Hello Everyone - How Are You Today?

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School: 29 de Setembro Secondary School-Maxixe

Teacher’s name: Nelson Aminosse Zavale

Date: 30th March 2021
Length: 45 minutes
Number of Students: 60 Grade: 12 Age Group: 15-20
Subject: English Topic: Nelson Mandela’s life
Language focus: Past simple
Skill: Listening, speaking
Activities: Individual and pair work activities
Material: Picture, Handout, chalkboard and Blackboard, body members (for gesticulating, especially for deaf
Assumptions: By the end of this lesson, Anticipated Problems: How to help learners:
students are supposed to be familiar with past Learners may find difficult to Pre-teach vocabulary and
simple form. understand some words. grammar
Objective: By means of past simple, the students Students may face problems in
will be able to describe people, characters and the use of verb tense (past
what people do; simple)
Students will be able to states personal opinions;
Students will be able to develop their motivation
and concentration;
The students will be able to activate their
schemata or previous knowledge.

Stages Time Methods/ Activities Teacher’s Students’ Material

Techniques role role
Pre- Pre- Teacher Speaking Listening, Picture,
reading teaching  The teacher greets the students and the use speaking chalk,
10 grammar -Hello everyone of body and blackboard
min Guessing -How are you today? language gesticulatin and body
(whole  The teacher asks the students for g members
class) revision of the last lesson (present
 The teacher asks questions to
stimulate their prior knowledge:
-Who is your favorite celebrity?
-What does he/she does/did?
 The teacher shows to the students a
picture of Nelson Mandela and asks
them to guess the name, and what he
does or did;
 Teacher pre-teaches grammar and
vocabulary (past simple tense)
 The students greet the teacher (good
morning teacher)
 The students talk about the last
lesson (revision of present simple);
 The students answer to the questions
about their favorite celebrity;
 The students pay attention, analyze
the picture and guess the name of
the person in the picture (Nelson
Mandela), and they say what they
know about him;
 The students pay attention to the use
of past simple tense.

While- Step1
listenin Listening Teacher Speaking Listening, Body
g and  The teacher gives instructions of and watching members
watching how the listening activities will be gesticulatin and note
the teacher (in some minutes the teacher talks g taking
20 and writing about Mandela’s biography and he
min (whole counts as a story, the main things he
class) did in life while students take note
of whatever they listen)
 The teacher talks about Mandela’s


 The students listen and watch

carefully to the teacher and take
notes of whatever they listen, no
matter they understand or not.
Work in Step2 Handout,
pairs Teacher and students Speaking Speaking body
 The teacher divides the class in pairs and and writing members
and discuss what they wrote so that gestures
they can reorganize the teacher’s
speech and discuss the meaning and
the teacher will be the monitor;
 The teacher distributes a handout of
short Nelson Mandela’s biography
 The teacher asks them to underline
the use of past simple
 The teacher asks some pairs to come
in front and count what they have
been discussing about Mandela’s
life and others will be listening, and
for the deaf students the teacher has
the role of gesticulating so that they
can be involved.

Feedback  Teacher gives feedback from the Speaking Speaking

student’s ideas and clarifies some and and Handout,
misunderstanding. gesticulates listening body
Post- Debate Teacher and students Speaks and Listening,
listenin (Whole  The teacher makes the students monitor the watching
g 15 class) debate the good and bad aspects of class and writing Handout,
min Exercises what Nelson Mandela did in life. body
 The teacher gives exercises members
 The students do the exercise (filing
the gapes conjugating the verbs in
the past simple tense)

Feedback  Teacher gives the feedback Speaking Listening, Handout,

 The teacher gives them a homework and watching body
for them to talk about a favorite gesticulatin and writing members
celebrity. (choose a celebrity and g

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