Role of Probiotics As Bacteriotherapy in Dentistry: A Literature Review

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Role of probiotics as bacteriotherapy in dentistry:

a literature review

Claudia Fierro-Monti¹, Catalina Aguayo-Saldías², Francisca Lillo-Climent3 , Fernanda


DOI: 10.22592/o2017n30a2


According to WHO and FAO, probiotics are “live microorganisms which when

administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. The aim of this

paper is to describe the beneficial effects of probiotics on oral disease prevention. The

search included the last five years in the Web of Science, PubMed and SciELO.

Results showed that probiotics can produce antimicrobials, compete for cell adhesion

sites, modulate the immune system and degrade toxins. This has led to dental studies

that focus on reducing caries incidence, improving the prognosis of periodontitis and

decreasing halitosis and candidiasis. Probiotics may be a valuable adjunct for the

prevention of oral diseases. However, there are still doubts about which are the best

bacterial strain, dose and timing of administration. Therefore, future longitudinal studies

are required.

Keywords: Probiotics, dental caries and prevention.

Pediatric Dentistry. PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry,

School of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0308-6044
EDF Dentist, Cesfam Cordillera Andina, Servicio de Salud Aconcagua. Dental

Surgeon. School of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Dental Surgeon. School of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. ORCID:

Dental Surgeon. School of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Received on: 06 Feb 2017 – Accepted on: 01 Jul 2017


The term “probiotics” literally means “for life” and was coined for the first time in the

1960s(1,2). According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2002), probiotics are

“live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health

benefit on the host”(3). It is from this view that the concept of bacteriotherapy emerges,

which is the term used when a harmless strain is implanted in the host’s microflora to

maintain or restore the natural microbiome through the interference and/or inhibition of

other microorganisms, especially pathogens, which is consistent with the definition of

probiotics. Bacteriotherapy provides alternative ways to fight against infectious

diseases, with fewer side effects than conventional drugs, and it also helps treat

disorders that seem to have no connection with the bacteria, such as asthma, obesity

and diabetes(4-6). From this perspective, scientific evidence has shown that probiotics

can improve the condition of patients with medical disorders, such as diarrhea,
gastroenteritis, short-bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer,

immunosuppressed conditions, pediatric allergies, growth retardation, hyperlipidemia,

liver diseases, infections with Helicobacter pylori, and urinary tract infections(7-9). In the

last decade, the use of probiotics has generated interest within the dental community

with the development of studies focused on reducing caries incidence, improving the

prognosis of periodontitis, eliminating halitosis and infections such as oral



A search was conducted in the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed and

SciELO. The selection criteria were:

1. Period: 2011 – 2016

2. Type of documents: Articles and Reviews

3. Language: English/Spanish

4. Area of research: Dentistry oral surgery medicine

5. Research domains: Science technology.

Keywords: Probiotics AND Dental Caries and Prevention: we found 75 papers, of which

28 were selected as available in Free-Full-Text format.

Resource availability

There are several products with different probiotic bacterial strains in the market:

chewing gum, tablets or pills and dairy products such as milk, ice cream, cheese, and

yogurt. The latter are the most natural ones, easiest to find and most widely accepted

by the population, especially children(2,10,11). Several studies have compared the use of

probiotics in dairy products with placebos or probiotic products with similar functions

(fluoride, chlorhexidine, coconut oil, etc.), but very few have compared them to each

other. A study conducted by T. Madhwani et al. compared the use of probiotics in ice

cream and drinks, and showed that ice cream would be a better option as it maintains a
significant reduction of S. mutans in saliva levels after 90 days of consumption(10).

Regarding its use in dentistry, we must consider that dairy products should be the

vehicle for the administration of probiotics, since they contain casein phosphopeptides

(CPP) that have an inhibitory effect on demineralization and promote the

remineralization of tooth enamel(5).

