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Content standard Learning standard
• Explain Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
• Solve problems involving Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation for:
(i) two static objects on the Earth
(ii) objects on the Earth’s surface
(iii) Earth and satellites
Law of Universal (iv) Earth and Sun
3.1 • Relate gravitational acceleration, g on the surface of the Earth with the
universal gravitational constant, G
• Justify the importance of knowing the values of gravitational acceleration of
the planets in the Solar System
• Describe the centripetal force in the motion of satellites and planets system.
• Determine the mass of the Earth and the Sun using Newton’s universal law of
gravitation and centripetal force.
• Explain Kepler’s Laws.
3.2 Kepler’s Law • Express Kepler’s Third Law T2 ∝ r3
• Solve problems using Kepler’s Third Law
• Describe how an orbit of a satellite is maintained at a specific height by setting
the necessary satellite’s velocity.
Man Made Satellite • Communicate on geostationary and non-geostationary satellites.
• Conceptualize escape velocity
• Solve problems involving the escape velocity, v for a rocket from the Earth’s
surface, the Moon’s surface, Mars’ surface and the Sun’s surface.

3.1 Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation

3.1.1 Gravitational force
 Any two bodies with masses can attract each other. This universal effect is known as gravitation.
 The force with which one body attracts the other due to their masses is known as gravitational force.
 Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation state that one body attracts the other body in the universe with a
• Gravitational force, F is directly proportional to the product of mass of the object and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them

FORMULA F = Gravitational force between two objects

G = Universal gravitational constant (6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2)
ୋ௠భ ௠మ
‫=ܨ‬ m1 = mass of first object
m2 = mass of second object
r = distance between the center of two objects

Factor that affects gravitational force

1. mass of object, m 2. distance between objects, r
↓ ↓
Relationship Relationship
mass, m ↑ distance, r , ↑
gravitational force, F ↑ gravitational force, F ↓

 The moon can orbit around the Earth as there is GRAVITATIONAL FORCE between Moon and Earth.
 The planets can orbit around the Sun because of the GRAVITATIONAL FORCE imposed between the
planets and the Sun.

3.1.2. Relationship gravitational acceleration, g, on the surface of the earth with the
universal gravitational constant, g


Newton's Second
F = mg --------- ○
1 ○
1 =

ୋ୫ ୑
Law of Motion F = mg =
ୋ୫ ୑
Newton’s Universal ‫=ܨ‬ ௥మ
--------- ○
2 g=
Law of Gravitation ௥మ

 Factors that affect gravitational acceleration: Distance between center of the earth and object, r

• When r < R, g is directly proportional to r

• When r ≥ R, g is inversely proportional to r2

gh is the acceleration due to gravity at height,

h from the Earth's surface
G is the Gravitational constant,
M is the mass of the Earth,
R is the radius of the Earth.


Newton's Second ○
1 =

----- ○ ୋ୫ ୑
F = mg 1 F = mg =
Law of Motion
ୋ୫ ୑ gh = (ோା௛)
Newton’s Universal ‫=ܨ‬ మ
(ோା௛)మ ----- ○
Law of Gravitation

Mass of the earth, M = 5.97 x 1024 kg

Radius of the earth, R = 6.37 x 106 m
Gravitational constant, G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2

Distance from the centre of the Earth, r gravitational acceleration, g

ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ହ.ଽ଻ ୶ ଵ଴మర )
R g1 = = = 9.8 m s-2
௥మ (଺.ଷ଻ ୶ ଵ଴ల )మ
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ହ.ଽ଻ ୶ ଵ଴మర ) ଵ
g2 = g1
2R g2 = ௥మ
= ସ(଺.ଷ଻ ୶ ଵ଴ల )మ
= 2.45 m s-2 ସ

ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ହ.ଽ଻ ୶ ଵ଴మర ) ଵ

3R g3 = = = 1.09 m s-2 g3 = ଽ g1
௥మ ଽ(଺.ଷ଻ ୶ ଵ଴ల )మ
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ହ.ଽ଻ ୶ ଵ଴మర ) ଵ
4R g4 = = = 0.61 m s-2 g4 = ଵ଺ g1
௥మ ଵ଺(଺.ଷ଻ ୶ ଵ଴ల )మ
When R↑ ∴ g ↓

