PlusOne ICT Grade 6 Sample

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PlusOne Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | Grade 6

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N. Kufarimani
N. Mudzingwa
M. Nkomo Learner’s Book
R. Nyamupaguma
Information and
Communication Technology

Grade 6
Learner’s Book

N. Kufarimani N. Mudzingwa
M. Nkomo R. Nyamupaguma

TOPIC 1 : ICT TOOLS................................................................................................. 1

Unit 1 : Hardware Maintenance............................................................................................. 2
Unit 2 : Software Maintenance.............................................................................................. 7

TOPIC 2 : CREATING AND PUBLISHING................................................................ 15

Unit 3 : Database....................................................................................................................... 16

TOPIC 3 : COMPUTER SOFTWARE......................................................................... 30

Unit 4 : Spreadsheets................................................................................................................ 31
Unit 5 : Installing and Uninstalling Software..................................................................... 47
Unit 6 : Cloud Computing......................................................................................................... 55
Unit 7 : 2D and 3D Images...................................................................................................... 61
Test 1.................................................................................................................................. 69

TOPIC 4 : SAFETY AND SECURITY......................................................................... 72

Unit 8 : Hacking.......................................................................................................................... 73


Unit 9 : Web Page...................................................................................................................... 80
Unit 10 : Surfing the Internet.................................................................................................. 87
Unit 11 : E-Mail............................................................................................................................ 94
Unit 12 : Web Design................................................................................................................ 101

TOPIC 6 : ICT ENTERPRISE...................................................................................... 109

Unit 13 : ICT Enterprise............................................................................................................. 110
Test 2.................................................................................................................................. 115

TOPIC 7 : PROGRAMMING....................................................................................... 118

Unit 14 : Programming............................................................................................................. 119

TOPIC 8 : COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS................................................... 126

Unit 15 : Types of Networks.................................................................................................... 127
Unit 16 : Network Topologies................................................................................................. 136
Unit 17 : Network Components.............................................................................................. 142
Test 3.................................................................................................................................. 149


Topic Introduction
ICT tools are devices or objects used in information and communication technology
for example; computer, cellphones, cellphone towers, video conferencing, software,
radio, television, laptop and others. All the ICT tools can be classified in two major
components called hardware and software. Hardware consist of physical things. 

Unit objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to:
(a) maintain ICT tools.

Looking Back
In grade 5 you learned about faults in ICT tools and how to fix them. You also learned about
relating ICT faults to their causes. This unit is going to teach you about maintaining your
computer hardware.

Key Words

Hardware – the physical components of a computer.

Software – a
 collection of computer instructions that tell the computer what to do or
how to work.

Computer hardware
Look at the computer hardware components
in the picture. Can you name each of them?
Discuss how you can safe keep each of these
components and then read the session below.
In the previous grades you learned that
a computer is made up of the hardware
components and software components.
When you hear of computer hardware, you
should think about the physical components
that you can touch, and sometimes see.
These can be the mouse, keyboard and the
monitor. Can you think of any other examples
of the computer hardware? Computer hardware components

Activity 2
Watch a video on how to use a PC blower to remove dust from your computer.

Exercise 1
1. Before cleaning a computer, you should __________.
A. switch it on B. put on protective clothing
C. switch it off D. dismantle the keyboard
2. Sugary and alcoholic liquids can ___________ your computer.
A. damage B. repair C. clean D. burn
3. One way of keeping a computer safe from dust is through __________.
A. covering it with protective covers B. cleaning it with water
C. not using it D. putting it in a locked room
4. What is computer hardware?
5. Give four examples of computer hardware.
6. State how you would maintain each of the computer hardware given in number 5.

