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Risk assessments

questions and answers:

a practical approach

Pat Perry
Published by Thomas Telford Publishing, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD.
URL: http://www.thomastelford.com

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First published 2003

Also in this series from Thomas Telford Books

Construction safety: questions and answers. Pat Perry. ISBN 0 7277 3233 1
Health and safety: questions and answers. Pat Perry. ISBN 07277 3240 4
Fire safety: questions and answers. Pat Perry. ISBN 07277 3239 0
CDM questions and answers: a practical approach 2nd edition. Pat Perry. ISBN 0 7277 3107 6

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 0 7277 3238 2

© Pat Perry and Thomas Telford Ltd, 2003

Any safety sign or symbol used in this book is for illustrative purposes only and does not
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Throughout the book the personal pronouns ‘he’, ‘his’, etc. are used when referring to ‘the Client’,
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Pat Perry, MCIEH, MIOSH, FRSH, MIIRM, qualified as an

Environmental Health Officer in 1978 and spent the first years of her
career in local government enforcing environmental health laws, in
particular health and safety law, which became her passion. She has
extensive knowledge of her subject and has served on various
working parties on both health and safety and food safety. Pat
contributes regularly to professional journals, e.g. Facilities
Business, and has been commissioned by Thomas Telford Publishing
to write a series of health and safety books.
After a period in the private sector, Pat set up her own
environmental health consultancy, Perry Scott Nash Associates Ltd,
in the latter part of 1988, and fulfilled her vision of a ‘one-stop shop’
for the provision of consultancy services to the commercial and retail
The consultancy has grown considerably over the years and
provides consultancy advice to a wide range of clients in a variety of
market sectors. Leisure and retail have become the consultancy’s
major expertise and the role of planning supervisor and
environmental health consultant is provided on projects ranging
from a few hundred thousand pounds to many millions, e.g. new
public house developments and major department store refits and
iv I Risk assessments Q&A

Perry Scott Nash Associates Ltd have strong links to the enforcing
agencies; consultants having come mostly from similar backgrounds
and approach projects and all the issues and concerns associated with
legal compliance with pragmatism and commercial understanding.
Should you wish to contact Pat Perry about any issue in this book,
or to enquire further about the consultancy services offered by Perry
Scott Nash Associates Ltd, please contact us direct at:

Perry Scott Nash Associates Ltd

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My sincere thanks go to Maureen for her never ending support and

encouragement and to Janine and the Business Support team at Perry
Scott Nash Associates Ltd for typing all the handwritten manuscripts
with such patience and efficiency.

Author’s note

Many of the publications referenced in this book are available for

download on a number of websites, e.g.:

• www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/index.htm
• www.hsebooks.co.uk

Also, guidance on the availability of books is available from the HSE

Info Line on 0541 545 500.

1. Introduction 1
What does the term ‘risk assessment’ mean? 1
Why is risk assessment so important in respect of
health and safety? 1
Is risk assessment something new? 2
Is risk assessment as complicated as everyone seems
to believe? 2
What is meant by the term ‘suitable and sufficient’? 3
What does the term ‘hazard’ mean? 3
What is meant by the term ‘risk’? 4
What is meant by the term ‘risk control’? 4
What is meant by the term ‘risk reduction’? 4
What is risk avoidance? 5
What regulations in respect of health and safety
require risk assessments? 5
What are the consequences for failing to carry out
risk assessments? 6

2. Legal framework 7
What is the main piece of legislation which sets the
framework for health and safety at work? 7
viii I Risk assessments Q&A

The term ‘reasonably practicable’ is used in the Health

and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 and numerous
Regulations. What does it mean? 8
How can civil action under civil law be actioned by
employees in respect of health and safety at work? 9
How quickly do employees need to bring claims to the
courts in respect of civil claims? 10
What are the consequences for the employer if an
employee wins their civil action? 11
Who enforces health and safety legislation? 11
What powers do enforcing authorities have to enforce
health and safety legislation? 13
What are the consequences of failing to comply with
any of the Notices served by inspectors? 14
Can an inspector serve a Statutory Notice and prosecute
at the same time? 15
What is the appeal process against the service of
Improvement and Prohibition Notices? 16
If remedial works cannot be completed in the
time given in the Improvement Notice, can it
be extended? 17
What are the powers of inspectors under the Health
and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974? 17
What is a Section 20 interview under the Health
and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974? 18
What is the law on corporate manslaughter? 19
What are the fines for offences against health
and safety legislation? 20
The HSE issues ‘guidance’ and Codes of Practice.
What are these and is a criminal offence committed
if they are not followed? 22
What is a Safety Policy? 24
What is meant by organisational arrangements? 24
What is meant by ‘arrangements’ in a Safety Policy? 25
Contents I ix

3. The Management of Health and Safety at Work

Regulations 1999 27
What is important about the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW)? 27
What is the requirement for risk assessments? 28
What is the legal requirement for reviewing risk
assessments? 29
What is the legal requirement regarding the
employment of young persons? 29
What is the law on the ‘principles of prevention’? 30
What are the employer’s duties in respect of health
and safety arrangements? 31
What are the five steps to successful health
and safety management? 32
What are an employer’s duties in respect of health
surveillance? 35
As an employer, can I deal with all health and safety
matters myself? 37
What are the requirements regarding ‘serious and
imminent’ danger? 37
What is required regarding ‘contact with emergency
services’? 38
What is the legal duty under the Management of
Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 for
information to be given to employees? 39
What happens in relation to health and safety when two
or more employers share a workplace? 40
What are an employer’s duties regarding the provision
of training for his employees? 41

4. Undertaking risk assessments 43

Who should undertake a risk assessment? 43
Does absolutely every single job activity require
a risk assessment? 44
Is there a standard format for a risk assessment? 45
x I Risk assessments Q&A

What do the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ mean? 45

What does ‘suitable and sufficient’ mean in respect
of risk assessment? 46
When should risk assessments be reviewed? 47
Which people must be considered as being exposed to
the risks from work activities? 47
Must risk assessments be categorised into high, medium
or low risks? 48
What are some of the common control measures which
can be put in place to reduce the risks from job
activities? 49
What will an Enforcement Officer expect from my
risk assessments? 49
What is meant by the term ‘control measure’? 50
What is the ‘hierarchy of risk control’? 51
What is the common approach to risk assessment? 51
What needs to be considered for each of the ‘five steps’? 52
What are site-specific risk assessments? 57
Are generic risk assessments acceptable under health
and safety law? 57
As an employer, I have completed my risk assessments,
recorded the significant findings in writing and have
a Risk Assessment Manual. What else do I need to do? 58

5. Control of substances hazardous to health and

dangerous explosive substances 59
What are the COSHH Regulations 2002? 59
What does COSHH require? 59
What substances are covered by the COSHH Regulations? 60
What changes did the 2002 COSHH Regulations introduce? 60
How do dangerous chemical products get into the body? 62
What are Occupational Exposure Limits or
Standards (OEL/OES)? 64
What are maximum exposure limits? 64
What is health surveillance? 65
Contents I xi

What are the recommended steps when undertaking

a COSHH assessment? 68
Who should carry out the COSHH assessment? 68
What are some COSHH control procedures? 69
How might the risk of accidents from hazardous
substances be reduced? 70
What steps can be followed when establishing
whether to substitute a less harmful substance for
a hazardous one? 70
What do the Dangerous Substances and Explosive
Atmospheres Regulations 2002 require of employers? 75
How does an employer carry out a risk assessment
under DSEAR? 75
What are some control measures which could be
implemented? 76
How will an employer identify a dangerous substance? 77

6. Manual handling 81
What are employers responsible for with respect to
manual handling at work? 81
What are the costs of poor manual handling to both
businesses and society? 82
What steps should be taken in respect of carrying out
a risk assessment for manual handling? 83
What needs to be considered for a detailed manual
handling risk assessment? 84
What are some of the ways of reducing the risks of
injury from manual handling? 87
What are good handling techniques? 88
What are the guideline weights for lifting or manual
handling? 91
Is ‘ergonomics’ anything to do with manual handling? 92
How can ergonomics improve health and safety? 92
What kind of manual handling problems can
ergonomics solve? 93
xii I Risk assessments Q&A

Is it appropriate to have a ‘no lifting’ policy within the

work environment? 94
What are some of the key solutions to manual
handling problems? 96

7. Noise 101
What are the requirements of the Noise at Work
Regulations 1989? 101
What are the hazards from noise? 102
What do employers have to do about noise? 103
Is there anything I must know before undertaking
a noise assessment? 103
Are these noise action levels the permanent levels or
will they change? 104
How should a noise assessment be carried out? 105
What information should be given to employees? 107
What types of ear protection are available? 108
Do employers have other responsibilities besides
providing ear protection? 108
Who can carry out a noise assessment? 110
Can someone from within the workforce be
appointed as the competent person? 111
Are there any typical topics which an employee or
other person needs to be trained in so that they can
carry out noise assessments? 111
What is noise exposure? 112
Who needs to be assessed for noise exposure? 113
What actually are decibels? 113

8. Display screen equipment 119

What are the requirements of the Health and Safety
(Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992? 119
What are the health problems associated with using
display screen equipment? 120
Contents I xiii

Do the Regulations affect everybody who uses display

screen equipment? 120
Is it easy to define who is not a user of display screen
equipment? 123
Are employees who work at home covered by the
Regulations? 123
What is a ‘workstation’ and how do the Regulations
apply to these? 124
Is it necessary to complete a risk assessment for each
workstation and user or operator? 124
Do the Regulations only require an employer to carry
out these risk assessments? 125
What are the ‘minimum specified requirements’
for workstations? 126
Do all workstations have to be modified to meet
these requirements? 126
What are the main areas to pay attention to when
carrying out a workstation assessment or risk
assessment? 127
Are all display screen equipment users entitled to an
eyesight test and a free pair of glasses? 127
What does the employer need to do in respect of the
provision of training regarding the use of display
screen equipment? 129
What information do users have to be provided with? 130
Do individual employees have to fill in a
self-assessment form? 131
What are some of the control measures which
can be implemented by users themselves? 131

9. Work equipment and work practices 139

What needs to be assessed in respect of work equipment? 139
What are some of the hazards and risks associated with
using work equipment? 140
When should a risk assessment be carried out for
work equipment? 141
xiv I Risk assessments Q&A

What are some of the hazards, risks and control

measures needed in respect of lifting equipment? 141
Are hand tools considered equipment under the
Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998? 142
What are the hazards and risks to be assessed with
regard to workshop equipment? 143
What are the hazards and risks to be assessed with
regard to pressure systems? 144
What are the requirements for working in confined
spaces? 146
What are some of the hazards associated with confined
space working? 148
What are common control measures for working in a
confined space? 148
What are some of the common hazards, risks and
control measures for working at heights? 153

10. Persons with special needs 157

As an employer, what are some of the common risks to
new or expectant mothers which I need to be aware of? 157
What steps are involved in completing a risk assessment? 159
What is a site-specific risk assessment and why is this
necessary? 164
What needs to be considered in the risk assessment
for young workers? 176
Are there any risks which young people cannot legally
be exposed to? 176
What training and supervision do young people require
under health and safety law? 177

11. Personal protective equipment 179

What is personal protective equipment? 179
What does the law require an employer to do in
respect of personal protective equipment? 180
Contents I xv

Will the risk assessment carried out under the

Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 be sufficient to comply with
the PPE Regulations? 180
When does a risk assessment under the PPE
Regulations 1992 have to be carried out? 181
What are the key requirements for PPE? 181
Who is responsible for monitoring and cleaning PPE? 182
What records need to be kept? 182
What training does an employee have to have on the
use of PPE? 183
What are the responsibilities on employees to wear
PPE given to them by their employer? 185
As an employer, can I force my employees to wear the
PPE I have provided? 185
What factors need to be considered when choosing PPE? 186
What sort of PPE is necessary for different job
tasks/activities? 187

12. First aid 195

What is the main piece of legislation which covers
first aid at work? 195
What is first aid at work? 196
As an employer, what do I need to do? 196
What should an employer consider when assessing
first aid needs? 197
What are some of the steps an employer needs to take
in order to ensure suitable first aid provision? 199
What is an ‘appointed person’? 200
What is a first aider? 200
How many first aiders or appointed persons does an
employer need? 200
What should be in a first aid kit? 202
Is an employer responsible for providing first aid
facilities for members of the public, customers etc.? 202
xvi I Risk assessments Q&A

Are there any other responsibilities which an employer

has in respect of first aid? 203
When is it necessary to provide a first aid room? 203
What records in respect of first aid treatment, etc. need
to be kept by the employer? 204

13. Work-related upper limb disorders 207

What is a work-related upper limb disorder? 207
Are work-related upper limb disorders the same as
repetitive strain injuries? 208
What parts of the body are affected? 208
What causes work-related upper limb disorders? 208
As an employer, do I need to complete a risk
assessment to establish whether employees are
exposed to WRULD? 209
How should work-related upper limb disorders be
tackled? 209
What are the steps for an effective risk assessment
for work-related limb disorders? 212
What are some of the control measures which may
help to reduce WRULDs? 220

14. Fire safety 221

What is the legal requirement for a fire risk assessment? 221
Are premises with a Fire Certificate exempt from the
need to carry out a fire risk assessment? 221
What actually is a fire risk assessment? 222
What are the five steps to a fire risk assessment? 223
Is there any guidance on assessing the risk rating of
premises in respect of fire safety? 228
What type of people do I need to worry about when
I carry out my risk assessment? 230
Does a fire risk assessment have to consider
members of the public? 230
Contents I xvii

Who can carry out a fire risk assessment? 235

What sort of fire hazards need to be considered? 235
What sort of structural features are important to
consider when carrying out a fire risk assessment? 236
What are some of the factors to consider when
assessing existing control measures for managing
fire safety? 236

15. Design risk assessments (CDM) 255

The CDM Regulations place responsibilities on
‘designers’. Who are ‘designers’? 255
What are the responsibilities of a designer? 256
What are ‘design risk assessments’? 257

Alphabetical list of questions 263


What does the term ‘risk assessment’ mean?

Quite literally, it means an assessment of the likelihood of something

going wrong or affecting somebody or something in a way which
could cause them harm, or damage property, etc.
Risk assessment is a logical approach to reviewing the dangers
in a job, activity or event and determining the consequences. The
consequences may be acceptable to the Assessor or they may not. If
the dangers of a job or activity are considered to be too great, then the
activity should not be undertaken unless control measures are put in
place, i.e. steps are taken to reduce the risk of harm or injury to an
acceptable level.

Why is risk assessment so important in respect of

health and safety?

Employees and others undertake a vast array of jobs and activities in

their working environment and it is important that employers protect
their safety at all times. In order to know what the hazards and risks
are in respect of a specific job activity, the employer will need to
assess the job so as to be able to identify them.
2 I Risk assessments Q&A

Employers need a systematic method of reviewing and recording

the identified hazards from a job and the risk assessment process
provides this.

Is risk assessment something new?

No. There has been an implied requirement to carry out risk

assessment in the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974, as
Section 2 requires employers to take steps to ensure the safety of
employees and others ‘as far as is reasonably practicable’. In order to
assess what is ‘reasonably practicable’ it has always been necessary
to review practices, procedures, tasks and jobs to find out what is
being done and what can be done to ensure the safety of individuals.
The first formal requirement for risk assessment under legislation
was probably in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regula-
tions issued in 1988. The Regulations stated that an employer had to
make a ‘suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks created by work
liable to expose any employee to any substance hazardous to health’.
Less prescriptive requirements for risk assessment were contained
in the Control of Lead at Work Regulations 1980 and the Control of
Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987.

Is risk assessment as complicated as everyone

seems to believe?

No. Risk assessment is a common sense approach to identifying the

hazards and risks associated with a work task or activity.
Some knowledge of the task or job process is needed as is some
understanding of what could go wrong, what harm could be caused
and to whom and how likely it is to happen.
Risk assessments need to be carried out by ‘competent people’ not
fully trained, degree level experts.
Introduction I 3

Some aspects of risk assessment are complicated but these are

usually where the work environment or processes undertaken are
complex and potentially very dangerous, e.g. oil rigs, railways,
chemical processing plants.

What is meant by the term ‘suitable and sufficient’?

Exactly what the words mean — suitable for the level and complexity
of the job and sufficient in that it identifies as many of the known
hazards and risks as possible.
A risk assessment needs to reflect the key elements of the job or
activity and must consider all known consequences.
People are not expected to be able to ‘see round corners’ and
sometimes the level of knowledge of a particular hazard or its potential
has not developed, for example no one really knows at the moment
whether the use of mobile phones poses a real health hazard but
perhaps, in a year or two, research may conclude that their use is a
considerable health hazard. Employers are not expected to implement
controls to hazards that are not fully understood.
Suitable and sufficient is based on the knowledge we have at the
time of undertaking the risk assessment.

What does the term ‘hazard’ mean?

Hazard is the ‘potential to cause harm’.

Virtually anything has the potential to cause harm if used
inappropriately or in an unsuitable environment. Life is full of hazards
— all manner of things could cause us harm, e.g. using electricity,
crossing the road, driving the car, walking, playing sport, etc.
Many work activities have the potential to cause harm to employees
and others.
4 I Risk assessments Q&A

However, just because a hazard exists does not mean that any
harm will necessarily result because certain activities are undertaken
to reduce the consequences of hazard.

What is meant by the term ‘risk’?

Risk is the likelihood that the hazard will be realised or the harm
identified from the hazard will come to fruition.
Risk is what might happen — the consequences of the harm or
Risk can affect one person, several people or hundreds and the
number potentially involved helps to determine the seriousness of the

What is meant by the term ‘risk control’?

Risks are generally unacceptable — why accept the potential to be
injured or harmed if you do not have to. Risk control is about managing
the risks so that they become acceptable.
Risk control is the outcome of a risk management process.

What is meant by the term ‘risk reduction’?

Risk reduction is a management tool to be used to reduce the likelihood
and consequences of risks throughout an organisation.
Records, statistics, insurance losses, etc. can be reviewed to see
what types of hazards and risks are happening and the costs to the
business. A review will then take place and an objective will be set to
reduce the risks inherent in particular activities, processes, etc. so that
the losses incurred will reduce.
Risk reduction reduces the likelihood of things going wrong and
reduces the consequences and costs from those risks.
Introduction I 5

What is risk avoidance?

Usually, risk avoidance is a conscious decision on the part of the

employer (or other) to avoid any risks associated with a job or activity.
Why accept the potential for harm if you do not have to? A risk
avoidance strategy identifies hazards and risks and states that those
risks are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Some alternative
way of completing the job or activity without incurring risk will be
Working at heights is a hazard and there is a risk of falling from the
height, dropping objects or tools onto people below, etc. An
employer may adopt a ‘risk avoidance’ strategy by ensuring that all
work at height is from a level platform with no risk of falling, e.g.
windows cleaned from the inside because they have been designed
with 360º centre pivots.

What regulations in respect of health and safety

require risk assessments?

The concept of risk assessment has developed over the years and has
become an important part of UK health and safety legislation.
New health and safety laws are generally known as ‘self-
regulatory’ as opposed to being ‘prescriptive’. This means that the
Regulations no longer tell employers what they must do and how, but
set a framework for achieving ‘goals’ in respect of health and safety
so that the employers can arrive at a solution which suits their
businesses. The risk assessment approach enables this to happen by,
for instance, stating that employees will not be exposed to risk but
allowing the employer to determine what that risk is and how to
reduce it, etc.
The following Regulations require risk assessments specifically:

• Noise at Work Regulations 1989

• Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
6 I Risk assessments Q&A

• Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

• Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations
• Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
• Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 and 1999
• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
• Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002
• Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
• Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
• Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
• Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations 1999.

And, of course, the Management of Health and Safety at Work

Regulations 1999 which set the framework and expectation for all
risk assessments. If risk assessments are not called for under specific
Regulations the requirement to complete them in any event is
contained in the Management Regulations.

What are the consequences for failing to carry out

risk assessments?

The ultimate consequence for failing to carry out a risk assessment is

that an employee or other person could be killed by the job or activity
you have asked them to carry out as their employer.
Accidents and injuries to employees or the general public caused
by work activities can lead to compensation claims through the civil
courts or insurance companies.
Prosecutions for failing to have suitable and sufficient risk
assessments are common and, depending on the circumstances of the
case, the case can be heard in the magistrates’ court or Crown Court.
Fines can be up to £5000 for each missing or inadequate risk
assessment or they can be unlimited in the Crown Court if, for
instance, the lack of a risk assessment contributes to a fatality.
Legal framework

What is the main piece of legislation which sets the

framework for health and safety at work?

The Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 is the main piece of
legislation which sets out the broad principles of health and safety
responsibilities for employers, the self-employed, employees and
other persons.
The Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 is known as an
‘enabling act’ as it allows subsidiary Regulations to be made under
its general enabling powers. It sets out ‘goal objectives’ and was one
of the first pieces of legislation to introduce an element of
The Act places responsibilities on employers to:

• safeguard the health, safety and welfare of employees

• provide a safe place of work
• provide safe equipment
• provide safe means of egress and access
• provide training for employees
• provide information and instruction
• provide a written Safety Policy
• provide safe systems of work.
8 I Risk assessments Q&A

The Act places responsibilities on employees to:

• co-operate with their employer in respect of health and safety

• wear protective equipment or clothing if required
• safeguard their own and others’ health and safety
• not recklessly or intentionally interfere with or misuse
anything provided in the interests of health and safety or
• not tamper with safety equipment provided by their employers
for the safety of themselves or others.

The Act places responsibilities on ‘persons in control of premises’ to:

• ensure safe means of access and egress

• ensure that persons using premises who are not their employees
are reasonably protected in respect of health and safety.

The Act also requires employers to conduct their undertaking in

such a way that persons who are not their employees are not adversely
affected by it in respect of health and safety.
Finally, the Act requires manufacturers and suppliers and others
who design, impart, supply, erect or install any article, plant, machinery,
equipment or appliance for use at work, or who manufacture, supply
or import a substance for use at work, to ensure that health and safety
matters are considered in respect of their product or substance.

The term ‘reasonably practicable’ is used in the

Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 and
numerous Regulations. What does it mean?

The term ‘reasonably practicable’ is not defined in any of the legisla-

tion in which it occurs. Only the courts can make an authoritative
judgement on what is reasonably practicable.
Legal framework I 9

Case law has been built up over the years and practical experience
gained in interpreting the law. A common understanding of ‘reasonably
practicable’ is:

the risk to be weighed against the costs necessary to avert it, including
time and trouble as well as financial costs.

If, compared with the costs involved of removing or reducing it,

the risk is small (i.e. consequences are minor or infrequent) then the
precautions need not be taken.
Any establishment of what is reasonably practicable should be
made before any incident occurs.
The burden of proof in respect of what is reasonably practicable in
the circumstances rests with the employer or other duty holder. They
would generally need to prove why something is not reasonably
practicable at a particular point in time.
An ability to meet the costs involved in mitigating the hazard and
risk is not a factor which the employer can take into consideration
when determining ‘reasonably practicable’. Costs can only be
considered in relation to whether it is reasonable to spend the money
given the risks identified.
It is only possible to determine ‘reasonably practicable’ when a
full, comprehensive risk assessment has been completed.

How can civil action under civil law be actioned by

employees in respect of health and safety at work?

Civil action can be initiated by an employee who has suffered injury

or damage to health caused by their work.
The employer may be in breach of the ‘duty of care’ which they
owe to the employee. They may have been negligent in common law
— that body of law which has been determined by case law — it has
evolved rather than been set down by parliament.
10 I Risk assessments Q&A

Civil action may be brought on the grounds that the employer is in

breach of statutory duty, i.e. has failed to follow the requirements of
statutory law (e.g. Acts and Regulations). Many Acts and Regulations
do not necessarily confer a right to action in civil law if statutory duty
is breached but some do (e.g. Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations 1994).

How quickly do employees need to bring claims to

the courts in respect of civil claims?

Civil actions must commence within three years from the time of
knowledge of the cause of action. This will usually be the date on
which the employee knew or should have known that there was a
significant injury and that it was caused by the employer’s negligence.
Therefore, an employer would be wise to keep all records of training,
risk assessments, checks, maintenance schedules, etc. for a minimum of
three years as these may be needed for any defence to a claim, etc.
A civil claim will succeed if the plaintiff — the person bringing
the case — can prove breach of statutory duty or the duty of care
beyond ‘the balance of probabilities’.
The employer may mount a number of defences to the claim, the
most common of which are:

• contributory negligence — i.e. the injured employee was

careless or reckless (e.g. ignored clear safety rules and
• injuries not reasonably foreseeable — i.e. the injuries were
beyond normal expectation or control — the employer did
not have the knowledge to foresee the risks and neither did
science or experts
• voluntary assumption of risk — i.e. the employee consents to
take risks as part of the job. But employers cannot rely on this
defence to excuse them of fulfilling their duties under
legislation — no one can contract out of their statutory duties.
Legal framework I 11

What are the consequences for the employer if an

employee wins their civil action?

Employers will invariably be required to pay damages or compensation.

Compensation claims can run into thousands of pounds in some cases.
The employer’s Employer’s Liability insurance will cover the cost of the
claims, less any excess which the employer opts to pay.
Damages are assessed on:

• loss of earnings
• damage to any clothing, property or personal effects
• pain and suffering
• future loss of earnings
• disfigurement
• inability to lead an expected, normal personal or social life
because of the injury, etc.
• medical and nursing expenses.

There will not only be the financial payout but associated bad
publicity which could lead to loss of reputation.

Who enforces health and safety legislation?

There are, in the main, two organisations with powers to enforce

health and safety legislation:

(1) the Health and Safety Executive and

(2) the local authorities.

The Health and Safety Executive enforces the law in the following
types of work environment:

• industrial premises
• factories and manufacturing plant
12 I Risk assessments Q&A

• construction sites
• hospitals and nursing or medical homes
• local authority premises
• mines and quarries
• railways
• broadcasting and filming
• agricultural activities
• shipping
• airports
• universities, colleges and schools.

The local authorities, usually through their Environmental Health

Departments, are responsible for:

• retail sale of goods

• warehousing of goods
• exhibitions
• office activities
• catering services
• caravan or camping sites
• consumer services provided in a shop
• baths, saunas and body treatments
• zoos and animal sanctuaries
• churches and religious buildings
• childcare businesses
• residential care.

The powers that both enforcing authorities have are the same but
the way they use them may differ. Local authority inspectors may
visit premises more frequently than the HSE but the HSE may be
tougher on taking formal action because they have not got the
resources to return to check for improvements.
Legal framework I 13

What powers do enforcing authorities have to

enforce health and safety legislation?

Inspectors can take action when they encounter a contravention of

health and safety legislation and when they discover a situation where
there is imminent risk of serious personal injury.
An inspector can also instigate legal proceedings, although, in reality,
the decision to proceed to court is often taken by the enforcing
authority’s in-house legal team.
Inspectors may serve an Improvement Notice if they are of the
opinion that a person:

• is contravening one or more of the relevant statutory



• has contravened one or more of those provisions in

circumstances where the contravention is likely to occur
again or continue.

The inspector must be able to identify that one or more legal

requirements under Acts or Regulations is being contravened, e.g.
failure to complete a risk assessment, operating an unsafe system of
An Improvement Notice must:

• state what ‘statutory provisions’ are being, or have been,

• state in what way the legislation has been contravened
• specify the steps which must be taken to remedy the contra-
• specify a time within which the person is required to remedy
the contraventions.

The time allowed to remedy contraventions specified in an Improve-

ment Notice must be at least 21 days. This is because there is an
14 I Risk assessments Q&A

appeal procedure to the service of an Improvement Notice and the

appeal must be brought within 21 days.
An Improvement Notice served on a company as an employer
must be served on the registered office and is usually served on the
Company Secretary.
If an inspector believes that health and safety issues are so
appallingly managed in workplaces or premises, etc. that there is ‘a
risk of serious personal injury’ then a Prohibition Notice can be served.
The inspector must be able to show or prove a risk to health and safety.
Prohibition Notices can be served in anticipation of danger and
the inspector does not have to identify specific health and safety
legislation which is being, or has been, contravened.
A Prohibition Notice must:

• state the inspector’s opinion that there is a risk of serious

personal injury
• specify the matters which create the risk
• state whether statutory provisions are being, or have been or
will be, contravened and, if so, which ones
• state that the activities described in the Notice cannot be
carried on by the person on whom the Notice is served, unless
the provisions listed in the Notice have been remedied.

A Prohibition Notice takes effect immediately where stated, or can

be ‘deferred’ to a specified time.
Risks to health and safety do not need to be imminent but, usually,
there must be a hazard which is likely to cause imminent risk of
injury otherwise the inspector could serve an Improvement Notice.

What are the consequences of failing to comply

with any of the Notices served by inspectors?
Failure to comply with either an Improvement Notice or a
Prohibition Notice is an offence under the Health and Safety at Work
Etc. Act 1974.
Legal framework I 15

Legal proceedings are issued against the person, employer or

company on whom the Notice was served and the matter will be
heard in the magistrates’ court in the first instance. However, serious
contraventions can be passed to the Crown Court where powers of
remedy are greater.
Failure to comply with an Improvement Notice carries a fine of up
to £20 000 in the magistrates’ court, or an unlimited fine in Crown
Court, plus possible imprisonment.
Failure to comply with a Prohibition Notice carries a fine of up to
£20 000 in the magistrates’ court, or an unlimited fine in the Crown
Court. Imprisonment of persons who contravene a Prohibition Notice
is also an available option for the courts — both magistrates’ and
Crown Courts.
Where employers or others fail to comply with a Prohibition
Notice and continue, for example, to use defective machinery, and
where, as a consequence of using that defective machinery, a serious
accident occurs, there will invariably be a prosecution and the courts
are likely to take a serious view and hand down prison sentences.

Can an inspector serve a Statutory Notice and

prosecute at the same time?

Yes. If an inspector serves an Improvement Notice or Prohibition

Notice he may decide that the contravention is so blatant or so serious
that immediate prosecution is warranted. The Notices ensure that
unsafe conditions are remedied during the prosecution process as
legal cases can take several months to come before the courts.
Employers and others do not have to be given time to remedy
defects once they have been identified as many duties on employers
are ‘absolute’ i.e. the employer ‘must’ do something.
Inspectors will often prosecute without initiating formal action
where they believe they have given the employer ample opportunity
to put right defects, e.g. they may have given advice during a routine
inspection, issued informal letters, etc.
16 I Risk assessments Q&A

Often, when accidents are being investigated, contraventions of

health and safety legislation will be viewed seriously and
prosecutions will be taken.

What is the appeal process against the service of

Improvement and Prohibition Notices?

