Pukhara Class Fast Scout

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Writing, art, layout - Ian Stead

Special Thanks to the Google+ & Facebook Traveller Groups.

Paul Elliot & Jim Kundert

Designers Note:
This book came about due to a Design Derby Challenge on Google+.
I did the plans and it grew above and beyond that. Here is the result, hopefully you enjoy it the result.

Requires the use of the Traveller(TM) Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing.
Book 3: Scouts and Supplements 5&6 Vehicle Handbook maybe of use also.

“Traveller” and the Foreven logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used with
“Traveller” and the Foreven logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used accord-
ing to the terms of the Foreven Free Sector Logo Licence version 1.0. A copy of this licence can be obtained
from Mongoose Publishing. The mention or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a
challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.

Ship Book: Pukharra Fast Scout ©2013 Moon Toad Publishin. All rights reserved.
Reproduction of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden.
All significant characters, names, places,items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Moon Toad Publishing.


It’s been said that starships are the lifeblood of the Traveller Universe. This small book
details the Pukharra Class fast scout, one of the many thousands of vessels in use
throughout known space.

The Pukharra is intended to be used either as a player’s vessel, as part of an encounter

or as part of an adventure in itself. It could be possible for a player to be given one as
part of his mustering out benefits from the scout service instead of the standard Type S.

The Ship.

The Pukharra Class Fast Scout is an uncommon vessel that is mainly found in use by the
Scout Service. The Navy and some corporations also use it.

The design brief called for a faster scout, able to get in and get out quick. Fitted with
larger engines at the expense of endurance and probes, the ‘Puk’ as it is affectionately
called is a versatile fast little vessel. This extra speed allows for quick travel to and from
a jump point and, should the need arise, it can make a hasty entrance/exit into jump
space. Most Pukharra come with a turret and weapons as standard, which often prove
handy in ‘hot’ situations. file
Mission Profiles and Users:

• Fast Courier (Scout, Corporate, Navy)

• Survey (Scout, Corporate)

• Recon (Navy)
• Covert Operations (Scouts, Corporate, Navy)

Unusually for such a small craft it has four decks, although the fourth deck is mainly fuel
tankage. Its thin, rounded profile has often led it to be called the ‘Mini Subbie’ after the
ubiquitous Type R Subsidized Trader.

It is by no means a perfect design and it has a few flaws. Loading or unloading cargo is
not easy, but then it is not a dedicated cargo carrier. The way in which the landing gear
is mounted can mean that some vessels will tip in extreme circumstances, oh and by the
way, the shower systems malfunction!


Length: 27.5m
Width (main body): 13.5m
Wingspan: 18.2 m
ed): 11.5m
Height (without landing gear extended):

Weight (Empty): 240 metric tons

Weight (Loaded): 500 metric tons

Acceleration: 4G
Endurance: 7 weeks
Range: 2 parsecs (6.52 light years)
Atmospheric Speed (Cruising): 1500 kph
Atmospheric Speed (Maximum): 4000 kph
Time to/from Orbit: 7.5 minutes

Manoeuvre Drive: Elson Dex Magna 12000 X file
Jump Drive: Kuckhia-W Mark III
Power Plant: 2300 Bilson Ki A

Armour/Hull: Kruxx 4M Crystaliron Plate

Hardpoint: Scipo MK2 Double Mount Turret with Siminov

Nine Beam Laser and Siminov XS Pulse Laser

Computer: Coratan Model A/2
Sensors: Bainks Krup V-W Array with
Ibliss Hass Avionics

1g Standard Internal plates
(Variable from 0.0-2.0g)

Access/Exit Points
Main Airlock
Air Raft Garage
Cargo bay Doors
Ventral and Dorsal Escape Hatches.

Deck One Bridge (or Flight Deck)

This contains the bridge, sensor station, ship’s computer, small fresher, storage
compartment and access to the dorsal mounted turret.

The Bridge is small and cramped with positions for all 4 crew.
The usual configuration for the bridge is:
• Forward seat: Pilot
• Middle seat: Navigator
• Port seat: Sensors
• Starboard seat: Engineer
Each position is interchangeable and has more than one function; so for example, the
navigator can operate the turret from his position or fly the ship. More often than not the
engineer will be at the engineering station on deck three, but can work from the bridge
if need be.

An iris valve shuts of this section from the rest of the deck. Behind the bridge area is a
small room that houses the ship’s computer and includes a workstation for direct access
to the ship’s computer and its electrical systems.

Just behind this are iris valves in the ceiling and floor. The ceiling iris provides access
to the turret and the floor iris drops down to the deck below. Past this are the sensor/
survey workstations as well as a small holographic table.