Key points in this unit

• Hardware and software maintenance are meant to keep your PC functioning well.
• Hardware maintenance deals with how to take care of the physical aspects of your
computer like the monitor, keyboard, CPU and the mouse.
• The PC should be covered and protected from liquids and dust and put at a place
where it cannot easily fall and get damaged.
• You should never apply cleaning fluid directly to your computer. Apply it to a brush or
a cloth instead.
• Alcoholic or sugary liquids should also never be used to clean your computer.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Taking care of the physical components of a computer is_________.
A. software maintenance B. ventilation
C. hardware maintenance D. protection
2. _________ liquids should never be used to clean a computer
A. Sugary B. Watery C. Lemon D. Salty
3. We can remove dust from a computer using a _____________.
A. PC blower B. broom C. nylon cloth D. water
4. ______ is not a hardware component of a computer.
A. External hard drive B. Mouse
C. Antivirus D. Keyboard
5. Adequate ________is needed in order for a computer to perform well.
A. sunlight B. ventilation C. space D. water

6. Computers on the _________of tables are safe from falling.
A. edge B. center C. top D. side
7. The _________should be well before you start cleaning the computer using liquids.
A. mouse B. keyboard C. USB ports D. CPU
8. You should remove the ________ of a wireless keyboard before cleaning it using liquids.
A. keys B. cables C. battery D. mouse
9. Hardware is ________.
A. component that you can always see
B. component that you can always touch
C. computer components that we can sometimes see and touch
D. all computer components
10. You should avoid wiping your monitor in a _______motion.
A. up and down B. side to side C. circular D. zig-zag

Structured Questions
1. _ _____, ______and _______are examples of debris that can build up in our computer
2. What is hardware maintenance?
3. Give four ways of keeping your computer safe.
4. How would you ensure that computer cables do not endanger your computer?
5. Which one do you think is the best way of keeping your hardware components safe?

Practical Questions
1. Go to the computer lab and clean the monitor and CPU using microfiber cloths.
2. Ask your teacher to help you prepare protective covers for your PC.
3. Clean your mouse and keyboard using a brush.
4. Prepare plastic covers for your keyboard.

Unit objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to:
(a) run software maintenance tools.
(b) schedule antivirus scans.

Key Words

Malware – is the general term covering all the different types of threats to your
computer safety such as viruses, spyware, worms and trojans.
Fragmentation – the process of breaking down files into fragments.
Defragmentation – rearrangement of the files on a hard disk for faster data access.
Data backup – is making a copy of important data and storing it on an alternative
location, so it can be recovered if deleted or if it becomes corrupted.

Software maintenance
The main aim and purpose of software maintenance is to modify and update software
application after delivery to correct faults and to improve performance.
Software maintenance tools are programs that you can use to increase your software’s
productivity for gathering data, detecting bugs and managing their software. You are going
to learn about various tools of software maintenance, namely, disk defragmentation, data
backup, error checking and scheduling anti-virus software.
Backing up your data
Data is the most important aspect of your computer. A computer’s operating system may
crash or data may be corrupted or wiped out by hardware problems. For example, if your
CPU falls down and crashes into pieces, you may not be able to access or recover your
data if the hard drive is broken.
It is thus important to back up your data every time you finish working on something
important. Data backup is a process of duplicating data to allow retrieval of the duplicate
set after a data loss event. It is a way of ensuring that data is secure and that critical
information is not lost as a result of any fault or theft.

5. S
 elect Disk Defragmenter from the list. You will need to have administrator access to run
the Disk Defragment utility.

Once you have selected your disk defragmenter, there will be a list of drives that are attached
to your computer. Select the drive that needs defragmenting. This is normally the C: or D:

Click the Analyse button to see if the drive needs to be defragmented.

Now click on defragment as shown above. Let the process run, after the process is complete,

After clicking on tools, you will see the check box as shown above, click on it. This option wil
check the drive for file system errors. If the system detects that there are errors, you will be
asked to check the disk. After you have clicked on check, you will see your check options as
shown in the picture below, you can tick on any or both options.

Click on start.

Your computer will then show you results of your errors check.

Activity 2
Research on different disk defragmenters, look for videos on the internet and watch how
they work. Share findings with your friends.

Exercise 2
1. What is the difference between computer hardware and computer software?
2. Name one way of maintaining computer software.
3. What is fragmentation?
4. What is defragmentation?

