FT/FAT Procedure AC 600 Wingd X-DF FPP: Company Shared

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FT/FAT Procedure AC 600


Doc No: 321190

Revision: D
Status: This document is under configuration control at Kongsberg Maritime.

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Document history

Revision Description of Change

A First Issue
B ECN-000911 - Added “Unic” on 1st page and header.
C Updated document to apply with latest document template. Corrected
D Updated Dual fuel test.


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Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................7

2 General test .............................................................................................................8

2.1 Power failure test......................................................................................................8
2.2 Functional test of CP ................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Lamp test/alarm test ...................................................................................9

3 Test of system failures .......................................................................................... 10

3.1 Test of communication failures ..............................................................................10
3.1.1 DPU communication failure ....................................................................10
3.1.2 CP communication failure .......................................................................10
3.1.3 ECS communication failure .....................................................................11
3.1.4 Critical ECS communication failure ........................................................ 12
3.2 Power failure 24 V DC ........................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 DPU power failure ................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 CP bridge power failure ...........................................................................13
3.2.3 CP ECR power failure .............................................................................14

4 Standard functions ............................................................................................... 15

4.1 Starting the main engine......................................................................................... 15
4.1.1 Normal start ............................................................................................. 15
4.1.2 Start fail ....................................................................................................15
4.1.3 Start block ................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Main engine speed setting ...................................................................................... 16
4.3 Main engine critical RPM ...................................................................................... 17
4.4 Reversing the main engine ..................................................................................... 17
4.5 Stopping the main engine ....................................................................................... 18
4.6 Crash manoeuvring ................................................................................................ 18
4.7 Fuel mode ...............................................................................................................19
4.8 Control transfer ......................................................................................................20
4.8.1 Transfer from local control to bridge control ..........................................20

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5 Engine safety .........................................................................................................21

5.1 Shutdown ...............................................................................................................21
5.1.1 Emergency stop switches .........................................................................21
5.1.2 Overspeed ................................................................................................ 22
5.1.3 Shutdown, non-cancellable ......................................................................23
5.1.4 Shutdown, cancellable .............................................................................24
5.2 Slowdown...............................................................................................................26
5.2.1 Slowdown, non-cancellable .....................................................................26
5.2.2 Slowdown, cancellable ............................................................................26
5.3 RPM detector system ............................................................................................. 27
5.4 Gas trip switches ....................................................................................................28

6 Engine telegraph system ...................................................................................... 30

6.1 Test of engine telegraph system .............................................................................30
6.2 Test of engine telegraph in engine control room ................................................... 30
6.3 Test of engine telegraph on bridge .........................................................................31
6.4 Test of sub telegraph system ..................................................................................32
6.5 Wrong way .............................................................................................................33
6.6 Telegraph independence......................................................................................... 33

7 Bridge wing system .............................................................................................. 35

7.1 Control transfer to/from bridge wing .....................................................................35
7.2 Bridge wing safety .................................................................................................36
7.2.1 Bridge wing emergency stop ...................................................................36
7.2.2 Cancel shutdown from bridge wing ......................................................... 36
7.2.3 Cancel slowdown from bridge wing ........................................................ 37

8 Twin engine master/slave .................................................................................... 38

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Definitions / Abbreviations

ABE11 Alarm Button Extension

BPU Backup Potentiometer Unit
BWU09 Bridge Wing Unit
C2 Remote IO Device
CAN Controller Area Network
CP AutoChief Control Panel
DGU Digital Governor Unit
DPU Distributed Process Units
ECR Engine Control Room
ECS Engine Control System
ESU Engine Safety Unit
FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller
FWE Finished With Engine
KBE15 K-Chief Button Extension
L2C LAN to CAN module
LTU11 Lever Telegraph Unit
MEI Main Engine Interface
MPP Multi-Purpose Panel
OPU Order Printer Unit
PBT Push Button Telegraph
PSS Process Segment Starcoupler
RAI Remote Analogue Input Device
RAO Remote Analogue Output Device
RDI Remote Digital Input Device
RDO Remote Digital Output Device
ROS Remote Operator Station

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SCU Segment Controller Unit

SHD Shutdown
SLD Slowdown
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

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1 Introduction
The purpose of this test is to verify that the functions of the AutoChief® 600 Propulsion
Control System for WINGD dual fuel engine with fixed pitch propeller are according to
the classification society’s rules.
The Factory Acceptance Test includes sample tests of different vital functions.
The system has been subject to a complete system test prior to this test.
Specific application software tested in the system test will not be demonstrated in the
factory acceptance test.
Software version installed during system test:
Name: Software version:
OS Main/Project SW

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2 General test
Tests in this chapter are performed to verify that the AutoChief 600 system is powered
correctly and to verify basic functionality.