Any person on whom a Notice is served can appeal against its service
on the grounds that:

• the inspector wrongly interpreted the law

• the inspector exceeded his powers
• the proposed solution to remedy the default is not practicable
• the breach of law is so insignificant that the Notice should be

Any appeal must be lodged within 21 days of the service of the Notice.
An appeal is to an Employment Tribunal.
An Improvement Notice is suspended pending the appeal process.
This means that the employer or person served with the Notice will
be able to continue doing what they have been doing without
changing practices or procedures.
Costs for bringing an appeal may be awarded by the Tribunal —
either in favour of the enforcing authority if the appeal is dismissed or
for the employer if their appeal is successful.
A Prohibition Notice may continue in force pending an Appeal
unless the employer or person in receipt of the Notice requests the
Employment Tribunal to suspend the Notice pending the appeal.
All Statutory Notices served by enforcing authorities should
contain information on how to lodge an appeal.
On hearing the appeal, an Employment Tribunal can:

• dismiss the appeal, upholding the Notices as served

• withdraw the Notices thereby upholding the appeal
Legal framework I 17

• vary the Notices in respect of the time given to complete

works, i.e. the remedies listed in any schedule
• impose new remedies not contained in the Notice if these will
provide the solutions necessary to comply with the law.

If remedial works cannot be completed in the

time given in the Improvement Notice, can it be

Yes. It is allowable for the inspector who served the Notice to extend
the time limits given if works cannot be completed and a request is
submitted to the enforcing authority.
It would be prudent to explain why compliance cannot be
achieved, what steps have been taken in the interim and when
compliance will be expected.

What are the powers of inspectors under the Health

and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974?

Enforcing authorities and their individual inspectors have wide

ranging powers under the Act and, in addition to the service of
notices, can:

• enter and search premises

• seize or impound articles, substances or equipment
• instruct that premises and anything in them remain undisturbed
for as long as necessary while they conduct their investigation
• take measurements, photographs and recordings
• detain items for testing or analysis
• interview persons
• take samples of anything for analysis, including air samples
18 I Risk assessments Q&A

• require to see and copy, if necessary, any documents, records,

etc. relevant to their investigation or inspection
• require that facilities are made available to them while
carrying out their investigation.

If inspectors believe that they will meet resistance, they may be

accompanied by a police officer. It is an offence to obstruct an
inspector while they are carrying out their duties.

What is a Section 20 interview under the Health and

Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974?

Under Section 20, an inspector can require anyone to answer

questions as they think fit in relation to any actual or potential breach
of the legislation, accident or incident investigation, etc.
A Section 20 interview is, or should be, a series of questions asked
by the inspector — not a witness statement where the interviewee
describes what happened.
The answers to Section 20 questions must be recorded and the
interviewee must sign a declaration that they are true.
However, evidence given in a Section 20 interview is inadmissible
in any proceedings subsequently taken against the person giving the
interview or statement, or his or her spouse.
If an inspector is contemplating bringing criminal proceedings, he
will usually opt to interview a person under the Police and Criminal
Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) as the information gathered during these
interviews is admissible in court. The Code of Practice on PACE
interviews is strict, e.g. a caution must be given and a failure to
follow the procedures could result in acquittal on grounds of
Legal framework I 19

What is the law on corporate manslaughter?

There are two types of manslaughter.

• Voluntary — involving an intent to kill or do serious injury

with mitigating circumstances, including provocation and
diminished responsibility.
• Involuntary — for all other killings, usually sub-divided into
two categories:
™ manslaughter by an unlawful or dangerous act
™ manslaughter by reckless, or possibly gross, negligence.

Companies can be prosecuted for manslaughter, but it is difficult to

prove because it is not always possible to establish that the ‘directing
mind’ of the organisation (i.e. its directors and senior managers) had
sufficient knowledge about any safety contravention to be reckless,
etc. Proving manslaughter charges is easier with small companies
where, for instance, the Managing Director makes all the decisions and
knows whether the company is complying with the law.
The Law Commission issued a report in 1996 which recommended
a new central offence of ‘corporate killing’, committed where a
company’s conduct in causing the death falls far below what could
reasonably be expected. It would not expect that the risk of death
should be obvious or that the company should be capable of
appreciating the risk. It would be sufficient to prove that the death
had been caused by a company’s failure in the way that its activities
were managed and organised.
The Government issued a White Paper in 2000 which indicated that
the recommendations of the Law Commission would be implemented
into UK law. To date (2003), no new legislation has been enacted and
the law on corporate manslaughter stands as currently interpreted,
although in May 2003 the Home Office re-confirmed its commitment
to introduce legislation when parliamentary time permits.
However, the Health and Safety Executive have issued improved
guidelines on the responsibilities of directors and the courts are more
20 I Risk assessments Q&A

active in seeing individual directors and managers prosecuted for

health and safety offences.

What are the fines for offences against health and

safety legislation?

Health and safety offences are usually ‘triable either way’ which
means that they can be heard in the magistrates’ courts or Crown
Courts. There are some relatively minor offences which can only be
heard in the magistrates’ courts and some serious offences which can
only be heard in the Crown Courts.
The sentencing powers of the two courts are different, with the
Crown Court operating with a jury. Higher fines and imprisonment
can be imposed by the Crown Courts.
Offences only triable in the magistrates’ court are:

• obstructing an investigation ordered by the Health and Safety

• failing to answer questions under Section 20 of the Health
and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974
• obstructing an inspector in his duties
• preventing another person from answering questions or
co-operating with an inspector
• impersonating an inspector.

Offences ‘triable either way’ are:

• failure to comply with any or all of Sections 2–7 of the Health

and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974
• contravening Section 8 of the 1974 Act — intentionally or
recklessly interfering with anything provided for safety
• levying payment on employees or others for safety equipment,
etc., contrary to Section 9
Legal framework I 21

• contravening any of the Health and Safety Regulations made

under the 1974 Act or other enabling legislation
• contravening the powers of inspectors in relation to the
seizure of articles, etc.
• contravening the provisions and requirements of Improvement
and Prohibition Notices
• making false declarations, keeping false records, etc. in
relation to health and safety matters.

If cases are to be brought before the magistrates’ courts (summary

offences) they must be brought within six months from the date the
complaint is laid, i.e. lodged at the magistrates’ court and summonses
The magistrates’ court has received guidance from the Court of
Appeal that they must not hear cases where there have been serious
breaches of health and safety law, fatalities or major injuries because
their sentencing powers are not adequate. They should refer these for
trial to the Crown Courts.
Fines can be imposed as follows.

• Breaches of Sections 2–6 of the Health and Safety at Work

Etc. Act:
™ magistrates’ court — a maximum of £20 000 fine for
each offence
™ Crown Court — an unlimited fine for each offence.
• Breaches of Improvement and Prohibition Notices:
™ magistrates’ court — a maximum fine of £20 000 or
imprisonment for up to six months, or both
™ Crown Court — unlimited fine, or imprisonment for up
to two years, or both.
• Breaches of health and safety regulations and other Sections
of the 1974 Act:
™ magistrates’ court — fines of up to £5000 per offence
™ Crown Court — unlimited fines per offence.
22 I Risk assessments Q&A

There are proposals to raise the level of fines and a Private

Member’s Bill has been tabled in 2003 for increased fines. The
proposal has not yet been actioned.

The HSE issues ‘guidance’ and Codes of Practice.

What are these and is a criminal offence committed
if they are not followed?

The HSE endeavours to provide employers and others with as much

information as possible on how to comply with legislation.
Guidance documents are issued on a variety of specific industries
or particular processes with the purpose of:

• interpreting the law, i.e. helping people to understand what

the law says
• assisting with complying with the law
• giving technical advice.

Following guidance is not compulsory on employers, and they are

free to take other actions to eliminate or reduce hazards and risks.
However, if an employer does follow the guidance as laid down in
the HSE documents, they will generally be doing enough to comply
with the law.
Approved Codes of Practice are the other common documents
issued by the HSE and these set out good practice and give advice on
how to comply with the law. A Code of Practice will usually illustrate
the steps which need to be taken to be able to show that ‘suitable and
sufficient’ steps have been taken in respect of managing health and
safety risks.
Approved Codes of Practice have a special legal status. If employers
are prosecuted for a breach of health and safety law and it is proved that
they have not followed the relevant provisions of the Approved Code of
Practice (known as an ACOP), a court can find them at fault unless they
can show that they have complied with the law in some other way.
Legal framework I 23

Case study

Health and safety fines

In its third annual report Health and Safety Offences and

Penalties 2001/02, the HSE report fines per industry sector

General fines levied across all sectors: £10 million

Individual fines: £8284
(increased from £6226)
Construction — fines per offence: £7564
Manufacturing — fines per offence: £9083
Extractive industries — fines per offence: £17 550
Service sector — fines per offence: £8832
Highest fines for health and safety offences: £750 000
£350 000
£250 000
£225 000

The HSE prosecuted 55 individuals, including cases

against 31 directors.
24 I Risk assessments Q&A

If an employer can show that they followed the provisions of an

Approved Code of Practice they will be unlikely to be prosecuted for
an offence. Equally, if the employer follows the ACOP and the
enforcing authority serve an Improvement or Prohibition Notice, the
employer would have grounds to appeal the Notice.

What is a Safety Policy?

Under the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974, employers must
produce a written Health and Safety Policy if they have five or more
The policy must contain a written statement of their general policy
on health and safety, the organisation of the policy and the
arrangements for carrying it out.
Employees must be made aware of the Safety Policy and must be
given information, instruction and training in its content, use, their
responsibilities, etc.
A copy of the Safety Policy Statement must either be given to all
employees or be displayed in a prominent position in the workplace.
The Safety Policy must be reviewed regularly by the employer and
kept up to date to reflect changes in practices, procedures, the law, etc.

What is meant by organisational arrangements?

This section of the Safety Policy shows how the organisation will put
its good intentions into practice and outlines the responsibilities for
health and safety for different levels of management within the
An organisational section will normally include:

• health and safety objectives

• responsibilities for:
Legal framework I 25

™ Managing Director or CEO

™ Operations Director
™ Safety Director
™ senior management
™ departmental heads
™ maintenance
™ employees
• training arrangements
• monitoring and review processes
• appointment of competent persons
• consultation process for health and safety
• appointment of employee representatives
• procedures for conducting risk assessments
• emergency plans.

What is meant by ‘arrangements’ in a Safety Policy?

The Safety Policy must either contain details of what employees and
others must do in order to ensure their safety at work, or it must
contain references as to where information on safe practices can be
found, e.g. in the department handbook, employee induction pack,
Usually, however, for ease of use and clarity, most employers will
produce everything needed for the Safety Policy in one document.
The ‘arrangements’ section of the Safety Policy contains the details
of how you expect your employees and others (e.g. contractors) to
proceed with a task or job activity safely.
Subjects often covered under arrangements are:

• accident and incident reporting and investigations

• first aid
• risk assessments
• fire risk assessments
• manual handling
26 I Risk assessments Q&A

• using equipment
• electricity and gas safety
• personal protective equipment
• emergency procedures
• fire safety procedures
• training
• monitoring and review procedures
• COSHH procedures
• occupational health
• maintenance and repair
• permit to work procedures
• stress in the workplace
• violence in the workplace
• operational procedures.

A Safety Policy needs to be ‘suitable and sufficient’, not necessarily

If an accident happens in the workplace, the Investigating Officer
(either HSE or EHO) will almost always want to see a copy of the
Safety Policy and Risk Assessments. They will be looking to see if
you had considered the hazard and risks of the job and implemented
control measures. They will want to establish whether employees
knew what to do safely and the best place to review such information
is in the Safety Policy.
Prosecutions have been taken for failure to have a written Safety
Policy and also for having a totally inadequate one.
The Safety Policy should be thought of as your communication
tool between you, the employer and your workforce. It should be
their reference guide on how you expect them to perform their job
tasks safely.
The Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999

What is important about the Management of Health

and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW)?

The Management Regulations contain specific and goal-setting

requirements for health and safety and cover all employment
situations and all types of employment, self-employed persons and
others whose undertaking may have a health and safety impact on
The Management Regulations were introduced in 1992 as part of
the health and safety ‘six pack’ of Regulations, implemented in the
UK as a result of a number of EU Directives.
The Management Regulations set out specific areas of health and
safety management which employers must address and gave explicit
duties to employers and others instead of the rather ‘wishy-washy’
implicit duties imposed at that time by the Health and Safety at Work
Etc. Act 1974.
The most important aspect of the Management Regulations is the
requirement for all employers and the self-employed to carry out risk
assessments for all work activities undertaken by their employees or
The Management Regulations were amended in 1999 following
various EU Directives and instructions to the UK Government that
28 I Risk assessments Q&A

the 1992 Regulations did not fully adopt the principles of the EU
Social Charter and its intent in respect of harmonising health and
safety law across Europe.
The Management Regulations are the backbone of the UK’s health
and safety management regime and must always be used as the
benchmark for health and safety compliance.
Many topic-specific Regulations will cross reference to the
Management Regulations and two or more sets of Regulations will
need to be read in association.

What is the requirement for risk assessments?

Regulation 3 sets down the requirements on employers to carry out

risk assessments.
The duty is absolute on the employer in that the Regulation states
that the employer shall make a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
Regulation 3 specifically requires the employer to make a suitable
and sufficient assessment of:

• risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they

are exposed while they are at work, and
• risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment
arising out of or in conjunction with the conduct by him of his

for the purpose of identifying the measures the employer needs to

take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on
him by or under the relevant statutory provisions and by Part II of the
Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997.
Regulation 3 also requires self-employed persons to make a
suitable and sufficient assessment of:

• risks to their own health and safety to which they are exposed
while at work, and
MHSW Regulations 1999 I 29

• risks to the health and safety of persons not in their

employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct
by them of their undertaking

for the purpose of identifying measures which they need to take to

comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on them by
or under the relevant statutory provisions.

What is the legal requirement for reviewing risk


Again, Regulation 3, sub-section (3) covers the requirement for the

review of a risk assessment and it states:

any assessment such as is referred to in paragraph (1) and (2) above

shall be reviewed by the employer or self-employed person who made
it if:
• there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid; or
• there has been a significant change in the matters to which it relates;
• where as a result of such a review changes to an assessment are
necessary, the employer or self-employed person shall make them.

What is the legal requirement regarding the

employment of young persons?

Before an employer employs a young person he must carry out a

specific risk assessment which complies with Regulation 3 of
MHSW Regulations 1999.
Employers must take particular account of:

• inexperience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of

young persons
30 I Risk assessments Q&A

• the fitting out and layout of the workplace and workstation

• the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical,
biological and chemical agents
• the form, range and use of work equipment and the way in
which it is handled
• the organisation of processes and activities
• the extent of health and safety training provided or to be
provided to young persons
• risks from agents, processes and work as listed in a Council

Employers must record the significant findings of any assessment

in writing if they have five or more employees.

What is the law on the ‘principles of prevention’?

Regulation 4 of MHSW Regulations 1999 states that where an

employer implements any preventative and protective measures he
shall do so in accordance with the following principles:

• avoiding the risks

• evaluating the risks which cannot be avoided
• combating the risks at source
• adapting the work to the individual, especially as regards the
design of workplaces, the choice of work equipment and the
choice of production methods, with a view, in particular, to
alleviating monotonous work and work at a pre-determined
work rate and to reducing their effect on health
• adapting to technical progress
• replacing the dangerous with the non-dangerous or the less
• developing a coherent, overall prevention policy which covers
technology, organisation of work, working conditions, social
MHSW Regulations 1999 I 31

relationships and the influence of factors relating to the

working environment
• giving collective protective measures priority over individual
protective measures
• giving appropriate instructions to employees.

A court of law would expect an employer to be able to demonstrate

that he has followed the principles of prevention and protection
should an employer find himself facing a prosecution for inadequate
controls of risk.

What are the employer’s duties in respect of health

and safety arrangements?

Every employer shall make and give effect to such arrangements as

are appropriate, having regard to the nature of his activities and the
size of his undertaking, for the effective:

planning, organisation, control

monitoring and review

of the preventative and protective measures.

Where an employer has five or more employees, he shall record
the arrangements.
The MHSW Regulations are quite explicit in the employer’s duty
to make ‘arrangements’.
Employers must be able to demonstrate effective management of
health and safety.
Effective management of the hazards and risks within the
workplace will depend on the completion of effective risk
Employers will need to be able to demonstrate that they have a
Health and Safety Management Plan.
32 I Risk assessments Q&A

The HSE have tried to help by producing a Guidance Book

Successful Health and Safety Management (HS(G) 65) and they have
also adopted their successful ‘5 Steps’ strategy and have produced a
free leaflet Five Steps to Successful Health and Safety Management
(INDG 132L).

What are the five steps to successful health and

safety management?

The five steps are:

Step 1: Set your policy

Step 2: Organise your staff
Step 3: Plan and set standards
Step 4: Measure your performance
Step 5: Audit and review

Step 1: Set your policy

• Do you have a clear Health and Safety Policy?

• Is it written down?
• Is it up to date?
• Does it specify who is responsible for what and who has
overall safety responsibility?
• Does it give responsibilities to directors and is there a clear
commitment that the health and safety culture starts at the
• Does it specify arrangements for carrying out risk assessments,
identifying hazards, implementation of control measures?
• Does it name competent persons?
• Does it state how health and safety matters will be
communicated throughout the organisation?
• Does it have safety objectives?
MHSW Regulations 1999 I 33

• Has it had a beneficial effect on the business?

• Does it imply a pro-active safety culture within the organisation?

Step 2: Organise your staff

• Have you involved your staff in your health and safety

• Are you ‘walking the talk’?
• Is there a health and safety culture within the organisation?
• Have you adopted the ‘four Cs’:
™ competence
™ control
™ co-operation
™ communication?
• Are your staff and others competent to do their jobs safely?
• Are they properly trained and informed?
• Are there competent people around to help and guide them?
• Have you designated key people responsible for safety in
each of the business areas?
• Do employees know how they will be supervised in respect
of health and safety?
• Do employees know to whom to report faults and hazards and
what will be done to rectify them?

Step 3: Plan and set standards

• Have you set objectives with your employees?

• Have you reviewed accident records to see what general
standards of health and safety you have in place?
• Have you set targets and benchmarks?
• Is there a purchasing policy regarding the safety standards of
products etc.?
• Are there procedures for approving contractors?
• Have safe systems of work been identified?
34 I Risk assessments Q&A

• Have risk assessments been completed?

• Is the hierarchy of risk control followed?
• Have hazards to persons other than employees been assessed?
• Has a training plan and policy been developed and are there
minimum levels of training for all employees?
• Are targets and objectives measurable, achievable and
• Is there an Emergency Plan in place?
• Have fire safety procedures been completed?
• Is there a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on accidents?
• Has the safety consultation process with employees been
• Is there a culture of continuous improvement in respect of health
and safety?

Step 4: Measure your performance

• Have you or can you measure with regard to your health and
safety performance:
™ where you are
™ where you want to be
™ where the difference is
™ why?
• Are you practising active monitoring or simply reacting
when things go wrong?
• Is there a culture of recording near misses or do you wait for
accidents to happen?
• Can you benchmark how you perform against another
department, company or other organisation?
• Do you know how well you are really doing or does it just
‘look good on paper’?
• Are there ongoing accident and incident records and trend
• Is the effectiveness of training measured — do you assess
learning outcomes?
MHSW Regulations 1999 I 35

• Is there good legal compliance with health and safety law?

Are you up to date with legal changes?

Step 5: Audit and review

• Are you regularly checking that the business is safe and

minimising risks to health and safety?
• Is there a formal audit review process?
• Are risk assessments reviewed pro-actively?
• Are accidents investigated and processes changed as a result?
• Is there a formal audit process?
• Is the audit process independent?
• Do staff get involved?
• Do you share the findings of the reviews?
• Is the Board kept up to date?
• Is there a Health and Safety Committee?
• Is your business genuinely improving in respect of managing
health and safety?

Managing health and safety is no different to managing any aspect

of a business and it should be considered to be just as important as
finance, sales, etc.
The likelihood of new corporate manslaughter legislation should
focus the minds of all employers on addressing the issue of a thorough
and comprehensive health and safety management system.

What are an employer’s duties in respect of health


Every employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with
such health surveillance as is appropriate, having regard to the risks
to their health and safety which are identified by the risk assessment.
36 I Risk assessments Q&A

Health surveillance is required under the COSHH Regulations

2002 and also under the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999.
If a risk assessment shows:

• that there is an identifiable disease or adverse health condition

related to the work concerned
• that valid techniques are available to detect indications of the
disease or condition
• that there is a reasonable likelihood that the disease or
condition may occur under the particular conditions of work
• that surveillance is likely to further protect the health and
safety of employees

then health surveillance should be introduced.

A competent person must determine the level and frequency of
health surveillance.
The primary benefit of health surveillance is to detect adverse
conditions at an early stage, thereby enabling further harm to be
It may be necessary to consult with the Employment Medical
Advisory Service if, as an employer, you do not have a competent
person to assist with health surveillance assessments.
There are some specific Regulations which require an employer to
assess the need for, and then offer, health surveillance and these need
to be considered in addition to the general duties under MHSW:

• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

• Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002
• Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002
• Noise at Work Regulations 1989.

Under the above Regulations, medical examinations may also be

MHSW Regulations 1999 I 37

As an employer, can I deal with all health and safety

matters myself?

Yes, provided that you could convince the enforcing authorities and
probably the courts that you were competent to deal with health and
safety matters.
Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 requires an employer to appoint one or more
‘competent’ persons to assist him in undertaking the measures he
needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions
imposed on him by virtue of the relevant statutory provisions and by
Part II of the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997.
‘Competency’ is described as having sufficient training and
experience or knowledge and other qualities to enable him properly
to assist in undertaking the measures needed to comply with statutory
Any or all competent persons appointed must co-operate with one
The employer must ensure that any competent person is provided
with relevant information about hazards and risks, etc.
Where practicable and should a competent person be available,
they should be appointed from within the workforce and should not
be external appointments unless specialised knowledge and
experience is required.

What are the requirements regarding ‘serious and

imminent’ danger?

Employers must adopt appropriate procedures for dealing with

situations which cause serious and imminent danger to persons at
Competent persons must be nominated in sufficient numbers to
implement the emergency plans; in particular, any evacuation of
people from the workplace.
38 I Risk assessments Q&A

Employees must be made aware of the hazards which could cause

an imminent or serious situation to arise and must be informed of the
procedures to be followed to protect them from the danger.
In any situation which creates serious or imminent danger to
employees, there must be a procedure which will enable them to
evacuate the area safely and to proceed to a place of safety. It should
be accepted that work processes will stop immediately.
Emergency procedures must be written down and available for all
employees and others.
A risk assessment should determine what emergency procedures
will be necessary and the employer should consider more than just
fire and bomb procedures.
Examples of emergency procedures will be:

• fire
• bomb
• explosion
• chemical release
• flood
• toxic gas release, fumes, etc.
• unexpected shut-down of exhaust ventilation which could
cause toxic fumes, dust, etc. to build up
• terrorist attack
• radiation leak
• biological agent release.

Employers need to consider the possibilities of the above and plan

for the event by considering what they would do, who would do
what, how people would get out, where they would go, how they
would be accounted for, etc.

What is required regarding ‘contact with emergency

Employers need to assess the need for, and likelihood of, contacting
the emergency services.
MHSW Regulations 1999 I 39

Often, emergency services are not familiar with the hazards

associated with employers’ undertakings and emergency personnel
can be placed at great health and safety risk.
Regulation 9 of MHSW Regulations 1999 requires a formal
arrangement to be made so that the emergency services have some
knowledge of any special safety hazards, or so that they will be
informed if the employer believes that there is a risk of a ‘serious and
imminent danger’ occurrence.
Records should be kept of any contact, meetings, reviews, etc.
with the emergency services.
It may be appropriate to send a copy of the Emergency Plan to the
authorities for their fire records.
For many employers, it will be sufficient to ensure that employees
know the emergency services’ phone number and know how to
contact them for assistance.

What is the legal duty under the Management of

Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 for
information to be given to employees?
Regulation 10 governs the provision of information to employees and
requires that employers provide employees with ‘comprehensible and
relevant’ information on:

• the risks to their health identified by the risk assessments

• preventative and protective measures
• emergency procedures
• fire safety arrangements
• the identity of nominated persons who will take charge of
emergency situations, e.g. Fire Wardens
• any risks notified to the employer as being present on another
employer’s premises and to which the employee may be

When an employer proposes to employ a young person he shall

inform that person’s parents or guardians of the risk assessment,
40 I Risk assessments Q&A

control measures, etc. to be adopted so as to ensure that the young

person is kept safe while at work.

What happens in relation to health and safety when

two or more employers share a workplace?

Health and safety law requires that two or more employers who share
a workplace must co-operate with one another in respect of health
and safety matters and where necessary, appoint a co-ordinator for
health and safety.
Each employer must take reasonable steps to reduce risks both to
his own employees and to others and must not put other people at
undue risk.
Often, a multi-occupied building will have a Managing Agent and
it would be the responsibility of this person, as the person in control
of the premises, to co-ordinate emergency procedures, etc. and to
undertake risk assessments of the ‘common parts’.
Employers have a duty to inform those who need to know about
the hazards and risks associated with their undertaking. Every
employer must consider the risks posed by another employer when
determining his own risk assessments.
It is good practice to swap Health and Safety Policies with other
occupiers so that each is fully aware of the hazards and risks posed by
each employer and the control measures each has in place.
Emergency procedures (e.g. evacuation) need to be co-ordinated
so that there is a unified response to any alarm, etc.
Where employees are working in a host employer’s premises (e.g.
maintenance workers), the host employer must ensure that they
provide the visiting employees with relevant information on hazards,
risks, control measures and emergency procedures.
In particular, the names of nominated persons in respect of
emergencies should be made available to visiting employees, e.g.
Fire Wardens, first aiders.
MHSW Regulations 1999 I 41

Common practices for sharing information on safety matters for

visiting employees include:

• signing in and induction briefing

• contractors’ handbook
• pre-approval of contractors
• joint training sessions
• permit to work systems.

What are an employer’s duties regarding the

provision of training for his employees?

Regulation 13 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work

Regulations 1999 requires employers to provide their employees
with adequate training in respect of health and safety:

• on being recruited
• on being exposed to new or increased risks due to:
™ being transferred to another department or section
™ the provision of new equipment
™ the change of existing equipment
™ the introduction of new technology
™ the introduction of a new system of work.

Training shall be repeated periodically and shall take place during

working hours. It shall also be free of charge.
The provision of information, instruction and training must be
comprehensible and understood by all employees.
For the purposes of health and safety, temporary workers must be
treated as permanent employees and must also receive information,
instruction and training.
Undertaking risk assessments

Who should undertake a risk assessment?

Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regu-
lations 1999 states that:

every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of:

(a) the risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they
are exposed whilst they are at work; and
(b) the risks to the health and safety of persons not in his
employment arising out or in connection with the conduct by
him of his undertaking,
for the purposes of identifying the measures he needs to take to
comply with the requirements or prohibitions imposed upon him by or
under the relevant Statutory Provisions and by Part II of the Fire
Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997.

So, the law requires an employer to carry out a risk assessment.

Under the terms of the organisation’s Safety Policy, the employer
can delegate the responsibility for undertaking risk assessments to
others, e.g. Safety Officers, Departmental Managers, etc.
With the proviso that the employer carries ultimate responsibility for
the risk assessment, it can be conducted by anyone authorised to do so.
In many organisations, the people best qualified to carry out a risk
assessment on job tasks undertaken are the employees. This is because
44 I Risk assessments Q&A

they are familiar with the hazards and risks of what they do and they
know the actual way they carry out the tasks in practice, as opposed
to the ‘theoretical way’.
The law requires that anyone involved in health and safety matters
for an employer, including the employers themselves, must be
Regulation 7 of the MHSW requires employers to appoint competent
persons to assist in health and safety matters. This will include a
competent person being appointed to undertake risk assessments.
Regulation 7 defines a person as being competent if they have
sufficient information, knowledge and experience to enable them to
properly assist the employer in discharging his responsibilities.

Does absolutely every single job activity require a

risk assessment?

No, although it sometimes feels like that!

The requirement of the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 is as follows:

Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of:

(a) the risks to health and safety of his employees to which they are
exposed while they are at work, and
(b) the risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment
arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him of his
for the purpose of identifying the measures he needs to take to comply
with the requirements and/or prohibitions imposed upon him under
the relevant statutory provisions and by Part II of the Fire Precautions
(Workplace) Regulations 1997 (amended).

If a work activity does not pose any health and safety risks then
there is no need to carry out a risk assessment, although a risk
assessment of sorts will be carried out in order to establish that the job
task has no hazards or risks attached to it.
Undertaking risk assessments I 45

Increasingly, however, it is best practice to undertake risk

assessments for all job tasks because, even though the statutory laws
may not require them, the need to provide a duty of care under civil
law makes risk assessments a valuable defence tool.

Is there a standard format for a risk assessment?

No, mainly because risk assessments are individual to job tasks and
need to be ‘site specific’!
The HSE does publish guidance on how to complete risk assessments
and they include a risk assessment template.
There is no right or wrong way to complete a risk assessment. The
law requires that it is ‘suitable and sufficient’.
A risk assessment must contain suitable information to be useful to
an employee to understand what hazards they may be exposed to
when carrying out the task.
Generally, any format that includes the following will be suitable:

• description of the job task

• location of activity
• who will carry it out
• who else might be affected by the task
• what are the hazards identified
• what could go wrong
• what might the injuries be and how severe might they be
• how likely are the risks
• what can be done to reduce or eliminate the hazards
• what information do employees or others need to work safely
• when might the risk assessment be reviewed?

What do the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ mean?

A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm.

46 I Risk assessments Q&A

The risk is the likelihood that the potential harm from the hazard
will be realised.
The extent of the risk will depend on:

• the likelihood of the harm occurring

• the potential severity of that harm (resultant injury or adverse
health effect)
• the number of people who might be affected — several people,
vast groups, communities at large (e.g. from chemical releases).

What does ‘suitable and sufficient’ mean in respect

of risk assessment?

The phrase ‘suitable and sufficient’ is not defined in the Regulations

nor within the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974.
The Approved Code of Practice on the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999 states that:

the level of risk arising from the work activity should determine the
degree of sophistication of the risk assessment.

Insignificant risks can generally be ignored, as can routine

activities associated with life in general.
Risk assessments are expected to be proportionate to the hazards
and risks identified.
Enforcement Officers do not expect to see huge volumes of
paperwork — the simpler the risk assessment and the clearer the
information, the easier the employee will find following safe
Undertaking risk assessments I 47

When should risk assessments be reviewed?

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

requires a risk assessment to be reviewed if:

• there is reason to suggest that it is no longer relevant or valid

• there has been significant change in the matters to which it relates.

If changes to the risk assessment are required, the employer has a

duty to make the changes and re-issue the risk assessment.
Employers are not expected to anticipate risks that are not
If events happen, however, which alter information available or
the perception of risk, the employer will be expected to respond to the
new information and assess the hazards and risks in the light of the
increased knowledge.
Accidents and near misses should be investigated, as these
incidents will indicate whether more knowledge is available on the
hazard or risk associated with the job. The risk assessment may need
to be reviewed because:

• something previously unforeseen has occurred

• the risk of something happening or the consequences of the
event may be greater than expected or anticipated
• precautions prove less effective than anticipated.

