PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 Gradebook

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PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.


February 2022
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Gradebook
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Preface: Preface............................................................................................................................................v
Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks...............................................................v
Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help....................................................................................................... v
Locally Installed Help...................................................................................................................... v
Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files.............................................................................................v
Common Help Documentation.........................................................................................................v
Field and Control Definitions......................................................................................................... vi
ISO Country and Currency Codes.................................................................................................. vi
Region and Industry Identifiers..................................................................................................... vii
Translations and Embedded Help.................................................................................................. vii
Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help..............................................................................viii
PeopleSoft CS Related Links.............................................................................................................. viii
Contact Us........................................................................................................................................... viii
Follow Us.............................................................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Gradebook............................................................................................9
Gradebook Overview.............................................................................................................................. 9
Gradebook Business Processes............................................................................................................... 9
Gradebook Integrations...........................................................................................................................9
Gradebook Implementation...................................................................................................................10
Additional Information for Getting Started with Gradebook............................................................... 10
Chapter 2: Using the Self-Service Gradebook........................................................................................11
Understanding Gradebook.................................................................................................................... 11
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 11
Common Elements Used for Gradebook....................................................................................... 12
Gradebook Functions and Users.................................................................................................... 13
Reviewing Dates and Grade Calculations in GradeBook.................................................................... 14
How the System Calculates Grades............................................................................................... 14
Accessing Gradebook............................................................................................................................17
Understanding How Gradebook Users Access the System........................................................... 17
Defining Assignment Categories.......................................................................................................... 18
Page Used to Define Assignment Categories................................................................................ 18
Defining Assignment Categories....................................................................................................18
Defining Gradebook URLs...................................................................................................................19
Page Used to Define Gradebook URLs.........................................................................................19
Defining an FTP Server and URL Address...................................................................................19
Defining Course Assignment Defaults................................................................................................. 20
Pages Used to Define Course Assignment Defaults......................................................................20
Defining Default Assignments....................................................................................................... 21
Defining Default Weight Values.................................................................................................... 22
Defining Default Marks and Grades for Course Grading Schemes...............................................22
Creating Class Assignment Data.......................................................................................................... 23
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 23
Pages Used to Create Class Assignment Data...............................................................................24

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. iii


Creating, Defining, and Clustering Assignments by Category......................................................24

Setting Weight Values.................................................................................................................... 27
Defining Marks and Grades for Grading Schemes........................................................................28
Entering Grades.....................................................................................................................................30
Understanding the Grade Entering Process................................................................................... 30
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 31
Pages Used to Enter, Import, Update, and View Grades...............................................................31
Entering Points for Assignments....................................................................................................33
Entering Grades by Assignment.................................................................................................... 34
Reviewing Cumulative Grades and Posting Grades...................................................................... 36
Entering Gradebook Notes for Students........................................................................................ 38
Entering Requirement Designation Grades....................................................................................39
Importing Component Grades........................................................................................................ 40
Selecting the Class from Which to Import Grades........................................................................41
Viewing the Results of the Class Search....................................................................................... 42
Viewing Further Details About a Class Search............................................................................. 43
Exporting Grades.................................................................................................................................. 44
Reviewing Class Assignments (Students)............................................................................................ 45
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 45
Pages Used to Review Class Assignments.................................................................................... 46
Viewing Summary Information About Assignments and Grades..................................................46

iv Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks

The PeopleSoft Online Help is a website that enables you to view all help content for PeopleSoft
applications and PeopleTools. The help provides standard navigation and full-text searching, as well as
context-sensitive online help for PeopleSoft users.

Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help

You can access the hosted PeopleSoft Online Help on the Oracle Help Center. The hosted PeopleSoft
Online Help is updated on a regular schedule, ensuring that you have access to the most current
documentation. This reduces the need to view separate documentation posts for application maintenance
on My Oracle Support. The hosted PeopleSoft Online Help is available in English only.

To configure the context-sensitive help for your PeopleSoft applications to use the Oracle Help Center,
see Configuring Context-Sensitive Help Using the Hosted Online Help Website.

Locally Installed Help

If you’re setting up an on-premise PeopleSoft environment, and your organization has firewall restrictions
that prevent you from using the hosted PeopleSoft Online Help, you can install the online help locally.
See Configuring Context-Sensitive Help Using a Locally Installed Online Help Website.

Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files

You can access downloadable PDF versions of the help content in the traditional PeopleBook format on
the Oracle Help Center. The content in the PeopleBook PDFs is the same as the content in the PeopleSoft
Online Help, but it has a different structure and it does not include the interactive navigation features that
are available in the online help.

Common Help Documentation

Common help documentation contains information that applies to multiple applications. The two main
types of common help are:

• Application Fundamentals

• Using PeopleSoft Applications

Most product families provide a set of application fundamentals help topics that discuss essential
information about the setup and design of your system. This information applies to many or all
applications in the PeopleSoft product family. Whether you are implementing a single application, some
combination of applications within the product family, or the entire product family, you should be familiar
with the contents of the appropriate application fundamentals help. They provide the starting points for
fundamental implementation tasks.

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In addition, the PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide introduces you to the various elements of the
PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. It also explains how to use the navigational hierarchy, components,
and pages to perform basic functions as you navigate through the system. While your application or
implementation may differ, the topics in this user’s guide provide general information about using
PeopleSoft applications.

Field and Control Definitions

PeopleSoft documentation includes definitions for most fields and controls that appear on application
pages. These definitions describe how to use a field or control, where populated values come from, the
effects of selecting certain values, and so on. If a field or control is not defined, then it either requires
no additional explanation or is documented in a common elements section earlier in the documentation.
For example, the Date field rarely requires additional explanation and may not be defined in the
documentation for some pages.

Typographical Conventions
The following table describes the typographical conventions that are used in the online help.

Typographical Convention Description

Key+Key Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign

(+) between keys means that you must hold down the first key
while you press the second key. For Alt+W, hold down the Alt
key while you press the W key.

. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.

{ } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.

Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).

[ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax,

an ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already
instantiated object.

Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

⇒ This continuation character has been inserted at the end of a

line of code that has been wrapped at the page margin. The
code should be viewed or entered as a single, continuous line
of code without the continuation character.

ISO Country and Currency Codes

PeopleSoft Online Help topics use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country and
currency codes to identify country-specific information and monetary amounts.

vi Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


ISO country codes may appear as country identifiers, and ISO currency codes may appear as currency
identifiers in your PeopleSoft documentation. Reference to an ISO country code in your documentation
does not imply that your application includes every ISO country code. The following example is a
country-specific heading: "(FRA) Hiring an Employee."