Unit Revision Exercises
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The process of breaking down files into small pieces is called_______.
A. defending B. defragmentation C. fragmentation D. retrieving
2. _ ________physically organizes the contents of the mass storage device used to store
files into the smallest number of contiguous fragments.
A. Retrieving B. Defragmentation C. fragmentation D. Ventilation
3. The process of duplicating data to allow retrieval of the duplicate set after a data loss
event is called _________.
A. deletion B. back up C. fragmentation D. defragmentation
4. The _______ detect and fix various types of errors in our computers.
A. error checking tools B. antivirus
C. defragmenters D. back up
5. _________deal with viruses automatically when it is programmed to do so.
A. Windows defender B. Antivirus
C. Task scheduler D. Microsoft
6. Defragmenters ________the hard drive data and reunite the fragmented files.
A. rearranges B. split C. tear apart D. count
7. The fragmented files lead to ________of a computer.
A. fast performance B. cleaning up
C. building up slow performance D. slow performance
8. Freezing of a computer can be as a result of ________.
A. data back up B. failing to back up data
C. fragmentation D. ventilation
9. Software maintenance is meant to _________.
A. keep the computer running perfectly B. keep computer well ventilated
C. stop computer from overheating D. help read computer commands
10. Error checking tools are also responsible for solving issues related to ______, as they
free up space and delete junk files.
A. storage B. freezing C. speed D. files

Structured Questions
1. What is fragmentation?
2. Define defragmentation.
3. How do you schedule antivirus scans in a computer?
4. What is software maintenance?
5. Why do we need to back up our data?
6. What happens to data if a computer crashes?


Unit objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) create and enter data into a database.
(b) filter data according to different attributes.
(c) use sorting tools in response to a problem.
(d) design forms and reports using wizard.

Looking Back
In grade 5 you learned about animations and databases. In this particular unit you are going
to learn about creating and entering data into a database table. You are also going to learn
how to extract records using a given criteria, use sorting tools in response to a problem and
create forms and reports using a wizard.

Key Words

Database – is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily

accessed, managed and updated.
Filtering – is a useful way of selecting data so that you can only see what you want
to view in a given database.
Forms – is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a
database application. It makes it easier to view or get the items that you
Report wizard – is a tool that helps users quickly and easily extract data and create reports
with charts and tables.
Sorting – is arranging the stored data in ascending or descending order, or in any
other way as might be preferred by the user.
Wizard –  is a computer utility designed to simplify the execution of lengthy or
complicated tasks.

This is how you create a new database and add data. You are now going to learn about
filtering data.

Activity 1
Create a database of all soccer and netball players in grade 6. Include their ages and team

Exercise 1
1. Data can be organized into ________, columns and tables.
A. letters B. Microsoft word C. rows D. columnar
2. _ _________is an organized collection of information that is stored in a computer so that
it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.
A. Spreadsheet B. Excel C. Data D. Access
3. Templates are _________databases designed for a wide range of uses.
A. prebuilt B. new C. large D. narrow
4. When creating a blank database, you automatically create a ___________.
A. form B. report C. table D. MS Access
5. A database is made up of rows and ____________.
A. tables B. columns C. lines D. forms

Filtering data
Filtering helps you to select only data that you need to use and hide the rest. It is used to
narrow down the data in your table and hide some parts of it from view. The filter tool gives
you the ability to filter a column of data within a table to isolate the key components you
Filtering is important because it allows you to specifically display and show only the data
that interests you. For example, you could filter a list of learners in Grade 6 Blue to show only

1. Click OK.

This is how your data will appear now, you have sorted your marks in ascending order, and
thus the lowest marks appear first.
Precious Marara was the lowest performer with 5/20 while Dolton Muriro performed better
than everyone else. He got 19/20, and thus appears at the end of our column.
You can sort your data whichever way you want; you may choose to sort the ID column and
begin with the last person on your database. Now try the activity below.

Activity 3

Using the same database, sort your data and begin with the boys.

gave to your database. Click on that database.

 here should now appear two boxes, with one labeled available fields and the other
3. T
labeled selected fields. The available fields are all fields as they appear in your database
of ICT marks.

 ove the fields that you want to include on the form from the Available Fields list box
4. M
to the Selected Fields list box. To do so, double-click a field name to move it or highlight
the field name and click >. To move all fields at once, click >>.

5. Click on next.

Sort of order, click on drop down arrow and select.

The wizard then directs you to layout of your data, there are various options, stepped,
blocks, outline, and then you need to choose if you would love the portrait or landscape view.

Click on next.
Now you can give your report a title.