Mechanism of action

Several mechanisms have been proposed for the potential beneficial effect of

probiotics. These can be classified into four broad lines:

1. The production of antimicrobials (bacteriocins) or acids that can inhibit the

proliferation of pathogens.

2. Competition for cell adhesion sites (competitive inhibition or replacement

therapy) with pathogens and/or co-aggregation to biofilm.

3. Modulation of local and systemic immune functions.

4. Degradation of toxins.

All available data show that the effects of probiotics are species- and

strain-specific(4,8,12-15). The optimal dose for dental diseases has not yet been explored,

as the dose regimens adopted so far are based on standards for the gastrointestinal

tract and for pediatric health care. However, we know there are between 75 and 100

bacterial species in the mouth of each person, and that different people have different

combinations of species. In other words there is no “one size fits all” solution, so we

may need a mixture of beneficial strains rather than a single strain as oral

bacteriotherapy, comparable to the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics(5).

Strains of probiotics used in mouth

The probiotic bacterial species most widely studied belong to the Lactobacillus and

Bifidobacterium genera(2,10,11,14,16). Lactobacillus are considered a normal component of

oral biofilm and account for approximately 1%. Bifidobacterium are produced only in
small amounts in oral biofilm(17,18). The focus is on these species because they are

produced in the dairy industry and are rarely involved in human infections. In fact,

these bacteria have a symbiotic relationship with human beings. They are present in

the mucous membrane of intestinal epithelial cells, inhibiting the growth and

attachment of pathogenic bacteria through the production of bactericides, acting like a

coating that protects tissues(2,4,10).

From a dental perspective, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are acidogenic and

aciduric. They are generally considered cariogenic and could be considered a risk for

dental health(6,8,14,16,17,19,20). However, the buffering capacity of dairy products containing

these bacteria counteracts their acidity(15,21). In addition, several studies have shown

that Lactobacillus are late mediators in the progression of carious lesions due to their

poor adhesion properties. Therefore, they do not increase the incidence of new lesions,

although little is known about the effect they could have on pre-existing lesions(15,17,18).

Additionally, several species of Lactobacillus have been isolated from healthy

mouths(18.19). However, not all strains of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium are


Table 1. Strains tested in controlled and randomized clinical trials:

Anti-pathogenic action Bacterial strain

Significantly increases Lactobacillus acidophilus(2)
salivary pH
It significantly reduces the Lactobacillus acidophilus(2)
levels of Streptococcus Lactobacillus reuteri(6,10,12,13,19)
mutans in saliva Lactobacillus rhamnosus(13,19)
Lactobacillus rhamnosus LRH08: In addition, these
clinical results showed a statistically significant reduction
in the incidence of new caries lesions and a reduction in
individuals with new caries lesions(17).
Lactobacillus paracasei strains SD1 and DSMZ
Lactobacillus paracasei subspecies casei, Lactobacillus
acidophillus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and
Bifidobacterium: combination of probiotic strains in Laive
Adhesion to hydroxyapatite Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactococcus lactis(2)
crystals (competition with
the Streptococcus sobrinus
for a place on the enamel)

These studies claim that probiotics strains can be detected in the saliva during their

consumption, but when consumption ceases, they disappear from the oral cavity within

a few weeks(6). Some of the studies were short-term clinical trials (days or weeks), and

others long-term studies (six months to one year). They used different vehicles (tablets,

milk, ice cream, cheese, and sweets) and worked with different age groups

(preschoolers, school children and young adults) as research subjects.

The literature also mentions in vitro studies, where the following strains are used:

 Lactobacillus rhamnosus LCR35 and Lactobacillus Johnosonii LA1: they

reduce the colonization of Streptococcus mutans in vitro. Both probiotics are used

in Chilean dairy products: Lactil and Chamyto respectively. Their effect was

evaluated in four different concentrations (1, 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000), but no

significant differences were found. However, the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei,

rhamnosus LCR35 variety (lactil) showed significant inhibition halos in comparison

to the Lactobacillus johnsonii LA1 strain (Chamyto)(15).