2.1 Power failure test

The AutoChief 600 must to be powered according to the classification societies
requirements. The standard delivery UPS for AutoChief 600 system has battery backup
that last for at least 30 minutes. The system layout reflects the power distribution.
General system power requirements:
Main power supply is 220 V AC, with backup supply 220 V AC and 24 V DC.
This test applies only in systems delivered with Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
220 V AC /24 V DC.
Action Observation FT FAT
Check that the entire system is
connected to the UPS according
to external cable diagram.
Disconnect the main 220 V Alarm given to the alarm
supply to the UPS. system from UPS.
Verify the UPS capacity by Observe that the system
performing a system operation remains in normal operation
test 30 minutes after 220 V for at least 30 minutes.
power supply was disconnected.

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2.2 Functional test of CP

The purpose of this test is to verify that the functionality of the AutoChief Control Panel
(CP). This test is performed as a sample test implying that only some of the panel
functions will be tested at this stage. The operator control interface will prove its
functionality during the entire test.
The test should be started with the system in normal condition (fully powered, all
alarms acknowledged, engine ready for start or running).

2.2.1 Lamp test/alarm test

The lamp test/alarm test function shall prove the system ability to give and acknowledge
alarms. It tests the alarm indication on the CP.
Action Observation FT FAT
Push the “Lamp test” button. On the CP:
All lamps are lit.
Lever runs lamps test.
Push “Alarm test” button once. Audible and visible alarm for
alarm test is given.
Push “Sound Off”. On the CP:
The buzzer is silenced.
Push “Alarm ACK”. The alarm is acknowledged
on the CP.
Push “Alarm test” once more. The alarm returns to normal
on the CP.

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3 Test of system failures

Test in this chapter will prove functionality and alarms for loss of power and
communication in the system.

3.1 Test of communication failures

The purpose of tests in this section is to prove the system redundancy in the CAN
network, and the alarm functionality if failure occur in on CAN loop.

3.1.1 DPU communication failure

All DPUs are connected to redundant CAN buses. These are CAN A and CAN B in this
Action Observation FT FAT
Put the system in bridge control. Audible and visible alarm for
communication failure is
Disconnect the CAN bus A to
one of the DPUs.
On the CP: Buzzer is deactivated.
Push “Sound Off”.
Push alarm ACK. Alarms lamp goes to steady
light in bridge and ECR.
Perform a function test where System works normally.
the dedicated functions for the
selected module are in use.
On the DPU: On the CP:
Reconnect the CAN bus. Communication alarm for
DPU returns to normal.

3.1.2 CP communication failure

The test will verify alarm functionality for signal communication failure. The test is also
done to verify that system continues to operate when single communication failure
Action Observation FT FAT
Put the system in bridge control. Audible and visible alarm for
communication failure is
Disconnect CAN A to one of the

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On the CP: Buzzer is deactivated.

Push “Sound Off”.
Push “Alarm ACK”. Alarms lamp goes to steady
Check the system for errors Functionality of system is as
caused by comm failure. normal.
Reconnect the CAN bus to the CP returns to normal
CP. operation and communication
alarm returns to normal state.

3.1.3 ECS communication failure

The test is a verification of the communication alarm functionality between remote
control system and engine control system.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in ECR control, engine Audible and visible alarm for
stopped and ready for start. communication failure is
Disconnect one communication
cable between DPU and ECS.
On the CP in ECR: Buzzer is deactivated.
Push “Sound Off”.
Push “Alarm ACK”. Alarms lamp will stop
Reconnect the communication Communication alarm returns
cable. to normal.

