Grade 9 Week 7 - 8

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St. Joseph’s Academy of Malinao, Aklan, Inc

(A Catholic Institution)
Malinao, Aklan



“Remember: Be who God made you to be. You are His masterpiece” – Ephesians 2:10
Name: ___________________________________________ Date:
Grade & Section: __________________________________ Week: 7 & 8 Session/s: 1-2
Learning Activity No: 7 & 8 Cluster: ____________
Topic: Recognizing Gerunds and Gerund Phrases Location of Pick up: __________
Expectation: At the end of Week 7 & 8, the students will be able to recognize gerund and gerund phrases through:
1. supplying gerunds in the given sentences; and
2. identifying gerund in the given selection.
Core Value: ACHIEVER – recognizing the functions of gerunds when used in a sentence.

Direction: See the pictures below and write the act being shown.

Direction: Read the following information about the topic below.

Recognizing Gerunds and Gerunds Phrases

A verbal is a word formed from a verb but functions as a different part of a speech. A gerund is a verb that functions as a noun
in a sentence. It ends in –ing. Study the following examples.

Waiting makes Faustus nervous.

Faustus dreads dying.
He has no chance of escaping.

A gerund with its modifiers and complements form a gerund phrase.

Faustus is haunted by the ticking of the clock.

He fears the coming of Lucifer.
Living in the hell for eternity frightens him.

A gerund has a past form. It is formed using the helping verb having and the past participle of the verb.

Faustus repented having sold his soul to the devil.

Having amassed wealth and knowledge could not save the soul of Faustus.

A gerund has a passive form. It is formed using the helping verb being and the past participle of the verb.

The heart of Faustus was filled with one desire, being saved.
He regrets being deprived of the joys of heaven.
As a noun, a gerund or gerund phrases can have the following uses:

Direction: Complete the sentences by using the –ing gerund form of the verbs on the right.
Direction: Underline the gerunds found below.

My friend Bernardo enjoys cooking. He also really likes eating. But one month ago, his girlfriend told him to
lose weight, so he decided to join a gym. In the beginning, it was difficult to go regularly. He tried to go every day, but
sometimes he forgot to go. Yesterday, he drank beer with me instead of exercising. He prefers drinking alcohol
to lifting weights, of course. His girlfriend called him when we were at the pub. He stopped drinking his beer to answer the
phone. He promised to be home by 10 p.m. However, we kept drinking until we ran out of money.

Teresa’s boyfriend Bernardo is gaining weight. She wanted him to quit eating fast food.  He agreed to start eating
healthily. A few weeks passed. Teresa expected Bernardo to lose weight, but nothing changed. She noticed that sometimes
he would smell like hamburgers. She started to suspect that he had broken his promise to eat well.
One day, she followed him home from work. She saw him pass by McDonald’s, but then he stopped  walking. He
hesitated to go in, but he finally did. After a few minutes, she decided to follow him in. She caught him eating a Big Mac.
She attempted to wrestle it from him, but she couldn’t manage to get it out of his greasy hands. He tried to push her away,
but he accidentally hit her in the face. Naturally, she got angry. He said that he didn’t mean  to hit her, but she
started screaming. They both got kicked out of the restaurant. Now they refuse to speak to each other.

Direction: Complete the sentences below by putting the correct gerunds.

1. Are you going to stop _________________ (do) something on the way home today?
2. Have you regretted _________________ (do) anything recently?
3. What in life do you prefer_________________(do) to sleeping?
4. What are the most common tasks that people forget _________________ (do)?
5. Do you remember _________________ (be) born? What was your first memory?
6. Are you used to _________________ (study) English in this class?
7. What habit do you have that you’d like to stop _________________ (do) ?
8. Have you started _________________ (do) anything new recently?
9. What is something new that you’d like to try _________________ (do) in the next few years?
10. Have you decided _________________ (do) anything special this weekend?

 Arkaina, K.B, Estipona, M.P, & Galvez, N.M. et’al. (2014). Language in Literature. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.

Prepared by:

English 9 Teacher
Facebook Acc: Bepril Retuba

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Academic Coordinator

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