 Lactobacillus reuteri strains ATCC PTA 5289: it adheres and forms a biofilm on

the hydroxyapatite coated with saliva, competing with Streptococcus mutans for a

place on the enamel(26). These results were obtained in an in vitro study. However a

clinical trial showed that short-term (three weeks) administration of L. reuteri

ATCC 55730 combined with PTA 5289 did not affect the production of lactic acid or

Streptococcus mutans counts(6).

 Lactobacillus salivarius: significantly increases oral pH(10).

 Lactobacillus salivarius WB21: reduces plaque buildup, depth of periodontal

pocket, bleeding on probing and oral malodor(19).

 Lactobacillus salivarius TI 2711: it showed antibacterial activity against

Porphyromonas gingivalis in mixed culture experiments, but recovered when

administration ceased(19).

 Streptococcus salivarius K12: it presents antimicrobial activity against several

bacteria including S. moorei, which is a major contributor to oral malodor. It could

be an interesting and valuable candidate for developing antimicrobial therapy to

treat oral malodor(27).

There are currently patented dental probiotics available that include Lactobacillus

reuteri and Streptococcus salivarius(12).

Despite the large amount of scientific evidence, more randomized clinical trials are

needed to identify the best combinations of probiotic strains, as well as their vehicles

and dose for specific uses.

Terai et al. accepted the challenge and proposed new potential candidates. They

selected 14 Lactobacillus strains and 36 Streptococcus strains from 896 oral isolates

taken from 56 healthy volunteers aged between 25 and 66, based on the following

parameters: the bacteria should not produce VSC (volatile sulfur compounds), should

have antibacterial activity against pathogens that cause periodontal disease and dental

caries, should have adherence to salivary-coated hydroxyapatite and to oral epithelial

cells in vitro, should not have cariogenecity potential in an artificial mouth system, and

should not induce endocarditis in a rat model. Based on these parameters, the best
candidates to be tested in a randomized clinical trial with humans would be:

L. crispatus YIT 12319, L. fermentum YIT 12320, L. gasseri YIT 12321, 12322 and

S. mitis YIT(20).

Action in relation to oral diseases

The oral cavity is a habitat for a large diversity of microorganisms including bacteria,

yeasts and viruses; all associated with oral infections. Bacteria are dominant in this

microflora, and the diversity of species found in the oral cavity reflects the various types

of habitat for colonization and the opportunity to survive as biofilm. However, the

balance between this microflora and the host can be interrupted, resulting in diseases

of the oral structures such as dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, halitosis,

candidiasis and peri-implantitis(8).

Dental caries

To understand the role of probiotics in the prevention of dental caries, we must first

understand dental caries as a disease. According to the “Ecological Plaque

Hypothesis”, caries pathogens may occur (or be transmitted) in a low number in the

oral biofilm, which is compatible with oral health. However, if there is an imbalance in

this oral biofilm due to changes in local environmental conditions, there would be a

higher number of pathogens, which would cause dental caries. Some of these changes

or “ecological pressures” are: a diet rich in carbohydrates, decreased salivary flow and

low oral pH. Under these circumstances, the pathogens that compete with the

indigenous microflora reach the numerical dominance levels necessary for the disease

to occur(17,21). Complementing this theory, the current definition of dental caries

presents it as a complex disease. Although it starts through microbial action, the main

pathogenic species linked to its development are endogenous and not exogenous,

which significantly increase their number when there is a favorable change of the

intraoral environment. In other words, it is no longer defined as a communicable and

infectious disease(21).
Therefore, dental caries can be prevented by implementing two approaches: 1) directly

attacking potentially pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., use of antimicrobials or

antiadhesive agents) and 2) indirectly by interfering in “the ecological pressure”

responsible for pathogen selection(17). In view of this, the studies conducted in the last

few years focus on controlling pathogenic microorganisms through bacteriotherapy with

the use of probiotics (first approach) and making favorable ecological changes to the

disrupted oral environment, such as increasing local pH and salivary flow (second