Acceleration of the planets in the System

Planet Mass, M /kg Radius, R /m
Solar, g / m s-2
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ଵ.ଽଽ ୶ ଵ଴యబ )
Sun 1.99 x 1030 6.96 x 108 g= = = 274 m s-2
௥మ (଺.ଽ଺ ୶ ଵ଴ఴ )మ
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (଻.ଷହ ୶ ଵ଴మమ )
Moon 7.35 x 1022 1.74 x 106 g= = = 1.62 m s-2
௥మ (ଵ.଻ସ ୶ ଵ଴ల )మ
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (଺.ସଶ ୶ ଵ଴మయ )
Mars 6.42 x 1023 3.40 x 106 g= ௥మ
= (ଷ.ସ଴ ୶ ଵ଴ల )మ
= 3.7 m s-2
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ଵ.ଽ଴ ୶ ଵ଴మళ )
Jupiter 1.90 x 1027 6.99 x 107 g= = = 25.94 m s-2
௥మ (଺.ଽଽ ୶ ଵ଴ళ )మ
ୋ୑ ଺.଺଻ ୶ ଵ଴షభభ (ହ.଺଼ ୶ ଵ଴మల )
Saturn 5.68 x 1026 6.03 x 107 g= = = 10.42 m s-2
௥మ (଺.଴ଷ ୶ ଵ଴ళ )మ

3.1.3. Centripetal force in the motion of satellites and planets system

 Centripetal force is a force acts on the body in a direction towards the centre of the circle.
FORMULA F = Centripetal force
࢓࢜૛ m = mass

v = linear speed
r = radius of the circle

 Factors that affect Centripetal force

1. Mass of object, m 2. Linear speed, v 3. Radius of the circle, r
↓ ↓ ↓
Relationship Relationship Relationship
mass, m ↑ Linear speed, v ↑ Radius of the circle, r ↑

Centripetal force, F ↑ Centripetal force, F ↑ Centripetal force, F ↓

 Centripetal acceleration, a is the acceleration that directed towards the centre of the circle.
Newton's Second
F = ma ----- ○
1 ○ 1 = ○ 2
Law of Motion F = ma = ࢓࢜૛
F =
࢓࢜૛ ࢘
Centripetal force F= ࢘ ----- ○
2 ௩మ
a= ௥

3.1.4. Mass of the Earth and the Sun

M = mass of the Earth
m = mass of the Moon
r = radius of the Moon’s orbit
T = period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth
v = linear speed of the Moon
Perimeter of orbit = 2πr
Linear speed, v = ்

۵‫ۻ ܕ‬ ୋ୫ ୑ ࢓࢜૛
Newton’s Universal ‫=ܨ‬ ‫=ܨ‬ ௥మ
= F=
࢘૛ ----- ○
1 ࢘
Law of Gravitation ୋ୑ ௩మ ଶS୰
= v=
࢓࢜૛ ௥మ ௥ ்
F= ௥௩ మ
Centripetal force ࢘ ----- ○
2 M=

ସSమ ௥ య
= ீ் మ

1 =



3.2.1. Explain Kepler's Law
Law Definition
Kepler's First Law Law of Orbits All planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus
Kepler's Second Law Law of Areas A line that connects a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
Kepler's Third Law Law of Periods The square of the orbital period of any planet is directly proportional to
the cube of the radius of its orbit

Kepler's •The planet in Solar system has elliptical shaped orbits.

First Law •The Sun always stays on a focus of the ellipse.
•The major axis is longer than the minor axis.
•Most orbit of planets in the Solar system have major axis and minor axis of almost at the same
length. (difference between major and minor ~ 0.002 % - 2.2 %)
• Planets can be assumed to make circular motion around the Sun.
• The radius of orbit = the average value of the distance between the planet and the Sun.
Kepler's time: A to B = C to D
Second area: AFB = CFD
Law distance: AB > CD
linear speed A to B > C to D
Kepler's • A planet which orbits with a larger radius has a longer orbital period.
Third Law • Mercury < Venus < Earth < Mars < Jupiter < Saturn < Uranus < Neptune


 An ellipse is defined as the set of all points such that the sum of the distance from each point to two foci is a
 For elliptical orbits, the point of closest approach of a planet to the Sun is called the perihelion. It is labeled
point A.
 The farthest point is the aphelion and is labeled point B in the figure.
 For the Moon’s orbit about Earth, those points are called the perigee and apogee, respectively.