New equipment, new working environment, new materials, different

systems of work, etc. will all require existing risk assessments to be

Which people must be considered as being exposed

to the risks from work activities?
The following people must be taken into consideration:
48 I Risk assessments Q&A

• employees of the employer

• young workers and those on work experience
• new and expectant mothers
• cleaners — whether contract or in-house
• visitors to the premises
• maintenance workers — both contract and in-house
• members of the public
• employees of other employers with whom you share the
building or premises
• delivery drivers
• sales representatives
• people with disabilities —extra control measures may be
needed to protect them from risk
• peripatetic workers — those working away from the office,
usually visiting other workplaces or people’s homes, e.g.
• volunteers.

Must risk assessments be categorised into high,

medium or low risks?

Not necessarily by law, but it is good practice to identify the extent of

harm that an employee or other person could be exposed to.
Even after all precautions have been taken, some risk (i.e.
potential cause of injury or ill health) may remain. This is often
referred to as residual risk.
Residual risk is either ‘high, medium or low’, or very likely,
probable or unlikely.
Some risk management approaches allocate numerical scores to
various types of risk and the severity of those risks. By multiplying
one score by the other they arrive at a ‘risk rating’. Scores above a set
target become unacceptable and measures must be put in place to
reduce the risks.
Undertaking risk assessments I 49

What are some of the common control measures

which can be put in place to reduce the risks from
job activities?

The aim of risk assessment is to reduce the residual risk associated

with a task to as small a level as possible.
First, try to eliminate the hazard altogether — why do something
or use something if you do not have to?
Where the hazard cannot be eliminated it must be reduced to
acceptable levels by implementing control measures.
A common approach is by following the ‘hierarchy of risk control’,

• try a less risky option, i.e. substitute something less hazardous

• prevent access to the hazard, e.g. by guarding
• organise work to prevent exposure to the hazard
• issue personal protective equipment
• protect the workforce as a whole, e.g. through exhaust
• provide welfare facilities to aid removal of contamination, to
take rest breaks, etc.
• provide first aid facilities.

What will an Enforcement Officer expect from my

risk assessments?

Enforcement Officers will want to see that you:

• have completed risk assessments

• have considered site-specific issues
• have completed comprehensive checks of the workplace
• have involved workers
• have considered the hazards and risks to others
• have dealt with immediate hazards to reduce risks
50 I Risk assessments Q&A

• have in place a system for reviewing risk assessments

• keep suitable records
• have provided information, instruction and training to your
• have introduced suitable and sufficient measures.

Site-specific risk assessments are probably the most important

aspect. EHOs and HSE Inspectors are not keen on generic risk
assessments unless steps have been taken to ensure that any special
site hazards and precautions have been added to the risk assessment.
To Enforcement Officers, risk assessment is not a paper exercise
to be pulled off the shelf in a manual. It is a pro-active approach by an
employer to consider what could harm his employees and others and
what measures he intends to take to reduce the risks of injury and ill

What is meant by the term ‘control measure’?

A control measure is the term used for the precautions deemed to be

necessary in order to reduce the consequences of the hazard and risk,
i.e. to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
A control measure could be:

• physical, e.g. fixing a guard to a machine

• substitution — for a less hazardous substance
• establishing a system of work
• providing personal protective equipment
• separation of workers from an environment or machine
• environmental controls, e.g. ventilation.

The risk assessment identifies what control measures or precautions

are necessary in order to manage the risks that have been identified
from the hazard being assessed.
Undertaking risk assessments I 51

What is the ‘hierarchy of risk control’?

When a hazard has been identified, the most effective way of
reducing the effect of the hazard, or the risk, is by eliminating the
hazard completely. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and a
stayed approach to controlling the risk has to be adopted.
This stayed approach to controlling risk is called the ‘hierarchy of
risk control’.
The first and most effective stage of dealing with a hazard and its
risk is to eliminate the hazard completely. No hazards = no risks.
The second stage, if the first cannot be achieved, is to substitute
the identified hazard for a less harmful hazard; for example, why use
a substance which can cause cancer when an alternative is on the
market which may only be a minor skin irritant; why carry 50 kg bags
of cement when 25 kg ones are available and easier to carry?
The third stage to adopt if a suitable alternative cannot be found
and the original hazard has to remain is to protect the workforce as a
whole from the hazard, e.g. increase the workshop ventilation so that
the hazard is tackled at source.
Next, if stage three fails, provide all employees with individual
worker protective clothing and equipment so that their own individual
health is protected, e.g. masks, goggles, local exhaust ventilation.
Finally, monitor and review the controls that you have put in place
to make sure that they are effective, otherwise it will be back to stage
one — eliminating the hazard.

What is the common approach to risk assessment?

The Health and Safety Executive have pioneered a five steps approach
to risk assessment and they have summarised this approach in their
free leaflet 5 Steps to Risk Assessment (INDG 163).
The five steps to risk assessments are:

Step 1: Look for the hazards

Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how
52 I Risk assessments Q&A

Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide whether the existing precau-
tions are adequate or whether more should be done
Step 4: Records your findings
Step 5: Review the assessment and revise it whenever necessary.

What needs to be considered for each of the ‘five


Firstly, risk assessment should not be overcomplicated. Remember

that risk assessment is a careful examination of what, in your work,
could cause harm to people and an assessment of what you need to do
to prevent harm to people. You may already have taken enough
precautions to protect them or you may need to implement some
You will need to decide whether a hazard is significant and
whether you have covered it by satisfactory precautions so that the
risk is small.

Step 1: Identify the hazards

Walk around the workplace and look out for anything which could
cause harm. Take a fresh view and do not make assumptions about
Concentrate on identifying the serious hazards which could cause
major harm to people, e.g. cause them to have a significant injury or
which may affect several people.
Talk to your employees and ask them what they think of as
hazards, ask them how they really do the job and whether they follow
the rules or do it a little differently.
Review any records that you have such as accidents and incidents.
It is a good idea to keep ‘near miss’ records because these should tell
you that something is not working but that things have not yet
become sufficiently serious to cause an accident.
Undertaking risk assessments I 53

What type of accidents are happening and why? Are people off
sick for periods of time with back injuries, for instance.
Check manufacturers’ operating procedures, manuals and
Check what substances are being used and what substances are
being produced by the works process itself, e.g. dust.
Common hazards include the following:

• equipment — how it is used, guards, controls, noise

• work processes — how things are done, systems to be followed
• environmental conditions — condition of floors, heating, venti-
lation, etc.
• materials in use — chemicals, gases, substances.

Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how

Consider absolutely everybody who could be harmed by the hazards

you have identified.
Remember to include:

• all employees
• agency staff
• self-employed people
• visitors, public, etc.
• contractors
• cleaners
• delivery personnel
• maintenance workers.

How might they be affected by the hazard? Are they likely to incur
a serious injury, or none at all? Could they be harmed because they
were in the vicinity of the hazard or because they have to undertake
the job task?
54 I Risk assessments Q&A

Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing

precautions are adequate or if more should be done

Consider how likely it is that each hazard you have identified could
cause harm.
Then consider what you are currently doing to reduce the potential
for harm?
Are you doing enough?
Have you done all the things that the law requires you to do?
Are you following good practice and industry standards? Are
manufacturers’ instructions being adhered to?
If, for instance, you use dangerous machinery, do you have guards
in place so that the dangerous parts cannot be accessed?
What more could be done to reduce the risks to as small a level as
If you are not satisfied that all risks are as small as possible then
more needs to be done.
Draw up an Action Plan so that you work on eliminating the
highest risks first, or those which could harm most people.
If you need to provide more control measures or precautions,
consider the ‘hierarchy of risk control’:

• eliminate the hazard

• substitute for a less risky option
• prevent access to the hazard
• organise the work to reduce exposure to the hazard
• issue personal protective equipment
• provide welfare facilities, e.g. washing facilities, first aid, etc.

Consider all types of work environments in which employees

work and whether they work in someone else’s premises. An
employer must assess the hazards and risks to his employees and,
even though you may not know what they are, you are responsible if
your employee works somewhere else. So, ask the owner of that
building or business what their hazards and risks are and assess those
in relation to the job you expect your employee to do.
Undertaking risk assessments I 55


You may have identified the hazard of working at heights —

there is definitely a potential harm to people from falling.
You may have control measures in place because you have
provided scaffolding and handrails and toeboards as
required by the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Regulations 1996. But have you done enough? Have you
considered whether your employees or others need to work
at height in the first place? Could they have a safer means of
access to the place of work than the scaffold? In itself, a
scaffold is dangerous or hazardous. Could mobile elevating
work platforms be used?
56 I Risk assessments Q&A

Persons in control of premises have duties under health and safety

even if they are not employees and the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999 cover the co-operation of employers
and others where there is a multi-occupied site.

Step 4: Record your findings

If you have five or more employees, you need to record the

significant findings of your risk assessment process in writing.
Small companies with fewer than five employees are exempt,
although it is always good practice to keep some records, as you
never know when you might want to prove what you have done.
As stated earlier, there is no standard risk assessment form or
template for records.
You will need to decide what type of form is appropriate for record
keeping. The HSE give some guidance on a simple layout for a risk
assessment but there is no right or wrong way to go about it.
Remember that your risk assessment must be ‘suitable and
sufficient’ — this does not mean perfect!
The records that you keep need to show that you have considered
the hazards, identified the people at risk, determined and actioned the
control measures necessary to reduce the risks and considered when
the risk assessment needs to be reviewed.

Step 5: Review and revise the risk assessment

Risk assessment is not a ‘once and for all’ exercise. Hazards in any
workplace may change, the circumstances in which those hazards
occur may change, the people may change, and the materials and
equipment may change!
So, a risk assessment needs to be constantly reviewed to see if it is
still relevant.
Your original risk assessment process should identify when and if
hazards and risks will change and should indicate a regular review
Undertaking risk assessments I 57

If things stay fairly static, a risk assessment with a low residual

risk may only need to be reviewed annually. But a works process or
job task with a high residual risk which relies on effective control
measures to make the risk tolerable will need to be reviewed much
more regularly.

What are site-specific risk assessments?

Site-specific risk assessments review the hazards and risks associated

with an actual job on a specific site or within specific premises.
The law is concerned about what may actually happen to an
employee or other person while they are at work, or affected by work
activities, not what could happen because the employer has
brainstormed every conceivable hazard in every conceivable location.
Hazards may be quite common across a range of work activities
and there is a tendency for employers to produce ‘generic risk
assessments’. These are records of common hazards and risk but they
do not address the actual work environment.
Generic risk assessments do have a valuable part to play in the
process of risk assessment but they need to be reviewed in the light of
what actually happens in the workplace.

Are generic risk assessments acceptable under

health and safety law?

There is no law against a generic risk assessment produced by, for

example, a trade body being used as the employer’s risk assessment.
However, the question to consider is whether the generic risk
assessment is ‘suitable and sufficient’ for the purposes of the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Prosecutions can be taken by the enforcing authorities for
inadequate risk assessments and this is just as serious an offence as
having no risk assessments.
58 I Risk assessments Q&A

An enforcing authority is more likely to serve an Improvement

Notice on the employer for failing to have a suitable and sufficient
risk assessment and will require improvements to be made.
Alternatively, if the inspector is concerned about the risk from the job
task or activity, he could serve a Prohibition Notice under the Health
and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974.

As an employer, I have completed my risk

assessments, recorded the significant findings
in writing and have a Risk Assessment Manual.
What else do I need to do?

The law requires you to tell your employees and others about the
findings of your risk assessment exercise.
Employees must know what hazards they are exposed to during
their working day and must be advised of the precautions or controls
which have been implemented to help reduce the risk of harm.
Employees could be given copies of the risk assessments
individually as part of their employee handbook, or they could be
given a formal training session which identifies the hazards and risks
and trains them in how to operate or follow the control measures.
Information could be displayed on company notice boards or
adjacent to the work areas.
As long as employees are kept informed, the method by which it is
done is left to the employer.
Every employer is under a duty to ensure that employees receive
information, instruction and training in respect of any matter which
may affect their health and safety while at work.
Control of substances hazardous
to health and dangerous explosive

What are the COSHH Regulations 2002?

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

are known as COSHH.
The Regulations set out the duties that employers have to their
employees and others to protect them from exposure to and harm
from hazardous substances.
The 2002 Regulations came into force in November 2002 and
replace all earlier sets of Regulations, i.e. 1988, 1994 and 1999.
The Regulations were amended in March 2003 to address further
issues in respect of carcinogens.

What does COSHH require?

Five basic principles of occupational hygiene underpin the COSHH


(1) identify the hazardous substance, identify how it is to be

used, assess the risk to health, precautions and health risks
arising from that substance
60 I Risk assessments Q&A

(2) if the substance is harmful, wherever possible, substitute a

less harmful substance
(3) introduce appropriate measures to prevent or control risks
and ensure that control measures are used, that any protective
equipment is properly maintained and that any safety
procedures are observed
(4) where necessary, monitor the exposure of employees and
introduce an appropriate form of surveillance of their health
(5) inform, instruct and train employees in the risks to their
health and safety and the precautions that need to be taken.

What substances are covered by the COSHH


The Regulations cover a wide range of substances and include those

which are very toxic, harmful, corrosive, irritant or biological. These
could include cleaning materials for floors, toilets, drains,
glasswasher and dishwasher detergents, pest control materials, dusts,
fumes, solvents, building products, oils, etc.
The COSHH legislations will apply to hazardous substances no
matter how large or small the quantity. The overriding principle is
that if a substance is a hazard to health, it must be assessed.
All of these substances are safe when properly used, but the use of
each must be assessed. Employees must be made aware of any
hazards, the precautions necessary and trained how to use the
substances correctly.

What changes did the 2002 COSHH Regulations


The 2002 Regulations did not fundamentally change employers’

duties to ensure that employees and others are not exposed to the
harmful effects of hazardous substances.

The Regulations generally have made changes as follows:

• to numerous definitions within the Regulations, e.g. biological

agents, inhalable and respiratable dust
• COSHH assessments under Regulation 6 have been amended
™ require that the steps identified by the assessment as
necessary to meet the requirements of the Regulations
are implemented
™ the assessment is to consider
— the hazardous properties of the substance
— information on health effects provided by the
supplier, including information contained in the
Safety Data Sheets
— the level, type and duration of exposure
— the circumstances of the work, including the
amount of substance involved
— activities, such as maintenance, where there is
potential for a high level of exposure
— any relevant occupational exposure limit or
standard, maximum exposure limit or similar
occupational exposure limit
— the effect of preventative and control measures
which have been or will be taken to comply with
Regulation 7
— the results of relevant health surveillance
— the results of any monitoring of exposure
— the risks of exposure to more than one substance,
i.e. the ‘cocktail’ effect
— the approved classification of any biological
— such additional information as the employer may
need to complete the assessment
• the assessment is to be reviewed if the results of monitoring
show it to be necessary
62 I Risk assessments Q&A

• employers who employ five or more employees are to record

the significant findings of the assessment as soon as is
practicable after the risk assessment is made and steps are to
be taken to implement control measures
• a specific requirement is introduced under Regulation 7 to
substitute a substance or process if this eliminates or reduces
risks to health
• control measures are listed in order of priority in Regulation 7
• biological agents are now covered in the body of the
• all control measures are to be kept clean
• new provisions regarding employee monitoring, the keeping
of records and health surveillance have been introduced
• information, instruction and training requirements have been
extended to include details on occupational exposure limits,
access to relevant safety data sheets, exposure and health
risks of the substance, significant findings of the COSHH
assessment, results of health surveillance, control measures
to be implemented, etc.

Duties extend to training persons other than the employer’s

employees if those people are so exposed to the risks from hazardous

How do dangerous chemical products get into the


There are three main ways in which products get into the body:
through ingestion, through the skin or through inhalation. The form
of the product plays an important role. The more finely divided a
product is, the more easily it is absorbed (generally the smaller the
particles, the more dangerous they are). Solids for example, may be
in the form of powder and liquids in the form of an aerosol.

Absorption is dependent on many factors, including the state of

subdivision of the product (i.e. the smallness of the particles), its
concentration, the length of exposure, the use of protective
equipment, its solubility in fat, etc.

Digestive route (via the mouth)

Entry via the digestive route (or ingestion) is usually accidental or the
result of carelessness, for example:

• through transferring a product from one container to another

by sucking it up through a pipette, or through a product
having been stored in a food and drink container
• through eating, smoking, drinking, etc. after having handled
a dangerous product and not having washed hands.

Percutaneous route (entry via the skin)

Certain products, such as irritant and corrosive products act locally at

the place where they come into contact with the skin, the mucous
membrane or the eyes.
Others, which are soluble in fat, not only act on the skin but also
penetrate it and spread throughout the body where they can cause
various disorders. This is the case with solvents, which degrease the
skin, but which can also damage the liver, nervous system or
kidneys. Benzene can damage the bone marrow. Motor fuel (which
has a relatively high benzene content) should not be used to wash
Small cuts and grazes provide an easy route for dangerous
64 I Risk assessments Q&A

Respiratory route (entry via the lungs)

This is the most common entry route at work, as pollutants can be

present in the atmosphere. They then enter the lungs with the air we
breathe. This can occur when handling solvents, paints or glues,
stripping leaded paint with a blow torch or welding, for example.
Once inhaled into the lungs, these chemicals enter the bloodstream
and can cause damage not only to the respiratory system but also to
the rest of the body.
A chemical which enters via any of these routes can be transported
to other parts of the body in the bloodstream and can cause damage to
other organs.

What are Occupational Exposure Limits or Standards


For a number of commonly used hazardous substances, the Health

and Safety Commission has assigned occupational exposure limits
(or standards) to help define what is adequate control.
Occupational Exposure Limits are set at levels which will not
damage the health of employees exposed to the substance by
inhalation, day after day.
Where a substance has an OEL, the exposure of employees to the
substance must legally be reduced to the OEL level.

What are maximum exposure limits?

Maximum exposure limits are set for substances which can cause the
maximum amount of health damage. These substances usually cause
life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, asthma, severe industrial
dermatitis, respiratory conditions, etc.

Substances which have an MEL must be used only if there is no

alternative and exposure must not exceed the stated limit over the
given exposure time — usually no more than ten minutes.
Employers should avoid the use of all substances with an MEL —
find an alternative.

What is health surveillance?

Health surveillance is required under certain circumstances and

requires employers to assess the health of their employees regularly.
If employees are exposed, for instance, to a substance which causes
skin irritation, then it may be necessary to check the condition of
hands and arms by visual examination from time to time.
Health surveillance allows an employer the opportunity to monitor
the effectiveness of the control measures in place.
If employees are exposed to breathing in fumes or dust, then
routine lung tests or blood tests can be used.
Health surveillance can be carried out by a medical doctor or
occupational nurse, or an employer can carry out simple assessments
and refer to experts for advice.

Recognising hazardous substances

See table overleaf.


Symbol Meaning Description of risks

Toxic (T) Toxic and harmful substances and preparations posing a

danger to health, even in small amounts.
Very toxic (T+)
If very small amounts have an effect on health the product
is identified by the toxic symbol.
Harmful (Xn)
Risk assessments Q&A

These products enter the organism through inhalation,

ingestion or the skin.

Highly flammable (F) (F) Highly flammable products ignite in the presence of a
flame, a source of heat (e.g. a hot surface) or a spark.

Extremely flammable (F+) (F+) Extremely flammable products can readily be

ignited by an energy source (flame, spark, etc.) even at
temperatures below 0ºC.

Oxidising (O) Combustion requires a combustible material, oxygen and

a source of ignition; it is greatly accelerated in the
presence of an oxidising product (a substance rich in
Corrosive (C) Corrosive substances seriously damage living tissue and
also attack other materials. The reaction may be due to
the presence of water or humidity.

Irritant (Xi) Repeated contact with irritant products causes inflammation

of the skin and mucous membranes, etc.

Explosive (E) An explosion is an extremely rapid combustion. It

depends on the characteristics of the product, the
temperature (source of heat), contact with other products
(reaction), shocks or friction.

Dangerous for the environment Substances which are highly toxic for aquatic organisms,
(<<N) toxic for fauna, dangerous for the ozone layer.
68 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are the recommended steps when

undertaking a COSHH assessment?

The HSE recommend an eight step approach to a COSHH assessment

as follows:

Step 1: Assess the risks

Step 2: Decide what precautions are needed
Step 3: Prevent or adequately control exposure
Step 4: Ensure that control measures are used and maintained
Step 5: Monitor exposure of employees (and others if appropriate)
Step 6: Carry out appropriate health surveillance
Step 7: Prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, inci-
dents and emergencies
Step 8: Ensure that employees are properly trained, informed and

Who should carry out the COSHH assessment?

As an employer, the responsibility for the assessment remains with you.

However, the task of conducting and completing the risk assessment can
be delegated but you cannot abdicate responsibility.
Whoever carries out the risk assessment will have to be able to
demonstrate competency by:

• understanding the COSHH Regulations

• having access to the Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice
and Guidance
• being able to obtain all the relevant information about the
substances, e.g. Safety Data Sheets
• having knowledge of the effects of the substance on
individuals and how to interpret findings

• having experience in the work processes and how substances

are actually used in the workplace, e.g. this may be different
from the manufacturer’s/supplier’s instructions due to work-
place practicalities and custom, e.g. a product may be sprayed
rather than painted
• having experience to be able to make decisions on risk.

Employees often know huge amounts about what they use, how
and why. Consult with them. Use Employee Representatives or
Safety Representatives for information and advice.
If you appoint external assistance, check out their experience and
reputation. Take references.

What are some COSHH control procedures?

The COSHH assessments have been devised to indicate the level of

risk to health from use of and exposure to any of the hazardous
chemicals in use within the company.
When a product is to be used, especially for the first time, consult
the COSHH assessments.
Follow the information given and make sure that staff are familiar
with it.
Follow the control measures indicated, e.g. wear gloves, goggles,
Do not forget that there could be people in the vicinity who might
be affected.
Do not forget to plan for spillages.
Chemicals not in the COSHH assessments should not be used.
Ensure that all staff know where the COSHH assessments are kept
for use in emergencies.
When the task is complete, return the chemical container, securely
capped, to a suitable storage area.
70 I Risk assessments Q&A

How might the risk of accidents from hazardous

substances be reduced?

• Check that packages and containers are in good condition, so

as to avoid leaks. Make sure the gases, fumes, vapours or
dusts are extracted at their point of origin. Wear a respirator if
necessary. Watch out for possible sources of fire.
• Keep dangerous products only in appropriate containers,
property labelled. Never transfer them into bottles such as
lemonade or beer bottles, or other food containers. This type
of practice causes serious accidents every year. Dangerous
products should preferably be kept locked away when not in
• Avoid contact with the mouth. Do not eat, drink or smoke
when using dangerous substances or when in a place where
they are used.

What steps can be followed when establishing

whether to substitute a less harmful substance
for a hazardous one?

It is often difficult to decide whether to substitute a substance used at

work because it is not always clear whether substances actually are
less harmful and, often, the attitude that ‘we have always used this’ is
common place and people’s desire to embrace change is limited.
However, the HSE advocate a seven step approach to harmful
substance substitution and they advocate that a logical approach will
enable all aspects to be considered thereby ensuring that a correct
decision is reached.
Companies may wish to substitute hazardous substances for less
harmful substances for health and safety reasons, but the decisions
are also valid for finding substances that are less harmful to the

The seven steps

Step 1: Decide whether the current substance or process is a haz-

ard. Is there a significant risk involved in storing, using or
disposing of the substance?
Step 2: Identify the alternatives.
Step 3: Think about what could happen if you use the alternatives.
Step 4: Compare the alternatives with each other and with the pro-
cess or substance you are using at the moment.
Step 5: Decide whether to substitute.
Step 6: Introduce the substitute.
Step 7: Assess how the substitute is working.

Step 1
You should already have completed a COSHH assessment for the
substances under consideration. If you have assessed that you are
using substances that have a high risk of injury or disease, they should
be substituted, e.g. any substance which is known to be carcinogenic.
Consider also any risk of fire, explosion or environmental risk.

Step 2
Identifying alternatives needs to be wide ranging. The first question
is ‘do you need to do the job at all?’.
Alternatives may not be other substances but may be a change of
process, e.g. using drain rods to clear blockages rather than using
sulphuric acid.
Consult with the users and find out in exactly what quantities and
how often they use the substance. Do they know of any alternatives?
Ask customers whether they will accept different substances, as
sometimes it is customer demand which dictates processes, etc.
Could different equipment be used which could reduce the
harmful effects of the substance?
Could the substance be diluted and still be effective?
Could it be used in a different form, e.g. granules instead of
powder, liquid instead of powder, etc.
72 I Risk assessments Q&A

When an alternative substance has been identified, the following

questions may be relevant.

• How effective is the alternative?

• How will it affect the quality of the product?
• Will customers accept it?
• Is the alternative a threat to people’s health?
• Is there an immediate threat or is it likely to develop over the
long term through frequent exposure?
• Could the new substance increase fire or explosion risks?
• Are you substituting one set of risks for another?
• Is it easier to dispose of the waste?
• How much waste will be generated?
• Will it affect the environment?
• Is the alternative more expensive?
• Will it always be available?
• How volatile is the substance?
• Will the substance create more dust or vapours than the
current substance?

Step 3
Look at all of the alternative products identified in Step 2 and ask the
question listed for each alternative.
What would be the consequences of using the alternative? Will it
do the job as well and as efficiently?
Do you have the equipment to use the new substance or will new
sprays, containers, etc. need to be bought? Would this increase the
costs and lead to the new substance being a short-term solution?
Will the new substance be available in the long term in the
quantities you want? It is best practice to endeavour to keep
consistency in substance use, so frequently changing substances
could create hazards, as employees will be unfamiliar with what they
are using.
What training do you need to give staff on the use of the new

Step 4
Compare the risks of using the alternatives you have identified with
the product you are currently using.
Sometimes the hazards of the different products fall into different
categories, e.g. one product could be highly flammable and a fire risk
and the other could be less flammable but highly toxic.
Try to compare substances in respect of the same hazard, e.g.:

• Is one substance more likely to cause skin disease than another?

• Is one substance more likely to give people cancer than another?

Try to keep comparisons simple:

• Is the substitute going to explode or poison people?

• Will it only affect people who work with it or could it affect
other people in the area?
• How likely is it to cause damage to people or the

The general risk assessment for the job activity will identify what
residual risks are associated with the job. The substance chosen should
not increase those residual risks. It may be necessary to accept a greater
risk in one area in order to lessen the risk elsewhere. For example, if
working in a critical space is planned and a chemical cleaning agent is
needed it will be safer to specify a non-flammable substance because a
fire in a confined space is a high risk and the consequences are great
(e.g. people often cannot get out easily), but the non-flammable
cleaning agent may be toxic. It is better to control the risks of contact
with the toxic substance through PPE than to change the toxic substance
in favour of a less toxic but highly flammable substance.

Step 5
When all the risks of possible alternatives have been identified and
assessed, the decision remains as to whether to substitute the
substance or not.
74 I Risk assessments Q&A

Changing working practices, products and procedures needs

careful planning, needs to involve the workforce, may need more
training, a change of equipment, etc.
All of these aspects have to be considered in the decision-making
process and the decision needs to be taken in view of the ‘big picture’
— what will be the real, tangible benefits to overall safety of
employees and others.
Perhaps it would be wise to test the substitute in localised areas
prior to company-wide implementation.

Step 6

If the decision is taken to substitute, then an implementation plan is

A plan should be drawn up which addresses:

• what needs to be done

• who needs to do it
• when it needs to be done
• who needs to know about it.

Organise information, instruction and training for employees.

If the new substance is harmless there will be less risk to
employees and the amount of information they will need will be less.

Step 7

Assess the change. All good and effective health and safety management
systems have a step of ‘Audit and review’.
Is the substance doing what it should do? Is it being used as
planned or are employees, for instance, using twice the concentration
of the substance to achieve an effective job.
Monitor employees. If the new substance was chosen because it
would cut down on skin dermatitis, does it? Can you assess the

What do the Dangerous Substances and

Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
require of employers?
These Regulations (to be known as DSEAR) came into force in
December 2002.
They require employers to manage the risks from dangerous
substances and explosive atmospheres and apply to all dangerous
substances in nearly every building.
The Regulations set minimum requirements for the protection of
workers from fire, explosion and risks arising from dangerous substances.
DSEAR complement the requirements of the Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the general principles of
risk assessment in the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 apply to the DSEAR.
Employers and the self-employed must:

• carry out a risk assessment of any work activity involving

dangerous substances
• provide technical and organisational measures to eliminate or
reduce, as far as reasonably practicable, the identified risks
• provide equipment and procedures to deal with accident and
• provide information and training to employees
• classify places where explosive atmospheres may occur into
zones and mark the zones where necessary.

How does an employer carry out a risk assessment

under DSEAR?
DSEAR requires employers (or self-employed persons) to:

• carry out a risk assessment before commencing any new

work which involves a dangerous substance
• record the findings in writing if there are five or more
employees as soon as is practicable after the assessment
76 I Risk assessments Q&A

• take steps to eliminate the risks

• ensure that the workplace and work equipment is safe during
operation and maintenance
• detail any hazardous zones
• detail any special measures of co-operation between more
than one employer
• introduce arrangements for dealing with accidents and

The risk assessment is an identification and careful assessment and

examination of the dangerous substances present in the workplace, the
work practices and activities using those substances and what the
consequences are if something goes wrong.
The risk assessment must consider the risks not only to employees
but also to members of the public.
Employers need to establish what they need to do to reduce or
eliminate risks as far as is reasonable practicable so as to ensure
everyone’s safety when using dangerous substances.
The risk assessment must be completed before work commences
with a dangerous substance and the control measures identified as
being necessary must be implemented before works commence.
The risk assessment process should be the same as for all risk

• identify the hazard

• identify who may be harmed and how
• evaluate the risks and decide on the control measures necessary
• record the findings
• audit and review the risk assessment.

What are some control measures which could be

The following list gives some examples of control measures but
the risk assessment should help to identify what controls are

needed in the actual environment in which the dangerous

substance is present.

• Reduce the quantity of dangerous substances to a minimum.

• Avoid or minimise releases.
• Control releases at source.
• Prevent the formation of an explosive atmosphere.
• Collect, contain and remove any releases to a safe place.
• Avoid ignition sources.
• Avoid adverse conditions that could lead to danger, e.g.
avoid excessive temperatures.
• Keep incompatible substances apart.

Other steps which could be taken will mitigate the risks associated
with a dangerous substance.

• Reduce the number of employees exposed.

• Provide plant that is explosion-proof.
• Provide explosion suppression or explosion relief equipment.
• Take measures to minimise or control the spread of fires or
• Provide suitable personal protective equipment.
• Design and construct the workplace to reduce the risks from
dangerous substances.
• Choose appropriate equipment and work systems which
reduce risks.
• Implement safe systems of work, e.g. Permit to Work procedures.

