Task 5

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GROUP: 518017_91








OVERALL OBJETIVEC............................................................................................................4
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................4
ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP.....................................................................................................5
Question 1.........................................................................................................................5
o What are the differences, if any, between sentence and utterance?........................5
Question 2.........................................................................................................................5
o What is context? Why is it so important to pragmatics?..........................................5
Question 3.........................................................................................................................6
o Imagine the following situation: a lady friend comes from a beauty parlor; she
has a new haircut. Once you see her you say: “you just had your hair cut!”.
Clearly, you are not saying anything unknown, your friend knows perfectly
that she just had her hair cut… then, what is the function and purpose of your
utterance? Explain (Taken from Escandell.2011).................................................6
Question 4.....................................................................................................................................6
o The concept ‘Linguistic under determinacy’ it is explained as “a huge gap
between the meaning of a sentence and the messages actually conveyed 2 by
the uttering of that sentence. In other words, the linguistically encoded
meaning of a sentence radically underdetermines the proposition the speaker
expresses when he or she utters that sentence” Huang (2017:5), this concept is
pivotal at understanding how pragmatics meaning work; how do you
understand it, give one example..............................................................................6
Question 5.........................................................................................................................8
At a daily basis, in teaching and translating areas, linguistics is used even without
being realized; do an inquiry and explain how this disciplined is implemented
in any task at teaching or translating. Your writing will emphasize in any of
the classical linguistic levels: grammar, speech sounds, semantic or pragmatic
level. In your explanation be clear and concise, avoid fuzzy ideas......................8

In this job I am going to develop some questions, these will help us understand the concepts

of pragmatics, since pragmatics or pragma linguistics is a branch of linguistics, also studied

by the philosophy of language, communication and psycholinguistics, which is interested in

the way in which the context influences the interpretation of meaning.


 Specify linguistic problems in his/her environment through a final analysis of

provided readings.


 To know and handle the subject of pragmatics, sentences and statements.

 To learn and be aware that as Spanish speakers we make mistakes in English since

we use the intonations and pronunciations of our native language.

 To take into account that underdetermination refers to those situations in which the

available evidence is not sufficient to determine the belief.


Question 1

o What are the differences, if any, between sentence and utterance? 

Between the terms sentence and utterance, one can identify some difference when

studying linguistics. First let us gain a basic understanding of what each term mean. A

sentence is a group of words that convey a meaning. An utterance is also a group of words

or a part of speech in between pauses. A sentence can be in both written and spoken

language. But an utterance is usually confined to the spoken language. This is one of the

differences that can be identified between the two terms. This article attempts to highlight

the differences between these two terms while providing a comprehensive understanding of

both terms.

Question 2

o What is context? Why is it so important to pragmatics?

Importance of Pragmatics

Pragmatics takes context into account to complement the contributions that semantics and

grammar make to meaning. The context the social signs, body language, and tone of voice

(the pragmatics) is what makes utterances clear or unclear to the speaker and her listeners.
Question 3

o Imagine the following situation: a lady friend comes from a beauty parlor; she has a

new haircut. Once you see her you say: “you just had your hair cut!”. Clearly, you are

not saying anything unknown, your friend knows perfectly that she just had her hair

cut… then, what is the function and purpose of your utterance? Explain (Taken from


We usually say a statement to affirm ourselves, as in this case about the haircut that my friend

made, it is important to know that a statement is an expression that allows us to communicate

something It is a succession of words, generally formed by one or more sentences, with marked

pauses, denoting the state of shock to assimilate the fact.

Question 4

o The concept ‘Linguistic under determinacy’ it is explained as “a huge gap between

the meaning of a sentence and the messages actually conveyed 2 by the uttering of that

sentence. In other words, the linguistically encoded meaning of a sentence radically

underdetermines the proposition the speaker expresses when he or she utters that

sentence” Huang (2017:5), this concept is pivotal at understanding how pragmatics

meaning work; how do you understand it, give one example.

Pragmatic is a discipline that studies language in relation to the context where the idea is

developed, that is, sentences produce a semantic meaning but their meaning and interpretation

depend on the content and the linguistic context since the same sentence can have several senses in
different contexts. In the pragmatic analysis, several variables are studied such as the situation, the

socio-cultural context, the people, the issuer, among others.

However, the term pragmatic can be used as an adjective to indicate that a person relates the

circumstances to the people that cause it, or that he acts giving priority to the usefulness and

practical value of things.