Unit Revision Exercises
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A
 _________ is a computer utility designed to simplify the execution of lengthy or
complicated tasks.
A. spreadsheet B. filtering C. sorting D. wizard
2. __________can help you decide what to do when designing a form.
A. Report B. Filtering C. Sorting D. Wizard
3. Filtering allows you to ________.
A. sort data
B. arrange data
C. only view data that you are interested in
D. create data
4. Sorting helps you to ________.
A. arrange your data B. correct data
C. view your data D. delete your data
5. The steps in creating a database are _________.
A. Click on file, create and report wizard B. Click on start, MS access, file and new
C. Click on create, file and database D. Click on database, create, new
6. When you create a guided report, you use ________.
A. portrait B. wizard C. landscape D. form

Structured Questions
1. What is data filtering?
2. What is data sorting?
3. The database is made up of ________and _________.
4. Define a database.
5. What is the name of MS access tool that helps in creating forms and reports?
6. Explain how you would create a new database.

Practical Questions

1. Create and enter data into a database table.

2. Filter the data you have created according to your preferences.
3. Create a report-using wizard based on any database that you have.
4. Create a form-using wizard based on any database that you have.
5. Create a database of all teachers in your school. Include their surnames, the grade that
they teach and subjects they specialize in.



Topic Introduction
Computer software includes computer programs. This topic is going to focus on computer
programs. A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task.
Examples of computer programs include Kodu Game Lab, Google Chrome Web Browser,
Opera Web Browser, Microsoft Office Word, Windows Media Player and many others.
In this topic we are going to cover spreadsheets, software installation and uninstallation,
multimedia and file management. Our main concern is on learning how to use various
software to complete various tasks.


Unit objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) create a spreadsheet.
(b) use formulae to perform calculations.
(c) produce graphs from data.
(d) search data to solve a problem.
(e) Sort data to solve a problem.
(f) Filter data to solve a problem.

Looking Back
In grade 5 you learnt about uploading and downloading educational files. You also learnt
about creating multimedia files, editing multimedia presentations and software to compose
own music. In this particular unit you are going to learn about creating a spreadsheet, using
formulae to perform calculations, producing graphs from data, search, sorting and filtering
data to solve a problem.

Key Words
– an electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and
columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations.
Workbook – a single file containing several different types of related information as
separate worksheets.
Formulae – a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.
Sort – the arrangement of data in a prescribed sequence.

A spreadsheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort data, arrange data easily,
and calculate numerical data. A spreadsheet program has the ability to calculate values
using mathematical formulas and data in cells.
Examples of spreadsheet programs include the following;
• Google sheets
To find out how these formulas are used we are going to use the data that we have entered
earlier in excel. Open the file that you have saved earlier in the documents folder. Formulas
in excel always start with an equals sign for example ‘=A1+A2’ or ‘=SUM(B3:B12)’
Add labels for MAX, MIN, AVE, COUNT and SUM on your worksheet as shown below.

Calculating the maximum value

1. S
 elect the cell ahead of the MAX label by moving the mouse pointer and clicking inside
the cell.

2. On the menu bar click on, “Formulas”

3. Click on the AutoSum drop down arrow.

5. Select the first 3-D bar. The created bar chart is shown below.

6. R
 emove the MARK in front of ICT MARKS by clicking on it and pressing the backspace
button to delete.

The same data can be used to create other charts like pie charts, column charts and line
charts. The above procedure can be used to create other chart types. Chart design can also
be changed by clicking design and changing the chart style.
Below is the previous bar chart with its style changed.

Charts that can be produced using the above data.

Column chart

Pie chart

Line chart

Activity 3
Learners compete to produce three beautiful charts. Teacher judges the charts to come out
with the best charts. Teacher explains why the charts are the best. Worst charts are selected
and teacher explains why they are the worst.

Exercise 3
1. To insert charts in our worksheets we select ________ from the menu.
2. We can change chart design by selecting _______ and changing the _______.
3. List down any three types of charts that can be produced in excel.

Practical Questions
1. In a village of 100 people, 40 owned cattle, 35 owned goats and 25 owned sheep.
Enter this data in a spreadsheet. Use the data to create a 3D pie chart. Save your file in
the Documents folder and name it using your name and class.
2. Enter the data given below in an excel worksheet. Use excel formulas to find the highest
mark, lowest mark, average mark, number of students and total of the marks.