How will an employer identify a dangerous

You will need to carry out two steps.

(1) Check whether the substance has been classified as

™ explosive
™ oxidising
78 I Risk assessments Q&A

™ extremely flammable
™ highly flammable or
™ flammable.
(2) Assess the physical and chemical properties of the substance
and the circumstances of the work involving the substance, to
see what will create a safety risk to persons.

Any substance labelled:

• explosive
• oxidising or
• flammable (in all categories)

is a dangerous substance and DSEAR apply.





Job task:



For users:
For persons in location:


Emergency contact number:

Spillage arrangements:
Consumption arrangements:

Contact arrangements:



80 I Risk assessments Q&A


Hazardous component(s):
Hazardous nature of component(s):

Health hazards (known):

Persons affected:

Duration of exposure:
Level of exposure:
Risk category:


Occupational Exposure Standard:

Maximum Exposure Limit (8-hour TWA):

Maximum Exposure Limit (15-minute TWA):




Health surveillance:

Date of assessment/revision:
Manual handling

What are employers responsible for with respect to

manual handling at work?

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 apply to all

manual handling activities carried out by employees while at
Employers must, as far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need
for employees to undertake any manual handling activities while at
work which involve risk of injury.
Despite the above requirement, manual handling is a common
cause of work-related injury. In some cases, poor manual handling
can lead to permanent disability and physical impairment.
Employers must undertake a risk assessment of all manual
handling activities and determine a hierarchy of risk control in order
to minimise injury and ill-health risks.
Information on the weight of objects to be manually handled
must be given to employees. This can be general information or
more specific or precise product information. Many manufacturers
and suppliers of products and equipment are displaying the weight
of the item on packaging or on delivery notes, etc.
82 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are the costs of poor manual handling to both

businesses and society?

Injuries sustained by employees while they are handling, lifting or

carrying items at work account for 38% of all notified ‘over three
day’ injuries.
Over 1 million people are reported to have suffered ‘illness’ from
musculo-skeletal disorders and the prevalence rate is increasingly
when compared with the early 1990s.
Statistics from the HSE for 2001/2002 show that approximately
12.3 million days were lost in employment productivity due to
musculo-skeletal disorders.
The National Health Service has one of the highest incidence rates
for musculo-skeletal injury and approximately 50% of all reported
‘over three day’ injuries were due to injury while handling, lifting
and carrying, i.e. approximately 5000.
Back injury is not the only type of injury to be sustained from
manual handling. Injuries are reported which affect:

• hands
• feet
• arms
• legs
• neck
• head.

Many manual handling injuries are the result of poor practices

being followed over lengthy periods of time and not from a ‘one-off’
manual handling activity.
On average, each injury takes 20 days for recovery and, in some
instances, disability is permanent. Costs to business will be huge and
are often hidden in real terms. Costs to be considered are:

• costs of sick pay

• cost of loss of skilled employee
• replacement/temporary staff
• reduced productivity
Manual handling I 83

Case study

An ambulance worker received compensation in 2002 of

£140 000 in an out-of-court settlement with his employers
for serious back injuries sustained in the course of his
The employee was lifting a patient when two wheels came
off the stretcher he was carrying. He then had to bear the
patient’s weight for five minutes.
As a result, he damaged his lower back and right leg.
Damages were claimed against the NHS Trust because the
stretcher had been modified to fit into the ambulance and
was not fit for its purpose. The Trust admitted liability.
Consideration is being given by the NHS Trust to
instigating legal action against the stretcher manufacturer.

• investigation time
• civil claims
• criminal prosecution
• increased insurance premiums.

Back injuries represent the biggest single group of claims for

incapacity benefit.
Costs for manual handling injuries have been estimated at £6 billion
in lost production.

What steps should be taken in respect of carrying

out a risk assessment for manual handling?

In the first instance, it would be sensible to conduct a general

assessment to see if manual handling activities give rise to hazard and
risk, as not all manual handling will.
84 I Risk assessments Q&A

Remember that manual handling includes:

• lifting
• pushing
• pulling
• shoving
• lowering
• carrying.

Consider the size and shape of the load and the best way to handle it:

• If the load is difficult or heavy, seek assistance.

• Consider where the load is going — is the pathway clear and
free from obstruction.
• Is the place ready where the load is to go?
• Can lifting devices be used?
• Can the load be split to make carrying easier?
• Manual handling involves pushing and pulling as well as
lifting. Can any of these jobs be mechanised?
• Complete a manual handling risk assessment.

What needs to be considered for a detailed manual

handling risk assessment?

The tasks

Do the tasks involve:

• holding loads away from the body

• twisting, reaching or stooping
• strenuous pushing or pulling
• unpredictable movement of loads
• large vertical movement
• long carrying distances
Manual handling I 85

• repetitive handling
• insufficient rest time
• a work rate imposed by a process?

The loads

Are the loads:

• heavy, bulky or unwieldy

• difficult to hold
• unstable or unpredictable
• intrinsically harmful, e.g. sharp?

The working environment

In the working environment, are there:

• constraints on posture
• variations in level
• poor floors
• hot, cold or humid conditions
• strong air movements
• poor lighting
• restrictions on movement or posture from clothes or personal
protective equipment?

Individual capacity

Does the job:

• require unusual capability

• endanger those with a health problem
• endanger pregnant women
• require special information or training?
86 I Risk assessments Q&A

Case study

Types of manual handling in licensed premises

The following activities undertaken routinely in most pubs

are likely to present particular risks from manual handling

• the delivery and removal of full and empty kegs,

boxes, barrels, crates and gas cylinders
• the stacking of full kegs and barrels
• the movement of kegs, barrels, etc. within the cellar or
• shifting of casks
• the movement of loads between floors — carrying
crates from the cellar to the bar
• lifting buckets of water or pipe cleaning containers
• lifting gas cylinders
• putting items on shelves and getting items off shelves
• movement of furniture, equipment, etc.
• food deliveries
• removal of glass bottle skips
• carrying empty glass baskets or crates
• changing optics
• lifting glass washer trays
• carrying tills or money drawers
• carrying money or change
• moving gaming machines
• assisting with entertainment equipment.
Manual handling I 87

What are some of the ways of reducing the risks of

injury from manual handling?

Some ways of reducing the risk of injury are detailed below.

The tasks

Can you:

• reduce the amount of twisting and stooping

• avoid lifting from floor level or above shoulder height
• avoid strenuous pushing or pulling
• reduce carrying distances
• avoid repetitive handling
• vary work, allowing one set of muscles to rest while another
is used?

The loads

Can you make the loads:

• lighter or less bulky

• easier to hold
• more stable
• less damaging to hold
• have you asked your suppliers to help?

The working environment

Can you:

• improve workplace layout to improve efficiency

• remove obstructions to free movement
• provide better flooring
88 I Risk assessments Q&A

• avoid steps and steep ramps

• prevent extremes of hot and cold
• improve lighting
• consider less restrictive clothing or personal protective

Individual capacity

Can you:

• take better care of those with physical weaknesses or who are

• give your employees more information, e.g. about the range
of tasks they are likely to face
• provide training?

What are good handling techniques?

The following are important points to bear in mind when handling a

load, using a basic lifting operation as an example.


Plan the lift. Where is the load to be placed? Use appropriate

handling aids if possible. Do you need help with the load? Remove
obstructions. For a long lift, such as floor to shoulder height, consider
resting the load midway on a table or bench to change grip.

Positioning feet

Feet should be apart, giving a balanced and stable base for lifting
(tight skirts and unsuitable footwear make this difficult). The leading
Manual handling I 89

leg should be as far forward as is comfortable and, if possible, should

be pointing in the direction you intend to go.

Good posture

When lifting from a low level, bend with the knees, but do not kneel
or over-flex the knees. Keep the back straight, maintaining its natural
curve (tucking in the chin helps). Lean forward a little over the load if
necessary to get a good grip. Keep the shoulders level and facing in
the same direction as the hips.

Holding the load

Try to keep the arms within the boundary formed by the legs. The
best position and type of grip depends on the circumstances and
individual preference, but must be secure. A hook grip is less tiring
than keeping the fingers straight. If you need to vary the grip as the
lift proceeds, do it as smoothly as possible.


Keep the load close to the trunk for as long as possible. Keep the
heaviest side of the load next to the trunk. If a close approach to the load
is not possible, slide it towards you before you try to lift. Lift smoothly,
raising the chin as the lift begins, keeping control of the load.


Move the feet instead of twisting the trunk when turning to the side.


If precise positioning of the load is necessary, put it down first, then

slide it into the desired position.
90 I Risk assessments Q&A

Risk assessment: 20 litre drum handling

The task

Between twenty and thirty 20 litre drums were moved from

the delivery area to the storage area. They were then moved
from the storage area to the point of use.

The problem

To move the 20 litre drums to the storage area, maintenance

staff had to carry them down 20 steps. No injuries had been
reported but the task was identified as having a high potential
risk of musculo-skeletal injuries.

The solution

The storage area was reorganised and moved to be near the

delivery area so that the need to carry the drums down the
steps was eliminated.
Two sack barrows were provided so that the drums could
be easily moved on the same level to the areas where they are

The benefits

Easier manual handling.

More efficient use of time — less double handling.
Reduction in potential manual handling injuries.
Manual handling I 91

What are the guideline weights for lifting or manual

Female: Male:
(1) Shoulder height
— arms extended 3 kg 5 kg
— near to body 7 kg 10 kg
(2) Elbow height
— arms extended 7 kg 10 kg
— near to body 13 kg 20 kg
(3) Thigh height
— away from body 10 kg 15 kg
— near to body 16 kg 25 kg
(4) Knee height
— away from body 7 kg 10 kg
— near to body 13 kg 20 kg
(5) Lower leg height
— away from body 3 kg 5 kg
— near to body 7 kg 10 kg

Each category indicates the guideline weights for lifting and

lowering loads.
Heavier weights can be handled more safely if they are held close
to the body. Carrying objects at arm’s length creates extra strain of
the spine and muscles and therefore lower weights are recommended.
The weights assume that the load is readily grasped with both
hands and that the operation takes place in reasonable working
conditions with the lifter in a stable body position.
Any operation involving more than twice the guideline weights
should be rigorously assessed — even for fit, well-trained individuals
working under favourable conditions.


Reduce the guideline weights if the lifter twists to the side during the
operation. As a rough guide, reduce them by 10% if the handler twists
beyond 45º, and by 20% if the handler twists beyond 90º.
92 I Risk assessments Q&A

Frequent lifting and lowering

The guideline weights are for infrequent operations — up to about 30

operations per hour — where the pace of work is not forced, adequate
pauses to rest or use different muscles are possible, and the load is not
supported for any length of time. Reduce the weights if the operation
is repeated more often. As a rough guide, reduce the weights by 30%
if the operation is repeated five to eight times a minute; and by 80%
where the operation is repeated more than twelve times a minute.

Exceeding the guidelines

The risk assessment guidelines are not absolute safe limits for lifting.
But work outside the guidelines is likely to increase the risk of injury,
so you should examine it closely for possible improvements. You
should remember that you must make the work less demanding if it is
reasonably practicable to do so.

Is ‘ergonomics’ anything to do with manual


Yes and no! Ergonomics is the science concerned with the ‘fit’
between people and their work and surroundings.
Ergonomics aims to make sure that tasks, equipment, information
and the environment suit each worker. So, that could include manual
handling activities but it is more likely to consider how the job is
done rather than what is lifted.

How can ergonomics improve health and safety?

Applying ergonomic principles to the workplace will:

Manual handling I 93

• reduce the potential for accidents

• reduce the potential for injury and ill-health
• improve performance and productivity.

Equipment, controls, operating panels, isolation switches, etc.

should all be designed for ease of use but, in practice, how many times
are switches awkward to get at, requiring twisting and contortion to use
A machine with a control panel which the operator is required to
use could be the cause of accidents and injury if:

• the switches and buttons could be easily knocked on or off,

thereby starting or stopping the machine by mistake
• the warning lights or switches are unusual colours or the
opposite colours to those usually expected, e.g. if red is for
‘go’, green is for ‘danger’. Also, colours may be important as
many people have colour blindness for red and green
• the instruction panel and information given on how to use the
controls is complicated or too detailed, causing operator
confusion and inappropriate actions.

Ergonomics would look at all of the above issues and ‘design out’
the hazards associated with the control panel on the machine. The
location of controls would be considered so as to cut down on
‘repetitive strain’ injuries.

What kind of manual handling problems can

ergonomics solve?

Ergonomics is typically thought of as solving physical problems and

in respect of manual handling these problems would be:

• loads which are too heavy or bulky

• loads which need to be lifted from the floor or from above
shoulder height
94 I Risk assessments Q&A

• repetitive lifting
• tasks which involve awkward postures, twisting or bending
• loads which cannot be gripped properly
• tasks which need to be carried out in poor environmental
conditions, i.e. wet floors, poor lighting, cramped space,
restricted headroom
• tasks carried out under too great time pressures and without
adequate rest periods.

Any of the above situations can lead to operator tiredness and

exhaustion. This increases the risk of accidents and injury.
Ergonomics is about finding solutions for alternative ways of
doing the job.

Is it appropriate to have a ‘no lifting’ policy within

the work environment?

‘No lifting’ policies seem to be common in the care services industry

where there is a lot of manual handling of people and equipment.
Such an all-encompassing policy may be workable in some
organisations but it may be extremely difficult to enforce such a
policy in reality.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 require that
‘hazardous’ lifting or manual handling is eliminated or reduced to an
acceptable level. Manual handling in all its forms cannot be
eliminated, but controls can be put in place to reduce the likelihood of
A ‘no lifting’ policy would require mechanical aids to be provided
to assist with lifting. In some circumstances the use of a lifting device
may create a greater hazard that the lift itself.
Rather than a ‘no lifting’ policy it would be appropriate to have a
‘lifting’ policy which sets out what type of manual handling is
undertaken, what the hazards and risks are and how control measures
can be used to reduce the risks.
Manual handling I 95

Case study

Risk assessment format for care services

Consider activities to be undertaken during the day and also

at night.
A risk assessment for use in the care services (e.g. for a
care home) should be set out in a simple format so that it is
possible to quickly assimilate what equipment, techniques
and numbers of staff are appropriate.
The following should be included:

• individual details including height and weight

• the extent of the individual’s ability to support his or
her own weight and other relevant factors, e.g. pain,
disability, tendency to fall, etc.
• problems with comprehension or co-operational
• recommended methods for relevant tasks such as
sitting, visiting the toilet, bathing, transfers, movement
in bed
• the minimum number of staff needed to help
• the need for and availability of lifting or moving
• other relevant risk factors
• what level of training and individual capability is
required of the care worker.
96 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are some of the key solutions to manual

handling problems?

There are several ways in which manual handling problems can be

reduced or eliminated.
These include:

• avoiding manual handling through automation or changing

the overall process
• re-designing the load
• re-designing the task
• re-designing the working environment
• introducing mechanical handling aids.

The changes do not have to be expensive or complicated to be

effective. Simple solutions are often best.
Manual handling I 97

Principles for developing successful solutions

to manual handling problems

• Prioritise your activities.

• Tackle serious risks affecting a number of employees
before isolated complaints of minor discomfort.
• Find a few possible solutions to evaluate.
• Try out ideas on a small scale and modify them if
necessary prior to full implementation.
• Monitor the solutions to make sure they remain
• Keep abreast of new technologies.
98 I Risk assessments Q&A


Job description:

Who is undertaking the tasks?

What are the hazards involved in the job?

What are the risks?

How likely are the risks?

What control measures are needed to reduce or eliminate the risks?

Those currently in place:

Those which need to be implemented:

When should control measures be implemented?

Manual handling I 99

When should the risk assessment be reviewed?

Date assessment completed:

By whom:

What are the requirements of the Noise at Work

Regulations 1989?

Sounds and noise are an important part of everyday life. In

moderation they are harmless but if they are too loud they can
permanently damage your hearing. The danger depends on how loud
the noise is and how long you are exposed to it. The damage builds up
gradually and you may not notice changes from one day to another,
but once the damage is done, there is no cure. The effects may

• sounds and speech may become muffled so that it is hard to tell

similar sounding words apart, or to pick out a voice in a crowd
• permanent ringing in the ears (called tinnitus)
• a distorted sense of loudness — sufferers may ask people to
speak up then complain that that they are shouting
• needing to turn up the television too loud, or finding it hard to
use the telephone.

The law requires employers to safeguard the health, safety and

welfare of their employees while they are at work. The employer
must provide a working environment which is safe and without risks
to health.
102 I Risk assessments Q&A

So, any environment which is subject to excessive noise will be

unsafe because there is a risk of noise-induced hearing loss.
The Noise at Work Regulations 1989 have set down more specific
requirements on controlling noise and employers must carry out risk
assessments, eliminate noise at source or reduce it to tolerable and
‘safe’ levels.
Failure to protect employees’ hearing is an offence and carries
fines in both the magistrates’ and Crown Courts.

What are the hazards from noise?

Hearing damage

Exposure to high noise levels can cause incurable hearing damage.

Usually, the important factors are:

• the noise level, given in decibel units as dB(A)

• the length of time over which people are exposed to the noise:
daily and over a number of years.

Sometimes the peak pressure of the sound wave may be so great

that there is a risk of instantaneous damage. This is most likely when
explosive sources are involved, such as in cartridge-operated tools or
The damage involves loss of hearing ability, possibly made worse by
permanent tinnitus and other effects. Sufferers find it hard to distinguish
words clearly, e.g. they tend to confuse words such as ‘bit’ and ‘tip’.

Other effects of noise at work

Noise at work can cause other problems, such as disturbance,

interference with communications and stress. Although the Noise at
Work Regulations 1989 do not deal with these specifically, you
should bear in mind that they might also need to be tackled.
Noise I 103

What do employers have to do about noise?

Noise must be assessed to establish whether employees are subjected

to unacceptable levels which could cause permanent hearing damage.
The persons carrying out noise assessments must be competent to
do so. Environmental assessments may be appropriate but so might
personal dose meters to establish exactly what each individual is
exposed to.
Noise of all descriptions must be assessed, as must the cumulative
effects of noise from numerous sources.

Is there anything I must know before undertaking a

noise assessment?

Yes. An employer must be fully conversant with the Noise at Work

Regulations and must understand the different noise levels at which
action must be taken. These are called action levels.
Employers have a duty to reduce noise levels to the lowest
practicable level.
Noise levels are calculated on the sound emitted from machines,
processes, etc. and the length of time employees are exposed.
Individuals can be exposed to high sound levels for short periods of
time and not suffer hearing damage. The longer the exposure time to
noise, the greater the risk of hearing damage.
Noise levels are measured in decibels (dB(A)). If the noise level in
the workplace is below 85 dB(A) then the employer does not have to
do anything specific to control the noise, merely be sure that the noise
is as low as it can get.
If noise levels are above 85 dB(A) but below 90 dB(A), the
employer has to carry out a noise risk assessment. Assessments must
be done by competent persons. At this level, employees may request
hearing defenders and the employer must provide them.
If noise is above 90 dB(A), a hearing protection zone must be
declared and hearing defenders provided to all employees and
104 I Risk assessments Q&A

visitors. Suitable safety signs must be displayed in hearing protection

More stringent requirements are imposed on higher noise levels.

Are these noise action levels the permanent levels

or will they change?

A new EU Noise Directive was tabled at various European Council

meetings during 2000/2001 and, in November 2001, a new directive
on noise was adopted by member states. This directive will repeal the
earlier directive on which the Noise at Work Regulations 1989 were
based. The UK will need to introduce new Noise at Work Regulations
and this will have to be achieved by 2006.
The proposed Regulations will introduce new ‘action levels’ as

(1) provide information and training to workers at 80 dB(A)

(currently 85 dB(A))
(2) workers will have the right to hearing checks/audiometric
testing at 85 dB(A) (as now) and also at 80 dB(A) as the risk
is indicated
(3) make hearing protection available at 80 dB(A) (currently
85 dB(A))
(4) hearing protection to be worn at 85 dB(A) (currently 90 dB(A))
(5) limit on exposure to noise to be 87 dB(A) (currently no limit)
(6) programme of control measures at 85 dB(A) (currently 90 dB(A))
(7) designate noise control areas, display notices, etc. at 85 dB(A)
(currently 90 dB(A))
(8) noise exposure which varies daily can be averaged over a
week (currently eight hours).

Action levels are therefore going to reduce. This may seem

achievable — only a 5 dB(A) reduction. But, in noise level terms,
a 3 dB(A) rise in noise level is, in effect, a doubling of the sound
Noise I 105

pressure levels. In simple terms, a lowering of noise action levels to

80 and 85 dB(A) will be quite significant.

How should a noise assessment be carried out?

Decide whether you might have a problem

If people have to shout or have difficulty being understood by

someone about two metres away, you might have a problem. To be
sure about this you will need to get the noise assessed.

Get the noise assessed

Your assessment should find out whether noise exposure is likely to

reach the action levels. Where the assessment shows you have a noise
problem, you should use it to help you develop plans for controlling
The job must be done by a competent person, someone who
understands the Health and Safety Executive’s guidance on
assessment and how to apply it in the workplace. The essential
qualification for the person is the ability to do the job properly and to
know his or her own limits; this is more important than formal
qualifications. However, many technicians may need extra training
and local technical colleges often provide short courses lasting a few
days or can advise on where they are available. Alternatively you
might call a consultant.

Tell the workers affected

Where your assessment shows exposure is at or above any of the

action levels, you should let employees know there is a noise hazard
and what you want them to do to keep risks to a minimum.
106 I Risk assessments Q&A

Reduce the noise as far as reasonable practicable

Where the exposure needs to be controlled, the most reliable way is to

quieten the workplace if this can be done.
You can avoid problems if you can make sure that noise reduction
is built into new machinery when you buy it. Ask about noise before
deciding which machine to buy.
You should also consider whether it might be possible to reduce
either the number of people working in noisy areas or the time they
have to spend in the areas. Perhaps some jobs can be done in a quieter

Ear protection

If people have to work in noise-hazardous areas, they will need ear

protectors (ear muffs or ear plugs). However, these should not be
regarded as a substitute for noise reduction. As long as people work
in noise at or above the second or the peak action level, the
Regulations still require you to reduce the noise exposure by other
means as far as this is reasonably practicable.
Between the first and second action levels, you should make sure

• protection is freely available

• the employees know that unless they wear it, there is some
risk to their hearing.

The Regulations do not, however, make it a legal duty for

employees to wear protection below the second action level.
Make sure that young people in particular get into the routine of
wearing ear protectors before their hearing is damaged.
Where use of protection is compulsory, ear protection zones
should be marked if this is reasonably practicable. Ensure that
everyone who goes into a marked zone, even for a short time, uses ear
Noise I 107

Check to make sure your programme is working

Make sure the equipment you provide is kept in good condition.

If you rely on ear protectors, find out whether they are really being
used. If anything is wrong do not neglect it, put it right!

What information should be given to employees?

Employees must, by law, be provided with information about any

risk to their hearing, especially if they will be exposed to levels of
85 dB(A) or above.
Adequate information, instruction and training is required so that
the employee understands:

• the risk of damage to their hearing

• the steps which they can take to minimise the risk
• the procedure they need to follow to obtain personal ear
• their own duties under the Regulations.

The five steps to risk assessment

• Identify the hazards.

• Identify the people affected.
• Evaluate the risks and identify the control measures
• Record findings in writing.
• Audit and review.
108 I Risk assessments Q&A

What types of ear protection are available?

There are generally two main styles or types of ear defender:

• the ‘headphone’ type which cover the ears completely

• ear plugs which fit into the ear canal.

Ear protectors will only be effective if they are in good condition

and properly maintained.
They must suit the individual and be worn properly. It is vitally
important therefore to consult employees on what types they prefer
— it should be an individual choice.

Do employers have other responsibilities besides

providing ear protection?

Yes. The main responsibility of employers is to reduce the noise at

source to the lowest level possible.
Noise can be controlled by:

Engineering Purchasing equipment with low noise

controls emissions.
Changing the process, e.g. presses instead of
Avoiding metal to metal impacts.
Using flexible couplings and mountings.
Introducing design dampers.
Correct sizing of ductwork, fans, motors, etc.

Orientation and Move the noise source away from employees,

location turning machines around so that noise or
sound waves can travel out of the building.
Noise I 109

Not putting machines, etc. into hard surface

areas as noise ‘bounces’ off surfaces.

Enclosure Surround the machine or noise source in

sound-absorbing material (total enclosure is
most effective).
Soundproof the room/work area.
Introduce sound-absorbent materials to

Use of silencers Use on ductwork, for motors.

Use on pipes which carry gas, air or steam.
Use on exhaust ventilation systems.

Lagging Lag pipes as an alternative to enclosure.

Damping Dampers can be fitted to ductwork.

Use double skin design, preferably with
noise-absorbent material in between.

Absorption Acoustic ceiling and wall panels help to

absorb the sound waves.

Screens Temporary acoustic screens can help to

reduce levels of noise and these can be
moved to where needed.

Isolate workers Remove workers from the noise source by

construction acoustic booths for them to
work in.

Usually it will need specialist noise or acoustic consultants to

work out exactly what needs to be done to reduce noise to safe levels.
Remember, noise must be a combination of different machines.
If you feel that you have ‘a din’ in the workplace, then you will
need expert advice to reduce noise levels to tolerable levels.
110 I Risk assessments Q&A

Who can carry out a noise assessment?

Regulation 4 of the Noise at Work Regulations 1989 requires that an

employer appoints a competent person to carry out noise assessments.
A competent person needs to have:

• knowledge
• experience
• information
• inter-personal skills.

In particular, the competent person should show skills appropriate

to the situations to be handled, including:

• an understanding of the purpose of assessments

• a good basic understanding of what information needs to be
• an appreciation of their own limitations, whether knowledge,
experience, facilities or resources
• how to make measurements
• how to record results, analyse and explain them to others
• the reasons for using various types of measuring instruments
and their benefits
• how to maintain, check and attenuate equipment
• how to interpret information provided by others and how to
assimilate it into other data so as to give overall results of
noise levels, etc.

The competent person will not need an advanced knowledge of

Nor will they necessarily need to know the full details of how to
guide and advise the employer on where to obtain further specialist
Competence, as always, is judged in relation to the complexities of
the situation to be assessed and should not be over-exaggerated.
Noise I 111

Assessing noise hazards in industrial production plants which

involve many different processes will be more difficult than on a
construction site where a few power tools are in use.

Can someone from within the workforce be

appointed as the competent person?

Yes, if they possess the necessary knowledge, skills, experience and

information to be able to assess the hazards, risks and control
measures necessary in respect of noise at work.
Formal qualifications in acoustics are not necessary except for the
most complex of work environments.
A commonsense approach to identifying hazards and assessing
risks is often more practical than in depth subject knowledge.
An employee may need to receive further training in risk
assessment techniques, the use of sound level meters, personal dose
meters, etc.

Are there any typical topics which an employee or

other person needs to be trained in so that they can
carry out noise assessments?

Some typical topics for a training course are given below.

Other sources of information.

Legal requirements Information on Noise at Work

Regulations 1989, Management
of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999, the Health and
Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974.

Purpose of noise assessment Need to know how to assess

exposure to noise.
112 I Risk assessments Q&A

Requirement for noise Information on sound, noise,

assessment sound pressure waves, hazards,
risks, etc.
Different types of noise
exposure, e.g. daily dose levels,
dB(A) scales, etc.

Equipment for measuring noise Sound level meters, personal dose


Noise measuring procedures Survey techniques, survey

procedures, sampling process,
location of microphones, etc.,
measurement of peak noise

Calculation of noise exposure Calculation of noise levels over

8-hour period, peak action

Noise sources and control How to control noise, risk

measures reduction, etc.

Ear protection Types and use of ear protection.

What is noise exposure?

Any audible sound should be considered as noise and be included in

the assessment of noise exposure. This includes speech, music, noise
from communications devices, noise from machinery, background
processes, traffic, etc.
The ‘daily personal noise exposure’ is a measure of noise energy
received by a person during the working day.
Noise I 113

Noise exposure must also address any ‘peak’ sounds which

happen infrequently during the day, e.g. impact noise, explosive
noise, etc.

Who needs to be assessed for noise exposure?

All employees who may or will be exposed to noise levels during the
course of the working day which exceed 85 dB(A) must be formally
If the noise in the workplace is so loud that, generally, employees
have to shout to one another to be heard, the chances are that the noise
levels will be above 85 dB(A) and a formal Noise Assessment will be
As with all risk assessments, the effect of the job task or activity on
persons other than employees also needs to be assessed.

What actually are decibels?

The ear can hear sounds at frequencies between 20 and 20 000 cycles
per second or hertz (Hz). It is most sensitive to frequencies between
3000 and 6000 Hz, i.e. those used in human speech.
Sound levels are measured in decibels (dB) with the range going
from zero decibels (the threshold of hearing) up to around 140 dB (a
very painful and dangerous level of exposure).
A correction is made to allow for the human ear’s varying ability
to hear sounds at different frequencies. This is called the ‘A’ weighting
and noise levels corrected in this way are shown as dB(A).
The dB(A) scale is therefore noise as it is heard by the human ear.
The decibel scale is logarithmic. A rise of 10 dB(A) represents a
tenfold increase in noise.
An increase of 3 dB(A) results, in effect, in the doubling of the
noise. A small rise in dB(A) can significantly increase the hazards
and risks from the noise source.
114 I Risk assessments Q&A

Typical sound levels: dB(A)

0 Faintest, audible sound

10 Leaf rustling, quiet whisper
20 Very quiet room, e.g. library
30 Subdued speech
40 Quiet office
50 Normal conversation
60 Busy office
70 Loud radio or TV
80 Busy street in daytime
90 Heavy vehicle close by
100 Bandsaw cutting metal
110 Woodworking, industrial machine shop
120 Chainsaw
130 Riveting
140 Jet aircraft taking off close by
Noise I 115


Company details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Business activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Number of employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Person responsible for noise assessments or competent person . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Area being assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Describe work activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Number of employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Number, type and use of machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name of person carrying out assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Equipment used for assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Calibration details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Model and reference number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Location of noise assessment equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Duration of survey/assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
116 I Risk assessments Q&A

Exposure assessment measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Describe machine types Noise levels: dB(A)

Maximum exposure times (mins/hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Has the first action level been exceeded, i.e. 85 dB(A)? Yes/No

Has the second action level been exceeded, i.e. 90 dB(A)? Yes/No

What control measures are in place?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


What control measures are needed in addition to those already in place? . . . . . . .


To what level will noise be reduced once control measures are in place? . . . . . . .
Noise I 117

When should remedial measures be completed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


When should noise assessments be reviewed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Other comments, e.g. is health surveillance necessary, etc.? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Date noise assessment completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name of assessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Contact details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Display screen equipment

What are the requirements of the Health and Safety

(Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992?