The PeopleSoft Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL) contains sample currency code data. The
Currency Code table is based on ISO Standard 4217, "Codes for the representation of currencies," and
also relies on ISO country codes in the Country table (COUNTRY_TBL). The navigation to the pages
where you maintain currency code and country information depends on which PeopleSoft applications
you are using. To access the pages for maintaining the Currency Code and Country tables, consult the
online help for your applications for more information.

Region and Industry Identifiers

Information that applies only to a specific region or industry is preceded by a standard identifier in
parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a section heading, but it may also appear
at the beginning of a note or other text.

Example of a region-specific heading: "(Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation"

Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The following region identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft
Online Help:

• Asia Pacific

• Europe

• Latin America

• North America

Industry Identifiers
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The following
industry identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft Online Help:

• USF (U.S. Federal)

• E&G (Education and Government)

Translations and Embedded Help

PeopleSoft 9.2 software applications include translated embedded help. With the 9.2 release, PeopleSoft
aligns with the other Oracle applications by focusing our translation efforts on embedded help. We
are not planning to translate our traditional online help and PeopleBooks documentation. Instead we
offer very direct translated help at crucial spots within our application through our embedded help
widgets. Additionally, we have a one-to-one mapping of application and help translations, meaning that
the software and embedded help translation footprint is identical—something we were never able to
accomplish in the past.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. vii


Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help

Select About This Help in the left navigation panel on any page in the PeopleSoft Online Help to see
information on the following topics:

• Using the PeopleSoft Online Help

• Managing Hosted online help

• Managing locally installed PeopleSoft Online Help

PeopleSoft CS Related Links

Hosted Online Help Home

PeopleSoft Information Portal

My Oracle Support

Contact Us
Send your suggestions to [email protected].

Please include the applications update image or PeopleTools release that you’re using.

Follow Us

Field or Control Description



PeopleSoft Blogs


viii Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1

Getting Started with Gradebook

Gradebook Overview
Gradebook helps you monitor class assignments and grades as well as facilitate communication between
instructors and students.

With this application, you can:

• Set up and check class assignments and due dates.

• Enter and view grades.

• Enter and view instructor comments.

Gradebook Business Processes

The following list outlines the Gradebook business processes:

• Class Assignments Entry

• Grade Entry

• Grade Export

• Assignment Review

• Grade Review

Gradebook Integrations
The Gradebook integrates with the PeopleSoft Student Records application.

Gradebook Integration

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 9

Getting Started with Gradebook Chapter 1

Gradebook Implementation
PeopleSoft Setup Manager enables you to generate a list of setup tasks for your organization based on
the features that you are implementing. The setup tasks include the components that you must set up,
listed in the order in which you must enter data into the component tables, and links to the corresponding
PeopleSoft documentation.

Other Sources of Information

In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information,
including the installation guides, data models, business process maps, and troubleshooting guidelines.


• PeopleTools: Component Interfaces

• PeopleTools: Setup Manager

Additional Information for Getting Started with Gradebook

Additional, essential information describing the setup and design of your system appears in two
companion volumes of documentation: Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals documentation and
Campus Community Fundamentals documentation.

See Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals

See Campus Community Fundamentals

For information about deferred processing, see "Additional Information for Getting Started with Campus
Solutions" (Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals)

10 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2

Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Understanding Gradebook
This section discusses:

• Prerequisites.

• Common elements.

• Gradebook functions and users.

Before instructors and students can use the self-service Gradebook, a power user must:

• Understand the way that the system calculates grades in the Gradebook.

• Create assignment categories on the Gradebook Category page.

Assignment categories are high-level groups of assignments that an instructor might track (for
example, homework, extra credit, quizzes, tests, midterms, finals, and so on). Instructors cannot set up
assignment categories through the self-service application, although they can access the page through
PeopleSoft Campus Portal or through regular database access if you grant them security. Traditionally,
administrators, not instructors, set up assignment categories.

• Ensure that each instructor has appropriate grade roster access for the Gradebook classes.

This table explains the three levels of access:

Grade Roster Add and Modify Class Enter Update Grades Set Grade
Access Delete Class Assignments to Grade Roster Roster To
Assignments Grades

Grade No Yes Yes Yes Ready for Review

Approve Yes Yes Yes Yes Approved

Post Yes Yes Yes Yes Approved

See "Defining Class Meeting Patterns" (Student Records).

• Ensure that each instructor and student who needs to use Gradebook has the appropriate security

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 11

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

See "Defining Session Time Periods" (Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals).

• Ensure that the instructors have activated the Gradebook information for their classes (by accessing
the Class Assignments component and saving it) so that students who are enrolled in a class can
access the Gradebook data.

• (Optional) Define your institution's Gradebook File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server and URL address
so that if an instructor wants to export grades to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, the system has a
temporary place for the file.

• (Optional) Set up class assignment defaults at the course catalog level on the Course Assignments -
Assignments page, the Course Assignments - Category Weight page, and the Course Assignments -
Grading Scale page.

Course assignment defaults are especially advantageous for classes that are always taught with the
same curriculum because you set up the assignments once at the catalog level, and the system supplies
the values to the class level when an instructor first accesses the Gradebook for his or her class. You
can also use this component to specify assignments, such as a final examination, that are required by
the institution.

Common Elements Used for Gradebook

Field or Control Description

Assessed Select to specify that the assignment can be graded. Any

assignment can be assessed, whether or not it is set to
Required. If you clear this check box, no grade input field
appears on the Class Gradebook page or the Grade by
Assignment page.

Description Enter the description for the assignment, assignment category,

or location.

Grade Select a grade for each mark. Grade values are entered in your
system as translate values and assigned to grade bases on the
Grading Scheme Table page.

Mark Select the minimum percentage for the grade that is earned.
The system uses this value to calculate the final grade (which
the instructor can override). Students must have a percentage
that is equal to or greater than a specific mark to receive the
corresponding grade. One grade value should have a blank
mark value (such as a Fail grade). No duplicate marks are

Maximum Points Enter the maximum points for the assignment. This value is
used in all weighted average calculations. The student's grade
for an assignment is Grade/Maximum Points.

12 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Field or Control Description

Required Select to specify that this assignment is not optional but is

required of all students unless it is overridden on a student-
by-student basis. If you clear this check box, students are
not penalized if they do not have a grade for this assignment.
Instructors can use this check box to differentiate between
required and optional, extra-credit assignments.