3.2.2 Express Kepler's Third Law

M = mass of the Earth

m = mass of the Moon
r = radius of the Moon’s orbit
T = period of revolution of the Moon around
the Earth
v = linear speed of the Moon
Perimeter of orbit = 2πr
Linear speed, v = ்

۵‫ۻ ܕ‬ ୋ୫ ୑ ࢓࢜૛
Newton’s Universal ‫=ܨ‬ ‫=ܨ‬ = F=
࢘૛ ----- ○
1 ௥మ ࢘
Law of Gravitation ୋ୑ ௩మ ଶS୰
= ,v=
࢓࢜૛ ௥మ ௥ ்
F= ௥௩ మ
Centripetal force ࢘ ----- ○
2 M=

ସSమ 3 ସSమ
T2=( )r constant, k = ீெ

1 =

2 ீெ
T = kr3

T2 α r3

3.2.3. Problem solving using Kepler's Third Law

்భమ ்మమ r1 = radius of planet 1

య =
௥భ ௥మయ
r2 = radius of planet 2
T1 = period of planet 1 orbiting the sun
T2 = period of planet 2 orbiting the sun

3.3.1. Derived linear speed formula of a satellite
۵‫ۻ ܕ‬
Newton’s Universal ‫=ܨ‬ ࢘૛ ----- ○
Law of Gravitation
Centripetal force F= ࢘ ----- ○
M = mass of the Earth
m = mass of the

1 =

2 satellite
ୋ୫ ୑ ࢓࢜૛
‫=ܨ‬ = r = Radius of orbit
࢘ T = Orbital period
ୋ୑ ௩మ v = linear speed of the
௥మ ௥ satellite
v2 = ௥
v=ට ௥

Geostationary satellite Non-geostationary satellites

Linear speed, v

orbital period, T ସSమ
T2=( ீெ )r3
orbital period, T 24 hours shorter or longer than 24 hours
geographical location Same Different at different times.
Direction of motion Same as the direction of Earth Need not same as the direction of Earth
rotation rotation
Function Communication satellite • Earth imaging
• GPS (Global Positioning System)
• Weather forecast
Examples •MEASAT (Malaysia East Asia •International Space Station, ISS
Satellite ) satellite •Tiung SAT
• Razak SAT
• Pipit

3.3.2. Escape velocity

 Minimum velocity needed by an object on the surface of the Earth to overcome the gravitational force
and escape to outer space.

Gravitational potential energy + Minimum kinetic

energy = 0
ଵ ீெ௠
mv2 + (- ௥ ) = 0

v2 =

v= ට

 ∆U ≈ mgh
• Gravitational potential energy, U = - ௥
• Let r1 = R, r2 = R + h, when object lifted upwards through distance h.
ଵ ଵ
• ∆U = - GMm( ௥ - ௥ )
మ భ

ଵ ଵ
= - GMm( - )
ோା௛ ோ
ோ ோା௛
= - GMm( -
ோ(ோା௛) ோ(ோା௛)
= - GMm( )
ோ మ ାோ௛
• Since R is very large and h<<R, R2 >> R+h, hence
• ∆U = - GMm( ோమ )
= ( ோమ
) mh
• Gravitational field strength, g =
• ∆U = mgh

The benefits and implication of Escape velocity

- The linear speed of air molecules is 500 ms-1 which is lower than
Earth can maintain a layer of
escape velocity of the Earth that is 11 200 m s-1.
atmosphere around it.
- Air cannot escape from the Earth into outer space
Commercial aircraft or - Commercial aircrafts or fighter jets has linear speed of 250 m s-1
fighter jet can fly high while fighter jets has linear speed of up to 2 200 m s-1.
without - As both their linear speed is lower than escape velocity from the
escaping into outer space Earth, they can fly high without escaping into outer space.
Rocket can be launched at When a of rocket is supplied with large quantities of fuel to produce high
escape velocity to send thrust, the rocket can achieve escape velocity and enable to send the
spacecraft to outer space spacecraft to outer space.

Escape velocity, v of an object does not depend on the mass of an object, but it depends on
- mass of the Earth, M
- distance of object from the center of the Earth


The hotter the atmosphere, the more molecule can escape.
The smaller the object, the lower the gravity.
So, escape velocity is lower and it is harder to retain an atmosphere (esp.; Moon and Mercury)
The atmosphere loses to the outer space.

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