Traveller Piracy

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Locating a target Escorts (convoy or naval): Type-T Patrol Corvette (HG136); Leviathan-class Mer-
int / Electronics (Sensors) check, 1d minutes. chant Cruiser (HG161); P. F. Sloan-class Fleet Escort (HG169); Fiery-class Gunship
(SR12); Ritchey-class Escort (SR44); Ekawsiykua-class Escort (SR82); or a Pirate.
Estimating an approximate value of a prize
Pirates: Star Ray-class Interceptor (SR4); Indigo-class Pirate Carrier (SR8); Buccaneer-
Difficult int / Broker check, 1d seconds.
class Blockade Runner (SR10); Corsair (SR26).
Plotting an intercept course
edu / Pilot check, 1d×10 seconds. Pirate Hunter Response

Demanding surrender When the target signals for help, roll for pirate hunter response:
dm -morale to attempt.
2d Response
Docking with a crippled target 5- No response, roll again in an hour.
Routine dex / Pilot check, 1d minutes. 6, 7 A vessel launches from the starport.
8, 9 A vessel launches from the starport or the hundred diameter limit.
Setting a breaching charge 10 A vessel in orbit responds, response time is 1d+1 hours.
edu / Explosives check, 1d minutes. 11 A vessel in orbit responds, response time is 1d hours.
12 A vessel in orbit responds, response time is 1d×10 minutes.
Navigating an unfamiliar ship 13+ A vessel in orbit responds, response time is 1d×5 minutes.
int / Recon check, 1d minutes.
Aslan Hierate: dm +1
Finding a hidden safe Backwater: (class E or X starport off a major route) dm -2
Difficult int / Recon check, 1d hours. Dangerous: (travel advisory; or law level 3-; or unable to patrol its space) dm -1
High traffic: (class A or B starport with Ht, Hi, In, Ag, or Ri; or on a major route) dm +1
Overriding security systems in a vehicle Secure: (law level 7+; or a naval base within 6 parsecs) dm +1
Difficult int / Electronics (computers) check, 1d×10 minutes. Capital: dm +2
Naval base: dm +2
Jumping with a stolen vehicle attached to the hull
dm -2/10 tons of object to the Engineer (j-drive) check. Morale
Reduce morale by 1 for each critical hit and 1d for each critical hit of severity 4+.
Generate a Target
If morale reaches 0, the ship jumps out (if possible) or surrenders (if not).
1. Roll on the Prey Encounters table (p14).
2. Roll on the Prey Quirks table (p19).
3. Roll on the Prey Complications table (p20). Item Time Required Skills Required
4. Determine morale: Supplies 1d×10 minutes —
merchant ship, 1d+3; armed ship, 1d+6; naval ship, 1d+8. Cargo (by hand) 1d minutes/ton Athletics
5. Determine encounter distance: Cargo (by robot) 1d3 minutes/ton —
3d × mainworld diameter (1000km for size 0 worlds). Cargo (by grappling 1 minute/ton Electronics (remote ops)
6. Determine direction of travel: Treasure (from safe) 1d hours Recon
1–3, towards mainworld; 4–5, towards jump limit; 6, other. Treasure (from pas- 1d minutes/passenger —
7. Determine how soon the ship could jump (p16). sengers)
Equipment 1d minutes/crewman —
Example ships from High Guard (HG) and Ships of the Reach (SR): Prisoners 1d minutes/prisoner Melee
Vehicles 1d×10 minutes/vehicle Electronics (computers), Pilot
Traveller: Type-S Scout (HG110); Type-J Seeker Mining Ship (HG112); Serpent-class What’s Not Nailed 1d hours/100 tons of ship Athletics, Mechanic
Scout (HG114); Asteroid Ship (HG128); Hraye-class Scout (SR62); Kteiroa-class Seeker Down
(SR68); or a Small Freighter; or an Unusual Vessel; or a Pirate.
Supplies: spare parts, food, oxygen, and other immediately useful items.
Small Freighter: Empress Marava-class Far Trader (HG116); Type-A2 Far Trader
(HG118); Type-A Free Trader (HG120); Type-A3 Fast Trader (SR2); Aoa’iw-class Light Cargo: a freighter will have 1d×10+40% of its cargo bay filled on average: half will be
Trader (SR72). goods from the world it has come from, or is going to, or which sell well in the Imperium
or Hierate (see below); the other half are random trade goods in 20-ton lots.
Medium Freighter: Type-R Subsidised Merchant (HG138); Eakhau-class Trader
(SR74). Treasure: cash, previous metals, gems, jewellery, and other easily sellable items which
do not need to be fenced. The ship’s safe will have Cr20,000/100 tons of ship. Passengers
Heavy Freighter: Patrol Tender (SR32); Galoof-class Megafreighter (SR48). have: Cr10,000/high, Cr5000/mid, Cr1000/low.
Liner: Troop Transport (HG104); Passenger Shuttle (HG106); Type-M Subsidised Equipment: personal items such as weapons, armour, and computers, which must be
Liner (HG146); Queen Elizabeth-class Liner (SR36); Khtukhao-class Clan Transport fenced. Cr1000/crewman.
Prisoners: what it sounds like.
Unusual Vessel: X-Boat (HG108); Type-K Safari Ship (HG122); Type-Y Yacht
(HG126); Type-L Lab Ship (HG134); Donosev-class Survey Scout (HG140); Type-C Vehicles: boats, launches, shuttles (etc) which must be fenced.
Mercenary Cruiser (HG148); Herald-class Fast Messenger (SR6); Vulture-class Sal-
What’s Not Nailed Down: fully stripping the ship of all easily transportable items, yield-
vage Hauler (SR21); Magenta-class Repair Ship (SR29); Ihateisho-class Scout (SR64);
ing 10 tons of spare parts per 100 tons of ship (only worth Cr5000 each), and all the ship’s
Ktiuhui-class Courier (SR66); Iyeliy-class Messenger (SR70); Hkiyrerao-class Re-
searcher (SR76); Sakhai-class Assault Transport (SR93).
System Defence Boat: Heavy Fighter (HG102); System Defence Boat (TL15: HG124; 2d Imperium – Hierate Hierate – Imperium
TL13: HG143); or an Escort; or a Pirate. 2 Advanced Weapons Radioactives
3 Live Animals Uncommon Ore
Naval Patrol: Gazelle-class Close Escort (HG130); Fleet Courier (HG132); 4 Luxury Goods Luxury Goods
Crysanthemum-class Destroyer Escort (HG150); Fer-de-lance-class Destroyer Es- 5 Luxury Consumables Luxury Consumables
cort (HG153); Midu Agasham-class Destroyer (HG165); Skimkish-class Light Car- 6 Spices Textiles
rier (HG173); Gionetti-class Light Cruiser (HG176); Ghalalk-class Armoured Cruiser 7 Basic Manufactured Goods Raw Basic Raw Materials
(HG180); Arakoine-class Strike Cruiser (HG188); Azhanti-class Frontier Cruiser 8 Biochemicals Polymers
(HG192); Atlantic-class Heavy Cruiser (HG196); Wind-class Strike Carrier (HG200); 9 Pharmaceuticals Crystals & Gems
Antiama-class Fleet Carrier (HG204); Kokirrak-class Dreadnought (HG208); Plankwell- 10 Advanced Manufactured Goods Uncommon Raw Materials
class Dreadnought (HG212); Tigeress-class Dreadnought (HG216); Planet-class Heavy 11 Advanced Machine Parts Precious Metals
Cruiser (SR53); Aositaoh-class Cruiser (SR84); Halaheike-class Pocket Warship (SR90). 12 Illegal Luxuries Illegal Weapons
Piracy Response Indicator (PRI) Standing