Note: If a category has no required assignment, the category,

including extra-credit assignments, is not calculated in the

Required by Institution Select to specify that this assignment is an institutional

requirement for the course. Assignments that have this check
box selected appear by default on the class Assignments page
and cannot be deleted by the instructor. The system limits
instructor changes.

Short Description Enter a short description of the assignment or assignment


Weight% (weight percentage) Enter a weight percentage value for each assignment category.
The total of all weight percentage values for a component
must equal 100. This value determines how each assignment
category contributes to the midterm and final (current) grades.
If the total percentage is not 100, an error message appears.

Weight in Points Enter the weight in points for the assignment. For example,
if a quiz contributes its full points (on a one-to-one basis)
toward the cumulative grade, enter the same value as the
maximum points value. If the quiz counts double, double the
maximum points value and enter the result as the weight in
points value. The system populates this field with the value
from the Maximum Points field.

Gradebook Functions and Users

Gradebook is a collaborative, self-service application for instructors and students.

Instructors can use this application to set up class assignments and due dates, enter grades for individual
assignments, submit midterm grades for deficiency reporting, communicate with students, and submit
final grades.

Students can use this application to check their current assignments, view their grades, review personal
comments from their instructor, and view their midterm and final grades.

Users can take advantage of Gradebook in these ways:

• Staff members can create assignment categories.

• Staff members can define Gradebook URLs.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 13

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

• (Optional) Staff members can create course catalog assignment default values.

• Instructors can create class assignments.

• Instructors can enter, import, and update grades.

• Instructors can export grades to a local drive.

• Students can review class assignments and grades.

Reviewing Dates and Grade Calculations in GradeBook

Gradebook allows for complicated grade calculations, but it also accommodates simple, straightforward
averages. The simplest way to calculate grades is to have only one category and have the maximum points
for each assignment equal the assignment weight. The result is a simple average.

Alternatively, you can define multiple assignments that are organized in different assignment categories
(for example, homework assignments in the Homework category, quizzes in the Quiz category, and
so on). That way each assignment can have its own maximum points and weight (in points), and
the assignment category itself can have a specific percentage of the overall grade. For example, the
assignments that make up the homework category overall can make up 25 percent of the final grade, and
the Quiz category overall can make up 50 percent of the overall grade.

This section discusses how the system calculates grades.

How the System Calculates Grades

The system calculates weighted grades for individual assignments like this:

(student's grade in points × assignment weight) ÷ maximum grade in points for the assignment

The system calculates cumulative assignment category grades like this:

total of assignment weighted grades / total weight of assignments that count for the category (not
including extra credit)

The system excludes ungraded assignments from the calculation until the due date. The system also
excludes an assignment from the calculation if either of the following is true:

• The assignment is designated as optional, and the assignment has not been graded.

• The assignment, graded or ungraded, is excluded for specific students on the Class Gradebook page.

Calculation Examples
A class grade is based on 30 percent homework, 30 percent tests, 30 percent class presentations, and 10
percent final examination.

Five homework assignments were given, each worth 10 points, and the weight of each is 10 points.

Three tests were given, each with a maximum of 100 points: The second test is weighted at 200 points,
and the other two are weighted at 100 points.

14 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

One presentation was required: The maximum grade is 20 points, and the weight is the same. The final
examination is one test, for 200 points and weighted at 200 points.

David's grades are:

• Homework: 8, 7, 9, 9, 8.

• Tests: 85, 93, 90.

• Presentation: 19.

• Final examination: 167.

• His homework grade is calculated as:

[(8 * 10 / 10) + (7 * 10 / 10) + (9 * 10 / 10) + (9 * 10 / 10) + (8 * 10 / 10)] / (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10)

= 41 / 50 = 82%.

• His test grade is calculated as:

[(85 * 100 / 100) + (93 * 200 / 100) + (90 * 100 / 100)] / (100 + 200 + 100) = 361 / 400 = 90.25%.

• His presentation grade is calculated as:

(19 * 20 / 20) / 20 = 95%.

• His final examination grade is calculated as:

(167 * 200 / 200) / 200 = 83.5%.

• His total grade is calculated as:

[(82 * 30 / 100) + (90.25 * 30 /100) + (95 * 30 / 100) + (83.5 * 10 / 100)] / 100 = (24.6 + 27.075 +
28.5 + 8.35) / 100 = 88.53%.

• If the system calculates the grade before the final is due, the final category is ignored:

[(82 * 30 / 100) + (90.25 * 30 / 100) + (95 * 30 / 100)] / 90 =(24.6 + 27.075 + 28.5) / 90 = 89.08%.

Grades Over Time

The previously mentioned grades reflect the grade at or toward the end of the class. Consider Lisa's
grades for another class, on different dates:

Maximum grades are:

• Homework assignment: 10 points.

• Quiz: 100 points.

• Class presentation: 20 points.

• Final grade: 100 points.

For this example, the assignment weights equal the maximum points.

This class grade is also based on 30 percent homework, 30 percent tests, 30 percent class presentations,
and 10 percent final examination.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 15

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Assignment Due Date Grade

Homework 1 February 11, 2001 10

Quiz 1 February 15, 2001 80

Homework 2 March 1, 2001 8

Class Presentation 1 March 5, 2001 20

Quiz 2 March 30, 2001 90

Class Presentation 2 April 10, 2001 0 (never submitted)

Quiz 3 April 15, 2001 85

Homework 3 April 30, 2001 7

Homework 4 May 1, 2001 9

Final May 15, 2001 96

Assuming that all the assignments were graded on the due date:

On March 1, 2001, the assignments due include homework 1, homework 2, and quiz 1. The categories of
class presentations and final do not count because no assignments for these categories are due:

• Homework grade: (10 /10 / 10 + 8 /10 / 10) / 20 = 90%.

• Quiz grade: (80 / 100 / 100) / 100 = 80%.

• Final grade: [90 / 30 / 100 + 80 / 30 / 100] / 60 = 85%.

On April 30, 2001, the assignments due include homework 1, 2, and 3; quizzes 1 and 2; and class
presentations 1 and 2. Class presentation 2 was never submitted, so after the due date, the grade is 0. The
final grade for this date includes homework, quizzes, and class presentations:

• Homework: (10 * 10 / 10 + 8 * 10 / 10 + 7 * 10 / 10) / 30 = 83.33%.

• Quizzes: (80 * 100 / 100 + 90 * 100 / 100 + 85 * 100 / 100) / 300 = 85%.

• Class presentations: (20 * 20 / 20 + 0 * 20 / 20) / 40 = 50%.