The above Regulations require employers to minimise the risk

arising from working with display screen equipment by ensuring that
workplaces and jobs are well designed and that equipment is suitable
and sufficient and chosen so as not to cause the risk of injury or ill
The Regulations require every employer to carry out a risk
assessment of display screen equipment so that hazards and risks can
be identified and control measures implemented.
Workstations have to meet minimum requirements.
Work patterns have to be adapted so that display screen equipment
users can have regular breaks away from their screens.
Employers must provide eyesight tests to those employees or users
who require them and must provide corrective spectacles where they
are needed for the display screen equipment use.
All employees and other users (e.g. operators) must be given
suitable health and safety training and information.
120 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are the health problems associated with using

display screen equipment?

Health problems are not always immediately obvious when using

display screen equipment as the symptoms may be quite minor at first
but the repetitive nature of the tasks can exacerbate minor injuries
until they become quite debilitating.
Health problems associated with using display screens are:

• upper limb disorders, including pains in the neck, elbows,

arms, wrists, hands and fingers
• backache
• headaches and migraines
• eye strain but not eye damage
• fatigue and stress.

Aches and pains in limbs are often referred to as repetitive strain

injuries (RSI) and include carpel tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow.

Do the Regulations affect everybody who uses

display screen equipment?

No. The Regulations in the main apply to the users of display screen
equipment. The Regulations also only apply to employees and the
self-employed. Therefore a ‘user’ can only be an employee or a self-
employed person.
Regulation 1(2d) defines a ‘user’ as an employee who habitually
uses display screen equipment as a significant part of his/her normal
In the same Regulation, a self-employed person who habitually
uses display screen equipment is defined as an ‘operator’.
A display screen is not only a computer screen but also television
screens, video screens, plasma screens, microfiche screens, etc.
Display screen equipment I 121

Emergency technologies are creating new types of screens and it is

anticipated that the Regulations will cover all of these.
Employers must decide who is a user or an operator under the
Regulations and apply the requirements of the relevant Regulations.
Workers who do not input or extract information from a display
screen are generally not users.
Employers need to ask themselves a few searching questions in
order to ascertain whether they have users or operators on their staff.

First question: Do any of my employees or the people whom

I engage as ‘contractors’ normally use display
screen equipment (DSE) for continuous or
near-continuous spells of an hour or more at a
Second question: Do any of them use DSE for an hour or more,
more or less daily?
Third question: Do they have to transfer information quickly
to or from the DSE?
Fourth question: Do they need to apply high levels of attention
and concentration to the work that they do?
Fifth question: Are they highly dependent on their DSE to do
their job or have they little choice in using it?
Sixth question: Do they need special training or skills to use
the DSE?

Part-time or flexible workers must be assessed on the same criteria

because it is not the length of time they spend ‘at work’ which counts
but the length of time they spend using the VDU or DSE.
Sometimes, employers may wish to simplify things and class all
users of display screen equipment as ‘users’ or ‘operators’ under the
terms of the Regulations. This means that the good practice
requirements of the Regulation will be applied throughout the
122 I Risk assessments Q&A

Examples of display screen users

• Typist, secretary, administration assistant who uses a

PC or word processor for typing documents, etc.
• Word processing worker
• Data entry clerk/operator
• Database operator and/or creator
• Telesales personnel
• Customer service personnel if computer entry of
information is a common part of the job
• Journalists, editorial writers
• TV/video editing technicians
• Micro-electronics testing operators who use DSE to
view test results, etc.
• CAD technicians
• Air traffic controllers
• Graphic artists
• Financial dealers
Display screen equipment I 123

Is it easy to define who is not a user of display

screen equipment?

Yes, relatively so.

The answers to the six questions listed previously should enable
the employer to easily differentiate who is who.
Anyone who uses display screen equipment occasionally will not
be a user under the Regulations. Nor will anyone who can choose
when or for how long they use DSE.
Laptop users will probably not be users as they can (usually)
choose when, where and for how long they use their screens and
Receptionists will often not be classed as users as they are not
continuously using their screens (unless they predominately
operate a switchboard which relies on a screen for extension
transfers, etc.).

Are employees who work at home covered by the


If they are an employee and they use their display screen equipment
continuously as part of their job, they will be defined as a user
irrespective of where they use the equipment.
The display screen and workstation does not have to be supplied
by the employer — an employee can provide their own equipment
but the employer would still have to comply with their duties in
respect of users and operators and assess the hazards and risks to
In order to determine whether homeworkers are users or operators
of display screen equipment the six questions posed earlier will need
to be asked of each individual worker.
124 I Risk assessments Q&A

What is a ‘workstation’ and how do the Regulations

apply to these?

A workstation is defined in Regulation 1 of the Health and Safety

(Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as:

an assembly comprising:
(i) display screen equipment
(ii) keyboard or other input device
(iii) optional software
(iv) optional accessories to the display screen equipment
(v) any disk drive, telephone, modem, printer, document holder,
work chair, work desk, work surface or other item peripheral to
the display screen equipment
(vi) the immediate work environment around the display screen

Regulation 2 requires employers to perform a suitable and

sufficient analysis of workstations which:

• are used for the purposes of this, his undertaking (regardless

of who provided them), by users
• have been provided by him and are used by operators

in order to assess the health and safety risks to which those people are
exposed as a result of that use.
The analysis is to assess and reduce risk — it is a risk assessment.

Is it necessary to complete a risk assessment for

each workstation and user or operator?

Yes, because each person is different and the effect that using the
display screen may have on them will be different for individuals. Of
course, some individuals may have no ill-effects from using a display
screen and there will be little you will need to do.
Display screen equipment I 125

Individual workstations may vary in design, people’s tasks will be

different, the amount of control they have over their jobs may be
The most effective way to conduct risk assessments for display
screen equipment users is to create a questionnaire which includes all
the relevant sections on:

• display screens
• keyboards
• mouse or trackball
• software
• furniture
• environment.

The workstation analysis or risk assessment is best done by the

individual concerned, once they have had proper training in what
they are to look for and how to record the information.

Do the Regulations only require an employer to

carry out these risk assessments?

No, they are one part of the employer’s responsibilities under the
The Regulations themselves require employers to:

• analyse workstations to assess and reduce risks

• ensure that workstations meet minimum specified require-
• plan work activities so that they include short breaks or
changes of activity
• provide eye and eyesight tests on request and special
spectacles if needed
• provide information and training.
126 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are the ‘minimum specified requirements’ for


The Regulations are quite specific about requirements for workstations

and the appropriate Regulation, Regulation 3, was amended in 2002 to
address an European Ruling on the interpretation of the Regulation
applying to workstations.
The ‘minimum specified requirements’ apply to all workstations
provided by an employer and not just to those used by ‘users or
The European Court, in effect, stated that all workers, employees
or others who used a workstation while at work were entitled to have
a workstation which met the ‘minimum specified requirement’.

Do all workstations have to be modified to meet

these requirements?

If workstations do not already comply they will need to be modified

to meet the conditions laid out in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to the
DSE Regulations as follows:

• an employer shall ensure that a workstation meets the

requirements laid down in the schedule to the extent that:
(a) those requirements relate to a component which is
present in the workstation concerned
(b) those components have effect with a view to securing
the health, safety and welfare of persons at work
(c) the inherent characteristics of a given task make
compliance with those requirements appropriate as
respects the workstation concerned.

In effect, employers have to ensure that all workers using DSE

have a suitable environment in which to work, have the necessary
equipment to work safely and that the tasks they do are managed
effectively so as not to create health and safety issues.
Display screen equipment I 127

What are the main areas to pay attention to when

carrying out a workstation assessment or risk

Each workstation should be assessed with the following in mind:

• adequate lighting
• adequate contrast — no glare or distracting reflections
• distracting noise minimised
• leg room and clearances to allow postural changes
• window covering if needed to minimise glare
• software — appropriate to the task, adapted to the user, no
undisclosed monitoring of the user
• screen — stable image, adjustable, readable, glare- and
• keyboard — usable, adjustable, detachable, legible
• work surface with space for flexible arrangement of
equipment and documents, glare-free
• chair — stable and adjustable
• footrest, arm/wrist rest if users need one.

Are all display screen equipment users entitled to

an eyesight test and a free pair of glasses?

No. Only those employees who are classed as ‘users’ under the
Regulations are covered by the Regulation applying to eyesight tests.
An employee who is a user of DSE can request an eyesight test, as
can anyone who is to become a user, and the employer has to arrange
for one to be carried out.
If an existing user requests a test, an employer must arrange for it
to be carried out as soon as practicable after the request and for a
potential user, before they become a user.
The continual use of DSE or VDU screens may cause visual
fatigue and headaches and corrective glasses may reduce the eye
128 I Risk assessments Q&A

strain often experienced. There is no evidence yet available,

however, that frequent use of display screen equipment causes
permanent eye damage or creates poor eyesight. Users with
pre-existing sight conditions may just become a little more aware of
Eyesight tests should be carried out by competent professionals
and must consider the effects of working at DSE so the optician (or
medical equivalent) will need to know that the eyesight test is for
working at display screens, etc.
Once an existing user has had an eyesight test, they can request
one at regular intervals. The employer should determine what this
interval should be with the user of the equipment and should take
advice from the optician or other expert.
Eyesight tests which detect short or long sight, eye defects, etc. are
not the responsibility of the employer — they need only concern
themselves with an eye test which addresses any safety or health
issues with regaed to using display screens.
The employer must arrange for an eyesight test when requested to
do so. This could be by having arrangements with local opticians or
by having the eye testing carried out on the premises by mobile health
surveillance units, etc.
The employer can make arrangements with only one local optician
and employees will have no choice who they visit. Alternatively,
employers can have employees use their own optician if they prefer.
The important thing for the employer is that they must facilitate such
eye sight tests if requested to do so.
Employers are not responsible for the costs of ‘normal’
corrective spectacles — these are at the employees’/users’ own
expense. But an employer is responsible for the cost of any ‘special’
corrective appliances which the optician has determined need to be
worn by the user to prevent them suffering unnecessary eye strain
while using a display screen. The user is only entitled to a basic pair
of corrective spectacles necessary for them to continue to use the
display screen safely. ‘Designer’ frames, special lenses, etc. are not
the responsibility of the employer.
Display screen equipment I 129

Employers may make a contribution towards the cost of other

types of corrective spectacles if those spectacles include the ‘special
corrective’ features needed for the DSE work.

What does the employer need to do in respect of

the provision of training regarding the use of display
screen equipment?

The Regulations are quite specific about the duties of employers to

provide training and information to display screen users.
The employer has to ensure that ‘users’ and those about to become
‘users’ of display screen equipment receive adequate health and
safety training in the use of any workstation on which they may be
required to work.
Training should be provided before a new employee becomes a
user of the equipment. The purpose of the training is to ensure that
those who are (or will be) users know and understand the hazards and
risk associated with using display screen equipment.
Training on DSE can be incorporated into general health and
safety training or induction programmes as it is good practice for
everyone to be aware of hazards and risks of all work activities.
It is important that any training programme addresses the steps
needed to reduce or minimise the following risks:

• musculo-skeletal problems
• visual fatigue
• mental stress.

Managers of those using DSE also need to be trained in health and

safety issues relating to DSE as they can have important influence
over a key health hazard — mental stress. Managers must be aware of
the legal need for users to take regular breaks away from the screen,
for workstations to be ergonomically friendly, etc.
130 I Risk assessments Q&A

Users must be trained on how to use their display screen

equipment effectively. They must know how to make their own
personal adjustments to height, tilt of screen, contrast, etc. They must
know when they can take breaks and what other tasks are expected.
As with all health and safety training, it is important for employers
to have a record-keeping system so that they will be able to
demonstrate, if called upon to do so, that their employees, users or
operators received suitable and sufficient training.
Occupational health issues can take several years to manifest
themselves and elements of musculo-skeletal injury may occur after
an employee, user or operator has left the company.
Evidence of training can be useful to show that, as an employer,
you fulfilled your statutory duties and that the employee or user was
aware of the hazards and risks and knew what to do to control them.
Keep training records for at least six years — longer is preferable.
Computerised records must comply with the Data Protection Act

What information do users have to be provided with?

Users of display screen equipment must be provided with adequate

information about:

• all aspects of health and safety relating to their workstations

• the steps taken by their employer to ensure compliance with
the Regulations.

Users and operators of DSE need to know about the risk

assessments which have been undertaken, the hazards and risks
identified and the control measures that the employer has put in place
to reduce the hazards and risks.
In addition, users and operators need to know what procedures are
in place for them to have eye-sight tests, the frequency of tests, the
provisions for the purchase of ‘special needs’ spectacles, etc.
Display screen equipment I 131

Information should be given on when breaks can be taken, what

other tasks need to be completed during these times, when they
should have training, etc.
Employers should not forget their general duties to all employees
and others, in respect of information, instruction and training on all
work activities as required under the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

Do individual employees have to fill in a

self-assessment form?
No, not legally but it is good practice and allows the employer to have
an overview of all employees and the specific and individual concerns
they have.
The health effects of using display screen equipment vary from
user to user and not everyone reacts in the same way.
Display screen equipment assessments are best done individually
and generic assessments are not ideal, although they may be able to
set a standard and provide useful guidance to users.
When individuals have completed their self-assessment forms
they should be collated, reviewed and actioned by the employer or a
competent person.
Any individual who has indicated that they have a specific
problem should be re-assessed by the competent person and individual
control measures agreed.

What are some of the control measures which can

be implemented by users themselves?
Practical tips for users include:

• getting comfortable
™ adjusting the chair
132 I Risk assessments Q&A

™ adjusting the screen angle

™ adjusting the seat height so that eyes are at the same
height as the top of the screen and arms are horizontal to
the keyboard
™ creating enough clear work space
™ removing obstructions and unnecessary equipment
™ adjusting the position of the keyboard, mouse, document
holder, etc.
™ avoiding glare from lights or windows
™ creating space to move feet and legs; provide a footrest
if necessary
™ sit comfortably in the chair — make sure it is adjustable
• keying in
™ provide a space in front of the keyboard
™ provide a wrist rest if necessary
™ keep wrists straight
™ do not ‘bash’ the keys
™ do not overstretch fingers
• using a mouse
™ sit up straight, do not slouch
™ move the keyboard out of the way
™ keep wrists straight
™ sit close to the desk
™ use a cordless mouse
™ support forearms on the desk
™ do not abuse the mouse — treat it lightly
• reading the screen
™ adjust brightness and contrast
™ clean the screen regularly
™ use text size on the screen as large as practicable
™ select colours which are easy on the eye
™ do not be afraid to change the screen format to your own
™ make sure that characters do not flicker and that text,
etc. is sharply focused
Display screen equipment I 133

• posture and breaks

™ move about and change position
™ move legs and feet
™ take a break and do something different, e.g. answer the
™ do not sit in the same position all of the time
™ take frequent short breaks rather than longer infrequent
134 I Risk assessments Q&A






How long is spent on computer per day?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Does this include other roles, e.g. answering telephone, etc.?

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Can breaks be taken freely? Yes/No

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Is there sufficient space (3.7 m )? Yes/No

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is desk sufficiently large to allow comfortable
arrangement of work? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is desk height suitable? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is there adequate light? Yes/No

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Display screen equipment I 135

Is there excessive noise? Yes/No

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is temperature comfortable? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Are there adjustable blinds to windows to prevent
reflections? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Does screen have adjustable controls? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Does screen tilt/swivel? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is screen free from reflection/glare? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Are digits clear and defined, is screen free from flicker? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is keyboard separate from screen? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is it easy to use/non-reflective, etc.? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is there adequate space in front of keyboard to support
hands and arms? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is a document holder required? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
136 I Risk assessments Q&A

Is chair fully adjustable? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Is it stable? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Does operator know how to adjust chair to suit them? Yes/No

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Does operator know how to adjust display and position
of screen to suit their needs? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Are they aware of associated risks? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Are they encouraged to take regular breaks? Yes/No

Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Has information been made available for them
regarding visual display screen use? Yes/No
Comment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Signed (auditor) ……………………………………

Date ………….

Signed (subject)…………………………………….
Display screen equipment I 137

Top tips

• Assess all workstations in the organisation.

• Review all equipment for comfort, ease of use etc.:
™ chairs
™ screens
™ keyboard
™ mouse/trackball
™ lighting/glare
™ environment
™ work/schedule demands
™ software.
• Record information in Risk Assessments.
• Decide on control measures to reduce hazards and risks.
• Offer eyesight tests to users — do not wait for them to ask.
• Determine what level of corrective spectacle you will pay for
or towards.
• Introduce a comprehensive training programme and give out
good levels of information.
• Keep training records for as long as possible.
138 I Risk assessments Q&A

Case study

Two women employed as data processing clerks sued British

Telecom for repetitive strain injury.
The system of work they were forced to adopt involved
long hours at the display screen and keyboard, keying in data
at high speed. Incentives were given to work faster.
Furniture was not chosen with ergonomics in mind and
chairs, etc. were not adjustable. No information was given to
employees regarding best working posture and practices.
Both developed painful and ongoing RSI symptoms
which prevented them both from working.
RSI was a developing industrial disease and information
was available about it at the time of the incident (early 1990s).
The two operatives mounted a civil claim for damages and
were successful.
The judge held BT liable for their injuries as he found that
their injuries were purely a result of their work activity.
BT ought to have taken steps to correct the employees’
postures and to have provided proper furniture and workstations,
even though they may not have been fully aware of RSI.
Work equipment and work practices

What needs to be assessed in respect of work


The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 requires

that equipment provided by an employer for use at work is constructed
or adapted so as to be suitable for the purpose for which it is provided
and is used only for operations for which and under which conditions
it is suitable.
In addition, the work equipment must be selected with regard to
the working conditions, use, hazards and risks, etc. existing on the
premises, and must be selected with regard to the health and safety of
persons using it.
So, work equipment really needs to be subjected to a risk assessment,
in particular:

• what the equipment is

• how it works
• where it will be used
• who will use it
• what the hazards and risks are
• what control measures are needed
• what the residual risks are
• what training operatives will need.
140 I Risk assessments Q&A

Employers must protect employees from any dangerous parts of


What are some of the hazards and risks associated

with using work equipment?

Work equipment is a major cause of injury and has contributed to

fatalities, major injuries, ‘over three day’ injuries, lost time and near
miss incidents.
Failing to use equipment safely increases the risks of injury.
Hazards include:

• entanglement
• entrapment
• electricity
• hot surfaces
• impact damage
• excessive noise
• fire or explosion.

Risks include:

• death
• serious injury
• amputation of limbs
• electric shock
• musculo-skeletal problems
• industrial disease, e.g. deafness.
Work equipment and work practices I 141

When should a risk assessment be carried out for

work equipment?
A risk assessment is essential when new equipment is to be brought
into the workplace, when equipment is to be changed or adapted and
when the work process changes.
A risk assessment should also be carried out if the use of the
equipment will affect people other than those at work.
Under the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
Regulations 2002, a risk assessment must be carried out if any work
activity or use of equipment involves or will involve an explosive
atmosphere, e.g. the use of electrical equipment in a flammable

What are some of the hazards, risks and control

measures needed in respect of lifting equipment?
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
require that lifting equipment is inspected by a competent person

• annually if only goods are lifted

• twice a year if people are lifted.

The Lifting Regulations also require lifting operations to be

assessed to ensure that they are safe and suitable for the tasks in hand.
Lifting equipment includes lifts, lift cars and cages, lifting devices,
hoists, block and tackles, ropes, chains, eye bolts, wheelchair lifts,
scissor lifts, cradles, cherry pickers, etc.
Some common hazards to watch out for are:

• mobile cranes might overturn if not properly set up with

• lifting machinery failing through mechanical fault, damage
or overloading
142 I Risk assessments Q&A

• dangerous parts of machinery (e.g. closing traps), especially

with scissor lifts
• trapping risks between the lifting machinery and overhead
• overhead electrical lines or cables close to lifting machinery.

Typical control measures are:

• maintaining lifting equipment in a safe condition

• ensuring that lifting equipment is examined, tested and
certificated in accordance with statutory requirements
• keeping up-to-date records
• clearly marking the Safe Working Load (SWL) on all equipment
• always visually inspecting lifting equipment prior to use
• using the correct equipment for the task
• not exceeding the SWL
• ensuring that lifting equipment is only used, inspected and
maintained by a competent person(s)
• using hydraulic hoists which are supplied by a pre-vetted
• ensuring that contractors supply a risk assessment which
applies to the task in hand
• considering medical review for fitness to work at heights.

Are hand tools considered equipment under the

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations

Yes. Hand tools can cause a number of injuries if not used correctly
and, although they may be small, they can still be dangerous.
A risk assessment should consider the hazards, who could be
harmed, how, what needs to be done to control the risks, etc.
Hand tools could include knives, hammers, chisels, screwdrivers,
woodworking tools, maintenance kits, electrical appliance testers, etc.
Work equipment and work practices I 143

Common hazards include:

• handles in poor condition which can cause hand injuries

• mushroomed heads on steel chisels which can cause
fragments to be ejected
• blunt cutting edges which can require excessive forces to be
• improper use of knives, e.g. cutting towards the body
• hand tools which are poorly modified or used for purposes
for which they are not designed.

Typical control measures would be:

• providing good quality tools and maintaining them in good

• ensuring that users are adequately trained and competent
• providing special purpose tools where necessary, e.g. parcel
knives for opening packages
• using sharp knives that are fitted with shielding or retracting
blades where possible.

What are the hazards and risks to be assessed with

regard to workshop equipment?

Workshop equipment will include lathes, milling machines,

circular saws, power presses, grinding machines, drilling machines
and a whole range of other industrial type equipment, e.g. abrasive
Woodworking machinery and power presses are known to be
particularly high risk pieces of work equipment and need special
attention in respect of health and safety while they are used by people
at work.
Power presses must be inspected by competent persons and
records must be kept on a daily basis to ensure that they are safe to
144 I Risk assessments Q&A

use. In addition, power presses need to be thoroughly examined by a

competent person at specified intervals.
Common hazards with workshop equipment include:

• inadequate guarding allowing contact with dangerous parts,

e.g. rotating parts, cutting blades, traps between closing tools
• improper access into machinery cabinets by unauthorised
staff, e.g. fault finding
• ejection of materials from machinery
• swarf and dust allowed to build up
• controls that are poorly identified and positioned
• harmful substances and dusts emitted during machining.

Typical control measures include:

• providing and maintaining suitable guarding

• ensuring that machines are used only by trained, competent
• providing shields, guards and protective equipment where
• leaving machines fit for next use
• clearly identifying and conveniently positioning machine
• providing and using good general ventilation and local exhaust

What are the hazards and risks to be assessed with

regard to pressure systems?

The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 apply to pressure vessels

and systems and are designed to ensure that potentially dangerous and
explosive equipment is used and maintained in a safe condition.
The hazard from a pressure vessel is high — it could explode and
cause mass injuries, fire and great consequential damage. However,
Work equipment and work practices I 145

provided that a pressure system is well maintained the risk could be

quite low.
Pressure systems include:

• boilers
• steam heating systems
• air compressors
• pressure cookers
• steam ovens
• heat exchangers
• process plant and pipes
• pressure gauges and hoses
• refrigeration plant.

Common hazards include:

• poor equipment and/or system design

• poor maintenance of equipment
• unsafe systems of work
• operator error, poor training or supervision
• incorrect or poor quality installation
• inadequate repairs or improper modifications.

Typical control measures are:

• providing safe and suitable equipment

• ensuring that the operating conditions are known, e.g. what
fluid or gas is being contained, stored or processed
• checking that the process conditions are known, such as the
pressures and temperatures
• ensuring that the safe operating limits of the system are
known (and those of any equipment directly linked to or
affected by it)
• ensuring that there is a set of operating instructions for all of
the equipment and for the control of the whole system
(including emergencies)
146 I Risk assessments Q&A

• giving appropriate employees access to these instructions

and properly training them in the operation and use of the
equipment or system
• fitting suitable protective devices and keeping them in good
working order at all times
• establishing that checks are made to ensure that the protective
devices function properly and that they are adjusted to the
correct settings
• fitting warning devices, which are noticeable either by sight
or sound
• ensuring that the system and equipment are properly main-
tained, taking account of its age, the environment and its use
• when protective devices have to be isolated for maintenance,
making alternative arrangements to ensure that safety levels
are not exceeded without detection
• establishing a safe system of work to ensure that maintenance
work is carried out properly and under suitable supervision
• giving appropriate training to everybody operating,
installing, maintaining, repairing, inspecting and testing
pressure equipment
• checking that all persons carrying out the work are competent
• examining the equipment and ensuring that a written scheme
of examination has been prepared by a competent person.

What are the requirements for working in confined


The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 require employers to avoid

the need for working in confined spaces unless absolutely necessary.
If work is required and there are no alternatives, employers must
conduct a risk assessment and introduce suitable and sufficient
control measures to reduce the risk to as low a level as possible.
A confined space has two defining features:
Work equipment and work practices I 147

• it is a place which is substantially enclosed

• there will be a reasonably foreseeable risk of serious injury
from hazardous substances or conditions within the space or

Examples include:

• ducts
• vessels
• culverts
• boreholes
• bored piles
• manholes
• sumps
• excavations
• inspection pits
• sumps
• building voids
• enclosed rooms
• cellars (some)
• inside machinery, autoclaves, etc.
• sewers
• silos.

Some confined spaces may be open-topped (e.g. tanks and vats),

or inadequately ventilated structures (e.g. internal rooms).
The priority when carrying out the risk assessment is to identify
the measures needed so that entry into the confined space can be
If this is not reasonably practicable, the employer must assess the
risks connected with persons entering or working in the space and
also the risks to others who could be affected by the work.
The person carrying out the risk assessment must be competent to
do so, i.e. must understand the hazards and risks involved, be
experienced and familiar with the relevant processes, plant and
equipment and be competent to devise a safe system of work.
148 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are some of the hazards associated with

confined space working?

Common hazards include:

• people entering confined spaces being overcome by fumes or

gases already present
• people being overcome by fumes or gases which accumulate
in the space after the person has entered
• people being affected by a lack of oxygen in the atmosphere
of the space
• entry and exit from the confined space may be difficult.

One of the most common hazards associated with confined spaces

is the ‘multiple fatality’ effect which occurs when other workers and
rescuers enter the confined space and are overcome by the same
fumes or gases which have affected those who entered first.

What are common control measures for working in

a confined space?

The most effective and accepted control measure is a safe system of

work operated under a ‘Permit to Enter’ system.
A Permit to Work or Enter will:

• outline the hazards

• describe the work process
• list the names of operatives
• define the hazards that are present
• list the checks that have been made
• list the PPE and safe systems of work to be followed
• limit the work or entry duration time
• stipulate competency for individuals
• stipulate training needs
Work equipment and work practices I 149

Case study

The HSE reported in March 2003 that there had been four
deaths involving confined spaces in four weeks.
Three deaths involved oxygen deficiency, and the other, a
flammable liquid.
The deaths occurred in two separate incidents.
The fatalities occurred soon after entering the confined
spaces and indicated that no matter how brief an entry into a
confined space it can still be lethal.
Low oxygen levels have been attributed to the process of
rust formation within a previously sealed vessel and the use
of an inert gas in the welding process.
Hazards of a confined space include:

• oxygen deficient atmospheres

• toxic gases, fumes and vapours
• danger from flooding or other liquids entering the
• the flow of solid materials such as grain in silos.
150 I Risk assessments Q&A

• name the competent person

• list the control measures to be taken
• list the checks to be made prior to handback.

A Permit to Enter will constitute a safe system of work if carried

out properly.
Other control measures include:

• ventilating the confined space

• opening up covers, etc.
• testing the atmosphere for gases, fumes, etc.
• purging the confined space
• restricting the use of chemicals, etc.
• restricting the use of tools
• stipulating the minimum or maximum number of operatives
• stating protective clothing to be worn
• stating protective equipment to be used
• stipulating training, information and instruction to be given.

Effective emergency procedures and rescue systems must also be

developed and implemented, including an operative who stays as
‘top man’ so as to be able to raise the alarm.
Work equipment and work practices I 151


Project number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Description of work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Yes No Does

Protective equipment

Safety line and harness

Goggles/face shield

Head protection

Protective clothing

Hearing protection

Fire extinguisher

Respiratory protective equipment


152 I Risk assessments Q&A

Yes No Does

Questions which must be answered

Have atmosphere tests been conducted?

Document review and approval completed?

Lockout/tagout procedure required?

Job safety analysis required?

Proper tools and equipment available?

Emergency/explosion-proof lighting available?

Oxygen test before entry?

Explosimeter test before entry?

Standby to be posted outside?

Employees thoroughly briefed on the

hazards and safe methods of doing the job?

Hot Works permit?

Adequate ventilation?

Are signs properly posted?

Is there a sign in/out log?

Approvals superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Safety representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Standby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Note: A copy of this permit shall be posted at the worksite.

Work equipment and work practices I 153

What are some of the common hazards, risks and

control measures for working at heights?

New Regulations on working at heights are proposed by the HSE to

come into force during 2004/2005 and these Regulations will be
based on the need to carry out a risk assessment for working at
heights, as defined under Regulation 3 of the Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Working at heights includes:

• using ladders
• using step ladders
• using access cradles
• working from scaffolding
• working from platforms
• using tower scaffolds
• using mobile elevating work equipment
• working on roofs.

Hazards also include falling, falling objects, slipping or tripping,

collapsing scaffolds, etc.
Common hazards include:

• ladders slipping on smooth flooring (e.g. lino)

• damaged rungs or rungs slippery with grease or mud
• metal ladders used for electrical work
• over-reaching from a ladder
• ladder not being footed by another person, or tied or lashed at
the top
• an unsuitable ladder being used (e.g. too short)
• tools and/or materials being dropped by persons using them
at a height
• failure of temporary fastenings, ropes or cables securing
• materials being dislodged from high workplaces, e.g. by
strong wind
154 I Risk assessments Q&A

• people injured by objects dropped by person working on ladder

• general access scaffolds not properly constructed, e.g.
footings not stable, inadequate ties to buildings, insufficient
• guard-rails and toe boards missing
• scaffold boards and access ladders not secured
• scaffold not inspected
• bracing and stabilisers missing from towers
• wheels not locked on moveable towers.

Typical control measures include the following:

• where possible, stable work platforms are used (e.g. tower

scaffolds, etc.) instead of ladders
• workplaces are redesigned to obviate the need for ladders or
• ladders are used which suit the purpose (e.g. of the correct
type or class)
• a ladder register is kept and ladders are regularly inspected
and maintained
• stabilisers are used where practicable, or securing ties or a
second person to foot ladders
• non-conducting ladders are used in electrical work
• safety bonds are provided to support overhead rigged equipment
in case the main fitting fails
• work is prohibited overhead while persons are working
• toe boards and scaffold nets are provided at tower and
scaffold edges
• all materials kept on towers and scaffolds are tied down or
• lanyard is used to secure hand tools used over the edge of a
working platform or cage
• barriers are provided to prevent persons passing underneath
temporary overhead work
• all scaffolding is erected by trained and competent persons
Work equipment and work practices I 155

• general access scaffolds are inspected by a competent person

after erection and a certificate is obtained before handover
• general access scaffolds are inspected weekly when they are
in use or after violent weather or following any changes to the
scaffold structure
• wheels are locked or braked before a tower is used
• ladders or height extenders are not used on the platform of a
• towers are not moved while a person or heavy equipment is
on them
• a safe means of access (e.g. ladder) is provided on the narrowest
side of the tower and inside the tower structure
• the working platform is fitted with suitable guard-rails and
toe boards
• work is not permitted on fragile materials.
Persons with special needs

As an employer, what are some of the common

risks to new or expectant mothers which I need to
be aware of?