There are a number of randomized clinical trials that indicate that probiotics from

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium may have an antagonistic effect on Streptococcus

mutans (the main bacterial species that causes dental caries)(8,10-13,17,19,22-25). However,

a short-term reduction in the count of Streptococcus mutans is not necessarily

associated with fewer cavities or reduced risk of tooth decay. Attempts have been

made to combine professional dental cleaning and the use of antibacterial agents with

the use of probiotics, in order to amplify the inhibitory effect and slow the growth of the


Hedayati-Hajikand et al. found that the combined use of chewable tablets with

ProBiora3® (combination of S. uberis KJ2, S. oralis KJ3 and S. rattus JH145) and the

daily use of fluoride toothpaste decreased early demineralization of the enamel, but

had no effect on carious lesions. However, preschoolers who consumed these

chewable tablets presented no new caries lesions in the period under study. This

suggests that the appearance of tooth decay could be reduced through daily

administration of these probiotics as adjuncts to the daily use of fluoride toothpaste in


Periodontal disease
Efforts to prevent and treat periodontal disease focus mainly on reducing endogenous

pathogens, eliminating superinfection with exogenous pathogens and strengthening the

epithelial barrier, thus helping reduce susceptibility to infection. Probiotic bacteria can

promote periodontal health if they can establish themselves in the oral biofilm and

inhibit the growth of periodontal pathogens and their metabolism. Less is known about

probiotics and their effect on periodontal disease than about probiotics and caries.

Efforts are being made to study the effect of probiotics on clinical parameters (plaque

index, gingival index, etc.) and on the interference in periodontal microbiology(4,9,14).

Toiviainen et al. found that the short-term consumption of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG

(LGG) and Bifidobacterium animalis sub species lactis Bb-12 (BB-12) reduces the

amount of plaque and it is clinically relevant for the reduction of gingival inflammation.

The combination of LSG and BB-12 seems to be even more effective in comparison to

each one alone. On the whole, it would improve the periodontal condition of healthy

subjects, without affecting the composition of the adhesion properties or the oral

microbiota of the plaque(14).

It has been recently shown that Lactobacillus reuteri (Periobalance®) decreases the

count of periodontal pathogens such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetem comitans,

Campylobacter rectus and species of Capnocytophaga and Tannerella forsythia,

reducing plaque levels and gingival inflammation in subjects with moderate to severe

gingivitis. The host’s immune modulation could explain their action in improving

periodontal status, since there was no change in the oral microbiota or the adhesion

properties of the plaque. Additionally, consuming L. reuteri reduces pro-inflammatory

cytokines in the crevicular fluid of adults with gingival inflammation. This finding may

reflect a local effect on oral immune responses(8,9,14).

According to Terai et al., lactic acid bacteria (LAB) showed antibacterial activity against

Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Aggregatibacter actinomycetem

comitans. As periodontal pathogens are sensitive to the attack of acids, it is believed

that the antibacterial activity of LAB is linked to the production of lactic acid and other

organic acids that could act as bacteriocins(20).

Iniesta et al. conducted a literature review in the years before the period covered in this

study and obtained the following results(9):

 2006: chewing gum with L. reuteri led to a statistically significant reduction in the

plaque index and in the gingival index in patients with gingivitis

 2007: chewable tablets containing Lactobacillus brevis improved the clinical

parameters of plaque index, gingival index, tartar, and bleeding on probing in

patients with chronic periodontitis

 2008: Tablets containing L. salivarius improved plaque index and probing depth in

patients with chronic periodontitis and smokers. In addition, subgingival plaque

showed a statistically significant reduction in the total number of pathogens studied:

Aggregatibacter actinomycetem comitans, Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas

gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia.


Halitosis is a condition that affects a large section of the population; it is mainly

attributed to the production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) predominantly

anaerobic Gram-negative organisms that reside in the oropharynx (tongue, gums,

tonsils), basically the same microorganisms linked to the progression of periodontal

disease. It has been shown that bacteriotherapy can also improve this condition(4,9,20).