• Final: [83.33 * 30 / 100 + 85 * 30 / 100 + 50 * 30 / 100] / 90 = 72.78%.

The final grade on May 15, 2001 includes homework 4 and the final grade:

• Homework: (10 * 10 / 10 + 8 * 10 / 10 + 7 * 10 / 10 + 9 * 10 / 10) / 40 = 85%.

16 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

• Quizzes: (80 * 100 / 100 + 90 * 100 / 100 + 85 * 100 / 100) / 300 = 85%.

• Class presentations: (20 * 20 / 20 + 0 * 20 / 20) / 40 = 50%.

• Final: (96 * 100 / 100) / 100 = 96%.

On May 15, 2001, the final grade will be:

[85 * 30/100 + 85 * 30/100 + 50 * 30/100 + 96 *10/100] / 100 = 75.6%.

An instructor can change an assignment due date for a specific student. The date that the system uses in
the calculations is the student's assignment due date.

Note: When an instructor changes a due date for an assignment to a later date or adds an extended due
date, the system assigns the later due date to the student record the next time the instructor accesses

The dates and grading for open entry and open exit classes work the same way, taking into account the
student's own due dates.

Accessing Gradebook
This section provides an overview of how Gradebook users access the system.

Understanding How Gradebook Users Access the System

Gradebook has three primary users. This table lists these users and their possible modes of access:

User Component Direct Menu Navigation Gradebook Homepage

Administrator Gradebook Category Yes No

Administrator URL Maintenance Yes No

Administrator Course Assignments Yes No

Instructor Access Gradebook Yes Yes

Instructor Class Assignments Yes Yes

Student View My Assignments Yes Yes

Administrators access the Gradebook Category page directly through the system's menu navigation
to create high-level assignment categories that instructors can use to cluster their assignments (for
example, homework, quizzes, tests, participation, and so on). This is setup data that you must create
before instructors can use Gradebook.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 17

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

The Gradebook Category page is not designed for self-service. In addition, administrators can, as an
option, access the Course Assignments - Assignments page, the Course Assignments - Category Weight
page, and the Course Assignments - Grading Scale page to set up course assignments at the catalog level.
The system populates these pages to the class level by default. Finally, an administrator must define an
FTP server and URL address if you want to enable instructors to export grades to a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet on their local drives.

Instructors access Gradebook to create assignments and enter grades. They can do this through:

• Faculty Center navigation.

• Gradebook menu navigation.

Students access Gradebook to review their assignments, due dates, and current grades. They can do this

• Using Student Center navigation (Gradebook icon).

• Navigating to Self Service > Enrollment > View My Assignments.

Note: PeopleSoft Campus Solutions offers self-service applications that are licensed separately.
If you have licensed the Gradebook application, you can use the self-service pages that are discussed

Defining Assignment Categories

Before instructors can set up their Gradebook data, a power user must define assignment categories.
Assignment categories are high-level groupings of assignments that an instructor might track (for
example, homework, extra credit, quizzes, tests, midterm, final, and so on). Traditionally, administrators,
not instructors, set up assignment categories.

This section discusses how to define assignment categories.

Page Used to Define Assignment Categories

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Gradebook Category LAM_TYPE Curriculum Management > Define assignment categories.

Gradebook > Gradebook

Defining Assignment Categories

Access the Gradebook Category page (Curriculum Management > Gradebook > Gradebook

When you access the page, enter an alphanumeric assignment category (1 to 10 characters in length).
Instructors cannot set up assignment categories through the self-service application, although they can

18 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

access the page through PeopleSoft Campus Portal or through regular database access if you grant them

Field or Control Description

Effective Date Enter an effective date for the assignment category. The
assignment category must be active as of the course and class
component effective date to which the assignment is attached.

Status Select a status for the assignment category. Values are:

Active: Select when adding a new assignment category.

Inactive: Select only if your institution no longer uses

the assignment category. In particular, do not inactivate
assignment category values that are assigned to ungraded class
components. Doing so orphans Gradebook data.

Defining Gradebook URLs

Instructors can export Gradebook data to their local drive. Gradebook provides an export utility. To use it,
you must first define an FTP server and URL address for the extract file.

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to define an FTP server and URL address.

Related Links
Exporting Grades

Set up the FTP server and confirm its full FTP address.

Page Used to Define Gradebook URLs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

URL Maintenance URL_TABLE PeopleTools > Utilities > Define an FTP server and
Administration > URLS > URL address.
URL Maintenance

Defining an FTP Server and URL Address

Access the URL Maintenance page (PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > URLS > URL

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 19

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

URL Identifier (uniform resource locator identifier) Define this value in Add mode. Enter GRADEBOOK in
uppercase letters, American English, for all versions.

URL (uniform resource locator) Enter the FTP location that your institution uses to store
temporary file attachments. When the instructor clicks the
Export button on the Class Gradebook page, the system
exports the class grades to the server in csv format and
prompts the instructor to save the file to his or her local
directory (where the file can be launched in Microsoft Excel).

Comments Make notations and comments; these do not appear elsewhere.

See PeopleTools: System and Server Administration

Defining Course Assignment Defaults

Use the Course Assignments component to set up course assignments at the catalog level that the system
populates to the class level. The values appear as defaults in the Class Assignments component (where
the instructor can edit them) when the instructor first accesses the Gradebook component for his or her
classes. You can use this component to specify course assignments that are required by the institution.

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to:

• Define default assignments for each course.

• Define default weight values for each class assignment category.

• Define default marks and grades for course grading schemes.

Create assignment categories on the Gradebook Category page.

Pages Used to Define Course Assignment Defaults

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Course Assignments - LAM_CRSE_COMP Curriculum Management > Define assignments that the
Assignments Gradebook > Define Course system populates the Class
Assignments > Assignments Assignments page with.

Course Assignments - LAM_CRSE_TYPE_PER Curriculum Management > Define default weight

Category Weight Gradebook > Define Course percentage values for each
Assignments > Category class assignment category in a
Weight component.

20 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Course Assignments - LAM_CRSE_COMP_SCL Curriculum Management > Define default marks and
Grading Scale Gradebook > Define Course grades for course grading
Assignments > Grading schemes.

Defining Default Assignments

Access the Course Assignments - Assignments page (Curriculum Management > Gradebook >
Define Course Assignments > Assignments).

Field or Control Description

Effective Date Enter an effective date for the course component default data.
This date determines when the status that you select is valid.

Status Select a status for the course component default data. Select
Active when adding a new course assignment. Select Inactive
only if your institution no longer wants the system to supply
this data by default.