Name Mark
Rodney 30
Pete 92
Nyarai 63
Senzeni 47
Mudiwa 77
3. Enter the following data of students and their marks in excel.

Name Mark
Zione Esnath 79
Bango Shalom 88
Chihamba Tavonga 54
Sipilinga Tawanda 42
Bike Delvine 37
Jembere Limba 78
Katolo Loice 50
Moyo Zodwa 72
Baiton Promise 63
Zalila Pearl 57
(a) Sort the numeric data from the smallest to the largest and save your work.
(b) Sort the text data in alphabetical order from A-Z and save your work.
(c) Filter numerical data using Number Filter, Greater than or equal to 50 and save your

• You can now read the content of the e-mail and reply if you wish by clicking on the
arrow at the top right hand of the e-mail for reply or by clicking “Reply” underneath
the message.
• When you have finished reading your e-mail, click back to inbox icon to close the
e-mail and go back to the list of e-mails in your inbox.

Activity 2
Learners send your homework on e-mail to your teacher. The homework should not include

Exercise 2
1. Sending an e-mail requires a ________ connection. (bank / internet / adobe)
2. Unread e-mail is always in ________. (bold / red / blue)
3. The ________ button retrieves email messages. (attach / inbox / send)
4. Give one example of an e-mail address.
5. List any two e-mail providers.

Activity 3

In pairs, learners attach five photos to an email and send it to your teachers’ e-mail address.

Exercise 3
1. An attached document turns _______. (white / blue / black)
2. The ________ icon is meant for attachments. (paper clip / bin / triangle)
3. Images cannot be sent via an e-mail. (True / False)
4. Documents are sent as ____ in an e-mail. (images / icons / attachments)

Key points in this unit

• E-mail is short for electronic mail.

• The e-mail is a great way of communicating with friends and family.
• Before sending or receiving mail you will need a computer with an active internet
• Use your web browser to open your e-mail account.
• Photos, documents and other files can be attached to an email, so that more
information can be shared.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. E-mail is short for _________ mail.
A. electron B. electric C. electricity D. electronic
2. E-mail is similar to a ______ except it is sent via the internet to a recipient.
A. letter B. file C. form D. page
3. Electronic mail is__________, the recipient receives your email as soon as you go online
and collect your mail.
A. unhurried B. slow C. quick D. good
4. Before sending or receiving mail you will need a computer with an _________ internet
A. active B. inactive C. slow D. big
5. Gmail which ends in ________.
A. B. C. D.
6. Outlook Mail ends in_________.
A. B. C. @HotMail.Com D. @HOTMAIL.COM
7. The e-mail address is ________ to every user.
A. same B. similar C. unique D. identical


Unit objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) create a web page by saving a file in html format.
(b) publish a presentation as a web page.
(c) use web programming software to create a web page.

Looking Back
In the previous units you were able to explore the e-mail environment. You were also able
to send and receive mail. In this unit you will be able to create a web page by saving a file
in html format. In the end you will be able to use web programming software to create a

Key Words
Tags – special marks that you use to distinguish or markup parts of your web
HTML – Hypertext Markup Language is a way of displaying information on web
pages in your browser.
Text editor – a type of computer program that edits plain text.

Creating a web page in HTML

There is need for a text editor and an internet browser. A text editor helps you to create
web pages on your computer and the browser reads all the necessary files. Web pages can
be created and modified by using HTML editors. However, for learning HTML a notepad
can be used as a text editor.

Step 1: Open your text editor
Open Start Screen, type in notepad and click Notepad.

Type in <!DOCTYPE html> and press Enter. This tells the browser that this is an HTML
Step 2: Write your HTML skeleton

Type <html> and press ENTER. This is the opening tag for your HTML document.

