using the energy of exhaust gases for charging air into the engine cylinders.
Turbocharger operation principle is as follows: the eaxhaust gases from the diesel en-
gine cylinders get under pressure via the exhaust manifold into the turbine scroll chan-
nels. While expanding, the gases rotate the turbine wheel with a shaft on the other end of
which a compressor wheel, via the air cleaner, sucks air in and delivers it under pressure
into the diesel engine cylinders.
Turbocharger, according to Fig.10, is made on the principle: radial centrifugal turbine
and centrifugal single-stage compressor with overhanging location of wheels relative to
the supports.
The rotor speed, the charge air flow and pressure depend on the engine operation mode.

1 – turbine wheel with shaft; 2 – turbine housing; 3 - monobush; 4 – oil deflector;

5 – eccentric ring; 6 – compressor wheel; 7 – special nut; 8, 15 –sealing rings; 9 - diffuser; 10 - cover;
11 – compressor housing; 12 – thrust bearing; 13 – space bush; 14 – middle housing (bearings housing).

Fig. 17а – Uncontrolable turbocharger

The housing of turbine 2 is made of high-strength cast iron. The turbine flow-through
part for exhaust gases is fromed by the turbine housing and the turbine wheel.
Compressor housing 11 is made of alluminium alloy, its flow-through part is formed by
the compressor housing and compressor wheel.
The turbine and compressor housings are fixed to bearings housing 14 made of high-
strength cast iron.

Turbine whell 1 is cast of heat-proof alloy and welded to the rotor shaft.
Compressor wheel 6 is cast of alluminium alloy and is fixed to the rotor shaft with a spe-
cial nut.
The rotor shaft rotates in a radial bearing made as a floating non-rotating monobush 3.
The monobush is secured in the bearings housing by a fixer. The rotor axial motion is
taken by thrust bearing 12.

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The turbocharger bearings are lubricated and cooled by oil delivered through the pipe-
line from a full-flow oil filter. Both the radial and the thrust bearings provide additional
centrifugal oil cleaning. Oil then is drained into the oil sump through an oil diversion
On the compressor and turbine side there are gas-oil sealimgs – spring sealing rings 8
and 15, installed in the rotor groove. For efficiency raising, on the compressor side there
os an oil deflector and a screen on the turbine side.
Installed in diesel engine D-260.4S3А is a controllable turbocharger (Fig. 17b).

1 – rotor; 2 – turbine housing; 3 – bearing housing; 4 – compressor housing; 5 – actuating mechanism; 6

- actuating mechanism bracket; 7 – air duct.

Fig. 17b - Controlable turbocharger.

Supercharging is regulated by diversion of a portion of exhaust gases past the turbine

wheel at certain supercharge pressure values.
By design, turbocharger, as shown on Fig.17b consists of the following basic units: rotor
1, turbine housing 2, bearing housing 3, compressor housing 4, actuating mechanism 5,
actuating mechanism bracket 6, air duct 7.
The rotor includes a shaft welded to the turbine wheel and the compressor wheel, oil
sealing space bush, two washers and two sealing rings. The rotor rotates in the radial
bearing, mounted in the bearing housing. The rotor axial motion is taken by the thrust
Incorporated in the controllable turbocharger housing is a bypass valve. With a control-
lable rod, the bypass valve lever is coupled with the actuating mechanism, in its turn
linked with the compressoe outlet by the air duct.
The regulator setting to a ceratian pressure is done by adjusting the rod length.
The turbocharger actuating mechanism rod length within the operation period is not
The turbocharger bearings are lubricated and cooled by the oil coming through the die-
sel engine lubrication system pipeline. The oil is drained from the turbocharger into the
engine oil sump.
The turbocharger disassembling and repair during the engine use is not permissible.
When out of use, it should be done at a specialized repair shop. Starting device

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Diesel engines tarting device is an electric starter motor with rated voltage of 24V.
Starter motor is a direct current electric motor with mixed excitation and a drive mecha-
To facilitate startup at low ambient temperatures, all the engines are equipped with glow
plugs with rated voltage of 23V and have heat carrier inlet and outlet locations for en-
gine prestart heating systems, installed by customer in a tractor/ agricultural machine.
A tractor/ agricultural machine electric circuit diagram must include starter motor block-
ing after engine startup – starter motor switch-off upon the crankshaft speed reaching
900 min-1 to 1000 min-1 and inability to switch it on with the engine running. Alternator and its drive

Installed in diesel engines are alternators serving as electric equipment power sources.
Alternators have terminals for connection to circuits: «+» («В») – load and accumulator
battery; «Д» («D») – starter motor blocking relay; «~» («W») - tachometer.
Alternator is used for accumulator battery recharging and direct current supply to elec-
tricity consumers installed in a tractor/ agricultural machine.
Alternator is driven by a V-belt on the crankshaft pulley. Compressor and its drive

To drive pneumatic trailer brakes and tire inflation, diesel engines installed in trac-
tors,combine harvesters, machine are equipped with a piston single stage compressor
(Table 6).
Compressor А29.05.000БЗА is mounted on the distribution cover flange and is driven
by the compressor and the distribution mechanism fuel pump drive gear.
With a diesel engine being used in agricultural work not requiring compressed air power,
compressor А29.05.000БЗА must be switched off. It is not allowed to switch the com-
pressor on with the engine running. Compressor А29.05.000БЗА is air cooled.

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Hydroficated tractor or other vehicle control systems imply installation of НШ 14-3Л or

НШ 16-3Л, or НШ-10 gear pump in diesel engines.
The gear pump is rotated by the engine distribution gears. Clutch
Clutch is designed for torque transfer from the engine crankshaft to transmission and for
short time diesel emgine disconnection from transmission, while the engine is running, to
ensure bumpless shifting the gears and smooth vehicle pulling away.
Installed in diesel engines are friction type, dry, single disc or double-disk permanently-
closed clutches as shown on Table 6.

1.2.3 Diesel engine labelling and sealing

Labelling and sealing of diesel engines manufactured by “MMP” is done according to
the current manufacturer design documentation. Labelling of diesel engines big size parts
– according to supplier companies’ design documentation.

2.1 Operating restrictions
For long time and troubleless diesel engine operation, follow the basic conditions below:
- For proper“COMMON RAIL” electronic control system functionEng, the electronic
Control Unit software must comply with the application of tractors/ agricultural ma-
chines where the engines are installed;
- Before putting a newly manufactured engine into operation under load, run it in accord-
ing to article 2.3.4;
- At the beginning of a working shift, before the engine start check the oil level in the en-
gine oil sump and that of the cooling liquid in the radiator or the expansion tank.
- After the engine start, before loading the engine, let it run for 2-3 minutes, first at the
minimal idle speed with gradual increase to not more than 1600 min-1. Full load of a cool
engine is not allowed (the permissible oil pressure value for a not warmed up engine –
not more than 0,8 MPa);
- At emergency engine idling (warming up, air pumping to the braking system cylinders
etc.) it is necessary to keep the engine crabkshaft speed at not less than 1000 – 1200 min
- During the engine running watch the controls indications:
- Engine operation with the oil pressure in the main oil duct lower than 0,1MPa is not
- The cooling liquid heating over 100°С is not permissible;
- In the event of the oil pressure or the cooling liquid temperature exceeding the said val-
ues the engine must be stopped;

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- it is not permissible to keep the engine running under the cooling liquid temperature
lower than 60°С, because in these conditions the non burnt fuel flushes the oil off the cyl-
inder liner walls and gets the oil burning in the engine crankcase;
- the engine must not run longer than 1 minute under the full load and the speed lower
than the speed corresponding to the maximal torque, so you should shift to the down
- the engine operation in the range exceeding the maximal speed may lead to the engine
damaging, so driving downhill use lower gear-box gears in combination with the vehicle
service brake;
- do timely engine technical service according to section 3.1;
- to prevent the “COMMON RAIL” Electronic Control Unit (ECU) damage, while dis-
connecting harnesses or accumulator battery wires from it, as well as while replacing
fuses, ignition and the mass switch must be off. The system disconnection, the system el-
ements replacement must be done with the ignition switched off.
- do periodical check of the assembly units fixing, tighten the mountings;
- use only the fuel and oil grades recommended in this Manual;
- keep the diesel engine clean, do not allow leakage of fuel, oil and cooling liquid, un-
cleaned air sucking into the cylinders;
- doing repair and welding is allowed only with the accu,ulator battery terminals discon-

2.2 Diesel engine preparing for operation

2.2.1 Safety rules to be observed while preparing diesel engine for operation

Eligible for diesel engines preparation for operation are certified engine operators and
drivers having been duly instructed on the operation safety and fire safety rules.
Start working only after a detailed study of the engine design and operation proce-
dures.While loading/ unloading the engine in transportation, clamp the lifting equipment
slings only to the eye-bolts located on the engine (the slinging method is described in An-
nex И).
Wkile doing the engine depreservation, follow the fire safety rules and the hygene rules
working with chemicals, used rags and oil paper.
Do not allow dismantling protective shieldings implied by the diesel engine design.
While examining the engine visually, use a portable lamp with the voltage of not more
than 24V.
The tools and appliances used in the engine preparation for operation must be well work-
ing, fit for the intended use and ensure safety in doing the job.
The location where the engine is prepared for operation must be equipped with fire ex-
tinction means.

2.2.2 Diesel engine, its assembly units and parts depreservation

Diese engines coming to consumers are preserved for shelf keeping from 6 months to 1
year period.
The particular preservation period is indicated in the engine passport.
The sequence of depreservation operations is shown in Table 9.

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Table 9
No Operations period
1 year 6 months
Engine depreservation
1 Uncover the engine. + -
Use diesel fuel to remove the preservation grease from the outer
2 + +
unpainted preserved surfaces of the diesel engine.
Remove plugs or polyethylene filming covering the exhaust man-
ifold outer openings, intake manifold, thermostat housing, water
pump branch pipe, turbocharger and breathers. Take the plugs
3 out of the ECU radiator inlet connector and out of the redundant + +
fuel diversion from HPFIP connector. Before installing the pipe-
lines, remove the plugs from the hydraulic pump (Gear Pump)
Drain the remnants of preservation oil through the engine crank-
4 + -
case drainage hole.
Drain the remnants of preservation solution from the cooling sys-
5 + -
tem through the drainage tap.
Get the engine ready for start. Fill the engine oil sump with clean
6 + -
Pump up the fuel supply system with the hand fuel feed pump,
7 + -
removing the air from the fuel system (See paragraph 3.2.10).
Assembly units and parts depreservation
The diesel engine units and parts depreservation is done using a
8 piece of rag soaked in white spirit (STATE STANDARD3134- + +
78) with subsequent whipping dry.
The parts attached to the diesel engine are depreserved by jetting
or dipping in a washing solution with subsequent hot drying:
9 + +
- the washing solution temperature: from 60° С to 80° С;
- the hot drying temperature: from 70° С to 80° С.

2.2.3 Diesel engine additional equipment

When installed in a machine, diesel engine must be equipped with: fuel tank, cooling sys-
tem radiator, fan, charge air cooler, air cleaner, electric divices and control devices.
The diesel engine design provides locations for heat carrier inlet and outlet from the pre-
start heating system, which must be installed in a machine and used for the diesel engine
pre-start heating at the ambient air temperature lower than - 20° С.

2.2.4 Filling the cooling system

The cooling system is filled by pouring the cooling system into the radiator or cooling
liquid expansion tank (the liquid brand and amount of filling are indicated in a table of
Annex A).
The engine start and running with unfilled cooling system is not permissible. To avoid
boiler scale, it is not allowed to use water in the coling system.
At failures caused by the cooling liquid leakage short time use of water is permissible un-
til the failure has been rectified.

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2.2.5 Filling the engine with fuel and oil

Fill the engine fuel tank with fuel and the oil sump with motor oil. Use the fuel and oil
brands matching the ambient air temperature at which the engine is operated. The rec-
ommended fuel and oil brands are indicated in a table in Annex A.
Using other fuel and oil brands may result in the engine early going out of operation, not
meeting the ecology standards as well as in a difficult engine start in cold weather condi-
The diesel fuel must be clean without any mechanical impurities, oil and water.
The lubrication materials must be clean and must not contain mechanical impurities and
Before fueling, a tractor or a combine harvester must be placed on a horizontal site.
Pour oil into the engine till the oil feeler rod upper mark. Start the engine and let it run
for 5 minutes, let the oil drain for 10 minutes. Add up oil till the feeler rod upper mark.

2.2.6 Diesel engine controls and control devices

Diesel engine is controlled from the operator or driver locations. The engine controls
and control devices mounting is done by the customer when installing the engine in a
tractor/ agricultural machine.
The crankshaft speed is changed with a pedal, the signal of the pedal being moved is sent
to the”COMMON RAL” power supply electronic unit by a pedal position sensor.
The glow plugs, the”COMMON RAL” power supply electronic unit and starter motor
switching on is done by a 3-positional ignition lock.
With the ignition lock set in position I the glow plugs electric circuit switches on and the
”COMMON RAL” power supply electronic unit, with the ignition key further turned to
position II, switches on the starter motor electric circuit.
The glow plugs are controlled by a separate control unit independent from the “COM-
MON RAL” power supply electronic unit.
The lubrication system oil pressure sensor and pressure alarm sensor are installed in the
heat exchanger cover.
The air cleaner impurity condition is controlled by the air filter clogging signalizer sen-
sor serving switching a signal lamp on when the air filter gets clogged over the permissi-
ble extent.
The air cleaner impurity signalizer sensor is installed in the diesel engine inlet duct on
the air cleaner outlet branch.
The crankshaft speed is controlled by tachometer. The signal comes to tachometer from
the alternator AC terminal.
A diagnostic lamp and a diagnostic button are located on the dashboard.
The diesel engine controls are located on a tractor/ agricultural machine dashboard.

2.3 Diesel engine use

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2.3.1 The order of diesel engine use by authorized technical personnel
Before starting a newengine or an engine that has not been operated for a long time do
the following:
-check the oil level in the engine oil sump;
-check the cooling liquid level in the ngine cooling system;
-check if the fuel tank tap is open;
-fill the engine fuel system with fuel following the procedure described in paragraph
3.2.10 of this Manual.
Fuel drainage is done into a separate vessel.

2.3.2 Diesel ngine start

Set tractor/ agricultural machine gearbox lever to the neutral.
Turn the accumulator battery switch on.
Switch the glow plugs control unit and the”COMMON RAL” power supply electronic
unit on by turning the ignition key to position I. At that, the glow plugs will set for heat-
Before the engine start make sure that the diagnostic lamp blinks after ignition switching
on and fadesin not longer than 15 seconds.
The glow plugs heat-up time depends on the diesel engine temperature or it may be set
fixed depending on the glow plugs control unit type. At switching on, a lamp on the dash-
board lights up signalizing that the glow plugs are being heated up. Upon the glow plugs
complet heat-up, the lamp fades commanded by the glow plugs control unit. As soon as
the lamp fades, switch tractor/ machine clutch on. Turning the ingintion key to position II
switch the starter motor on and start the engine. The plugs stay switched on for 180-240
seconds during the engine start process.
The diagnostic lamp must not light or blink after the engine start. In th event of the lamp
lighting or blinking it will be necessary to perform the diesel engine control system diag-
nostics (see paragraph 2.3.6).
Switch the clutch smmothly.
Heat the engine up to steady crankshaft rotating at 700-800 min (2-3minutes), then let
the engine run at higher speed gradually raising it up to 1600 min untill the cooling liq-
uid temperature reaches + 40º С.
The further engine heat-up till the cooling liquid temperature of +70º С is achieved with
a vehicle moving at the lowest gear.
Using the engine to the full power is permissible only when the cooling liquid tempera-
ture reaches + 70º С.
With the engine heated up, as well as in summer time, it is allowed to start the engine
without prior glow plugs heating, turning the ignition key to position II and not keeping it
in position I.
The starter motor continuous running must not exceed 15 seconds. If the diesel engine
does not start, repeat start after 30-40 seconds. If the diesel engine does not start after
three attempts, identify the fault and rectify it.
To make the engine start easier in the cold season (with the ambient temperature lower
than -20° С), do the following:
- pump the fuel feed system up with the hand booster pump to remove air from the system;
- heat the engine up the pre-start cooling liquid heater;
- start the engine following the above described procedure.

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At the engine cold start, white smoke may be coming out of the exhaust pipe for some
time, which is not a fault as the engine is running overcooled. Do not heat up the air
sucked in front of the air cleaner with open flames.
Do not start the engine by towing a tractor/ agricultural machine.

2.3.3 Diesel engine shutdown

Before the engine shutdown, let it run for 3-5 minutes, first at the medium, then at the
maximal idle speed in order to reduce the cooling liquid and oil temperatures. Not ob-
serving this rule will cause the turvocharger going out of operation.
Stop the engine by turning the ignition lock key into “0” position. Disconnecting the ve-
hicle mass from the accumulatory battery “plus” wire is not allowed within of not less
than 1 minute after the engine ignition swutch-off and the engine shutdown.
Turn the accumulator battery switch off after the engine shutdown.

2.3.4 Diesel engine perationsl run-in

Diesel engine must be run-in for rubbing parts confrication before the engine going into
operation. Diesel engine operation under full load without prior operational run-in is not
allowed. Diesel engine operational run-in is done the engine final user.
As soon as the engine is ready for operation, start it and having made sure it works
properly, begin the run-in.
Diesel engine running-in at the idle is done during 5 minutes with gradual raising the en-
gine speed up to 1600 min , then run the engine in under load for 30 hours.
The engines installed in tractors/ combine harvesters run-in under load is done while
performing jobs not requiring tractive force, gradually raising the load from lower to
higher gear.
With the engine run-in complete, perform the following technical maintenance:
- check and, if necessary, tighten the cylinder heads bolts;
- check and, if necessary, adjust the gap between the valves and rockers;
- clean the centrifugal oil filter rotor;
- replace the oil filter;
- replace the oil in the engine oil sump;
- pour the sediment out of the fuel pre-filter;
- check and, if necessary, adjust the drive belts tension;
- check and, if necessary, tighten the outer threaded connections.
Exhaust gases at the oulet have the temperature of 600…800 ℃, so the
thermal damage to the exhaust manifold paintwork does not a signify disturbances in
the engine workflow.

2.3.5 Diesel engine operation in winter conditions

Diesel engine operation is complicated at low ambient air temperatures. To ensure con-
tinuous and troublefree operation in the winter period, which start with the ambient tem-
peratures lowering to +5° С and lower, get the engine ready for operation in the winter
mode well in advance. For that purpose, do the scheduled technical maintenance, adding
the seasonal technical service operations. A tractor engine compartment must have a

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warmth keeping jacket and the diesel engine, if necessary, must have startup aid devices
(pre-start heaters). Fill the cooling system with the cooling liquid according to Table А.1
(Annex А), check the accumulator battery condition, charge them, if necessary (the ac-
cumulator batteries must be fully charged).
With the battery not charged enough, the COMMON RAIL Electronic Control Unit
blocks the engine start.
If in the summer period the customer has used cooling liquid non-frozing at low tempera-
tures, it is necessary check it for frost resistance and replace, if necessary.
When getting over to the winter mode of operation, use the winter oil grades only and the
fuels according to the Chemmatological Chart (Annex “A”).
In the winter period, in case of the cooling systememergent filling with water after the
engine not running for a lengthy time period, it is necessary to ensure the water drainage.
Make sure that the water is drained completely and not staying frozen on the radiator
and cylinder block taps. For this, clean the taps with a piece of wire. To do the water
drainage faster, open the radiator fill orifice cap. Leave the taps open after the water
drainage. With the subsequent cooling system fillings, close the taps as soon as the cool-
ing liquid starts coming out of them.