There are certain aspects of pregnancy which can be exacerbated by

various work activities and it is sensible to be aware of these so that
special attention can be paid during the risk assessment process.

• Morning sickness and headaches:

™ consider early shift patterns
™ avoid exposure to nauseating smells
™ avoid exposure to excessive noise.
• Backache:
™ consider excessive standing
™ consider posture if sitting for prolonged periods
™ consider manual handling tasks.
• Varicose veins:
™ consider standing for prolonged periods
™ consider sitting positions and options for footrests.
• Haemorrhoids:
™ consider working in hot conditions.
158 I Risk assessments Q&A

• Frequent visits to the toilet:

™ consider location of work area in relation to WCs
™ consider ease of leaving the workstation
™ consider whether software records absences
™ consider confined or restricted working space
™ consider ease of leaving the job quickly.
• Increasing size:
™ consider use of protective clothing or uniforms
™ consider work in confined spaces
™ consider manual handling tasks.
• Tiredness:
™ consider whether overtime is necessary
™ consider shift patterns
™ consider whether evening work or early morning work
is necessary
™ consider flexible working hours.
• Balance:
™ consider housekeeping to avoid obstacles
™ consider unobstructed work areas
™ consider specifically slippery floor surfaces
™ consider exposure to wet surfaces.
• Comfort:
™ consider too tight clothing
™ consider temperatures of the work area — too cold, too
™ consider ‘over-crowding’ with fellow employees
™ consider whether tasks need to be done at too great a
• Stress:
™ consider anything which could cause an expectant
employee to become anxious about any working
Persons with special needs I 159

What steps are involved in completing a risk

As with all risk assessment procedures, a planned approach is best.
Risk assessment is best broken down into steps or stages.
It is best to begin risk assessment for new or expectant mothers
before any employee becomes pregnant — an employer is well
advised to assess job activities which could cause problems for new
or expectant mothers.

Stage 1: Initial risk assessment

Take into account any hazards or risks from your work activities (or
those of others) which could affect employees of childbearing age.
Risks include those to the unborn child or to a child of a woman
who is breastfeeding.
Look for hazards which could affect all female employees, not just
those who are pregnant.

Physical hazards
• Movement and posture
• Manual handling
• Noise
• Shocks or vibrations
• Radiation
• Impact injuries
• Using compressed air tools
• Working underground.

Biological hazards
• Working with micro-organisms which can cause infectious

Chemicals, gases and vapours

• Toxic chemicals
• Mercury
160 I Risk assessments Q&A

• Pesticides
• Lead
• Carbon monoxide
• Medicines and drugs
• Veterinary drugs.

Working conditions
• Stress
• Working environment
• Temperatures
• Ventilation
• Travelling
• Violence
• Passive smoking
• Working with DSE
• Working hours
• Use of personal protective equipment
• Use of work clothes or uniforms
• Lone working
• Working at heights
• Mental and physical fatigue
• Rest rooms, work breaks, etc.

Consider whether any of the above can harm any employee, but
particularly new or expectant mothers.
The requirement to control many of the above hazards is contained
in specific health and safety regulations, e.g. Manual Handling
Operations Regulations 1992.
Decide who is likely to be harmed, how, when and how often, etc.
Remember that new or expectant mothers may be less tolerant to haz-
ards than other workers and so the degree of control needed to eliminate
or reduce the risks may be greater than would normally be expected.
Consult your employees and inform them of any risks identified
by the risk assessment. In particular, advise all female employees of
childbearing age of any risks which may affect them. Advise them of
the steps that are to be taken to reduce the risks.
Persons with special needs I 161



Working while pregnant, breastfeeding or as a new mother — general
office work, lifting loads, sitting at desks and driving

Who is at risk from the activity?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women and those that have given birth in the
past six months (new mothers)

What are the hazards (dangers)?

Excessive strain Overstretching/twisting

Heat Tiredness
Chemicals Slips/trips and falls
Lifting VDU screens/workstations

What are the potential outcomes from the hazards?

Fainting Misjudgement
Chemical exposure Slips/falls
Back strains Personal injury
Damage to unborn baby Repetitive movement
162 I Risk assessments Q&A

What is the likelihood of the risk occurring?




How do we currently control these risks?

• Allow regular breaks to relieve muscle strain and tiredness

which may add to misjudgement.
• Ensure environment is well ventilated and drinking water
provided and regular breaks taken.
• Do not lift excessive weights. Always get help with lifting.
Ensure training is given.
• Read COSHH data prior to chemical use.
• Wear appropriate protective equipment for chemicals used.
• Minimise activity in order to avoid stress, excessive
stretching, twisting and strain to the body.
• Keep floor surfaces slip/trip hazard free and in good condition.
• Ensure line manager undertakes review of pregnancy and
activities by using form in health and safety policy to address
site-specific and person-specific duties and actions.
• Take regular breaks from driving — request back support
for car if necessary.
• Avoid undertaking long journeys or driving where regular
breaks are not possible.
• Take regular breaks from VDU screen — 10 minutes in every
hour undertaking different activities.
• Provide footrest at VDU if necessary.
• Ensure VDU self-assessment undertaken (refer to health and
safety policy).
• Availability of non-smoking rest area, with seating and no
smoking at the bar rule to control smoke level at the bar.
Persons with special needs I 163

Health and Safety Policy
Assessment form to support pregnancy risk assessment

What else can we do/what else is required?

• Monitor activities of employee.

• Do not work if feeling unwell — advise manager of this.
• Do not continue to work if unable (i.e. near birth).

Who prepared the risk assessment and when?

Who needs to know about these findings?

Managing Director
All staff (all females of childbearing age)
164 I Risk assessments Q&A

What is a site-specific risk assessment and why is

this necessary?

Generic risk assessments are invaluable tools in helping to assess

general hazards and risks in respect of pregnant employees or nursing
However, everyone is different and pregnancy affects women in
different ways. So, they cannot all be treated the same.
‘Person-specific’ risk assessments will ensure that employers can
demonstrate that they took due regard of the hazards and risks to
A specific risk assessment should be completed each trimester as
the effects of hazards and risks will vary — something that was
acceptable in the first three months may not be quite so acceptable
when the employee is six months pregnant.

Employee name:

Expectant/New Mother
(Please highlight applicable category)

Premises name:

Please indicate stage of pregnancy:

1–3 months ___ 4–6 months ___ 7–9 months ___

New mother ___ Breastfeeding mother ___

NB This form is to be completed for all stages as indicated above.

In addition to the general pregnancy risk assessment available, this specific pregnancy assessment reviews the working
conditions, environment and medical status of the pregnant employee through each stage of the pregnancy and return to
work after giving birth.

The Line Manager must complete this form with the pregnant employee at each of the above stages. The guidance contained
Persons with special needs

within the assessment form will give recommendations and indications of action to be taken where hazards may be


Manual handling

If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the tasks/activities detailed below, give exact details of tasks under ‘detail’.
Also, if the answer is ‘yes’, where ‘action to be taken’ details ‘minimise task’, consider with the employee, what is
reasonable, what they are capable of and comfortable with. They may usually be able to lift and carry a limited
amount of weight. Also, movements such as ‘reaching upwards’ or ‘twisting’ will need to be reviewed but so long as
they are not excessive, and do not involve, for example, significant risk of injury or lifting weight while doing so, this
sort of activity will normally be reasonable to expect.

YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Risk assessments Q&A

Is there risk of manual handling injury from:

Lifting filled crates/other heavy goods Eliminate task

Carrying food deliveries Minimise task

Carrying stock Minimise task

Moving furniture Minimise task

Pushing/pulling items Minimise task

Reaching upwards Minimise task

Twisting movements Minimise activity where

Working environment

Consider whether any such exposure to the factors below would mean an increased risk of injury. For example, working
behind the bar, the risk of slips may be elevated but consider measures to help prevent and to deal with spillages. Are
they adequate, do they need improvement? Detail any actions to be taken as a result of your assessment.

YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Is there any risk of injury from:

Slips, trips and falls — consider trip hazards,

risks of falling.

Cramped working space — any confined spaces,

cramped working conditions that the pregnant
employee may have to enter, e.g. an area where
they have to bend down/slouch to work.

Excessive cold — consider the walk-in freezer

for example — will the employee have to be in
there for any significant period of time and, if
so, what can be done. Can they limit time spent
in areas such as freezer, can they wear
protective, warmer clothing.
Persons with special needs

Excessive heat — consider areas such as the


kitchen — can regular breaks be taken, is

drinking water available, ventilation working?

Working environment continued


YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Excessive travelling distances — does the

employee have to walk very far from work
areas? Does she have to travel far to work by
public transport? Contact Personnel
department — can she be transferred to
another premises for a temporary period or
Risk assessments Q&A

can she stay at a local hotel if she finishes a

shift late at night, e.g. past 11 pm?

Continual use of stairs — does the employee

have to go up and down stairs at work? Is this
excessive and likely to lead to increased
fatigue? Can it be avoided? What can be done?

Exposure to excessive and consistent tobacco

smoke — is ventilation working, is there always
a non-smoking area available? If problems are
identified, detail and decide on action.

Exposure to excessive noise — if premises has

very loud music at times when pregnant employee
is working, is this excessive? Is ventilation working
in the premises other mechanical equipment
without too much noise? Detail any action needed.
Working time/Activity

YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Is there a risk of injury, ill health or fatigue from:

Standing for long periods, i.e. over 2 hours Provide a seat/stool to sit
without breaks down at quieter periods.

Working excessive shifts (i.e. not allowing an Contact Human Resources

11-hour break in 24-hour shift work) department to reduce shifts.

Working more than 48 hours Reduce hours to below

48 hours per week.
Contact Human Resources

Lack of seating Provide seated, non-

smoking rest area for breaks.

Lack of breaks (should be at least 40 minutes Provide additional breaks

in every six hours) — contact Human
Persons with special needs

Resources department.

Workstations/VDU stations

Review the use of any VDU by the pregnant employee — refer to the relevant section in the Health and Safety
policy. Detail any necessary action to increase comfort if needed and allow regular breaks away from the screen
(at least 10 minutes in every hour).

YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Risk assessments Q&A

Is there risk of injury, ill health or fatigue from:

Long periods at the workstation (i.e. over Increase breaks away from
2 hours at any one time) screen to 10 minutes in
every hour doing different

Glare from screens Fit screen glare guard.

Poor work position Improve with seating, etc.

Inadequate space (i.e. should be enough space Contact Human Resources

to sit and work comfortably) department.

Lack of breaks Contact Human Resources

Use of chemicals, etc.

Check all chemicals used are those approved in the COSHH manual. Review the employee’s contact with body fluids
spillages — can they be avoided to an extent, i.e. can they avoid clearing body fluid spillages, etc.

YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Is there any exposure to:

Chemicals/substances not in COSHH manual Contact Human Resources


Fumes, excessive smells, dust, etc. Contact Human Resources


Biological agents (e.g. body fluids) Avoid clearing vomit,

urine, blood, etc. with spill
Persons with special needs

Night working

If the employee is working during the evening/night shifts, e.g. past 8 pm, consider what can be done to give extra
breaks/rest. Can she sit down during quieter periods, is there access to a seated, non-smoking rest area? How will she
Risk assessments Q&A

get home after a night shift? Consider options as detailed in ‘Working environment’.

YES NO Detail (if yes) Action to be taken (if yes)

Will the employee be working at night, i.e. on

a night shift (past 8 pm)?

Will the employee be working until 11.00 pm,

12.00 pm or 1.00 am?
Wherever ‘yes’ has been indicated above, make sure sufficient detail has been recorded. If you need to provide
further detail, include it in this section.
Persons with special needs

Other issues

Describe any other issue, which may affect the individual’s health and safety due to being either an expectant or new
mother, or because of an existing medical condition. For example, pre-existing medical conditions that may affect a
woman during pregnancy or afterwards include:

Any heart condition
Risk assessments Q&A

Joint/bone conditions, e.g. osteoporosis, previous injuries causing pain or discomfort

Previous miscarriage


Signed (employee): ………………………………………

Date: ………….

Signed (Line Manager): …………………………………

Date: …………

Retain copy for personnel file and copy to Human Resources department.
Persons with special needs
176 I Risk assessments Q&A

What needs to be considered in the risk assessment

for young workers?
Firstly, the risk assessment must be completed before the young
person starts work or work experience.
Each young person must be told what the hazards and risks are and
must have control measures explained, etc.
The risk assessment must:

• consider the fact that young people are inexperienced in work

• consider that young people are physically and mentally
• consider their lack of knowledge in work procedures
• consider that they are inexperienced in perceiving danger
• consider that their literacy skills may be less than ideal
• consider all the control measures necessary to reduce or
eliminate the hazard
• consider that personal protective equipment, etc., if identified
as the control measure, may be sized for adults and may not
therefore be ‘suitable and sufficient’
• be kept up to date
• be relayed to and discussed with the young person
• identify training needs for the young person
• consider the tools and equipment they will use — whether
there is an age restriction, e.g. on dangerous machines,
cleaning, etc.
• consider the layout of the workplace
• consider the environmental hazards
• consider any hazardous substances in use.

Are there any risks which young people cannot

legally be exposed to?
Young people under the age of 18 years must not be allowed to do
work which:
Persons with special needs I 177

• cannot be adapted to meet any physical or mental limitations

they may have
• exposes them to substances which are toxic or cause cancer
• exposes them to radiation
• involves extreme heat, noise or vibration.

If young people are over the age of 16 years, however, they may be
able to undertake or be exposed to the above tasks and hazards if it is
necessary for their training and if they are under constant supervision
by a competent person.
Children below the school-leaving age must never be allowed to
undertake the tasks or be exposed to the hazards listed above.

What training and supervision do young people

require under health and safety law?

Young people need training when they start work — before they
undertake any work activity, process or task. They must be trained to
do the work without putting themselves or others at risk.
It is important to check that young people have understood the
training and information they have been given.

• Do they understand the hazards and risks of the workplace?

• Do they understand the basic emergency procedures, e.g. fire
evacuation, first aid, accident reporting?
• Do they understand the control measures in place to eliminate
or reduce risks?
• Do they understand their responsibilities as employees not to
interfere with safety equipment, not to fool about, etc.?

Young people must be regularly supervised by competent people,

i.e. those who understand that a young person may inadvertently put
themselves or others at risk because they do not know any better or
cannot perceive the risk.
Personal protective equipment

What is personal protective equipment?

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 define
personal protective equipment (PPE) as:

all equipment (including clothing affording protection against the

weather) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and
which protects him from one or more risks to his health or safety.

Personal protective equipment therefore includes, but is not

limited to:

• safety helmets
• ear protection
• eye protection
• gloves
• safety shoes or boots
• high visibility jackets
• respiratory masks
• breathing apparatus.

Ordinary working clothes (e.g. uniforms) are exempt from the

Regulations unless they are worn for health or safety reasons, e.g. steel
chain sleeved jackets.
180 I Risk assessments Q&A

What does the law require an employer to do in

respect of personal protective equipment?

An employer has to carry out a risk assessment of the job tasks and
activities which his employees have to undertake and must determine
the control measures necessary to reduce hazards and risks to the
lowest possible level.
If elimination of the hazard at source, engineering controls or a
safe system of work will not reduce the hazard to an acceptable level,
then the employer must provide the employee with appropriate PPE.
Personal protective equipment provided to employees must be
free of charge.
Regulation 6 of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
1992 requires an employer to ensure that an assessment is made in
respect of PPE needs. This must include:

• identifying risks not avoided by other means

• defining the characteristics required of the PPE
• comparing these with the characteristics of PPE available.

The assessment should be recorded and kept readily available in

all but the simplest of cases.

Will the risk assessment carried out under the

Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 be sufficient to comply with the
PPE Regulations?

Yes, provided the risk assessment has given due regard to the needs
of PPE and has determined whether PPE is suitable.
The risk assessment under the Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1999 will determine what health and safety
measures are needed to comply with legal requirements.
Personal protective equipment I 181

If the conclusion is that PPE is required, another risk assessment is

required under the PPE Regulations 1992 in order to determine if the
PPE is suitable.
In reality, the two risk assessments are combined.
Remember that a risk assessment under the Management Regulations
must be ‘suitable and sufficient’. There is no such qualification for
assessments under the PPE Regulations.

When does a risk assessment under the PPE

Regulations 1992 have to be carried out?

An assessment has to be made before choosing any personal

protective equipment which has to be provided.

What are the key requirements for PPE?

Many factors need to be considered when choosing personal

protective equipment because choosing the wrong sort, or an ill-fitting
type or an inappropriate specification may cause the employee to be
exposed to greater hazards than having no PPE at all.
Often, people believe themselves to be adequately protected
because they trust their PPE. Sometimes such trust is misplaced
because the equipment is not providing protection.
In general, PPE must:

• be capable of adjustment to fit correctly

• be appropriate for the risks and conditions
• take account of ergonomic requirements and the state of the
wearer’s health
• prevent or adequately control the risks to which the wearer is
exposed, without adding to those risks
182 I Risk assessments Q&A

• comply with appropriate product safety and other standards,

e.g. CE marking
• be compatible with any other type of PPE being worn.

Who is responsible for monitoring and cleaning PPE?

The employer has a duty to maintain all PPE provided for his
employees. PPE must be maintained in an efficient state, in efficient
working order and in good repair.
Specific arrangements may be needed for:

• inspecting PPE
• maintaining PPE
• cleaning PPE
• disinfecting PPE
• replacing PPE
• examining PPE
• testing PPE.

The Company Safety Policy should state who is responsible for

carrying out pro-active PPE inspection and testing procedures.
Defective and inappropriate PPE is often a greater hazard than no
It is appropriate at times to give ‘users’ some responsibility to
check their own PPE, e.g. to ensure that face masks fit correctly.
Employees who use PPE must know what to do to report that their
PPE may be defective.

What records need to be kept?

A record of any risk assessment should be in writing where the

employer has 5 or more employees but it is good practice to keep a
record no matter how many employees there are in the company.
Personal protective equipment I 183

It is essential to keep a record of the assessment, i.e. why you

chose the PPE you did, what its purpose was for, when it was issued,
to whom, what training they have had and when the PPE should be
inspected and replaced.
Most employers keep an employee record sheet so that they know
who has what equipment and what to expect to be returned if an
employee leaves the business.

What training does an employee have to have on

the use of PPE?

Regulation 9 of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992

requires employers to give employees adequate and appropriate
information, instruction and training on any PPE that they are
expected to wear in order to safeguard them from hazards at work.
The training, information or instruction must include:

• why and when PPE must be used

• how to use it
• its limitations
• arrangements for its maintenance and/or replacement.

‘How to use it’ training may involve a practical demonstration on

how to wear masks, breathing apparatus, goggles, etc.
Records of training must be kept. It is not sufficient merely to give
employees PPE to wear or use. They must be given information on
why to use it, how to wear it, etc.
184 I Risk assessments Q&A

Case study

Mrs W worked for the County Council as a cleaner. She was

given rubber gloves to wear but did not really know when to
wear them, why she needed to, etc. So she and her colleagues
rarely wore them.
Mrs W used a range of detergents and cleaning chemicals
over the years of her employment but, after some years, she
started to develop eczema on her hands and wrists.
Dermatitis was diagnosed and Mrs W’s GP advised her to
wear cotton gloves under her rubber gloves. She did this but
the eczema got worse and spread to her face and other parts
of her body. She gave up work on the advice on the medical
Mrs W sued her employers for damages on the grounds
that they had not protected her health and safety.
The Court found in favour of Mrs W and awarded her
The Court decided that it was not enough for the County
Council to gives its employees personal protective equipment,
i.e. gloves. In order to discharge its duty as an employer to
provide a safe system of work, the Council should have
warned the cleaners about the dangers of handling the
cleaning chemicals without protection and should have
instructed them to wear gloves at all times.
The Judge also concluded that the risks of dermatitis were
well known from cleaning chemicals and the employers
ought to have known of the risks. But the risks were not so
well know that they would have been obvious to the staff
without them receiving any necessary warning or
Personal protective equipment I 185

What are the responsibilities on employees to wear

PPE given to them by their employer?

Employees have duties under the PPE Regulations 1992 to:

• use PPE in accordance with their training and instruction

• return PPE after use to the accommodation provided
• immediately report loss or damage to the PPE they use.

If an employee has had appropriate training, information and

instruction and yet they persist in abusing or mis-wearing their
PPE and they have an accident because the PPE did not protect
them, they may be considered as contributing to their injuries by
neglect and therefore not eligible for compensation, and/or they
may be guilty of a criminal offence under Section 7 of the Health
and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 (which requires employees to
co-operate with their employers and not to jeopardise their own or
others’ safety).

As an employer, can I force my employees to wear

the PPE I have provided?

Employers have a duty under Regulation 10 of the PPE Regulations

1992 to take all reasonable steps to ensure that PPE is properly used
by employees.
Employers are therefore expected to take a proactive approach to
enforcing their PPE rules and to introduce appropriate measures to
ensure that the message is understood.
Many employers include the flaunting of PPE requirements as
gross misconduct under employment contracts and deal with breaches
as disciplinary issues.
186 I Risk assessments Q&A

What factors need to be considered when choosing


There are three distinct areas to consider when choosing PPE:

(1) the workplace

(2) the work environment
(3) the PPE wearer.

The workplace

• What are the hazards to be controlled?

• What machinery is in use?
• How many people work in the area?
• What are the known risks?
• What is PPE expected to do?
• Will people need to have movement when using their PPE;
will they need dexterity to use equipment, etc.?

The work environment

• Will excessive temperatures be generated?

• Will ventilation be available?
• Is it to be used in a confined space?
• Could the PPE cause other hazards, e.g. prevent alarm bells
from being heard?

The PPE wearer

Fit — what size is needed, does it feel comfortable to wear, is it

adaptable to the wearer with adjustable straps, etc., does any physical
feature affect its fit, e.g. beards and face masks?
Personal protective equipment I 187

Training — do users know what they have to wear and why, what
the hazards and risks are, how to wear the PPE, how to inspect it
before use, how to report defects, etc.?
Acceptability and comfort — will users wear it for prolonged
periods, will it be too heavy or cumbersome? Will it slow them down
so that ‘piece work’ may be affected? Does the user have choice?
Interference — will the PPE work with other PPE (e.g. goggles
and masks), will it prevent other controls being used, e.g. will ear
defenders prevent warning buzzers, etc. from being heard, will
goggles restrict vision, etc.?
Management commitment — do employees see a culture of ‘do as
I do’ and not ‘do as I say but don’t do’? Are management, including
supervisors, leading by example?

What sort of PPE is necessary for different job


Hearing protection

There are two main types of hearing protection — things placed in

the ear canal and objects placed around the outer ear.

Ear plugs
• Fit inside the ear canal and impede the passage of sound
energy to the ear drum.
• Made from glass down, rubber or foam.
• Are usually disposable.
• Allow some sound to the ear drum.
• Create hygiene problems if re-used.
• Are unlikely to produce a good fit.
• Come in varying sizes but could be too small or big for each
individual ear.
188 I Risk assessments Q&A

Ear muffs
• Rigid cups that fit over the outer ear and are held in place with
a head band.
• Are unlikely to be a tight fit.
• Allow some sound to the ear drum.
• Can be uncomfortable.
• Difficult to wear with glasses or goggles, etc.

Respiratory protective equipment

There are two broad categories — respirators which purity the air to
be breathed in and masks which filter out particles.
Breathing apparatus purifies the air and draws uncontaminated air
from an independent source to the wearer, e.g. from oxygen cylinders.
Face masks can be full face or half masks.
Dust masks prevent particulate matter from being breathed in by
containing it in the filtering medium.

Eye protection

Eyes can be protected by goggles, spectacles or face masks.

• Used for protection against low energy projectiles.
• Do not protect against dust.
• Are easily displaced.
• Are usually incompatible with other PPE.

• Used for protection against high energy projectiles.
• Protect against dust, etc. as they protect the whole of the eye
and surrounding face.
• May mist up and prevent vision.
• May be uncomfortable and cumbersome.
• Protect against splashes.
Personal protective equipment I 189

Full face masks

• Provide full face protection.
• May be uncomfortable to wear.

Head protection

Head protection is usually one of two types.

Safety helmet
• Safety helmets must be worn on construction sites.
• Protect against impact damage.
• Deteriorate in sunlight.

Bump cap
• Provides less protection from impact damage.
• Easier to wear, especially in confined spaces.

Hand/arm protection
• May be leather which affords good protection.
• May be cumbersome.
• May prevent good grip.
• May cause dermatitis.
• Are resistant to fluids.
• May be chain mail to protect against cuts.
• May be of rubber, PVC, nylon, cotton, latex or cloth.
• May corrode in certain substances.
• May be easily damaged.
• Can be uncomfortable to wear.
190 I Risk assessments Q&A

Safety footwear

Usually used where there objects could fall onto feet or where objects
may pierce the soles of shoes, to offer protection in wet conditions, etc.

Safety boots/shoes
• May have steel toe caps.
• May have steel soles.
• Can be lightweight.
• Are often cumbersome.
• Protect against oils, etc.

• May have steel toe caps.
• Protect against water and fluids.
• May not provide good grip.

Skin barrier creams

Used to assist in protecting hands from direct contact with fluids,

cleaning chemicals, etc.

Other types of PPE

• Safety harness.
• Lanyards.
Personal protective equipment I 191

The eight requirements of PPE Regulations

1. PPE is to be provided as the last resort.

2. A suitability test is to be applied.
3. Compatibility between different PPE is to be
4. Maintenance and replacement schemes must be
in place.
5. Places to store PPE to be provided.
6. Proper use to be made of PPE.
7. Users to report defects or loss.
8. Information, instruction and training to be
192 I Risk assessments Q&A



Name of company:

Assessment carried out by:

Job activity/type under review:

Name of operatives undertaking tasks:

Hazards associated with task/activity:

Personal protective equipment required:

Type Purpose When to be worn/used

Maintenance, inspection, cleaning procedures

Training, information and instruction

Review of assessment (date)

Personal protective equipment I 193



Name of employee:

Job occupation/title:

Main hazards associated with job tasks/activities:

Personal protective equipment issued:

Type Condition Date issued

Training information and instruction undertaken:

Subject Date Signed

Signed: ………………………… (employee)

Date: ……………………………………….

Signed: ……………………….... (supervisor)

Date: ……………………………………….
First aid

What is the main piece of legislation which covers

first aid at work?

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 set the standards
for first aid at work.
The main scope of the Regulations covers:
Every employer must provide equipment and facilities which are
adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for administering first
aid to employees.
Employers must make an assessment to determine the needs of
their workplace. First aid precautions will depend on the type of work
and, therefore, the risk being carried out.
Employers should consider the need for first aid rooms,
employees working away from the premises, employees of more than
one employer working together and non-employees.
Once an assessment is made, the employer can work out the number
of first aid kits necessary by referring to the Approved Code of Practice.
Employers must ensure that adequate numbers of ‘suitable
persons’ are provided to administer first aid. A ‘suitable person’ is
someone trained in first aid to an appropriate standard.
In appropriate circumstances the employer can appoint an
‘appointed person’ instead of a first aider. This person will take
196 I Risk assessments Q&A

charge of any situation, e.g. call an ambulance, and should be able to

administer emergency first aid.
Employers must inform all employees of their first aid
arrangements and identify trained personnel.

What is first aid at work?

First aid at work covers the arrangements you must make to provide
employees with adequate first aid attention while they are at work.
Employees may suffer injury or ill-health while at work, caused by
a work activity or the work environment, or employees may become
ill for other reasons while at work.
They must receive immediate emergency attention and, in serious
cases, an ambulance must be called.
First aid at work is designed to save lives and to prevent minor
injuries or incidents escalating into serious ones.

As an employer, what do I need to do?

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require

employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities
and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are
injured or become ill at work.
The Regulations set out some minimum first aid provisions to be
provided on an employer’s site as follows:

• a suitably stocked first aid kit

• an appointed person to take charge of any incident and the
first aid arrangements
• first aid facilities to be available at all times when people are
at work.
First aid I 197

The key words regarding first aid are:

• ‘adequate and appropriate’

• ‘suitable and sufficient’.

In order to ascertain what appropriate first aid is required,

employers will have to carry out a risk assessment of first aid needs.

What should an employer consider when assessing

first aid needs?

The risk assessment process requires employers to consider the hazards

and associated risks involved in work activities.
Small businesses will need only the simplest of risk assessments
and basic first aid provision.
Larger businesses will need to consider the following.

Step 1

Consider what are the risks of injury and ill-health associated with
your work practices and activities.

Step 2

Are there any specific risks which can be clearly identified, e.g.:

• working with hazardous chemicals

• working with dangerous tools
• working with dangerous machinery
• working with dangerous loads
• working with animals?
198 I Risk assessments Q&A

Step 3

Are there areas within the business where risks may be greater
because of the environment and might these need additional first aid
facilities, e.g.:

• research laboratories
• pathology laboratories
• hot working environments
• cold working environments?

Step 4

Consider the businesses record of accidents and injuries. What types

have occurred? How serious have they been? Is there any evidence to
show that extra precautions, etc. are necessary? Where and when did
they happen, and why?

Step 5

How many people are employed on the site? How many are
permanent, temporary, etc.? How familiar are they with procedures,
processes, etc.?
Are there any young or inexperienced workers more likely to have
an accident or suffer ill-health than the regular workforce? Does
anything extra need to be done for people with disabilities?

Step 6

What are the buildings used for and how are they used, are they
spread out, do employees work out of doors, can they access all parts
of the building? Where might first aid provisions and facilities be
located so that they are available to all?
First aid I 199

Step 7

Do employees work outside of normal working hours, work

overtime, work alone, etc.? How might they raise the alarm? Do
employees travel frequently?

Step 8

Would emergency services be easy to summon? Could they gain

access to the site or building if it were out of normal hours? Are work
places accessible?

What are some of the steps an employer needs to

take in order to ensure suitable first aid provision?

The assessment of the likelihood and frequency of injury and

ill-health will determine what will need to be done to ensure suitable
first aid provision, i.e. that emergency aid is provided.
First aid kits will need to be provided — should there be one in a
central location or will it be preferable to have several smaller ones
easily accessible to employees?
An appointed person or first aider will need to be appointed
depending on the number of employees and severity of risk of injury,
First aid room facilities may be needed depending on the number
of employees.
Emergency procedures to call the emergency services will be
Special consideration will be needed for people with disabilities.
The type of first aid equipment will need to be considered, e.g. will
eye-wash stations be needed?
The workers and employees of other employers will need to be
considered — who is providing first aid facilities for them, e.g. on
construction sites?
200 I Risk assessments Q&A

What is an ‘appointed person’?

