Created By: Kimberly Cerullo, Penny Fengos, Veronica Roda

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workshop presents:
All aboard! A flower
for all.
Created by: Kimberly Cerullo, Penny
Fengos, Veronica Roda
▪ Preschool/Elementary level: Grade 5 (Cycle 3)
➢ *Can be adapted to any age group.
In this lesson:
❖ Discuss and reflect on the topic of diversity, immigration and learn how to
promote a sense of belonging and welcoming newly arrived families.
❖ Introduce motivational tools, exploring the struggles newly arrived
immigrants/refugees face and learn about what they can do to make these
families feel welcome.
❖ Children will be creating flowers given to the newly arrived Syrian Refugees.
Progression of Learning
▪ Knowledge:

A. Transforming gestures and tools:

❖ Drawing & Coloring

❖ Exploring with a variety of shapes

❖ Cutting/ Tearing & Gluing

❖ Use of materials: construction paper, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, popsicle

sticks, pom-poms, magazines, aluminum, paint and decorative materials in the
creation of their unique flowers.
Progression of Learning
▪ B. Language of visual arts:

❖ Shapes: Rounded, triangular, square or hearts

❖ Creating lines to make the petals of a flower, tracing the shapes and cutting around the lines.
(Vertical, horizontal, short, long)

❖ Patterns

❖ Combining colors

❖ Spatial representation and spatial organization

❖ Symmetry
Competencies Targeted
❖ Competency 1: To produce individual works in the visual arts

❖ Competency 3: To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media

images, personal productions & those of classmates

▪ Cross-curricular competencies:

❖ Competency 4: Uses creativity

❖ Competency 5: Adopts effective work methods

❖ Competency 7: Achieves his/her potential

❖ Competency 8: Cooperates with others

Broad Areas of Learning: Citizenship and
Community Life
❖ Children:

❖ Learn about aspects of their community (immigration)

❖ Learn to play active roles as citizens to promote a sense of belonging
❖ Reflect on aspects of diversity
❖ Develop understanding on individual differences
❖ Work together as a community to make flowers
Evaluation Criteria
❖ Competency 1:
❖ Evaluated based on their relationship with the materials/tools provided and their creation
❖ Asked to comment on their work (what they enjoyed about the project)
❖ Assessed based on the terminology used in their descriptions.

❖ Competency 3:
❖ Opportunity to comment and give their thoughts on the flowers
❖ Offer suggestions to improve the artwork
❖ After the project: comment on their own work and the works of other students
❖ Assessed based on the comments and opinions they share about the way the artwork makes
them feel
Motivation: Book, ”My Two Blankets”
❖ “State of Exception”
❖ By: artist/photographer
Richard Barnes, Amanda
Krugliak in collaboration
with Jason De Leon.
❖ Lanched at University of
Michigan. Has since
travelled to other states.
Video clip of exhibition
Celebration Video
▪ Blackwood, F., Kobald, I. (2014). My Two blankets. HMH books for young
▪ Celebration, Playing For Change, Song Around The World (2015). Retrieved
▪ Image of wall of backpacks. (2013) Retrieved from:
▪ State of Exception at ArtPrize video. (2013) Retrieved from:

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