2.3.6 Possible failures and troubleshooting

With a vehicle failures during its operation (“COMMON RAIL” diagnostic system lamp
lighting up, blinking) it is necessary to diagnose “COMMON RAIL” system using the di-
agnostic lamp and the diagnostic button and rectify the discovered failures.
The diagnostic lamp blinking signifies a more serious fault than in case of its just lighting
To do the diagnostics, press the diagnostic button and keep it pressed for 2 seconds. With
the button depressed, the lamp will “blink out” a 3-digital diesel engine error code com-
ing as a series of flashes. It will look as follows:
- after depressing the diagnostic button – pause, a series of flashes after the pause (for
example, with two flashes you mark the digit - 2), pause, a series of flashes after the
pause (for example, with four flashes you mark the digit - 4), pause, a series of flashes af-
ter the pause (for example, with three flashes you mark the digit - 3), as a result, we have
the error blink-code “243” (Oil pressure sensor).
With the next diagnostic button pressing, the diagnostic lamp will “blink out” the next
failure blink-code. In this way all discovered faults are shown up. After showing up the
last fault, the unit starts showing up the first identified.
The failures blink-codes explanation is given in Table 10.
Rectify the fault by the methods described in Table 10 and delete the fault record from the
ECU memory in the following manner:
- switch ignition off and pause for one minute;
- press the diagnostic button and, keeping it pressed, switch ignition on;
- keep the diagnostic button pressed for 5-7 seconds after ignition switching on.

To make sure the fault has been rectified, test drive the vehicle. During such drive, the
self-diagnostics check the system and stores still possibly remaining faults data in the
memory again.

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After the test drive, do the diagnostic fault blink-codes re-reading from the control unit
memory. Now the error memory must be cleaned up, which means successful completion
of repair.
If not all of the faults discovered by the diagnostic system have been fixed, you need to
apply to a diagnostics station, even if the fault may not significantly affect the diesel en-
gine operation, as it may cause deterioration of the engine ecology parameters.
Not all of the faults may be stored in the control unit memory. Therefore, during the en-
gine operation pay attention to the engine gauges indications, exhaust gas colours, listen
to the sounds of the engine running. Hearing unusual sounds, check the reason and recti-
fy the fault. Being not able to rectify the fault, apply to a diagnostic station. Usually a di-
agnostic service station electronic database supports further search of faults.
The list of possible diesel engine faults in the process of operation and recommendations
on the methods of their fixing are given below in Table 11.
Do checking of the engine operation failures in sections 1-4 of Table 11 after complete
“COMMON RAIL” system check with a diagnostic device.

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Blink-codes table
Table 10

R-code Fault type Fault description Fix method

Faults shown by diagnostic lamp lightup

Analogue-digital-analogue converter
Р060В 3 reference voltage exceeding the set
Analogue-digital-analogue converter
Error discovered by analogue-digital-
Р060В 4 reference voltage below the set li-
1 1-1-1 analogue converter watch function. Apply to service centre.
Test pulse voltage exceeding the ac-
Р060В 11
ceptable limits.

Sequence elaboration error by ana-

Р060В 2
logue-digital-analogue converter.

Crankshaft speed sensor signal

Р0335 12 Check crankshaft speed sen-
sor condition and connec-
2 1-1-2 Crankshaft speed sensor circuit fault.
Р0336 11 Wrong crankshaft speed sensor. Apply to service centre.

Note: With regard to identification of the faults, the codes of which are given out by the diagnostic lamp lighting or stored in the Electronic
Control Unit, with the codes identified by the full system diagnostics, but not shown in Table 10, customers will need to apply to a service

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Continuation of Table 10

R-code Fault type Fault description Fix method


Camshaft speed sensor signal

Р0340 12 Check camshaft speed sensor
absent. condition and connections.
3 1-1-3 Camshaft speed sensor circuit fault. того вала.
Apply to service centre.
Р0341 11 Wrong camshaft speed sensor.

Check camshaft and crank-

Crankshaft and camshaft speed sen- Crankshaft and camshaft speed sensors sig- shaft speed sensors condition
4 1-1-4 Р0016 7 sors signals mismatch. nals mismatch.
and connections.
Apply to service centre.

Deviation between electronic time

Apply to service centre.
5 1-1-5 Р0607 2

processor time and central processor Electronic time processor error.


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Continuation of Table 10

R-code Fault type Fault description Fix method


Fault of “Watchdog” cylinders

Р1616 12
shutdown module path. Fault discovered at ECU initialization by
the function of check of additional me-
Fault of path for cylinders shut- thods for cylinder control power stages
Apply to service centre.
6 1-1-6 Р1617 3 down by power stage voltage ma- shutdown.
ximal limit function.
Fault of path for cylinders shut-
Р1618 4 down by power stage voltage mi-
nimal limit function.

Р0617 3 Power battery short circuit. Check starter motor condition

Starter motor relay power stage fault.
7 1-2-1 and connections.
Р0616 4 Short circuit to ground.. High voltage.

Apply to service centre.

Р1638 3 Short circuit to power battery. Check starter motor condition
Starter motor relay power stage fault.
8 1-2-1 Short circuit to ground. and connections.
Р1639 4 Low voltage.

Load resistance absent. Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

R-code Fault type Fault description Fix method


Check terminal 50 condition

9 1-2-2 Р2530 7 Terminal 50 is always closed Terminal 50 circuit fault. and connections.

Apply to service centre.

Check terminal 15 condition
10 1-2-3 Р2533 12 No signal from terminal 15. Terminal 15 circuit fault. and connections.

Apply to service centre.

Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0643 3
11 1-3-1 Sensors power supply 1 voltage fault. Apply to service centre.
Voltage below the set minimal lim-
Р0642 4

Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0653 3
12 1-3-1 Sensors power supply 2 voltage fault. Apply to service centre.
Voltage below the set minimal lim-
Р0652 4

Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0699 3
13 1-3-1 Sensors power supply 3 voltage fault. Apply to service centre.

Voltage below the set minimal lim-

Р0698 4

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Voltage beyond the set maximal

Р1640 3
14 1-3-1 12V sensors voltage fault. Apply to service centre.

Voltage below the set minimal lim-

Р1641 4
Р0687 3 Short circuit to power battery. Main relay circuit 2 fault Check the main relay condi-
15 1-3-2 tion and connections.
Р0686 4

Short circuit to ground.. (control unit). Apply to service centre.

Main relay circuit 1 fault Check the main relay condi-

16 1-3-2 Р160E 3 Short circuit to power battery. tion and connections.

(control unit). Apply to service centre.

Main relay circuit 1 fault Check the main relay condi-

17 1-3-2 Р160F 4 Short circuit to ground.. tion and connections.

(control unit). Apply to service centre.

Voltage beyond the set maximal Check the Rail fuel pressure
Р0193 3 Rail fuel pressure sensor circuit fault.
limit. sensor condition and connec-
18 1-3-3
Voltage below the set minimal tions.
Р0192 4

limit. Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


The Rail fuel pressure signal be-

Р0191 15 yond the maximal permissible at
signal mix check. Rail fuel pressure valve fault, signal dis- Check Rail fuel pressure sen-
19 1-3-3 placement check. sor condition and connections.
The Rail fuel pressure signal below
Р0191 17 the minimal permissible at signal Apply to service centre.

mix check.
Р100E 0 Protective valve identified as open.
Р100F 11 Pressure jump in Rail requested. Rail fuel pressure safety valvefault.
20 1-3-4 Apply to service centre.

Protective valve not opening after

Р1010 7
pressure jump in Rail.
Р0251 5 No load resistance. Check high pressure fuel in-
Fault in high pressure fuel injection pump jecttion pump doser condition
21 1-3-5 doser pulse-width control power stage. and connections.
Р0252 2

Excessive heat-up temperature.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Fault in high pressure fuel injection pump Check high pressure fuel injec-
22 1-3-5 Р0254 3 doser pulse-width control power stage cir- tion pump doser condition and

Short circuit to power battery.

cuit. connections.
Apply to service centre.
Fault in high pressure fuel injection pump Check high pressure fuel injec-
Р0253 4 doser pulse-width control power stage cir- tion pump doser condition and

23 1-3-5 Short circuit to ground..

cuit. connections.
Apply to service centre.
Signal voltage beyond the set max- Check high pressure fuel injec-
Р025D 16
imal limit. Fault in fuel injection pump doser ana- tion pump doser condition and
24 1-3-5 logue-digital-analogue converter control connections.

Signal voltage below the minimal

Р025C 18 channel. Apply to service centre.
set limit.

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Continuation of Table 10

R-code Fault type Fault description Fix method


The number of safety valveopen-

Р1011 1 ings exceeding the number permis-
sible by its tech specs.
The duration of safety valve open- Rail fuel pressure safety valve fault identi-
25 1-3-6 Р1012 2 ings exceeding the number permis- fied on the basis of its operation data. Apply to service centre.
sible by its tech specs.
The number and duration of safety
valve openings exceeding the
Р1013 4

number and duration permissible

by its tech specs.
Р0262 3 Low side short circuit to battery.
Р0263 11 Depending on settings. Cylinder control power stage circuit fault, Check engine cylinders injec-
tors’ connectors and cables
26 1-4-1 Low side and High side short cir- specific error, engine shutdown.
Р0261 8 condition.
Apply to service centre.

Р0263 11 Not classified error.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р1213 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-

Р1214 11 Depending on the settings. tors’ connectors and cables
Р0201 12 No load resistance. Fault in power stage control circuit of cy-
27 1-4-1
linder 1, specific warning. Check engine cylinders injec-
tors’ connectors and cables
Р1215 11 Depending on the settings. condition.

Apply to service centre.

Р0265 3 Low side short circuit to battery.

Check engine cylinders injec-
Р0266 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in power stage control circuit of cy- tors’ connectors and cables
28 1-4-2
Low side and High side short cir- linder 2, specific error, engine shutdown condition.
Р0264 8 Apply to service centre.

Р0266 11 Not classified error.

Р1216 11 Depending on the settings.
Р1217 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-
Fault in power stage control circuit of cy- tors’ connectors and cables
29 1-4-2 Р0202 12 No load resistance. linder 2, specific warning. condition.
Apply to service centre.
Р1218 11 Depending on the settings.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р0268 3 Low side short circuit to battery.

Check engine cylinders injec-
Р0269 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
30 1-4-3
Low side and High side short cir- inder 3, specific error, engine shutdown condition.
Р0267 8
cuit. Apply to service centre.
Р0269 11

Not classified error.

Р1219 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-
Р121A 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
31 1-4-3 Р0203 12 No load resistance. inder 3, specific warning. condition.
Р1218 11

Depending on the settings. Apply to service centre.

Р0271 3 Low side short circuit to battery.
Р0272 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-
Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
32 1-4-4 Low side and High side short cir- inder 4, specific error, engine shutdown
Р0270 8 condition.
cuit. Apply to service centre.

Р0272 11 Not classified error.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р121C 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-

Р121D 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
33 1-4-4 Р0204 12 No load resistance. inder 4, specific warning. condition.
Р121E 11 Apply to service centre.

Depending on the settings.

Р0274 3 Low side short circuit to battery.
Р0275 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-
Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
34 1-4-5 Low side and High side short cir- inder 5, specific error, engine shutdown
Р0273 8 condition.
cuit. Apply to service centre.
Р0275 11

Not classified error.

Р121F 11 Depending on the settings.
Check engine cylinders injec-
Р1220 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
35 1-4-5
Р0205 12 No load resistance. inder 5, specific warning. condition.
Apply to service centre.
Р1221 11

Depending on the settings.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р0277 3 Low side short circuit to battery.

Р0278 11 Depending on the settings. Check engine cylinders injec-
Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
36 1-4-6 Low side and High side short cir- inder 6, specific error, engine shutdown
Р0276 8 condition.
cuit. Apply to service centre.
Р0278 11

Not classified error.

Р1222 11 Depending on the settings.
Check engine cylinders injec-
Р1223 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in power stage control circuit of cyl- tors’ connectors and cables
37 1-4-6
Р0206 12 No load resistance. inder 6, specific warning. condition.
Apply to service centre.
Р1224 11

Depending on the settings.

Р1203 3 Short circuit.
Р1204 4 Low side short circuit to ground Fault in injectors power stage control cir- Check engine cylinders injec-
38 1-5-1 cuit Bank1, specific error, engine shut- tors’ connectors and cables
Р1205 11 Depending on the settings. condition.

Apply to service centre.
Р1206 11 Not classified error.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р1207 11 Depending on the settings.

Р1208 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in injectors power stage control cir- Check engine cylinders injec-
39 1-5-1 cuit Bank1, specific warning, engine shut- tors’ connectors and cables

Р1209 12 No load resistance. condition.

Р120A 11 Depending on the settings. Apply to service centre.
P120B 3 Short circuit.
Р120C 4 Low side short circuit to ground Fault in injectors power stage control cir- Check engine cylinders injec-
40 1-5-2 cuit Bank2, specific error, engine shut- tors’ connectors and cables

Р120D 11 Depending on the settings. condition.

Р120E 11 Not classified error. Apply to service centre.
Р120F 11 Depending on the settings.
Р1210 11 Depending on the settings. Fault in injectors power stage control cir- Check engine cylinders injec-
41 1-5-2 cuit Bank2, specific warning, engine shut- tors’ connectors and cables

Р1211 12 No load resistance. condition.

Р1212 11 Depending on the settings. Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р062B 3
Microchip CY33X, internal reload
/ loss of counter/ undervoltage.
Microchip CY33X has no right to
Р062B 4 operation/ CY33X initialization er- Fault in injectors control power stage mi-
42 1-5-3 ror. crochip ChipA, specific error, engine Apply to service centre.
Р062B 12 Microchip CY33X in check mode. shutdown.
Communication blackout with mi-

Р062B 2 crochip CY33X /check sum error/

reverse check error.
Р062B 3
Microchip CY33X internal equali-
ty error.
Р062B 4
Microchip CY33X error of internal
software algorithm. Fault in injectors control power stage mi-
43 1-5-3 Microchip CY33X check of inv. crochip ChipB, specific error, engine Apply to service centre.
Р062B 12
YSEL during ON failed shutdown

Р062B 2
Microchip CY33X exceeding wait
time, at least for one cylinder.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


The number of working cylinders

Р1225 12
is less than the minimal set limit. The number of working cylinders is less Check engine cylinders injec-
44 1-5-4 Р0000 255 Not used. than the minimal set limit, engine shut- tors’ connectors and cables
down condition.

Р0000 255 Not used. Apply to service centre.

Р0000 255 Not used.
45 2-1-2 Р1018 7 Fine fuel filter clogged. Fine fuel filter clogged. Replace fine fuel filter.

Voltage beyond the set maximal Check fine fuel filter clog sen-
46 2-1-3 Р1015 3 sor condition and connection.
limit. Fault in fine duel filter clog sensor circuit.

Apply to service centre.

Voltage below the set minimal Check fine fuel filter clog sen-
47 2-1-3 Р1016 4 Fault in fine duel filter clog sensor circuit. sor condition and connection.

Apply to service centre.

Implausible fine fuel filter clog Check fine fuel filter clog sen-
48 2-1-3 Р1017 2 Fault in fine duel filter clog sensor circuit. sor condition and connection.
sensor signal.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Voltage beyond the set maximal

Р0123 3
limit. Check gas pedal position sen-
Voltage below the set minimal Fault in sensor 1 of gas pedal position. sors condition and connec-
49 2-2-1 Р0122 4
limit. tions.
Lost plausibility with sensor 2 of Apply to service centre.
Р2135 2

throttle position.
Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0223 3
limit. Check gas pedal position sen-
Voltage below the set minimal Fault in sensor 2 of gas pedal position. sors condition and connec-
50 2-2-1 Р0222 4
limit. tions.
Lost plausibility with sensor 1 of Apply to service centre.
Р2135 2
throttle position.

Defective clutch state signal via Check gas pedal position sen-
Р0704 12
CAN. Error discovered by clutch condition signal sors condition and connections.
51 2-2-2 diagnostics function. Check CAN line connection to
Р0704 2 Implausible clutch sensor signal. other CANs.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р0571 12 Brake pedal sensor faulty signal. Check brake pedal position
Fault in Brake pedal sensor circuit. sensor condition and connec-
52 2-2-3
Brake pedal sensor implausible tion.
Р0504 2

signal. Apply to service centre.

Fault in brake pedal position sensor circuit Check brake pedal position
53 2-2-3 Р0504 2 Faulty brake sensor. with one sensor used. sensor condition and connec-

Apply to service centre.

Press the brake pedal. If the er-
Cruise control function disabled Error signal meaning disabling cruise con- ror keeps on, check brake pe-
54 2-2-3 Р0504 2 till brake pedal position sensor trol function till brake pedal position sen- dal position sensor condition
functioning check. sor functioning check. and connec-tion.

Apply to service centre.

Cruise control function disabled Error signal for diagnostic lamp switch-on Press the brake pedal. If the er-
till brake pedal position sensor meaning disabling cruise control function ror keeps on, check brake pe-
55 2-2-3 Р0504 2 dal position sensor condition
functioning check. The diagnostic till brake pedal position sensor functioning
lamp is on. check. and connec-tion.

Apply to service centre.

Implausible hydraulic transformer Error in determining hydraulic transformer You may continue driving.
56 2-2-9 Р0741 255
turbine wheel speed indication. turbine wheel speed. Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Voltage beyond the maximal Fault in charge pressure sensor circuit,

Р0238 0 Check charge pressure sensor
physical limit. physical limit check.
57 2-3-1 condition and connection.
Voltage below the minimal phy-
Р0237 1 Apply to service centre.

sical limit.
Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0238 3
Voltage below the set minimal Check charge pressure sensor
Р0237 4
58 2-3-1 limit. Fault in charge pressure sensor circuit. condition and connection.
Р0235 12 Apply to service centre.
Implausible CAN signal value.
Р0236 2

Implausible signal.
Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р2229 3
Voltage below the set minimal
Р2228 4
59 2-3-2 limit. Fault in atmospheric pressure sensor cir- Check sensor condition and
Р0000 12 cuit (control unit in-built sensor). connection.
Implausible CAN signal value.
Apply to service centre.
Plausibility lost with charge pres-
Р2227 2
sure sensor.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Voltage beyond the maximal physi- Check atmospheric pressure

Р2229 0
cal limit. Fault in atmospheric pressure sensor cir- sensor condition and connec-
60 2-3-2
Voltage below the minimal phy- cuit, physical limit check. tion.
Р2228 1

sical limit. Apply to service centre.

Voltage beyond the maximal li-
Р0098 3 Check air temperature sensor
mit. Fault in air temperature sensor circuit.
61 2-3-3 condition and connection.
Р0097 4 Voltage below the minimal limit.
Apply to service centre.
Р0099 12 Faulty signal via CAN.

Voltage beyond the maximal Check incoming air tempera-

Р0098 0
physical limit. ture sensor condition and con-
62 2-3-3 Fault in the incoming air temperature sen-
Voltage below the minimal phy- nection.
Р0097 1 sor circuit, physical limit check

sical limit. Apply to service centre.

Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0118 3
Voltage below the set minimal Check cooling liquid tempera-
Р0117 4 ture sensor condition and con-
63 2-4-1 Fault in cooling liquid temperature sensor nection.
Р0115 12 Faulty CAN signal.
Apply to service centre.
No plausibility between oil tem- circuit.
Р0116 2 perature and cooling liquid tem-

perature sensors indications.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Voltage beyond the maximal phys- Check cooling liquid tempera-

Р0118 0 Fault in cooling liquid temperature sensor
ical limit. ture sensor condition and con-
64 2-4-1 circuit. nection.
Voltage below the minimal phy-
Р0117 1

sical limit. Apply to service centre.

Cooling liquid temperature beyond
65 2-4-2 Р163A 5 Cooling liquid overheating.
the maximal permissible.
Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0523 3
Voltage below the set minimal lim-
Р0522 4 Check oil pressor sensor con-
66 2-4-3 Fualt in oil pressor sensor circuit. ditiona and connection.
Faulty signal from sensor or via
Р0520 12 Apply to service centre.
Implausible signal, oil pressure too
Р0521 2

Implausible signal, oil pressure too Oil pressor sensor signal error, too low oil Check oil pressor sensor con-
67 2-4-3 Р0524 17 ditiona and connection.
low. pressure.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Voltage beyond the set maximal

Р0198 3
Voltage below the set minimal lim-
Р0197 4 Fault in oil temperature sensor circuit. Check oil temperature sensor
68 2-4-4 condition and connection.
Р0195 12 Faulty signal via CAN.
Apply to service centre.
Implausibility between oil temper-
Р100D 2 ature sensor and cooling liquid

temperature sensor indications.

Oil temperature sensor signal error, too Check oil temperature sensor
69 2-4-4 Р0196 17 Implausibel signal, too high oil condition and connection.
high oil temperature.

temperature. Apply to service centre.

Excessive maximal positive fuel Check high pressure and low

High pressure fuel pump doser control pressure hydraulic curcuits
70 2-5-1 Р1011 16 pressure in Rail deviation.
mode disruption.

condition and connections.

Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check high pressure and low

Overshoot of maximal positive
Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
71 2-5-2 Р1012 15 fuel pressure in Rail deviation at components condition and

doser control mode.

fuel pump set flow rate overshoot. connections.
Apply to service centre.
Check high pressure and low
Fuel pressure in Rail lower than Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
72 2-5-3 Р0087 4 components condition and

the minimal set limit. doser control mode.

Apply to service centre.
Check high pressure and low
Fuel pressure in Rail higher than Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
73 2-5-3 Р0088 3 components condition and

the set maximal limit. doser control mode.

Apply to service centre.
Overshoot of maximal negative Check high pressure and low
fuel pressure in Rail deviation at Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
74 2-5-4 Р1013 17 components condition and

fuel pump doser minimal flow doser control mode.

rate. connections.
Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check high pressure and low

Overshoot of maximal positive
Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
75 2-5-4 Р1019 5 fuel pressure in Rail deviation at components condition and

doser control mode.

fuel pump set flow rate connections.
Apply to service centre.
Check high pressure and low
Implausible set value of fuel
Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
76 2-5-5 Р1014 2 pump doser at fuel pump exces- components condition and

doser control mode.

sive flow rate mode. connections.
Apply to service centre.
Check high pressure and low
Fuel pump doser filtered electric
Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
77 2-5-6 Р1018 7 current lower than the minimal components condition and

doser control mode.

permissible electric current. connections.
Apply to service centre.
Check high pressure and low
Pressure differentials in Rail Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
78 2-5-7 Р101A 18 components condition and

higher than expexted. doser control mode.

Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check high pressure and low

Fuel pump flow rate at the engine
Disruption of high pressure fuel pump pressure hydraulic curcuits
79 2-5-8 P101B 1 idle exceeding the set maximal components condition and

doser control mode.

value. connections.
Apply to service centre.
5202 5202

80 2-6-1 Р0607 14 ECU restart has taken place. ECU restart stored as protective. Apply to service centre.
22 22

81 2-6-1 Р0607 14 ECU restart has taken place. ECU restart shown in the error memory. Apply to service centre.

Injectors excitation time exceed-

Error registered by ECU operation watch
82 2-6-2 Р1613 16 ing the level set in the watch Apply to service centre.


Implausibility between the engine

Error registered by ECU operation watch
speed calculated by the watch
83 2-6-2 Р1614 15 function using the engine independent Apply to service centre.

function and the main pro-

speed calculation.

Disruption of communication
Disruption of communication with ECU
84 2-6-3 Р060A 11 with the ECU “CJ940” module. Apply to service centre.

power stages controlled with SPI.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Internal power voltage beyond the CJ940 module maximal power voltage
Р1607 3

85 2-6-3 Apply to service centre.

maximal limit. limit error.

CJ940 module minimal power voltage

Р1608 4

86 2-6-3 Internal power voltage below the Apply to service centre.

limit error.
minimal limit.
The function of monitoring communica-
Impluasible operation of control- tion between Watchdog of CY310 and
87 2-6-4 Р060C 2 ler or Watchdog system or the controller. Used for reverse system shut- Apply to service centre.

system must shut down. down by means of the engine coordinator


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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Short circuit to power battery/ Short circuit to battery in exhaust flap con- Check exhaust flap condition
88 3-1-1 Р0478 3 and connection.
Excessive heat-up temperature. trol circuit power stage.
Apply to service centre.

Short circuit to ground in exhaust flap Check exhaust flap condition

89 3-1-1 Р0477 4 Short circuit to ground.. and connection.
control circuit power stage.

Apply to service centre.

Р0476 12 No load resistance. Broken circuit or unpermissible tempera- Check exhaust flap condition
90 3-1-1 ture in exhaust flap control circuit power and connection.
Excessive heat-up temperature. stage. Apply to service centre.
Р0476 2

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Vehicle speed shown by speed sig-

Р0501 0 nal beyond the vehicle set maximal
speed. Check vehicle speed sensor
condition and connection.
Failure of vehicle speed measurement, Check connection to tacho-
Faulty vehicle speed signal caused path 1.
91 3-2-4 Р0500 12 graph.
by faulty ECU hardware.
Check CAN line connection to
other CAN devices.
Impluasible vehicle speed with re- Apply to service centre.
Р0501 2 gard to the injected fuel amount
and the engine speed.

Signal voltage beyond the set max-

Р2158 3 Check vehicle speed sensor
imal limit.
Signal voltage below the set mini- Failure of vehicle speed measurement, condition and connection.
Р2160 4 Check connection to tacho-
mal limit. path 2.
92 3-2-4 graph.
Faulty vehicle speed signal re-
Р2157 12 Check CAN line connection to
ceived via CAN.
other CAN devices.
Implausible vehicle speed signal
Р2159 255

Apply to service centre.


Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Speed signal pulse width bigger

Р1511 3
than the set maximal limit.

Speed signal pulse width smaller

Р1512 4
than the set minimal limit. Failure of vehicle speed measurement, Check connection to tacho-
93 3-2-4 graph.
path 3.
Apply to service centre.
Faulty vehicle speed signal fre-
Р1513 12 quency caused by faulty ECU

Р0050 3 Short circuit to power battery.
Fault in engine brake decompression throt- Check engine brake decom-
Р004F 4 Short circuit to ground.. pression throttle condition and
94 3-2-5 tle power stage circuit.
Р0661 255 No load resistance. connection.
Apply to service centre.

Р0662 255 Excessive heat-up temperature.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Р0629 3 Short circuit to power battery.

Check electric fuel priming
Р0628 4 Short circuit to ground.. Fault in electric fuel priming pump control pump condition and connec-
95 3-2-6
Р0627 12 No load recistance. power stage circuit. tion.
Apply to service centre.

Р062A 2 Excessive heat-up temperature.

Engine technical parameters limi- Engine technical parameters limitation

96 3-2-8 Р2106 11 Apply to service centre.

tation mode enabled. mode enabled.

Check CAN line connection to
97 4-1-1 U0029 12 Absence of CAN A bus. Absence of CAN A bus. other CAN devices.

Apply to service centre.

Check CAN line connection to
98 4-1-2 U0038 12 Absence of CAN B bus. Absence of CAN B bus. other CAN devices.

Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check CAN line connection to

99 4-1-3 U0047 12 Absence of CAN C bus. Absence of CAN C bus. other CAN devices.

Apply to service centre.

SPI communication disrupted be-
SPI communication disrupted between

100 4-1-4 Р0607 12 tween central processor and watch Apply to service centre.
central processor and watch unit.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-AE
CAN messages when the engine
U1104 11
speed/torque correction mode is
Check CAN line connection to
101 4-2-1 TSC1-AE CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-AE
Apply to service centre.
CAN messages when the engine
U1105 12

speed/torque correction mode is


Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Wait time elapsing for TSC1-AR

CAN message when the engine
U1106 11
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
102 4-2-1 TSC1-AR CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-AR
Apply to service centre.
CAN message when the engine
U1107 12

speed/torque correction mode is

Wait time elapsing for TSC1-DE
CAN message when the engine
U1108 11
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
103 4-2-2 Ошибка TSC1-DE CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-DE
Apply to service centre.
CAN message when the engine
U1109 12

speed/torque correction mode is


Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Wait time elapsing for TSC1-DR

CAN message, when the engine
U110А 11
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
104 4-2-2 TSC1-DR CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-DR
Apply to service centre.
CAN message, when the engine
U110В 12

speed/torque correction mode is

Wait time elapsing for TSC1-PE
CAN message, when the engine
U110С 3
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
105 4-2-3 TSC1-PE CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-PE
Apply to service centre.
CAN message, when the engine
U110D 4

speed/torque correction mode is


Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Wait time elapsing for TSC1-TE

U110E 11
CAN message, when the engine
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
106 4-2-4 TSC1-TE CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-TE Apply to service centre.
U110F 12
CAN message, when the engine
speed/torque correction mode is

Wait time elapsing for TSC1-TR
U113A 11
CAN message, when the engine
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
107 4-2-4 TSC1-TR CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-TR Apply to service centre.
U113B 12
CAN message, when the engine
speed/torque correction mode is

Wait time elapsing for TSC1-VE
U1110 3
CAN message, when the engine
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
108 4-2-5 TSC1-VE CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-VE Apply to service centre.
CAN message, when the engine

U1111 12
speed/torque correction mode is

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Wait time elapsing for TSC1-VR

CAN message, when the engine
U1112 3
speed/torque correction mode is
enabled. Check CAN line connection to
109 4-2-5 TSC1-VR CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Wait time elapsing for TSC1-VR
Apply to service centre.
CAN message, when the engine
U1113 12
520238 520210 523500 520220

speed/torque correction mode is

Wait time elapsing for sent to Check CAN line connection to
110 4-3-1 U0001 12 Sent to CAN messages error. other CAN devices.
CAN messages.
Apply to service centre.
Wait time elapsing for DashDspl Check CAN line connection to
111 4-3-4 U0158 255 DashDspl CAN message error. other CAN devices.
CAN message
Apply to service centre.
Wait time elapsing for WSI CAN Check CAN line connection to
112 4-3-5 U1115 12 WSI CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Wait time elapsing for EBC1 Check CAN line connection to

Р0000 12

113 4-4-1 EBC1 CAN message error. other CAN devices.

CAN message
Apply to service centre.

Wait time elapsing for ERC1DR Check CAN line connection to


114 4-4-2 U1100 3 ERC1DR CAN message error. other CAN devices.
CAN message
Apply to service centre.

Wait time elapsing for ETC1 Check CAN line connection to


115 4-4-3 U0103 12 ETC1 CAN message error. other CAN devices.
CAN message
Apply to service centre.

CAN errors killing function disa- Check CAN line connection to


116 4-4-5 U0104 12 bled and wait time elapsing for RxCCVS CAN message error. other CAN devices.
RxCCVS CAN message Apply to service centre.

Wait time elapsing for TCO1 Check CAN line connection to


117 4-4-6 U0157 12 TCO1 CAN message error. other CAN devices.
CAN message
Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Faults not shown by diagnostic lamp lightup

The engine start and operation performed Check camshaft speed sensor
118 1-1-4 P0008 12 Backup mode enabled. condition and connection.
by camshaft speed sensor only.
Apply to service centre.

Voltage beyond the set maximal

P0563 3 Check power supply battery
limit. Unpermissible voltage of power supply
119 1-2-4 condition and connection.
Voltage below the set minimal li- battery. Apply to service centre.
P0562 4

FMTC_trq2qBas_MAP field contains not

strictly monotonous curves of cyclic fuel
120 1-2-5 P1007 2 Implausible field appearance. Apply to service centre.

feed dependence on torque at engine set

Number of injections limited by
P1300 16
charge coordinator load balance.
Number of injections limited by You may continue driving.
Limeted number of injections.
121 1-5-5 P1301 15 high pressure fiel injection pump Apply to service centre.
quantitative balance.

Number of injections limited by

P1302 11
software settings.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Sensor showing water in fuel con- Discovered water in fuel concentration is

122 2-1-1 P2269 11 Replace fuel.
centration beyond permissible. beyond permissible.

P1008 3 Short circuit to power battery. Check fuel filter electric heat-
Fault in fuel filter electric heating element ing element condition and
123 2-1-6

P1009 4 Short circuit to ground.. circuit. connection.

Apply to service centre.
Error registered by gas pedal and brake Check gas and brake pedals
124 2-2-5 P2299 7 Implausibel gas pedal signal. pedal work plausibility function. position sensors condition and
Apply to service centre.

If the overshoot is caused by

incorrect switch from the up-
per gear to the lower with the
125 2-2-6 P0219 15
Crankshaft maximal permitted Crankshaft maximal permitted speed over- engine
still working right, you
continue driving.
speed overshoot discovered. shoot. If the engine speeds up spon-
taneously, all by itself, do not
start the engine! Apply to ser-

vice centre urgently!

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check Resistance Moment

Physically implausible request Control System Unit condition
Error of Resistance Moment Control Sys- and connection.
126 2-2-8 P0856 2 from Resistance Moment Control
tem Unit. Check CAN line connection to

System Unit.
other CAN devices.
Apply to service centre.
Voltage beyond the set maximal
Р0113 3
Fault of incoming air temperature sensor Check sensor condition and

127 2-3-4 connection.
Voltage below the set minimal circuit in air mass consumption meter.
Р0112 4 Apply to service centre.
Air mass consumption meter sig-
Р0101 3 Error registered by air mass consumption Check air mass consumption
nal voltage beyond set limit.
128 2-3-4 meter standard voltage initial deviation meter condition and connection.
Air mass consumption meter sig-
Р0101 4 plausibility check function. Apply to service centre.

nal voltage below set limit.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Air mass consumption meter coef-

Р0103 3
ficient beyond set limit. Error registered by air mass consumption Check air mass consumption
129 2-3-4 meter signal sensitivity deviation plausi- meter condition and connec-
Air mass consumption meter coef- bility check function. tions.

Р0102 4 Apply to service centre.

ficient below set limit.

Mass air consumption registered

P0103 3
beyond set limit. Check air mass consumption
Error registered by air mass consumption meter condition and connec-
130 2-3-4
meter signal boundary check function. tions.
Registered mass air consumption Apply to service centre.
P0102 4
below set limit.

Voltage beyond maximal physical Check ambient air temperature

P0073 0
limit. Error in ambient air temperature sensor sensor condition and connec-
131 2-3-5
Voltage below minimal physical circuit, physical limit check tion.
P0072 1

limit. Apply to service centre.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Minimal cooling liquid tempera- Error registered by cooling liquid tempera- Check cooling liquid tempera-
132 2-4-5 ture not achieved within the set ture sensor absolute plausibility check ture sensor condition and con-

P0116 2
time limit. function. nection.
Apply to service centre.
Minimal rise of cooling liquid Error registered by cooling liquid tempera- Check cooling liquid tempera-
temperature not achieved within ture sensor dynamis plausibility check ture sensor condition and con-

133 2-4-5 P0116 2

the set time limit. function. nection.
Apply to service centre.

Electronic Unit retstart has taken Electronic Unit retstart by unknown rea-

134 2-6-1 P0607 14 Apply to service centre.

place. son.

Error during the last reading

P062F 4
Fault of Electrically Deletable Program-
135 2-6-5 Error during the last record Apply to service centre.
P062F 12 mable Permanent Memory Device.

P062F 2 Deafualt value used.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


P0647 3 Short circuit to power battery.

P0646 4 Short circuit to ground.. Fault in conditioner control power stage Check conditioner state and
136 3-1-3 connection.
P0645 12 No load resistance. Apply to service centre.

P0645 2 Excessive heat-up temperature.

P0542 3 Short circuit to power battery. Check air pre-heat device con-
137 3-2-1 Fault in air pre-heat power stage circuit. dition and connection.
P0541 4 Short circuit to ground..

Apply to service centre.

Check air pre-heat device con-
138 3-2-2 P0540 7 Faulty multi-signal Air pre-heat permanently on. dition and connection.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Power supply battery voltage

P1020 3 change beyond set maximal limit
at air pre-heat device switch-on.
Error registered by air pre-heat switch-on Check air pre-heat device con-
139 3-2-3 dition and connection.
Power supply battery voltage check function. Apply to service centre.
P1021 4 change below set minimal limit at
air pre-heat device switch-on.

Power supply battery voltage

P1022 3 change beyond set maximal limit
at air pre-heat device switch-off. Error registered by air pre-heat switch-off Check air pre-heat device con-
140 3-2-3 dition and connection.
Power supply battery voltage check function.
Apply to service centre.
P1023 4 change below set minimal limit at
air pre-heat device switch-on.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


P1619 3 Short circuit to power battery.

P161A 4 Short circuit to ground.. Fault in diagnostic lamp control system Check system diagnostic lamp
141 3-3-1 condition and connection.
P161B 12 No load resistance. power stage circuit.
Apply to service centre.

P161C 2 Excessive heat-up temperature.

P0650 3 Short circuit to power battery.
P0650 4 Short circuit to ground.. Fault in failure indication lamp control Check failure indication lamp
142 3-3-3 condition and connection.
P0650 12 No load resistance. power stage circuit.

Apply to service centre.

P0650 2 Excessive heat-up temperature.
P162F 3 Short circuit to power battery.
P1630 4 Short circuit to ground.. Fault in warning lamp control power stage Check warning lamp condition
143 3-3-4 and connection.
P1631 12 No load resistance. circuit.
Apply to service centre.

P1632 2 Excessive heat-up temperature.

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Continuation of Table 10

R-code Fault type Fault description Fix method


P0649 3 Short circuit to power battery.

P0649 4 Short circuit to ground.. Fault in adjustable speed limit lamp cir- Check lamp condition and
144 3-3-5 connection.
P0649 5 No load resistance. Apply to service centre.

P0649 2 Excessive heat-up temperature.

Check cruise control device
Non-operable switched combina- Fault in cruise control device actuating (control unit) condition and
145 3-4-1 P0564 2
tion. mechanism circuit. connection.

Apply to service centre.

Button sticking or permanently Fault in engine control backup start button Check engine control backup
146 3-4-3 P2530 8 start button.

pressed in. circuit.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Signal voltage beyond set maximal

P1000 3 Check charge compressor reg-
limit. Fault in charge compressor regulator con-
147 3-4-4 Signal voltage be;ow set minimal trol analogue-digital-analogue converter ulator condition and connec-
P1001 4 tion.
limit. channel.
520216 520237 520215 520214 1192

Apply to service centre.