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3.1.4 Critical ECS communication failure

The test is a verification of the communication alarm functionality between remote
control system and engine control system and the functionality of start block.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in ECR control, engine Audible and visible alarm for
stopped and ready for start. communication failure is
Disconnect both communication
cables between DPU and ECS. “Start fail/block” section
indicates “Engine not ready”.
On the CP: Buzzer is deactivated.
Push “Sound off”.
Push “Alarm ACK”. Alarm lamp become steady.
Start engine from lever in ECR. Start is blocked.
Revert the failures. Communication alarm returns
to normal.
“Start fail/block” section
indicates “Engine ready”.
Start engine from lever in ECR. Engine starts normally.

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3.2 Power failure 24 V DC

Tests will prove alarm functionality if DPUs or CPs lose power.

3.2.1 DPU power failure

This test is to be performed on each DPU in the system.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control. Audible and visible alarm for
communication failure is
Switch off power to one of the
On each CP: Buzzer is deactivated.
Push “Sound Off”.
Push “Alarm ACK”. Alarms lamp goes to steady
On the DPU: Communication alarm for the
Reconnect the DPU power. DPU returns to normal.

3.2.2 CP bridge power failure

This test must be performed on the CP on bridge.
Action Observation FT FAT
Disconnect power supply cables On the CP on bridge:
to the CP on bridge. The CP panel turns dark.
On the CP in ECR:
Audible and visible alarm for
communication failure is
On the CP in ECR: Buzzer is deactivated.
Push “Sound Off”.
Push “Alarm ACK”. Alarms lamp goes to steady
Reconnect power to the CP on The CP returns to normal
bridge. operation.
Communication alarm for the
CP returns to normal.

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3.2.3 CP ECR power failure

This test must be performed on the CP in ECR.
Action Observation FT FAT
Disconnect all power supply On the CP in ECR:
cables to the CP in ECR. The CP panel turns dark.
On the CP on bridge:
Audible and visible alarm for
communication failure is
On the CP on bridge: Buzzer is deactivated.
Push “Sound Off”.
Reconnect power on the CP in The CP returns to normal
ECR. operation.

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4 Standard functions
The following test is made to prove main engine safety system functionality. While
performing these tests, an engine simulator must be connected to the system. RPM
feedback signal must be given.

4.1 Starting the main engine

Test of main engine start and stop functionality.

4.1.1 Normal start

The test is made to prove start under normal start conditions.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine ready for start.
Move bridge lever in ahead or Starting is indicated on the CP.
astern position. Start command is sent to ECS.
Engine start is performed.
The engine starts running.
Running is indicated on the

4.1.2 Start fail

Test to prove functionality for failed start.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine ready for start.
Move bridge lever in ahead or Starting is indicated on the
astern position. CP.
Start command is sent to
Start fail is detected.
Audible and visible alarm for
start fail alarm is given.
Start blocked is indicated on
the CP.

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Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm will be silenced

ACK” on both CPs. and acknowledged.
Move bridge lever in stop Start fail alarm will be reset.
position. Engine is ready for start.

4.1.3 Start block

Test to prove functionality for start blocking.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and test
one (or more) of the below:
Start air press low.
Turning gear engaged.
RPM detector fail. (Both
Main start valve blocked.
Move bridge lever in ahead Audible and visible alarm for
(astern) position. start block alarm is given.
The engine remains stopped.
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK” on CP. acknowledged.
Move bridge lever in stop Start fail alarm is reset.
position. The start block remains

4.2 Main engine speed setting

The purpose of the test is to verify the speed loop and RPM command.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running.
Move bridge lever for the The engine RPM will
required engine RPM. increase or decrease

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4.3 Main engine critical RPM

The purpose of the test is to verify main engine critical speed functionality. May be not
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running.
Move bridge lever into the Audible and visible alarm for
critical RPM area. lever in critical RPM area is
Time delay may apply.
Engine RPM is kept outside
the critical area.
Press “Sound Off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK” on CP. acknowledged.

4.4 Reversing the main engine

The purpose of the test is to verify the functionality for changing main engine rotation
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running ahead.
Move bridge lever to astern Reversing/astern is ordered to
position. ECS.
The RPM will be reduced to
stop. CP indicates
The engine is started in astern
direction. CP indicates
The engine starts running in
astern. CP indicates

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4.5 Stopping the main engine

The purpose of this test is to verify the main engine stop functionality.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running.
Move bridge lever in stop Stopping is indicated on the
position. CP.
Stop command is sent to
The RPM will be reduced and
the engine stops.
Ready for start is indicated on
the CP.