2d + pri Action Standing Effect

2, 3 Vague statement. pri +1. 20+ All ports belonging to the power are Friendly, and the pirates gain
4, 5 Cr2d×2000 bounty on “any proven pirate” alive or lawfully killed. soc+2 within the power’s territory.
pri +1. 6 to 19 All ports belonging to the power are Tolerant.
6, 7 Cr2d×5000 bounty on “any proven pirate” alive or lawfully killed. pri -5 to 5 No effect.
+1. -20 to -6 A bounty of Cr1000×1d×−standing is placed on the pirates.
8, 9 Loud condemnation. Intelligence agents start pirate hunting. pri +d3. -40 to -21 A patrol is dispatched to hunt down pirates in the region.
10, 11 One small warship (eg, a patrol corvette) sent to hunt pirates for 2d -40- Assassins, naval ships, and other imperial agents are dispatched, and
months. pri +d3. the attitude of all ports belonging to the power which are not already
12, 13 Ships totalling 2d×100 tons assigned to hunt pirates for 4d months. Friendly or better drop by 1 level.
pri +d3.
14, 15 Ships totalling 2d×200 tons assigned to hunt pirates for 4d months. Standing with the Imperium starts at 0. Standing with the Aslan Hierate starts at -5.
pri +d3. These are modified like so:
16+ Ships totalling 2d×500 tons assigned to hunt pirates for 4d months.
Nearby world becomes enemy of the pirates and their known accom- Stealing Cargo: -1 per incident in which more than Cr100,000 is stolen.
plices, and petitions the Imperium or other nearby worlds to mount a Infamous Incidents: -1d per incident where the pirates steal a large amount of cargo,
larger response. pri +d. capture ships, and otherwise rock the boat.
Piracy Response Indicator (pri) measures how concerned the local worlds are, and starts Atrocities: -1d per incident where the pirates destroy ships, murder prisoners, or oth-
at 0. erwise breach the code of the stars.
When the travellers make a strike, roll 2d + pri and consult the actions table (above) on
Interference: -1d per incident where the pirates attack imperial scouts, couriers, or con-
12+, with the below modifiers:
voys; damage starports or refuelling stations; or otherwise interfere with the flow of trade.
Circumstance dm Heroic Deeds: +1d for attacking pirates or inflicting significant damage on the other
Class A starport +6 imperial power.
Class B starport +4
Per Month Without Incident: standing moves 1 point towards its starting value for each
Class C starport +2
month in which the pirates do nothing of consequence
Class D starport +0
Class E starport -2
Class X starport -4
“Polite”, nobody harmed, only cargo taken -4
Minimal force used, only cargo taken -2
Little force used, only nonessential items and cargo taken leaving the ship -1
Typical “cargo raid”: some violence and threats +0
Modestly violent raid, or personal items and important components taken +1
leaving the ship badly damaged
Violent raid, or ship or hostages taken, or disregard for life shown +2
Significant casualties caused, ship and/or hostages taken +4
Appallingly violent or callous actions +6
Atrocity, such as use of nerve gas against passengers +8
Allied agent in place downplaying the incident -2
Pirates have a reputation as “good guys” or being justified in their actions -1 to -4
Pirates have a reputation for violence and destruction +2
Pirates have an extremely bad reputation +4