P1002 12 Faulty sugnal.
Wait time elapsing for Check CAN line connection to
148 4-1-5 U0113 4 EngGsFlowRt CAN message error. other CAN devices.
EngGsFlowRt CAN message
Apply to service centre.
Wait time elapsing for HRVD Check CAN line connection to
149 4-1-6 U1101 3 HRVD CAN message error. other CAN devices.
CAN message
Apply to service centre.
Wait time elapsing for TimeDate Check CAN line connection to
150 4-1-7 U1114 3 TimeDate CAN message error. other CAN devices.
CAN message
Apply to service centre.
Wait time elapsing for Check CAN line connection to
151 4-4-4 U0156 3 RxAMCON CAN message error. other CAN devices.
RxAMCON CAN message
Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Wait time elapsing for RxEng- Check CAN line connection to


152 4-5-1 U1102 12 RxEngTemp2 CAN message error. other CAN devices.
Temp2 CAN message
Apply to service centre.

Wait time elapsing for TF CAN Check CAN line connection to

523620 523619 523618 520217

153 4-5-2 U1103 3 TF CAN message error. other CAN devices.

Apply to service centre.

SPN received via CAN-message DM1DCU CAN message error, SPN 1

154 4-6-1 U0434 2 Apply to service centre.
coinsides with SPN in unit SPN 1. unit.

SPN received via CAN-message DM1DCU CAN message error, SPN 2

155 4-6-2 U0435 2 Apply to service centre.
coinsides with SPN in unit SPN 2. unit.

SPN received via CAN-message DM1DCU CAN message error, SPN 3

156 4-6-3 U0436 2 Apply to service centre.
coinsides with SPN in unit SPN 3. unit.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


SPN received via CAN-message DM1DCU CAN message error, SPN 4


157 4-6-4 U0437 2 Apply to service centre.

coinsides with SPN in unit SPN 4. unit.

SPN received via CAN-message DM1DCU CAN message error, SPN 5


158 4-6-5 U0438 2 Apply to service centre.

coinsides with SPN in unit SPN 5. unit.

Wait time elapsing for DM1DCU


159 4-6-6 U0439 3 DM1DCU CAN message error. Apply to service centre.
CAN message

Check engine cylinders injec-

Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
160 5-1-1 P0301 3
nized beyond set limit. function in cylinder 1. condition.

Apply to service centre.

Check engine cylinders injec-
Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
161 5-1-2 P0302 3
nized beyond set limit. function in cylinder 2. condition.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check engine cylinders injec-

Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
162 5-1-3 P0303 3
nized beyond set limit. function in cylinder 3. condition.

Apply to service centre.

Check engine cylinders injec-
Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
163 5-1-5 P0300 3
nized beyond set limit. function in several cylinders. condition.
520223 1322

Apply to service centre.

Rail inner pressure control func- Error signal meaning high pressure circuit
164 5-2-2 P160C 20
tions disabled during testing. testing in process.
Check engine cylinders injec-
Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
165 5-3-1 P0304 3
nized beyond set limit. function in cylinder 4. condition.

Apply to service centre.

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Continuation of Table 10

Blink- Fix method

R-code Fault type Fault description


Check engine cylinders injec-

Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
166 5-3-2 P0305 3
nized beyond set limit. function in cylinder 5. condition.

Apply to service centre.

Check engine cylinders injec-
Number of flashes skips recog- Error registered by flashes skips control tors’ connectors and cables
167 5-3-3 P0306 3
nized beyond set limit. function in cylinder 6. condition.

Apply to service centre.

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Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
1.Engine start issues
1.1 Engine does not start
1.1.1 Check if there is fuel in the tank and is it conforms Fill the fuel tank.
to the appropriate grade.
1.1.2 Check the starter motor and its control circuits. Do the necessary repair.
1.1.3 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of low pressure circuit connec-
tions; Do the necessary repair.
- check hoses and connectors for leakage;
- check fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the diesel fuel inside the Clean the fuel filter from water
coarse fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel; Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
1.1.4 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
1.1.5 Check the electric circuit.
Do the necessary repair. or re-
- check the accumulator battery charging;
place accumulator battery.
- check the fuses; Do the necessary repair.
- check the “ground” wire; Replace the “ground” wire.
1.1.6 Check the engine parameters
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos-
Do diagnostics and necessary
tic device.
1.1.7 Check the intake system
- check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- check the air filter condition. Replace the air filter.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.

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Replace the glow plugs or the
1.1.8 Check the glow plugs reliability.
glow plugs control unit.
1.1.9 Check the harness condition (breaking or short cir-
Do the necessary repair.
1.1.10 Check the compression level in cylunders. Do the necessary repair.
1.1.11 Check the injectors
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
1.1.12 Check the high pressure fuel injection pump
- launch high pressure fuel injection pump check cycle Follow the instructions in the
by the appropriate standard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
“KTS – Bosch” diagnostic device; vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check the low pressure circuit operability;
Do the necessary repair.
- check the high pressure circuit for leakage.
1.1.13 Checking the Control Unit
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
1.2 Engine is started with effort or starts and then shuts down
1.2.1 Check if there is fuel in the tank and is it conforms Fill the fuel tank.
to the appropriate grade.
1.2.2 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
Do the necessary repair.
sure circuit.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
- check fuel filter condition and conformity. Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the diesel fuel inside the Clean the fuel filter from water
coarse fuel filter cup. pouring it out by opening the

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
1.2.3 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
1.2.4 Check the electric circuit.
- check the accumulator battery charging; Do the necessary repair. or re-
place the accumulator battery.

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- check the fuses; Do the necessary repair.
- check the «ground wire». Replace the «ground wire».
1.2.5 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
1.2.6 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
Replace the glow plugs or the
1.2.7 Check the glow plugs opeartion reliability.
glow plugs control unit.
1.2.8 Check the harness condition for breaking or short
Do the necessary repair.
1.2.9 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
1.2.10 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
1.2.11 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
1.3 Hot engine is started with effort
1.3.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
1.3.2 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-

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- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
1.3.3 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
1.3.4 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
1.3.5 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
1.3.6 Check the harness (broken or kinked). Do the necessary repair.
1.3.7 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
2. Unstable engine operation at idle
2.1 Unstable speed at idle
2.1.1 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
2.1.2 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized

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- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
2.1.3 Check the harness condition for breaking or short
Do the necessary repair.
2.1.4 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
2.1.5 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
2.1.6 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate stand- Follow the instructions in the
ard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
device. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a special-
ized workshop)
2.1.7 Check the high pressure fuel injection pump
- launch high pressure fuel injection pump check cycle Follow the instructions in the
by the appropriate standard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
“KTS – Bosch” diagnostic device. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- check the high pressure circuit operability ; Do the necessary repair.
- check the high pressure circuit for leakage.
2.2 Idle spped too low or too high.
2.2.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. системы CRS sary repair.
2.2.2 Check the electric circuit.
- check the accumulator battery charging; Do the necessary repair or re-
place the accumulator battery.
- check the fuses. Do the necessary repair.
- check the «ground» wire. Replace the «ground wire».
2.2.3 Check the clutch adjustment correctness. Do the necessary repair.
2.2.4 Check the harness condition for breaking or short
Do the necessary repair.
2.2.5 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3 Engine behavior at vehicle moving
3.1 Unstable engine operation at speed up/ slow down
3.1.1 Check the engine parameters.

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Follow the instructions in the
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” vice software.
standard testing. (Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. системы CRS sary repair.
3.1.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
Replace the air filter by new
- Check the air filter condition;
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.1.3 Check the harness condition for breaking or short
Do the necessary repair.
3.1.4 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
3.1.5 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3.2 Failures during acceleration and clutch switch-on
3.2.1 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.2.2 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow "KTS – Bosch" device
diagnostic software instruc-
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” tions.
standard testing. (Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. системы CRS sary repair.
3.2.3 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex Ж.
3.2.4 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-

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Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
3.2.5 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
3.2.6 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
3.2.7 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
3.2.8 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3.3 Engine shutdown
3.3.1 Check if there is fuel in the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank.
3.3.2 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the Clean the fuel filter from water
coarse fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
3.3.3 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
3.3.4 Check the electric circuit.
- check the accumulator battery charging; Do the necessary repair. Or re-
place the accumulator battery.
- check the «ground wire» . Do the necessary repair.
- check the «ground» wire. Replace the «ground wire».

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration

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Fault identification algorythm Fix method
3.3.5 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diag- Do diagnostics and the neces-
nostic device. sary repair.
3.3.6 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.3.7 Check the harness (broken or kinked) . Do the necessary repair.
3.3.8 Check the high pressure fuel injection pump
- launch high pressure fuel injection pump check cycle Follow the instructions in the
by the appropriate standard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
“KTS – Bosch” diagnostic device. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check the high pressure circuit operability ;
Do the necessary repair.
- check the high pressure circuit for leakage.
3.3.9 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3.4 Engine running unevenly (unstable operation of the engine during acceleration / de-
celeration and overload)
3.4.1 Check if there is fuel in the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank.
3.4.2 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
3.4.3 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys-Follow the instructions in the

Downloaded from manuals search engine

tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diag- Do diagnostics and the neces-
nostic device. sary repair.
3.4.4 Check the harness condition for breaking or short
Do the necessary repair.
3.4.5 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
Adjust the clearances in the
3.4.6 Check the clearances in the valve drive.
valves drive.
3.4.7 Check the high pressure fuel injection pump
- launch high pressure fuel injection pump check cycle Follow the instructions in the
by the appropriate standard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
“KTS – Bosch” diagnostic device. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check the high pressure circuit operability ;
Do the necessary repair.
- check the high pressure circuit for leakage.
3.4.8 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3.5 Insufficient power
3.5.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
3.5.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.5.3 Check the engine oil level. Add oil to the necessary level.
3.5.4 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex E.
3.5.5 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-

Downloaded from manuals search engine

- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
3.5.6 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
3.5.7 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
3.5.8 Check the clearances in the valve drive. Adjust the clearances in the
valves drive.
3.6 Power too high
3.6.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
3.6.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.6.3 Check oil consumption. At oil consumption too high do
the necessary repair.
3.6.4 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
3.6.5 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

3.7 Excessive fuel consumption
3.7.1 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
3.7.2 Leakage in the fuel temperature sensor. Replace the fuel temperature
3.7.3 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized

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Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
3.7.4 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
3.7.5 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.7.6 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
3.7.7 Check the engine oil level. Add oil to the necessary level.
3.7.8 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex E.
3.7.9 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
3.7.10 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3.8 Super high engine speed at pedal release or shifting the gears
3.8.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
3.8.2 Check the harness condition for breaking or short
Do the necessary repair.
3.8.3 Check the clutch adjustment correctness. Do the necessary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
3.8.4 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex Ж.
3.8.5 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-

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vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
3.8.6 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
3.9 Engine stalls when accelerated
3.9.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. sary repair.
3.9.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
3.9.3 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
3.9.4 Check the clutch adjustment correctness. Do the necessary repair.
3.9.5 Check the harness condition for breaking or short Do the necessary repair.
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
3.9.6 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.

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3.10 Engine does not stop
3.10.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diag- Do diagnostics and the neces-
nostic device. sary repair.
4 Noise, smellх or smoke
4.1 Knocking or noise in the engine
4.1.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diagnos- Do diagnostics and the neces-
tic device. системы CRS sary repair.
4.1.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
4.1.3 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
4.1.4 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the coarse Clean the fuel filter from water
fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
4.1.5 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate stand- Follow the instructions in the
ard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-

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device. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.2 Intermittent noise
4.2.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diag- Do diagnostics and the neces-
nostic device. sary repair.
4.2.2 Check the harness (broken or kinked) . Do the necessary repair.
4.2.3 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
4.3 Various mechanical noise
4.3.1 Make sure that the injectors don’t rattle (discharge
Do the necessary repair.
through the injectors).
4.3.2 Fuel pipes holders broken or absent. Do the necessary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
4.3.3 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diag- Do diagnostics and the neces-
nostic device. sary repair.
4.3.4 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
4.3.5 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.3.6 Check the clutch adjustment correctness. Do the necessary repair.

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4.3.7 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex E.
4.3.8 Check the clearances in the valve drive. Adjust the clearances in the
valves drive.
Exhaust gas smell
4.4.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
- check electricity consumers condition with the diag- Do diagnostics and the neces-
nostic device. sary repair.
4.4.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
Replace the air filter by new
- Check the air filter condition;
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
At oil consumption too high do
4.4.3 Check oil consumption.
the necessary repair.
4.4.4 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex Ж.
4.4.5 Check the engine oil level. Add oil to the necessary level.
4.4.6 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.4.7 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
Diesel fuel smell
4.5.1 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the Clean the fuel filter from water
coarse fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the

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- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item
4.5.2 Leakage in the fuel temperature sensor. Replace the fuel temperature
sensor. or резиновое уплот-
нительное кольцо

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
4.5.3 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.5.4 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
4.6 Blue, white or black smoke
4.6.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.6.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
4.6.3 Check the engine oil level. Add oil to the oil gauge upper
4.6.4 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity; Replace filter by the appropri-
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the Clean the fuel filter from water
coarse fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item

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Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
At oil consumption too high do
4.6.5 Check oil consumption.
the necessary repair.
4.6.6 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
4.6.7 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate standard Follow the instructions in the
testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de- “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
vice. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.7 Blue, white or black smoke when accelerated
4.7.1 Check the engine parameters.
- check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection sys- Follow the instructions in the
tem using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.7.2 Check the intake system.
- Check for air leakage/ suction; Do the necessary repair.
- Check the air filter condition; Replace the air filter by new
- check the intake manifold for clogging. Clean the intake manifold.
4.7.3 Check the low pressure circuit.
- check the correctness of connections in the low pres-
sure circuit; Do the necessary repair.
- check the hoses and pipe connectors for leakage;
Replace filter by the appropri-
- check the fuel filter condition and conformity;
- make sure there is no water in the fuel inside the Clean the fuel filter from water
coarse fuel filter cup; pouring it out by opening the
- make sure there is no air in the fuel. Remove air from the low pres-
sure circuit (See Manual, item

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Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
Add oil to the oil gauge upper
4.7.4 Check the engine oil level.
4.7.5 Check the turbocharger operability. See Manual, Annex Ж.
At oil consumption too high do
4.7.6 Check oil consumption.
the necessary repair.
4.7.7 Check compression level in the cylinders. Do the necessary repair.
4.7.8 Check the high pressure circuit for leakage. Do the necessary repair.
4.7.9 Check the harness (broken or kinked) . Do the necessary repair.
4.7.10 Check the injectors.
- launch injector check cycle by the appropriate stand- Follow the instructions in the
ard testing command in the “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
device. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized
4.7.11 Control Unit check.
- check the Control Unit plug-and-socket fixtures. Fix plug-and-sockets.
Engine overheating
5.1 Not enough cooling liquid in the cooling system. Add cooling liquid in the ra-
diator to the normal level.
5.2 Radiator dirty outside. Clean the radiator.
5.3 The thermostat valve not opening to the full. Replace the thermostat.
5.4 Insufficient fan belt tension. Tighten the belt.
5.5 Fan belt and pulleys oiling. Dismantle the belt, remove oil
stains from the belt and the
pulleys surface.
6 Oil pressure lower than permissible in hot engine
6.1.1 Check for faults in the COMMON RAIL injection Follow the instructions in the
system using the diagnostic device; do ”KTS – Bosch” “KTS – Bosch” diagnostic de-
standard testing. vice software.
(Testing and repair at a specialized

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
6.1.2 Faulty pressure sensor or indicator (backup de- Replace pressure sensor or in-
vices). dicator, if necessary, after
checking the oil pressure with
a set of check devices.

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6.2 Oil pipelines connections hermeticity lost Identify the area of lost hermit-
icity and restore it. ее
6.3 Faulty oil pump Identify the fault and rectify it.
6.4 Oil level in the engine oil sump lower than permis- Add oil to the oil feeler rod
sible. upper mark.
6.5 Extreme wear in interfacings: crankshaft necks –
Rectifu the fault.
bearing shells (main end and big end)
Clense the valve and the valve
6.6 Safety valve in the oil filter housing jammed
channel in the filter housing.

6.7 Clogged oil filter Replace the filter.

7 Turbocharger - See Annex Ж
8 Starter motor
8.1 The engine crankshaft not rotating or rotating too slowly at the starter motor
8.1.1 Weak accumulator battery terminals tightening or Clean the wires ends and tight-
wires ends oxidated. en the terminals.
8.1.2 Accumulator battery discharged. Charge the acumulator battery.
8.1.3 Collector and brushes dirty. Clean collector and brushes.
8.1.4 Bad brushes contact with collector. Brushes wear. Dismantle the starter motor,
clean the collector, eliminate
the brushes loosing or replace
them with new ones.
8.1.5 Contact bolts and contact plate surfaces burnt in Clean the starter motor con-
the starter motor relay. tacts or mount the contact bolts
in the cover seats, turning them
180° around the axis, and
mount the conact plate with the
reverse side.