4.6 Crash manoeuvring

The purpose of the test is to verify the functionality and alarms for crash manoeuvring.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running “Nav. Ahead”.
Move the bridge lever quickly to Crash manoeuvring indication
emergency astern position. on the CP.
Stop signal is given to the main
Engine RPM is reduced to
brake air level.
Engine will be reversed.
Heavy start and cancel limiters
is given to the governor.
The engine is started in astern

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4.7 Fuel mode

The test will verify the fuel mode functionality.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and Diesel mode is indicated on
engine running in diesel mode. the top bar on CP.
Switch to gas mode on the ECS Gas mode is indicated on the
simulator. top bar on the CP.
Open fuel mode mimic on the Indication corresponds to
CP. ECS simulator.
Switch to diesel mode on the Diesel mode is indicated on
ECS simulator. the top bar on the CP.

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4.8 Control transfer

Test in this section is made to verify control transfer logic.

4.8.1 Transfer from local control to bridge control

Test will prove functionality for control transfer between main control positions.
Action Observation FT FAT
Main engine stopped and in local
Set ECR manual control on ECR control is indicated on
engine side (i.e. simulator or LTU11 and PBT
ECS). ECR Manual control is
indicated on CP
Set ECR auto control on engine ECR control is indicated on
side. CP, LTU11 and PBT
Push Bridge button on bridge Audible and visible indication
LTU11 is given on LTU11
Set bridge control on engine side Audible indication is
Bridge control is indicated on
CP, LTU11 and PBT
Set local control on engine side Audible and visible indication
is given on LTU11
Local control is indicated on
CP, LTU11 and PBT

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5 Engine safety
Tests are performed to verify engine safety functionality.

5.1 Shutdown
5.1.1 Emergency stop switches
Emergency stop may be activated from all control stands at all time, regardless of the
control position. Normally, every control position has an emergency stop button.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in any condition. No shutdown active.

Activate any of the emergency Shutdown outputs are activated

stop push buttons. on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
emergency stop switch
activated is given.
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Deactivate emergency stop push Shutdown outputs are
button. deactivated.
Alarms status return to normal.
Disconnect main power to the Secondary power is supplied to
The ESU functionality is not
Visible and audible alarm for
power supply failure is given
Activate one emergency stop Shutdown outputs are activated
push buttons. on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
emergency stop switch is
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.

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Deactivate emergency stop push Shutdown outputs are

button. deactivated.
Alarms status return to normal.
Restore main power supply to The system returns to normal.

5.1.2 Overspeed
The RPM system is connected to the ESU for RCS-independent activation of the
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running.
Simulate the engine RPM above Shutdown outputs are
the overspeed level. activated on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
overspeed detected is given.
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Stop the engine (Set Shutdown outputs are
manoeuvring lever to stop deactivated.
position/press ME stop on the Alarms status return to
CP) normal
Restart the engine. Normal start is performed
Disconnect main power to the Secondary power is supplied
ESU. to ESU.
The ESU is not affected.
Visible and audible alarm for
power supply failure is given.
Simulate the engine RPM above Shutdown outputs are
the overspeed level. activated on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
overspeed detected is given.
Acknowledge the alarms (CP). The alarm is silenced and

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Action Observation FT FAT

Stop the engine (Set lever to stop Shutdown outputs are
position/press ME stop on the deactivated.
CP) Alarms status return to
Restore main power supply to The system returns to normal.

5.1.3 Shutdown, non-cancellable

The test is a verification of the non-cancellable slowdown functionality.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running
Activate one of the non- Audible and visible alarm for
cancellable shutdown signals. shutdown is given.
Prewarning time and alarm
may apply.
Shutdown outputs are
activated on the ESU.
Stop the engine (Set lever to stop Shutdown outputs are
position/press ME stop on the deactivated.
CP) Alarms status return to
Reset the shutdown sensor. normal
Restart the engine. Normal start is performed
Disconnect main power to the Secondary power is supplied
ESU. to ESU.
The ESU is not affected.
Visible and audible alarm for
power supply failure is given.
Activate one of the non- Shutdown outputs are
cancellable shutdown signals. activated on the ESU.