Course Component Select the course component for this assignment.

Assignment Category Select an assignment category for your first default course
assignment. For example, select an assignment category of
HW if you are going to create a homework assignment.

Include for Mid Term Grade Select if you want the assignment to count toward the
cumulative midterm grade.

Import Grades Select to define this assignment as an import target. If

instructors select this check box, they can import grades from
another class component into this assignment (almost as a
placeholder). For example, because only one component can
be graded, you can import the final grade from the ungraded
laboratory component gradebook into an assignment for the
graded lecture component. Oracle recommends that you assign
the target assignment to its own assignment category. Also,
when you select the Import Grades check box, the system
populates the Maximum Points and Weight in Points fields
with 100 and makes the Weight in Points field unavailable for

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 21

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Number Days after Class Begins Enter the number of days after the student begins the class
during which he or she must start the assignment. For regular
classes, the system uses this value to calculate the assignment
start date, adding the number of days to the class start date. For
open entry and open exit classes, the system uses this value to
calculate the assignment begin date for each student based on
the student's start date. This value is visible (as a start date) to
students for non-open entry and non-open exit classes through
an Assignment link in the student gradebook.

Duration Enter the number of days (including the begin date) that the
student has to complete the assignment. For regular classes,
the system uses this value in conjunction with the class begin
date. For open entry/open exit classes, the system uses this
value in conjunction with the student's start date to generate a
due date. The due date is calculated as assignment start date,
plus duration. For open entry/open exit classes, this date is
based on the student's individually calculated start date. This
value is visible (as an end date) to students for non-open entry/
non-open exit classes through the Assignment link in the
student gradebook.

Estimated Grading Duration Enter the estimated grading duration to let students know
when they can expect to see their grades for the assignment.
The system uses this value in conjunction with the assignment
start date to determine the date on which the student can
expect to see his or her grade. This value is visible to students
through the Assignment link in the student gradebook.

Notes Enter any notes that the instructor might want to communicate
to students about this assignment.

Defining Default Weight Values

Access the Course Assignments - Category Weight page (Curriculum Management > Gradebook >
Define Course Assignments > Category Weight).

Field or Control Description

Assignment Category Enter an assignment category that corresponds to each

assignment category that you enter on the Assignments
page. If the instructor attempts to save the page in which an
assignment exists, but the corresponding assignment category
does not appear on this page, a warning message appears.

Defining Default Marks and Grades for Course Grading Schemes

Access the Course Assignments - Grading Scale page (Curriculum Management > Gradebook >
Define Course Assignments > Grading Scale).

22 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

You must enter data only for the graded component.

Field or Control Description

Course Component Select the course component that you want the system to
use as the default for the grading scale and grading basis

Grading Scheme Select the grading scheme that you want the system to use
as the default for this component. You can create as many
rows as you need to cover all grading scheme values for all

Grading Basis Select the grading basis that you want the system to use as the
default for this component and grading scheme. You can create
as many rows as you need to cover all grading basis values for
all components.

Creating Class Assignment Data

Instructors use the Class Assignment component to create, view, or edit their class assignments.
They can create each assignment, including its assignment category, maximum points, and due date.
Instructors can even define an extended due date for an assignment or specify whether a student sees the
assignment grade when accessing the student's view of Gradebook. When accessing the Class Assignment
component, the system prompts instructors with choices that help them identify the class that they want to

To define class assignments:

1. Search and identify the class for which you want to create assignments.

2. Describe the class assignments and define the class assignments on the Assignments page.

3. Create weight values for each category on the Category Weight page.

4. Create grading scales for the class on the Grading Scale page.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

• Create, define and cluster assignments by category.

• Set weight values.

• Define marks and grades for grading schemes.

Verify that the following prerequisites are met before you create class assignment data:

• To define class assignments, instructors must have grade roster access of Approve or Post for the

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 23

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Note: Instructors with Grade access can only enter grades and modify existing assignments.

• To select a class within a term, first create assignment categories on the Gradebook Category page.

• To set weight values, first define assignment categories.

• To define marks and grades for class grading schemes, first define grading schemes and grading

Pages Used to Create Class Assignment Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Class Assignments LAM_CLASS_ACTIVITY • Self Service > Faculty Create, define, and cluster
Center > Assignments assignments by category.

• Self Service > Faculty

Center > My Schedule

Click the icon next to a

class on the My Schedule

Category Weight LAM_CLASS_TYPE_PER Click the Category Weight Set weight values for each
link on the Class Assignments class assignment category.

Grading Scale LAM_CLASS_GRD_SCL Click the Grading Scale link Define marks and grades for
on the Class Assignments each class's grading schemes.

Creating, Defining, and Clustering Assignments by Category

Access the Class Assignments page (click the Go to Class Assignments icon on the Gradebook - Select a
Class page).

24 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assignments page (1 of 2). You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assignments page (2 of 2). You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: You cannot delete an assignment that is required by the institution or that has been graded.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 25

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Copy Assignments Click to copy the assignments from another class to the current
class. You can copy assignments only from other classes
that are taught by the instructor of the current class. The
copied assignments add to, rather than replace, any existing
assignments on the current class.

Assignment Category Select an assignment category for the class assignment. For
example, select the user-defined assignment category HW
(homework) to create a homework assignment.

Include for Mid Term Grade Select if you want the assignment to count toward the midterm
grade, for midterm deficiency reporting purposes.

Import Class Component Grades Select to define this assignment as an import target. If
instructors select this option, they can import grades from
another class component into this assignment (almost as a
placeholder). For example, because only one component can
be graded, you can import the final grade from the ungraded
laboratory component gradebook into an assignment for the
graded lecture component. Oracle recommends that you assign
the target assignment to its own assignment category. Also,
when you select the Import Grades check box, the system
populates the Maximum Points and Weight in Points fields
with 100 and makes the Weight in Points field unavailable for

Allow Students to View Grades Select if you want the system to display the student's grade
for this assignment through the student gradebook view.
Instructors may want to leave this check box cleared until
they have entered grades for all students in a class. That way
one student does not see an assignment grade before another
student sees it.

Note: If the instructor enters a grade, the system calculates it

into the category average, midterm, or final grade, regardless
of whether this check box is selected. If you do not select
this check box, students see a course grade that is calculated
differently than the grade that the instructor sees. The student's
class grade does not include this hidden assignment, whereas
the instructor's view includes all grades.