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Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method

8.1.6 Starter notor faild. Replace starter notor.

8.2 Starter motor staying switched in after the engine start
8.2.1 Contact plate welded to the starter motor relay Stop the engine, disconnect the
contact bolts or contacts welded in the starter motor battery and do as decribed in
control circuit relay. item 8.1.5 or replace the starter
motor control circuit relay.
8.3 Starter motor armature rotating fast not moving the engine crankshaft
8.3.1 Flywheel rim teeth broken. Replace the flywheel rim.
8.3.2 Starter notor faild. Replace starter notor.
8.4 Starter motor relay interruptions
(switches the starter motor on and then immediately switches it off).
8.4.1 Relay holding coil broken. Replace the relay.
Charge the accumulator bat-
8.4.2 Accumulator battery discharged.
8.5 Drive gear systematically not engaging the flywheel rim at the relay normal opera-
Back the flywheel rim teeth off
8.5.1 Toothed flywheel rim back-off area end wear.
or replace the flywheel rim.
Remove old lubrication from
8.5.2 Drive gear sticking due to the lack or poor quality the drive and the shaft, apply
lubrication. new lubrication ЦИАТИМ-
Back the teeth off or replace
8.5.3 Drive gear teeth back-off area end wear.
the dirive.
9 Alternator
9.1 Ammeter (voltmeter) does not show the charge after starting the diesel engine, and
then for the entire duration of its running
Disconnect the rectifier, solder
9.1.1 Positive terminal wire broken or bridged to the al- and insulate the place of the
ternator housing. break. Insulate the damaged
(Repair at a specialized workshop)

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Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
Disassemble the alternator.
Solder or insulate the damaged
9.1.2 Field coil circuit broken. place or replace the coil, if it is
impossible to rectify the fault.
(Repair at a specialized workshop)
9.1.3 One of the stator phases bridging to the alternator Replace the stator.
housing. (Repair at a specialized workshop)
9.1.4 Power rectifier terminals short-circuiting or for- Replace the rectifying device.
ward and reverse polarity diodes damaged. (Repair at a specialized workshop)

9.1.5 Faulty voltage regulator. Replace the voltage regulator.

(Repair at a specialized workshop)
Clean the collector, eliminate
9.1.6 Bad brushes contact with collector. Brushes wear. the brushes loosing or replace
them with new ones.
9.2 Alternator does not generate full power
9.2.1 Regulator lead broken. Solder and insulate the dam-
aged place.
(Repair at a specialized workshop)
9.2.2 One of the stator phases broken. Replace the stator.
(Repair at a specialized workshop)
9.2.3 Stator winding turn-to-turn short circuit. Replace the stator.
(Repair at a specialized workshop)
9.2.4 Field coil winding turn-to-turn short circuit. Replace the field coil.
(Repair at a specialized workshop)
9.2.5 One of the power rectifier diodes faulty. Replace the power rectifier.
(Repair at a specialized workshop)

Continuation of Table 11
Outward fault demonstration
Fault identification algorythm Fix method
9.3 Accumulator battery recharging systematically
9.3.1 Faulty voltage regulator. Replace the voltage regulator.
(Repair at a specialized work-
9.3.2 Voltage regulator bridging to “Ш” lead housing. Insulate the damaged place.
(Repair at a specialized work-
9.4 Alternator noise
9.4.1 Drive belt slipping or excessive tensioning. Adjust the drive belt tension-

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2.3.7 Safety measures with engine appropriate use

To ensure safe work and avoid accidents during engine operation and technical mainte-
nance, observe the following rules:
- Begin working only after proper study of the diesel engine design and operation and
maintenance rules;
- Do not operate vehicles with faulty engines;
- Do not run the engine in a closed room with poor ventilation;
- Do engine maintenance and rectify failures with the engine not running and at cooling
liquid temperature in the cooling system not over 60°С;
- To avoid face and hands burn, when removing the radiator orifice cap on a hot engine,
use gloves or a piece of cloth;
- Mount and dismantle the engine using slings run through the eyes located on the engine
(the slinging scheme according to Annex “И”);
- Do not us eopen fire for the engine fuel pipelines and oil sump heating in the cold season
of the year;
- Make sure there are no flammable materials near the engine exhaust manifold, turbo-
charger and silencer;
- Do engine fueling and oiling using special appliances and observing the fire safety rules.
- When draining the fuel system (or purging), pour the fuel only into a separate vessel
- Do not heat the sucked in air by open fire in front of the air cleaner;
- Do not start the engine with the cooling system not filled with the cooling liquid;
- After engine shutdown, switch the accumulator batteries off, but not earlier than 1 mi-
nute after ignition switch-off and engine shutdown.
The rooms where engines are run must be equipped with influx/exhaust ventilation, while
the engine exhaust system must be equipped with an independent gas diversion line ensur-
ing forced exhaust gas diversion from the engine silencer to the outside of the room.

2.4 Operation in extreme conditions

In the event of an accident, immediately stop the engine, switching off the fuel supply by
the ignition lock or emergency stop button, if available.
In emergency situations, when flame appears on the engine, pour sand on the flames, cov-
er them with a tarpaulin cloth or other thick canvas. Use carbon acid fire extinguisher. Do
not pour water on the burining flame.
In the event of spontaneous acceleration of a tractor/ agricultural machine with a gear on,
or spontaneous engine acceleration, shut the engine down using the ingintion lock or
emergency stop button, if available.
In such cases the tractor/ agricultural machine must be towed to the place of repair, rigid-
ly hitched without starting the engine.
All measures for stopping the engine uncontrolled operation must be taken promptly in
order to prevent the engine final failure.

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3.1 Diesel engine maintenance
3.1.1 General instructions
Diesel engine maintenance is done for the purpose of keeping it properly functioning in
the process of operation.
Not observing the scheduled periodicity or low quality maintenance significantly shorten
its operation life, lead to the increasing failures, bring down the engine power, ecology
parameters and result in more costs for its operation.
Engine operation without the regular technical maintenance is not permissible.
The deviation from the scheduled engine maintenance periodicity is acceptable only within
the limit of ±10%.
The records on the scheduled routine maintenance (except for those relating to the Annual
Technical Maintenance) must be enetered in a tractor/ machine/ combine harvester log-
While performing technical maintenance before a lengthy storage period or Technical
Maintenance-3, the engine must undergo diagnostics in order to determine a necessity of
repair or repair type – current or overhaul repair.
All malfunctions discovered in the course of maintenance must be eliminated. Mainte-
nance operations linked with assembly units disassembling must be performed in closed
rooms to prevent dust and dirt getting into the diesel engine assembly units cavities.
For correct and safe diesel engine operation, maintenance within the engine
warranty period is recommende at the manufacturer service centers specified at: www.po-mmz. Technical maintenance types and periodicity

Technical maintenance types and periodicity are shown in Table 12.
Table 12
Diesel engine use
Maintenance type
All year round Сезонное
Periodicity or operation hours
1 Maintenance before operation run-in Before new diesel engine putting
into operation or that of over-
According to the instructions in
items 2.2.2 – 2.2.5.
2 Maintenance after operation run-in Before new diesel engine putting
into operation or that of over-
According to the instructions in
item п.2.3.4
3 Monthly maintenace (MM) 8-10
4 1 Maintenance (TM-1) 125
5 2 Maintenance (TM-2) 500
6 3 Maintenance (TM-3) 1000

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7 Seasonal maintenance while transferring from the Done simultane-
autumn-winter (TM-AW) or the spring-summer ously with the
(TM-SS) operation periods. - routine scheduled
maintenance (TM-
1, TM-2, TM-3)

8 Maintenance for a short-time storage (10 days – 1 According to item and sec-
month) preparation. tion 5.
9 Maintenance for a long-time storage preparation. According to item and sec-
tion 5.
According to item and
10 Maintenance during a long-time storage.
section 5.
11 Maintenance before the operation season (TM- According to item
Maintenance cycle (not including MM, TM-AW and TM-SS) when installed in tractor/ ma-
chine, combine harvester will be: TM-1 » 2TM-1 » TM-1 » TM-2 » TM-1 » 2TM-1 » TM-1
» TM-3 » TM-1 »2TM-1 » TM-1 » TM-2 » TM-1 » 2TM-1 » TM-1 » 2TM-3. Diesel engine maintenance

before combine harvester operation season (TM-Э)

Take the engine back from dead storage as described in item
Mount back in place the parts and units kept separately during the dead storage.
Adjust the drive belts tension.
Check hermeticity of all air cleaner and inlet duct couplings. Maintenance staff and requirements to it.

Table 13
type Maintenance staff and staff skills

MM Driver, operator, or engine mechanic of a tractor, combine harvest-

er or a machine where the diesel engine is installed.
TM-1; 2TM-1; 3-4 class locksmith having general technical training according to
TM-2; SS; AW the locksmith training program, familiar with the D-260S3A engine
and its modifications design and operation principles; opearator,
driver or engine mechanic of a tractor, combine harvester or a ma-
chine where the diesel engine is installed
TM-3; 2TM-3 4–5 class engine mechanic or fixer and 3–4 class locksmith, having
general technical training according to the locksmith training pro-
gram, familiar with the D-260S3A engine and its modifications de-
sign and operation principles or engine mechanic of a tractor, com-
bine harvester or a machine where the diesel engine is installed,
skilled specialist for diagnostics and maintenance of the COM-
MON RAIL fuel management system. Requirements to diesel engine before maintenance

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An engine meant for maintenance must undergo technical examination with the purpose of
finding the locations of fuel and oil leakage, which are difficult to discover after the engine
wash. After the technical examination the engine must be cleaned and washed.
The quality of washing to a great extent affects the engine troublfree operation and the
engine parts and units durability. Improper cleaning may reduce the engine operation life
by 20 – 30 % and more. Washing the engine, it is not permissible to send direct water flow
on the CRS electronic control system sensors plugs-and-sockets, ECU and harnesses
To do some adjustment work during the maintenance, the diesel engine must be heated up
to the necessary temperature mode specified in this Manual.
Technical maintenance must be commenced only after visual examination and proper
tightening of loosened fixtures. Upon maintenance completion, the engine, as part of a
machine, is sent to the storage site or for fuelling for continuation of the scheduled work.
The basic and backup fuel and oil materials list is given in Table А.1 (Annex “А”).

3.1.2 Safety measures

To ensure safe operation and avoid accidents during the engine maintenance, observe the
following rules:
- eligible to the engine washing are persons having been theoretically and practically in-
- using ungrounded washing equipment or that having a pump electric motor not set to
“0” is not permissible.
- washing is not permissible outside specially equipped locations ensuring ecological safe-
- do not run the engine in a closed room with poor ventilation;
- maintenance and faults elimination must be done with the engine not running;
- to avoid face and hands burn, when removing the radiator orifice cap on a hot engine,
use gloves or a piece of cloth
- the appliances used in maintenance must be in a proper working condition;
- the tools must be in a proper working condition and of the relevant sizes;
- for visual inspection, use portable light sources with the voltage of not higher than 12V;
- draining fuel out of the coarse and fine fuel filters when removing the sediment, filling
the fuel system (purging) must be done only into a vessel;
- drain oil and storage mixtures only into a vessel;
- do not allow fuel and oil materials spill on the working site;
- the working place for maintenance must be equipped with fire extinguishing means.

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3.1.3 Maintenance procedures Scope of work at scheduled maintenance types

Table 14
Maintenance type
Work description
MM TM-1 2TM-1 TM-2 TM-3 2TM-3 SS AW
1 Check oil level in the engine
+ + + + +
2 Check the cooling liquid level
+ + + + +
in the cooling system.
3 Clean the alternator from dust
+ + + + + +
with compressed air.
4** Pour sediment out of the
See Notes
fuel pre-filter.
5 Check the belts tension. + + + + +
6 Check the air cleaner for clog-
+ +
ging (filter elements condition).
Continuation of Table 14
Maintenance type
Work description
MM TM-1 2TM-1 TM-2 TM-3 2TM-3 SS AW
7 Service the gas exchange sys-
+ +
tem components.
8* Clean the centrifugal oil filter
+ + + +
9* Replace the oil filter. + + + +
10* Replace oil in the engine oil
+ + + +
11 Check hermeticity of all air
+ + +
cleaner and inlet duct couplings.
12 Tighten the cylinder head
+ +
13 Check the clearance between
+ + +
the valves and rockers.
14 Wash the engine breathers. +
15** Replace the coarse fuel fil-
See Notes
16*** Replace the fine fuel filter. See Notes
17 Service the air cleaner. + + +
18 Replace the air cleaner main
+ +
filter element.
19 **** Do the “COMMON
See Notes
RAIL” system overall service.
20 Check the engine starter motor
condition (brushes, collector, +
springs, terminals etc.).
21 Wash the cooling system. +

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22 Replace the winter oil by the
summer oil in the engine sump.
23 Set the alternator seasonal
voltage adjustment screw (if
available) to the "Л" position
24 Replace the summer oil by the
winter oil in the engine sump.
Continuation of Table 14
Maintenance type
Work description
MM TM-1 2TM-1 TM-2 TM-3 2TM-3 SS AW
25 Set the alternator seasonal
voltage adjustment screw (if
available) to the "З" position

* - diesel engines installed in combine harvesters require centrifugal oil filter rotor
cleaning, replacement of oil filter and oil in the engine oil sump every 125 operation
** - the TM periodicity is set in the relevant tractor/ machine Oeration & Maintenance
*** - fine fuel filter replacement is done every 600 diesel engine operation hours or as
recommende by the “COMMON RAIL” diagnostics.
**** - maintenance is done every 3 000 engine operation hours at special “COMMON
RAIL” system service centers.

3.1.4 Checking the engine operation condition

The engine operation condition is checked by way of technical diagnostics.
The diagnostics are done at: engine putting to long-time storage at TM-3, after scheduled
operations hours between maintenances and while checking the engine repair quality.
Those doing TM-3 must possess equipment for resource technical diagnostics or use a
mobile diagnostics machine.
Before engine diagnostics the following preparation work must be done: examine the en-
gine visually, clean it from dust and dirt, wash the engine and intervew the engine opera-
tor on its functioning.
With any information on the engine parts and units wear extreme wear, such as: crank-
shaft bearings distruction detected by knocking during operation, damage or serious de-
fects of cylinder block, the engine must be sent to overhaul.
Diagnosting of some units, devices and systems is done with the use of generalized indica-
tors of technical condition (output, oil pressure, water temperature, specific fuel consump-
tion, amount of gas penetrating the engine crankcase) with which you may estimate the
condition of pistons, piston rings, cylinder liners and crank mechanism.
Before testing the engine it is necessary to: check the units mounting, service (clean) the
air cleaner; replace the fuel fine filter, check the turbocharger; check and adjust the drive
belts tension, gas exchange mechanism valves, check and, if necessary, restore the oil lev-
el in the engine and fuel pump sumps, check the cooling liquid in the radiator, check fuel

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in the fuel tank. With that job done and rectifying the discovered faults, you may begin the

The diesel engine controllable parameters – according to item, Table 3.

Measurement means for determining the engine controllable parameters – according to
item, Table 4.
Upon the diesel engine warranty period expiration, it is permissible to determine the en-
gine output by the non-braking method. The non-braking method allows to determine the
output and fuel economy by the effective fuel consumption. At that, there is no necessity to
dismantle the engine from the machine.
When testing the engine with the non-braking method, connect a КИ-8955 or КИ-8940
type fuel consumption meter to the low pressure fuel system and mount a КИ-5653 type
load imitator on the air intake pipe. Connect piezometer to the air supply system inlet
The engine is started and heated up to the normal heat condition and, at set modes, deter-
mine the effective fuel consumption by which the engine output is finally determined.
If necessary, to estimate the technical condition of parts and units (beraing units, belt
drives, shafts) not having generalized indicators they use the size parameters (gaps, clear-
ances, lifts), try the parts and units or visually inspect them. All faults discovered by tech-
nical diagnostics must be rectified by current repair or overhaul.

3.1.5 Proofing (reproofing) for storage

Depending on diesel engines scope of delivery agreed in contracts with customers, the en-
gines are proofed for storage from 6 months to one year periods. The particular proofing
period is specified in an engine passport.
With the engine storage period exceeding that in the passport, it must undergo reproofing.
Engine reproofing after a 6 months storage must be done for a one year period. Repeated
reproofing under a 6 months standard is not permissible.
Enegine proofing as part of a tractor/machine for a short storage period (10 days to 1
month) is done as described in item
Enegine proofing as part of a tractor/machine for a long storage period (over 1 month) as
well as reproofing for over 6 months is done as described in item
It should be noted that after the engine start depreservation of its inner cavities, cooling
and fuel supply systems takes place. Engine proofing before short storage
Drain motor oil from from the engine oil sump into suitable vessel at the ambient tempera-
ture and the engine parts temperature not higher than 60ºС.
Put and screw the oil drainage plug into the oil sump tray.
Fill the oil sump with motor oil to the appropriate level as recommended by the
Chemmotological Chart (Annex “А”).
Fill the fuel tank with the recommended fuel (Annex “А”).
Let the engine run without load for 2 minutes at 1200 min .
Do not drain the oil from the oiling system and the fuel from the engine power system after
the engine shutdown.
Check the air cleaner and, if necessary, service it.

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If frosty weather is expected during the engine storage period, check the cooling liquid for
conformity to the required frost resistance and, if necessary, replace it. If needed, add
cooling liquid up to the expansion tank mark.
Clean the outside of the engine (except for electrical parts) with fuel and compressed air.
Cover with polyethylene film STATE STANDARD 10354-82 and tie up the air cleaner inlet
branch, silencer outlet branch and the engine breathers with string ШЛ 4,0 (0,25) Н1 «б»
STATE STANDARD17308-88. Engine proofing (reproofing) before long storage

Fill the cooling system with proofing solution (thickened aqueous sodium chromate) of the
following composition (g/l):
Drain the cooling liquid from the the cooling system and wash with pure soft water under
- glycerine STATE STANDARD 6823-77 - 800;
- potassium dichromate STATE STANDARD 4220-75 - 30…50;
- soda ash STATE STANDARD 5100-85 - 6…10;
- drinking water STATE STANDARD 2874-82 - 140…165
(to prepare the solution, Preliminarily dissolve soda in warm water and introduce it to the
proofing solution when cooled down).
Start the engine and let it run till the temperature goes up to 60...80 (ºС).
Drain motor oil from the engine oil sump into a suitable vessel at the ambient temperature
and the engine parts temperature not higher than 60ºС.
Remove and utilize the oil filter. Clean the centrifugal oil filter rotor. Mount and screw the
oil drainage plug in to the oil sump tray.
Install a new oil filter.
Pour washing proofing oil “Белакор АН-Т ТУ (TECH. CONDITIONS) Belarus
03535026.291-97” into the oil sump or motor oil recommended for the engine (Annex
“А”) with 15…25% of additive “АКОР-1 STATE STANDARD 15171-78”. Add additive
“АКОР-1” to the motor oil in a few doses with vigorous stirring until a homogenious mix-
ture. The mixture homogeneity is characterized by the absence of black or dark brown
stains in the mixture flushes coming down from the stiring rod.
Before using the “Белакор АН-Т” oil, it is necessary to thoroughly stir it. The “Белакор
АН-Т” should not be heated (in the winter season, with the oil thickening, it is allowable
to heat it up to 80°С).
Drain fuel from the fuel tank.
Pour enough clean diesel fuel, Standard “СТБ 1658-2006”, “F” grade, and let the engine
run for 10 minutes.
(If it is not convenient to drain the fuel from the tank, use a portable vessel filled with rec-
ommended fuel).
Drain fuel from the engine power system, remove the fuel filters (coarse and fine) and uti-
lize them.
Fill the new filters with diesel fuel, Standard “СТБ 1658-2006”, “F” grade, and install
them on the engine. Fill (purge) the engine power system with fuel according to item
3.2.10. Start the engine and let it run for five minutes. The engine stable running will show
that th engine power system is filled up.
Stop the engine and let it cool down. Then disconnect the low pressure fuel pipelines:
-the inlet from the coarse fuel filter to the ECU radiator;
-diverting the redundant fuel the HPFIP into the fuel tank;

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and carefully plug them in order to keep the fuel in the system.
Drain the proofing solution from the engine cooling system.
Drain the proofing oil from the oil sump, mount and tighten the oil drainage plug.
Dismantle, service and store the accumulator battery following the instructions the of
tractor/machine Operation & Maintenance Manual.
Clean the engine outside (except for electrical parts) with fuel and compressed air.
Proofing of the fuel system parts and units (fuel pipelines, rail, fuel filters, injectors, fuel
pump, ECU radiator) is done with the diesel fuel proofing solution recommended for the
engine (Annex А) with 5…10% of the “АКОР-1” additive.
(Add additive “АКОР-1” to the diesel fuel in a few doses with vigorous stirring until a
homogenious mixture. The mixture homogeneity is characterized by the absence of black
or dark brown stains in the mixture flushes coming down from the stiring rod).
Disconnect the compressor air diverting pipe and pour 4-6 grams of proofing oil into the
compressor cylinder.
Mount the air inlet pipe. Switch the compressor on (applies to single-cylinder compres-
Cover the engine with polyethylene film STATE STANDARD 10354-82 and tie up the air
cleaner inlet branch, silencer outlet branch and the engine breathers with string ШЛ 4,0
(0,25) Н1 «б» STATE STANDARD17308-88.
Protect the engine with weather resistant tarpuline spreading it in a way allowing air ac-
The proofed engine must be periodically checked. Should you discover any signs of corro-
sion, you will have to undertake the appropriate measures in order to prevent the engine
parts damage
Applies to the engines meant for proofing with keeping separate from tractor/machine, to
do additionally:
Wipe with a napkin and apply the “Белакор АН-Т” oil or proofing oil on the flywheel
gasket face (if the clutch is not there), hydraulic pumps (gear-pumps) gasket faces, clutch
pressure disk slits, turbocharger outlet hole flange connector (applies to the engines with-
out outlet branch/pipe).
Cover the outer openings of exhaust manifold, intake manifold, thermostat housing, water
pump branch, turbocharger, engine breathers with polyethylene film STATE STANDARD
10354-82 and tie up with string ШЛ 4,0 (0,25) Н1 «б» STATE STANDARD 17308-88.
Cover the starter motor and the air cleaner monocyclone with polyethylene bags and wind
with sticky polyethylene tape STATE STANDARD20477-86 or tie up with string ШЛ 4,0
(0,25) Н1 «б» STATE STANDARD 17308-88.

