Veritas Netbackup 9.1: Administration: Id Ve-Nba91 Price On Request Duration 5 Days

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Veritas NetBackup 9.

1: Administration (NBA91)

ID VE-NBA91 Price on request Duration 5 days

Course Overview Backup, restore and protect virtual environments like

VMware and Hyper-V.
Acquire the skills to make your data protection strategy Configure Storage Lifecycle Policies (SLPs) and initiate
successful with the Veritas NetBackup 9.1: Administration jobs that use SLPs.
Protect and manage the NetBackup catalog.
course. You will learn the general principles, configuration, and
Configure NetBackup WORM protection.
management of NetBackup, including how to best utilize the Optimize NetBackup for performance.
NetBackup tools and interfaces, effectively monitor backup and Generate NetBackup reports in NetBackup, OpsCenter,
restore operations, and ensure that the data recovery and APTARE IT Analytics.
objectives are met. Initiate NetBackup upgrades using VxUpdate.
Identify and use resources for troubleshooting
NetBackup, including the support information gathering
Who should attend tools.

This course is intended for technical professionals responsible

Course Content
for the design, configuration, operation, monitoring, or support
of NetBackup. Introducing NetBackup
Working with the NetBackup Web UI
Performing NetBackup Certificate Administration
Prerequisites Configuring Basic and Advanced Disk Storage
Configuring NetBackup Policies and Schedules
Students should be familiar with general network and storage Protecting File Systems
concepts, and the administration and configuration of Windows Configuring Media Server Deduplication
Configuring Cloud Storage
or Linux operating systems. Knowledge of virtualization and
Optimizing Filesystem Backups
cloud technologies is useful.
Protecting VMware Environments
Recovering VMware Environments
Duplicating and Replicating Backups
Course Objectives Protecting the NetBackup Catalog
Configuring Immutable and Indelible Storage
After completing this course, you will be able to: Generating NetBackup Reports
Upgrading and Updating NetBackup
Describe the functions of the Primary/Master server, Collecting Logs and Diagnostic Information
media servers, and clients. Appendix A: Protecting Hyper-V Environment
Describe how NetBackup backs up and restores data. Appendix B: Protecting NAS Data
Use the NetBackup Administration Console, Web User Appendix C: Configuring and Managing Tape Storage
Interface, and OpsCenter. Appendix D: Performing Instant Recovery
Configure and manage NetBackup security certificates.
Configure, manage, and Monitor BasicDisk and
AdvancedDisk storage units and storage unit groups. Detailed Course Outline
Configure file system backup policies and schedules.
Perform manual backups and user-directed backups. Introducing NetBackup
Restore files using the Java or Windows BAR interface
and OpsCenter Operational Restore. Data Protection and the NetBackup Environment
Provision storage and configure MSDP. NetBackup and Flex Appliances: Overview
Manage NetBackup cloud backups and cloud storage. NetBackup Integrated Solutions
Optimize file system backups with NetBackup NetBackup Installation
Accelerator. NetBackup Administration Interfaces

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Veritas NetBackup 9.1: Administration (NBA91)

Labs: Exercise A: Configuring a BasicDisk Storage Unit

Exercise B: Configuring AdvancedDisk Storage
Exercise A: Creating Users and Groups Exercise C: Monitoring and Managing AdvancedDisk
Exercise B: Installing the NetBackup Primary/Master Storage
Server Software Exercise D: Configuring a Storage Unit Group
Exercise C: Installing the NetBackup Java Remote
Administration Console Configuring NetBackup Policies and Schedules
Exercise D: Installing the NetBackup Media Server
Software Backup Policies: Overview
Exercise E: Installing the NetBackup Client Software Creating and Configuring Policy Attributes
Exercise F: Exploring the NetBackup Administration Creating a Policy Schedule
Console Adding Clients to a Policy
Creating Backup Selections
Working with the NetBackup Web UI Exclude and Include Lists
Managing Policies
NetBackup Web User Interface
Configuring NetBackup for Single Sign-On Labs:
Protecting Workload Assets
Managing Role-based Access Control Exercise A: Configuring a Policy to Use a Frequency-
Alerts and Notifications based Schedule
Managing User Sessions Exercise B: Configuring a Policy to Use a Calendar-
based Schedule
Labs: Exercise C: Managing NetBackup Policies