• More cables are required to set up a MAN.
• The system might be attacked by hackers.
• It is difficult to secure the whole system.
• Securing the system may be costly.
Personal Area Network (PAN)
A personal area network, or PAN, is a
computer network organized around an
individual person within a particular building.
The PAN normally operates within a radius of
ten meters. This connection can be through
Bluetooth, hotspot Wi-Fi and any other
possible connections.
Different people may sometimes use the
same network and we then call it a home
area network. (HAN) This sometimes occurs
when different individuals are connected to a
modem that provides either wired or wireless
connections to various people at the same A personal area network (PAN)
time. Let us go back to the PAN.
The PAN allows you to do the following;
• Upload photos from your cell phone to your desktop computer or vice versa.
• Share folders and files between different devices, for example, view files that are in
your laptop from a television.
• Send documents to the computer for printing even when you are not in the same
office or room.
• Watch movies from an online streaming service to your TV.
This type of a network can be found in offices, or at home where you can connect to various
devices as an individual. You can connect your phone to a speaker, a laptop, television etc.
One person normally manages the PAN.
Advantages of personal area network
• The connection does not require much space, for example when connecting a wireless
keyboard and mouse via Bluetooth.
• No setup costs are involved.
• One can connect to any devices at the same time.
• It is easy to use.
• You can set up your own passwords and authorise data sharing.
• You can view files in your phone from a larger screen, for example when you connect
your phone to a TV.

• There might be risks of virus attacks.
• Connecting users to an internet
network may lead to misuse of
resources. For example, you can watch
videos online instead of researching.
• Networked computers need regular
• Setting up computer networking may
be expensive.

Activity 2
1. R esearch on more advantages and disadvantages of computer networking and share
your findings with your friends.
2. What do you think are the similarities and differences between MAN and PAN? Write
down the answers and share them with the class.

Wired and wireless connectivity

In computer network terminology, we usually
talk of wired and wireless networks.
Wired network
A wired setup uses physical cables to
transfer data between different devices and
computer systems. These cables are used
to carry different forms of electrical signals
from one computer to another. Most wired
networks use Ethernet cables to transfer
data between connected PCs.

Connecting an ethernet cable

You can transfer photos from your phone to a computer using a data cable. Ethernet works
or operate in a narrow range and it is little bit difficult to configure as compared to wireless
networking technologies. For easy use, you are supposed to know which computer ports
take what cables. Your teacher will show you how to connect an Ethernet cable.
Wireless network
A wireless network is a computer network
that does not use cables for connection.
Wireless uses radio signal frequency in order
to communicate with other computers. Files
and resources are shared using infrared or
radio frequency signals in this particular
network. Wireless technologies have an
advantage of reducing the time and different
type of obstacles created by the cables.
Many types of wireless devices are available
today; for example, cellular mobile, handheld Wireless network

Wireless network

A wireless network adapter is a device that connects your PC to a wireless network. Your
computer should have a wireless network adapter in order for you to connect it to a wireless
network. These days most computers come with a wireless network adapter already
Differences between wired and wireless network

Wired network Wireless network

Involves cables Does not involve cables
Difficult to manage Easy to install
Takes more time to install Takes less time to install
Costs more because wireless adapters and
Costs less, Ethernet cables are not expensive
access points are expensive
Connectivity is not limited by location as
Connectivity is limited to location users in different offices can connect to the
same network
Speed is high and up to 100mbps Speed is low, only up to 54mbps

2. In the list of networks, choose the network that you want to connect to, and then select
3. Type the security key if required, it is often called a password.
4. Follow additional instructions if there are any.

Activity 5
Connect to a wireless network.

Exercise 3
1. What do you understand by the term wireless network?
2. What is wired network?
3. Name one advantages of wired networks.
4. Name one disadvantage of wireless network.
5. What is computer networking?
6. Can you identify one advantage of computer networking?

Key points in this unit

• There are different network topologies, the LAN, WAN, PAN and MAN.
• Computer network allows for the sharing of resources.
• Wired networks make use of cables.
• Wireless connections make use of radio signal frequency in order to communicate.
• Wireless connections use routers and access points.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. A ___________ is a network connection of less than one kilometer.
2. A _________ is a network connection of within ten meters.
3. _________ is smaller than a WAN but larger than a LAN.
4. Wired networks use __________ for connection.
A. infrared B. radio frequency signal
C. ethernet D. wires
5. Computer networking allows people to ___________.
A. share resources B. abuse resources
C. manipulate resources D. borrow resources
6. A MAN connects people __________.
A. in a geographical area B. in the same building
C. in the world D. far away from each other


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) research on network topologies.
(b) draw network topologies.
(c) design network topology models.

