Portfolio in Practice Teaching

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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Creative and
Contextualized by the
Practice Teacher

Table of Contents
Curriculum Vitae of the Practice Teacher
Certificate of Completion

 (360 hours) from the host school/CT

Professional readings

 Titles and brief synopsis of professional

readings and references (w/ reflection paper
summarizing the significant insights gained
from the readings)
Week 1-Journal
(March 08 to March 11, 2022)
Semestral break is over! There comes the last and the most intense semester in my
journey as a preservice teacher- the teaching internship. At first, to be honest I was really
worried about my school assignment since the division transferred me to a new school with
the reason that I am alone in my chosen school. And when I asked Ma’am Nori and Ma’am
Orozco, they both said, “Yes, it’s final.” I really felt worried not just because of the expenses
for my transportation and allowances but also because I am not really familiar in this place as
well as the location of the school. To be exact, I was assigned in Sto Domingo Central
School. I never been there even before. So, what I did was, I looked with the names of the
students who will also be practice teaching there. And there I found two names- Anjennica
Barnedo and Maria Khyla Baldres. They both came from different blocks. Without any
hesitation I messaged Khyla in her Facebook messenger. Luckily, she entertained me. She
came from Sto Domingo that is why she is very familiar in this place. She told me the exact
details and location of the school. Thanks to her!

March 08, 2021, this was my first day. I woke up as early as 3:30 am for me to get
there on time. Well, the travel was shorter than I expected. It’s just almost 30 minutes from
our house. I took the photos below while I was waiting for Anjenica and khyla. We can see in
these photos the municipal hall of Sto Domingo.

And now here we are, in the very eco-friendly campus of Sto Domingo Central School. This
central school is headed by Floresita R. Sadueste, Principal II.

Together with Jenica ans Khyla, we introduced ourselves to the principal. She
welcomed us good. After a short orientation she already gave us the names and schedules
of our cooperating teachers. My assigned cooperating teacher is Ma’am Shirley M. Baloloy.
She is a Master Teacher and an English teacher who handles the Grade 4 Sagittarius class.
My first day was full of learning. You want to know why? Because when Ma’am Flor
introduced us to our respective cooperating teacher, I learned there that they are having an
activity with all the teachers. This activity is called SDCS School Learning Action Cell-COT.
Ma’am Shirley welcomed me with a smile, so I didn’t feel much pressure from her. Even the
other teachers are very hospitable. They even gave a seat for me.
That day, I sat with the teachers
during their COT. The demonstration
teachers are mostly Filipino teachers but
they have their own and different teaching
strategies and techniques. Just like Ma’am
Rose who was the first demonstrator.
She showed an ICT integrated
lesson in Filipino through the use of spin the
wheel application in her tablet. With that
strategy, she was able to capture the interest of her students and even based on the positive
feedbacks from her co-teachers. Based on their comments, I can really say that the other
teachers were really amazed with the technological
knowledge of Ma’am Rose. They even wished they had
also experienced being taught with an ICT subject. I can
really see now how their curriculum differ from ours.
They said that we are lucky enough because we are
taught about using computers because during their time
there is no specific subject for it. That is why they did
not consider themselves as computer literate. To be
honest, knowing that real experience of them I felt some pain in my heart because there are
times that I just waste the opportunities to learn about computers while in reality we have
these professional teachers who are dreaming to be privileged as us- the new generation of

After the COT, Ma’am Shirley oriented me with some of the class routines that I need
to do all through-out my stay as her student teacher. In the afternoon, Ma’am Shirley tasked
me to release and retrieve modules because she has a work to do in the office.
The pictures above are the documentations during the release and retrieve of modules and
the attendance of those who already returned and get their new modules. Most of the
parents and learners went but there are still five I think that did not get and submit their
March 09, 2022 is a work from home day
for me and Ma’am Shirley. This day, encoded my
workweek plan and get ready of my
accomplishment report. These two are being
required to me by Ma’am Shirley and I have to
submit this every Friday afternoon. I finished it in
the during whole day.