3.1.6 Engine preparation for putting into operation after return from storage Engine return from short storage

Remove the inlet and outlet branches and engine breathers protective packaging.
Check the cooling liquid and oil levels.
Fill (purge) the engine fuel supply system according to item 3.2.10.
Check and, if necessary, charge the accumulator battery.
Start the engine. Engine return from long storage

Remove the inlet and outlet branches and engine breathers protective packaging.

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Remove the plugs from the inlet and outlet fuel pipelines and connect the pipelines accord-
ing to their normal position.
Using the diesel fuel, remove the proofing oil from the engine outer proofed surfaces.
Fill the oil sump with motor oil according to the Chemmatological Chart (Annex “А”) up
to the appropriate level. Fill (purge) the engine fuel supply system with fuel according to
item 3.2.10.
Close all drainage taps and fill the engine cooling system with colling liquid of the rec-
ommended type according to the Chemmatological Chart (Annex “А”) up to the appropri-
ate level.
Install and connect the accumulator battery. Charge the battery, if necessary.
Disconnect the inlet oil pipeline from the turbocharger central bearings housing. Prelimi-
narily, oil the bearings pouring oil into the orifice up to the flange level.
Connect the inlet oil pipeline using a new gasket, tighten the inlet oil pipeline flange bolts.
Start the engine.
Heat the engine up to the normal operation temperature and diagnose it for error codes
according to item 2.3.6.

3.2 Diesel engine and its components maintenance

3.2.1 Checking the cooling liquid level in the cooling system
The cooling liquid level in the cooling system must be checked every worlin shift before
the engine statrt.
Remove the radiator cap and check the cooling liquid level, which must be reaching the
orifice upper face. Do not allow the cooling liquid level lower than 40 mm from the orifice
upper face.

3.2.2 Cooling system maintenance and washing

The cooling system must be filled with low freezing cooling liquid.
Watch the cooling liquid temperature, the normal operation temperature must stay within
80-100°С. At the temperature rise over the normal, check the cooling liquid level in the
radiator, the radiator hermeticity and the fan belt tension.
When necessary, but at least every 2 000 diesel engine operation hours, wash the cooling
system. Washing the cooling system use a 50-60 soda ash per 1 litre of water solution.
The cooling system washing is done in the following order:
- pour in 2 litres of kerosene and fill the system with the ready solution;
- start the engine and let it run 8-10 hours, after that drain the solution and wash the cool-
ing system with pure water.

3.2.3 Checking oil level in the engine oil sump

Checking oil level in the engine oil sump must be done every working shift before the en-
gine start with an oil level feeler rod located on the engine cylinder block. The oil level
must stay between oil feeler rod lower and upper marks as shown on Fig.18. This check
must be done not earlier than 3-5 minutes after the engine shutdown, when all of the oil is
down in the oil sump. It is not permissible to keep the oil level less than the lower mark
and higher than the upper mark of the oil feeler rod.

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Fig. 18- Checking oil level in the engine oil sump.

3.2.4 Replacing oil in the engine oil sump

Oil in the diesel engine oil sump must be replaced after every 250 operation hours and in
case of using lower quality analogous oils or fuel with highsulphur contents – after every
125 operation hours.
Drain used oil only from a heated engine. To drain the used oil, screw out the oil sump
plug. A soon as all of the oil is out screw the plug back in place. Pour new oil through the
oil filling branch up to the oil gauge upper mark. Fill the oil sump only with the oil rec-
ommended by this Manual, according to the season of operation.
3.2.5 Replacing he oil filter Replacing he oil filter
Oil filter must be replaced after every 10 thousand of vehicle run or upon the results of the
“COMMON RAIL” system diagnostics, as shown on Fig.19, in the following order:
- unscrew filter ФМ 037-1012005 from connector 3 using a special spanner or other tools
- screw a new ФМ 037-1012005 (OJSC «Avtoagregat», Livny, Russia) filter on the con-
nector. When mounting the filter on the connector, apply motor oil on gasket 4. As soon as
the gasket touches the housing base surface of filter 1, screw the filter further for 3-4
turns. The filter on housing mounting must be done with hands only.
In the future, order oil filter ФМ 037-1012005 at: 303858, Russia, the Oriol Region,
Livny, 2а Industrialnaya Street, OJSC “Avtoagregat”.

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1 – filter housing; 2 – filter; 3 – connector; 4 – filter gasket; 5 – anti-drainage valve; 6 – spring; 7 – by-
pass valve.
Fig. 19 – Oil filter

3.2.6 Cleaning the centrifugal oil filter rotor

Cleaning the centrifugal oil filter rotor is done simultaneously with oil replacement in the
engine oil sump.
As shown on Fig. 20, unscrew nut 1 of the centrifugal oil filter cap 2 mounting and remove
it. Check for presence of the balance mark in the rotor housing cup (put the mark, if it is
not there). Lock the rotor from turning, for that purpose put a screw driver or a rod be-
tween the filter housing and the rotor bottom and, turning nut 4of the rotor cup mounting
with a spanner, remove rotor cup 3.
Check the rotor filtering screen 5 condition, clean and wash it, if necessary.
Using a non-metalic scraper, remove the sediments from the rotor cup inner walls.
Before assemblying the cup with the rotor housing, apply motor oil on the rubber sealing
ring. Align the balancing marks on the cup and the rotor housing. The cup mounting nut
should be screw with little effort until complete cup fitting on the rotor. After assemblying,
the rotor must rotate freely without jamming with a move by hand.
Put the centrifugal oil filter cap back in place and screw the cap nut at 35...50 N·m.

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1–nut; 2-cap; 3-cup; 4-special nut; 5-filtering screen
Fig. 20 – Cleaning the centrifugal oil filter rotor.

3.2.7 Sediment removal from fuel pre-filter

See tractor/ machine Operation & Maintenance Manual.

3.2.8 Fuel pre-filter replacement Replacing fuel pre-filter

See tractor/ machine Operation & Maintenance Manual.
Fill the system with fuel after filter assembly.

3.2.9 Replacing fine fuel filter

Fine fuel filter service life depends on the purity of the fuel used.
Fine fuel filter is replaced after every 6oo hours of operation or upon the results of the
“COMMON RAIL” system diagnostics as shown on Fig.21, for that purpose:
- unscrew filter 1 from connector 7 in housing 2 and replace it by a new filter Mann &
Hummel WDK962 shippedassembled together with gasket 6, which must be preliminarily
oiled with motor oil;
- as soon as gasket 6 touches mounting surface “A” on housing 2, further screw the filter
in by ¾ of a turn. At that, the filter must be screwd further by hand only;
- open the fuel tank tap and fill the sytem with fuel as described in item 3.2.10.

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1 – filter Mann & Hummel WDK962; 2 – filter housing; 3 – bracket; 4 – connector; 5 – plug (for letting
out air); 6 – gasket; 7 – connector.
Fig. 21- Replacing fine fuel filter.

3.2.10 Filling the fuel system Filling the fuel system

To fill the fuel system, it is necessary to remove air from it (purge the system). For that
Unscrew plug 5 (Fig. 22) located on the fine fuel filter outlet connector mounting bolt by
2-3 turns.Purge the system with booster (priming) pump 9 located on fuel coarse filter
housing 8, screw plug 5 in (torque – 7…8 Nm) when you see fuel coming out without air
Unscrew turn-elbow 3 bolt of the fuel drainage pipelines mounting on HPFIP housing 1
by 2…3 turns and continue purging by the booster pump until you see fuel coming out
without air bubbles. Screw bolt 7 (torque 3…4 Nm).

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1- High pressure fuel injection pump; 2 – fuel priming pump; 3 – drainage pipelines turn-elbow bolt
drainage pipelines turn-elbow bolt; 4 – fine fuel filter; 5 – plug; 6 – ECU radiator; 7 – air outlet plug; 8 –
coarse fuel filter; 9 – hand booster pump; 10- air outlet plug;
Fig. 22 - Removing air from the fuel system
Switching over to the “winter” or “summer” operation period and, therefore, changing
the type of fue, to speed up the fuel system filling, use all available plugs for letting air out
and do step-by-step air removal through plugs 10, 7, 5 and turn-elbow bolt 3.

3.2.11 Servicing the air cleaner

Servicing the air cleaner with a papter filterelement made of special highly porous card-
board is done after every 500 engine operation hours or, if necessary, by the indication of
the clogging signalizer. Servicing the air cleaner includes purging of the main filter ele-
ment, which retains dust coming into the air cleaner. The control filter element clogging
says for damage of the main filter element (paper curtain broken, bottoms coming off). In
this case it is necessary to purge the control filter element and replace the main one.
Servicing the air cleaner as shown on Fig.20 is done in the following order:
- remove the monocyclone; clean the screen, the swirler and the monocyclone outlet holes
from dust and dirt;
- remove tray 6;
- remove main filter element 1.
It is not recommended to take control filter element 2 out of the housing.
Blow the main filter element with compressed air, first the inside and then the outside
unitll complete dust removal. To avoid the paper curtain breaking, the compressed air
pressure should not exceed 0,2-0,3MPa.

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1 – main filter element; 2 – control filter element; 3 – gasket; 4 – wing-nut; 5 – ring; 6 – tray; 7 – housing,
8 - monocyclone
Fig. 23 - Air cleaner

Air flow must be directed at an angle relative to the filter element surface. When serviced,
the filter element must be protected from mechanical damage and oiling.
It is not permissible to purge the filter element with exhaust gases or wash it with diesel
Clean the inlet pipe, the air cleaner housing and tray inner surfaces from dust and dirt.
Before assemblying the air cleaner, check the sealing rings condition.
When assemblying, make sure the filter elements are correctly installed in the housing and
properly tighten the wing-nut by hand.
3.2.12 Checking the air cleaner and the inlet duct connections hermeticity

Checking the hermeticity of the air cleaner and the inlet duct connections is done during
TM-2. To check the hermeticity use device КИ-4870 ГОСНИТИ. With this device unavail-
able, check the hermeticity visually.

3.2.13 Washing the engine breathers

The engine breathers must be washed with diesel fuel after every 2 000 hours of engine
operation. To do that, remove the breathers housings, take the breathers out of the cylin-
der heads cover caps, wash them and purge with compressed air. Put the breathers and
breathers housings back in place.

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3.2.14 Tightening the cylinder heads mounting bolts
The cylinder heads mounting bolts tightening is done after every 1 000 operation hours on
a hot engine in the following order:
- remove the caps and the cylinder heads covers;
- remover the rocker axles together with the rockers and the brackets;
- using a dynamometric spanner tighen all of the cylinder heads mounting bolts, prelimi-
narily having loosened them by 1/6 of a turn in thre stages:
while installing cylinder heads gaskets 714-63-09 (260-1003020): torques 1) 50±10 N·m,
2) 170±10 N·m, 3) 240±10 N·m.
while installing cylinder heads gaskets 719-73-08 (263-1003020): torques 1) 50±10 N·m,
2) 190±10 N·m, 3) 260+10 N·m.
The sequence of tightening is shown on Fig.24.
After tightening the cylinder heads mounting bolts, put the rocker axles back in place and
adjust the gap between the rockers and the valves as described in item 3.2.15. Put the cy-
linder heads covers and the covers caps back in place.
This image cannot currently be displayed.

Fig. 24- Sequence of cylinder heads mounting bolts tightening

3.2.15 Checking the gaps between the valves and the rockers

Checking and adjusting the gaps between the valves and the rockers is done after every
500 operation hours preceded by checking of the cylinder heads mounting bolts tightening
or, if necessary, on a cold engine (the water and oil temperature must not exceed 60ºС).
+0 , 05
The gap between the valve stems ends and the rocker strikers must stay within 0,25 −0,10 mm
+0 , 05
for intake valves and 0,45 −0,10 mm foe exhaust valves.
When adjusting the gap between a valve stem end and a rocker striker on a cold engine
keep to:
- intake valves - 0,25 −0,05 mm;
- exhaust valves - 0,45 −0,05 mm;
Do adjustment in the following order:
- remove the cylinder heads cover caps and check the rocker axles brackets mounting bolts

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- rotate the crankshaft till the first cylinder valves overshoot (the first cylinder intake valve
starts opening and the exaust valve ends closing);
- adjust the gaps of the third, fifth, seventh, tenth, eleventh and twelveth valves (counting
from the fan), then rotate the crankshaft by one turn setting the overshoot in the sixth cyl-
inder and adjust the gaps of the first, second, fourth, sixth, eighth and nineth valves.
To adjust the gaps, loosen locknut 2 of adjustment screw 3 as shown on Fig.25 and, screw-
ing or unscrewing the screw, set the required gap per feeler rod 1 between the rocker
striker and the valve stem end.
Having set the gap, tighten the locknut and check the gap with the feeler rod again turning
the bar. Adjustment finished, put the cylinder heads cover caps back in place.
The valves may be adjusted also in each cylinder when the piston is in the top dead center.
To do that, turn the crankshaft till the first cylinder piston reaches the top dead center cor-
responding to the end of the compression stroke (the setting pin indicator on the gas dis-
tribution gears cover and the TDC mark on the torsional vibrations damper housing scale
coincide) and adjust the first cylinder valves gap.
Rotate the crankshaft by 1/3 of a turn and adjust the gaps of the fifth cylinder valves. At
that, the valves gaps must be adjusted in the order corresponding to the cylinders firing
order(1-5-3-6-2-4) with rotating the crankshaft by 1/3 of a turn clockwise.

1 – feeler rod; 2- locknut; 3 – adjustment screw

Fig. 25 – Adjusting the valves gaps

3.2.16 The “COMMON RAIL” system maintenance

The “COMMON RAIL” system maintenance is done at specialized service centers by the
specialists of the“COMMON RAIL”system specialized service centers.
Replacement of injectors after the “COMMON RAIL” system testing is done taking into
account an injector and a nozzle labeling applied in the locations shown on Fig.26.
Replacing an injector or a nozzle without using special equipment and specially trained
staff, as well as within the warranty period, is not permissible. Replacing an injector noz-
zle during the warranty period may be done only by a BOSCH service center or by a
BOSCH authorized workshop.

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Fig. 26 - Injector

3.2.17 Alternator maintenance

There is no need in the alternator special maintenance during the engine operation. Sea-
sonal alternator voltage “winter-summer” adjustment is done with a “winter-summer”
adjustment screw (if available) located on the alternator rear wall.
Diesel engines may be equipped with alternators with automatic “winter-summer” voltage
adjustment. With that, the “winter-summer” adjustment screw is not there.
Make sure the alternator mounting and that of the alternator wiring are reliable and keep
the alternator outer surface and terminals clean.
The alternator operability is checked with a voltage meter or with a control lamp and an
ammeter located on a vehicle dashboard. With the alternator operable, a control lamp
lights up at the mass switch-on before the engine start. After the engine start and at the
engine running at the middle speed the control lamp fades away, the voltage metter arrow
must stay in the green zone and the ammeter must show some charge current the value of
which goes down as the battery charge is restored.

3.2.18 Checking the belts tension

Checking the belts tension is done after every 125 engine operation hours.
The alternator belt tension is considered normal, if its deflection on the branch “crank-
shaft pulley-alternator pulley” stays within 13 mm to 18 mm when pressed with a force of
40±2 N. To adjust the belt tension, loosen the alternator mounting. Adjust the belt tension
turning the alternator housing. Tighten the alternator plate mounting bolt and the alterna-
tor mounting bolt nuts.

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The water pump drive belt (D-260.1S3А, D-260.2S3А, D-260.4S3А) deflection must stay
within 9…18 mm when the branch “water pump pulley-crankshaft pulley” is pressed on
with the force of 39,2±2,0 N.

3.2.19 Checking the starter motor condition

Checking the starter motor condition is done after every 1 000 engine operation hours in
the following manner:
- check the mounting bolts tightening, if necessary, tighten them;
- clean the ends of the wires leading to the starter motor terminals and the accumulator
battery and tighten their mountings.
The preventive examination and servicing must be done after every 2 000 engine operation
Remove the cover from the collector side and check the brush-collector unit condition. The
coolector working surface must be smooth and should not contain any stains of considera-
ble burn. If the collector is dirty or has stains of considerable burn, wipe it with a clean
napkin soaked in gasoline. If it is impossible to remove dirt or stains of burn by wiping,
clean the collector with a piece of small grained sand paper. With stains of considerable
burn not going off with wiping use a machine tool for cleaning the collector.
The brushes must freely travel inside the holders and be firmly pressed to the collector. In
case of the brushes extreme wear as well as with considerable cleavage replace them by
new ones. Blow the brush-collector unit and the cover with compressed air on the collec-
tor side.
Check the starter notor relay contact system condition. With considerable burn, clean the
contact bolts and the contact plate with a piece of sand paper or a file removing the une-
venness caused by burn, but not damaging the copper bolts contact surfaces flatness. With
the contact plate and bolts extreme wear, turn the contact plate over and the contact bolts
for 180°. Check smoothness of the drive travel along the armature shaft. At the relay
switch-on/ switch-off the drive must travel along the armature shaft slits without jamming.
Remove dirty thick grease from the inner surfaces of the drive guiding bush (slit and
smooth) brought from the crankcase, which prevents smooth drive axial motion in the
shaft slits at the gear engagement with the flywheel toothed rim. Spread a thin layer of
ЦИАТИМ-221 (ЦИАТИМ-203, ЦИАТИМ-201) grease on the cleaned surfaces.
Do visual check of the drive gear and thrust washers condition. The gap between the gear
ends and thrust washers at a switched-on position must stay within 2...4 mm.

3.2.20 Turbocharger maintenance

Turbochrger does not require special maintenance during operation, partial or complete
disassemblying is not permissible. Partial or complete disassemblying as well as repair
are permissible after the turbocharger dismantling from the engine and only by a special-
ized company. The turbocharger long lasting and reliable operation depends on observa-
tion of the rules of periodicity of the engine oiling and air cleaning systems maintenance,
the type of oil recommended by the manufacturer, oil pressure checking in the oiling sys-
tem, timely replacement of or cleaning of air and oil filters. Damaged oil supply and
drainage pipelines and air pipelines to the turbochargerу must be replaced immediately.
When replacing the turbocharger, pour pure oil in the oil inlet orifice up to the flange lev-
el, and do not use sealants when mounting the pipelines gaskets.

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3.2.21 Compressor maintenance
Compressor does not require special maintenance during operation. If found faulty, the
compressor must be sent to a specialized workshop where skilled specialists will identify
the fault cause and rectify it.