In the aft section is a small fresher for the crew and a storage compartment,
usually containing emergency gear. If the turret uses ammunition, then the storage

compartment and sometimes the fresher are routinely swapped out for a missile or
sandcaster magazine. Most long range scouts would not carry weapons that need


The dorsal turret can either be controlled from the flight deck or manually. A seat is
in the turret, which can be accessed from below. Normal weapon configuration for the
turret is a twin mount with both a beam and pulse laser fitted.

In the ceiling behind the turret access is an emergency escape hatch.

Deck Two Living

This deck contains the crew staterooms, common room, office and the power plant.

The crew common room is located in the forward section and usually contains a large
table and chair for eating or meeting. A mini galley is fitted into a tiny space behind the
common room; there is some space to store food in the galley but most of the supplies
are kept in the cargo bay or in the storage locker elsewhere on this deck. Food and
drinks can be prepared in here.

Next to the galley is a tiny multi-purpose room that serves as an office, rest room or
med bay. As an office for the crew, it features a small desk and workstation. A lounger
and table sits in the other corner of the office for a crew member to rest in private.
In an emergency, this room can be used as a med bay. The workstation folds up and
a bed can be pulled out of the wall. On the other wall is a cabinet containing medical
supplies. The aid this med bay can give is basic at best and certainly not as good as a
full sized, dedicated med station.

Down the starboard side of the Pukharra runs an access corridor that connects the
forward section with the aft. Mid way down the corridor is an iris valve fitted in the floor
that leads to deck below. The far end of the corridor turns to port and allows access to
the power plant and a small storage/supply locker. In front of the iris valve leading to
the power plant is a ceiling iris that leads to the deck above.

Off the main corridor are four crew staterooms. Unlike most military vessels, these are
single occupancy and quite spacious complete with an en suite fresher/washroom.

The Pukharra has enough life support capacity for just four crew. Some vessels have
been known to run with eight crew, often hot bunking or fitting an additional bunk

to each stateroom. Any additional crew over the standard four requires additional
expenditure and various modifications to the live support system. It is possible to do this
without any changes but for only a short duration.

Each stateroom contains a single bunk bed, a secure locker, a fresher/washer unit and
a desk with a workstation. There is extra stowage under the bunk and in cabinets along
the walls.

Unlike the Type S, this ship has no issues with strange smells coming from the life
support system, though the washer units often malfunction, running hot then cold (or
just cold!).

At the end of the main corridor is the storage/supply locker and the door to the power
plant section. Access to the power plant is via an iris valve set in the back wall. Inside
the tight space of the power plant room is a small manual hatch in the floor leading to
the main engineering space below.


Deck Three Cargo/Engineering

On this deck are the sensors, cargo bay, air raft garage, ship’s locker, airlock and main

Sensors and avionics systems are mounted in the forward part of the deck, which can be
accessed via wall panels.

Behind the sensors bay is the small cargo section and typically this holds the ship’s
supplies for the coming mission. On the starboard side is a bay door that allows the
cargo section to be loaded from outside. When the doors are open a ramp extends from
under the floor of the bay. In addition there is a small manual cargo winch (should the
crew not extend the ramp to load or off load cargo). The air raft can be used for cargo
loading duty also.
Inside the cargo bay on the port side is the air raft garage which can be accessed via
either of the two iris valves. Inside the garage is room for one standard air raft and just
enough room to work on it, if need be. The air raft exits the ship via a bay door.

From the cargo bay leads a small corridor accessed by another iris valve. In this corridor
are iris doors leading to the deck above, to the escape hatch in the deck below and to
the main engineering compartment.

The port side end of the corridor is the main airlock for the ship. A ladder can extend out
from the Pukharra’s airlock and down to the ground.
On the starboard end of the corridor is a door leading to the ship’s locker. There are a
small number of smaller lockers/storage spaces dotted around the ship, but this is the
central store containing arms, vacc suits and survival gear. This is locked and can only
be opened by the captain’s key or from the bridge.

Typical Locker Contents:


4x Flak Jackets 1x Portable Generator
4x Cutlass 4x Vacc Suits
1x Stun Stick 4x Hull Seal Kits
1x Incinerator Unit 1x Repair Kit
2x Shotguns 4x Survival Bubbles
4x Autopistols 4x EVA cables with attachments
2x Hand Computers

In the aft side wall is an iris valve leading into the main engineering spaces. A little

beyond the doorway is the engineering control station and a small area for maintenance
and repairs. Much like the power plant room, it is cramped with little space to move

around. Running through the centre of this room is the jump drive; aft is the maneuver
drive. Starboard from the jump drive are the life support and shipboard electrical

systems. In the aft section, either side of the maneuver drives are the fuel processor
machinery, the fuel scoop and fuel tanks.

Deck Four Fuel Tanks

This deck houses the main fuel tanks, an escape hatch and the landing gear.
The fuel tank fills most of the deck and is compartmentalized to ward against shifting
mass of gravity during maneuvers.

In the middle of the deck is an underside escape hatch, accessible from deck 3. As with
the other escape hatch it is not an airlock.