On the other hand, the pragmatic person is characterized by taking advantage of every opportunity

in order to obtain a useful end, or a personal benefit.

In relation to the above, there are jobs or other life circumstances that require the person to be

pragmatic, that is, skillful, practical and efficient to achieve the defined objectives


- Pedro is going to meet a woman tonight,

we assume it is not about his wife, but from a different woman?

- I'm going to take some children to the movies,

we assume that it is not about your children, but of other children?

Question 5

At a daily basis, in teaching and translating areas, linguistics is used even without

being realized; do an inquiry and explain how this disciplined is implemented in any

task at teaching or translating. Your writing will emphasize in any of the classical

linguistic levels: grammar, speech sounds, semantic or pragmatic level. In your

explanation be clear and concise, avoid fuzzy ideas.


Grammar is defined as the study of the rules and principles that regulate the use of language within

the sentence, but this science is subdivided into specific levels where each one is concerned with a

certain area. Next we will present the definition of each of them.

Grammar is part of the general study of language called linguistics. Classically the study of the

language is divided into four levels:

* Phonetic-phonological level.

* Syntactic-morphological level.

* Lexical-semantic level.

* Pragmatic level.
Sometimes the use of the term grammar is restricted to the rules and principles that define the

second of these levels. However, the separation of the levels is not totally clear because certain

grammatical rules are carried out at the phonetic-phonological level and there are also semantic

parameters or criteria that serve to decide when a certain construction is ungrammatical.

Phonetics: it is the branch of linguistics that studies the production and perception of the sounds of a

language in their physical manifestations. Its main branches are: experimental phonetics,

articulatory phonetics, phonetics and acoustic phonetics.

Morphology: it is the branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words to delimit,

define and classify their units, the kinds of words to which it gives rise (inflectional morphology)

and the formation of new words (lexical morphology).

Syntax: it is a sub-discipline of linguistics and an important part of grammatical analysis that is

responsible for the study of the rules that govern the combinatorics of constituents and the

formation of units superior to them, such as syntagmas and sentences.

Syntax, therefore, studies the ways in which words are combined, as well as the syntagmatic and

paradigmatic relationships between them.

Semantics: is the study of the meaning of language expressions, that is, the meaning attributable to

syntactically well formed expressions. The syntax studies only the rules and principles on how to

construct semantically interpretable expressions from simpler expressions, but in itself it does not

allow attribution of meanings. Semantics examines the way in which meanings were attributed to

words, their modifications through time, and even their changes by new meanings. Lexicography is
another part of semantics that tries to describe the meaning of the words of a language at a given

moment, and usually exhibits its result in the making of dictionaries.

Etymology: it is the study of the origin of words, the reason for their existence, their significance

and their form, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The origin of words is studied,

when they are incorporated into a language, from what source, and how their form and meaning

have changed.

In languages with a long written history, etymology is a discipline related to logic and historical

language that studies the origin of words by studying their original meaning and shape, as well as

the possible changes suffered over time. Furthermore, using comparative linguistics methods,

information can be reconstructed from languages that are too old to obtain any direct source, such

as script. Thus, by analyzing other related languages, linguists can make inferences about the

language from which they originate, and its vocabulary.


 With these jobs I can conclude that it is important to have a better English pronunciation

and to learn the different sounds also on the importance of pragmatics, sentences and more.

 Is Important to know the different sounds that in English exist to have a better

pronunciation and be able to distinguish between different words.

 In our first Language exist sounds that in English don’t so if we practice and learn the

vowel y consonant sounds there will be confusion.

 To speak and write English we must take into account the grammatical rules since that is

called respecting the language, in this work we could notice two extremely important rules

when structuring a sentence and at the same time correcting two sentences after having read

the rules in the document and it seems perfect to me as our intellect begins to develop and

we begin to think about the language we are learning


McMahon, A. M. S. (2016). An Introduction to English Phonology. Edinburgh University Press.



Coxhead, P. (2006). Natural Language Processing & Applications Phones and Phonemes. [PDF

FILE]. https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pxc/nlp/NLPA-Phon1.pdf

Akmajian, A. et al. (2010). Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication, 6th

edition. The MIT Press.



Huang, Y. (2007). Pragmatics. Oxford University Press. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1-


Muñoz, M. (2020). Language Identity. [Video File].


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