March 10, 2022 was my second day in SDCS campus. In the morning I sorted out the
retrieved modules. After sorting, Ma’am Shirley taught me how to bundle these modules by
subject. In the afternoon, I started checking the
modules. While checking, Ma’am Shirley told
me that as a teacher it is important for us to be
more organized in anything we do for us to not
experience being stressed out because of so

many tasks to do especially in this modular

learning wherein there are lots of paper works.
According to her, we just really need to be
responsible in using our time. And I agree with
her. Time is fast and we can do so many things
by not letting each second pass without doing
March 11, 2022 as what we usually say “TGIF or Thank God it’s Friday!”. This day, I
worked on printing out the modules for next week
release. After lunch, I went out to find a computer shop
to print out my workweek plan and accomplishment
report. Luckily, I found a near one at along the road. I
filled up and submitted my reports to Ma’am Shirley
when she came back after lunch. Also, during that
afternoon there are three learners with their parents
who came in the classroom to attend the reading
session. According to Ma’am Shirley, this is their way to
help the struggling readers to become a good reader.
And based on my observation, the learners are already a very good reader. They were given
reading materials and they said that they are really
reading it in their houses and that is very evident to
their reading progress. While Ma’am Shirley is having
the reading session, I am already sorting out the
modules I printed. I
sorted it by subject
and put it one by one
to the individual
envelopes of the

After Ma’am Shirley’s reading session and me after

finishing sorting of modules, she called me. She showed some important forms that they use
and she even explained to me how to fill out these forms and what are there purposes. Some
of the forms she mentioned are the form 48 (Daily Time Record, Daily Attendance Form,
Enrollment Record Form, Data for Learners’ Progress in Handling Modular Distance
Learning Form and other forms. She even gave me a copy of the Most Essential Learning
Competencies or MELCS in Grade 4. She said that there are still lots of things she will teach
me about for me to really experience what is really happening in the field.
Week 2-Journal
(March 14 to March 18, 2022)
March 14, 2022 it’s a work from home Monday. Last Friday, I brought 2 subjects. And
this day, I continued recording the scores of the pupils. I also
started writing and encoded my week 1 journal as part of the
requirements that we need
to comply. After that, I went
to my cousin’s house to print
out 2 copies of my
Accomplishment report and
work week plan last week
because Ma’am Shirley
asked me to furnish 2 copies of it and put it in a file.
March 15, 2022, I went early in the SDCS because Ma’am Shirley told me that there
will be a Zumba at 7:30 in the morning. She
also advised me to wear a Zumba attire so I
do so. I am not really a good dancer but I
enjoyed the Zumba dance because I was
able to exercise my body. After the Zumba,
we already go back to our respective
classrooms. There were already parents
waiting outside the room so we eventually
released and retrieved modules. Aside from that, I also assisted Ma’am Shirley in releasing
the cards of the learners.

Here are some examples of Summative tests we distributed this today and will be
submitted by next Tuesday.
In the afternoon, I sorted out the
retrieved modules for me to start
checking by Thursday.
Here are also some of the outputs submitted by the learners for their Arts subject.

After sorting Ma’am Shirley called me

and gave me a hard copy of the
school forms. She let me produce
copies of those forms.