Exercise A: Accessing and Navigating the NetBackup Protecting File Systems

Web User Interface
Exercise B: Configuring Role-based Access Control Performing Manual Backup Operations
Exercise C: Configuring NetBackup for Single Sign-On Using and Customizing the NetBackup Activity Monitor
Exercise D: Viewing and Configuring Notifications Performing User-directed Backups
Exercise E: Managing User Sessions Backup Job-related Tips
Introduction to Restores
Performing NetBackup Certificate Administration Performing Restore Operations Using the NetBackup
Web UI
Understanding Security Certificates Performing Restore Operations Using the BAR
Working with Certificate Revocation Lists interface
Configuring NetBackup Security Certificates
Managing NetBackup Security Certificates Labs:
Using External Security Certificates with NetBackup
Exercise A: Using and Customizing the Activity Monitor
Labs: Exercise B: Performing Manual Backups
Exercise C: Performing User-initiated Backups
Exercise A: Viewing NetBackup Certificates Exercise D: Restoring Client Files to their Original
Exercise B: Manually deploying NetBackup Certificates Location
Exercise C: Revoking and Reissuing Host ID-based Exercise E: Restoring Client Files to an Alternate File
Certificates System Location
Exercise D: Using External Certificates with NetBackup Exercise F: Restoring Client Files to an Alternate Client
Configuring Basic and Advanced Disk Storage
Configuring Media Server Deduplication
NetBackup Storage Device Concepts
Configuring a BasicDisk Storage Unit Introduction to MSDP
Configuring AdvancedDisk Variable-Length Deduplication
Managing AdvancedDisk Storage MSDP Architecture
Configuring Storage Unit Groups Planning a Deployment
Provisioning Storage and Configuring MSDP

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Labs: Exercise A: Configuring NetBackup to Perform VMware

Exercise A: Configuring NetBackup Media Server Exercise B: Configuring a VMware Policy
Deduplication Exercise C: Performing and Monitoring VMware Virtual
Exercise B: Configuring a Policy to Use MSDP Storage Machine Backups
Exercise C: Performing Backups to MSDP Storage Exercise D: Excluding Disks from a VMware Virtual
Exercise D: Configuring and Using Client-side Machine Backup
Deduplication Exercise E: Configuring Continuous Data Protection
Exercise E: Managing and Monitoring NetBackup
MSDP Storage Recovering VMware Environments

Configuring Cloud Storage Performing VMware Restores

Instant Access and Instant Rollback for VMware
Using the Cloud with NetBackup VMware Agentless Restores
Configure NetBackup Cloud Storage
Managing NetBackup Cloud Backups and Cloud Labs:
Exercise A: Recovering Virtual Machine Files (agent-
Labs: based)
Exercise B: Recovering a VMware Virtual Machine Disk
Exercise A: Performing Preliminary Tasks Exercise C: Recovering an Entire VMware Virtual
Exercise B: Configuring Cloud Storage in NetBackup Machine
Exercise C: Configuring and Performing Backups to the Exercise D: Using the VMware Agentless Restore
Cloud Exercise E: Downloading Files and Folders from a VM
Exercise D: Restoring Client Data from Cloud-based Backup Image
Storage Exercise F: Creating Instant Access VM from a
NetBackup Backup Image
Optimizing Filesystem Backups Exercise G: Instant Rollback for VMs
Exercise H: Performing Restores on CDP Protected
File System Backup Challenges Backup
Optimizing File System Backups
Optimizing File System Backups with NetBackup Duplicating and Replicating Backups
NetBackup FlashBackup Duplication Strategies
Using multiple data streams Storage Lifecycle Policy: Concepts
Handling Busy Files on UNIX and Windows File Using Storage Lifecycle Policies
Systems Additional Storage Lifecycle Policy Features and
Exercise A: Configuring and Performing Synthetic
Backups Exercise A: Configuring a Storage Lifecycle Policy
Exercise B: Optimizing Backups Using the NetBackup Exercise B: Configuring a Policy to Use an SLP
Accelerator Exercise C: Customizing SLP Settings
Exercise C: Optimizing Backups Using NetBackup Exercise D: Viewing and Monitoring SLP Operations
FlashBackup Exercise E: Using SLPs to Perform MSDP Optimized
Exercise D: Configuring and Using Multiple Data Duplication
Streams Exercise F: Configuring SLPs for Replicating Backup
Protecting VMware Environments
Protecting the NetBackup Catalog
Introduction to Virtual Machine Backups
Configuring VMware Backups Understanding NetBackup Catalog
Performing VMware Backups Protecting the NetBackup Catalog
Performing NetBackup Catalog Recovery
Labs: Maintaining the NetBackup Catalog

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Labs: Exercise D: Initiating Upgrades from the Client Using