An appointed person is someone who is not necessarily trained in

emergency first aid treatment but who is appointed to take charge of
an incident and call the emergency services, etc.
The appointed person usually also looks after the first aid equipment
and ensures that it is adequately stocked, in the right location, etc.
Employers who employ up to 50 employees and whose business
falls into the category of ‘low risk’, i.e. office environment, libraries,
retail shops, etc. need only appoint an ‘appointed person’.
There should also be ‘reserve’ appointed persons to cover for
holidays and sickness.

What is a first aider?

A first aider is someone who has undergone training in first aid and
holds a current first aid at work certificate. All first aider training
courses must be approved by the HSE, so ask all providers for details
of their HSE registration documentation, etc.
Employers who have over 50 employees usually need to appoint a
trained first aider.
First aid training courses last four days and the certificate is valid
for three years. After that, retraining is needed.
A trained first aider can administer first aid and the primary
purpose is to prevent injuries from getting worse rather than to try to
treat people or provide medical expertise.

How many first aiders or appointed persons does an

employer need?

The Regulations do not set down hard and fast rules in respect of
numbers of people to be appointed. It really is dependent on the type
of work activity and the likelihood of injury.
First aid I 201

The law requires the employer to make the assessment and, as long
as that can be explained and justified as being suitable and sufficient,
the law will be satisfied.
However, the Approved Code of Practice on First Aid at Work
gives guidance on suitable numbers of appointed persons and first
Enough people should be nominated and trained so that absences
can be covered.
A suggested ratio of appointed persons or first aiders is listed as

Shops, offices, libraries Less than 1 appointed person

50 employees
Shops, offices, libraries 50–100 employees 1 first aider
Shops, offices, libraries Over 100 employees 1 first aider, plus
an extra person per
100 employees
Food processing, warehouses Fewer than 1 appointed person
20 employees
Food processing, warehouses 20–100 employees 1 first aider for
every 50 employees
Food processing, warehouses More than 2 first aiders plus
100 employees an extra person
for every
100 employees
Construction sites, industrial Less than 1 appointed person
sites, manufacturing, spray 5 employees
shops, chemical industries, etc.
Construction sites, industrial 5–50 employees At least 1 first aider
sites, manufacturing, spray
shops, chemical industries, etc.
Construction sites, industrial More than A first aider for
sites, manufacturing, spray 50 employees every 50 employees
shops, chemical industries, etc.
202 I Risk assessments Q&A

What should be in a first aid kit?

There is no legal list of items which should be in a first aid box,

although there is guidance in the First Aid Approved Code of
The contents of a first aid kit really depend on the risk assessment
for first aid facilities which every employer must complete.
First aid kits should not however, contain any medicines, e.g.
aspirin or paracetamol, because no one is trained to issue medicines
and the recipient could be allergic to the substance, etc.
The contents of a first aid kit are relatively straightforward and the
following would be sensible contents for a low risk work

• 20 individual sterile adhesive dressings (plasters) of varying

• 2 sterile eye pads
• 4 sterile triangular bandages
• safety pins
• 6 medium-sized sterile wound dressings
• 2 large-sized sterile wound dressings
• disposable gloves
• an advice leaflet.

All dressings, plasters, etc. should be individually wrapped.

Dressings have a ‘shelf life’ and dates should be checked and anything
out of date should be replaced because it may no longer be sterile.

Is an employer responsible for providing first aid

facilities for members of the public, customers etc.?

No, the law on first aid applies to employees while they are at work.
However, it is good practice to consider the needs of customers or
the public when completing the risk assessment. The Health and
First aid I 203

Safety Executive strongly recommend that public and customers are

included in first aid provision.

Are there any other responsibilities which an

employer has in respect of first aid?

An employer must inform their employees of their first aid

arrangements. This is a legal requirement.
Notices can be displayed advising where the first aid kit is located,
who the appointed persons or first aiders are.
Special arrangements will need to be considered for any
employees with language problems, learning disabilities, etc.

When is it necessary to provide a first aid room?

There is no legal requirement within the Health and Safety (First Aid)
Regulations 1981 for employers to provide a first aid room. As with
the provision of any first aid facilities, the need for a first aid room
will be determined in the risk assessment.
Guidance in the Approved Code of Practice indicates that it would
be good practice to provide a first aid room when there are 150
employees or more.
If a first aid room is provided, it must have the following

• be easily accessible to all employees

• be easily accessible for emergency services and for stretchers, etc.
• be provided with heating, lighting and ventilation
• be provided with hand-washing facilities and, preferably, a sink
• be provided with drinking water
• be provided with a chair, couch, table/desk, etc.
• be provided with first aid materials — first aid kits, etc.
• have a refuse bin
204 I Risk assessments Q&A

• contain blankets and pillows, etc.

• have some method of raising the alarm
• contain record books
• have surfaces which are easily cleaned and disinfected
• be kept clean and tidy
• be provided with suitable first aid information, e.g. names of
first aiders, etc.

A first aid room should be exclusively used as a first aid room so

that it is available in any emergency but if it needs to be used as a
workplace, procedures should be in place to ensure that its use as a
first aid room will not be prejudiced.

What records in respect of first aid treatment, etc.

need to be kept by the employer?

It is considered good practice to keep records of all incidents which

require any first aid treatment or attendance by a first aider.
A record book should be available to record the following:

• date, time and place of the incident

• injured person’s name and job title
• a description of the injured person’s injuries or illness
• details of first aid treatment given
• details of any actions taken after treatment given, e.g. did
employee or person go to hospital, go home, etc.
• name and signature of person who gave first aid treatment or
who oversaw the incident.

Consideration must be given to any data protection requirements

and to ensure the anonymity of personal information. It would be a
sensible idea to have a new page for each person treated and for
previous entries to be kept in a secure drawer, etc. People should not
be able to ‘flip through’ the first aid record book and learn personal
facts about colleagues or others.
First aid I 205

Case study

A young employee arrived at work in a call centre and, after

about an hour or so, she reported that she did not feel well,
had a headache and felt sick. The supervisor called the first
aider who suggested that she would probably benefit from a
‘lay down’ in the first aid room. She was taken to the first aid
room and settled down on the couch, still feeling quite
poorly.Her colleagues were quite busy and forgot all about
her being in the rest room until about lunch time. A colleague
went to visit the first aid room and found that she was in a
coma. An ambulance was called and the young woman was
taken to hospital. Unfortunately, she died later that day from
a brain haemorrhage.
Could anything have been done differently?
Yes, the first aider who attended the young woman should
have been responsible for her care while she was in the first
aid room and should have visited her every 30 minutes or so.
If she had not felt better after, say, an hour, she should have
been taken to her GP or to the casualty department at
hospital. Records of the checks carried out on her should
have been kept. She might still have died, but she should not
have been left for several hours unattended.
Work-related upper limb disorders

What is a work-related upper limb disorder?

Work-related upper limb disorders (WRULD) are conditions which
can affect the:

• neck
• shoulders
• arms
• elbows
• wrists
• hands
• fingers.

The symptoms include:

• aches and pains

• difficulty in movement
• swelling
• stiffness of joints.

Upper limb disorders can be recognised as industrial injuries and


• carpel tunnel syndrome

• tendonitis
208 I Risk assessments Q&A

• bursitis
• tripper finger
• vibration white finger.

Are work-related upper limb disorders the same as

repetitive strain injuries?

Yes, generally anything which causes symptoms to the upper limbs

and is caused by repeatedly undertaking the same tasks in the same
way will fall into the category of upper limb disorders or repetitive
strain injuries.
A wider term for such injuries is ‘musculo-skeletal disorders’.

What parts of the body are affected?

Usually, the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and fingers. In

particular, the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves or soft tissue
associated with these joints.

What causes work-related upper limb disorders?

Upper limb disorders can occur in jobs which require repetitive

finger, hand or arm movements, twisting movements, squeezing,
hammering or pounding, pushing, pulling, lifting or reaching
Both office-based jobs and manual activity can lead to WRULDS, e.g.:

• repetitive assembly line work

• inspection and packing
• meat and poultry preparation
• keyboard work

• supermarket checkout operation

• construction work.

The risk of WRULD is higher when there is:

• repetitive work processes

• force
• awkward posture
• insufficient rest breaks to allow muscles, etc. to recover.

As an employer, do I need to complete a risk

assessment to establish whether employees are
exposed to WRULD?
Yes. Any job task or activity where there is a risk to an employee’s
(or others’) health and safety must be subject to a risk assessment.
Upper limb disorders are now quite well known and employers
should be aware that they affect employees who carry out repetitive
jobs of all types.
The general risk assessment undertaken for all work activities as
required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 will suffice for identifying WRULDs.
There is no specific legislation which deals with work-related
upper limb disorders, other than the Health and Safety (Display
Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 which require specific risk
assessments to be carried out for work with display screens and their
associated equipment.

How should work-related upper limb disorders be

The HSE have published a guidance booklet on Upper Limb Disorders
(HSG 60) and advocate a seven stage management approach as
210 I Risk assessments Q&A

Step 1: Understand the uses and commit to action.

Step 2: Create the right organisational environment.
Step 3: Assess the risks of ULDs in the workplace.
Step 4: Reduce the risks of ULDs.
Step 5: Educate and inform the workforce.
Step 6: Manage any incidents of ULDs.
Step 7: Carry out regular audits and monitor the effectiveness of
the programme.

Step 1

Everybody should understand that job tasks or activities could cause

upper limb disorders, know how to identify the symptoms, how to
report occurrences, how to adapt working processes, etc.
Management need to recognise that WRULDs are a significant
hazard in the workplace and that they have a responsibility to reduce
or eliminate them. To have employees off sick with WRULDs can be
expensive, as can temporary replacements, inefficient working due to
lower performance, etc.
Dealing with WRULDs is not necessarily expensive.
Operate a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for WRULDs.

Step 2

Create an environment where management are seen to recognise the

hazards, risks and costs of poor working practices which lead to
Involve the workforce in seeking their own solutions.
Produce policies and procedures on how to undertake jobs, when
to have breaks, acceptable behaviour, etc.
Ensure that employees who complain that they are suffering
symptoms are not ridiculed. Listen to concerns and create a
supportive atmosphere showing that you are prepared to act and
resolve issues.

Step 3

Carry out regular and effective risk assessments on job tasks. Make
sure that the persons carrying out the risk assessments are competent.

Step 4

Reduce the risk of WRULDs.

A process of risk reduction should be undertaken using a number
of approaches, e.g. ergonomics.
Endeavour to eliminate the risk of injuries — change working
practices, tools, posture, positions, etc.
Involve work groups in seeking solutions — often worker
participation brings a positive ‘buy in’ attitude to solutions and they
become more effective.
Review accident and sickness records. Are the same or more
people off sick with limb disorders, pain, etc. Do people have only
1 or 2 days off and use ‘pain in my wrist’ or similar as the reason for

Step 5

Provide information, instruction and training to employees.

What are the hazards of repetitive tasks? What are the symptoms?
How can job processes, etc. be improved?
Ensure that employees know about the risk assessments and the
physical control measures proposed.

Step 6

Respond to any complaints of limb injuries or disorders. Review the

work in hand for the individual. Change things immediately.
Work-related upper limb disorders need not be permanent and can
be reduced or eliminated if early action is taken. Continued strain on
212 I Risk assessments Q&A

already strained muscles and tendons, for example, will make the
injury worse, whereas stopping the task as soon as the pain is identified
will enable the muscles or tendons to repair themselves and heal.

Step 7

As with any health and safety management programme, the control

measures introduced need to be audited and reviewed to ensure their
Regular monitoring checks should take place to check that
employees are following the correct procedures, etc.
Any deviations, new tools, adapted tools, etc. need to be accessed
to establish why they are needed and how they can be used safely.

What are the steps for an effective risk assessment

for work-related limb disorders?

Risk assessment for WRULDs is best carried out in two stages:

(1) identifying problem tasks

(2) assessing the risks.

It is essential to identify all problem, or likely problem, tasks in the

Brainstorm the tasks that everyone does. Walk the shop floor,
office, department store, etc. and watch what people do.
Are people carrying out repetitive tasks quickly such as at
supermarket checkouts or are the tasks less frequent but involving
heavier weights or more awkward postures.
Record the basic features of the task on a checklist.
Review sickness and absence records.
Talk to employees — do they have any pain in their limbs, have
general aches, etc.
How long do people carry out tasks without stopping.




Initial assessment completed by:


Job task being assessed:

Describe work activity/process:

Yes No

Does the job involve:

Gripping tools?

Squeezing tools or implements?



Moving things?
214 I Risk assessments Q&A

Yes No

Lifting things?

Finger/hand movement?

Fast, short movements?

Awkward posture?

The use of force?

Repetition of task?

Does the employee:

Have control of their work flow?

Have to work to the speed of others?

Take regular breaks?

Are there:

Actual cases of WRULDs?

Complaints from employees about pains in hands,

wrists, arms, etc.?

Homemade, improvised changes to equipment,

workstations or tools?

Any other comments:


(This will be YES if any of the above questions/statements were answered ‘yes’).


Name of company:

Name of assessor:

Date of assessment:

Name of employee being assessed:

Job title:

Job task or activity:

Describe task in detail:


Does task involve repetition? Yes/No

Describe, including frequency of movement, etc.

216 I Risk assessments Q&A

Is repetition continuous for the shift or interspersed

with breaks? Yes/No

Is the job task always the same? Yes/No

What could be done to reduce repetition?

Working posture

Describe the working posture:

Yes No

Is the wrist bent in any way?

Does the posture look awkward?

Is a grip needed?

Does the hand easily span the distance?

Are tools awkward to hold or handle?

Are tools turned or twisted?

Are tools or equipment too high for the worker?

Are tools or equipment too low for the worker?

Can the worker reach things?

Is there a lot of overhead reaching?


Yes No

Are weights held with outstretched arms?

Does the head and neck have to be put in

awkward positions?

Is there any visual sign of discomfort?

What could be done to improve the working posture?


Does the work activity require force of any kind, including pushing,
pinching, twisting, hammering, need holding against the body, etc.?
If yes, describe any type of force noted:

What can be done to reduce the need for force?

Working environment

Describe the working environment, heating, lighting, ventilation,

overcrowding, obstructions, noise, confined spaces, cramped working
space, etc.
218 I Risk assessments Q&A

Does anything add to the discomfort of the employee or create the need for
more repetition of job tasks?

What can be done to improve the work environment?

Psycho-social factors

What factors may affect the wellbeing of employees and what could contribute
to poor working practices, repetition of tasks, etc.?

Yes No

Do employees have control of their work pattern?

Do they have to work to the speed of others?

Can they have breaks?

Are they on piece work?

What can be done to improve conditions?


What other factors could affect the health, safety and wellbeing of the
employee or the person carrying out this task?


What needs to be done? By whom When

Risk assessment reviews:

Completion of action plan:

General review:



220 I Risk assessments Q&A

What are some of the control measures which may

help to reduce WRULDs?

Control measures to reduce or eliminate work-related upper limb

disorders can be extremely wide ranging and really are best judged
for each job task or activity individually.
Any improvement in reducing repetitive jobs, awkward postures,
carrying of weights, etc. will help to reduce risks of injury.
Some control measures which might be considered are:

• to mechanise or automate the process

• modify the operation or process
• change the shape of tools
• change the height of chairs, or their style
• reduce packaging size
• reduce weights
• reduce reach distances
• lower shelving
• provide mechanical aids
• reduce ‘double handling’
• move tasks nearer to stock
• improve the environment
• create more work space
• give employees some control over their jobs
• introduce multi-tasking
• rotate employees
• adapt the job to the worker, not the worker to the job
• provide soft grip tools
• review PPE
• use lightweight tools
• improve lighting and other working environment factors.
Fire safety

What is the legal requirement for a fire risk


The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, as amended in

1999, set down the requirements for employers to carry out a fire risk
assessment for all workplaces.
Any premises in which persons are employed must be subject to a
fire risk assessment.
The principles of risk assessment to be followed are those listed in
the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Where there are five or more employees, the significant findings
of the risk assessment must be recorded in writing.

Are premises with a Fire Certificate exempt from

the need to carry out a fire risk assessment?

No. Premises with a Fire Certificate were originally exempt from

completing fire risk assessments under the Fire Precautions
(Workplace) Regulations 1997 but the European Commission
declared that the UK had not implemented the European Directive
correctly and required amendments to be made.
222 I Risk assessments Q&A

Amendments to the original 1997 Regulations were made in 1999

and a revised legal requirement was implemented which covered all
workplaces. The 1997 Regulations are now read with the amendment
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations were
also amended in 1999 and the requirement to complete a fire risk
assessment was inserted into Regulation 3 on risk assessments.

What actually is a fire risk assessment?

A fire risk assessment is, in effect, an audit of your workplace and

work activities in order to establish how likely a fire is to start, where
it would be, how severe it might be, who it would affect and how
people would get out of the building in an emergency.
A fire risk assessment should be concerned with life safety and not
with matters which are really fire engineering matters.
A fire risk assessment is a structured way of looking at the hazards
and risks associated with fire and the products of fire, e.g. smoke.
Like all risk assessments, a fire risk assessment follows five key
steps, namely:

Step 1: Identify the hazards

Step 2: Identify the people and the location of people at
significant risk from a fire
Step 3: Evaluate the risks
Step 4: Record findings and actions taken
Step 5: Keep assessment under review.

So, a fire risk assessment is a record that shows you have assessed
the likelihood of a fire occurring in your workplace, identified who
could be harmed and how and decided on what steps you need to take
to reduce the likelihood of a fire (and therefore its harmful conse-
quences) occurring. You have recorded all these findings regarding
your undertaking into a particular format, called a risk assessment.
Fire safety I 223


Risk assessment — the overall process of estimating the

magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is
tolerable or acceptable.
Risk — the combination of the likelihood and consequence
of a specified hazardous event occurring.
Hazard — a source or a situation with a potential to harm in
terms of human injury or ill-health, damage to property,
damage to the environment or a combination of these factors.
Hazard identification — the process of recognising that a
hazard exists and defining its characteristics.

What are the five steps to a fire risk assessment?

Step 1. Identify the hazards

Sources of ignition
You can identify the sources of ignition in your premises by looking
for possible sources of heat that could get hot enough to ignite the
material in the vicinity.
Such sources of heat/ignition could be:

• smokers’ materials
• naked flames, e.g. candles, fires, blow lamps, etc.
• electrical, gas or oil-fired heaters
• Hot Work processes, e.g. welding or gas cutting
• cooking, especially frying
224 I Risk assessments Q&A

• faulty or misused electrical appliances including plugs and

extension leads
• lighting equipment, especially halogen lamps
• hot surfaces and obstructions of ventilation grills, e.g. radiators
• poorly maintained equipment that causes friction or sparks
• static electricity
• arson.

Look out for evidence that any items have suffered scorching or
overheating, e.g. blackened plugs and sockets, burn marks, cigarette
burns, scorch marks, etc.
Check each area of the premises systematically:

• customer areas, public areas and reception

• work areas and offices
• staff kitchen and staff rooms
• store rooms and cleaners’ stores
• plant rooms and motor rooms
• refuse areas
• external areas.

Sources of fuel
Generally, anything that burns is fuel for a fire. Fuel can also be
invisible in the form of vapours, fumes, etc. given off from other less
flammable materials.
Look for anything in the premises that is in sufficient quantity to
burn reasonably easily, or to cause a fire to spread to more easily
combustible fuels.
Fuels to look out for are:

• wood, paper or cardboard

• flammable chemicals, e.g. cleaning materials
• flammable liquids, e.g. cleaning substances, liquid petroleum
• flammable liquids and solvents, e.g. white spirit, petrol,
methylated spirit
Fire safety I 225

• paints, varnishes, thinners, etc.

• furniture, fixtures and fittings
• textiles
• ceiling tiles and polystyrene products
• waste materials and general rubbish
• gases.

Consider also the construction of the premises — are there any

materials used which would burn more easily than other types.
Hardboard, chipboard and blockboard burn more easily than

Identifying sources of oxygen

Oxygen is all round us in the air that we breathe. Sometimes, other
sources of oxygen are present that accelerate the speed at which a fire
ignites, e.g. oxygen cylinders for welding.
The more turbulent the air, the more likely the spread of fire will
be, e.g. opening doors brings a ‘whoosh’ of air into a room and the
fire is fanned and intensifies. Mechanical ventilation also moves air
around in greater volumes and more quickly.
Do not forget that while ventilation systems move oxygen around
at greater volumes, they will also transport smoke and toxic fumes
around the building.

Step 2. Identify who could be harmed

You need to identify who will be at risk from a fire and where they
will be when a fire starts. The law requires you to ensure the safety of
your staff and others, e.g. customers. Would anyone be affected by a
fire in an area that is isolated? Could everyone respond to an alarm, or
Will you have people with disabilities in the premises, e.g.
wheelchair users, visually or hearing impaired? Will they be at any
greater risk of being harmed by a fire than other people?
226 I Risk assessments Q&A

Will contractors working in plant rooms, on the roof, etc. be

adversely affected by a fire? Could they be trapped or fail to hear
Who might be affected by smoke travelling through the building?
Smoke often contains toxic fumes.

Step 3. Evaluate the risks arising from the hazards

What will happen if there is a fire? Does it matter whether it is a

minor or major fire? Remember that small fires can grow rapidly into
A fire is often likely to start because:

• people are careless with cigarettes and matches

• people purposely set light to things
• cooking canopies catch fire due to grease build-up
• people put combustible material near flames/ignition sources
• equipment is faulty because it is not maintained
• electrical sockets are overloaded.

Will people die in a fire from:

• flames
• heat
• smoke
• toxic fumes?

Will people be trapped in the building?

Will people know that there is a fire and will they be able to get
Step 3 of the risk assessment is about looking at what control
measures you have in place to help control the risk or reduce the risk
of harm from a fire.
Remember — fire safety is about life safety. Get people out fast
and protect their lives. Property is always replaceable.
You will need to record on your fire risk assessment the fire
precautions you have in place, i.e.:
Fire safety I 227

• What emergency exits do you have and are they adequate and
in the correct place?
• Are they easily identified and unobstructed?
• Is there fire-fighting equipment?
• How is the fire alarm raised?
• Where do people go when they leave the building — an
assembly point?
• Are the signs for fire safety adequate?
• Who will check the building and take charge of an incident,
i.e. do you have a Fire Warden appointed?
• Are fire doors kept closed?
• Are ignition sources controlled and fuel sources managed?
• Do you have procedures to manage contractors? (Remember
that Windsor Castle went up in flames because a contractor
used a blow torch near the curtains!)

Taking all your fire safety precautions for the premises into
consideration, is there anything more that you need to do?
Are staff trained in what to do in an emergency? Can they use fire
extinguishers? Do you have fire drills? Is equipment serviced and
checked, e.g. emergency lights, fire alarm bells, etc.

Step 4. Record findings and action taken

Complete a fire risk assessment form and keep it safe.

Make sure that you share the information with staff.
If contractors come to site, make sure that you discuss their fire
safety plans with them and that you tell them what your fire
precaution procedures are.

Step 5. Keep assessment under review

A fire risk assessment needs to be reviewed regularly — about every

six months or so and whenever something has changed, including
228 I Risk assessments Q&A

layout, new employees, new procedures, new legislation, increased

stock, etc.

Is there any guidance on assessing the risk rating of

premises in respect of fire safety?
When completing fire risk assessments it is sensible to categorise
residual risk for the premises into a risk rating category — normally
referred to as high, medium or low.
In terms of fire risk rating it is usual to refer to medium risk as
The Government’s publication Fire safety — an employer’s guide
gives some guidance on how to fire risk rate premises.

High risk premises

• Any premises where highly flammable or explosive

substances are stored or used (other than in very small
• Any premises where the structural elements present are
unsatisfactory in respect of fire safety:
™ lack of fire-resisting separation
™ vertical or horizontal openings through which fire, heat
and smoke can spread
™ long and complex escape routes created by extensive
sub-division of floors by partitions, etc.
™ complex escape routes created by the positioning of
shop unit displays, machinery, etc.
™ large areas of smoke- or flame-producing furnishings
and surface materials especially on walls and ceilings.
• Permanent or temporary work activities which have the
potential for fires to start and spread, e.g.:
™ workshops using highly flammable materials and
Fire safety I 229

™ paint spraying
™ activities using naked flames, e.g. blow torches and
™ large kitchens in work canteens and restaurants
™ refuse chambers and waste disposal areas
™ areas containing foam or foam plastic upholstery and
• Where there is significant risk to life in case of fire:
™ sleeping accommodation provided for staff, guests,
visitors, etc. in significant numbers
™ treatment or care where occupants have to rely on others
to help them
™ high proportions of elderly or infirm
™ large numbers of people with disabilities
™ people working in remote areas, e.g. plant rooms, roof
areas, etc.
™ large numbers of people resorting to the premises
relative to its size, e.g. sales at retail shops
™ large numbers of people resorting to the premises where
the number of people available to assist is limited, e.g.
entertainment events, banquets, etc.

Normal risk premises

• Where an outbreak of fire is likely to remain contained to

localised areas or is likely to spread only slowly, allowing
people to escape to a place of safety.
• Where the number of people in the premises is small and they
are likely to escape via well-defined means of escape to a
place of safety without assistance.
• Where the premises have an automatic warning system or an
effective automatic fire-fighting, fire-extinguishing or fire-
suppression system which may reduce the risk categorisation
from high.
230 I Risk assessments Q&A

Low risk premises

Where there is minimal risk to peoples’ lives and where the risk of
fire occurring is low or the potential for fire, heat or smoke spreading
is negligible.

What type of people do I need to worry about when

I carry out my risk assessment?

Employers must consider the following people as being at risk in the

event of a fire:

• employees
• employees whose mobility, sight or hearing might be
• employees with learning difficulties or mental illness
• other persons in the premises if the premises are multi-occupied
• anyone occupying remote areas of the premises
• visitors and members of the public
• anyone who may sleep on the premises.

Does a fire risk assessment have to consider

members of the public?

A fire risk assessment must be carried out by an employer and must

consider the risks to the safety of employees.
However, under the general provisions of the Management of
Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, all persons who may be
affected by the employer’s business or undertaking must be
considered in the risk assessment.
Fire safety I 231

Case study

Fire hazards in licensed premises

Fires in public houses are quite common and usually occur in

the kitchen or customer area where the risks of fire are

What do I need to look for?

• Storage of flammable materials, e.g. cardboard
packaging near to a heat source.
• Grease build-up on grills, filters, cooking equipment
as it can easily ignite and flames can spread rapidly.
• Grease and dirt build-up on canopies and within
• Overheating deep fat fryers — oil left burning for
long periods of time.
• Flammable materials next to cooker, grill, griddle or
hob tops.
• Overloaded sockets.
• Poorly repaired plugs.
• Use of wrong fuses in plugs.
• Poor use of extension leads, wrong fuses or overloaded
• Poorly maintained equipment.
• Misuse of microwaves and use of combustible
material as packaging, cardboard dishes, etc.
• Storage of flammable aerosols and cleaning fluids
near to heat sources.
• Use of blow torches for ‘burnishing’ toppings, glazing,
232 I Risk assessments Q&A

• Generation of flammable fumes and vapours from

aerosols, etc. used elsewhere but where the fumes
drift and ignite near a heat source.
• Use of LPG in the kitchen.
• Faulty gas appliances — usually associated with
• Arson.

Bar servery
• Overloaded sockets.
• Disposal of cigarette debris, ashtrays, etc. into rubbish
bins or waste bins which are combustible and which
contain combustible material, e.g. packaging.
• Electric faults on equipment, e.g. glass washers and
• Spread of fire to the bar via python runs and other voids
which communicate with the other areas of the pub.
• Overheating equipment due to vent grill obstructions.

Customer area
• Smoking materials dropped onto seating areas,
carpeting, etc.
• Poorly extinguished cigarettes.
• Disposal of ashtrays into waste receptacles containing
combustible materials.
• Overloaded electrical sockets.
• Furniture, etc. too close to real fires or gas fires.
• Light fittings with the wrong wattage bulbs, etc.
• Light fittings too near to combustible objects where
heat transference can cause combustion.
• Arson.
Fire safety I 233

• Overloaded electrical sockets.
• Use of flammable cleaning fluids near electrical
ignition sources.
• Storage of flammable substances near heat sources.
• Discarded smoking materials, i.e. hastily discarded
cigarettes, matches, etc.
• Storage of combustible materials near a heat source.
• Blocking up equipment ventilation grills, e.g. ice
machines, causing the equipment to overheat and
spontaneously combust.
• Arson.

Plant rooms
• Poorly maintained equipment.
• Storage of combustible materials and substances
near to heat sources.
• Electrical faults.
• Escape of combustible fumes, gases, etc.
• Overloaded electrical sockets and extension leads.
• Electrical arcing.
• Use of flammable cleaning chemicals.
• Grease and dirt build-up within equipment which is
heat generating.

Staff areas
• Many of the incidents already listed can apply to
staff areas.
• Faulty washing machine and tumble drier equipment.
• Poor ventilation to electrical equipment.
• Use of portable heating equipment.
234 I Risk assessments Q&A

Top tips

• Make regular checks to identify fire hazards.

• Look out for anything unusual — blackening of
plugs, sockets, etc.
• Do not overload electrical sockets.
• Undertake regular maintenance of equipment.
• Be ‘Fire Aware’.
• Train staff to be ‘Fire Aware’.
Fire safety I 235

Who can carry out a fire risk assessment?

The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 (amended) state

that the person who carries out a fire risk assessment shall be
competent to do so.
Competency is not defined specifically in the Regulations, or in
the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Competency means having a level of knowledge and experience
which is relevant to the task in hand.
Many fire authorities, who enforce the Fire Precautions
(Workplace) Regulations 1997 (amended) do not advocate that
consultants are employed to carry out complicated assessments.
A fire risk assessment is a logical, practical review of the
likelihood of a fire starting in the premises and the consequences of
such a fire. Someone who has good knowledge of the work activities
and the layout of the building, together with some knowledge of what
causes a fire to happen, would be best placed to carry out a fire risk

What sort of fire hazards need to be considered?

Consider any significant fire hazards in the room or area under review:

• combustible materials, e.g. large quantities of paper,

combustible fabrics or plastics
• flammable substances, e.g. paints, thinners, chemicals,
flammable gases, aerosol cans
• ignition sources, e.g. naked flames, sparks, portable heaters,
smoking materials, Hot Works equipment.

Do not forget to consider materials which might smoulder and

produce quantities of smoke. Also, consider anything which might be
able to give off toxic fumes.
236 I Risk assessments Q&A

Consider also the type of insulation involved or used in cavities,

roof voids, etc. Combustible material may not always be visible, e.g.
hidden cables in wall cavities.