The three landing gear pods are mounted on this deck and unlike some vessels, these
can only be accessed from outside the ship and then only when the pod doors are open

The positioning of the landing gear is not ideal; vessels have been known to tip over on
the stubby ‘wings’, especially in high winds and if the internal gyro systems are faulty.
Some vessels have been modified so that the rear legs are mounted underneath the



l i n g J a c k
S m i
The ‘Smiling Jack’ Crew

Smiling Jack is a typical scout vessel in use with the Scout Service. It uses the same
specifications as the standard Pukharra and has not been modified in any way. To the
casual observer this crew seems an odd much, but they nevertheless gel well together.

Captain/Pilot Jack Morarr

Male, Scout, Age 42
Str 7, Dex 8, End 5, Int 8, Edu 6, Soc 6

Comms 1, Sensor 1, Pilot 1 (Spacecraft),


Vacc Suit 2, Zero G 2, Gun Combat 1(Shotgun)

Jack is a career scout and loves the service. He’s happiest out amongst the stars in the
ship he named after himself (although it’s not it’s official name, his commanding officers
prefer it if he uses it’s dull service name of ‘FS-110909 Manthau’). As a commander he is
easy going but it is not wise to cross him or push him too far. His crew knows not to take
liberties with his easy nature, since he only allows folks one chance and then out they
go (often the out airlock, so the rumour goes!). As a result Jack Morarr runs an easy,
relaxed and as a result, very efficient ship.

Navigator/Pilot Milithia Frassus

Female, Scout, Age 38
Str 7, Dex 6, End 8, Int 7, Edu 6, Soc 8
Astrogation 2, Gun Combat 1 (Laser Pistol), Pilot 2 (Spacecraft),
Vacc Suit 1, Zero G 1, Medical 1

From a rich family, she’s the typical runaway rich kid. Facing a dull life of arranged
marriages and boredom, she ran away much to her family’s disgrace and joined the
Scouts in order to satisfy her craving for adventure and escape. Unlike Jack, she’s rather
hyperactive and excitable - to the annoyance of Jorgek. She is also the ship’s medic.

Sensors/Gunnery Jorgek Ethanail
Male, Scout, Age 32
Str 5, Dex 6, End 8, Int 7, Edu 5, Soc 5
Sensors 2, Gunnery 1, Comms 1, Flyer 1 (Grav),
Vacc Suit 2, Mechanic 1

Jorgek, is a seemingly quiet, average person, he gets on with the job in hand and that’s
about it. However, people who spend time with him notice that, planetside, he is always
looking over his shoulder and he will not speak of his past. Jorgek seems to be the odd
one out of the crew but he still fits in. Milithia seems to annoy him, often asking about
his past; they do work well together, but off duty is another story ...

Engineer Marroot Fatingha

Male, Scout, Age 34
Str 4, Dex 10, End 10, Int 8, Edu 8, Soc 3
Engineer 2, Engineer 1 (Electronics) 1, Melee 1 (Blade)
Vacc Suit 1, Jack of Trades 1, Mechanic 1

Marroot loves engines and perhaps too much; he spends most of his time in engineering
and is often seen talking to his machines. He is fine with humans too and has a big heart
and a big laugh too, though sometimes his obsession with machinery unnerves some
people. Marroot is a large but very agile man and somehow even with his bulk he can
get into the tight spaces of the engineering deck. Unusually for a scout, he also loves
poetry and he has an extensive collection from across known space. He is known to

quote a suitable line in moments of crisis, terror, humour or sadness.


Game Specifications and Deck Plans

Pukharra Class Fast Scout Price

TL11 Tons (Mcr.)
Hull 100 Tons Hull 2 - 2.20
Structure 2 - -
Streamlined - -
Armour Crystal Iron 4 Pts 5.00 1.60
Jump Drive A Jump 2 10.00 10.00
Manoeuvre B Thrust 4 3.00 8.00
Power Plant B Rang 4 7.00 16.00
Bridge 10.00 0.50
Computer Model 2 Rang 10 - 0.16
Electronics Basic Military 0 DM 2.00 1.00
Weapons Hardpoint #1 Double Turret (Beam/Pulse) 1.00 2.00
Ammunion None - -
Fuel 34 Tons 7 weeks of operaons and One Jump-2 34.00 -
Cargo 6 Tons 6.00 -
4 Single Staterooms 16.00 2.00
Extras Fuel Scoops Included - -
2 x Fuel Processors Processes 40 tons of fuel a day 2.00 1.00

Ship’s Locker Yes -

Air Ra 4.00 0.28

Soware Manoeuvre/0 Included - -


Jump Control/2 Rang 10 - 0.20

Library/0 Included - -
Maintenance Cost (monthly) - 0.0037
Life Support Cost (monthly) - 0.0080
Total Tonnage & Cost 100.00 44.935


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