Begin Date For non-open entry/non-open exit classes, enter the date
that the assignment begins (such as when a thesis paper is
assigned) or the date of the assignment (such as the date of
an exam). This date is visible to students through the student

26 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Field or Control Description

Due Date For non-open entry/non-open exit classes, enter the date
when the assignment is due. This date is visible to students
through the student gradebook. Grades are calculated into
the cumulative grade as soon as they are entered. Ungraded
assignments do not affect the cumulative grade until the
system date is equal to or greater than the due date.

This field is neither required nor available for entry for open
entry/open exit classes.

Extended Due Date For non-open entry/non-open exit classes, enter the extended
due date for this assignment if and when the instructor decides
to extend the due date for the class. This value is also visible to
students through the student gradebook.

Estimated Grading Date For non-open entry/non-open exit classes, enter the estimated
grading date to let students know when they can expect to
see their grades for the assignment. This value is visible to
students through the student gradebook.

Number Days after Class Begins For open entry/open exit classes, enter the number of days
after the student begins the class during which they must start
the assignment. The system uses this value in conjunction with
the student's start date.

Duration For open entry/open exit classes, enter the number of days
(including the begin date) that the student has to complete the
assignment. The system uses this value (in conjunction with
the student's begin date) to dynamically generate a due date.

Notes Enter any notes that the instructor might want to communicate
to students about this assignment.

Setting Weight Values

Access the Category Weight page (click the Go to Class Assignments icon on the Gradebook - Select a
Class page).

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 27

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Category Weight page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Copy Category Weight Click to copy the assignment categories and weight percentage
values from another class that you are assigned to as an
instructor. After you copy the category data, you can modify
it. The system overwrites any existing category weight values
with the copied category weight values.

Assignment Category Enter an assignment category that corresponds to each of the

assignment categories that you entered on the Assignments
page. If the instructor attempts to save the page on which an
assignment exists, but the corresponding assignment category
does not appear on this page, a warning appears.

Defining Marks and Grades for Grading Schemes

Access the Grading Scale page (click the Go to Class Assignments icon on the Gradebook - Select a
Class page).

28 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Grading Scale page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Note: If no assignments, category weights, or grading scales exist, the system populates the fields for
those items with the values on the Course Assignments - Grading Scale page. Also, the system creates
grading scheme and grading scale records to match the grading scheme and grading scale on the Class
Association page, in conjunction with any values at the course level. If the grading basis is optional, the
system creates grading basis records to match the linked grading bases.

Field or Control Description

Copy Grade Scale Click to copy the grade scale information from another class
to which the instructor is assigned. The system overwrites
existing grade scale values with the copied grade scale values.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 29

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Grading Scheme The system populates this field with the course's grading
scheme (as assigned on the Course Assignments - Grading
Scale page). If no values are on the Grading Scale page, the
system populates this field with the default grading scheme
for the career of the course. You can modify or add values. Do
not delete the grading scheme values that are associated with
students in your class, because this prevents the percentage
grades from mapping to corresponding letter (or pass/no pass)
grades. In cases in which your institution uses the grading
basis remapping feature, you might need to enter grade scales
that are linked to grading schemes that are not normally
associated with this class.

Grading Basis The system populates this field with the course's grading
basis (as defined on the Course Assignments - Grading Scale
page). You can modify or add values. If no values are on the
Grading Scale page, the system populates this field with the
grading basis on the Class Associations page. Do not delete
the grading basis values that are associated with students in
your class, because this would prevent the percentage grades
from mapping to corresponding letter or pass/no pass grades.
In cases in which your institution uses the grading basis
remapping feature, you might need to enter grading bases that
are not normally associated with this class.

Entering Grades
This section provides an overview of the grade entering process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

• Enter points for assignments.

• Enter grades by assignment.

• Review cumulative grades and post grades.

• Enter Gradebook notes for students.

• Enter requirement designation grades.

• Import component grades.

• Select the class from which to import grades.

• View the results of the class search.

• View further details about a class search.

Understanding the Grade Entering Process

After an instructor creates assignments and reviews the student assignments, the instructor can enter
grades for the student assignments. The instructor can exclude specific student assignments from

30 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

calculation if he or she chooses. The instructor can also enter notes or comments about each student,
override midterm and final grades, update the midterm grades to the roster for deficiency analysis and
reporting, or send final grades to the grade roster for official posting.

To enter, import, and update grades:

1. Search and identify the class for which you want to enter grades.

2. Enter individual assignment grades (in numeric format) on the Class Gradebook page or the Grade by
Assignment page.

3. Override midterm or final grades on the Cumulative Grades page (leave blank to use the system-
generated values).

4. (Optional) Click the Notes link on the Cumulative Grades page to write private instructor comments
for each student.

5. Enter requirement designation grades, if applicable, on the Requirement Designation page.

6. Import grades from other component assignments on the Import Component Grades page.

7. Click the Update button on the Cumulative Grades page to update midterm or final grades to the
official grade roster.

Note: Grades are calculated into the cumulative grade as soon as they are entered. Ungraded assignments
do not affect the cumulative grade until the system date is equal to or greater than the due date.

Before the instructor can enter, import, update, or export grades:

• The instructor must be assigned to teach a class for the term, and he or she must have a grade roster
access of Grade, Approve, or Post.

• Instructors must define class assignments.

• A system administrator must define the GRADEBOOK URL for your FTP server.

Pages Used to Enter, Import, Update, and View Grades

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Class Gradebook LAM_CLASS_GRADES • Self Service > Faculty Enter assignment points and
Center > Gradebook exclude assignments from
cumulative grades.
• Self Service > Faculty
Center > My Schedule

Click the icon next to a

class on the My Schedule

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 31

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Assignment Note SSR_ASSIGN_NOTE Click the Note link on the Enter comments about an
Class Gradebook page. assignment.

Students can view the

comments by clicking the
Assignment Note link on
the View Assignments and
Grades page.

Grade by Assignment LAM_CLASS_GRD_DATE Click the Grade by Enter grades for each student
Assignment link on the by assignment. Exclude
Gradebook page. grades from calculation.
Edit the due date and date
submitted values on a student-
by-student basis.

Cumulative Grades LAM_CLAS_GRADE_TOT Click the Cumulative Grades View the cumulative grades
link on the Gradebook page. for each assignment category.
View or edit the generated
midterm and current grades.
Update midterm and final
grades. Send grades to the
roster for posting.

Gradebook Notes LAM_GRADE_NOTE Click the Note link on the Enter notes about the student
Cumulative Grades page. and communicate information
that the student can view on
the Instructor Comments

Requirement Designation LAM_CLAS_GRD_REQ_D Click the Requirement Enter requirement designation

Designation link on the grades.
Gradebook page.