3.2.22 Maintenance of gas exchange system components with EGR device

To ensure the D-260S3А engine stable power and economy parameters within the opera-
tion life, maintenance of the charge air cooler (CAC) must be done after every 250 engine
operation hours (2TM-1) and that of the EGR cooler after every 500 engine operation
hours (TM-2).
Technical maintenance includes cleaning from asphalt-tar formations by plunging and
keeping in dissolving-emulsifying agent with the subsequent rinsing in synthetic washing

Washing agents and modes of parts cleaning from asphalt-tar formations

Working concen- Solution tem-

Washing agents Duration, min
tration, g/l, % perature, ℃
Dissolving-emulsifying agent:
Labomid-203 ТУ (Tech.
Conditions) 38-10738 20-30 80-90 30-40
Rinsing agents:
Labomid-102 ТУ (Tech. Condi-
tions) 38-10738 or
Temp 100Д ТУ (Tech. Condi-
tions) 38-40843 5±0,1 80±5 10-15

It is permissible to use glycocoll ethers Dowanol PnB or Dowanol PnР manufac-

tured by Dow Europe GmbH for CAC and EGR cooler cleaning by way of plunging and
keeping in the cleaning agent within 30 minutes. Then let the ether flow down from the
inner cavites and keep the cleaned parts plunged in synthetic washing agent for windows
or kitchen washing agent for 30….90 minutes. Let the washing agent go flow down.
* - to save on consumables, it is permissible to pour the agents into the cleaned cavi-

4.1 Engine current repair
4.1.1 General instructions
Engine current repair is done to ensure or restore the engine operability and it implies re-
placement or rehabilitation of particular engine parts. Current repair is done with the en-
gine failures (malfunctions) or damage, which may not be eliminated by adjust in tech-
nical maintenance.

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The signs for necessity of engine current repair are: rise of fuel consumption, increased
oil burn, oil pressure dropdown, deterioration of the engine start ability.
Fauly components at current repair may be replaced by new ones, provided the other en-
gine parts still have considerable operation resource.
It is necessary to do current repair keeping the belonging of the rehabilitated components
to the particular engine. With this method the engine parts and units remaining life is pre-
served to the most extent, because there is no need in increased bedding in and, with that,
there is no excessive wear of parts and couplings functional without rehabilitation.
Current repair must be done by skilled technician staff familiar with the design and opera-
tion of D-260S3A diesel engine and its modifications.
Installed on the engine for preliminary technical condition diagnostics during the engine
operation are: oiling system oil pressure indicator sensor and alarm pressure signalizer
sensor located in the heat exchanger cover; cooling liquid temperature indicator sensor
and cooling liquid alarm temperature indicator sensor located in the thermostats housing.
The air cleaner clogging extent is controlled by the air filter clogging signalizer sensor
which activates the signal lamp at the air filter clogging over the permissible.
The control devices showing the sensors information are located on tractor/combine har-
vester/machine dashboard.
The list of the diesel engine component possible failures and damage and conditions of
their elimination by current repair are given in Table 15.

Table 15
Failures and damage to be eliminated by current repair in the
conditions of:
Engine component
Company workshops Specialized repair companies
Turbocharger - All failures and damage
- All failures and damage
system units
Cylinder head Loss of valves hermeti- Wear of valves guiding holes inner
city surfaces; valve seat extreme wear;
head-to-block surface buckling;
cracks; threaded holes damage
Cylinder liner-piston Reduction or loss of the
gas connection sealing -
Water pump All failures and damage -
Cebtrifugal oil filter - All failures and damage
Oil pump - Reduction of productivity
Gear pump - Reduction of productivity
Clutch - All failures and damage
Compressor Reduction of productivity
Starter motor Errosive starter motor re- Coils windings short circuit; coils
lay contact couple wear; windings insulation damage; bear-
collector beushes wear ings wear; drive failure

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4.1.2 Safety measures
Eligible to do current repair are workers with special training having certificates confirm-
ing their skills, properly instructed for operation safety measures, fire safety etc.
Dismantling of faulty parts and units is done only with the engine not running.
When examining the engine use a portable lamp with the voltage of not more than 24V.
Fuel and oil drainage must be done into a sepaeate vessel. Fuel and oil spilt on the floor
mst be frist covered with sand or wooden chips and then taken away from the working
Using lifting appliances make sure the handled components are securely clamped. The lift-
ing appliances must bear labeling with the indication of their lifting capacity. Using loft-
ing appliances with weight exceeding their lifting capacity and moving cargos over other
people is not permissible. It is not permissible to pile large parts and units one on another
thus creating a hazard situation.
Do parts and units washing in a specially equipped for that purpose place. Working with
not grounded equipment and the fuel pump electric motor not set to “0” is not permissible.
Disassembling and assemblying small parts and units is done on workbenches, large parts
and units – on special benches.
Tools and appliances used must be kept in proper condition. Pulling (extracting) appli-
ances must not contain cracks, kinked rods or damaged threading. It is not permissible to
use worn out or bad tools and appliances. The working tools must be of the proper sizing.
It is not permissible to use bad conditions spanners or spanners with deformed gaps.
To check holes coincidence, it is necessary to use a mandre,l a pinchbar or a bolt, but not
Using a drilling or a rough-grinding machine pneumatic tools, follow the established safe-
ty rules.
Using electric tools, take the necessary safety precautions: use tools only with proper in-
sulation, do the tools housings grounding, use individual protective means.
The working place must be equipped with the necessary fire extinguishing appliances.

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4.2 Engine components current repair
Description of failures, their possibles causes and instructions on elimination of failures
consequences are given in Table 16.

Table 16
Instructions on iden-
Instructions on eli-
Description of tifying the conse-
mination of the con-
failures and damage Possible causes quences of failures
sequences of fail-
consequences and damage of as-
ures and damage
sembly units
1 Blue smoke co- 1.1 Oil in the 1.1; 2.1 Keep control 1.1 Replace piston
ming out of the ex- combustion of oil burning by rings (item 4.2.1)
haust pipe. chamber burning adding oil at MM;
because of the pay attention to the
piston rings wear. oil colour change in-
tensity during opera-
tion period.

2 Difficult engine 2.1 Oil in the As per the oil re- Remove the cylin-
start. Low speed-up combustion placement procedure. der heads from the
dynamics at fuel chamber. The By the exclusion engine and do the
supply increase. cause: the absence method, do the en- valves bedding-in
Blue smoke coming of hermeticity in gine failures identifi- (item 4.2.2).
out of the exhaust the combustion cation and those of
pipe. chamber at the the turbocharger as
valves disks pla- described in the table
cing in the valves (Annex “Е”).
Water pump
3. Cooling liquid 3.1 End sealing Remove the water
leakage through the wear. 3.1 Control the cooling pump from the
drainage hole. liquid level in the cool- engine, disassem-
ing system at MM. ble the pump
(item 4.2.3).

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Continuation of Table 16
Instructions on identi-
Instructions on eli-
Description of fail- fying the consequenc-
mination of the
ures and damage Possible causes es of failures and
consequences of
consequences damage of assembly
failures and damage
3.2 Bearing unit 3.1.1 Visually examine Replace the water
wear. the water pump on a pump gland.
running engine after the
engine start during
heating up. Replace the bear-
3.2 Press on the pump ings, water pump
pulley with the engine housing (if neces-
not running and check sary).
the radial backlash in
the bearing unit.
4. No cooling liquid Impeller turns Remove the water
circulation in the over without fix- Checking the engine pump from the
cooling system. ing on the pump cooling system temper- engine, disassem-
shaft. ature condition by the ble the water
temperature indicator pump (item 4.2.3).
shows sharp cooling
liquid temperature rise. Replace the water
pump impeller
and/or shaft.

4.2.1 General instructions on piston rings replacement

Remove the cylinder head and the oil sump from the engine. Move the piston down to the
bottom dead center (BDC), turning the engine flywheel by hand. Clean the cylinder liner
upper section from carbon not allowing the carbon particles drop into the cylinder. It is
not permissible to use steel scraper that may damage the liner “mirror”.
Unscrew the connecting rod cover nuts, remove the cover and take the piston assembled
with the connecting rod out of the cylinder. The piston with the connecting rod must be
taken out upwards in the direction of the head mounting.
Mounted on each engine piston, as shown on Fig.27, is an upper trapezoidal compression
ring, a conical compression ring and a box-type oil ring with a spring expander.
The compression rings on the end surface at the lock bear marking “верх” and “TOP”,
which must face the piston bottom when installed. The oil ring expansioner junction must
not coincide with the ring lock.
Position the piston rings locks at equal distances on the circumference.
Insert the piston with the connecting rod into the cylinder, mount the connecting rod cov-
To avoid the piston rings breaking while installing the piston with the connecting rod in
the cylinder, use a mandrel for pressing the rings.
The tightening torque for the connecting rod cover nuts is specified in the Table of Annex

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Fig. 27- Piston rings mounting

4.2.2 General instructions on the valves grinding

Unscrew the rocker axle brackets nuts and dismantle the rocker axle with the springs and
the rockers.
Unscrew the head mounting bolts, remove the head.
Remove the valve keepers, the valve springs disk, the valve springs, the valve spring wash-
ers, remove the sealing collar from the valve guiding bush.
The valves should be grinded with special machine tools of “ОПР-1841А” type or on
“ОР-6687М” benches. Apply paste on the valves faces or cylinder head seats faces made
of one of the following compositions:
- boron carbide М 40 - 10%; microcorundum М 20 - 90%;
- granular electrocorundum М14 - 87%; parafin - 13%;
Mix the composition with diesel fuel till a sour cream condition. To raise the composition
quality, it is recommended to add oleic or stearic fat acid.
Continue the valves grinding until you see a continuous foggy belt on the valve face and
the valve seat face, not less than 1,5 mm wide. The belt breakings or scratches are not ac-
ceptable. The belt’s width varioation is permissible within 0,5 mm.
Wash the head and the valves after grinding.
When assemblying the head apply motor oil on the valve stems.
The valves grinding may be done manually with locksmith appliances, but this operation
labour efforts grow considerably.

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4.2.3 General instructions on water pump disassembly and assembly Water pump disassembly

Unscrew bolts 2 (Fig. 16) of the fan mounting.

Mount a fixer on pulley 9 (Fig.28) end surface, similar to that shown on Fig.29, with the
mounting holes coordinates corresponding to the holes coordinates on the pump pulley.
Holding the pulley by the fixer lever, unscrew nut 11(Fig. 28). Remove pulley 9 using a
puller. Take the key out of the slit on the pump shaft and stop ring 12 fixing the bearings
block in the water pump housing.
Unscrew three 3 bolts of the water pump cover. Remove the water pump cover using two
dismantling pieces 13 (thread М8) located on the cover end. Remove plug 6 installed in
the impeller end.
Press the shaft with bearings out of the water pump housing. The pressing out direction –
to pulley mounting side. Press the bearings out of the shaft.
Press the gland out of the pump housing.
Check the parts for defects. Water pump assembly.

Mount thrust ring 14 on the pump shaft, press the bearings in. Fill the bearings and bear-
ings cavities with 45g of Litol 24-МЛи 4/12-3 lubricant. Press the shaft with bearings into
the pump housing. Mount ring 12 stopping the bearings unit.
Mount the pump pulley, washer and nut. Tighten the nut with 120…140N·m torque.
Using the mandrel (Fig. 30) press water pump sealing 2 with the inner housing on the wa-
ter pump shaft and simultaneously press with the sealing outer housing into the water
pump housing till the sealing housing flange thrust to the water pump gasket surface. The
mandrel design must ensure the inner sealing housing pressing so that the inner housing
end surface stays at 10,7±0,1 mm away from the sealing outer housing.
Press the impeller on the shaft till the pump shaft end coincides with the impeller bore end
surface ensuring 15,5±0,1mm from the pump housing end to the impeller end surface.
Mount a plug in the impeller end. Mount the water pump cover providing horizontal posi-
tioning of the dismantling bosses located on the cover. Fix the cover with three bolts put-
ting on them spring and flat washers. The bolts must be tightened with 4,5…10 N·m
torque. Mount the water pump on the engine.

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1-bearing; 2-water pump sealing; 3-bolt; 4-cover; 5-impeller; 6-plug; 7-housing; 8-pump shaft; 9-pulley;
10-washer; 11-nut; 12-lock ring; 13 – dismantle element; 14 – thrust ring

Fig. 28 – Water pump

Fig. 29- Water pump pulley fixer

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Fig. 30- Mandrel for the water pump sealing pressing in (main design dimensions).

To ensure operability of the diesel engines, saving materials and monetary funds for their repair and
preparation to operation, one should strictly observe the regulations of diesel engine storage at off hours.
Regardless of the season, diesel engines must be kept in full conformity with GOST 7751-85. At
long-term storing, the vehicle with installed diesel engine should be place in closed premise or under the
Preparation of the diesel engine for storage must be finished not later than 10 days as of the date
of completion of vehicle operation.
Fulfill the following works when preparing the diesel engine for long-term storage:
- clean diesel engine from dust and dirt;
- drain the cooling fluid from the cooling system;
- drain oil from the diesel engine crankcase, fuel pump housing;
- lay up the diesel engine for a year period in accordance with item
When keeping the vehicle under the awning or at the open area, dismantle and hand over the gen-
erator and the starter to the warehouse. Cover starter installation place with a lid.
Diesel engines dismantled from the vehicles or supplied as a spare parts must be stored con-
servated indoors on special supports. It is forbidden to store storage batteries, acids, salts, alkali and
other agents able to provoke metal corrosion.
At short-term storing of the vehicle at the open area or under the awning, do the following:
- clean the diesel engine from the dust and dirt;
- wrap exhaust pipe and air cleaner connecting pipe with waxed paper or polyethylene film.
Prior to putting the vehicle into operation, replace the filtering cell of the oil filter and do all pre-
paratory works in accordance with instruction of chapter 2.2
In case of a long period of storage (over one month) of a tractor, combine harvester, ma-
chine with an engine installed it is necessary to place the machine in a room or under a
shed. It is permissible to store tractors, combine harvesters, machines on open sites with
compulsory proofing and hermetization.
The diesel engine preaparation for storage must be completed in not less than 10 days fol-
lowing the engine operation stop.
Preparing an engine for storage, do what is described in item of this Manual.
When storing a tractor, combine harvester, machine under a shed or on an open site, dis-
mantle the alternator and the starter motor from the engine and keep them in a storage
room. Put a cover on the alternator and the starter motor installation places. The engines
removed from tractors, combine harvesters, machines or coming up as spare parts sets
must be stored in a closed room secured on special stands. It is not permissible to store

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accumulator batteries, acids, salts, alkkalines and other chemicles able to cause metal
corrosion together with the engines.
At short period storage (from 10 days to one month) of a tractor, combine harvester, ma-
chine on an open site or under a shed do as described in item of this Manual.
Before a tractor, combine harvester, machine putting into operation do the preparation
work as described in item or


When transporting diesel engines, external openings must be closed with stopper plugs.
Diesel engine transportation must guarantee its protection against moisture and mechani-
cal damages under storage conditions 2C of GOST 15150-69.

Diesel engine stowage and fixing during transportation in closed railway cars must meet
the requirements of “Technical conditions of loading and fixing cargos”, Ministry of
Communications, 1969, as well as “Regulations of cargo transportation”, Publishing
house “ Transport”, Moscow, 1977.

Loading, stowage, fixing, covering and unloading during engine transportation by truck
must meet “Regulations of cargo transportation by motor transport” adopted by the Min-
istry of Automobile Transport of the Russian Federation on July 30, 1971.


The diesel engine does not contain substances posing hazard to human life, health and en-
While recycling diesel engine after service life expiry, it is necessary to do as fol-
- drain oil from the lubrication system and send it for re-processing in the established or-
- drain cooling liquid from the cooling system (if is was used during the diesel engine op-
eration) and place it in the reservoirs designed for storing;
- make complete dismantling of the diesel engine into parts, sorting them out by groups of
steel, cast-iron, aluminum, ferrous and precious metals, resins and plastics and send them
for reprocessing in the established order.
When carrying out maintenance works and routine maintenance works of the diesel
engine, parts and assembly units subject to replacement should be sent for reprocessing,
assembly units must be dismantled into parts and sorted out by materials.

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Annex “А” (reference)
Chemmotological chart
Table А.1
Assembly unit Quantity Mass (vol- Fuels and
(functionally fi- of assem- Fuels and lubricants names and grades ume) of fuels lubricants
nished device, bly units and lubricants replace-
mechanism, fric- in a pro- filled in a ment
No tion couple) duct, pcs (adding)
product at re-
name, index Substitu- placement periodici-
Main Back-up Foreign (adding) , ty, hours
kg (dm3)
1 Fuel tank 1 Diesel fuel, the technical condi- Not Not Diesel fuel , the According to Di-
tions of which conform to “СТБ available Available technical condi- rective 2004/26/ЕС
1658-2006” with sulphur contents tions of which and ЕEC UN Rules
not more than 50 mg/kg conform to № 96 (02) (Stage
(0,005%) of the grade (for mod- ЕN 590:2004 IIIA), it is permissi-
erate climate) or class (for arctic with sulphur ble to use fuels with
and cold climate) according to contents not sulphur contents up
ambient temperatures in the en- more than 50 to 0,3 g/kg (0,03 %)
gine operation region. mg/kg
For moderate climatic zones, it is recommended to use fuel grades at For arctic and cold climate it is recommended to use fuel classes at ambient tem-
ambient temperatures (Сº): peratures (Сº):
Temperature (Сº) up to Temperature (Сº) up to
+5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -20 -26 -32 -38 -44
(not lower than) (not lower than)
Fuel grade A B C D E F Fuel class 0 1 2 3 4

Seasonal use of diesel fuels in the Republic of Belarus, depending on ambient temperatures.
Summer period Winter period
Grade В Grade С Grade F
Down to 0º С (not lower than) Down to -5º С (not lower than) Down to -20º С (not lower than)
From May 1 to September 30 (5 months) – according to From April to October 30 From November 1 to March 31
agreement with the customer. (7 months) (5 months)

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Continuation of Table А.1
Fuels and lubricants names and grades and
Quanti- Mass (vol- lubri-
Assembly unit ty of ume) of fuels cants
Но- and lubricants re-
(functionally fi- assem-
мер filled in a
nished device, bly place-
по- Notes
mechanism, fric- units in product at re- ment
tion couple) a pro- Main Substitution Back-up Foreign placement (add-
name, index duct, (adding) , ing)
pcs kg (dm3) perio-
2 Oil sump* 1 In summer (stable ambient air temperature beyond + 5º С) 16 (18)** 250
Motor oil Not available Not available Motor oils
«Lukoil Liqui Moly Super Leichtlauf
Avangard Ex- SAE 10W-40,
tra» BP Visco 3000 Using motor oils depen-
SAE 10W-40 SAE 10W-40, ding on operation condi-
Shell Helix Plus tions:
SAE 10W-40,
Elf Competition SX а) summer (+5 ˚С and
SAE 10W-40, higher) –SAE 30; SAE
Agip 2000 GPX 10W-40 (30); SAE 15W-
SAE 10W-40, 40 (30); SAE 20W-40 (30)
Esso Utra Oil X b) winter (-10 ˚С and
SAE 10W-40, higher) – SAE 20; SAE
Mobil Super Formula 10W-40 (30)
SAE 10W-40 c) winter (-20 ˚С and
In winter (stable ambient air temperature below - 5º С) higher) – SAE 10W-20
Motor oil Not available Not available Motor oils (30, 40 SAE 5W-30 (40));
«Lukoil Liqui Moly Diesel Synthoil d) winter (below -20˚С) –
Avangard Ul- SAE 5W-40, SAE 5W-30 (40); SAE
tra» Ethyl Hitec 5909, 0W-30 (40)
SAE 5W-40 Castrol TXT Softec Plus,
Elf Synthese SAE 5W-40,
Esso Ultron SAE 5W-40,
Shell Helix Ultra
SAE 5W-40,
Mobil 1 Rally Formula
SAE 5W-40
* All motor oils specified in this Chemmotological Chart must conform toclasses CH-4, CI-4 under API and Е4-99 classifications, 5-02 under АСЕА classification
**- oil mass (volume) is checked more accurately by adding oil when filling up to the upper mark of the feeler rod.м

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End of Table А.1
No Assembly unit Quantity Mass (vol- Fuels
(functionally fi- of as- Fuels and lubricants names and grades ume) of fuels and lub-
nished device, sembly and lubri-
mechanism, fric- units in a re-
tion couple) name, product, cants filled place-
index pcs in a product ment Notes
Main Substitution Back-up Foreign at replace- (adding)
ment (add- perio-
ing) ,
kg (dm3) hours
3 High pressure fuel 1 0,17 (0,2)
Motor oil the same as in the engine
injection pump*
4 Water pump 1 0,045 (0,05) One-time Done by the manufactur-
Grease “Litol-24-МЛи4/12-3” Shell Retinax EP,
(bearings cavity) Not available Shell Retinax HD er. No further lubrication
is needed in operation.