Reducing PRI:
• Waiting 2d weeks reduces pri by 1.
• Making a strike at least 6 parsecs away from the previous one reduces pri by d3,
on a roll of 12+ with 2d + parsecs.
• Framing other pirates reduces pri by 1 immediately and again every d3 weeks, on
a roll of 12+ with 2d + 1 per 100 tons of other pirate vessels captured or destroyed.

Operational Considerations

Refuelling Times Fit-and-replace Units: small robots which generate 1d PWH per point of Effect of a
Routine edu / Electronics (remote ops) check per hour.
Method Fuel per Hour
Person Work Hours (PWH): 0 if unskilled, otherwise 1 + level÷4.
Starport (Class A–C) 50 tons/FTU
Starport (Class D) 25 tons/FTU Transferring Cargo in Zero-G
UNREP System 20 tons/ton of UNREP system
Gas Giant Skimming Variable
Liquid Water 3d3 tons/FTU Launching a cargo container to another ship in zero-g
Ice Deposits 1d tons/FTU Difficult str / Vacc Suit check (by hand).
Sparse Ice Deposits d3 tons/FTU Difficult dex / Mechanic check (with a cargo crane).
Formidable if target is more than 100m away.
Each full 25 tons of fuel tankage gives 1 point of FTU.
Rigging an improvised catch system
Stealing Ships Very Difficult int / Mechanic check, made for each container.
Measure Time Required (PWH) Skills Required Repositioning to catch off-target cargo
Gut a ship of security devices 1d/10 tons of hull Engineer or Mechanic 1 Very Difficult dex / Pilot check, dm +Thrust.
Replace a ship’s security de- 2d/10 tons of hull Engineer or Mechanic 2
Each container transferred by launching it in zero-g collides with the target ship and
A ship with an active security system cannot be flown by unauthorised personnel. causes damage:
A ship gutted of security devices is obvious to any maintenance worker, and also easy to • Without a catch system: 1d
steal as anyone can fly it.
• With a catch system which failed: d3 (ignoring armour)
Gutting a ship of security devices: after doing so, make a Difficult edu / Engineer or
Mechanic check. On failure, some devices remain and will reactivate at some point. • Off-target and not caught: Launch Effect + Pilot Effect

See Crewman Names and Crewman Quirks tables (p11). • The crew are ordered to risk their lives
• The crew have to endure undue hardship
Position Key Skills Base Salary
• The captain and leadership are divided or indecisive
Pilot Pilot, Electronics, Tactics (naval) Cr6000
Navigator Astrogation, Electronics Cr5000 Damage: a failed mor check reduces morale by 1d. Also reduce morale by 1 when:
Engineer Engineer, Mechanic Cr4000
Medic Medic, Zero-G, Life Science, Steward Cr4000 • A month goes by without a division of the spoils.
Gunner Gunner, Mechanic, Electronics Cr2000
• A raid, attempt to capture cargo, or other mission fails.
Marine Athletics, Gun Combat, Melee, Vacc Suit, Zero-G Cr2000
Recovery: increase morale by 1 when:
A green recruit has dm +0 for key skills and dm -2 for other skills.
An average crewman has dm +1 for key skills and dm +0 for other skills.
• A mission with a considerable payoff is successful.
A good pirate has dm +2 for key skills and dm +1 for other skills.
An excellent crewman has dm +3 for key skills and dm +2 for other skills. • The crew are given shore leave and other pleasures.
A legendary pirate has dm +4 for key skills and dm +2 for other skills.
Dividing the Spoils
King Oleb gets 10% first. Then, give each ordinary crewman 1 share each (good, excellent,
Crew morale starts at 1d+6, and provides a dm like other characteristics. or legendary crewmen may have additional shares), give the Travellers 2 shares each, and
give the captain an additional 5 shares. Then divide the spoils by the shares.
Make a mor check when:
For each crewman, make a Routine mor check. On failure, they leave at the next Toler-
• The ship is seriously endangered ant (or better) port.

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