Exercise A: Verifying Catalog Configuration Files Exercise E: Viewing the Deployment Job Status
Exercise B: Configuring and Running NetBackup
Catalog Backups Collecting Logs and Diagnostic Information
Exercise C: Recovering the Catalogs Using the
NetBackup Catalog Recovery Wizard Performing Basic NetBackup Troubleshooting
Exercise D: Performing Catalog Operations Identifying NetBackup Processes, Services, and
Exercise E: Configuring a Policy for Catalog Archive Daemons
NetBackup Logging: Overview
Configuring Immutable and Indelible Storage Using Support Utilities
Using NetBackup Support Resources
Ransomware Overview
NetBackup Protect Against Ransomware Labs:
Configuring NetBackup WORM Protection
Backup Anomaly Detection Exercise A: Viewing the NetBackup Services
Exercise B: Using the nbsu and nbcplogs Commands
Labs: Exercise C: Viewing and Setting Debug Logging
Exercise A: Configuring Disk Pool and WORM Storage Exercise D: Enabling NetBackup Legacy Debug
Unit Logging
Exercise B: Configuring NetBackup Policy Exercise E: Viewing Debug Logging Levels for Unified
Exercise C: Understanding Catalog Operations on Logs
WORM Image Copy Exercise F: Using the Logging Assistant
Exercise D: Configuring and Identifying Backup
Anomaly Appendix A: Protecting Hyper-V Environment

Generating NetBackup Reports Introduction to NetBackup for Hyper-V

Configuring Hyper-V Backups
Generating Reports in NetBackup Configuring NetBackup Policies for Hyper-V
NetBackup OpsCenter Performing and Monitoring Hyper-V Backups
Generating NetBackup Reports in OpsCenter Performing Hyper-V Restores
Generating Reports Using APTARE IT Analytics Performing Hyper-V Restores with the NetBackup Add-
in for SCVMM
Exercise A: Using the NetBackup Reports Utility
Exercise B: Configuring OpsCenter Data Collection for Exercise A: Configuring NetBackup Communication
NetBackup with Hyper-V
Exercise C: Generating Reports Using OpsCenter Exercise B: Configuring a Hyper-V Intelligent Policy and
Backing Up Hyper-V Virtual Machines
Upgrading and Updating NetBackup Exercise C: Restoring Individual Files
Exercise D: Restoring the Full Hyper-V Machine
NetBackup Upgrades: Overview Exercise E: Performing Hyper-V Backups and Restores
VxUpdate: Overview in an SCVMM Environment
Deployment Policy Management
Initiating Upgrades Using VxUpdate Appendix B: Protecting NAS Data
VxUpdate: Error Codes
Introduction to NetBackup for NDMP
Labs: Preparing for NDMP Backups
Configuring Local NDMP Backup
Exercise A: Populating the Repository with NetBackup Configuring Remote NDMP Backups
Packages Accelerator for NDMP Filers
Exercise B: Configuring a Deployment Policy Protecting a NetApp cDOT NDMP Filer
Exercise C: Manually Initiating Upgrades from the Understanding NDMP Three-way Backups
Primary/Master Server Using VxUpdate Data Protection Configuring NDMP Three-way Backups

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Dynamic NAS (DNAS) Data Protection VMware Instant Recovery: Process

VMware Instant Recovery: Options
Labs: NetBackup Plug-in in vSphere Web Client
Instant Recovery Cleanup
Exercise A: Authorizing NetBackup Access to NDMP Executing the nbrestorevm Command
Exercise B: Configuring and Performing NDMP Labs:
Exercise C: Using NetBackup Accelerator for NDMP Exercise A: Performing Non-NetBackup Pre-requisite
Exercise D: Performing NDMP Restores Tasks for IRV
Exercise E: Performing Prerequisite Tasks for D-NAS Exercise B: Performing NetBackup Pre-requisite Tasks
Configuration for IRV
Exercise F: Configuring and Performing D-NAS Exercise C: Performing Instant Recovery for VMware
Backups Using the vSphere Web Client
Exercise G: Restoring D-NAS Backups

Appendix C: Configuring and Managing Tape Storage

Media Manager Storage Units

Configuring Tape Devices
Verifying Tape Storage
NetBackup Media Concepts
Configuring Media
Managing Robots and Tape Drives
Monitoring Media and Media States
Managing Tapes
NetBackup Device Troubleshooting
Common NetBackup Device Issues
Media And Device Selection
Media-related Status Codes
Using Multiple Data Streams
Optimizing Tape Drive Performance Using Multiplexing
Troubleshooting Frozen and Suspended Media


Exercise A: Verifying and Discovering Tape Devices

Exercise B: Viewing Configured Tape Devices
Exercise C: Configuring Tape Devices
Exercise D: Configuring Volume Pools
Exercise E: Configuring Media
Exercise F: Viewing Tape Drive and Robot
Configuration Settings
Exercise G: Using the Device Monitor to Monitor and
Manage Tape Drives
Exercise H: Managing Media
Exercise I: Using the Robtest Utility
Exercise J: Running NetBackup Reports from the
Command Line
Exercise K: Media State Management Using the
Command Line

Appendix D: Performing Instant Recovery

Using VMware Instant Recovery

VMware Instant Recovery: Differences

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