Import Component Grades LAM_CLASS_COPY_GRD Click the Import Component Import grades from an
Grades link on the ungraded component into
Gradebook page. an assignment in the graded
component. The Import
Grades feature is particularly
useful for multiple component
classes that have only one
graded component, but the
instructor wants grades from
all components to contribute
to gradebook calculations for
the final class grades.

Import Component Grades - SSR_CLSRCH_ENTRY Click the Import Grades Select the class from which
class search button on the Import you want to import grades.
Component Grades page.

32 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Import Component Grades - SSR_CLSRCH_RSLT Click the Search button on View the results of your class
class search results the Import Component Grades search.
- class search page.

Import Component Grades - SSR_CLSRCH_DTL Click the Section link on the View further details about a
Class Details Import Component Grades - class.
class search results page.

Entering Points for Assignments

Access the Class Gradebook page (click the Class Gradebook link on the Gradebook page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Class Gradebook page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: This page uses deferred processing. Click the Refresh button or the Save button to update
assignment average values.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 33

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Show Active Students Only Select to have the system exclude students who have
withdrawn from the class.

(Grade) A column of fields appears for each assignment that has the
Assessed check box selected on the Assignments page. This
is a grade field. Enter the points that each student earns for the

(Exclude Grade) A column of check boxes appears for each assignment that has
the Assessed check box selected on the Assignments page.
Select this check box to exclude a particular assignment grade
from all cumulative grades (including assignment averages)
for a specific student. The grade field becomes unavailable for

Note Click this link to enter a note for a student for the
corresponding assignment. Students can view assignment
notes by clicking the Assignment Note link on the View
Assignments and Grades page.

Assignment Average The system calculates and displays a class assignment average
for all graded assignments.

Export Click to export your class grades to a temporary location, such

as your C drive. You can export grades as many times as you

Next> and <Previous Click to view the next or previous additional assignments. This
button acts as a horizontal scroll bar.

Related Links
Exporting Grades

Entering Grades by Assignment

Access the Grade by Assignment page (click the Grade by Assignment link on the Gradebook page).

34 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Grade by Assignment page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Select Assignment Enter the assignment for which you want to record the
assignment submission date or grade. This refreshes the page.

Submitted Dt (submitted date) Enter the date on which the student submitted the assignment.
The system populates this field with the date on which you
enter a grade. You can change this value. The submitted date
appears in the Date Rec'd (date received) field on the Student
Assignment Dates page.

Due Date Enter the due date of the assignment. The system populates
this field with the due date that the instructor sets up on the
Assignments page. If the instructor defines an extended due
date on the Assignments page, the system displays that value.
If the due date or extended due date is greater than the student
due date, the system displays the latest of the three dates.

Grade Enter the points that the student earns for the assignment.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 35

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

(Exclude Grade) A column of check boxes appears for each assignment that has
the Assessed check box selected on the Assignments page.
Select this check box to exclude a particular assignment grade
from all cumulative grades (including assignment averages).

Last Updated Displays the date and time when a user last modified any of
the following fields copied from another assignment through
an import: Submit Date, Grade, Exclude Grade, Grade(s).

Class Assignments Click this link to access the Class Assignments - Assignments
page, where you can view or edit the class assignment. This
is helpful if you forget the point range or some other piece
of information about an assignment. If you make changes on
the Assignments page through this link, the system does not
display them on the gradebook unless you leave and reenter
the component.

Reviewing Cumulative Grades and Posting Grades

Access the Cumulative Grades page (click the Cumulative Grades link on the Gradebook page).

36 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cumulative Grades page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Select Grade Roster If you are preparing to update midterm or current (final)
grades, select the target grade roster.

Grading Status After you select the grade roster, the grading status of the
roster appears.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 37

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Update Click to send the midterm or current (final) grades to the grade
roster. When you click this button, it does not post student
grades for the course.

Note: If you click the Update button and a Current Grade

value is missing for a student, the system presents you with a
warning that grades have not been assigned for all students.
You can cancel to go back and enter any missing grades, or
you can proceed with the update. The update sets the grade
roster to a status of Partial Post.
Conversely, if you click the Update button and all current
grades are complete, the system sets the grade roster approval
status value according to the instructor's access (as defined
on the Meetings page). If the instructor's access is Graded,
the system sets the approval status to Ready to Review. If
the instructor's access is Approve or Post, the system sets the
approval status to Approved.

Next> and <Previous Click to view the next or previous cumulative category grades.
This button acts as a horizontal scroll bar.

Mid Term/Override Enter a value in this field if you want to override the midterm
grade that the system calculates. If you leave this field blank,
the system-generated grade is sent to the grade roster when
you click the Update button (with a target roster of Mid

Current Grade/Override Enter a value if you want to override the current grade that the
system calculates. If you leave this field blank, the system-
generated current grade is sent to the grade roster as the final
grade when you click the Update button (with target roster of

Note Click to access the Gradebook Notes page, where you can
enter notes for each student. Optionally, the student can be
permitted to view notes through the student gradebook. Only
the specific student for whom the note is written can see the

Entering Gradebook Notes for Students

Access the Gradebook Notes page (click the Note link on the Cumulative Grades page).

Field or Control Description

Display Note to Student Select for the student to view the note through the student
gradebook. The system selects this check box by default. Clear
this check box to hide the note from the student's view. For
example, you might want to enter notes to yourself about the

38 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Entering Requirement Designation Grades

Access the Requirement Designation page (click the Requirement Designation link on the Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Requirement Designation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

If the class does not have a requirement designation that requires a separate grade, the fields on this page
are unavailable for entry.

Field or Control Description

Current Grade Displays the current grade for each student. At the end of the
class, this is the student's final grade.

Designation The system displays the code for the requirement designation
that the student is attempting.

RD Option (requirement designation option) Displays whether the student is attempting the requirement
designation. The value that appears for students attempting
the requirement designation is Yes. Otherwise, no information

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 39

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

RD Grade (requirement designation grade) If the requirement designation requires a separate grade,
select a grade of Satisfied or Not Satisfy. If a separate grade
is not required for this requirement designation, this field is
unavailable for entry. If no separate grade is required, the
system determines whether the requirement designation is
satisfied or not satisfied based on whether the student earns
credit for the class. If the student receives a final grade that
earns credit, the requirement designation is satisfied. If the
student does not earn credit for the class, the requirement
designation is not satisfied.