Then, last March 16, 2022, I edited and encoded my Work week plan and Individual
Daily Log Accomplishment Report or IDLAR.
March 17, 2022 a day for checking the retrieved modules. I checked half of the
subjects. After checking I also recorded the scores in
the Data for Learner’s Progress in Handling Modular
Distance Learning. Ma’am Shirley told me that sooner
she will send me an e-copy of this form for me to
record the scores directly. And March 18, 2022, the
task I did were
printing and
sorting out the
modules for
release next
week. Ma’am Shirley also oriented me with all of what
she wants me to comply during my internship. She
said that she will give me 2 subjects and I will be the
one to compute the final grades in these subjects-
English and ESP. Another task is I need to change the
design in the two bulletin boards in the classroom. The bulletin board on the right must be an
infographic about COVID-19 and on the left can be about health protocols or any COVID
related information. The last task she mentioned is test making. Here, I need to prepare 4
summative tests in English for the fourth quarter with table of specification or TOS.
Week 3-Journal
(March 21 to March 25, 2022)
It’s Monday again! March 21, 2022, this day I already crafted a design for my bulletin
board. The thing I learned in crafting a bulletin board is
that I really need to be more creative but at the same
time I need to make it
more informative.
After, I also encoded
my journal for the
second week of my
teaching practice.
March 22, 2022, just like the weekly routine we
were doing – retrieval and distribution of modules. Ma’am
Shirley also gave to the parents the survey about the learning modality they want to adopt by
August. Based on the survey, I can say that
most of the parents already want the children
to have a limited face to face classes.
for the
come, I
started making the background design of my bulletin
board. I used different colored papers to make it more attractive and colorful.
After that, I already sorted out the retrieved modules. Sadly, there were two parents
who were not able to get their modules. Ma’am Shirley told me that it becomes a normal
scenario in releasing and retrieving modules because there are always parents who are very
busy and some also are not following her schedule. This scenario has a negative impact not
just on the side of the teacher but also to the children because unable to get their modules
on time will result to bulk of modules to answer. And that will make them not able to finish
answering the modules on the given time. Indeed, it is good that the Department of
Education is now letting the schools adopt limited face to face classes especially to these
young learners who really need a guidance of a teacher. Then, after sorting out, I started
making a scratch for my summative tests in English which I need to submit to Ma’am Shirley.
March 23, 2022, I checked the retrieved modules. Actually, these was not just pure
modules but most of it are the summative tests in all subjects. It only means that we are now
done with the third quarter. After checking, I encoded my Work Week Plan and Individual
Daily Log Accomplishment Report. Then, I continued gathering information for the bulletin
March 24, 2022, I continued checking the summative exams of the learners. I
observed, that there are learners who are very good in answering their exams but what
caught my attention are the papers- with mostly wrong and no answers. To be honest, I felt
pity to these learners who got low scores. I never thought that they were not smart as the
others but rather I pity them because maybe there were reasons behind these scores. Maybe
there were no one to guide them in answering their modules at home so they made it all
alone. That is one of the reasons have registered in my mind. Correct me if I am wrong this is
the reality. This new modality is a kind of burden to some of the learners especially those
who really need More Knowledgeable Others to guide their home learning. We cannot deny
the fact that in 10 parents there may have 1 who is not able to provide their guidance to their
child maybe because of work, educational attainment or whatever that hinders them in
supporting and guiding their child.
After checking, I started cutting out the pictures and information that I will put in the
bulletin board. Then, when I am done with the cutting, I started pasting these on the bulletin

After 1,2,3 hours, here it is! I’m done with my two

bulletin boards!

After finishing my bulletin boards, Ma’am Shirley discussed to the form for item analysis
which we are going to use for items analysis
in the summative exams. The process was
quite tiring but Ma’am Shirley shared to me
her own way or technique in making it easy
and simple.
March 25, 2022, I made this day the
item analysis for the summative exams in
English subject.
In the afternoon, Ma’am Shirley
came early to tutor three learners in reading.

Unfortunately, without knowing the reason 1 of

them was absent but these two are very eager
to learn. I took a groupie with them before they
start their remedial reading. While Ma’am
Shirley is teaching these two, I was also busy
in printing out the modules for next week.

After the reading remedial Ma’am Shirley told me that she will go to Legazpi because
she will bring her laptop to a repair shop. I was the only left in the classroom. She just
reminded me to finish printing and sort it all out, and I must check out the plugs, close
the windows and check the lock before I go home.
Experiences and Reflections on each of the
PPST domains
 Domain 1 – content and pedagogy
 Domain 2 – learning environment
 Domain 3 – diversity of learners
 Domain 4 – curriculum and
 Domain 5 – assessment and
 Domain 6 – community linkages
and professional engagement
 Domain 7 – personal growth and
professional development

Observation and Evaluation Forms of

Summary Sheet
Examples of lesson plans/ teaching
materials developed/ Best Lesson Plan
using creative strategy with the
complete set of materials (w/
description of the strategy and
reflection paper)
Teaching Philosophy as a Beginning Teacher
 Title (Creative and Contextualized by the Practice
 Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Acknowledgments
 Curriculum Vitae of the Practice Teacher
 Certificate of Completion (360 hours) from the host
 Professional readings

 Titles and brief synopsis of professional

readings and references (w/ reflection paper
summarizing the significant insights gained
from the readings)
 Weekly Journals
 Include a brief description of the site of
practice teaching (Include photos and other
 Experiences and Reflections on each of the PPST
 Domain 1 – content and pedagogy
 Domain 2 – learning environment
 Domain 3 – diversity of learners
 Domain 4 – curriculum and planning
 Domain 5 – assessment and reporting
 Domain 6 – community linkages and
professional engagement
 Domain 7 – personal growth and professional
 Observation and Evaluation Forms of CT
 Summary Sheet
 Examples of lesson plans/ teaching materials
developed/ Best Lesson Plan using creative strategy
with the complete set of materials (w/ description of
the strategy and reflection paper)
 Teaching Philosophy as a Beginning Teacher

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