Replacing the bacteria involved in halitosis with colonization with probiotic bacterial

strains from the oral microbiota of healthy human beings may have a potential

application in the prevention and treatment of halitosis. Besides, it can be a reasonable

alternative to chemical or physical antibacterial regimes(4,9,27). As the back of the tongue

is the origin of most malodor problems, a candidate to counter this condition must be

able to survive in this particular ecosystem. It would be ideal to have a probiotic strain
able to efficiently colonize the surface of the tongue without producing odorous

metabolic byproducts(27).

Little research has been conducted on how probiotics may reduce the levels of volatile

sulfur compounds. The strains that have been studied are: Streptococcus salivarius

and Lactobacillus salivarius in chewable tablets and Weissella cibaria in the form of

colutory. They have all obtained statistically significant reductions in the levels of

volatile sulfur compounds in patients(9). Terai et al. found, in an in vitro study, that

Lactobacillus crispatus YIT 12319 and LBS11-17 have a greater adherence to the HSC

cells from the human tongue. Their results suggest that there may be receptor-ligand

systems between the epithelial cells of the tongue and these bacteria, which would be

very helpful as a property to develop anti-halitosis probiotics(20). Masdea et al.

determined that Streptococcus salivarius K12 has an excellent potential use as

probiotics for halitosis-producing bacteria, as it is a pioneer colonizer of oral surfaces

and is found predominantly in “healthy” human beings who are not affected by halitosis.

This strain produces two natural antibacterial peptides: salivaricin A212,13 and

salivaricin B,14. These peptides are bacteriocins that inhibit the colonization of bacteria

involved in halitosis such as Streptococcus T29, Saburreum Eubacterium, Micromonas

micros and types of pigmented black colonies present in saliva(27).

Candida albicans infection (Candidiasis)

Candida albicans is the most common cause of fungal infections in the oral cavity.

Especially in elderly and immunocompromised patients. Probiotic bacteria have been

used to modify the microfloral ecosystem and have shown some success as a

therapeutic agent for oral diseases(28). Daily consumption of cheese supplemented with

L. rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus LC705 and Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp

shermanii JS has led to a reduction in the prevalence of C. albicans and also an

increase in salivation. This last point is interesting as we know that decreased salivary

flow is a risk factor for candida infection in older people(9). Another important factor
regarding this infection is that the colonization site for Candida albicans is provided by

the carious lesion, since acid production favors an ecological niche for this

microorganism. In addition, in vitro studies have shown that the presence of Candida

albicans improves the adherence of S. mutans to oral biofilm and carious tooth

substance(28). Therefore, it would be logical to deduce that a greater control of dental

caries pathogens through probiotics would result in a decreased incidence of Candida



Many recent studies indicate that treatment with probiotics can be a valuable

preventive complement to measures already tested, such as the use of fluorides. Most

articles selected for this review state that, in the short term, daily consumption of

probiotics can effect changes directly in the oral microbiota, such as reducing the

number of pathogens, and indirect changes that enhance the growth of indigenous

microorganisms, and in the long term, decrease the development and growth of oral

pathogens. Therefore, probiotics can be adopted as a novel approach to prevent the

demineralization of enamel, improve periodontal health, eliminate halitosis and reduce

the prevalence of Candida albicans in adults.

In terms of patient compliance and costs, the fact that probiotics need to be consumed

daily is a challenge (or at least 4-5 days a week). This could be solved by adding

probiotics to the milk consumed by preschoolers attending kindergartens, as a public

health measure.

To have a greater impact it would be necessary to combine the use of multiple probiotic

species that can significantly affect the levels of cariogenic bacteria in saliva and

periodontal pathogens in subgingival plaque. Finally, more clinical trials are needed to

determine the best combinations of probiotic strains, and to identify the ideal vehicles

and doses for this specific use.


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Catalina Aguayo: [email protected]

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