Related Links
"Defining Requirement Designations" (Student Records)

Importing Component Grades

Access the Import Component Grades page (click the Import Component Grades link on the Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Component Grades page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

40 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Field or Control Description

Select Assignment Select the assignment that receives the grade import. You
must set up this assignment in advance of the import, and the
assignment must have the Import Class Component Grades
check box selected on the Assignments page.

Import Grades Click to access the Import Component Grades - Basic Class
Search page, where you can select the class component
from which you want to import grades. Only classes from
the current term for which you are one of the instructors
are available. When you import the final grades, the system
converts the grade percent into points (the maximum of which
is 100) and displays the result in the target assignment on the
Class Gradebook page and the Grade by Assignment page.
You can edit the grades after you import them.

Selecting the Class from Which to Import Grades

Access the Import Component Grades - class search page (click the Search tab in the Faculty Center).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Component Grades - class search page.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 41

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Note: The instructor of the graded component must also be entered as an instructor of the ungraded
components to import grades from those class components (the instructor does not need to have grade
roster access for the ungraded component). Also, assignment grades for another component must exist.

Use the fields on this page to specify your class search parameters.

Viewing the Results of the Class Search

Access the Import Component Grades - class search results page (click the Search button on the Import
Component Grades - class search page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Component Grades - class search results
page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

42 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Component Grades - class search results
page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

If the system returns more than one class, click the Select Class button to specify the class from which
you want to import grades.

Field or Control Description

Section Click a Section link to access the Import Component Grades

- Class Search Detail page, where you can view further detail
about the class.

Viewing Further Details About a Class Search

Access the Import Component Grades - class detail page (click the hyperlinked section number on the
Import Component Grades - class search results page).

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Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Component Grades - class detail page.

Click the Select Class button to select the class and enter the assignment grade for students who exist in
both classes. You can repeat this process and import from different classes if you have one large lecture
section with multiple laboratories or discussions.

Exporting Grades
Instructors can export class grades to a temporary location, such as their C drives. Instructors can export
grades as many times as needed.

To export grades:

44 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

1. Click the Export button on the Class Gradebook page.

2. Wait for the export process to finish.

3. If your browser prompts you with the option to open the file from its present location or to save it to
your local computer's hard drive, choose the latter.

4. Specify the location on your directory where you want the system to place your class gradebook csv
file, and detach the file.

5. Launch your spreadsheet program (for example, Microsoft Excel).

6. Navigate to the directory that you specified, locate your csv file, and launch it.

7. Use the csv file to view or manipulate data locally, or save the file as a Microsoft Excel file and use it
for your manipulations.

Before you can export grades, you must define an FTP URL address for your system on the URL
Maintenance page.

Related Links
Defining Gradebook URLs
Entering Points for Assignments

Reviewing Class Assignments (Students)

If an instructor sets up a class for Gradebook, students in the class can access information about the class
and their progress-to-date through the student gradebook, which is available through the Student Center.
Students can also access this information by clicking the View My Assignments link in the Enrollment

This section lists prerequisites and lists the pages where students can:

• View summary information about assignments and grades.

• View assignments in detail.

• View total points for each category.

• View the class grade scale.

• View instructor comments.

• View student assignment dates.

Before a student can use the gradebook pages:

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 45

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

• The student must be enrolled in a class that has gradebook data.

• The instructor must have activated gradebook information for the class.

The instructor does this by accessing and saving the Class Assignments component.

Pages Used to Review Class Assignments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View Assignments and LAM_STDNT_GRADES • Self Service > Students can view summary
Grades Enrollment > View My information about class
Assignments and select assignments and cumulative
the term and class. grades and link to other pages
to view more detail.
• Self Service > Student
Center and click the icon
beside the relevant class.

Assignment Details LAM_STDNT_CLAS_ACT Click the link for an Students can view each
assignment in the Assignment assignment in detail.
column on the View
Assignments and Grades

Assignment Note SSR_STDNT_ASGNNOTE Click the Assignment Note Students can view instructor
link on the View Assignments comments about an
and Grades page. assignment.

Assignment Categories LAM_STDNT_CATEGORY Click the Assignment Students can view total points
Category link on the View for each category.
Assignments and Grades

Class Grade Scale LAM_STDNT_GRAD_SCL Click the Grade Scale link Students can view their class
on the View Assignments and grade scale.
Grades page.

Instructor Comments LAM_STDNT_GRD_NOTE Click the Instructor Students can view notes from
Comments link on the View their instructor.
Assignments and Grades

Student Assignment Dates LAM_STDNT_DATES Click the Student Students can view due
Assignment Dates link on dates and grades for each
the View Assignments and assignment.
Grades page.

Viewing Summary Information About Assignments and Grades

Access the View Assignments and Grades page (Self Service > Enrollment > View My Assignments).

46 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Using the Self-Service Gradebook

Students can click the View My Assignment link from the Enrollment menu or click the Gradebook
icon beside the class in the Student Center to access the View Assignments and Grades page and view
assignment details and summary information about their cumulative grades, and link to other pages for
more detail.

Note: Class assignment data remains accessible to students even after the term ends.

Field or Control Description

Current Mid Term Grade Displays the student's current midterm grade, including the
weighted points and letter grade to date. Only assignments for
which the Include for Mid Term Grade check box is selected
contribute to this percentage.

Current Overall Grade Displays the student's current overall grade, including
the points and letter grade to date for all assignments that
have grades to date. All assignments (except those that
are specifically excluded or not yet due) contribute to this

Begin Date Displays the start date of the assignment. Typically, this is the
date of the activity or the date that the instructor assigns the

Due Date Displays the date that the assignment is due. The system
includes all grades that were entered by this date in the
cumulative grades. If the due date or extended due date is less
than or equal to the system date, a missing grade counts as 0.

Assignment Displays a description of the assignment, as entered by the

instructor. Students can click an Assignment link to access
the Assignment Details page, where they can review each
assignment in detail.

Category Displays the category of the assignment, as defined by the


Grade Displays the points that the student earns for the assignment.

Note: If an instructor has dropped a grade from the

calculation, it appears in the Assignment Notes section.

Out of Displays the maximum points that the assignment is worth.

Assignment Note Click a link in this column to view instructor notes about a
particular assignment.

Other Information Displays specific information about an assignment.

Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 47

Using the Self-Service Gradebook Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Assignment Category, Grade Scale Instructor Comments, Click any link to access the page where you can view
and Student Assignment Dates information about the linked topic.

Select Another Class Click to access the View Assignments and Grades page, where
you can select a different class to view.

View My Class Schedule Click this link to view the student's schedule for the term.

48 Copyright © 1988, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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