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Audible and visible alarm for

shutdown is given.
Prewarning time and alarm
may apply.
Shutdown outputs are
activated on the ESU.
Stop the engine (Set lever to stop Shutdown outputs are
position/press ME stop on the deactivated.
CP) Alarms status return to
Reset the shutdown sensor. normal
Restore main power supply to The system returns to normal.

5.1.4 Shutdown, cancellable

The test is a verification of the cancellable shutdown functionality.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running
Activate one of the cancellable Audible and visible alarm for
shutdown signals. shutdown is given.
Prewarning time and alarm
may apply.
Shutdown outputs are
activated on the ESU.
Stop the engine (Set lever to stop Shutdown outputs are
position/press ME stop on the deactivated.
CP) Alarms status return to
Reset the shutdown sensor. normal
Restart the engine Normal start is performed.
Cancelling shutdown: Audible and visible alarm for
Activate one of the cancellable shutdown prewarning is
shut down signals. given.
Audible and visible alarm for
During prewarning press the
shutdown cancelled is given.
“Cancel SHD” button on the
Shutdown is not activated.

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Reset the shutdown sensor. Alarms status return to

Press the “Cancel SHD” button The cancel shutdown function
on the ABE11. is deactivated.
Disconnect main power to the Secondary power is supplied
ESU, to ESU.
The ESU is not affected.
Visible and audible alarm for
power supply failure is given
Activate one of the cancellable Audible and visible alarm for
shutdown signals. shutdown is given.
Prewarning time and alarm
may apply.
Shutdown outputs are
activated on the ESU.
Stop the engine (Set lever to stop Shutdown outputs are
position/press ME stop on the deactivated.
CP) Alarms status return to
Reset the shutdown sensor. normal
Restart the engine Normal start is performed
Cancellation of shutdown. Audible and visible alarm for
Activate one of the cancellable shutdown prewarning is
shut down signals. given.
Audible and visible alarm for
During prewarning, press
shutdown cancelled is given.
“Cancel SHD” on ABE11.
Shutdown is not activated
Reset the shutdown sensor. Alarms status return to
Press “Cancel SHD” on ABE11. The cancel shutdown function
is deactivated.
Restore power supply to ESU The system returns to normal.

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5.2 Slowdown
5.2.1 Slowdown, non-cancellable
The test is a verification of the non-cancellable slowdown functionality. This test is only
valid if there are one or more non-cancellable slowdowns configured in the system.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running with RPM
above slowdown level.
Activate one non-cancellable Audible and visible alarm for
slowdown signal. slowdown is given.
Prewarning time may apply.
Engine RPM is reduced.
Press “Sound Off” and alarm The alarm will be silenced
ACK. and acknowledged.
Reset slowdown signal. Engine RPM will be
increased to setpoint.

5.2.2 Slowdown, cancellable

The test is a verification of the cancellable slowdown functionality.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine is running.
Run the engine RPM above
slowdown level.
Activate one cancellable Audible and visible alarm for
slowdown signal. slowdown is given.
Prewarning time may apply.
Engine RPM is reduced.
Press “Sound Off” and alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK. acknowledged.
Reset slowdown signal. Engine RPM will be
increased to setpoint.

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Cancelling slowdown: Audible and visible alarm for

slowdown prewarning is
Activate one cancellable
slowdown signal.
Audible and visible alarm for
During prewarning, press “Cancel
slowdown cancelled is given
SLD” on ABE11.
Engine RPM is not reduced.
Press “Sound Off” and alarm The alarms are silenced and
ACK. acknowledged.
Reset the slowdown sensor The slowdown alarm returns
Press “Cancel SLD” on ABE11. “Slowdown Cancelled”
indication disappear from CP.