Looking Back
In the previous grade you learnt about different types of network topologies. In this unit you
are going to learn further about the ring, star and bus topologies.

Key Words

Star – is a network topology where each individual piece of a network is

attached to a central node (often called a hub or switch).
Ring – is a network configuration in which device connections create a circular
data path.
Bus – in this kind of network topology, all of the various devices in the network
are connected to a single cable or line.
Topology – is the pattern in which network elements are connected.
Nodes – any system or device connected to a network is called a node.
Traffic – refers to the amount of data moving across a network at a given point of
Central hub – electronic device that works as a central connecting point for multiple
computers in a network.

Network topologies

Network topologies
Above are different types of network topologies. There are a number of them, this time you
are going to learn about star, ring and bus topology. Other types of topologies that you can
research about are hybrid and mesh as shown in the diagram above.
Star topology

Star topology
A star topology is a topology for a Local Area
Network (LAN) that you learnt about in the
previous unit. In this network topology, all
nodes are individually connected to a central
connection point, like a hub or a switch.
The attachment of these network pieces to
the central component is visually represented
in a form similar to a star. The topology thus
derives its name from the shape. The star
topology design resembles a bicycle wheel
with spokes coming from the centre.
Star topology

destination or port. After receiving a message, a switch determines where it is supposed
to be sent. It does not send the message to the whole network. The switch thus provides a
direct connection between a source of the message and the destination.
Advantages of switches
• They increase the available bandwidth of the network. 
• They help in reducing the load on individual computers. 
• They improve the performance of the network. 
• Switches can be connected directly to workstations. 
Disadvantages of switches
• They are more expensive when compared to network bridges. 
• It is difficult to trace connectivity issues.
• There may be problems with traffic. 
• Security may have problems.
Cables and connectors

The cable transmits communication signals. The wired network typology uses special type
of cable to connect computers on a network. There are different types of cables, the twisted
pair wire, the coaxial cable and the fiber optic cable. The cost of fibre optics is very expensive
and are usually purchased and installed at governmental level.

Activity 3
Use twisted pair cables to connect to the internet.

Software components
Network Operating Systems is normally installed in the server. It helps workstations in a
network to share resources like files, database, applications and printers.
Another software component is a protocol suite which is a rule or guideline followed by
each computer for data communication. The common protocol suites are Open System
Interconnections (OSI Model) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

Activity 4
Use a router to connect several computers to the internet.

Exercise 1
1. What is a router used for?
2. What is a hub?
3. Name two types of cables that you know.
4. What do we use a server for?
5. Name one software component of a network.
6. Which is the most expensive cable?

Key points in this unit

• There are a number of components required when you want to set up a network.
These are hardware and software components.
• The router helps to connect multiple computers at the same time.
• A hub is like a distribution centre that splits a network connection into multiple
• The cables are used to transfer communication signals.
• The software components of the network are the operating system and the protocol

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Different types of servers are file, database and________servers.
A. hub B. print C. unguided D. transfer
2. The server pulls and pushes ___ from the internet.
A. data B. folders C. switches D. cables
3. The advantage of a server is that______.
A. there is central administration B. any user can modify it
C. any computer can connect D. there is less security
4. The disadvantage of a server is that________.
A. it is very easy to install and manage
B. it works poorly when connected to users
C. it is expensive to install
D. no one can connect to it.
5. A protocol suite is a _____ component.
A. hardware B. software C. switch D. cheap
6. A modem uses a _____.
A. telephone line B. fiber cable
C. twisted paired cable D. coaxial cable

