How To Form An Open-Ended Interrogative Sentence

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How to Form an Open-Ended Interrogative

Like all complete sentences in English, an interrogative sentence must contain a subject and a
verb. However, here the word order is usually changed to put the verb before the subject. For

 When is the deadline?

In this sentence, "deadline" is the subject and "is" is the verb. The verb comes before the subject
in a direct question.

An open-ended question usually begins with a "question word" in English:

 who
 whom
 whose
 what
 when
 where
 why
 which
 how

So start your open-ended interrogative sentence with a question word, then continue the sentence
with the verb and the subject. Examine the examples below to get a feel for how this works in

 What is the right way to iron a shirt?

 When are the best days to go to the mall?
 Where is your new cat?
 Why is the sky blue?
 How are you today?

In some cases, the question word itself serves as the subject of the sentence, because the subject
is unknown — in fact, answering the question will provide the subject. For example:

 Who is the best shortstop in the Major Leagues?

 To whom shall I give the test results?
 Whose socks are these?
 Which is the best route to the circus?

Often times an interrogative sentence requires a helping verb. In these cases, the subject comes
between the helping verb and the main verb. For example:
 Why did Suzie leave so late?

In this sentence, the subject "Suzie" is sandwiched between the helping verb "did" and the main
verb "leave." This happens frequently in direct questions:

 Who did you give the last cookie to?

 Why was she so grumpy yesterday?
 Where did I leave my car keys?

Other Types of Interrogatives

In addition to the open-ended interrogative sentences described above, there are a few other
types of interrogatives.

Yes/No Questions

These questions are designed to be answered simply with either an affirmative or a negative.
They start with a verb or helping verb followed by the subject. For example:

 Are your shoes on?

 Did you eat lunch yet?
 Was the movie enjoyable?
 Did the girls get to school on time?
 Were you too late?

Alternative Interrogatives

These are "or" questions that are designed to offer one or more choices in the context of the
question. They also begin with a verb or a helping verb. For example:

 Would you like cookies or a banana for dessert?

 Is she mad or just tired?
 Do you think I should go home or stay a little longer?
 Is the dog okay, or should we go to the vet?
 Will you be home soon, or should I eat without you?

Tag Questions

Tag questions are added on to the end of declarative sentences. A declarative sentence makes a
statement and follows standard subject-verb word order, but you can add a short question offset
by a comma to make it an interrogative fragment. Tag questions usually ask for confirmation.
For example:
 She's an excellent violinist, isn't she?
 Tidy up the kitchen, won't you?
 There's no food in your bag, is there?
 You're a cute one, aren't you?
 You think you're so smart, don't you?

Indirect Questions
Whether open-ended or not, interrogative sentences always ask direct questions. It should be
noted that this is different from indirect questions, which are declarative sentences that report a
question that was asked in another context. For example:
 He asked if I still wanted to go to the show.

The word "if" sets up the indirect question that is embedded in this declarative sentence. The
purpose of this sentence is to report that he asked something,
it is not to ask the question "Do you still want to go to the show?".
 I was wondering if I could buy you dinner.

When you want an answer to a question, it's crucial to ask it directly in your writing or speaking,
instead of creating an indirect question like this. While your meaning may still be clear, it is a
little rambling and not technically an interrogative sentence.

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