5.3 RPM detector system

The test is a verification of the alarm function if a failure occurs on the RPM detector
Action Observation FT FAT
System in bridge control and
engine running.
Disconnect pickup 1. Audible and visible alarm for
pickup failure is given.
No change in engine RPM.
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Reconnect pickup 1. Alarms status return to
Disconnect pickup 2. Audible and visible alarm for
pickup failure is given.
No change in engine RPM.
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Reconnect pickup 2. Alarms status return to

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5.4 Gas trip switches

The safety system normally has gas trip buttons on local stand and on each control
position. Gas trip stop may be activated from any control stands at any time, regardless
of the control position.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in normal condition, No safety activated
Activate one of the gas trip Gas trip outputs are activated
buttons. on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
gas trip switch activated is
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Deactivate gas trip push button. Trip outputs are deactivated.
Alarms status return to
Activate one of the gas trip Gas trip outputs are activated
buttons. on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
gas trip switch activated is
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Deactivate gas trip push button. Trip outputs are deactivated.
Alarms status return to
Disconnect main power to the Secondary power is supplied
ESU. to ESU.
The ESU functionality is not
Visible and audible alarm for
power supply failure is given
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.

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Activate one of the gas trip Gas trip outputs are activated
buttons. on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
gas trip switch activated is
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Restore main power supply to The system returns to normal.

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6 Engine telegraph system

The following test is made to prove telegraph system functionality. Some of the tests
depend on engine feedback.

6.1 Test of engine telegraph system

This test is done with the engine telegraph unit in engine room control position (local)
and with the engine stopped.
Action Observation FT FAT
Engine in local control
Test the telegraph system Audible and visible indication
between bridge and local control indicates mismatch between
position, by moving lever the bridge order and local
between “Navigation full” and response.
“Emergency astern”.
On local PBT, match the bridge The buzzer is silenced.
order Current telegraph step is

6.2 Test of engine telegraph in engine

control room
The test is performed with engine stopped and control position in ECR.
Action Observation FT FAT
Engine in ECR control
Test the telegraph system Audible and visible indication
between bridge and ECR control indicates mismatch between
position, by moving bridge the bridge order and ECR
LTU11 between “Navigation response.
full” and “Emergency astern”.
On ECR LTU11, match the The buzzer is silenced.
bridge order
Current telegraph step is

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6.3 Test of engine telegraph on bridge

The test is performed with engine stopped and control position in bridge control.
Action Observation FT FAT
Engine in bridge control
Execute orders between Audible 1sec and visible
“Navigation Full” and indication indicates bridge
“Emergency Astern” from bridge change order and new order.

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6.4 Test of sub telegraph system

The test is performed with engine ready for start and control position in bridge control.
sub telegraph in position “At sea”.
Action Observation FT FAT
Set the bridge telegraph in
Press “Standby” at bridge “Standby” indication is
telegraph. flashing at all control
Audible and visible indication
is activated on the bridge and
ECR location.
Press “Standby” at ECR Audible indication is silenced
telegraph. by and “Standby” indication
will be stead.
“At sea” indication will
become inactive in all
Press “FWE” at bridge telegraph. “FWE” indication is flashing
at all control locations.
Audible and visible indication
is activated on the bridge and
ECR location.
Press “FWE” at ECR telegraph. Audible indication is silenced
on the bridge. In ECR audible
indication is still active.
Set the engine state as “Engine “FWE” indication will be
Blocked”. steady and “Standby”
indication is deactivated in all
Audible indication is silenced
in ECR.

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6.5 Wrong way

The test is a verification of functionality that give alarm for wrong way rotation of main
Action Observation FT FAT
System in ECR or local control
and engine running.
Give an ahead order on the Audible and visible indication
telegraph. is given on LTU11 and PBT
Acknowledge the telegraph order On CP:
at the local control position. Audible and visible alarm for
Simulate engine RPM in astern wrong way is given.
direction. Time delay on alarm may
Set telegraph in stop position. Wrong way alarm returns to

6.6 Telegraph independence

The telegraph system must be able to transmit telegraph order even if main DPUs lose
power or communication to the system.
Action Observation FT FAT
Main engine stopped and in
bridge control.
Turn off power to the system Audible and visible indication
except PSS, LTU11, PBT is given on LTU11 and PBT
Press ECR button on ECR Bridge control switch
LTU11. indication is turned off on
LTU11 and PBT. ECR control
indication becomes steady on
LTU11 and PBT.
Buzzer is silenced.
Test the telegraph system Audible and visible indication
between bridge and ECR control indicates mismatch between
position, by moving bridge the bridge order and ECR
LTU11 between “Navigation response.
full” and “Emergency astern”.