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5 Cooling system vol- 1 Low freezing cooling liquid «Tosol Cooling liq- Not MIL-F-5559 13,4 (12,5) Once in Compulsory cooling liq-
ume Dzerzhinsky ТС-40» (down to - uid ОЖ-40 available (BS 150) (USA) two uid incoming check by
(without radiator and 40ºС), (down to - FL-3 Sort S-735 years customer.
connecting branches) «Tosol Dzerzhinsky ТС-65» 40ºС) (UK)
(down to -65ºС) ОЖ-65
ТУ (TECH. CONDITIONS) 2422- (down to -
050-36732629-2003 65ºС)
manufactured by LLC «Tosol Sin- STATE
tez», Dzerzhinsk, Russia STANDARD
Low freezing cooling liquid ОЖ-40 28084-89
(down to -40ºС) STATE STAND-
ARD 28084-89
manufactured by OJSC «Leso-
khimik», Borisov, Belarus
Low freezing cooling liquid «Sibur
ОЖ-40 (down to -40ºС),
ОЖ-65 (down to -65ºС)
manufactured by
OJSC «Sibur Neftekhim»,
Dzerzhinsk, Russia
Low freezing cooling liquid
«Tasol-АМП40» (down to -40°С)
manufactured by RUE
«Gomelkhimtorg», Gomel, Belarus
Low freezing cooling liquid
«CoolStandart» (down to -40°С)
002-13331543-2004 manufactured
by OJSC «Tekhnoform»,
Klimovsk, Russia
* - At installing new or repaired pump

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Annex “Б” (reference)
Spare Parts & Accessories Kit

Table Б.1 – Spare parts to diesel engines D-260.1S3A, D-260.2S3A, D-260.4 S3A
Location in Quantity in a Quantity in a
Part designation Product code Spare part description Application Notes
the package product, pcs set, pcs
50-1404059-Б1 47 5341 8601 Cap gasket 260-1028010 1 1
Alternator mount-
50 5000 2832 Belt SPA-1182 1 1
After pump mount-
50 5000 2969 Belt SPA-1307 2 2

Table Б.2 –Tools and accessories

Tool/ accessory designation Product code Tool/ accessory description Quantity in a set, pcs Notes
50-3901034 47 5341 2815 Plate 0,25х100 1 Location –
60-3901034 47 5341 3054 Plate 0,45х100 1 ТК-10А

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Annex “В” (reference)

Cylinder liner and piston size groups

Table В.1
Group labelling Liner diameter, mm Piston skirt diameter, mm
+0.06 −0.05
Б 110 + 0.04 110 − 0.07
+0.04 −0.07
С 110 + 0.02 110 − 0.09
М 110+0,02 110 − 0.11

One engine set contains pistons, connecting rods and piston pins of the same weight
group, the weight difference of the connection rods-pistons groups must not exceed 30 g.

Nominal crankshaft main end and big end necks sizes

Table В.2
Crankshaft neck diameter, mm
Bearing shells nominals
main end big end
−0.085 −0.100
1Н 85,25 − 0.104 73,00 − 0.119
−0.085 −0.100
2Н 85,00 − 0.104 72,75 − 0.119

The crankshaft main end and big end necks and bearing shells are made in two nominal

Crankshafts, the main end and big end necks of which are made of the second nominal
size, have additional marking on the first cheek:

«2К» - second nominal main end necks;

«2Ш» - second nominal big end necks,
«2КШ» - second nominal main and big end necks.

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Annex “Г” (reference)

Diesel engine adjustment parameters

Table Г.1
Description Values
Oil pressure in a hot engine oiling system at the
MPa 0,28-0,45
engine crankshaft rated speed.
Cooling system temperature in the cooling system. о
С 80-95

Drive belts deflection See item 3.2.18

Gap between the rocker striker and the valve stem

end for the valves in a cold engine:
+0 , 05
0,25 −0,10
exhaust: 0,45 −0.10
Main threaded connections torque: Nm
cylinder head bolts 190-210
main end bearings bolts 220-240
big end bearings bolt nuts 100-120
flywheel bolts 160-180
counter balance bolts 120-140
injector bolts 20-25*
crankshaft pulley bolts 160-200
Centrifugal oil filetr cap nuts 35-50
air cleaner wing-nuts 8-10
damper bolts 80-100
injector staples and strap bolts 20-25
injectors drainage pipeline connector bolts 15-20
low pressure pipeline turn-elbow bolts 25-40
high pressure nuts on the side of:
- injectors 20-30
- rail 40-70

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Annex “Д” (reference)
Synchronization of the crankshaft and the HPFIP camshaft angle position
The necessity of synchronization of the crankshaft (torsional vibration damper with pulse
rim) and the HPFIP camshaft (fuel priming pump drive gear with pulse rim) angle posi-
tion may arise as a result of the HPFIP dismantling with its subsequent putting back in
place after current diesel engine repair.
Installation of a silicon damper with a pulse rim and a fuel priming pump drive gear with
a pulse rim maintains synchronization of the crankshaft and the HPFIP camshaft speed
sensors signals with linking the sensors signals to the common initial point of the shafts
positioning at the moment of the 1st cylinder piston coming through its TDC at the com-
pression stroke.
To install the pulse wheels correctly, it is necessary to make a device for fixing the fuel
priming pump drive gear with pulse rim as shown on Fig.1)

Fig. 1 – Device for fixing the fuel priming pump drive gear pulse rim
Remove the cylinder cover cap.
Place the 1st cylinder piston to the TDC position turning the crankshaft clockwise, using
the crankshaft pulley mounting bolt, till the axis of the 16th tooth of the pulse rim “crown”,
located on the torsional vibration damper housing, coincides (counting against the clock
from the pulse rim “crown” breaking segment) with the axis of sensor 2 (Fig.2).
At that, mounting 3 must be coincided with the “TDC” mark on the damper housing.
Make sure the 1st cylinder intake and exhaust valves are closed (there must be a small in-
take and exhaust valves rockers backlash). If the exhaust valve is open, rotate the crank-
shaft by a full turn and check the valves condition once again.

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1 – torsional vibration damper housing ; 2 – crankshaft speed sensor; 3 – mounting pin; 4 – fuel priming
pump drive gear with pulse rim; 5 – HPFIP camshaft speed sensor.

Fig. 2 – Placing the 1st cylinder piston to TDC

Place the 1st cylinder piston behind ≈ 60° of the crankshaft turn angle before TDC. To do
- rotate the crankshaft clockwise, using the crankshaft pulley mounting bolt approximate-
ly by two turns, with that, at the second turn, rotate the crankshaft till the coincidence of
mounting pin 3 and “C” mark on damper 1 housing (Fig. 3);
Thus, the pulse “crown” teeth will be positioned so that the axis of sensor 2 will lie along
the 6th tooth of the pul rim “crown” (counting against the clock from the pulse rim
“crown” breaking segment).

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1 – torsional vibration damper housing; 2 – crankshaft speed sensor; 3 – mounting pin; 4 – fuel priming
pump drive gear with pulse rim; 5 – fixing device.

Fig. 3 – Placing the 1st cylinder piston to compression stroke

Remove the HPFIP, loosen screw 4 of speed sensor 3 (Fig. 4) and take the speed sensor
out of the HPFIP housing..
Turn HPFIP drive half coupling 5 (Fig. 5) until you see two successive pulse teeth in the
sensor installation window. Slightly tuening the drive in the same or the opposite direc-
tion, position the the mounting pin (the first in the crankshaft rotation direction) in the
center of the wnidow (See Fig. 4).
Put the pulse rim position fixing device in the speed sensor mountying window and, slight-
ly rocking the drive half coupling and not applying much force on the fixing device,
achieve full recess of the fixing device in the sensor seat (as shown on Fig.4).
Remove hatch cover 1 (Fig. 5) and, supporting drive gear 6 through the hatch window,
move studs 3 of half coupling 5 into the drive gear grooves to install the HPFIP. Fix the
HPFIP on the distribution shield.
Put nuts 2 on studs 3 and screw nuts 2 not applying much force.
Take device 2 out of the sensor seat and, holding the HPFIP camshaft by special nut 4
(Fig. 5), finally screw nuts 2 with the torque 35...50 Nm.
Tightening of nuts 2 with the fixing device inserted may cause the pulse rim teeth breaking
and the pump going out of operation..
Mount the hatch cover, speed sensor and fix them.
Mount the cylinder head cover cap.

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1 – fuel priming pump drive gear with pulse rim; 2 – fixing device; 3 –speed sensor; 4 – sensor mounting

Fig. 4 – Fuel priming pump drive gear pulse rim fixing device mounting

1 – hatch cover; 2 – nut; 3 – stud; 4 – special nut; 5 – drive half coupling;

6 – fuel priming pump drive gear.
Fig. 5- Fuel pump drive

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Annex Е (reference) Diesel engine electronics structural electric diagram

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Annex Е (reference)

Designation Description о Notes

01. 03 Pressure and temperature sensor (ODFT) 0 261230 112 2 'B0SCH' (Germany)

02 Charge air pressure and temperature sensor (LOFT) 0 281 'BOSCH' (Germany)
002 576
1 'BOSCH' (Germany)

DU. 05 Speed sensor (006) 0 281 006 009 2 'B0SCH' (Germany)

D7 Cooling liquid temperature sensor (WTF) 0 281002 209 1 'BOSCH' (Germany)

08 Pressure in the RAIL sensor (RDSU.2) 0 281 002 937 1 'BOSCH' (Germany).

EL Diagnostic lamp 1 1 max 1А. U-12B included in trac-

tor set

LI High fuel pressure regulator 1 Included in fuel pump set

L2...L7 Injector CR/N2 6 'BOSCH' (Germany)

0 Electronic Control Unit EDC7UC31 1 'BOSCH' (Germany)

SI Starter motor and controls switch 1 included in tractor set

S2 Diagnostic lamp switch 1 max 0.1А. U=12B

included in tractor set
R1 Fuel supply pedal control sensor 1 included in tractor set

R2 Manual fuel supply control sensor 1 included in tractor set

XS1 Jack panel 89 contact YU62 U03 036 1 'BOSCH' (Germany)

XS2 Jack panel 16 contact YU62 U03 038 1 'BOSCH' (Germany)

XS3 Jack panel 36 contact YU62 U03 037 1 'BOSCH' (Germany)

XS5. XS6 Jack panel 2 included in tractor set

XS7. XS9 Jack panel 0-936059-2 2 'AMP' (Germany).

XS8 Jack panel 0-0936061-2 1 'AMP' (Germany).

XS10. XS11 Jack panel 0-0936060-1 2 'AMP' (Germany).

XS12...XSU Jack panel 1928U03736 3 'BOSCH' (Germany)

XS17 Jack panel OBD 1 included in tractor set

XP18 Plug Schlemmer 7811230 1 „Schlemmer“

XS18 Socket Schlemmer 7812226 1 included in tractor set

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Annex Е (reference)
Contact No Bosch Signal function Cross sec- Contact No
XSLXS3 designation tion XS18/XP18
mm 2
1.02 VJ/.BA /%J '* 12V' from accumulator battery (input3) 2.5 Е
1.03 V_V_BA Г-4 “’+”12V‘ from accumulator battery (input4) 2.5 G
ю/, 0_V_RH01 Commutated output "*128' АКЬ 2.5 J
105 G.GJ3A Т-3 '0 B' from accumulator battery (input3) 2.5 F
106 G.GJ3A Т-4 '0 В from accumulator battery (input4) 2.5 Н
108 V_V_ßA T*1 *128' from accumulator battery (input1) 2.5 А
109 VJ/J3A T*2 V128' from accumulator battery (input2) 2.5 С
1.10 G.GJiAT-1 '0 B' from accumulator battery (input1) 2.5 В
1.11 G.G_BA T-2 '0 В’ from accumulator battery (input2) 2.5 о
122 O-S-DSA Diagnostic lamp. High level 0.75 N
1.25 Low'iüe switch! Switch х.х. of manual fuel supply control sensor 0.75 с
1.29 GJUXG Digital earth 0.75 b
1.30 G.GJJ/A Diagnostic lamp. Low level 0.75 р
1.3i B_D CANL CAN low level 0.75' V
1.35 B-D-CANH CAN high level 0.75v и
1.40 U-T15 Control lamp 15 of starter motor and controls switch 0.75 К
1.44 Lowiitle smtcht Switch х.х of fuel supply control pedal sensor 0.75 d
1.72 i-SJDtAREQ Diagnostic button input 0.75 а
1.76 G.R-APP2 Manual fuel supply control sensor '0 B' 0.75 1
1.77 V_V_5 VAPP1 Fuel supply control pedal sensor '*5 B' 0.75 f
1.78 G_R_APP1 Fuel supply control pedal sensor '0 B' 0.75 h
1.79 !_AJIPP1 Fuel supply control pedal sensor signal 0.75 9
180 !_A_APP2 Manual fuel supply control sensor signal 0.75 k
184 V-VSVAPP2 Manual fuel supply control sensor *5 B' 0.75 J
1.89 BjDJSOK ISO-К Line 0.75 s
2.09 USAS Camshaft position and speed sensor signal 0.75
2.10 G-RJIAS Minus of camshaft position and speed sensor 0.75
2.12 СЛЛАЯР5 Minus of RAIL pressure sensor 0.75
2.13 V VJVRAILP< '+5 V' of RAIL pressure sensor 0.75
2.14 !-A .RAIL PS RAIL pressure sensor signal 0.75
2.15 i^A.CTS Cooling liquid temperature sensor signal 0.75
2.16 V VJVFLPS *+5V of fuel pressure and temperature sensor 0.75
2.17 G-RJ=LPS Minus of fuel pressure and temperature sensor 0.75
2.18 Shield Camshaft angle and speed sensor screen
2.19 G_R CRS Minus of crankshaft position and speed sensor 0.75
2.20 Shield Crankshaft position and speed sensor screen
2.21 U\SLPS Fuel pressure and temperature sensor pressure signal 0.75
2.23 U.CRS Crankshaft angle and speed sensor signal 0.75
2.24 G.RJ3PS '0 V'of oil pressure and temperature sensor 0.75
2.25 GJUiPS ‘0 V' of charge air pressure and temperature sensor 0.75
2.26 GJiCTS '0 В' of cooling liquid temperature sensor 0.75
2.27 W-OPS Oil pressure and temperature sensor pressure signal 0.75
2.28 IJ\.OTS Oil pressure and temperature sensor temperature signal 0.75
2.32 VJ/-5V0PS '+5 V' of oil pressure and temperature sensor 0.75
2.33 V V_5VBPS V5 V of charge air pressure and temperature sensor 0.75
2.34 !_A_BPS Charge air pressure and temperature sensor pressure signal 0.75
2.35 l-A-FTS Fuel pressure and temperature sensor signal 0.75
2.36 U\J3TS Charge air pressure and temperature sensor temperature signal 0.75
3.01 0J> SVH21 High level of signal on the 5th cylinder injector 15
3.02 О-PS VH22 High level of signal on the 6thcylinder injector 1.5
3.03 Q_P_S VH23 High level of signal on the 4th cylinder injector 1.5
3.04 0-P^SVH11 High level of signal on the 1st cylinder injector 1.5
3.05 0-PJ>VH12 High level of signal on the 3rd cylinder injector 15
3.06 0_P_SVH13 High level of signal on the 2nd cylinder injector 1.5
3.09 O-V-MCU High level of signal on the fuel pressure regulator 1.5
3.10 O-TJiEU Low level of signal on the fuel pressure regulator 1.5
3.11 0J>_SV13 Low level of signal on the 2nd cylinder injector 1.5
3.12 0.PJSV12 Low level of signal on the 3rd cylinder injector 1.5
3.13 0J>3V11 Low level of signal on the 1st cylinder injector 1.5
3.14 0_P_SV23 Low level of signal on the 4th cylinder injector 1.5
3.15 0_fL5 V22 Low level of signal on the 6th cylinder injector 1.5
3.16 Q_P_SV21 Low level of signal on the 5th cylinder injector 1.5
T-wire. One step per inch.

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Annex “Ж”
Diesel engine and turbocharger failures identification
Character Cause Check Character
Х Х Х Х Х Lack of air Air filter cleanness. Narrowed air supply hose, not firm (loosened) con- Х Х
Х Х Х Supercharge pressure drop Narrowed (damaged, unfirm, loosened) connection between the turbo- Х
charger and the engine.
Х Х Х Pressure drop in the exhaust Exhaust pipeline (sealing) loosened, damaged, unfirm.
Х Х Х Х High pressure in the exhaust pipe- Obstacles in the exhaust pipeline, exhaust pipeline damaged.
Х Х Crankcase gases high pressure Engine breather cleanness. Х Х Х
Х Х Insufficient lubrication Turbocharger inlet pipeline cleanness.
Х Х Х Excessive lubrication Turbocharger oil outlet pipeline narrowed. Х Х
Х Х Low compression Valves, pistons and piston rings condition.
Х Х Х Oil in the combustion chamber Valves and guides condition, piston rings wear. Х
Х Х Bad injection Fuel injection pump and injectors nozzles.
Х Х Х Foreign particles Air cleaner (completeness and cleanness). Х
Х Х Х Foreign particles in the exhaust Turbine housing damaged, part of the turbine wheel missing. Х
Х Vibration Turbocharger mounting on the engine. Х Х
Х Х Х Х Х Х Faulty turbocharger Dismantle the turbocharger and send it for repair. Х Х Х Х Х

Turbine working wheel damaged

Oil in the compressor housing
Damaged compressor wheel
Oil in the turbine housing-
Oil in the exhaust pipeline
Excessive oil consumtion

Dirty bearings housing

Noisy turbocharger
Black smoke
Power drop

Blue smoke

Diesel engine fault Turbocharger fault

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Annex “И” (reference)

Engine slingning scheme

1 – eye-bolt; 2 – sling (chain); 3 – beam; 4 -grip

Fig. 1 – Engine slingning scheme

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