Paper 1
Multiple Choice Questions (25 Marks)
1. The mouse and keyboard can be cleaned using ______.
A. a small broom B. water C. compressed air D. alcoholic liquids
2. Anti-virus protects your PC by __ and cleaning up your computer whenever necessary.
A. detecting viruses B. deleting infected files
C. drying D. antivirus schedules
3. The _____ manages the resources of a network.
A. cables B. server C. router D. switch
4. Data backup is just making a digital copy of something and _______ that copy in a
different location than the original.
A. sending B. transferring C. covering D. storing
5. The Internet is the best-known example of a public ______.
6. You need to keep your ICT tools safe from environmental hazards like____.
A. tables, chairs and cables B. dust, water and falls
C. trees, wind and dust D. tables, falls and dust
7. Disk defragmentation solves problems that are created by the way a disk ___.
A. stores data B. sends data C. receives data D. pollutes data
8. Hardware maintenance deals with how to take care of the ____ aspects of your computer
like the monitor, keyboard, CPU and the mouse.
A. universal B. unseen C. few D. physical
9. Plastic covers can be used for the keyboard to keep it safe from _____.
A. dust and liquids B. wind and falls C. heat and rains D. water and papers
10. Wired connectivity is limited to ______.
A. space B. location C. towns D. bus topology
11. One way of dealing with problems caused by failing nodes in ring topology is to _____.
A. use bidirectional rings B. use unidirectional rings
C. separate the nodes D. create one central hub
12. One disadvantage of a server is that ________.
A. it is very easy to install and manage
B. it works poorly when connected to users
C. it is expensive to install
D. no one can connect to it
13. A wireless network costs more because wireless adapters and access points are ___.
A. expensive B. hard to get C. imported D. unique
14. _____ deals with viruses automatically when it is programmed to do so.
A. Windows defender B. Microsoft
C. Antivirus D. Task scheduler

15. Wired networks use _____ for connection.
A. ethernet B. infrared
C. radio frequency signal D. wires
16. Connecting devices are_______.
A. devices that bind the network media together
B. computers that connect to each other
C. printers that are connected to computers
D. server and wires
17. __________can help you decide what to do when designing a form.
A. Report B. Filtering C. Sorting D. Wizard
18. Filtering allows you to ________.
A. sort data
B. arrange data
C. only view data that you are interested in
D. create data
19. The _______ detect and fix various types of errors in our computers.
A. error checking tools B. antivirus
C. defragmenters D. back up
20. _________ is not an example of a connecting device.
A. Windows defender B. Router
C. Modem D. Hub
21. We can remove dust from a computer using a _____________.
A. PC blower B. broom C. nylon cloth D. water
22. One disadvantage of bus topology is that _____.
A. it only works well with big networks B. it connects different hubs together
C. it only works well with small networks D. if one node fails, all nodes are affected
23. Modems and _______ are connecting devices.
A. servers B. wires C. routers D. hardware
24. The_______ is also called a server.
A. cable B. central hub C. processor D. topology
25. Wired networks use _______ for connection.
A. infrared B. radio frequency signal
C. ethernet D. wires

Section A: Structured Questions (25 marks)
Answer all questions.
1. What is disk fragmentation?
2. What is defragmentation?
3. Write one way of backing up data.
4. List one way of preventing dust from building up in the CPU.
5. Name two ICT tools that need protection.
6. What is a microfiber cloth used for?
7. What is Metropolitan Area Network?
8. What is a router used for?
9. Name two things that can be maintained in hardware maintenance.
10. One advantage of a switch is that_____.
11. One disadvantage of a switch is that______.
12. A local area network covers a radius of_____.
13. What is a bus topology?
14. What is a star topology?
15. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of a star topology.
16. A Personal Area Network normally covers a radius of ____m.
17. Name one example of software maintenance.
18. Give an example of an antivirus software.
19. Name one advantage of a ring topology.
20. If we combine a star and bus topology, we get a______ topology.
21. The ring topology connects nodes in a ____ motion.
22. _____ liquids should never be used to clean a computer.
23. Name any components of a network.
24. Name one type of network cables.

Section B (Answer any three questions).

1. Give steps of how you would connect to a wireless network. [5]
2. List steps of how you would run a disk defragmenter. [5]
3. How do you run an antivirus scan? [5]
4. Name five ways of hardware maintenance. [5]
5. Draw a diagram showing a PAN. [5]

Answer any three questions
1. Use your computer to schedule weekly antivirus scans. ` [5]
2. Connect your computer to a wireless network. [5]
3. Use a drawing software to draw a bus topology network. [5]
4. In one diagram, sketch a LAN, WAN and MAN. [5]
5. Use a guided transmission medium to connect to the internet. [5]


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