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On ECR LTU11, match the Current telegraph step is

bridge order steady.
Buzzer is silenced.
Press LOC button on PBT Audible and visible indication
is given on LTU11 and PBT
Press LOC button on ECR ECR control switch indication
LTU11. is turned off on LTU11 and
PBT. LOC control indication
becomes steady on LTU11 and
Buzzer is silenced.
Test the telegraph system Audible and visible indication
between bridge and local control mismatch between the bridge
position, by moving lever order and local response.
between “Navigation full” and
“Emergency astern”.
On local PBT, match the bridge Current telegraph step is
order steady.
Buzzer is silenced.

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7 Bridge wing system

The test is a verification bridge wing unit (BWU) functionality. While performing these
tests an engine simulator must be connected to the system.
The following tests shall be executed in both BWU.

7.1 Control transfer to/from bridge wing

The test is a functionality test for control transfer to bridge wing units. This test is
performed with engine in bridge sub telegraph in position “At sea”.
Action Observation FT FAT
Set the bridge telegraph in Audible and visible indication
“Stop”. indicates mismatch between
Set BWU lever in a Slow Ahead. levers. Status field on top of
Press button on for taking control BWU display will indicate
on BWU. transfer.
For units w/o servo: Adjust The status bar indicates in
BWU lever to match bridge control on BWU and main
setpoint. bridge lever follows bridge
For units with servo: Wait for wing lever.
handle matching.
Make telegraph orders on BWU. Main bridge lever follows
BWU lever.
The setpoint indicated on CP
changes according to order
On the center bridge, press Control is transferred to
button for taking control bridge center.
Current control position is
indicated on LTU and CP.

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7.2 Bridge wing safety

7.2.1 Bridge wing emergency stop
The test is to verify functionality activation of emergency stop from BWU.
Action Observation FT FAT
Activate the emergency stop Shutdown outputs are
push button on BWU. activated on the ESU.
Audible and visible alarm for
emergency stop switch
activated is given.
Press “Sound off” and “Alarm The alarm is silenced and
ACK”. acknowledged.
Deactivate emergency stop push Shutdown outputs are
button. deactivated.
Alarms status return to

7.2.2 Cancel shutdown from bridge wing

The test is to verify functionality for cancelling shutdown from BWU.
Action Observation FT FAT
Transfer control to BWU. Audible and visible alarm for
shutdown cancelled is given
Press “Cancel SHD” on BWU.
on the CP and BWU.
“Cancel SHD” is indicated on
BWU and CP.
Press “Cancel SHD” on BWU. Indication returns on BWU
and CP.
Alarm returns.

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7.2.3 Cancel slowdown from bridge wing

The test is to verify functionality for cancelling slowdown from BWU.
Action Observation FT FAT
Transfer control to BWU. Audible and visible alarm for
slowdown cancelled is given
Press “Cancel SLD” on BWU.
on the CP and BWU.
“Cancel SLD” is indicated on
BWU and CP.
Press “Cancel SLD” on BWU. Indication returns on BWU
and CP.
Alarm returns.

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8 Twin engine master/slave

The procedure tests the master/slave also known as leader/follower functionality
where one lever controls both engines in twin engine installation. The function is
available in bridge control only. The project may indicate Leader in stead of Master, and
Follower in stead of Slave. The function and procedure remain the same.
Action Observation FT FAT
System in normal condition,
bridge control
Select “Master” on port engine Master is indicated on port
CP. engine CP.
Slave is indicated on
starboard engine CP.
Move port engine lever. Starboard engine lever follow
port engine lever.
Setpoint to engine changes on
port engine CP and starboard
engine CP.
Move starboard engine lever. Lever servo blocks
operation/returns to port lever
Select “Individual mode” on any Individual mode is indicated
bridge CP. on both CPs. No change in
Move port lever Only port engine setpoint is
Move starboard lever Only starboard engine
setpoint is changed.
Select “Master” on starboard Master is indicated on
engine CP starboard engine CP.
Slave is indicated on
starboard engine CP.
Move starboard engine lever. Port engine lever follow
starboard engine lever.
Setpoint to engine changes on
starboard engine CP and port
engine CP.

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Move port engine lever. Lever servo blocks

operation/returns to starboard
lever setpoint.
Select “Individual mode” on any Individual mode is indicated
bridge CP. on both CPs.

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