I. Objectives: Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics IV

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics IV

Within 45 minutes, the pupils are able to achieve 75% proficiency level on the following;

A. Identify triangles according to sides and angles;

B. Describe triangles according to sides and angles;



a. Topic: Identifying and Describing Triangles.

b. References: k to 12 Grade 4 Curriculum Guide, LM Math Grade 4 pages 161 and 162.
CG. M4GE-IIIc-16.
c. Materials: Recycled cardboard illustration board, recycled cloth, pictures and cutouts
of different triangles objects.
d. Mathematical Idea: Identifying the kinds of lines and angles. Describing triangles.
e. Teaching Method: Demonstration Method.


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
a. Prayer
- Please let us all stand and pray. (The student will do so)

b. Greetings
- Good morning class! - Good morning teacher!
-Good morning classmates its nice to see you
c. Opening Song
- Let us sing. ‘’Square and Circle” - The pupil will sing.

d. Checking of Attendance
- Yes/No teacher.
- Are all present today?

e. Setting of Classroom Standards

- What are the rules to be followed
- Sit properly.
- Listen carefully.
the class is going on?
- Ask question if you don’t understand the
- What else?
- Listen carefully.
- Raise your right hand if you want to answer.
- To add, what are the important - Always wear a mask.
protocols that we need to follow to - Maintain social distancing teacher.
prevent the spreading of COVID-19? - Always wash our hand with soap.
- Always bring alcohol or hand sanitizer.

- Can I expect all of that to you class? - Yes teacher.

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

f. Passing / Checking of Assignment

- Pass all your assignment - (The pupils will do so)

g. Review
( Ask the pupils to recall the
relationship of a quadrilateral and a triangle)
( Ask them to give the description of
each figure)

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
- ( The teacher shows picture of - There’s a triangular shape on the flag.
Philippine flag) - I can see plane figure has 3 sides and 3
- What can you see in the flag? angles.
- What plane figure can you see?

- ( The teacher elicit the value of


2. Presentation
Miss Fina assigned some of her
pupils to bring different objects with the shape
of a triangle. Benilda brought a picture of a
house, Grace showed a picture of a traffic sign,
Jocelyn prepared a triangular flag let.
- ( Show the pictures of the different
objects mentioned)
- Observed the different triangles
objects. - Triangles describe the different, according
- How will you describe the different to their angles and their sides.
triangular objects?

3. Discussion
( The teacher explain the topic)
A triangle is a simple closed curve or
polygon which is created by three line-segments.

- In Euclidean geometry, any three

points, specifically non-collinear, form a unique
triangle and separately, a unique plane (known as
two-dimensional Euclidean space).
Triangle can be classified according to
their angles.
Right triangle- has a right angle
Acute triangle – has 3 acute angles, each
measuring less than 90 degree.
Obtuse triangle – has an obtuse angle which
measures more than 90 degree
Triangles can be classified according to their
Equilateral triangle – has 3 equal sides.
Isosceles triangle – has 2 equal sides.
Scalene triangle – has no equal sides.

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Identify the following triangles according to
their angles.


- It is a Obtuse triangle

- Acute triangle

3. - Right triangle

B. Identify the following triangles

according to their sides.

- Isosceles triangle

2. - Equilateral triangle

- Scalene triangle
Draw a circle if your answer is Yes and
a diamond if it is No. -
1. Does an isosceles triangle have 2 equal sides?
2. Does an acute triangle have an obtuse angle?
3. Does an equilateral triangle have equal sides?
4. Does a scalene triangle have no equal sides?
5. Does a right triangle have a right angle?
5. Does a right triangle have a right angle?

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

4. Group Activity
Group yourselves into 2 groups. Group 1 will be
cut outs of different kinds of triangles according
to their angles. Group 2 will be cut outs of
different triangles according to their sides.
Afterall groups have finished come to the front
and display your outputs and present to the


Criteria G1 G2





10 points 7 points 5 points

- Isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides.
- How many equal sides does an isosceles
triangle have? - Equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides.
- How many equal sides does an equilateral
triangle have? - Acute triangle has 3 acute angles.
- What kind of angle does an acute triangle - A right triangle has right angles.
- What kind of angle does a right triangle have? - Obtuse triangle.
- What kind of angle does an obtuse triangle


1. Generalization - Triangle can be classified according to

angles as right, acute, or obtuse triangle. It
- How are triangles classified? can also be classified according to sides as
equilateral, scalene, or isosceles triangle.

2. Application
Using cardboard cut out different triangles
classify them according to sides and angles.

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

2. Application
Using cardboard cut out different triangles
classify them according to sides and angles.

3. Value Infusion
- Each group has a very good output.
- What can you observe in the activity?
- As I was observed in the activity each
member of the group has teamwork.
- Is teamwork important?
- Yes teacher!
- Why?
- Because if we have a teamwork we can
finish the activity quickly.
- Have you experienced teamwork?
- Yes teacher!
- In what way?
- By cleaning our house teacher so that the
work will finish quickly.


Direction: Match the name of the triangles described in each item into the column B.
Column A Column B.
1. It is a triangle which has a right angle. A. Isosceles triangle
2. It is a triangle which has an obtuse angle. B. Acute triangle
3.It is a triangle which has 3 acute angle. C. Scalene triangle
4. It is a triangle which has 2 equal sides. D. Right triangle
5. It is a triangle which has no equal sides. E. Obtuse triangle
6. It is a triangle which has 3 equal sides. F. Equilateral triangle

V. Assignment
Directions: Draw the following triangles correctly.
1. Right triangles
2. Obtuse triangles
3. Acute triangles
4. Equilateral triangles
5. Isosceles triangles
7. Scalene triangles

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