What sort of structural features are important

to consider when carrying out a fire risk

Fire, smoke, heat and fumes can travel rapidly through a building if it
is not restricted by fire protection and compartmentation.
Any part of a building which has open areas, open staircases, etc.
will be more vulnerable to the risk of fire should one start.
Openings in walls, large voids above ceilings and below floors
allow a fire to spread rapidly. Large voids also usually contribute
extra ventilation, thereby adding more oxygen to the fire.
A method of fire prevention is to use fire-resistant materials and to
design buildings so that fire will not travel from one area to another.
Any opportunity for a fire to spread through the building must be
noted on the fire risk assessment.

What are some of the factors to consider when

assessing existing control measures for managing
fire safety?

Many premises and employers already have some level of fire

safety management in place and the Fire Precautions (Workplace)
Regulations 1997 (amended) were not intended to add an especially
heavy burden onto employers.
Existing control measures must be reviewed and the following are
examples of what to look for:

• the likely spread of fire

• the likelihood of fire starting
Fire safety I 237

• the number of occupiers of the area

• the use and activity undertaken
• the time available for escape
• the means of escape
• the clarity of the escape plan
• effectiveness of signage
• how the fire alarm is raised
• can the alarm be heard by everyone
• travel distances to exits
• number and widths of exits
• condition of corridors
• storage and obstructions
• inner rooms and dead ends
• type of staircases and access to staircases
• openings, voids, etc. within the building
• type of fire doors
• use of panic bolts
• unobstructed fire doors
• intumescent strips
• well fitting fire doors
• propped open fire doors
• type of fire alarm
• location, number and condition of fire extinguishers
• display of fire safety notices
• emergency lighting
• maintenance and testing of fire alarm break glass points
• installation of sprinklers
• location and condition of smoke detectors
• use of heat detectors
• adequate lighting in an evacuation
• training of employees
• practised fire drills
• general housekeeping
• management of contractors
• use of Hot Works Permits
• control of smoking
238 I Risk assessments Q&A

• fire safety checks

• provision for managing the safety of people with disabilities
• special conditions, e.g. storage of flammable substances
• storage of combustible materials near a heat source.

The best fire risk assessments are ‘site specific’ — review and
inspect your own workplace.


What should a fire risk assessment cover?

• Identification of hazards.
• Sources of ignition.
• Identification of persons at risk from fire.
• Means of escape from the building.
• Fire warning systems.
• Fire-fighting facilities.
• Identification of fire safety procedures, i.e. emergency
• Review of the controls in place and recommendations
for improvements where necessary.

The following pages contain a number of different types of fire

risk assessment formats.
Fire safety I 239


Name of premises: ________________________________________

What particular area are you reviewing for this Fire Risk Assessment?

What activity, practice, operation, etc. are you particularly reviewing for
this Fire Risk Assessment?

What ignition sources have you identified?

What sources of fuel have you identified?

Are there any ‘extra’ sources of oxygen, or will mechanical ventilation

increase oxygen levels?

Does anyone do anything that will increase the risk of a fire starting?
240 I Risk assessments Q&A

If a fire were to start, who would be at risk?

Would anyone be at any extra or special risk, or would any injuries/

consequences of the fire be increased?

What precautions are currently in place to reduce the likelihood of a fire

occurring, or to deal with it/control it if a fire did start (e.g. checks, alarms,
emergency procedures, etc.)?

What other precautions need to be taken, if any? Does anything need to be

done to improve existing fire precautions?

How will the information in this Risk Assessment be communicated to

staff? Will any staff training take place?

Is there anything else that you think needs to be recorded on this Risk
Fire safety I 241

After having identified the hazards and risks of a fire starting and after
considering all the procedures you currently have in place, do you consider
the risk to life safety of either staff or customers (including any contractors,
visitors, etc.) to be:

High Medium/normal Low

If risks to life safety are very likely or possible, steps MUST be taken to
improve fire safety.

If you implement the other, additional measures identified in this Fire Risk
Assessment, will risk to life safety of either staff or customers (plus others)

High Medium/normal Low

If risks to life safety are possible or very likely, then greater control
measures MUST be implemented.

Risk Assessment completed by: ____________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________

Fire Risk Assessment needs a review on: _____________________________

242 I Risk assessments Q&A


Name and address of premises: ______________________________________



Owner/Employer/Person in Control: _________________________________

Contact details: __________________________________________________

Date of Risk Assessment: __________________________________________

Completed by: __________________________________________________

Use of premises/area under review: __________________________________

Identification of fire hazards High Medium Low

Fire safety I 243

Identification and location of those at risk

Evaluation of the risks

Significant findings

Actions taken to reduce/remove risks

Residual Risk Assessment

High Medium/normal Low

Review of Risk Assessment:

Under what circumstances:

How often:



Name and address of premises:

Area/room/floor under assessment:

Risk assessments Q&A

Name of person completing assessment: Date of assessment:

Fire hazard People at risk Existing control Proposed action to Date action taken
measures be taken and by whom
(include signature)
Fire safety I 245


Name of premises:
Anywhere Hotel

Date of Assessment:
June 2002

Name of person carrying out Assessment:

Perry Scott Nash Associates Limited

Area of premises being Assessed:

Restaurant, Kitchen, Bar, Champagne Bar, Production Kitchen, Pastry
Kitchen and Bedrooms.

Identification of Fire Safety Hazards Yes No Don’t

Combustible materials, furnishings, e.g. carpets,
curtains, seat coverings ü
Smokers and discarded smoking materials ü
Electric appliances, e.g. portable equipment ü
Storage of chemicals, flammable aerosols, etc. ü
Portable heaters, LPG, flambé lamps ü
Cooking equipment, ducts, gas pipes ü
Accumulations of waste, including cooking oil ü
Obstruction of vents or cooling systems r
Building works r
Items stored too near to heat sources r
Obstruction of fire exit routes or fire doors
propped open r
246 I Risk assessments Q&A

(Please describe anything highlighted ‘yes’ above)

Furnishings and fittings throughout the premises,

including public areas, bars, restaurants, event
rooms, bedrooms and offices.

Smokers are permitted within the premises and

smoking waste is controlled by discarding
smoking materials into designated ashbins.

Electrical appliances including televisions, kettles,

irons, hairdryers, glass washers, microwaves,
other kitchen appliances and computers.

Chemical storage for cleaning products and

storage of CO2.

Flambé lamps used within the restaurants.

Cooking equipment includes gas oven stoves,

grills and deep fat fryers in all kitchens and
canopy extract systems.

Accumulation of waste in bar, kitchen,

housekeeping and refuse area including discarded
smoking material, paper waste and collection of
waste cooking oil.

Who might be at risk from the above hazards:

customers: ü

• to pub ü
• to hotel ü
staff ü
disabled people ü
contractors? ü
Fire safety I 247

Are any people particularly at risk if a fire should

break out, e.g. people working alone in plant
rooms, visitors, etc.? Describe how and why they
will be at risk:

Controls are in place to ensure contractors and

visitors are accounted for. Procedure in place
indicates person’s name, time of arrival, area of
work, type of work, expected time of work/visit,
and each person signs out before leaving.
However, some contractors might leave the hotel
without informing security.
Disabled/special needs persons accommodated on
the first and second floor. In the event of a fire the
lift cannot be used and only means of escape is
via staircase. Special needs rooms — 161, 167,
205 and 207; all front desk staff are aware of
occupants’ needs.
248 I Risk assessments Q&A




Fire alarm — warning Alarm bell activated either by fire

call alarm points, automatic smoke
and heat detection, Stratos — high
sensitivity photo electric smoke
detector OR by activating the main
fire alarm panel. A continuous
ringing throughout the premises,
which can only be silenced at the
alarm panel. All fire call alarm
points are clearly signed
throughout the premises.
Fire alarm — detection Automatic heat and smoke detectors
located throughout the premises. The
Hotel is a grade two listed building
and high sensitivity smoke detectors
are situated within the fabric of the
Escape lighting Emergency lighting luminaire units
installed over all fire exit routes
indicating escape routes and also
installed within escape routes located
from the ceiling using directional
signage to define escape route.
Escape routes From lower and upper basement
via internal metal staircase to
ground level. From ground, first,
second, third, forth, fifth and sixth
floor areas via internal routes
including metal staircase or by
external metal staircase. All routes
are segregated by automatic fire
doors, which close in the event of a
fire to prevent fire spread.
Fire safety I 249

Emergency signage Directional signage clearly defines

escape routes. Staff fire action
route signage located throughout
the premises with pictorial and
written instruction.

Fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers and fire hoses

located on every level of the hotel.
Fire extinguishers include water,
foam, powder and CO2 (refer to
Appendix 1 for type of fire
extinguisher and location) also (refer
to Appendix 2 for fire hose location).

Fire blanket Nine fire blankets located within

all kitchens at the Hotel. (Refer to
Appendix 3 for fire blanket

Testing of the system — what Fire call alarm points are tested every
records are kept? Friday at 16:00. Monthly testing of
fire extinguishers, fire exit/escape
and emergency lighting. A
competent contractor undertakes
annual tests of fire extinguishers, last
tested in January 2002, Ansul system
last tested 30 April 2002, lighting is
ongoing annually (refer to Appendix
4 for electrical testing). All monthly
and annual tests are recorded and
appropriate certification is kept.

Fire escape routes — how are they Staff members are informed to
maintained clear of obstructions, keep all fire escape routes clear
how often are they checked, etc.? including corridors and fire exit
doors. Daily and nightly checks are
carried out to ensure routes are not
obstructed. CCTV allows security
to permanently check routes. Any
obstructions are logged and
250 I Risk assessments Q&A

How do people with disabilities Front desk staff keep details of guests
hear the alarm, get out of the with special needs. In the event of a
building? (Include hotel guests.) fire, a disabled person would be
assisted down via the staircase if safe
to do so. Staff would assist and guide
other guests/patrons to the assembly
point, on route to leaving the

Who calls the Fire Brigade? Management and senior staff are
responsible for formulating the
emergency plan in the event of a
fire. Front desk staff would call the
Fire Brigade under instruction.

Security — are all fire exits/fire All fire exits/fire doors have push
doors openable, kept unlocked bar operation or turn knobs to fully
during opening hours, etc.? open doors in the event of a fire.
No fire door is locked or requires a
key to open it in the event of
a fire.

What procedures are put in place at Night staff undertake checks

night to ensure that fire hazards are throughout the premises to include
managed and evacuations can be that fire doors are closed,
undertaken successfully? corridors/fire routes are not
obstructed and for signs of fire.
Currently, no formal procedure
implemented, however any
concerns are noted on the night
check sheet and, if necessary, a
digital photo is taken for evidence.
This information is then given to
security during handover. All night
staff receive three-monthly fire
safety training to include
Fire safety I 251

Are emergency evacuation notices Each room has an evacuation notice

displayed? with plan and instructions for the
event of a fire; this is displayed
within a frame on the back of the
bedroom door. Staff fire action
route signage is located throughout
the premises with pictorial and
written instructions to include:
i) operating alarm call poin
ii) calling the Fire Brigade
iii) fire fighting
iv) evacuation
v) assembly point.
Have all staff been trained in what All new staff receive induction fire
to do in the event of a fire? safety training which is carried out
every Monday. All daytime staff
receive refresher fire safety training
every six months and all night staff
receive refresher fire safety training
every three months. Evacuation
training is carried out every six months
with a full evacuation of the hotel. All
staff sign for training and records are
kept by the HR Department.
Who ‘looks after’ guests, Management and staff look after
contractors, etc.? guests in the event of a fire. A full
occupation list is printed off and
front desk staff check guests at the
assembly point. Security look after
contractors and visitors, full formal
procedure of checking in and out of
contractors and visitors.
What housekeeping procedures are All chemicals are stored in locked
in place to keep rubbish down, cupboards with full COSHH
store chemicals safely, etc.? information for each chemical. All
waste is removed to designated
refuse area with frequent collection
to remove build-up of waste.
252 I Risk assessments Q&A

Is equipment regularly maintained Yes. Portable appliance testing

to ensure that it works effectively, (PAT) carried out annually.
thus reducing the risk of electrical Maintenance record all tests carried
failure? out. All fixed equipment is tested by
a competent person every two to
three years and recorded/certificated
with the Maintenance Department.
Staff remain vigilant and report any
defects to heads of department for



1. Provide signage to emergency stop buttons situated within the
kitchen to indicate gas, electricity or both. (7 days)
2. Remove cardboard boxes and other items stored within the
electricity cupboard situated in the Bar and ensure that regular
checks are made to prevent overstocked items obstructing electrical
panels. (Immediate)
3. Provide designated ashbin within the staff canteen for discarding of
waste smoking materials. (Immediate)
4. Provide correct signage and fix fire extinguishers A49 and A50
within the electrical plant room situated on lower basement.
5. Replace directional fire exit sign situated within the laundry
corridor. It is recommended that a plastic sign be fixed to the wall
higher than the top of contract laundry trolleys to prevent damage
to the sign. (7 days)
6. Replace fire blanket number one in the staff canteen kitchen as this
was found to be greasy and dirty during the Fire Risk Assessment
audit. Ensure that all fire blankets are checked for condition and
replace when necessary. (7 days)
7. It is unclear if the fire hoses have recently been checked by a
competent person. Check with Fire Protection who carried out the
recent examination during January 2002 and obtain records. (7 days)
Fire safety I 253

8. Ensure all fire doors leading onto escape routes are fitted with
intumescent strips along the edges of the door. The majority of fire
doors have been fitted with intumescent strips but it was noted that
several kitchen fire doors had not — investigate and complete
works. (7 days)
9. It is strongly recommended that a fire-proof safe be installed to
store all fire safety records, to prevent damage or loss in the event
of a fire. (1 month)
10. Provide emergency button within the steam room situated in the Train
gym. It is understood that the works are in hand — awaiting
installation of emergency button.
11. Implement formal documentation for night checks carried out
indicating time, location and person carrying out checks. This may be
paper- or computer-based documentation. It is recommended that the
night fire safety checks are carried out half hourly between midnight
and 07:00, to ensure that all areas of the premises are checked. (7 days)
12. The metal fire staircase situated at the fire exit, has been in-filled with
wooden blocks to prevent a trip hazard. The in-fills should be metal to
provide integrity to the fire escape route. Investigate and replace the
in-fills with metal to match existing fabrication. (1 month)
13. Review Fire Risk Assessment yearly or when any changes are made
to fire-fighting equipment/detection or internal procedures to ensure
that it reflects current operational procedures within the Hotel.

Risk Assessment review date:

Risk Assessment to be reviewed annually or whenever circumstances

change that necessitate reassessment.


Low ____ Medium____ High____
254 I Risk assessments Q&A



Low ____ Medium____ High____
Design risk assessments (CDM)

The CDM Regulations place responsibilities on

‘designers’. Who are ‘designers’?

Under the CDM Regulations, ‘designers’ are all those who have
some input into design issues in respect of a project. These include:

• architects and engineers contributing to, or having overall

responsibility for, the design
• building services engineers designing details of fixed plant
• surveyors specifying articles or substances or drawing up
specifications for remedial works
• contractors carrying out design work as part of a design and
build project
• anyone with authority to specify or alter the specification of
designs to be used for the structure, including the client
• temporary works engineers designing formwork and
• interior designers, shopfitters and landscape architects.

The above includes architects, quantity surveyors, structural engi-

neers, building services engineers, interior designers, project managers
(if they can change or issue specifications), landscape architects/design-
ers, temporary works engineers designing propping systems, etc.
256 I Risk assessments Q&A

The ‘designer’ must be carrying on a trade, business or other

undertaking in which he prepares a design for a structure. The
wording was amended to re-instate the intent of CDM which had
been overturned by a court case.

What are the responsibilities of a designer?

Designers from all disciplines have a contribution to make in

avoiding and reducing health and safety risks which are inherent in
the construction process and subsequent work, e.g. maintenance.
The most important contribution a designer can make to improve
health and safety will often be at the concept and feasibility stage
where various options can be considered so as to avoid potential
health and safety issues.
Designers must therefore give due regard to health and safety in
their design work.
Designers must provide adequate information about health and
safety risks of the design to those who need it, e.g. proposed roof
access routes, use of fragile materials, etc.
Designers must co-operate with the planning supervisor and other
designers on the project and ensure that information is freely
available regarding health and safety issues and that they consider the
implications of their designs with other aspects of the design, e.g.
structural works in relation to building services, etc.
Designers must advise clients of their duties under CDM, as
specified in Regulation 13(1). CDM requires designers to take
reasonable steps to advise their clients of the existence of CDM, their
duties within the Regulations, the existence of the Approved Code of
Practice, good health and safety management and the benefit of
making early appointments.
Design risk assessments I 257

What are ‘design risk assessments’?

‘Design risk assessment’ is the technical term given to the formal

consideration of health and safety issues relevant to your design.
As a designer, you should understand that the term ‘hierarchy of
risk control’ is a step-by-step process to eliminating, minimising or
controlling health and safety hazards and risks.

Step 1: Eliminate the hazard and risk.

Step 2: Minimise the hazard and reduce the risk.
Step 3: Control the hazard and risk at source.
Step 4: Control the hazard and risk within the workplace.

In simple terms:

Step 1: Do not design something which could cause injury or ill

Step 2: If you have to continue with the design, ensure that you
include safety features.
Step 3: Provide safety features, etc. at the site of the hazard.
Step 4: Ensure that everyone is issued with personal protective

Design risk assessments set out how you have considered the
health and safety aspects of your design and record your decisions.
The first rule of health and safety is to eliminate hazard and risk.
If this is not possible, do the next best thing by designing in safety
features or specifying different material, etc.
Design risk assessments do not have to be detailed or complicated
forms which cover everyday situations. They need to be specific to
the project and should highlight unusual design considerations.
Designers should not only consider how the structure will be built
and identify these hazards and risks, but must also consider how the
building will be used in the future for maintenance and cleaning
purposes as well as how it will be occupied.
258 I Risk assessments Q&A

Case study

Designers of a new concept retailing outlet sourced a unique

mesh-type ceiling material which was to be installed in one
single sheet to give a ripple effect to the ceiling.
Design considerations included the following.

• How is it delivered to site?

• Will it be difficult to handle?
• Will the metal mesh have jagged edges?
• How will it be fixed to the ceiling frame?
• How will lighting be fixed?
• How will sprinklers be fixed?
• Will it be a fragile surface?
• How could maintenance personnel walk above it to
access fittings?
• How will it be cleaned?

All of the above questions, and many more, formed part of

the design risk assessment. The planning supervisor was
asked to comment on the information available and to offer
any advice.
The new ceiling concept was installed and created the
innovative design which the designers and client had hoped
Design risk assessments I 259

The considerations you have made in respect of health and safety

can be included on your drawings, provided the information is clear
and unambiguous.
Each project could have a simple design risk assessment sheet
attached to the project file, indicating how you made the key health
and safety decisions. An example of a design risk assessment form is
shown at the end of this chapter.
260 I Risk assessments Q&A


Project address:


Design company:

Description of project:

Design activity under assessment:

Hazards identified Construction Maintenance/cleaning

Design consideration to eliminate or reduce hazard:

Design risk assessments I 261

Residual risk:

Control measures necessary:

Information to be relayed to planning supervisor for inclusion in:

(i) Pre-Tender Health and Safety Plan

(ii) Health and Safety File

Other relevant health and safety information:

Signed: ……………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………….
Alphabetical list of questions

1. Are all display screen equipment users entitled to an eyesight

test and a free pair of glasses? 127
2. Are employees who work at home covered by the Regulations? 123
3. Are generic risk assessments acceptable under health and
safety law? 57
4. Are hand tools considered equipment under the Provision
and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998? 142
5. Are premises with a Fire Certificate exempt from the need to
carry out a fire risk assessment? 221
6. Are there any other responsibilities which an employer has
in respect of first aid? 203
7. Are there any risks which young people cannot legally be
exposed to? 176
8. Are there any typical topics which an employee or other
person needs to be trained in so that they can carry out
noise assessments? 111
9. Are these noise action levels the permanent levels or will
they change? 104
10. Are work-related upper limb disorders the same as repetitive
strain injuries? 208
11. As an employer, can I deal with all health and safety matters
myself? 37
12. As an employer, can I force my employees to wear the PPE
I have provided? 185
13. As an employer, do I need to complete a risk assessment to
establish whether employees are exposed to WRULD? 209
264 I Risk assessments Q&A

14. As an employer, I have completed my risk assessments,

recorded the significant findings in writing and have a
Risk Assessment Manual. What else do I need to do? 58
15. As an employer, what are some of the common risks to
new or expectant mothers which I need to be aware of? 157
16. As an employer, what do I need to do? 196
17. Can an inspector serve a Statutory Notice and prosecute at
the same time? 15
18. Can someone from within the workforce be appointed
as the competent person? 111
19. Do all workstations have to be modified to meet these
requirements? 126
20. Do employers have other responsibilities besides providing
ear protection? 108
21. Do individual employees have to fill in a self-assessment form? 131
22. Do the Regulations affect everybody who uses display
screen equipment? 120
23. Do the Regulations only require an employer to carry out
these risk assessments? 125
24. Does a fire risk assessment have to consider members of
the public? 230
25. Does absolutely every single job activity require a risk
assessment? 44
26. How can civil action under civil law be actioned by
employees in respect of health and safety at work? 9
27. How can ergonomics improve health and safety? 92
28. How do dangerous chemical products get into the body? 62
29. How does an employer carry out a risk assessment under
30. How many first aiders or appointed persons does an
employer need? 200
31. How might the risk of accidents from hazardous substances
be reduced? 70
32. How quickly do employees need to bring claims to the
courts in respect of civil claims? 10
33. How should a noise assessment be carried out? 105
34. How should work-related upper limb disorders be tackled? 209
35. How will an employer identify a dangerous substance? 77
36. If remedial works cannot be completed in the time given
in the Improvement Notice, can it be extended? 17
Alphabetical list of questions I 265

37. Is ‘ergonomics’ anything to do with manual handling? 92

38. Is an employer responsible for providing first aid facilities
for members of the public, customers etc.? 202
39. Is it appropriate to have a ‘no lifting’ policy within the
work environment? 94
40. Is it easy to define who is not a user of display screen
equipment? 123
41. Is it necessary to complete a risk assessment for each
workstation and user or operator? 124
42. Is risk assessment as complicated as everyone seems to believe? 2
43. Is risk assessment something new? 2
44. Is there a standard format for a risk assessment? 45
45. Is there any guidance on assessing the risk rating of
premises in respect of fire safety? 228
46. Is there anything I must know before undertaking a noise
assessment? 103
47. Must risk assessments be categorised into high, medium or
low risks? 48
48. The CDM Regulations place responsibilities on ‘designers’.
Who are ‘designers’? 255
49. The HSE issues ‘guidance’ and Codes of Practice. What are
these and is a criminal offence committed if they are not
followed? 22
50. The term ‘reasonably practicable’ is used in the Health and
Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 and numerous Regulations.
What does it mean? 8
51. What actually are decibels? 113
52. What actually is a fire risk assessment? 222
53. What are ‘design risk assessments’? 257
54. What are an employer’s duties in respect of health surveillance? 35
55. What are an employer’s duties regarding the provision of
training for his employees? 41
56. What are common control measures for working in a
confined space? 148
57. What are employers responsible for with respect to manual
handling at work? 81
58. What are good handling techniques? 88
59. What are maximum exposure limits? 64
266 I Risk assessments Q&A

60. What are Occupational Exposure Limits or Standards

(OEL/OES)? 64
61. What are site-specific risk assessments? 57
62. What are some control measures which could be implemented? 76
63. What are some COSHH control procedures? 69
64. What are some of the common control measures which can
be put in place to reduce the risks from job activities? 49
65. What are some of the common hazards, risks and control
measures for working at heights? 153
66. What are some of the control measures which can be
implemented by users themselves? 131
67. What are some of the control measures which may help
to reduce WRULDs? 220
68. What are some of the factors to consider when assessing
existing control measures for managing fire safety? 236
69. What are some of the hazards and risks associated with
using work equipment? 140
70. What are some of the hazards associated with confined
space working? 148
71. What are some of the hazards, risks and control measures
needed in respect of lifting equipment? 141
72. What are some of the key solutions to manual handling
problems? 96
73. What are some of the steps an employer needs to take in
order to ensure suitable first aid provision? 199
74. What are some of the ways of reducing the risks of injury
from manual handling? 87
75. What are the ‘minimum specified requirements’ for
workstations? 126
76. What are the consequences for failing to carry out risk
assessments? 6
77. What are the consequences for the employer if an employee
wins their civil action? 11
78. What are the consequences of failing to comply with any
of the Notices served by inspectors? 14
79. What are the COSHH Regulations 2002? 59
80. What are the costs of poor manual handling to both
businesses and society? 82
81. What are the employer’s duties in respect of health
and safety arrangements? 31
Alphabetical list of questions I 267

82. What are the fines for offences against health and safety
legislation? 20
83. What are the five steps to a fire risk assessment? 223
84. What are the five steps to successful health and safety
management? 32
85. What are the guideline weights for lifting or manual handling? 91
86. What are the hazards and risks to be assessed with regard
to pressure systems? 144
87. What are the hazards and risks to be assessed with regard
to workshop equipment? 143
88. What are the hazards from noise? 102
89. What are the health problems associated with using
display screen equipment? 120
90. What are the key requirements for PPE? 181
91. What are the main areas to pay attention to when carrying
out a workstation assessment or risk assessment? 127
92. What are the powers of inspectors under the Health and
Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974? 17
93. What are the recommended steps when undertaking a
COSHH assessment? 68
94. What are the requirements for working in confined spaces? 146
95. What are the requirements of the Health and Safety
(Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992? 119
96. What are the requirements of the Noise at Work
Regulations 1989? 101
97. What are the requirements regarding ‘serious and
imminent’ danger? 37
98. What are the responsibilities of a designer? 256
99. What are the responsibilities on employees to wear PPE
given to them by their employer? 185
100. What are the steps for an effective risk assessment for
work-related limb disorders? 212
101. What causes work-related upper limb disorders? 208
102. What changes did the 2002 COSHH Regulations introduce? 60
103. What do employers have to do about noise? 103
104. What do the Dangerous Substances and Explosive
Atmospheres Regulations 2002 require of employers? 75
105. What do the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ mean? 45
106. What does ‘suitable and sufficient’ mean in respect
of risk assessment? 46
268 I Risk assessments Q&A

107. What does COSHH require? 59

108. What does the employer need to do in respect of the
provision of training regarding the use of display screen
equipment? 129
109. What does the law require an employer to do in respect
of personal protective equipment? 180
110. What does the term ‘hazard’ mean? 3
111. What does the term ‘risk assessment’ mean? 1
112. What factors need to be considered when choosing PPE? 186
113. What happens in relation to health and safety when two
or more employers share a workplace? 40
114. What information do users have to be provided with? 130
115. What information should be given to employees? 107
116. What is a ‘workstation’ and how do the Regulations apply
to these? 124
117. What is a first aider? 200
118. What is a Safety Policy? 24
119. What is a Section 20 interview under the Health and Safety
at Work Etc. Act 1974? 18
120. What is a site-specific risk assessment and why is this
necessary? 164
121. What is a work-related upper limb disorder? 207
122. What is an ‘appointed person’? 200
123. What is first aid at work? 196
124. What is health surveillance? 65
125. What is important about the Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW)? 27
126. What is meant by ‘arrangements’ in a Safety Policy? 25
127. What is meant by organisational arrangements? 24
128. What is meant by the term ‘control measure’? 50
129. What is meant by the term ‘risk control’? 4
130. What is meant by the term ‘risk reduction’? 4
131. What is meant by the term ‘risk’? 4
132. What is meant by the term ‘suitable and sufficient’? 3
133. What is noise exposure? 112
134. What is personal protective equipment? 179
135. What is required regarding ‘contact with emergency services’? 38
136. What is risk avoidance? 5
137. What is the ‘hierarchy of risk control’? 51
Alphabetical list of questions I 269

138. What is the appeal process against the service of

Improvement and Prohibition Notices? 16
139. What is the common approach to risk assessment? 51
140. What is the law on corporate manslaughter? 19
141. What is the law on the ‘principles of prevention’? 30
142. What is the legal duty under the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999 for information to be
given to employees? 39
143. What is the legal requirement for a fire risk assessment? 221
144. What is the legal requirement for reviewing risk assessments? 29
145. What is the legal requirement regarding the employment
of young persons? 29
146. What is the main piece of legislation which covers first aid
at work? 195
147. What is the main piece of legislation which sets the
framework for health and safety at work? 7
148. What is the requirement for risk assessments? 28
149. What kind of manual handling problems can ergonomics solve? 93
150. What needs to be assessed in respect of work equipment? 139
151. What needs to be considered for a detailed manual
handling risk assessment? 84
152. What needs to be considered for each of the ‘five steps’? 52
153. What needs to be considered in the risk assessment for
young workers? 176
154. What parts of the body are affected? 208
155. What powers do enforcing authorities have to enforce
health and safety legislation? 13
156. What records in respect of first aid treatment, etc. need to
be kept by the employer? 204
157. What records need to be kept? 182
158. What regulations in respect of health and safety require
risk assessments? 5
159. What should an employer consider when assessing first aid
needs? 197
160. What should be in a first aid kit? 202
161. What sort of fire hazards need to be considered? 235
162. What sort of PPE is necessary for different job tasks/activities? 187
163. What sort of structural features are important to consider
when carrying out a fire risk assessment? 236
270 I Risk assessments Q&A

164. What steps are involved in completing a risk assessment? 159

165. What steps can be followed when establishing whether to
substitute a less harmful substance for a hazardous one? 70
166. What steps should be taken in respect of carrying out a risk
assessment for manual handling? 83
167. What substances are covered by the COSHH Regulations? 60
168. What training and supervision do young people require
under health and safety law? 177
169. What training does an employee have to have on the use
of PPE? 183
170. What type of people do I need to worry about when I carry
out my risk assessment? 230
171. What types of ear protection are available? 108
172. What will an Enforcement Officer expect from my
risk assessments? 49
173. When does a risk assessment under the PPE Regulations
1992 have to be carried out? 181
174. When is it necessary to provide a first aid room? 203
175. When should a risk assessment be carried out for work
equipment? 141
176. When should risk assessments be reviewed? 47
177. Which people must be considered as being exposed to the
risks from work activities? 47
178. Who can carry out a fire risk assessment? 235
179. Who can carry out a noise assessment? 110
180. Who enforces health and safety legislation? 11
181. Who is responsible for monitoring and cleaning PPE? 182
182. Who needs to be assessed for noise exposure? 113
183. Who should carry out the COSHH assessment? 68
184. Who should undertake a risk assessment? 43
185. Why is risk assessment so important in respect of health
and safety? 1
186. Will the risk assessment carried out under the Management
of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 be sufficient
to comply with the PPE Regulations? 180

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